RNS Number:5736N
Medisys PLC
10 July 2000

                       MEDISYS PLC
               ("Medisys" or "the Group")

  Unaudited Interim Results for the six months ended
                     31 March 2000


*  First  half  trading  in line with expectations; sales
   from continuing operations up by  12% to  #4.0 million
   (1999: #3.6 million)

*  Operating  loss, before amortisation of acquired
   technologies, of #1.0 million compared to #1.5 million
   (from continuing operations) in the previous year

*  Previously announced #0.7 million exceptional charge
   for aborted acquisition costs

*  Placing and Open Offer raising approximately  #45
   million gross completed successfully in April 2000

*  Move from AIM to the Official List of the UK Listing
   Authority effective 16 June 2000


*  FDA approval to market 3ml model of Futura safety
   syringe received on 5 July 2000

*  Continued focus on achieving manufacturing scale-up
   for the Futura safety syringe in advance of US market
   launch in late 2000

*  Lark safety scalpel launched in the US

*  Joe Costa, former Head of Marketing and Sales -
   Safety Products at Becton Dickinson, recruited as Head of
   Sales and Marketing for Futura safety products business


*  Continued progress on development of biosensor-based
   diabetes monitoring products - 510(K) filing for DART by
   the end of current calendar year

*  Joint venture established with Drew Scientific for
   the  development  of products based  on  Hypoguard's
   Alzheimer's disease marker

*  David Conn, former Vice President - Consumer  and
   Trade Sales for Lifescan, Johnson & Johnson's diabetes
   monitoring business, appointed President and CEO  of

*  US  sales  and  marketing  infrastructure  being

David  Wong,  Chief Executive Officer, commented:  "First
half  progress  has been in line with expectations.   The
current  financial  year  will be  characterised  by  the
development  work  on  the Futura syringe  and  the  DART
glucose   monitoring  product  prior  to   their   market
launches.   I am confident that the Group should  benefit
from  the introduction of these exciting new products  in
2001 and beyond."


Medisys PLC                                      020 7663 5602
Michael Barry, Chief Financial Officer

Square Mile Communications                       0207 601 1000
Kevin Smith

                       MEDISYS PLC
               ("Medisys" or "the Group")

  Unaudited Interim Results for the six months ended 31
                       March 2000

Overall, Medisys made good progress during the first half
of  the current year.  Trading results were in line  with
expectations  and  the  Group's new  product  development
programmes continue to progress to schedule.

Financial Review

Turnover  from  continuing operations in the  six  months
ended  31  March 2000 was #4.0 million compared  to  #3.6
million  (when  adjusted for discontinued operations)  in
the  previous year.  Discontinued operations in the prior
year  relate to the sutures business, which was  sold  in
July 1999.  The operating loss from continuing businesses
for  the period was #1.5 million compared to an operating
loss  of  #1.5 million in the prior year.  The  operating
loss for the period includes a charge of #0.5 million for
amortisation   of   technologies   acquired   from   Elan
Corporation PLC as part of the diabetes monitoring  joint
venture  arrangements agreed in June 1999.  There  is  no
corresponding charge in the profit and loss  account  for
the six months to 31 March 1999.

Research  and  development expensed in the half-year  was
#0.4  million  (1999: #0.2 million).  In  addition,  #1.3
million  of  product  development  expenditure,  relating
principally  to  the  development of  the  Futura  safety
syringe  and the biosensor based blood glucose monitoring
products, was capitalised during the period.

Administration  expenses were #2.7  million  in  the  six
months ended 31 March 2000 compared to #2.8 million (#2.7
million when adjusted for discontinued operations) in the
previous year.

As  previously announced, the Group incurred  exceptional
expenses   of   #0.7  million  related  to   an   aborted
acquisition transaction in the six months ended 31  March
2000.   These  expenses  consisted  primarily  of  legal,
accounting and related advisory costs.

The loss before tax in the six months ended 31 March 2000
was   #2.4  million  compared  to  #2.1  million  in  the
corresponding  six  months in the previous  year.   Basic
loss per share was 0.90p (1999: 1.15p).

Net  cash  increased by #1.1 million during  the  period.
Subsequent  to  the period end the Group  received  #43.4
million   net  from  the  Placing  and  Open   Offer   of
approximately 37.6 million New Ordinary Shares which  was
completed on 3 April 2000. During the six months ended 31
March  2000,  approximately #4.6 million  of  convertible
bonds due 2002 were converted into Ordinary Shares.  Cash
of  approximately #4.3 million was received  pursuant  to
the exercise of warrants.


Futura   Medical,  the  Group's  medical  safety  product
business, made sound progress in the six months ended  31
March 2000.

Development  of  the 3ml model of its  innovative  Futura
safety   syringe  was  completed  and  510(K)   marketing
approval   was   received  from   the   Food   and   Drug
Administration on 5 July 2000.  Development  of  the  5ml
and   10ml  versions  is  also  at  an  advanced   stage.
Development  of  the 1ml model is at a  slightly  earlier
stage  since  there is a need to amend the basic  syringe
design  to achieve the smaller size required for  such  a
device.   It  is anticipated that the product design  for
the 1ml version will be finalised by the end of 2000.

Futura intends to use its existing sales and distribution
capabilities to market the Futura syringe.  In  addition,
the  Board is also engaged in continuing discussions with
potential marketing partners in the US and certain  other
key  markets  for  distribution of  the  Futura  syringe.
Entering   into   such   strategic   partnerships   would
facilitate wider distribution of the product.

Subsequent  to the half-year end Joe Costa was  appointed
to the position of Vice President - Strategic Operations.
He  was previously Vice President - Safety Products, with
Becton   Dickinson,  the  world's  largest  supplier   of
disposable  syringes.   The  Board  believes   that   his
extensive experience of medical safety products  will  be
of  great  benefit  to the Group as it prepares  for  the
market launch of the Futura syringe.

In  the  course of optimising the design of the  syringe,
much  attention has been focussed on developing a product
which  can  be manufactured in high volume at  low  cost.
The  Directors believe that the final product design will
achieve  this  objective  as  the  manufacturing  process
consists  primarily  of  plastic moulding,  with  minimal
mechanical  assembly.  Following receipt of the  proceeds
of  the  Placing and Open Offer, the Board commenced  the
manufacturing  scale-up plan with  external  sub-contract
manufacturers.   Equipment,  including  high   cavitation
production moulds, is currently being ordered with a view
to  achieving  pilot production runs  at  the  first  two
manufacturing  plants by the end of the current  calendar

The  Board  continues to seek out opportunities  for  the
acquisition  of additional safety products which  address
the   needlestick   injury  problem  and,   which   would
complement  the Futura safety syringe.  Several  products
are being evaluated and negotiations are progressing.

Sales  of Futura Medical's existing products in the half-
year  ended 31 March 2000 (when adjusted for discontinued
business) were broadly level with the prior year period.

Following  the disposal of the sutures business  and  the
out-licensing  of  the  bone-wax  business  during  1999,
Futura  Medical  has  been reorganised  operationally  to
focus  on its core medical safety product portfolio which
includes sharps bins, lancets, infection control kits and
the  NicSafe needle incinerator.  The sales and marketing
team  was strengthened significantly during the half-year
ended  31 March 2000 through the addition of several  key
sales and marketing professionals with extensive industry
experience.  The Directors believe that Futura Medical is
now  well positioned to generate increased sales from its
existing product portfolio.  In addition, management  are
pursuing  a number of opportunities to acquire rights  to
other complementary medical products, which could be sold
through the existing infrastructure.

The  Lark  Safety Scalpel was launched in the  US  market
early  in  2000.  Early feedback on the product has  been
very positive and there have been a significant number of
initial  sales  enquiries.  Certain  key  hospitals  have
indicated a willingness to convert to the Lark, following
clinical evaluation and the Board is confident that  this
initial  interest will convert into healthy  sales.   The
Lark  product  is now being manufactured  at  the  Futura
facility  in  Cochin, India, which has recently  received
ISO  9000 accreditation, following a programme to upgrade
its  quality systems.  The facility is not fully utilised
at  present and the Directors are examining opportunities
to   manufacture  additional  products  at  the  site  to
capitalise  on  its  low cost, high  quality  capability.
Futura  is  also  in  the process of  obtaining  CE  mark
classification for Lark and for its range of  lancets  to
enable  the  development of a European market  for  these


Sales  at  Hypoguard increased from #1.8 million  in  the
half-year ended 31 March 1999 to #2.7 million in the half-
year ended 31 March 2000.

Sales  of  Hypoguard's traditional product - the  Supreme
Strip  -  declined  during the half-year  reflecting  the
maturing   market  for  products  based  on   traditional
reflectance  technology.  The Directors  anticipate  that
sales  growth at Hypoguard will come primarily  from  its
development  pipeline of biosensor based  products  which
will offer new levels of functionality and convenience to
the  diabetic.  As they will not be subject  to  existing
licensing   agreements  the  new   products   will   also
facilitate  Hypoguard's re-entry into the US market,  the
world's  largest.   Near-term growth in  sales  of  blood
glucose  monitoring  products will  come  from  the  DART
biosensor based product, launch of which is planned early
in 2001.

In March 2000 Hypoguard entered into a joint venture with
Drew  Scientific  Group  PLC.  Under  the  terms  of  the
agreement   Hypoguard  provided  a  world-wide  exclusive
license   to   certain  technologies   relating   to   an
Alzheimer's    detection   test   to   Drew    Scientific
Developments Limited in return for a license fee of  #1.3
million.   The  joint  venture  agreement  should  ensure
faster  completion of development work on this innovative
technology and will allow Hypoguard to concentrate on its
diabetes monitoring interests.

Hypoguard   continued  development  of  its   family   of
biosensor based blood glucose monitoring products  during
the  period under review.  Significant progress is  being
made  in the development of marketable products combining
low cost and leading edge functionality.  The DART single
use  biosensor-based strip and the accompanying meter are
at an advanced stage of development and the product is on
schedule  for  FDA  510(K) filing  by  the  end  of  this
calendar year.  Initial feedback from potential marketing
partners for the product has been extremely encouraging.

  A  prime objective of the Placing and Open Offer was to
provide the funds necessary to finance the development of
a US sales and marketing infrastructure to facilitate the
introduction  of DART in that market.  As  part  of  this
process  David Conn has recently been appointed President
and  CEO  of Hypoguard.  He was previously Vice President
of  Consumer  and  Trade  Sales at  Lifescan,  Johnson  &
Johnson's   diabetes  monitoring  business.   The   Board
believes   that   his  extensive  sales   and   marketing
experience in the blood glucose monitoring industry  will
facilitate a successful introduction of the DART  product
into the key US market.

Product  development  within the Elan  joint  venture  is
progressing  well.  Prototypes of the Flight multiple-use
disposable blood glucose monitoring system have been very
well  received  in focus group meetings  with  diabetics.
The   next   stage  of  the  development   process   will
concentrate  on  product  optimisation,  with  particular
reference to manufacturing cost, production scale-up  and
component supply considerations.  Interest from potential
strategic  partners has already been  considerable.   The
Marathon  minimally  invasive  blood  glucose  monitoring
system,   while  at  an  earlier  stage  of  development,
continues  to show significant potential.  The  Board  is
optimistic  that continuing investment in  this  exciting
technology  will in due course give rise to an innovative
and successful product.

Admission to the Official List

Medisys  was  admitted to the Official  List  of  the  UK
Listing Authority on 16 June 2000.


Trading in the first three months of the second half  has
remained broadly in line with expectations.

Following  receipt  of FDA approval for  the  Futura  3ml
safety  syringe,  Futura plans a rapid implementation  of
its  manufacturing and marketing strategies with the  aim
of  achieving  a US market launch for the  Futura  safety
syringe in late 2000.

At  Hypoguard,  the build-up of a US sales infrastructure
has  begun under the leadership of David Conn and  it  is
anticipated  that  this process will be  at  an  advanced
stage  by  the first quarter of 2001.  The Board believes
Hypoguard now has in place a strong management team  with
the  capability  to deliver a successful  US  launch  for

The  Group  is  on  target to achieve its  key  strategic
objectives  and  the Board expects to be able  to  report
further progress for the year as a whole.

Medisys PLC                                      020 7663 5602
Michael Barry, Chief Financial Officer

Square Mile Communications                       020 7601 1000
Kevin Smith

                       MEDISYS PLC
     Unaudited consolidated profit and loss account
           for the six months to 31 March 2000

                                    Six months     Six months
                                         ended          ended
                                      31 March       31 March
                                          2000           1999
                                         #'000          #'000
- continuing operations                  4,016          3,600
- discontinued operations                    -            647
                                         4,016          4,247
Cost of sales                                                
- continuing operations                 (1,842)        (2,067)
- discontinued operations                    -           (928)
                                        (1,842)        (2,995)
Gross profit                             2,174          1,252

Research and development                  
  expenditure in the period               (353)          (161)
Amortisation of acquired                  
  technologies                            (543)             -
Amortisation of capitalised                                  
  research and development costs           (15)           (72)
Distribution costs                         (88)           (47)
Administrative expenses                 (2,693)        (2,828)
Operating loss                         (1,518)        (1,856)

- continuing operations                (1,518)        (1,462)
- discontinued operations                   -           (394)
                                       (1,518)        (1,856)
Exceptional item                                             

Aborted transaction costs                (740)             -
Loss on ordinary activities            
  before interest                      (2,258)        (1,856)
Interest receivable                        60             26
Interest payable and similar             
  charges                                (176)          (234)
Loss on ordinary activities            
  before taxation                      (2,374)        (2,064)
Taxation on ordinary activities              -              -
Loss on ordinary activities                                  
  after taxation for the period          
  attributable to shareholders          (2,374)        (2,064)
Loss per ordinary share - basic          (0.90)p        (1.15)p

Loss per ordinary share - diluted        (0.90)p        (1.15)p

                       MEDISYS PLC
  Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
           for the six months to 31 March 2000

                                    Six months     Six months
                                         ended          ended
                                      31 March       31 March
                                          2000           1999
                                         #'000          #'000

Loss for the financial period           (2,374)        (2,064)

Unamortised issue costs on bonds                             
  converted during the period             (270)          (131)

Loss on foreign currency translation       (60)           (11)
                                        (2,704)        (2,206)

                       MEDISYS PLC
          Unaudited consolidated balance sheet
                    at 31 March 2000

                                            At             At
                                      31 March   30 September
                                          2000           1999
                                         #'000          #'000
Fixed assets                                                 
Intangible assets                       12,251         11,478
Tangible assets                          2,149          2,205
Investments                              1,250              -
                                        15,650         13,683

Current assets                                               
Stocks                                   1,319          1,576
Debtors                                  3,501          3,573
Cash at bank and in hand                 2,947          3,357
                                         7,767          8,506
Creditors: amounts falling due          
  within one year                       (3,125)        (4,100)

Net current assets                       4,642          4,406

Total assets less current liabilities   20,292         18,089
Creditors: amounts falling due            
  after more than one year                (196)          (245)
Convertible bonds due 2002              (2,824)        (7,201)
                                        17,272         10,643
Capital and reserves                                         
Called up share capital                  2,810          2,254
Share premium account                   22,469         13,677
Capital redemption reserve fund             20             20
Other reserves                          22,361         22,854
Profit and loss account                (44,369)       (42,150)

Surplus/(deficit) on shareholders'          
  funds - equity                         3,291         (3,345)
Minority interest                       13,981         13,988
                                        17,272         10,643

                       MEDISYS PLC
       Unaudited consolidated cash flow statement
           for the six months to 31 March 2000

                                    Six months     Six months
                                         ended          ended
                                      31 March       31 March
                                          2000           1999
                                         #'000          #'000
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from           
  operating activities                   1,518         (6,069)

Returns on investments and servicing                                   
  of finance
Interest received                           60             26
Interest paid                             (176)          (119)

Net cash outflow from returns on          
  investments and servicing of 
  finance                                 (116)           (93)

Capital expenditure                                          
Purchase of intangible fixed assets     (1,316)          (111)
Purchase of tangible fixed assets         (143)          (145)
Net cash outflow for capital            
  expenditure                           (1,459)          (256)

Acquisitions and disposals                                   
Payment to acquire investment           
  undertaking                           (1,250)             -
Net cash outflow before use of          
  liquid resources and financing        (1,307)        (6,418)

Issue of ordinary share capital          
  including premium                      2,442            841
Repayment of secured loans                 (49)           (24)

Net cash inflow from financing           2,393            817
Increase/(decrease) in cash              1,086         (5,601)

1.  The  interim  financial  information  has  been  prepared
    on  the basis  of the  accounting policies set out in the
    1999  annual  report  and  accounts,  but  has  not  been
2.  The interim financial information does not constitute full 
    accounts  within  the  meaning  of  Section  240   of  the  
    Companies Act  1985.  The  accounts for  the year ended 30 
    September  1999  have  been  filed  with the  Registrar of  
    Companies  and  received  an  unqualified auditors' report.
3.  The basic loss per ordinary  share has been calculated  on 
    losses of #2,374,000 divided by 264,662,253, the  weighted 
    average number of ordinary shares in issue.
4.  The  movement  in  minority  interest  is  a result of the
    revaluation   of   the   investment   in   the  subsidiary
    undertaking located in Cochin, India.
5.  The interim report for the six months ended 31 March  2000 
    has  been  prepared by the Company and was approved by the 
    Directors on 7th July 2000.
6.  A  copy  of  this  announcement   will   be  sent  to  all
    shareholders.   Further copies are available to members of
    the  public  from the Company's registered office, Bruce &
    Partners, 23 Bridge Street, Ellon, Aberdeenshire AB41 9AA.

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