Fiat SpA's (F.MI) chief executive Friday met with premiers of two German states to explain Fiat's plans to buy General Motors Corp. European assets to create one of the world's largest automakers.

"The purpose of his visit is to explain directly the rationale and the advantages of the pan-European project within the context of the European cultural tradition," a Fiat spokesman said.

Earlier Friday, the governor of the German state of Hesse, Roland Koch, reiterated that he wants a basic decision on the purchase of GM German unit Adam Opel AG this month. Koch met with Marchionne earlier Friday, and urged him to submit an offer to a bank selected by Opel in the shortest time possible, Koch's office said in a statement.

The Fiat spokesman said he had no details about when Fiat could submit such an offer.

The spokesman couldn't provide details about any plans to resume discussions with German government officials.

-By Jennifer Clark, Dow Jones Newswires; 39 02 58 21 9904;