Holding(s) in Company
20 April 2010 - 6:30PM
UK Regulatory
Zurich, Switzerland, 20 April 2010: Pursuant to Art. 10 and 21 of the
SESTO-FINMA, Adecco S.A. discloses the following:
1. Name of the listed company: Adecco S.A.
2. Proportion of voting rights held by Adecco S.A. (total holdings in
percent): see table under item 5.
3. Identity of those involved:
Group consisting of Deutsche Bank AG (direct/indirect shareholder),
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 70, DE-60486 Frankfurt am Main, and subsidiaries (direct
-Deutsche Asset Management Investmentgesellschaft mbH, Mainzer Landstr.
178-190, DE-60327 Frankfurt am Main (direct)
-Deutsche Investment Management Americas Inc., 345 Park Avenue, US-New York, NY
10154 (direct)
-Deutsche Asset Management (Japan) Limited, 2-11-1 Sanno Park Tower, Nagata-cho,
Chiyoda-ku, JP-Tokyo (direct)
-DWS Investment S.A., Luxembourg, 2 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, LU-1115
Luxembourg (direct)
-DWS Investment GmbH, Mainzer Landstr. 178-190, DE-60327 Frankfurt am Main
-Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., 60 Wall Street, US-New York, NY 10005-2858
-Frankfurt-Trust Investment-Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, Neue Mainzer
Strasse 80, DE-60311 Frankfurt am Main (direct)
-Sal Oppenheim JR & CIE KGaA, Unter Sachsenhausen 4, DE-50667 Köln (direct)
-Deutsche Asset Management International GmbH, Mainzer Landstr. 178-190,
DE-60327 Frankfurt am Main (direct)
-DWS Investments (Spain) S.G.I.I.C.S.A., Paseo de la Castellana 18, ES-28046
Madrid (direct)
-Deutsche Asset Management (Korea) Company Limited, 33 Seorin-dong, Jongno-gu,
KR-Seoul (direct).
4. Nature of the agreement: Group of companies
5. Number and type of shares/rights:
|Type of rights |Number of rights|Number of |Percentage of |
| | |voting rights|voting rights (%)|
|I. Purchase positions | | | |
|I.1. Equity securities | 7'692'159| 7'692'159| 4.06|
|(Adecco registered shares) 1)| | | |
| | | | |
|I.2. Conversion rights etc.| | | |
|2), 3) | | | |
|I.2.1. Conversion rights and | 115'189'228| 2'148'489| 1.14|
|share purchase rights | | | |
|I.2.2 Granted (written) share| 32'800'062| 33'223'629| 17.55|
|sale rights | | | |
|Total category I.2. | | 35'372'118| 18.69|
| | | | |
|I.3. Financial Instrument | | | |
|that provide for or permit | | | |
|cash settlement, etc. 2), 3) | | | |
|I.3.1. Acquisition rights | 183'700| 6'375| 0.00|
|I.3.2. Granted (written) | 50'000| 5'000| 0.00|
|share sale rights | | | |
|Total category I.3. | | 11'375| 0.00|
| | | | |
|Total category I. | | 43'075'652| 22.75|
|II. Sale positions 3) | | | |
|II.1. Share sale rights |33'850'974|34'362'829|18.16|
|II.2. Granted (written) conversion rights and | 211'900| 7'828| 0.00|
|share purchase rights | | | |
| | | | |
|Total category II. | |34'370'657|18.16|
| | | | |
1) Securities lending and comparable transaction in equity securities:
From the above mentioned equity securities (I.1. above), the following part is
held due to securities lending and comparable transactions (Art. 21 para. 2b
|Type of rights|Number of |Proportion of |Nature of the |Agreed date of |
| |rights |voting rights |legal |return, transfer |
| | | |transaction |or, if there is a |
| | | | |right to choose, |
| | | | |whether this |
| | | | |applies to the |
| | | | |contracting party |
| | | | |subject to the |
| | | | |obligation to |
| | | | |notify or to the |
| | | | |counterparty |
|Registered |5'864'437 |3.10% |Stock Borrows |Counterparties' |
|shares | | | |right to recall |
2) Securities lending and comparable transaction in financial instruments:
From the above mentioned financial instruments (I.2. and I.3. above), the
following part is held due to securities lending and comparable transactions
(Art. 21 para. 2b SESTO-FINMA and Art. 14 SESTO-FINMA)
|Type of rights |Number of |Proportion of|Nature of the |Agreed date of |
| |rights |voting rights|legal |return, transfer |
| | | |transaction |or, if there is a |
| | | | |right to choose, |
| | | | |whether this |
| | | | |applies to the |
| | | | |contracting party |
| | | | |subject to the |
| | | | |obligation to |
| | | | |notify or to the |
| | | | |counterparty |
|Acquisition |35'385'000 |559'548 |Stock Borrow |Counterparties' |
|rights | | | |right to recall |
3) Further details are available from the Adecco contact as indicated at the end
of this notification and from the Adecco S.A. webpage:www.adecco.com
<http://www.adecco.com/> or http://ir.adecco.com (Investor Information).
6. Time (date) of acquisition, sale or understanding through which the
shareholding reached, exceeded or fell below the percentage threshold: 15
April 2010, Change to the composition of the group
7. Representative of the Group members: Natalie Brewer,
Deutsche Bank AG London, Winchester House,
1 Great Winchester Street, UK-London EC2N 2DB
Tel. +44 207 545 1994, Fax. +44 207 545 3847
Adecco S.A.
Investor Relations:
Tel: +41 44 878 89 89
E-Mail:investor.relations@adecco.com <mailto:investor.relations@adecco.com>
Holding in Company: http://hugin.info/136572/R/1405980/359621.pdf
Adecco Sa (LSE:ADO)
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Adecco Sa (LSE:ADO)
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