RNS Number:0910P
Monthly High Income Trust PLC
27 August 2003

                                  NEWS RELEASE

                               UNAUDITED RESULTS

                          SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 MAY 2003

                    For Immediate Release: 27th August 2003

                                                                 Six months ended           Six months ended
                                                                      31 May 2003                31 May 2002

Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share (accounting basis)*                    (6.99)p                     18.77p

Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share (Articles of
Association basis) *                                                          Nil                     18.77p

Net Revenue before Tax                                                 #1,196,000                 #1,611,000

Net Revenue after Tax                                                  #1,196,000                 #1,501,000

Total Return per Ordinary Share                                           (3.55)p                    (4.55)p

Dividend per Ordinary Share                                                 1.20p                      1.98p

* The Articles of Association basis is the more relevant measure of Net Asset
Value in the present circumstances of the Company.


Death of Lord McGowan

It is with great regret that I have to report that Lord McGowan, Director,
passed away on 6 May after a brief illness. The Company has benefited enormously
from his experience from a long and distinguished career and he will be greatly
missed by his fellow Board members.

Review of the half-year

World equity markets have shown some recovery after the Iraq War. But weakness
of the US dollar and poor economic statistics continues to affect investor

At 31 May 2003 the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share remained at zero. The Zero
Dividend Preference Shareholders continued to see a shortfall in their
entitlement of #5.61m or 6.99 pence per Zero Dividend Preference Share. MHIT's
net assets fell by 2.7 % over the six months to #52.1m. This compares to a fall
of 3.4% in the FTSE 350 High Yield Price Index, a fall of 1.7% in the broader
FTSE All Share Price Index and a fall in the Micropal UK Equity Income Sector
Price Index of 2.6%.

After all expenses, including the accrued redemption premium payable on the Zero
Dividend Preference Shares, there was a total negative return of 3.55 pence per
Ordinary Share. This comprised of capital losses of 5.04 pence and income
receipts of 1.49 pence.

Equity Portfolio

In the six month period, after an initial decline due to Iraqi war fears the
FTSE All Share recovered a little as those fears were thought to be overdone.
The company's equity portfolio recovered, outperforming the All Share and the
FTSE 350 High Yield Indices but underperforming the Micropal UK Equity Income
Total Return Index over the six months. The MHIT portfolio outperformed all
three indices for the last three months of the period.

Investment Trust Portfolio

Some recovery has been seen in the split capital closed ended funds market.
Although the portfolio's total return lagged slightly the Datastream Split Cap
Highly Geared Ords Index return of 12.2%.


In consultation with its advisers the Board continues to review the financial
position of the Company. A monthly dividend of 0.2 pence has been paid for this
six month period.

Shortfall in the Zero Dividend Preference Share Entitlement

Shareholders and Zero Dividend Preference Shareholders are aware that, as there
are insufficient assets in the company, the amount available to Zero Dividend
Preference Shareholders as at 31 May 2003, amounts to 64.89 pence, or 86 % of
their repayment value on 3 December 2003.

Zero Dividend Preference Shareholders should note that as at 31 July 2003 there
is a # 4.70m shortfall in assets attributable to their final entitlement. After
allowing for accrued costs, if the assets do not rise before December 2003 then
they will not receive their full entitlement.

The table below illustrates what returns there could be under various scenarios.
This does not include any provision for costs incurred on winding up the Company
and should only be used as a general guide:

Growth or decline in                     Assets (# million)                      ZDP Asset Value
attributable assets(%) *                                                         (pence per share)

-10%                                     48.4                                    60.3741
-5%                                      51.1                                    63.7282
0%                                       53.8                                    67.0823
5%                                       56.5                                    70.4489
10%                                      59.2                                    73.8155
15%                                      61.9                                    75.0376 **
20%                                      67.8                                    75.0376 **

* Attributable assets are defined as investments, cash and other net current

** Planned final entitlement per ZDP share.

Winding up arrangements

The Board and the manager continue to plan for winding up on 3 December 2003.
PriceWaterhouse Coopers has been appointed liquidators.

In the meantime the Board intends to continue to pay monthly dividends, the
final dividend will be announced on 13 November 2003 and will be paid on 28
November 2003.

The Board has instructed the managers to liquidate the investment trust and
preference share portfolios by the end of September. At the same date, following
approximately equal monthly sales, the company's exposure to UK equities will
have been reduced to 50% of total assets. It is currently intended to maintain
as high an exposure to UK equities as is prudently possible until the end of the
trust's life in order to participate in market rallies, such that the deficit on
the Zero Dividend Preference share entitlement might possibly be closed. The
other 50% of the company's assets will be retained in short term Floating Rate
Notes issued by highly rated borrowers and in cash deposits with highly rated


The Board continues to review the options available to the Company and the
interests of both sets of shareholders.

Nicholas Hood CBE


20th July 2003

The unaudited financial statements of the Group (The Monthly High Income Trust
PLC and MHIT Securities PLC) are attached.

For further information:

Neil Smith     020 7809 6151

Morley Fund Management

Unaudited Group Statement of Total Return

(incorporating the revenue account of the Group) for the six months ended 31 May
                                                   Six months ended 31 May 2003          Six months ended 31 May 2002
                                                  Revenue      Capital        Total     Revenue     Capital       Total
                                                    #'000        #'000        #'000       #'000       #'000       #'000

Losses on investments                                   -      (1,532)      (1,532)           -     (2,852)     (2,852)
Investment income                                   1,378            -        1,378       1,831           -       1,831
Other income                                           79            -           79          26           -          26
Total income                                        1,457      (1,532)         (75)       1,857     (2,852)       (995)

Investment management fee                           (105)        (105)        (210)       (150)       (149)       (299)
Other expenses                                      (156)         (37)        (193)        (96)        (23)       (119)
Net return before taxation                          1,196      (1,674)        (478)       1,611     (3,024)     (1,413)

Taxation                                                -            -            -       (110)          52        (58)
Net return after taxation                           1,196      (1,674)        (478)       1,501     (2,972)     (1,471)

Non-equity minority interest                            -      (2,367)      (2,367)           -     (2,175)     (2,175)
Net return to Ordinary Shareholders                 1,196      (4,041)      (2,845)       1,501     (5,147)     (3,646)

Dividends paid                                      (642)            -        (642)     (1,059)           -     (1,059)
Proposed dividends                                  (321)            -        (321)       (529)           -       (529)
Transfer to reserves                                  233      (4,041)      (3,808)        (87)     (5,147)     (5,234)
Reserves at 1 December                                269     (39,804)     (39,535)         394    (17,843)    (17,449)
Reserves at 31 May                                    502     (43,845)     (43,343)         307    (22,990)    (22,683)

Return per Ordinary Share                           1.49p      (5.04)p      (3.55)p       1.87p     (6.42)p     (4.55)p

Unaudited Balance Sheet
at 31 May 2003
                                                                        31 May 2003            30 November 2002
                                                                 Company         Group       Company         Group
                                                                   #'000         #'000         #'000         #'000

Fixed assets
Investments                                                       41,282        41,282        49,150        49,150

Current assets
Cash at bank and in hand                                           9,314         9,328         4,534         4,544
Debtors                                                            2,157         2,147           291           281
                                                                  11,471        11,475         4,825         4,825
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                     (709)         (709)         (490)         (486)
Net current assets                                                10,762        10,766         4,335         4,339

Total assets less current liabilities                             52,044        52,048        53,485        53,489

Creditors: amounts falling due after one year
Provision for shares to be subscribed in MHIT Securities
PLC                                                             (17,552)             -      (15,185)             -

Net assets                                                        34,492        52,048        38,300        53,489

Share capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                            1,203           802         1,203           802
Share premium account                                                  -             -             -             -
General capital reserve                                         (28,708)      (28,712)      (19,834)      (19,838)
Unrealised (depreciation) / appreciation of investments         (15,133)      (15,133)      (19,966)      (19,966)
Special reserve                                                   76,632        36,933        76,632        36,933
Revenue reserve                                                      498           502           265           269
Total shareholders' funds                                         34,492       (5,608)        38,300       (1,800)
Non-equity minority interests                                          -        57,656             -        55,289
Total capital employed                                            34,492        52,048        38,300        53,489

Shareholders' funds attributable to:
Ordinary shareholders                                            (5,608)       (5,608)       (1,800)       (1,800)
Non-equity shareholders                                           40,100             -        40,100             -
                                                                  34,492       (5,608)        38,300       (1,800)

Net asset value per Ordinary Share (accounting basis)                          (6.99)p                     (2.25)p

Net asset value per Ordinary Share (Articles of
Association basis)                                                                 Nil                         Nil

Net asset value per Zero Dividend Preference Share
(including the accrued redemption premium) (accounting
basis)                                                                          71.89p                      68.94p

Net asset value per Zero Dividend Preference Share
(Articles of Association basis)                                                 64.89p                      66.69p

Unaudited Group Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 31 May 2003
                                                                    Six months ended             Six months ended
                                                                       31 May 2003                  31 May 2002
                                                                    #'000         #'000          #'000         #'000

Net cash inflow / (outflow) from operating activities                             (590)                          955

Taxation paid                                                                                                      -

Financial investment
Purchases of investments                                         (10,645)                     (23,225)
Sales of investments                                               16,981                       23,431
Net cash inflow from financial investment                                         6,336                          206

Equity dividends paid                                                             (962)                      (2,142)

(Decrease) / increase in cash                                                     4,784                        (981)

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in cash at
bank and in hand:
(Decrease) / increase in cash                                                     4,784                        (981)
Cash at bank and in hand at 1 December                                            4,544                        2,465
Cash at bank and in hand at 31 May                                                9,328                        1,484

By order of the Board

Aviva Company Secretarial Services Limited, Secretary

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange