The writing of long-term                      are, however, exposed to factors 
  insurance business requires                   such as dramatic advances 
  the setting of assumptions                    in medical science beyond 
  for long-term trends in factors               those anticipated leading 
  such as mortality, lapse                      to unexpected changes in life 
  rates and persistency, valuation              expectancy. In protection 
  interest rates, expenses                      business we remain inherently 
  and credit defaults. Actual                   exposed to rates of mortality 
  experience may result in                      diverging from assumptions 
  the need to recalibrate these                 and to loss from events that 
  assumptions reducing profitability.           cause widespread mortality/morbidity 
  Forced changes in reserves                    or significant policy lapse 
  can also be required because                  rates. As illustrated by the 
  of regulatory or legislative                  implementation of the EU gender 
  intervention in the way that                  neutral pricing legislation, 
  products are priced, reducing                 there is also potential for 
  profitability and future                      legislative intervention in 
  earnings.                                     the pricing of insurance products 
                                                irrespective of risk factors, 
                                                such as age or health. 
  Investment market performance 
  or conditions in the broader                  We undertake significant analysis 
  economy may adversely impact                  of longevity and mortality 
  our earnings and profitability.               risks to ensure an appropriate 
  The performance and liquidity                 premium is charged for the 
  of investment markets, interest               risks we take on and that 
  rate movements and inflation                  our reserves remain appropriate. 
  impact the value of investments               We remain focused on developing 
  we hold in shareholders'                      a comprehensive understanding 
  funds and those to meet the                   of annuitant mortality and 
  obligations from insurance                    we continue to evolve and 
  business. Interest rate movement              develop our underwriting capabilities. 
  and inflation can also change                 We seek to ensure that legislators 
  the value of our obligations.                 understand the benefits to 
  We use a range of techniques                  consumers of pricing insurance 
  to manage mismatches between                  products based on the risk 
  assets and liabilities. However,              factors that each policy presents. 
  loss can still arise from 
  adverse markets. In addition, 
  significant falls in investment 
  values can reduce fee income 
  to our investment management 
  business, while broader economic 
  conditions can impact the 
  purchase and the retention 
  of retail financial services 
  products, impacting profitability. 
   In dealing with issuers of                    Whilst global investment markets 
   debt and other types of counterparty          have returned to pre-financial 
   the Group is exposed to the                   crisis levels, in the current 
   risk of financial loss.                       environment there is limited 
   A systematic default event                    resilience in financial markets 
   within the corporate sector,                  for shocks; with potential 
   or a major sovereign debt                     for significant falls in asset 
   event, could result in dislocation            values should markets reassess 
   of bond markets, significantly                returns. Factors that may 
   widening credit spreads,                      result in shocks include a 
   and may result in default                     deterioration in geo-political 
   of even strongly rated issuers                stability for example as a 
   of debt, exposing us to financial             consequence of tensions in 
   loss. `We are also exposed                    Eastern Europe and the Middle 
   to banking, money market                      East; an abrupt change in 
   and reinsurance counterparties,               the monetary policies of the 
   and settlement, custody and                   leading economies; or a further 
   other bespoke business services,              crisis in the Euro zone. Financial 
   a failure of which could                      markets may also reappraise 
   expose us to both financial                   asset valuations as a result 
   loss and operational disruption               of changes in the outlook 
   of our business processes.                    for the global economy including 
                                                 for example, a projected period 
                                                 of low or negative growth 
                                                 amongst leading economies 
                                                 or a period of prolonged deflation, 
                                                 and in response to outcomes 
                                                 from elections in the UK, 
                                                 Europe and the US. 
                                                 We model our business plans 
                                                 across a broad range of economic 
                                                 scenarios and take account 
                                                 of alternative economic outlooks 
                                                 within our overall business 
                                                 strategy. As part of our business 
                                                 plans we have sought to ensure 
                                                 focus upon those market segments 
                                                 that we expect to be resilient 
                                                 in projected conditions. 
 Changes in regulation or 
  legislation may have a detrimental             Recent years have seen a narrowing 
  effect on our strategy. Legislation            of credit spreads reflecting 
  and government fiscal policy                   market confidence in the issuers 
  influence our product design,                  of investment grade bonds, 
  the period of retention of                     and at Legal & General we 
  products and our required                      have continued to experience 
  reserves for future liabilities.               low levels of default on our 
  Regulation defines the overall                 corporate bond portfolio. 
  framework for the design,                      There remains, however, a 
  marketing and distribution                     range of factors that could 
  of our products; and the                       trigger defaults by the issuers 
  prudential capital that we                     of debt, leading to reduced 
  hold. Significant changes                      profitability or financial 
  in legislation or regulation                   loss. These include a Sovereign 
  may reduce our future revenues                 debt event or a banking crisis 
  and profitability or require                   developing, for example in 
  us to hold more capital.                       emerging markets. An economic 
  The prominence of the risk                     shock or significant change 
  increases where change is                      in the current economic outlook 
  implemented without prior                      may also increase potential 
  engagement with the sector.                    for a supplier of business 
  The nature of long term business               services being unable to meet 
  can also result in some changes                their obligations to us. 
  in regulation, and the re-interpretation 
  of regulation over time,                       We actively manage our exposure 
  having a retrospective effect                  to default risks, setting 
  on our in force books of                       counterparty selection criteria 
  business, impacting the value                  and exposure limits and hold 
  of embedded future profits.                    reserves against our assessment 
                                                 of counterparty debt defaults. 
                                                 We continue to diversify the 
                                                 asset classes backing our 
                                                 annuities business, to include 
                                                 the use of property lending, 
                                                 sale and leaseback and other 
                                                 forms of direct investment. 
                                               The regulatory landscape continues 
   As a UK based Group, our                     to evolve. The Solvency II 
   earnings are influenced by                   capital regime is to be implemented 
   the performance and perception               by the PRA on 1 January 2016; 
   of the UK financial services                 the FCA is continuing to develop 
   sector as a whole.                           its approach to consumer regulation; 
   The financial crisis, subsequent             and we continue to see new 
   investment performance and                   regulation emerging from the 
   low interest rate environment,               EU. More broadly, as illustrated 
   together with regulatory                     in the 2014 budget announcement, 
   actions in the sector, may                   the sectors in which we operate 
   impact consumer attitudes                    remain inherently exposed 
   to long-term savings and                     to sudden changes in legislation 

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Legal & General (LSE:LGEN)
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