RNS Number : 5332E

SulNOx Group PLC

28 October 2022


28 October 2022

SulNOx Group Plc (the "Company" or "SulNOx")

Financial Results for the Six Months to 30 September 2022

(Aquis Stock Exchange: SNOX)

The board of the directors of the Company (the "Board") is pleased to announce its financial results for the six months to 30 September 2022. A copy of these results has been published on the Company's website.

Chairman's Statement

As reported at the AGM, The Company is beginning to see significant traction in the sales of its SulNOxEco(TM) Fuel Conditioner product and continues to discuss an order for its Berol 6446 product for use in oil reclamation, a huge market opportunity. Over the last 6 months, we have continued to dramatically increase the SulNOx footprint across the globe, achieving multiple successful evaluations across a wide variety of industries. For the first time we have seen sizeable and repeat orders including from Africa, France, Germany, Greece, Spain and the UK and we will continue to drive conversion of these opportunities to larger, meaningful, and sustainable revenues in the months ahead:

-- Revenue in the period was GBP74.8k, more than double the GBP33.5k total for the previous financial year, and three times the GBP24.5k for the same period in the prior year. A further GBP31.5k of sales that were expected before end of Q2 slipped into Q3.

-- Looking forward, the revenue pipeline is strong and diversified by geography and industry. Exciting opportunities look set to materialise from shipping evaluations underway or due to start imminently in Azerbaijan, France, Germany, Monaco, Norway, Singapore, and the USA.

-- Revenues from evaluations alone can cover SulNOx operating costs, with any subsequent fleet adoptions being significant financial events.

-- Additional sales to distributors are expected during the second half of the financial year in Angola, Costa Rica, Morocco, The Philippines, Scotland, South Africa, and the USA. Other sizeable quotations have been recently provided for Bolivia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, following a successful evaluation.

-- On-going and progressing opportunities with Governments, Petrochemical and Power companies also provide "game changing" possibilities.

Whilst revenues demonstrate a "hockey-stick" curve, SulNOx has also significantly reduced run-rate expenses in the last quarter:

   --      Cash balance was GBP311k as at 30 September 2022 vs GBP604k as at 30 June 2022. 

-- Q2 cash reduction of GBP297k (c.GBP100k burn per month) vs Q1 GBP451k (c.GBP150k burn per month) demonstrates the expense reduction initiatives executed in the period.

The energy crisis resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been affecting all countries. Coal and oil-fired power stations are being revived as the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is stating that climate change mitigation is "not going far enough, fast enough" and "nowhere near the scale of reductions required to put us on track to 1.5C". SulNOx offers green solutions to the world we live in today, where fossil fuels are still very much in demand and will remain so for many years to come, especially in Emerging Markets. The rising cost of fuel and the reduction in OEM investment on internal combustion engines (ICEs) means that the SulNOx products are needed more than ever. Other items of importance include:

-- SulNOx has been nominated for the innovation prize at the prestigious Logistics Leadership Awards, demonstrating that SulNOx adopters, and those who encourage SulNOx's use in their supply chains, are enhancing their green credentials, an increasingly important question when winning new business or indeed retaining existing clients.

-- SulNOx is now registered with the EPA in the USA per 40 CFR 79.23 Regulation which further assists with our penetration into the US market.

   --      SulNOx has also recently developed an online calculator and added it to the website - www.sulnoxgroup.com - to help motorists, fleet managers and other industries, including construction, mining, rail, and shipping clients calculate how much they could potentially save by using SulNOx as well as estimating the positive impact on their carbon footprint. 

-- SulNOx continues to demonstrate its effectiveness with biofuels and other alternative fuels such as GTL where SulNOx distributor Swiss Fuel Services has demonstrated a fuel consumption improvement of 14.9% over a 3,288 KM evaluation.

KPMG has recently outlined a series of recommendations, including companies shifting from a narrative-driven approach and making better use of data to drive change and provide evidence of action. The stated aim of Cop 27 is also to move "from negotiation to implementation" and be "where words are translated into actions". With The FCA also proposing new rules around "greenwashing", the practical and immediate SulNOx green solutions for decarbonisation become more compelling by the day.

Radu Florescu



SulNOx Group Plc

Steven Cowin, Chief Financial Officer


AQSE Corporate Adviser :

Allenby Capital Limited

Nick Harriss

020 3328 5656

The directors take responsibility for this announcement.

 SulNOx Group PLC 
 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive income for the 6 
  months ended 30 September 2022 
                                                Unaudited                     Audited                        Unaudited 
                                                 6 months                                                     6 months 
                                                       to                  year ended                               to 
                                                30-Sep-22                   31-Mar-22                        30-Sep-21 
                                                      GBP                         GBP                              GBP 
 Revenue                                           74,805                      33,522                           24,486 
 Cost of sales                                   (64,438)                    (55,671)                         (24,889) 
                               --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 Gross profit/(loss)                               10,367                    (22,149)                            (403) 
 Distribution costs                                     -                           -                                - 
 Administrative expenses                        (975,069)                 (1,953,742)                        (723,718) 
                               --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 Operating loss                                 (964,702)                 (1,975,891)                        (724,121) 
 Interest payable and similar 
 expenses                                               -                     (2,085)                                - 
 Loss before taxation                           (964,702)                 (1,977,976)                        (724,121) 
 Tax on Loss                                            -                       2,237                                - 
                               --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 Loss for the financial 
  period and 
  total comprehensive income                    (964,702)                 (1,975,739)                        (724,121) 
                               ==========================  ==========================  =============================== 
 Earnings per share (pence)                        (1.02)                      (2.16)                           (0.83) 
 SulNOx Group PLC 
 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 30 
  September 2022 
                                                        Unaudited                                   Audited                            Unaudited 
                                                        30-Sep-22                                 31-Mar-22                            30-Sep-21 
                                                              GBP                                       GBP                                  GBP 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                                      7,679,545                                 7,879,788                            8,080,061 
 Property, plant and equipment                             21,047                                    24,061                                7,035 
                                                        7,700,592                                 7,903,849                            8,087,096 
                                 --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventory                                                143,343                                   164,467                              101,211 
 Debtors                                                   81,632                                    78,051                               87,156 
 Cash at bank and in hand                                 311,109                                 1,065,388                            1,889,399 
                                                          536,084                                 1,307,906                            2,077,766 
                                 --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 Creditors: amounts falling 
  due within one year                                   (248,819)                                 (259,196)                            (151,185) 
 Net current assets                                       287,265                                 1,048,710                            1,926,581 
 Total assets less current 
  liabilities                                           7,987,857                                 8,952,559                           10,013,677 
 Net assets                                             7,987,857                                 8,952,559                           10,013,677 
                                 ================================  ========================================  =================================== 
 Capital and reserves 
 Called up share capital                                1,882,657                                 1,882,657                            1,882,657 
 Share premium account                                 13,322,916                                13,322,916                           13,322,916 
 Share based compensation 
  reserve                                                 578,844                                   578,844                              388,344 
 Profit and loss account                              (7,796,560)                               (6,831,858)                          (5,580,240) 
 Shareholders' funds                                    7,987,857                                 8,952,559                           10,013,677 
                                 ================================  ========================================  =================================== 
   SulNOx Group PLC 
 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the 6 months 
  ended 30 September 2022 
                        Called                    Share                         Based 
                        Up Share                  Premium                       Compensation                           Retained 
                        Capital                   Account                       Reserve                                Earnings                    Total 
                        GBP                       GBP                           GBP                                    GBP                         GBP 
 Balance at 1 April 
  2021                                1,710,057                    11,049,436                                307,439                 (4,856,119)              8,210,813 
                       ------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------- 
   Loss of total 
   income for the 
   period                                     -                             -                                      -                   (724,121)              (724,121) 
 Issue of share 
  capital                               172,600                     2,273,480                                      -                           -              2,446,080 
 Movement on reserve                          -                             -                                 80,905                           -                 80,905 
                       ------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------- 
 Balance at 30 
  2021                                1,882,657                    13,322,916                                388,344                 (5,580,240)             10,013,677 
                       ------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------- 
   Loss of total 
   income for the 
   period                                     -                             -                                      -                 (1,251,618)            (1,251,618) 
 Movement on reserve                          -                             -                                190,500                           -                190,500 
                       ------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------- 
 Balance at 31 March 
  2022                                1,882,657                    13,322,916                                578,844                 (6,831,858)              8,952,559 
                       ------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------- 
   Loss of total 
   income for the 
   period                                     -                             -                                      -                   (964,702)              (964,702) 
 Issue of share 
 capital                                      -                             -                                      -                           -                      - 
 Balance at 30 
  2022                                1,882,657                    13,322,916                                578,844                 (7,796,560)              7,987,857 
                       ========================  ============================  =====================================  ==========================  ===================== 
   Consolidated Cash Flows for the 6 months ended 30 
   September 2022 
                                               Unaudited                                   Audited                                  Unaudited 
                                                6 months                                                                             6 months 
                                                      to                                year ended                                         to 
                                               30-Sep-22                                 31-Mar-22                                  30-Sep-21 
                                                     GBP                                       GBP                                        GBP 
 Cash flows from 
 operating activities 
 Loss for the year 
  after tax                                    (964,702)                               (1,975,739)                                  (724,121) 
   Adjustments for: 
 Taxation charge                                       -                                   (2,237)                                          - 
 Amortisation and 
  impairment of 
  intangible assets                              200,243                                   400,546                                    200,273 
 Depreciation and 
  impairment of 
  property, plant and 
  equip                                            3,014                                     3,194                                        613 
 Tax refunded                                          -                                         -                                          - 
 Share based equity 
  payment                                              -                                   271,405                                     80,905 
 Movement in working 
 Purchase of 
  property, plant and 
  equipment                                            -                                  (23,727)                                    (4,120) 
  in inventories                                  21,124                                  (44,966)                                     18,290 
  in trade 
  and other 
  receivables                                    (3,581)                                  (41,719)                                   (50,824) 
  in trade 
  and other payables                            (10,377)                                   (9,720)                                  (119,968) 
                       ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 Cash generated from 
  operations                                   (754,279)                               (1,422,963)                                  (598,952) 
 Net cash from 
  activities                                   (754,279)                               (1,422,963)                                  (598,952) 
                       =================================  ========================================  ========================================= 
  Cash flows from 
 Proceeds from issue 
  of shares                                            -                                 2,589,000                                  2,589,000 
 Share issue costs                                     -                                 (142,920)                                  (142,920) 
 Repayment of 
 borrowings                                            -                                         -                                          - 
 Net cash from 
  activities                                           -                                 2,446,080                                  2,446,080 
                       =================================  ========================================  ========================================= 
  in cash 
  and cash 
  equivalents                                  (754,279)                                 1,023,117                                  1,847,128 
 Cash and cash 
  equivalents at 
  beginning of year                            1,065,388                                    42,271                                     42,271 
 Cash and cash 
  equivalents at 
  end of year                                    311,109                                 1,065,388                                  1,889,399 
                       =================================  ========================================  ========================================= 

SulNOx Group Plc

Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

   1.     General Information 

SulNOX Group Plc is a public limited company ("The Company") incorporated in England & Wales (registration number 08449586). The Company is domiciled in the United Kingdom and its registered office is 10 Orange Street, London WC2H 7DQ. The Company's ordinary shares are traded on the AQSE Growth Market ("AQSE") (formerly NEX). Copies of the interim report are available from the Company's website www.sulnoxgroup.com . Further copies of the Interim Report and Accounts may be obtained from the address above.

The Company's principal activity is the procurement of orders for customers wishing to use two fuel emulsifier products previously developed by the group and now owned under licence to Nouryon BV.

   2.     Basis of Preparation 

The interim financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries for the six months ended 30 September 2022, which are unaudited, have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS").

The financial information contained in the interim report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the full preceding statutory reporting period is based on the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2022. Those accounts, upon which the auditors, Jeffreys Henry LLP, issued a report which was unqualified, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

As permitted, this interim report has been prepared in accordance with the AQSE Growth Market Rules for Issuers and not in accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" therefore it is not fully compliant with IFRS.

The interim financial statements are presented in sterling.

   3.     Loss per share 

Basic loss per share is 1.02p. The basic loss per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the loss of GBP964,702 by 94,132,843, the weighted average number of shares in issue during this period.

The loss attributable to equity holders (holders of ordinary shares) of the Company for calculating the fully diluted loss per share is identical to that used for calculating the loss per share. The exercise of share options would have the effect of reducing the loss per share and is therefore anti-dilutive

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 28, 2022 09:30 ET (13:30 GMT)

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