RNS No 2146u
22nd June 1998


               Freepages Group plc/Second Quarter Results 1998
                       FREEPAGES GROUP PLC
                 ("Freepages" or the "Company")
       Results for the 6 month period ended 31 March 1998

* Revenues  for  the  6  month period ended  31  March  1998
  amounted to  #8.5 million, up 43 per cent. on the same  period
  last year.

* Gross new classified contract value in the period amounted
  to #12.3 million, up 68 per cent. on the same period last year.

* The  number  of  telephonic  readouts  during  the  period
  increased significantly to 7.6 million, up 171 per cent. on the
  same   period  last  year  and  internet  readouts   increased
  dramatically to 19 million, up 387 per cent. on the same period
  last year.

* New  products were introduced such as the successful
  completion of mid-call transfer trials and the introduction of
  Vodafone Scoot  SMS  ("Short Message  Service") through the
  internet and the Cinemail service.

* Strategic  partnership  agreements  were  announced  with
  Yahoo!,  Excite and more recently with Microsoft Networks  and

* Scoot (UK)s operations have traded cash flow positive  at
  an operating level (including marketing expenditures) since May
  1998  as  a  result of increasing sales productivity,  growing
  renewal rates and operating efficiencies.

* Scoot Belgium was launched nationally on 1 June 1998  with
  very encouraging early results.

Commenting on todays results, Robert Bonnier CEO said:

"In   the   first   six  months  we  have   completed   the   UK
infrastructure, the build up of the classified sales  force  and
strengthened   the  senior  management  team.   We  successfully
rebranded to Scoot and introduced a number of important  product
and  service  enhancements.   We  also  announced  complementary
partnership agreements with a number of leading industry players
in  distribution,  content  and technology.   The  most  notable
partnership  is  with Cendant which will enable  us  to  further
intensify  and commercialise the relationship with  our  rapidly
growing   consumer   base.   After  a  period   of   significant
investment,  Scoot  (UK)s  operations  have  traded  cash  flow
positive at an operating level since May 1998."

For further information contact:

Freepages Group plc

Robert Bonnier
Ronald Dorjee                                0171 368 3900
Miranda Cleverdon
Director Corporate Communications

Buchanan Communications Limited              0171 466 5000
Mark Edwards

                     Review of UK operations

During  the six months ended 31 March 1998 the Company completed
its  main investments in the UK infrastructure, the build up  of
the  classified sales force and the strengthening of the  senior
management  team.   The  service was successfully  rebranded  to
Scoot and a number of important product and service enhancements
were  introduced.  Complementary partnership agreements  with  a
number of leading industry players in distribution, content  and
technology  were  announced.   After  a  period  of  significant
investment,  Scoot (UK)s operations traded cash  flow  positive
(including  marketing expenditure) at an operating  level  since
May 1998.

During   the   period,  the  Company  recruited  103  additional
classified  sales executives and 148 call centre operators.   At
the  end  of  31  March 1998 the number of full time  equivalent
employees was 845.

Sales  productivity  was influenced during the  latter  part  of
quarter  one and most of quarter two by the substantial increase
in  the number of executives.  The one-off recruitment, training
and  salary  cost for each new sales executive is around  #7,500
with  net  sales  contribution only starting  two  months  after
completing  the sales training programme. With the  higher  than
expected renewal rates and improved operating efficiencies,  the
number of sales executives is expected in the foreseeable future
to  remain  stable  at around 310 people.  The  result  of  this
stabilisation  and  increased efficiency is likely  to  lead  to
significantly higher productivity figures per sales executive.

Consumer  usage  continues to increase at a very high quarterly
sequential growth rate as a result of improved brand awareness,
additional  service  features and repeat usage.  The  number  of
telephonic readouts during the period increased significantly to
7.6  million,  an increase of 171 per cent. on the  same  period
last  year  and internet readouts increased dramatically  to  19
million,  an  increase of 387 per cent. on the same period  last

Classified advertising gross new classified contract revenue  in
quarter two amounted to #6.8 million and was 24 per cent. higher
than  the  #5.5  million in quarter one.   Return  on  base  has
continued  to increase and amounted to 57 per cent.  during  the
second  quarter  compared to 51 per cent. in the first  quarter.
The  growth  in gross contract value and the return on  base  is
expected to continue to grow.

Customer   management  processes  and  MIS  were   substantially
improved  during the latter part of the period and are  expected
to  produce  the following additional benefits.   First,  higher
revenue  from improved conversion rates through the introduction
of  targeted  sales leads.  Secondly, a reduction  in  the  time
required  for  processing  orders and thirdly,  a  reduction  in
administrative   costs  as  a  result  of  greater   operational
efficiencies.   It  is expected that the benefits  arising  from
these  changes  will  begin  to  become  apparent  as  the  year

Product  development remains focused on facilitating the  buying
and  selling  process between consumers and advertisers  in  the
most   efficient  manner.   Mid-call  transfer  has   now   been
successfully  tested  and is expected to be commercially  rolled
out  initially  with  a core group of corporate  advertisers  in
August  1998.  Mid-call transfer will allow those using  Scoots
services  to  be immediately transferred to the point  of  sale.
Sales leads to advertisers will grow substantially in value  and
further increases in consumer usage should therefore immediately
benefit Scoot.

Other product enhancements included Vodafone Scoot SMS ("short
messages service") which can now also be accessed through the
internet, allowing  users to directly transfer data from the
internet to  their  mobile phone handset.  In  addition,  Scoot
internet users  can now register their individual  interest  in
movies or  cinema events.  With Scoot Cinemail push technology,
members are informed automatically by E-mail of new releases and
other relevant information.  More than 5,000 individuals joined
this service within two weeks of its introduction.  It is
expected that Cinemail will help in building brand loyalty as
well as further developing our consumer database.
Part 1 of 2               Key Performance Indicators (UK)

                          Jun-96   Sep-96   Dec-96   Mar-97
Gross new classified
 revenue #m                2.9        3.0      3.3      4.0
Growth percentage          +58         +2      +11      +23

Gross new classified
 contract value
 per sales executive   #15,349    #15,349  #16,876  #19,400
Growth percentage          +32          0      +10      +15

Return on base               -          -        -        -
Growth percentage            -          -        -        -

Telephone readouts(M)      0.5        0.7      1.1      1.7
Growth percentage          +25        +40      +57      +56

Internet readouts(M)       0.5        0.7      1.4      2.5
Growth percentage          +66        +40     +100      +78

Part 2 of 2                 Key Performance Indicators (UK)

                         Jun-97     Sep-97    Dec-97    Mar-98
Gross new classified
 revenue #m                 5.4        5.0       5.5       6.8
Growth percentage           +35         -7       +10       +24

Gross new classified
 contract value
 per sales executive    #25,600    #21,500   #22,500   #21,250
Growth percentage           +32        -16        +5        -6

Return on base                -          -        51%       57%
Growth percentage             -          -         -        12%

Telephone readouts(M)       2.1        2.6       3.4       4.2
Growth percentage           +24        +24       +31       +24

Internet readouts(M)        2.5        3.4       6.7      12.3
Growth percentage             0        +36       +97       +84

Partnership agreements with a number of leading industry players
in  distribution, content and technology were announced such  as
Yahoo!, Excite and more recently Microsoft Networks and Cendant.
The  most  notable  partnership agreement is with  Cendant,  the
worlds  leading marketer and provider of consumer and  business
services, broadening the Scoot product and allowing the  Company
to further intensify and commercialise its relationship with its
rapidly growing consumer and advertiser base. Scoot will receive
a  percentage of the annual membership fee for each fully signed
up  member in perpetuity.  In a twelve week trial, and  using a
restricted  number  of  call  centre operators,  Scoot  provided
approximately  30,000  new members to the  Scoot  Home  Shopping
Service.  It is anticipated that other initiatives with  Cendant
will  be launched  in  due  course.  In addition the  Company
is actively pursuing opportunities to establish its Scoot
services in other markets.

                 Review of the Dutch operations

Classified  advertising  gross new classified  contract  revenue
during quarter two amounted to #1.6million versus #2 million  in
quarter one. The number of sales executives employed during quarter
two fluctuated  which had  a  negative impact on the gross new
contract value achieved in  the  quarter.  This situation was
resolved during quarter three.  Early indications have shown that
renewals have been better than expected.  Corporate contract
value amounted to #0.16 million during the six month period.
At the end of the period the number of full time equivalent
employees was 248. 

Consumer  usage  continued to show rapid growth in  the  period.
Telephone  readouts have grown from 0.5 million   in  the  first
quarter to 1.0 million in the second quarter.  Internet readouts
grew from 1.0 million in the first quarter to 1.8 million in the
second quarter.

In March 1998 Scoot (NL) signed an agreement with AND Publishing
enabling   Scoot (NL)s internet service to deliver mapping data.
In  addition,  it is expected that Cendant and Scoot  (NL)  will
commence  testing a service similar to the Scoot  Home  Shopping
Service in  the UK in due course.

                 Key Performance Indicators (NL)
                              Sep-97      Dec-97      Mar-98
Gross new classified
 revenue #m                      1.5        2.0          1.6
Growth percentage                           +33%         -20%

Gross new classified
 contract value per
 sales executive             #27,400    #26,100      #22,500
Growth percentage                            -5%         -14%

Telephone readouts
 millions                        0.2        0.5          1.0
Growth percentage                          +150%        +100%

Internet readouts
 millions                        0.9        1.0          1.8
Growth percentage                           +11%         +80%

                Review of the Belgian operations

Scoot (B) was launched nationally on 1 June 1998  following  a
successful test-marketing campaign in Ghent and Namen. Initial
results have been very positive with revenue and  usage rates
rising substantially faster than expected.  Telephone readouts
are averaging 5,000 per day and internet readouts have averaged
4,000  per day, both metrics exceed those experienced by Scoot
(NL) at a similar stage in its development.

Scoot (B) now employs 125 people, approximately 50 of whom are
sales executives.  Although the national marketing campaign only
commenced on 1 June 1998, early indications are that the Belgian
market  has reacted favourably to the introduction of the  Scoot

Scoot (B) has entered into a number of strategic partnership
agreements.  The first relates to the Belgacom subsidiary,
Proximus, which is  the dominant mobile phone operator  in
Belgium, to provide services to its customers similar to the
Vodafone Scoot service in the UK. In addition, agreements have
been entered  into  with  the  two  leading  Belgian  internet
providers, Belcast and Ad Valvas whereby the Scoot  service  is
made  available to their users in a similar way to Scoot  (UK)s
relationship with Virgin.net.

It  is  intended that key performance indicators for  Scoot  (B)
will  be  provided  to shareholders once it  has  traded  for  a
sufficient period of time.

                        Financial Results

Revenue  for the six month period ended 31 March 1998  was  #8.5
million  compared to #5.9 million for the equivalent  period  in
the previous year, an increase of 43 per cent.

The return on base figure (advertiser renewals) was 57 per cent.
in the three months ended 31 March 1998 compared to 51 per cent.
during the three months ended 31 December 1997.  This figure  is
calculated  by  comparing  the annual  advertising  subscription
value  coming up for renewal against the new advertising renewal
contract value sold.   Management expect this figure to increase
as  a  result  of  improved customer management processes,   the
increasing experience of the sales force and the increased usage
and profile of the Scoot service.

Operating loss amounted to #11.3 million for the period  with  a
loss  per share of 2.8p.  The marketing expenditure amounted  to
#4.3 million largely related to the rebranding exercise.

Net  cash  outflow from operating activities amounted  to  #16.7
million  during the six months  primarily as a result of capital
expenditure, equity investments and UK marketing expenditure  of
in  aggregate  #(10.6) million.  Since May 1998 Scoot  (UK)  has
traded  cash  flow  positive  at an operation  level  (including
marketing expenditures).  This has already substantially reduced
the cash outflow, which is now primarily driven by investment in
Scoot   (NL),   Scoot   (B)  and  additional   working   capital
expenditures.  At the end of the period the net cash balance was
#17.4 million.

Part 1 of 2              Key Financial Statistics
                   Mar-96   Jun-96   Sep-96   Dec-96   Mar-97
Revenue UK
only #m
Classified            0.7      1.4      2.0      2.4      2.9
Corporate               -        -      0.0      0.1      0.2
Other                   -        -        -        -      0.4
SG& A*                2.8      2.7      3.7      3.9      5.2
Marketing             0.7      1.3      0.7      0.7      1.7
EBIT UK              (2.8)    (2.6)    (2.4)    (2.1)    (3.4)
 ratio)**            (400%)   (186%)   (120%)   (84%)    (97%)
International           -        -        -       -       0.1
Scoot (NL)              -        -        -       -      (0.1)

Scoot (B)               -        -        -       -         -
TDS Group               -        -        -    (0.1)     (0.2)
RequesT                 -        -        -       -         -
Net cash                -        -        -     1.4      41.6
Part 2 of 2              Key Financial Statistics
                Jun-97       Sep-97       Dec-97       Mar-98
Revenue UK
 only #1m
Classified         3.9          3.9          3.6          3.9
Corporate          0.4          0.2          0.2          0.2
Other              0.5          0.4          0.7            -
SG& A*             5.8          6.9          6.9          6.8
Marketing          0.9          0.9          2.8          1.5

EBIT UK           (1.9)        (3.3)        (5.2)        (4.2)
(Cost-revenue      (40%)        (73%)       (116%)       (102%)
 ratio) **
International      0.3          0.4          0.5          1.3

Scoot (NL)        (0.4)        (1.2)        (0.7)        (1.0)
Scoot (B)            -            -         (0.4)        (0.3)
TDS Group         (0.4)        (0.2)        (0.2)        (0.6)
RequesT              -            -         (0.1)        (0.1)
Net cash          39.2         34.6         24.4         17.4

*  SG&A  includes cost of sales and excludes marketing and
   international costs. Marketing and International costs
   are represented separately above.

** Total UK costs (excluding international) divided by total
   accounting revenue generated during the period.

- Total gross new contract value are all new and renewal
  contracts entered into prior or during the periods where the
  contract starting date relates to the period.

- Renewal sales are typically made 45 days prior to the contract
  expiry date. This has a delaying effect of recognising gross new
  contract value and accounting revenue whilst costs are expensed
  when incurred.  In normal circumstances the actual gross new
  contract value sold during the period will be higher than the
  reported gross new contract value since this figure does not
  include sales made during the period where the starting date of
  the contract relates to the next period.

Unaudited Consolidated Income Statement for
 the 3 and 6 Months to 31 March 1998

Part 1 of 2          3 months   3 months   3 months
                        ended      ended      ended
                       31 Mar     31 Mar     31 Mar
                         1998       1998       1997
                     (Note 1)
                       $000       #000      #000

Sales                  6,778       4,043      3,472

Operating costs

Cost of Sales           (681)       (406)      (199)

Selling, General and
 Expenses            (15,467)     (9,226)    (6,789)

Operating Loss        (9,370)     (5,589)    (3,516)

Share of losses
 of Associated
 Companies            (3,452)     (2,059)      (251)
Net Interest Income      607         362        115

Loss before taxes
 on income           (12,215)     (7,286)    (3,652)

Taxes on income            -           -          -

Retained loss for
 the period
 attributable to
 shareholders        (12,215)     (7,286)    (3,652)

Loss per share         (2.48)c     (1.48)p     (0.9)p
Weighted average
 no of shares
 millions              492.2       492.2     407.46

                    6 months    6 months   6 months
                       ended       ended      ended
                      31 Mar      31 Mar     31 Mar
                        1998        1998       1997
                     (Note 1)
                       $000       #000      #000

Sales                 14,329       8,547      5,976

Operating costs

Cost of Sales         (1,299)       (775)      (295)

Selling, General and
 Expenses            (32,013)    (19,095)   (11,316)

Operating Loss       (18,983)    (11,323)    (5,635)

Share of losses
 of Associated
 Companies            (5,784)     (3,450)      (430)
Net Interest Income    1,484         885        152

Loss before taxes
 on income           (23,283)    (13,888)    (5,913)

Taxes on income            -           -          -

Retained loss for
 the period
 attributable to
 shareholders        (23,283)    (13,888)    (5,913)

Loss per share         (4.73)c     (2.82)p    (1.49)p
Weighted average
 no of shares
 millions              492.2       492.2     395.73


    Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheets at 31 March 1998

                              31 Mar    31 Mar     31 Mar         
                                1998      1998       1997
                           Unaudited Unaudited  Unaudited
                            (Note 1)    
                              #000      #000      $000
Current Assets                                                          
Cash at bank and in hand     29,151     17,388     41,647         
Accounts Receivable           2,915      1,739      1,347         
Prepaid expenses              1,583        944        646         
Other current assets          5,532      3,300        775
Total Current Assets         39,181     23,371     44,415         
Fixed Assets                                                            
Property, plant
 and equipment                5,199      3,101      1,714
Intangible assets             1,309        781        257         
Share of net assets of
 assocciated companies          825        492        495
Total Assets                 46,514     27,745     46,881
Liabilities and Shareholders equity
Current Liabilities                                                     
Accounts payable and
 accrued expenses             8,083      4,822      3,380
Deferred income               3,831      2,285      1,670         
Other taxation including
 social security              3,586      2,139        653
Total current liabilities    15,500      9,246      5,703         
Other long term liabilities   1,254        748        173
Total Liabilities            16,754      9,994      5,876
Shareholders equity    
Deferred Shares                 335        200        200         
Ordinary shares fully paid
 par value 2p per share:
 492,200,098 shares at 31
 March 1998 (484,126,742
 shares at 31 March 1997)    16,503      9,844      9,683
Premiums in excess of par
 value                       92,596     55,232     55,702
Shares to be issued             832        496        496         
Merger reserve              (10,424)    (6,218)    (6,218)
Retained deficit            (70,082)   (41,803)   (18,858)

Shareholders equity         29,760     17,751     41,005

Total liabilities and       
 Shareholders equity        46,514     27,745     46,881




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