RNS Number : 5300H
  Osprey Smaller Cos Income Fund Ltd
  06 November 2008


 * Net assets at 31 August 2008 of �19.2million (2007: �26.3 million), down
 27.18% in the year;
 * Net assets equal to 141.57pence (2007: 194.42 pence) per share, up 46.16%
 since launch (Capital Return) and 85.6% since launch (Total Return);
 * Outperformance of the FTSE Small Cap Index, the Company's closest benchmark
 * Profits of �7.3 million realised in the year from the sale of investments;
 * Dividends paid in line with Prospectus expectations and previous years;
 * Appointment of Rhys Davies as non-executive Director of the Company 
 following the retirement of Roger Alcock;  and
 * Appointment of Midas Investment Management Limited as Investment Adviser;

 Post year-end
 * Board exercise control over the discount of the share price to NAV by
 purchasing 2,707,388 Ordinary Shares for cancellation;  and
 * Voluntary partial repayment of �3.0 million of the Bank of Scotland plc
 Loan Facility.

 For further information please

                                 Midas Investment
 Elysium Fund Management         Management Limited
 Limited                         2nd Floor, Arthur
 PO Box 650                      House
 No. 1 Le Truchot                Chorlton Street
 St Peter Port                   Manchester
 Guernsey                        M1 3FH
 GY1 3JX

 Tel: 01481 810 100              info@midasim.co.uk
 Fax: 01481 810 120              Tel:  0161 228 1709
                                 Fax: 0161 228 2510


 I am pleased to present the results of the Company for the year ended 31
 August 2008.

 Change of Investment Adviser and Tender Offer 
 Following the acquisition of a 29.9% shareholding in the Company by
 Manchester & Metropolitan Investment Management Limited ("M&M"), the Board
 was approached by Midas Investment Management Limited ("Midas"), a company
 related to M&M, with a proposal for them to be appointed as Investment
 Adviser to the Company. The Board considered Midas' proposal, together with
 one submitted by Unicorn Asset Management Limited ("Unicorn") and then
 through its advisers consulted widely with the Company's shareholders. On 19
 June 2008 Midas was appointed as Investment Adviser in replacement to

 Elysium Fund Management Limited ("Elysium") agreed to the termination of its
 management agreement with the Company and on 19 June 2008 entered into an
 administration agreement under which it will continue to provide
 administration and secretarial services to the Company.

 The Board recognised that some shareholders wanted to realise their
 investment in the Company. Accordingly, the Company announced a tender offer
 for up to 20% of its Ordinary Shares.  At an Extraordinary General Meeting of
 the Company held on 16 October 2008, a resolution authorising the Company to
 repurchase 20% of the Ordinary Shares for cancellation was approved.  On 21
 October 2008 the Company announced that it would buy back 2,707,388 Ordinary
 Shares for �2,563,960. Following the purchase, the Company cancelled these
 shares together with the 500,000 Ordinary Shares already held as Treasury
 Shares. Following the share cancellation, the issued share capital of the
 Company comprised 10,829,612 Ordinary Shares.

 This year has been very difficult for global equity markets as a whole, and
 this is reflected in the performance of the Company. Although the net asset
 value per Ordinary Share of the Company fell by 27.18%[1] during the year
 ended 31 August 2008 to 141.57p, it outperformed the FTSE Small Cap Index
 (excluding investment trusts) Index ("FTSE Small Cap Index"), which fell by
 32.47%.  The Company had a negative total return for the year of 23.84%,
 compared to a 32.39% fall in the FTSE Small Cap Total Return Index.

 Since the change of Investment Adviser on 19 June 2008, Midas has
 concentrated on repositioning the portfolio into more liquid stock to ensure
 that the Company is better equipped to deal with and react effectively to the
 uncertain market in the times ahead. A number of investments have also been
 sold in order to be able to satisfy the cash requirements of the tender

 The Company continued to pay dividends in line with the original estimates,
 as contained in the Prospectus. Two interim dividends were paid in respect of
 the year ended 31 August 2008, the first interim dividend of 2.50p (2007:
 2.50p) was declared on 19 March 2008 and paid on 9 April 2008 and the second
 interim dividend of 4.00p (2007: 4.00p) was declared on 7 August 2008 and
 paid on 29 August 2008. At 31 August 2008, the distributable reserves of the
 Company stood at �3,489,559 (2007: �3,270,030).

 R Prosser
 5 November 2008

 [1] Investments valued at bid prices.

                          INVESTMENT ADVISER'S REPORT

 Our objectives upon our appointment as Investment Adviser on 19 June 2008
 were to reposition the portfolio as follows:
 * Reduce the gearing in the portfolio during the current market environment
 of uncertainty.   The gearing has now been reduced from a position of net
 gearing as a percentage of the portfolio of 32.7%, as at 19 June 2008, to a
 net cash position at 31 August 2008 of 33.8%.* Spread the sector weightings
 in the portfolio so that the Company is not so overweight in its three
 largest sectors.  Upon appointment our three largest sectors (excluding
 cash), being industrial engineering, electronic and electrical equipment, and
 construction & materials, had an aggregate overweighting against the FTSE All
 Share weightings of 60.9%.  Currently, our three largest overweight sectors
 (excluding cash) are electronic and electrical equipment, industrial
 engineering, and support services with an aggregate overweighting of 21.5%.*
 Increase the liquidity of the underlying holdings within the portfolio.  The
 weighted average market capitalisation of stocks in the portfolio has
 increased from our appointment from �546 million to �1,180 million.  Please
 note that this has occurred whilst the FTSE Small Cap Index has fallen by
 4.3%.Market conditions remain extremely testing.  Every glimmer of hope leads
 to market rallies amid press proclamations of a market turn but all are soon
 extinguished by a raft of further worrying news.  In this environment, we
 have sought to reduce the Company's exposure to holdings that have a high
 level of gearing and/or are cyclically sensitive.  This has led to the sale
 of a number of stocks such as Pendragon Plc and RPC Group Plc.  
 We estimate that approximately 20% by value of the portfolio was, and
 remains, extremely illiquid.  As it was our primary intention upon
 appointment to reduce the gearing of the portfolio in a falling market and we
 required further cash resources for the recently announced tender offer, we
 have had to sell some of the more liquid stocks. We have also sold a number
 of stocks which are considered by the market to be financially sound
 companies with good long term prospects.  However these stocks were in
 sectors that were overweight in the portfolio and/or were trading at
 valuation multiples above the market average, examples being Spirax Sarco
 Engineering Plc, Rotork Plc and Renishaw Plc.
 We have reinvested a proportion of the proceeds in stocks which have the
 following characteristics:
 *  They have a market capitalisation greater than �250 million which should
 provide some liquidity;*  In aggregate, they provide a reasonable dividend
 yield which should allow the Company to continue to pay a
  reasonable dividend yield;  and*  Valuations multiples which are equal to or
 at discounts to the market.The key acquisitions we have made which the
 Company currently holds have been WSP Group Plc (acquired post year end),
 iShares Plc - iShares FTSE 100, Aberdeen Asset Management Plc and BT Group
 BT Group Plc and iShares Plc - iShares FTSE 100 are not typical companies
 that we would (under normal circumstances) look to buy but they have the
 characteristics of market average to high yields and high liquidity which are
 attractive in the current market environment.  
 Over the next six month period, our intention is to continue to sell the
 illiquid holdings and reinvest in stocks with market capitalisations which
 offer some liquidity, offer good long term growth prospects, trade on
 attractive valuation multiples and have some predictability or sustainability
 of earnings.

 M Sheppard
 Midas Investment Management Limited
 5 November 2008

    The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory financial statements for the year
ended 31 August 2008

                               INCOME STATEMENT
                      for the year ended  31 August 2008
                                 Year ended 31 August  Year ended 31 August
                                                 2008                  2007
                                                �'000                 �'000
 Investment gains and losses
 Realised gain from sale of                     7,305                 3,481
 investments at fair value
 through profit or loss
 Movement in unrealised gain on
 revaluation of investments at               (13,562)                 1,167
 fair value through profit or
                                            ---------             ---------
 Total investment gains and                   (6,257)                 4,648

 Dividends                                      1,115                 1,628
 Bank interest                                    261                    77
                                            ---------             ---------
 Total income                                   1,376                 1,705

 Management fee                                 (308)                 (383)
 Administration fee                              (95)                  (84)
 Performance fee                                    -                 (726)
 Custodian fee                                   (29)                  (21)
 Audit fee                                       (13)                  (13)
 Directors' fees                                 (49)                  (50)
 Interest payable and similar                   (749)                 (684)
 Other expenses                                 (150)                 (131)
                                            ---------             ---------
 Total expenses                               (1,393)               (2,092)

                                            ---------             ---------
 Net (loss)/profit for the year               (6,274)                 4,261
                                            ---------             ---------

 (Loss)/earnings per Ordinary                (46.34)p                30.89p
 Share - basic and diluted

 All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations.

                                            STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY

 For the year ended 31 August 2008
                                 Share capital  Share premium         Distributable     non-distributable
                                                                           reserves              reserves
                                         �'000          �'000                 �'000                 �'000      �'000
 Balance at 1 September 2007             1,404          8,995                 3,270                12,649     26,318
 Net profit/(loss) for the year              -              -                 1,099               (7,373)    (6,274)
 Dividends                                   -              -                 (879)                     -      (879)
                                     ---------      ---------             ---------             ---------  ---------
 Balance at 31 August 2008               1,404          8,995                 3,490                 5,276     19,165
                                     ---------      ---------             ---------             ---------  ---------

 For the year ended  31 August 2007
                              Share capital  Share premium         Distributable     non-distributable
                                                                        reserves              reserves
                                      �'000          �'000                 �'000                 �'000      �'000
 Balance at 1 September 2006          1,404          8,995                 4,483                 9,832     24,714
 Net profit for the year                  -              -                 1,444                 2,817      4,261
 Dividends                                -              -               (1,750)                     -    (1,750)
 Purchase of own shares                   -              -                 (907)                     -      (907)
                                  ---------      ---------             ---------             ---------  ---------
 Balance at 31 August 2007            1,404          8,995                 3,270                12,649     26,318
                                  ---------      ---------             ---------             ---------  ---------

                                 BALANCE SHEET
                             as at 31 August 2008
                                                31 August 2008  31 August 2007
                                                         �'000           �'000
 Non-current assets                           
 Investments at fair value through profit or            12,959          36,890
 Current assets                               
 Receivables and prepayments                               151              99
 Cash and cash equivalents                              16,969             783
                                                     ---------       ---------
                                                        17,120             882
                                                     ---------       ---------
 Total assets                                           30,079          37,772
                                                     ---------       ---------
 Current liabilities                          
 Payables and accruals                                   (428)           (966)
 Non-current liabilities                      
 Bank loan                                            (10,486)        (10,488)
                                                     ---------       ---------
 Total liabilities                                    (10,914)        (11,454)
                                                     ---------       ---------
 Net assets                                             19,165          26,318
                                                     ---------       ---------
 Capital and reserves                         
 Called-up share capital                                 1,404           1,404
 Share premium                                           8,995           8,995
 Distributable reserves                                  3,490           3,270
 Other non-distributable reserves                        5,276          12,649
                                                     ---------       ---------
 Total equity shareholders' funds                       19,165          26,318
                                                     ---------       ---------
 Net asset value per Ordinary Share                    141.57p         194.42p

                              STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW
                         for the year ended 31 August 2008
                                 Year ended 31 August  Year ended 31 August 2007
                                                �'000                      �'000
 Operating activities
 Dividends received                             1,190                      1,624
 Bank interest received                           246                         77
 Management fee paid                            (474)                      (374)
 Administration fee paid                         (84)                       (84)
 Performance fee paid                           (726)                      (713)
 Loan interest paid                             (740)                      (660)
 Other expenses paid                            (218)                      (226)
                                            ---------                  ---------
 Net cash outflow from                          (806)                      (356)
 operating activities

 Investing activities
 Purchase of investments at                   (3,413)                    (3,821)
 fair value through profit or
 Sale of investments at fair                   21,294                      5,197
 value through profit or loss
                                            ---------                  ---------
 Net cash inflow from investing                17,881                      1,376

 Financing activities
 Dividends paid on Ordinary                     (879)                    (1,224)
 Bank loan arrangement fee                       (10)                          -
 Purchase of own shares for                         -                      (907)
                                            ---------                  ---------
 Net cash outflow from                          (889)                    (2,131)
 financing activities

                                            ---------                  ---------
 Increase/(decrease) in cash                   16,186                    (1,111)
 and cash equivalents
                                            ---------                  ---------

 Cash and cash equivalents at                     783                      1,894
 beginning of year
 Increase/(decrease) in cash                   16,186                    (1,111)
 and cash equivalents
                                            ---------                  ---------
 Cash and cash equivalents at                  16,969                        783
 year end
                                            ---------                  ---------

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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