RNS Number:7717B
Highcroft Investments PLC
08 August 2007

                           Highcroft Investments PLC

             Interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2007


*   Profit before taxation excluding capital activities, down by 10.6% to
    #906,000 (2006 #1,013,000)

*   Profit before taxation including capital activities, down by 50.4% to
    #1,650,000 (2006 #3,329,000)

*   Interim dividend increased by 6.4% to 5.00p per share from 4.70p in 2006

*   Net assets per share up to 847p (June 2006 800p and December 2006 830p)


David Bowman                              01865 840 023
Highcroft Investments plc

Philip Davies
Charles Stanley Securities                020 7149 6000

Chairman's statement

Dear Shareholder

I am writing to you to introduce our Interim Report, for the half year to 30
June 2007, and to update you on converting to a Real Estate Investment Trust

As far as the half year is concerned, we are pleased to report an increase in
asset value per share to 847p (800p June 2006, 830p December 2006). This is a
result of retained profits and rises in both our investment and property

The Consolidated Income Statement shows a decline in profit before taxation
including capital activities to #1,650,000 from #3,329,000 in the first half of
2006. The principal item affecting this reduction is the net valuation gains on
investment property which were #2,016,000 in 2006 and only #347,000 in 2007.
Realised profit on disposal of investment property fell from #236,000 in 2006 to
#103,000 in 2007.  In contrast, net valuation gains and profit on disposal of
investments increased from #64,000 in 2006 to #294,000 in 2007.

Profit before taxation excluding capital activities reduced from #1,013,000 in
2006 to #906,000 in the first half of 2007 - principally as a result of the
absence of special dividends/cash distributions from our equity portfolio and
higher financing costs.  We believe that property and equity purchases made now
(when income might not cover short term interest charges) will enhance the asset
base of the company in the medium term.

Despite a decline in distributable profit for the period, we are paying an
interim dividend of 5.00p - an increase of 6.4%.

Shareholders will be aware of the debate about property values in view of rising
interest rates. If the market as a whole continues to weaken in the coming
months our own portfolio will be affected.  However, we believe that our
portfolio of property is strong as it is designed for the medium term with
quality properties, in good locations, a spread of rent reviews/renewals and
good covenants.

Following the AGM discussion and announcement about REITs, I am pleased to say
that the programme for conversion is progressing well. The two principal issues
with which we are dealing are, first, the fact we have a substantial shareholder
and, second, that we will be required to manage our property and equity assets
so that property assets are always three times the value of equity assets.  We
expect to be writing to shareholders in November regarding an EGM to be held in
mid-December.  If the motion to amend our Articles of Association were carried,
conversion would be effective on 1 January 2008

J Hewitt
8 August 2007

Condensed consolidated income statement (Unaudited)
for the six months ended 30 June 2007

                                                                     First Half    First Half     Full Year
                                                                           2007          2006          2006
                                                             Note         #'000         #'000         #'000

Gross rental income                                                       1,055         1,041         2,038
Property operating expenses                                                (46)          (49)         (136)
Net rental income                                                         1,009           992         1,902

Realised gains on  investment property                                      109           243           320
Realised losses on  investment property                                     (6)           (7)          (33)
Profit on disposal of investment property                                   103           236           287

Valuation gains on investment property                                      428         2,230         2,732
Valuation losses on investment property                                    (81)         (214)         (398)
Net valuation gains on investment property                                  347         2,016         2,334

Dividend income                                                             168           237           489
Gains on investments                                                        869           352         1,455
Losses on investments                                                     (575)         (288)         (309)
Net investment income                                                       462           301         1,635

Administrative expenses                                                   (136)         (141)         (247)

Operating profit before net financing costs                               1,785         3,404         5,911

Finance income                                                                9             5            13
Finance expenses                                                          (144)          (80)         (201)
Net financing costs                                                       (135)          (75)         (188)

Profit before tax                                                         1,650         3,329         5,723

Income tax expense                                              4         (275)         (722)       (1,340)
Profit for the financial period                                           1,375         2,607         4,383

Earnings per share                                              6         26.6p         50.5p         84.8p

Condensed consolidated balance sheet (Unaudited)
as at 30 June 2007

                                                                30 June         30 June      31 December
                                                                   2007            2006             2006
                                                   Note           #'000           #'000            #'000
Investment property                                   7          39,324          37,818           41,487
Equity investments                                    8          11,840          10,645           11,794
Total non-current assets                                         51,164          48,463           53,281

Current assets
Trade and other receivables                                         407             578              489
Cash at bank and in hand                                            433             157              281
Total current assets                                                840             735              770

Total assets                                                     52,004          49,198           54,051

Current liabilities
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings                               178             137              246
Current corporation tax                                             405             422              196
Trade and other payables                                            879             711              838
Total current liabilities                                         1,462           1,270            1,280

Non-current liabilities
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings                10           2,760           2,917            5,685
Deferred tax liabilities                                          3,997           3,669            4,211
Total non-current liabilities                                     6,757           6,586            9,896

Total liabilities                                                 8,219           7,856           11,176

Net assets                                                       43,785          41,342           42,875

Issued share capital                                  9           1,292           1,292            1,292
Revaluation reserve - property                        9           9,723          10,016           10,169
Revaluation reserve - other                           9           4,635           3,865            4,601
Capital redemption reserve                            9              95              95               95
Realised capital reserve                              9          17,152          15,892           16,055
Retained earnings                                     9          10,888          10,182           10,663
Total equity                                                     43,785          41,342           42,875

Condensed consolidated statement of cash flow (Unaudited)
for the six months ended 30 June 2007

                                                                30 June         30 June      31 December
                                                                   2007            2006             2006
                                                                  #'000           #'000            #'000
Operating activities
Profit for the period                                             1,375           2,607            4,383
Adjustments for:
Net valuation gains on investment property                        (347)         (2,016)          (2,334)
Profit on disposal of investment property                         (103)           (236)            (287)
Net gains on investments                                          (294)            (64)          (1,146)
Finance income                                                      (9)             (5)             (13)
Finance expense                                                     144              80              201
Income tax expense                                                  275             722            1,340
Operating profit before changes in working                        1,041           1,088            2,144
capital and provisions
Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables                   82           (277)            (188)
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables                      40            (14)              113
Cash generated from operations                                    1,163             797            2,069

Finance income                                                        9               5               13
Finance expense                                                   (144)            (80)            (201)
Income tax paid                                                   (282)           (350)            (650)
Cash flows from operating activities                                746             372            1,231

Investing activities
Purchase of fixed assets - investment property                      (6)         (3,054)          (7,437)
- equity investments                                              (703)           (616)          (1,029)
Sale of fixed assets - investment property                        2,621             950            2,032
- equity investments                                                952             655            1,000
Cash flows from investing activities                              2,864         (2,065)          (5,434)

Financing activities
New medium term loans                                                 -           1,602            4,470
Loan repayments                                                 (2,993)            (48)             (39)
Dividends paid                                                    (465)           (429)            (672)
Cash flows from investing activities                            (3,458)           1,125            3,759

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                           152           (568)            (444)
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 2007                         281             725              725
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 2007                           433             157              281


1.  Interim report

The results for the six months ended 30 June 2007 are unaudited.  This interim
report will not appear as an advertisement in any newspaper but copies are being
sent to all shareholders and are available at the company's registered office.
The interim report does not constitute full accounts as defined by the Companies
Act 1985 but should be read in conjunction with the most recent financial
statements.  Full accounts for 2006 have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies, bearing an unqualified audit opinion.

2.  Significant accounting policies

Highcroft Investments PLC is a company domiciled in the United Kingdom.  The
interim financial statements of the company for the six months ended 30 June
2007 comprise the company and its subsidiary, together referred to as the group.

a. Statement of compliance

These interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34
on Interim Financial Reporting.

b. Basis of preparation

The financial statements are presented in pounds sterling, rounded to the
nearest thousand. They are prepared on the historical cost basis except that
investment property and equity investments are stated at their fair value. The
accounting policies have been consistently applied to the results, other gains
and losses, assets, liabilities and cash flows of entities included in the
consolidated interim financial statements and are consistent with those used in
the previous year.

3.  Segmental reporting

Segmental information is presented in the interim financial statements in
respect of the group's business segments.  The business segment reporting format
reflects the group's management and internal reporting structure. Segment
results include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those that
can be allocated on a reasonable basis.

The group is comprised of the following main business segments:

*  Commercial property comprising retail outlets, offices and warehouses.
*  Residential property comprising mainly single-let houses.
*  Financial assets comprising exchange-traded equity investments.

                                               First Half        First Half        Full Year
                                                     2007              2006             2006
                                                    #'000             #'000            #'000
Commercial property
Gross income                                        1,026               967            1,933
Profit for the period                                 610             1,824            2,288
Assets                                             37,576            35,825           39,312
Liabilities                                         5,697             5,559            8,559
Residential property
Gross income                                           29                74              105
Profit for the period                                 348               507              813
Assets                                              2,475             2,630            2,874
Liabilities                                           592               643              736
Financial assets
Gross income                                          168               237              489
Profit for the period                                 417               276            1,282
Assets                                             11,953            10,743           11,865
Liabilities                                         1,930             1,654            1,881
Gross income                                        1,223             1,278            2,527
Profit for the period                               1,375             2,607            4,383
Assets                                             52,004            49,198           54,051
Liabilities                                         8,219             7,856           11,176

4.  Taxation

                                               First Half        First Half        Full Year
                                                     2007              2006             2006
                                                    #'000             #'000            #'000
Current tax:
On revenue profits                                    216               238              363
On capital profits                                     12                60               83
Prior year overprovision                                -                 -             (11)
Deferred tax                                           47               424              905
                                                      275               722            1,340

The taxation charge has been based on the estimated effective tax rate for the
full year.

5.  Dividends

On 8 August 2007, the directors declared an ordinary interim dividend of 5.00p
per share (2006 4.70p) payable on 31 October 2007 to shareholders registered at
5 October 2007.

The following dividends have been paid by the company.

                                              First Half        First Half        Full Year
                                                    2007              2006             2006
                                                   #'000             #'000            #'000
9.00p per ordinary share (2006 8.30p)                465               429              429
2006 interim 4.70p per ordinary share                  -                 -              243
                                                     465               429              672

6.  Earnings per share

The calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit for the period of
#1,375,000 (2006 #2,607,000) and on 5,167,240 shares (2006 5,167,240) which is
the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period ended 30 June
2007 and throughout the period since 1 January 2006.

In order to draw attention to the impact of valuation gains and losses which are
included in the income statement but not available for distribution under the
company's articles of association, an adjusted earnings per share based on the
profit available for distribution of #690,000 (2006 #775,000) has been

                                                  First Half      First Half       Full Year
                                                        2007            2006            2006
                                                       #'000           #'000           #'000
Basic earnings                                         1,375           2,607           4,383
Adjustments for:
Net valuation gains on investment property             (450)         (2,252)         (2,621)
Gains and losses on investments                        (294)            (64)         (1,146)
Income tax on gains and losses                            59             484             884
Adjusted earnings                                        690             775           1,500

Per share amount:
Basic earnings per share                               26.6p           50.5p           84.8p
Adjustments for:
Net valuation gains on investment property            (8.7)p         (43.6)p         (50.7)p
Gains and losses on investments                       (5.7)p          (1.2)p         (22.2)p
Income tax on gains and losses                          1.1p            9.4p           17.1p
Adjusted earnings per share                            13.3p           15.1p           29.0p

7.  Investment property

                                                   First Half        First Half        Full Year
                                                         2007              2006             2006

Valuation at 1 January 2007                            41,487            33,461           33,461
Additions                                                   6             3,054            7,437
Disposals                                             (2,516)             (713)          (1,745)
Surplus on revaluation                                    347             2,016            2,334
Valuation at 30 June 2007                              39,324            37,818           41,487

The directors have used an external independent valuation of properties at 30
June 2007.

8.  Equity investments

Listed and unlisted                                First Half        First Half        Full Year
                                                         2007              2006             2006
                                                        #'000             #'000            #'000

Valuation at 1 January 2007                            11,794            10,620           10,620
Additions                                                 703               614            1,029
Disposals                                               (962)             (740)          (1,087)
Surplus on revaluation                                    305               151            1,232
Valuation at 30 June 2007                              11,840            10,645           11,794

9.  Total equity

a) First half 2007
                                             Equity       reserves        Capital      Realised   Retained
                                                     Property     Other  Redemption     Capital   Earnings
                                              #'000     #'000     #'000        #'000      #'000      #'000

At 1 January 2007                             1,292    10,169     4,601           95     16,055     10,663
Total recognised gain and expense                 -         -         -            -          -      1,375
Dividends to shareholders                         -         -         -            -          -      (465)
Non-distributable items recognised in
income statement:
Revaluation gains                                 -       347       305            -          -      (652)
Tax on valuation gains and losses                 -      (22)      (25)            -          -         47
Realised gains                                    -         -         -            -         80       (80)
Surplus attributable to assets sold               -     (972)     (306)            -      1,278          -
Tax on gains attributable to assets sold          -       201        60            -      (261)          -
At 30 June 2007                               1,292     9,723     4,635           95     17,152     10,888

b) First half 2006
                                             Equity      reserves          Capital       Realised    Retained
                                                     Property     Other   Redemption      Capital    Earnings
                                              #'000     #'000     #'000        #'000        #'000       #'000

At 1 January 2006                             1,292     8,734     3,902           95       15,306       9,835
Total recognised gain and expense                 -         -         -            -            -       2,607
Dividends to shareholders                         -         -         -            -            -       (429)
Non-distributable items recognised in
income statement:
Revaluation gains                                 -     2,016       151            -            -     (2,167)
Tax on valuation gains and losses                 -     (419)       (6)            -            -         425
Realised gains                                    -         -         -            -           89        (89)
Surplus attributable to assets sold               -     (400)     (213)            -          613           -
Tax on gains attributable to assets sold          -        85        31            -        (116)           -
At 30 June 2006                               1,292    10,016     3,865           95       15,892      10,182

c) Full year 2006
                                             Equity      reserves          Capital       Realised    Retained
                                                     Property     Other   Redemption      Capital    Earnings
                                              #'000     #'000     #'000        #'000        #'000       #'000

At 1 January 2006                             1,292     8,734     3,902           95       15,306       9,835
Total recognised gain and expense                 -         -         -            -            -       4,383
Dividends to shareholders                         -         -         -            -            -       (672)
Non-distributable items recognised in
income statement:
Revaluation gains                                 -     2,334     1,232            -            -     (3,566)
Tax on valuation gains and losses                 -     (498)     (303)            -            -         801
Realised gains                                    -         -         -            -          118       (118)
Surplus attributable to assets sold               -     (512)     (276)            -          788           -
Tax on gains attributable to assets sold          -       111        46            -        (157)           -
At 31 December 2006                           1,292    10,169     4,601           95       16,055      10,663

10.  Interest-bearing loans and borrowings
                                                                          First Half  First Half  Full Year
                                                                                2007        2006       2006
                                                                               #'000       #'000      #'000

Medium term bank loan                                                          2,760       2,917      5,685

The medium term bank loan comprises amounts falling due as follows:
Between one and two years                                                        202          71        288
Between two and five years                                                       708         238      1,002
Over five years                                                                1,850       2,608      4,395
                                                                               2,760       2,917      5,685

11.  Related party transactions

Kingerlee Holdings Limited owns 25.3% (2006 24.5%) of the company's shares and D
H Kingerlee and J C Kingerlee are directors and shareholders of both the company
and Kingerlee Holdings Limited.  During the period, the group made purchases
from Kingerlee Holdings Limited or its subsidiaries, being repairs to properties
which were nil in 2007 (2006 #3,000) and a service charge in relation to
services at Thomas House, Kidlington of #7,000 (2006 #7,000).  The amount owed
at 30 June 2007 was nil (2006 Nil). All transactions were undertaken on an
arm's length basis.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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