RNS No 2755m
31st August 1998



TNT Post Group announces a net income growth of 18% in the first half of 1998 
exceeding the company's earlier estimate of a 10-15% growth.  Revenues rose by
NLG 592 million, an increase of 8% compared to the same period last year.
Operating income increased by NLG 55 million (9%) in the first half of 1998.
Overall, exchange rate effects were negligible.

                                 1st half 98         1st half 97         %

Revenues                          7,950               7,358              8%

Operating Income                    685                 630              9%

Net income                          365                 310              18%

Earnings per share                 0.77                0.65              18%

The Board of Management of TNT Post Group has decided to pay an interim 
dividend of NLG 0.30 per ordinary share over the first half of the 1998 
financial year which shareholders may elect to receive either in cash or in 
ordinary shares.  The value of the ordinary share dividend will be 2% to 5%
lower than the value of the cash dividend.  The election period starts on 
September 2, 1998.  The dividend is payable as of September 25, 1998.

TNT Post Group provides a wide range of mail, express and logistics services 
worldwide.  On June 28, 1998, TNT Post Group was demerged from Koninklijke PTT
Nederland NV (KPN).  On June 29, 1998, TNT Post Group was listed at the Stock
Exchanges of Amsterdam, New York, London and Frankfurt.


During the first half of this year, much emphasis was placed on the demerger 
from KPN, on the structural development of the new corporation and on the
listing of the company. The listings at the Stock Exchanges of Amsterdam, New
York, London and Frankfurt were sucessfully accomplished.

In June 1998, TNT Post Group received credit ratings from both Standard & 
Poor's and Moody's Investors Service.  Standard & Poor's assigned an A/positive
corporate credit rating.  Moody's assigned a counterparty rating of Aa3 to TPG.
These ratings reflect TNT Post Group's strong financial position.

European Express network                        
On April 29, 1998, TNT opened a new purpose-built European Express Centre
at Liege Airport, Belgium. Part of this project involved moving operations
from Cologne to this new hub.  The state-of-the-art Express Centre is one of
the most advanced of its kind in Europe, and offers fast and efficient handling
services to customers world-wide giving the company a competitive advantage in
a demanding market.  As a result of the opening, the air network increased its
connections to five new destinations. The company also announced that it will
add 14 Airbus A300B4 aircraft to its fleet. Starting September 1998, the
aircraft will gradually be introduced to replace 10 B727-200 aircraft.

The company progressed on a large scale, with the integration of the 
international and domestic express operations.  Notably in Italy, Germany and 
the Benelux, much progress was made, leading to the reallocation of operations 
and more efficient use of resources, especially depots and vans.

TNT brand Identity
Of great importance was the launch of the new TNT brand identity, which aims 
at communicating the new TNT logo, taking ownership of the colour orange and
increasing awareness about the business TNT is in.  It will enhance brand
awareness and recognition.

Briefpost 2000
During 1997, the implementation of the new sorting structure in the Dutch Mail
operations resulted in quality problems.  In the first half of 1998, these 
problems have been addressed and are expected to be resolved in the second half
of 1998.  The financial objectives of the project remain unchanged.

Mail 2000
Among other strategic initiatives, TNT Post Group commenced a joint venture in 
the USA, presently called Mail 2000.  The project concerns print & mail
activities; customers offer their mailings, to the company in an electronic
format, after which Mail 2000 will sort, print and organise final distribution.


Revenues in the Mail business increased by NLG 236 million (6.7%) to NLG 3,765
million in the first half of 1998.  Both higher volumes in business mail and
direct mail activities contributed to this growth.

Dutch Domestic Mail sales rose by NLG 83 million (5.1%) to NLG 1,721 million.
The growth is mainly the result of growth in the volume of business mail.  More
customers in the "postage pre-paid" segment, and a higher volume of
bankletters in the bulk mail segment, as well as the favourable economic
situation contributed to this growth.

The revenues of Dutch Direct Mail Services grew by NLG 136 million (16.3%) to
NLG 968 million. Acquisition effects (NLG 49m), incidentals (NLG 19m) and
favourable market situations were attributable to this significant growth.

International Mail showed a growth of NLG 30 million (4.0%) to NLG 787
million.  The growth is the result of higher revenues of Dutch outgoing mail,
higher international mail in Europe, partially offset by a decrease of other
international revenues.

The business of Postoffices and other remained more or less stable.  On balance
revenues declined by NLG 13 million due to the deconsolidation of certain
non-core service activities.

Earnings from operations
The earnings from operations from the business area Mail increased by 7.9% to
NLG 806 million. Return on sales showed a slight improvement.

Express revenues increased by NLG 189 million.  The Asian currency crisis and
the restructuring program in the USA offset the solid growth in Europe.

Revenues of Express Europe increased by 9.6% to NLG 2,551 million.  All regions
in Europe contributed to the increase.  In the UK growth was due to the increase
of existing business and a small acquisition effect of NLG 2.8 million.  Growth
in express freight in Sweden and Finland was the driving force behind the
overall business growth in North Europe.  In the Benelux region revenue growth
developed satisfactorily, due to increased volumes as well as the commencement
of new contracts.  In Italy, the acquisition of Pony Express contributed
positively. The focus in several countries, notably Germany and the Benelux, was
on the integration of domestic and international infrastructures.  On top of
that, the move of operations to the newly opened hub in Liege has led to short
time quality issues.  As expected, these processes slowed down overall growth in
these countries.

In Asia, the business grew with nearly 10%, but this could not compensate for
the negative foreign exchange effect of 14% due to the Asia currency crisis.  In
the Americas, in line with expectations, the restructuring program that was
implemented included a planned decline in revenue.  In the Middle East region,
overall business developed favourably.

Earnings from operations
Earnings from operations from the business area Express increased by 12.7% to
NLG 142 million.  Return on sales increased from 4.2 to 4.4%.

In the first half of 1998, total revenues in the business area Logistics
increased by NLG 192 million (20.9%) to NLG 1,110 million.  The increase in
revenues was due to growth in business through increased volumes from existing
customers and contracts with new customers.  TNT signed a five-year contract
with Fiat to provide inbound logistics for manufacturing on location in Northern
Italy. In addition, new contracts were commenced with Fiat in Brazil and Poland.
The combination of these new contracts with existing outbound logistics
contracts will provide one of the biggest automotive logistics service offering
in the world.  The UK achieved growth, mainly due to increased volumes from
existing contracts and new contracts commenced in the first half of 1998.
Similarly there was strong growth in the Benelux from existing contracts, as
well as several new contracts.  In North America the existing inbound logistics
contracts with Ford continues to expand and new contracts were commenced, for
example with Toyota.

Earnings from operations
Earnings from operations increased by 20.0% to NLG 72 million.  The return on
sales of 6.5% was maintained during this period of strong growth.


Operating Income
Total operating income increased NLG 55 million to NLG 685 million in the first
half of 1998.  Mail, Express and Logistics each contributed to the growth.
There was a negative impact from higher non-recurring costs and the slightly
higher amortisation of goodwill.

Capital expenditures
The capital expenditure in property, plant and equipment for the first half
year 1998 included expenditures in the business area Mail (NLG 105m), in Express
(NLG 300m) and Logistics (NLG 27m).  Capital expenditures in the Mail segment
primarily relate to Briefpost 2000.  The Express segment includes capital
expenditures in the European Express Hub in Liege, depots in Germany, airport
facilities in Hong Kong and the major road hub in the United Kingdom.  Capital
expenditures in Logistics are related to plant and equipment, in connection with
new contracts.

In the first half 1998 staff decreased from 86,939 FTE's by 1,499 to 85,440
FTE's.  These figures include the FTE's of proportional consolidated
subsidiaries, which decreased from 8,582 FTE's by 462 to 8,120 FTE's.

The cash received from KPN at the demerger was used to pay off an amount NLG 2.1
billion of debt which consisted of the Revolving Credit Facility (NLG 1.7b), and
a high-interest Swiss bond loan (NLG 0.4b).

Based on the outcome of the first six months and assuming present exchange
rates, the Board of Management reconfirms its expectations that the overall
increase in sales for the full year 1998 will be in line with the 1997

Assuming present exchange rates, the Board of Management further expects for
the remainder of the year that net income will develop in line with the first
six months of 1998.

The company expects capital expenditures to be well above the 1997 level.  The
number of FTE's in the Group is expected to remain stable.


Certain information contained in this press release, particularly in the
"Prospects" section is forward-looking. By their nature. forward-looking
statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend
on circumstances that will occur in the future.  In addition to the assumptions
specifically mentioned in the above paragraphs, there are a number of other
factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially
from those expressed or implied by these forwardlooking statements.  These
factors include, but are not limited to, the actual effects of recent and future
regulator changes and technological developments, globalisation, levels of
spending in major economies, the economic climate in Asia, levels of marketing
and promotional expenditure, actions of competitors and joint venture partners.
employee costs, future exchange and interest rates, changes in tax rates,
unexpected costs of integrating recently acquired businesses and future business
combination or dispositions.

Figures 1st half year results TNT Post Group

Income Statement Overview TNT Post Group (NLG m)

                                                       1st hyr     1st hyr 
Description                                             1998        1997

Net sales                                               7,771       7,183 
Other operating revenues                                  179         175 
Total operating revenues                                7,950       7,358

Salaries and social security contributions              2,974       2,918 
Depreciation, amortisation and impairments                221         216
Operating expenses                                      4,070       3,594 
Total operating expenses                                7,265       6,728

Operating Income                                          685         630

Financial income and expenses                             (48)        (54)
Income before income taxes                                637         576

Income taxes                                             (269)       (269 ) 
Results from investments in affiliated companies            0           2 
Net income before minority Interests                      368         309 
Minority interests                                         (3)          1 
Net Income                                                365         310 
Basic net income per Ordinary Share and per ADS 1)       0.77        0.65

1) Based on the number of 475,173,350 Ordinary Shares

Mail operating revenues (NLG m)
                                                       1st hyr     1st hyr 
                                                        1998        1997

Dutch Domestic Mail                                     1,721       1,638
Dutch Direct Mail                                         968         832
International Mail                                        787         757
Post offices and other                                    289         302
                                                        -----       -----
Total Mail                                              3,765       3,529

Express operating revenues (NLG m)    
                                                       1st hyr     1st hyr 
                                                        1998        1997

Express Europe                                          2,551       2,328
Express International                                     648         682
                                                        -----       -----
Total Express                                           3,199       3,010

Logistics operating revenues (NLG m)
                                                       1st hyr     1st hyr 
                                                        1998        1997

Total Logistics                                         1,110         918

Operating Revenues (NLG m)                   
                                                1st hyr    1st hyr    Variance
                                                 1998       1997         % 

Operating revenues segments 
Mail                                             3,765      3,529       6.7 
Express                                          3,199      3,010       6.3  
Logistics                                        1,110        918      20.9
Intercompany                                      (124)       (99) 
Total operating revenues                         7,950      7,358       8.0

Total operating expenses                         7,265      6,728       8.0

Total operating income                             685        630       8.7

Operating income (NLG m)
                                                1st hyr    1st hyr    Variance
                                                 1998       1997         % 

Mail                                               806        747       7.9 
Express                                            142        126      12.7 
Logistics                                           72         60      20.0
Total earnings from operations                   1,020        933       9.3 
Amortisation of goodwill                            62         52      19.2
Non-recurring costs                                273        251       8.8 
Total operating income                             685        630       8.7

Balance sheet after appropriation of net income

Balance sheet (NLG m)
                            June 30, 1998   January 1, 1998   December 31, 1997
                           incl. Demerger    incl. Demerger
                                  effects           effects

Fixed Assets
Intangible assets                3,179               3,242             3,242
Property, plant and evident      3,015               2,847             2,847
Financial fixed assets           1,125               1,081               842

Current assets                   3,895               5,122             3.942

Total Assets                    11,214              12,292            10,873

Group equity
Shareholders' equity             3,858               3,617             2,369
Minority interests                  16                  13                14

Provisions                       3,187               3,064             3,064

Long term liabilities              445                 490               331

Current liabilities              3,708               5,108             5,096

Total Liabtlities and 
Group Equity                    11,214              12,292            10,873

Cash Flow Statement

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (NLG m)        
Description                                    June 30, 1998     June 30, 1997
Net cash provided by operating activities           777                 261
Net cash used in investing activities              (622)               (151)
Net cash provided by financing activities            33                  18
Changes in cash and cash equivalents                188                 129

Net income
                                                1st hyr 1998       1st hyr 1997

Net income under Dutch GAAP                      365                   310
Adjustments for:                 
Employment schemes and group 
reorganisation                                    42                   142
Pension costs                                    -82                   -97
Other                                             12                   -20
Net Income under US GAAP                         337                   335
Basic net income per Ordinary Share and per ADS 0.71                  0.71
Under US GAAP*)

*) Based on the number of 475,173,350 Ordinary Shares



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