RNS Number:3912G
United Carpets Group plc
19 July 2006

For immediate release

                            UNITED CARPETS GROUP plc

    Preliminary announcement of results for the year ended 31 March 2006

United Carpets Group plc ("the Group" or "the Company" or "United Carpets"), the
third largest chain of specialist retail carpet and floor covering stores in the
UK, today announces its preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2006.


   * Network sales grew by 15% to #48.58m (2005: #42.23m)

   * Turnover increased to #17.65m an increase of 16.8% (2005: #15.11m)

   * Positive like for like sales up 2.8% against prior year

   * Profit before tax of #1.20m* (2005: #1.98m*) reflecting reduced opening

   * Increased marketing investment overcame challenging trading conditions

   * 9 new stores added during the year making a total of 60

   * Like for like sales since the period end up 8.7%

* Before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items.

Paul Eyre, Chief Executive, said:

"This year saw fewer store openings than had originally been expected and
tougher trading conditions than the previous year. In light of this, our
performance has been more than creditable. The second half was strong, and this
growth in sales has continued into the current reporting period."


United Carpets Group plc
Paul Eyre, Chief Executive
Ian Bowness, Finance Director                                      01709 579 450

Cardew Group
Tim Robertson                                                      020 7930 0777
William Scott-Gall

Chairman's statement

I am pleased to announce United Carpets Group's preliminary results for the year
ended March 31 2006. The Company has generated revenues of #17.65m this year,
compared to #15.11m in 2005 and is operating from 60 stores located throughout
Northern and Central England. As announced in October 2005, the Board decided to
switch from focusing on new store openings to providing greater support for
existing stores to enable them to manage the challenging trading conditions. The
reduced store opening programme naturally impacted on the Group's profitability;
however, I believe the business is now more resilient and better positioned to
grow organically as evidenced by the more recent like for like sales data.

The business fundamentals remain strong and the Group is well positioned to
continue rolling out its franchise concept.

Financial review

As part of a review of all accounting policies the Group has changed its
accounting policy for income recognition in respect of the initial fee paid by
new franchisees at the outset of a franchise arrangement. Previously, the Group
accounting policy was to recognise the initial franchise fee income in full upon
commencing a franchise arrangement. This policy has changed to spread this
initial fee over 10 years, the term of the franchise arrangement. In the opinion
of the directors the Group benefits from the franchise fee over the term of the
franchise arrangement and it is, therefore, appropriate to recognise it over
this period. This will better reflect the benefit of the fee to the Group and
whilst in the short term this may moderate profits, it will enable growth in the
profitability of the underlying business to be clearly reflected in the results.

Total revenue increased by 16.8% to #17.65m (2005: #15.11m), reflecting the
growth in store numbers during the year. Network sales across the Group,
including the value of retail sales by our franchisees to give a measure of the
Group's turnover on a more comparable basis to a conventional retailer,
increased to #48.58m (2005: #42.23m).

Like for like sales were up 2.8% compared to the previous year. Following a
challenging first half when like for like sales rose by 0.3%, increased
investment in new marketing initiatives, improvements in the product range and
better store presentation helped to increase like for like sales, which were up
5.2% in the second half of the year. Within the like for like sales performance
the core floor coverings business achieved a 3.8% like for like increase on the
previous year whilst bed like for like sales decreased by 4.0%. Underlying
trends in consumer activity point to a swing towards carpets and away from
laminate flooring.

Gross margin increased from 63.8% to 66.6% which largely reflects the increased
proportion of franchise related income to total revenue as the store network

The increase in distribution costs principally reflects the extra staff and
marketing costs of the additional corporate stores operated during the year.
Marketing and rental costs are incurred by the Group and recharged to
franchisees in turnover. Consequently, administrative expenses reflect the
increase in these costs as the network grows as well as the additional
investment in marketing during the year, the occupancy costs of operating an
increased number of corporate stores and the full year impact of the
strengthening of the management team at the time of the float and associated
ongoing costs of becoming a plc.

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation, goodwill amortisation and
exceptional items was #1.2m, a decrease of 39.4%.

Earnings per share were 0.7p (2005: 1.9p). The Board recommends a final dividend
of 0.5p per share (2005: nil) which together with the interim dividend of 0.25p
per share (2005: nil) paid in January makes a total ordinary dividend of 0.75p
per share for the year (2005: nil). Subject to approval at the Annual General
Meeting, the final dividend will be paid on 8 December 2006 to those 
shareholders whose names are on the register on 10 November 2006.

Operations review

The Group operates 60 branded stores across Northern and Central England. With
the exception of 11 corporate stores, the remainder are all franchises operating
under United Carpets' bespoke franchise model, which aims to combine the
advantages of a multiple retailer with the entrepreneurial drive of an
independent. As the Group continues to expand so its economics will improve, in
particular, from more cost effective advertising, as well as the ability to
leverage the other benefits of increased scale.

Floor coverings

The majority of Group revenues are derived from the sale of floor coverings,
predominantly carpet, laminate and vinyl flooring through franchised stores and
the Group's own corporate stores. The market has remained challenging, however,
the Group has responded well evidenced by the increase in like for like sales
over the year. Product mix is constantly changing to reflect current fashions.
We are suitably nimble to be able to react and we ensure that we do not carry
excessive stock in any one style. Currently natural and beige colour floor
coverings are proving popular. While carpet represents the majority of our
sales, vinyl floorings have had a resurgence at the expense of laminate.

We are continually seeking to position ourselves at the front of the market when
it comes to offering service and new customer offerings. This has seen some
developments in our bespoke carpet service in response to increasing demand from
customers for this kind of service. Anecdotal evidence suggests a greater spend
per customer in stores since they have been refurbished.

The Group continues to carry out significant advertising in targeted areas where
it has sufficient critical mass. Selective television advertising in particular
has been very effective for the Group combined with print and radio.


Beds are sold through the majority of the store network with franchisees earning
a commission on sales. Tough trading conditions during the year had a greater
effect on our beds business than floor coverings due to the higher purchase
price. However, improved product and marketing initiatives resulted in a
significant improvement in like for like sales up 3.8% for the second half of
the year. Beds remain a key part of our customer offering and we continue to
review ways to increase sales.

Store opening programme

The Group has reviewed its store opening programme to reflect changes in the
market. Currently, we have 60 stores clustered around our target areas of
northern and central England, with a further six stores planned to open in the
coming months. Generally, new stores will be located within our existing
footprint to maximize advertising opportunities and our market share.

During the year, nine new stores opened in Chorley, Dudley, Huddersfield,
Keighley, Leeds, Long Eaton, Nuneaton, Southport and Stetchford. The decision to
reduce our store opening programme from the initial target of 15 enabled greater
focus to be placed on providing better support for existing stores and
addressing those stores which were significantly underperforming. In addition to
our five principal corporate stores we started the year with four non-core
corporate stores. During the year seven stores were taken back from franchisees
making 11 non-core corporate stores, of which three were successfully franchised
and one was closed. Franchisees were successfully replaced in six other
franchised stores, one franchisee was relocated to a new site and one further
franchised store closed in both cases following the ending of leases. Since the
year-end franchisees have been successfully replaced in two franchised stores
and one of the non-core corporate stores has also been successfully franchised.
Of the six remaining non-core corporate stores, one is in advanced negotiations
to be franchised, two are planned to be closed and suitable franchisees are
being sought for the remaining three stores. Further changes in franchisees can
be expected, although we expect the annual rate to reduce in 2008 and beyond.

We will continue to open stores where appropriate and have increased our
investment in recruitment of franchisees and further developed our selection
policies of both potential sites and franchisees. Whilst this may impact on our
projected number of store openings, we are convinced that these measures will
improve the quality of our franchise network to the long-term benefit of the


We now employ directly and indirectly over 320 people. A key focus during the
period has been to invest in people. The internal appointment of an experienced
manager to Group training manager has allowed us to run better and more frequent
staff training programmes. Alongside our regular conferences in March and
September, where there is an opportunity for franchisees to review and share
experiences, we are running regular refresher courses focused on sales
techniques, customer service and product innovations.

The Board joins me in thanking all our employees for their hard work during the
year and looks forward to working together in the future.


Although the short-term outlook for the flooring market will remain challenging,
the Board firmly believes that the Group's robust franchise model will continue
to generate solid returns. Recent sales have been stronger than the equivalent
period last year, with like for like sales increasing by 8.7% for the 15 weeks
of the current financial year. Whilst some of this increase may be attributable
to a late Easter, this was more than offset by the negative impact of the World
Cup on our sector and the Board are confident the improved product mix in beds
and recently refurbished bespoke carpet offering, will provide momentum for
continued growth. The strength of our brand and marketing activity continues to
attract new customers to our stores throughout Northern and Central England.

The Company is in a strong financial position and the outlook for the future is

Peter Cowgill

Preliminary announcement of results for the year ended 31 March 2006
Consolidated profit and loss account

                Note    Results                            Results                   
                         before                             before  
                        goodwill     Goodwill              goodwill     Goodwill
                      amortisation amortisation        amortisation  amortisation
                          and          and                    and         and
                      exceptional  exceptional           exceptional  exceptional
                         items        items       2006      items        items         2005
                                                         As restated  As restated  As restated
                         #'000        #'000      #'000      #'000        #'000        #'000

Turnover                17,649            -     17,649     15,106            -       15,106

Cost of sales           (5,894)           -     (5,894)    (5,466)           -       (5,466)
                        _______     _______    _______     ______      _______      _______

Gross profit             11,755           -     11,755      9,640            -        9,640

costs                    (1,678)          -     (1,678)    (1,433)           -       (1,433)
expenses                 (9,172)        (56)    (9,228)    (6,460)         (58)      (6,518)
income                      207           -        207        210            -          210
                        _______     _______    _______    _______      _______      _______

profit                    1,112         (56)     1,056      1,957          (58)       1,899

Merger expenses  2            -           -          -          -          (61)         (61)
on disposal of
fixed assets     2            -        (121)      (121)         -          168          168
                        _______     _______    _______    _______      _______      _______

Profit on                 
interest                  1,112        (177)       935      1,957           49        2,006

receivable                  106           -        106         52            -           52
payable                     (18)          -        (18)       (28)           -          (28)
                        _______     _______    _______    _______      _______      _______

Profit on                 
taxation                  1,200        (177)     1,023      1,981           49        2,030

Taxation         3                                (443)                                (635)
                                               _______                              _______
Profit on        
after taxation
transferred to
reserves         5                                 580                                1,395
                                               _______                              _______

Earnings per     
share            4
-Basic and                                        
diluted                                           0.7p                                 1.9p
                                               _______                               ______

All amounts relate to continuing activities. The notes below form part of these
financial statements.

Preliminary announcement of results for the year ended 31 March 2006

Statement of total recognised gains and losses and reconciliation of movements
in shareholders' funds

Statement of total recognised gains and losses

                                                    Note          2006         2005
                                                                           As restated
                                                                 #'000        #'000

Profit for the financial year                                      580        1,395
                                                              ________     ________
Total recognised gains and losses relating to                      
the year                                                           580        1,395

Prior year adjustment                                 6         (1,677)

Total gains and losses recognised since last
annual financial statements                                     (1,097)

Reconciliation of movements in equity shareholders' funds

                                                    Note          2006         2005
                                                                           As restated
                                                                 #'000        #'000

Profit for the year                                                580        1,395
Shares issued at nominal value                                       -          550
Share premium arising on issue (net of expenses)                     -        1,167
Interim dividend paid                                             (204)           -
                                                              ________     ________
Net increase in shareholders' funds                                376        3,112
                                                              ________     ________
Opening shareholders' funds as previously                        
stated                                                           5,601        2,062
Prior year adjustment                                6          (1,677)      (1,250)
                                                              ________     ________
Opening shareholders' funds as restated                          3,924          812
                                                              ________     ________
Closing shareholders' funds                                      4,300        3,924
                                                              ________     ________

The notes below form part of these financial statements.

Preliminary announcement of results for the year ended 31 March 2006
Consolidated balance sheet

                                        Note        2006                2005
                                                                     As restated
                                               #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                          277                 333
Tangible assets                                          3,570               2,702
                                                       _______             _______
                                                         3,847               3,035
Current assets
Stocks                                         1,345               1,232
Debtors                                        3,622               4,570
Cash at bank and in hand                       1,625               2,654
                                             _______             _______
                                               6,592               8,456

Creditors: amounts falling due                
within one year                               (3,895)             (5,369)
                                             _______             _______
Net current assets                                       2,697               3,087
                                                       _______             _______
Total assets less current assets                         6,544               6,122

Creditors: amounts falling due                          
after more than one year                                (2,125)             (2,198)

Provisions for liabilities and charges                    (119)                  -
                                                       _______             _______
Net assets                                               4,300               3,924
                                                       _______             _______

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                  4,070               4,070
Share premium account                    5               1,106               1,106
Profit and loss account                  5               2,234               1,858
Other reserve                            5              (3,110)             (3,110)
                                                       _______             _______
Shareholders' funds                      6               4,300               3,924
                                                       _______             _______

The notes below form part of these financial statements.

Preliminary announcement of results for the year ended 31 March 2006
Consolidated cash flow statement

                                                       2006              2005
                                          Note    #'000    #'000    #'000    #'000

Net cash inflow from operating
activities                                 7               1,820             1,146

Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received                                   106                52
Interest paid                                       (18)              (28)
                                                _______            ______
Net cash inflow from returns
on investments and servicing of finance                       88                24

Corporation tax payment                            (908)             (170)
                                                _______           _______
                                                            (908)             (170)
Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                (1,519)           (1,618)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                        51               522
                                                _______           _______
Net cash outflow from
capital expenditure                                       (1,468)           (1,096)

Equity dividends paid                                       (204)                -
                                                         _______           _______

Net cash outflow before financing                           (672)              (96)

Capital element of hire purchase                    
repayment's                                         (85)             (137)
Bank loans                                            -              (635)
Shares issued including premium                       -             1,717
                                                _______           _______
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from                              
financing                                                    (85)              945
                                                         _______           _______

(Decrease)/increase in cash                9                (757)              849
                                                         _______           _______

The notes below form part of these financial statements.

Preliminary announcement of results for the year ended 31 March 2006
Notes to the preliminary announcement

1. Results and accounting policies

The preliminary results have been prepared under the historical cost convention,
in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards in the United Kingdom and
with the Group's accounting policies as will be set out in the financial
statements for the year ended 31 March 2006. The preliminary results were
approved by an authorised committee of the Board on 18 July 2006 and are

The financial information contained in this unaudited preliminary announcement
does not constitute statutory accounts as defined by Section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985.

The accounts have been prepared in accordance with the principles of merger
accounting as set out in Financial Reporting Standard 6 "Acquisitions and

Accordingly, the financial information for the Group has been presented as if
United Carpets (Franchisor) Limited, United Carpets (Central) Limited, Debrik
Investments Limited, Weavers Carpets Limited and Nottingham Carpet Warehouse
Limited ("the merged entities") had been owned by United Carpets plc throughout
the prior period when in fact they were not acquired until 7 February 2005.
Accordingly, the consolidated financial statements include the whole of the
results of the merged entities for the year ended 31 March 2005.

The corresponding figures for the previous year include the results of the
merged entities, the assets and liabilities at the previous balance sheet date
and the shares issued by United Carpets Group plc as consideration as if they
had always been in issue. The difference between the nominal value of shares and
the share premium accounts of the merged entities and the nominal value of
shares issued by the Company to acquire the merged entities is taken to

There have been no changes in accounting policy in the year, other than as
disclosed in note 6.

2. Exceptional items

                                         2006           2005
                                                 As restated
                                        #'000          #'000

Merger expenses                             -            (61)
(Loss)/profit on disposal of fixed       
assets                                   (121)           168
                                       ______        _______

                                         (121)           107
                                       ______        _______

During 2005, merger expenses were treated as a reorganisation cost in accordance
with FRS 3.

Of the current year loss on disposal of fixed assets #118,000 relates to the
loss on disposal of the assets of the Macclesfield store which was closed in the
period. This store was opened in December 2004 with a view to its sale as a
franchise. Despite strenuous efforts no such sale was achieved and following a
period of unsatisfactory trading the lease break clause was actioned and the
store vacated in 2005. The profit of #168,000 in 2005 relates predominantly to
the profit on disposal of the freehold of a site in Nottingham. The directors
consider these items to be one off and exceptional in nature and have
reclassified them as such to give a better understanding of the underlying
results of the business.

3. Taxation on ordinary activities

Analysis of charge in the year:
                                  Note       2006         2005
                                                     As restated
                                            #'000         #'000

Corporation tax:
Current year                                    -           774
Over provision in prior years                (330)          (58)
Prior year adjustment              6            -          (183)
                                           ______       _______

                                             (330)          533

Deferred tax:
Origination and reversal of                   
timing differences                            773           102
                                           ______       _______
                                              443           635
                                           ______       _______

4. Basic and diluted earnings per share

The profit per share has been calculated in accordance with FRS 14 'Earnings per
share'. The calculation of the profit per ordinary share is based on profits of
#580,000 (2005 - as restated: #1,395,000) and on a weighted average of
81,400,000 (2005: 74,893,151) ordinary shares in issue during the year. The
weighted average share capital for earnings per share calculated on a dilutive
basis is 81,400,000 (2005: 75,222,055).

5. Reserves

                                  Note      Share        Profit       
                                           premium        and         Merger
                                           account    loss account   reserve
                                            #'000        #'000        #'000

At 1 April 2005 as previously               
stated                                      1,106        3,535       (3,110)
Prior year adjustment              6            -       (1,677)           -
                                           ______      _______      _______

As restated                                 1,106        1,858       (3,110)
Profit for the year                             -          580            -
Interim dividend paid                           -         (204)           -
                                           ______     ________     ________
At 31 March 2006                            1,106        2,234       (3,110)
                                           ______     ________     ________

The merger reserve is the difference between the nominal value of shares issued
in order to acquire the merged entities and the share capital and share premium
account of the merged entities.

6. Prior year adjustment - change in accounting policy

As disclosed in the interim report for the period ended 30 September 2005, the
Board has recently undertaken a review of all accounting policies to ensure they
remain appropriate to the Group's circumstances.

This review has resulted in a change in the accounting policy for income
recognition in respect of the initial fee paid by new franchisees at the outset
of a franchise arrangement. Previously, the Group accounting policy was to
recognise the initial franchise fee income in full upon commencing a franchise
arrangement. This policy has changed to spread this initial fee over 10 years,
the term of the franchise arrangement. In the opinion of the directors the Group
benefits from the franchise fee over the term of the franchise arrangement and
it is, therefore, appropriate to recognise it over this period.

This change in accounting policy has reduced the current year profit before tax
by #8,000 and net assets by #1,683,000 (this includes the effect of the
adjustment on the tax charge). The prior year profit before tax has been reduced
by #610,000 and brought forward net assets have been reduced by #1,677,000.

7. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
                                             2006         2005
                                                       As restated
                                            #'000         #'000

Operating profit                            1,056         1,899
Depreciation                                  479           335
Amortisation                                   56            58
Merger expenses                                 -           (61)
Increase in stock                            (113)         (207)
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                756        (1,542)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors             (414)          664
                                          _______       _______
                                            1,820         1,146
                                          _______       _______

8. Analysis of changes in net funds

                                                              Other non     
                                            2005    Cashflow    changes      2006
                                           #'000      #'000      #'000      #'000

Bank and cash                              2,654     (1,029)         -      1,625
Bank overdraft                              (272)       272          -          -
                                         _______    _______    _______    _______
                                           2,382       (757)         -      1,625

Debt due within one year:
Hire purchase contracts                      (74)        74        (58)       (58)

Debt due after more than one
Obligations under hire purchase                          
contracts                                   (108)        11         58        (39)
                                         _______    _______    _______    _______
Net funds                                  2,200       (672)         -      1,528
                                         _______    _______    _______    _______

9. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

                                           2006      2005
                                          #'000     #'000

(Decrease)/increase in cash in             
the year                                   (757)      849

Cash outflow from hire purchase             
financing                                   85        138
Cash outflow from bank loans                 -        635
                                       _______    _______
Change in net funds resulting             
from cashflows                            (672)     1,622

New hire purchase contracts                  -        (68)
                                       _______    _______
Movement in net funds in the              
year                                      (672)     1,554
Net funds at start of year               2,200        646
                                       _______    _______
Net funds at end of year                 1,528      2,200
                                       _______    _______

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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