RNS Number : 2334M

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

14 July 2014



Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code (the "Code")

 (a)  Name of exempt principal trader:                                                  Bank of America Merrill Lynch 
 (b)  Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose                                      TUI AG 
        relevant securities this form relates: 
        Use a separate form for each offeror/offeree 
 (c)  Name of the party to the offer with which exempt principal trader is connected:   TUI Travel PLC 
 (d)  Date dealing undertaken:                                                          11/07/2014 
 (e)  Has the EPT previously disclosed, or is it today disclosing, under the Code in    Yes 
       respect of 
       any other party to this offer? 
(a)  Purchases and sales 
 Class of relevant security    Purchases/    Total number of securities   Highest price    Lowest price 
                                sales                                      per unit         per unit 
                                                                           paid/received    paid/received 
 Common - ISIN DE000TUAG000    Purchase      77,840                       11.42 EUR        11.33 EUR 
                              ------------  ---------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN DE000TUAG000    Sale          71,649                       11.42 EUR        11.345 EUR 
                              ------------  ---------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
(b)  Derivatives transactions (other than options) 
 Class of                   Product description    Nature of dealing          Number of reference       Price per unit 
  relevant security          e.g. CFD              e.g. opening/closing a     securities 
                                                   long/short position, 
                                                   increasing/reducing a 
                                                   long/short position 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      3,200                     11.347 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      829                       11.359 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Long                       462                       11.392 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Long                       584                       11.392 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      584                       11.351 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Long                       1,445                     11.366 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Long                       132                       11.374 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Long                       146                       11.374 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      462                       11.359 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      5                         11.359 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      1,245                     11.367 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Long                       829                       11.365 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Long                       170                       11.392 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Long                       977                       11.392 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Long                       651                       11.359 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Long                       1,363                     11.38 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      5                         11.416 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      4,079                     11.376 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Long                       6,243                     11.352 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      7,677                     11.376 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      319                       11.394 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      50                        11.394 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Long                       1,048                     11.369 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      548                       11.394 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      44                        11.346 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      42                        11.346 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      921                       11.408 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      1,333                     11.345 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      2,972                     11.341 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN 
  DE000TUAG000              Swaps                  Short                      494                       11.365 EUR 
                           ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
(c)  Options transactions in respect of existing securities 
(i)  Writing, selling, purchasing or varying 
 Class           Product        Writing,       Number          Exercise    Type            Expiry date   Option money 
 of              description    purchasing,    of               price      e.g.                          paid/ 
 relevant        e.g. call      selling,       securities to    per unit   American,                     received per 
 security        option         varying etc.   which option                European etc.                 unit 
 N/A             N/A            N/A            N/A             N/A         N/A             N/A           N/A 
                -------------  -------------  --------------  ----------  --------------  ------------  -------------- 
(ii)  Exercising 
 Class of relevant security   Product description   Number of     Exercise Price per 
                               e.g. call option      securities    unit 
 N/A                          N/A                   N/A           N/A 
                             --------------------  ------------  ------------------- 
(d)  Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities) 
 Class of relevant security         Nature of dealing          Details   Price per unit (if applicable) 
                               e.g. subscription, conversion 
            N/A                            N/A                   N/A                  N/A 
                             -------------------------------  --------  ------------------------------- 

The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.

Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(b), copy table 2(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as appropriate) for each additional class

of relevant security dealt in.

(a)  Indemnity and other dealing arrangements 
 Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or understanding, formal 
  or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an inducement to deal 
  or refrain from dealing entered into by the exempt principal trader making the disclosure 
  and any party to the offer or any person acting in concert with a party to the offer: 
  If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state "none" 
(b)  Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating 
      to options or derivatives 
 Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal, between the exempt 
  principal trader making the disclosure and any other person relating to: 
  (i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or 
  (ii) The voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which 
  any derivative is referenced: 
  If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state "none" 
 Date of disclosure:    14/07/2014 
 Contact name:          Stacy Otieno 
 Telephone number:      0207 995 1335 

Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information

Service and must also be emailed to the Takeover Panel at monitoring@disclosure.org.uk.

The Panel's Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code's

dealing disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.

The Code can be viewed on the Panel's website at www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk.



Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code (the "Code")

 (a)  Name of exempt principal trader:                                                      Bank of America Merrill Lynch 
 (b)  Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose                                          TUI Travel PLC 
        relevant securities this form relates: 
        Use a separate form for each offeror/offeree 
 (c)  Name of the party to the offer with which exempt principal trader is connected:       TUI Travel PLC 
 (d)  Date dealing undertaken:                                                              11/07/2014 
 (e)  Has the EPT previously disclosed, or is it today disclosing, under the Code in        Yes 
       respect of 
       any other party to this offer? 
(a)  Purchases and sales 
 Class of relevant security   Purchases/   Total number of securities   Highest price    Lowest price 
                               sales                                     per unit         per unit 
                                                                         paid/received    paid/received 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77   Purchase     344,392                      3.78 GBP         3.707 GBP 
                             -----------  ---------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77   Sale         351,289                      3.781 GBP        3.721 GBP 
                             -----------  ---------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
(b)   Derivatives transactions (other than options) 
 Class of                       Product description   Nature of dealing       Number of reference     Price per unit 
  relevant security              e.g. CFD             e.g. opening/closing    securities 
                                                      long/short position, 
                                                      increasing/reducing a 
                                                      long/short position 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    33                      3.776 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    14                      3.776 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    590                     3.776 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    73                      3.776 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    1,423                   3.776 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    14                      3.776 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    47                      3.776 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    4                       3.776 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    222                     3.776 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Short                   4,970                   3.708 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    4,970                   3.729 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Short                   3,700                   3.744 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    837                     3.745 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    106                     3.745 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    782                     3.745 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Short                   1,651                   3.746 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    27                      3.756 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    86                      3.756 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    28                      3.756 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    38                      3.756 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Short                   10,154                  3.768 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    579                     3.74 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    1,220                   3.745 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    2,655                   3.745 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Short                   342                     3.746 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Short                   1,162                   3.746 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    2,740                   3.745 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    1,264                   3.745 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Short                   1,736                   3.745 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Short                   303,120                 3.745 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Long                    301,971                 3.745 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Common - ISIN GB00B1Z7RQ77     Swaps                 Short                   11                      3.748 GBP 
                               --------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
(c)  Options transactions in respect of existing securities 
(i)  Writing, selling, purchasing or varying 
 Class           Product        Writing,       Number          Exercise    Type            Expiry date   Option money 
 of              description    purchasing,    of               price      e.g.                          paid/ 
 relevant        e.g. call      selling,       securities to    per unit   American,                     received per 
 security        option         varying etc.   which option                European etc.                 unit 
 N/A             N/A            N/A            N/A             N/A         N/A             N/A           N/A 
                -------------  -------------  --------------  ----------  --------------  ------------  -------------- 
(ii)    Exercising 
 Class of relevant security     Product description         Number of        Exercise Price per 
                                 e.g. call option            securities       unit 
 N/A                            N/A                         N/A              N/A 
                               --------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
(d)    Other dealings (including subscribing for new 
  Class of relevant security          Nature of dealing           Details     Price per unit (if applicable) 
                                 e.g. subscription, conversion 
             N/A                             N/A                    N/A                    N/A 
                               -------------------------------  ----------  --------------------------------- 

The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.

Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(b), copy table 2(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as appropriate) for each additional class

of relevant security dealt in.

(a)  Indemnity and other dealing arrangements 
 Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or understanding, formal 
  or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an inducement to deal 
  or refrain from dealing entered into by the exempt principal trader making the disclosure 
  and any party to the offer or any person acting in concert with a party to the offer: 
  If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state "none" 
(b)  Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating 
      to options or derivatives 
 Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal, between the exempt 
  principal trader making the disclosure and any other person relating to: 
  (i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or 
  (ii) The voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which 
  any derivative is referenced: 
  If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state "none" 
 Date of disclosure:    14/07/2014 
 Contact name:          Stacy Otieno 
 Telephone number:      0207 995 1335 

Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information

Service and must also be emailed to the Takeover Panel at monitoring@disclosure.org.uk.

The Panel's Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code's

dealing disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.

The Code can be viewed on the Panel's website at www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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