("genedrive" or the
Genedrive® CYP2C19-ID Kit
clinical performance published
Superior performance to
laboratory test and alternative available point of care
genedrive plc (AIM: GDR), the point
of care pharmacogenetic testing company, announces that the
clinical performance of its CYP2C19-ID Kit has been published in
the Journal of Molecular Biology. The publication is available
Background to the Genedrive® CYP2C19 test
The Genedrive® CYP2C19 ID point of
care genetic test is UK Conformity Assessed ("UKCA") certified and
is recommended by The National Institute for Health and Care
Excellence ("NICE") as the Point of Care ("PoC") test of choice for
use in the NHS for CYP2C19 genotype guided prescribing of
Clopidogrel in Ischaemic stroke (IS) and Transient Ischaemic Attack
(TIA). It uses a single, non-invasive cheek swab sample, and
rapidly identifies several important genetic variants of the
CYP2C19 gene (Loss Of Function ("LOF")), which are instrumental in
an individual's response to the antiplatelet drug clopidogrel which
can be prescribed in Ischemic Stroke ("IS") and Transient Ischaemic
Attack ("TIA"). Some of these important LOF variants are more
prevalent in specific ethnic groups and are not included in targets
in any other point of care CYP2C19 genotyping platform. The
test reports CYP2C19 DNA variant information to the clinician and
allows for prompt consideration of an alternative treatment plan
for the circa 30% of individuals carrying CYP2C19 DNA variants
which result in them being less likely to respond to
Study Results
In the clinical study, CYP2C19 DNA
variants in patients presenting in the acute emergency care setting
were tested with the Genedrive® CYP2C19-ID test and results
compared with those obtained by reference laboratory platform
testing, with testing on a separate laboratory platform in
instances where there was disagreement in test results.
In summary, in a cohort of 202
patients, in addition to being substantially less expensive than
the laboratory platform, the Genedrive® CYP2C19 ID Kit outperformed
laboratory testing with respect to (1) speed to result, (2)
accuracy of LOF identification and (3) test fail rate.
Sensitivity and specificity of the CYP2C19 ID Kit was 100%, with
failure rate of 0.98% (three times lower than laboratory
testing). In addition, the laboratory test platform returned
incorrect results for eight samples (4%). Importantly, the
Genedrive® CYP2C19 ID Kit identified seven patients harbouring LOF
variants that would not have been detected using an
alternative POC CYP2C19 genotyping platform which focuses on two
specific LOF variants compared to five targeted by the Genedrive®
test, or laboratory genotyping methods which also focus on these
two LOF variants. Requirement for freezer storage of reagents
of this alternative platform is also an implementation barrier in
acute clinical settings that the Genedrive® technology circumvents.
This study confirms "that the
Genedrive® System is able to provide an accurate, rapid,
non-invasive alternative to standard laboratory testing and can be
used as a point of care test in the clinical
Gino Miele, CEO of genedrive plc, said:
"We are
delighted with the clinical performance of our CYP2C19 ID Kit
reported in this publication. With recommendation by NICE as
the PoC test of choice for CYP2C19 genotyping in IS/TIA in NHS
England, dominant health economic modelling by NICE, positive value
assessment by the Scottish Health Technology Group, together with
this study evidencing superior performance compared to laboratory
testing and by extrapolation our nearest competitor product, we are
well positioned to capitalise on the emerging clinical
pharmacogenetics area of point of care CYP2C19 genotyped-guided
clopidogrel treatment both domestically and internationally,
ultimately enabling better patient outcomes, improving equitable
access to healthcare and positively impacting healthcare financial
further details please contact:
genedrive plc
+44 (0)161
989 0245
Gino Miele: CEO / Russ Shaw:
Hunt LLP (Nominated Adviser and Broker)
+44 (0)20
7418 8900
James Steel / Patrick
Walbrook PR Ltd (Media & Investor
+44 (0)20
7933 8780 or
Anna Dunphy
(0)7876 741 001
About genedrive plc (
genedrive plc is a pharmacogenetic
testing company developing and commercialising a low cost, rapid,
versatile and simple to use point of need pharmacogenetic platform
for the diagnosis of genetic variants. This helps clinicians to
quickly access key genetic information that will aid them make the
right choices over the right medicine or dosage to use for an
effective treatment, particularly important in time-critical
emergency care healthcare paradigms. Based in the UK, the Company
is at the forefront of Point of Care pharmacogenetic testing in
emergency healthcare. Pharmacogenetics informs on how your
individual genetics impact a medicines ability to work for you.
Therefore, by using pharmacogenetics, medicine choices can be
personalised, made safer and more effective. The Company has
launched its two flagship products, the Genedrive® MT-RNR1 ID Kit
and the Genedrive® CYP2C19 ID Kit, both developed and validated in
collaboration with NHS partners and deployed on its point of care
thermocycler platform. Both tests are single-use disposable
cartridges which are ambient temperature stable, circumventing the
requirement for cold chain logistics. The Directors believe the
Genedrive® MT-RNR1 ID Kit is a worlds-first and allows clinicians
to make a decision on antibiotic use in neonatal intensive care
units within 26 minutes, ensuring vital care is delivered, avoiding
adverse effects potentially otherwise encountered and with no
negative impact on the patient care pathway. Its CYP2C19 ID Kit
which has no comparably positioned competitor currently allows
clinicians to make a decision on the use of Clopidogrel in stroke
patients in 70 minutes, ensuring that patients who are unlikely to
benefit from or suffer adverse effects from Clopidogrel receive an
alternative antiplatelet therapeutic in a timely manner, ultimately
improving outcomes. Both tests have undergone review by the
National Institute for Health and Care Clinical Excellence ("NICE")
and have been recommended for use in the UK NHS. The Company
has a clear commercial strategy focused on accelerating growth
through maximising in-market sales, geographic and portfolio
expansion and strategic M&A, and operates out of its facilities
in Manchester.
The Company has a clear commercial
strategy focused on accelerating growth through maximising
in-market sales, geographic and portfolio expansion and strategic
M&A, and operates out of its facilities in
About Stroke
According to the World Stroke
Organization, there are over 77 million people globally who
currently have experienced ischaemic stroke and it is estimated by
the Stroke Association that there are 100,000 people who have
strokes in the UK each year1, with these figures
estimated to increase by 60% to 20352. Globally,
one in four people over the age of 25 will have a stroke in their
lifetime, and there are 1.3 million stroke survivors in the
UK3, with current costs of care of approximately £26
billion2. Societal costs are expected to increase
250% over the period to 2035 unless measures to prevent strokes and
reduce the disabling effects of strokes are successfully developed
and implemented2.
Clopidogrel is an antiplatelet drug
used in clinical management of stroke. It is metabolised into
its active form by an enzyme encoded by the CYP2C19 gene which in
some people has DNA variations that reduce the enzyme's function
which means that clopidogrel does not work as well in these people
(Loss of function). Suboptimal
response to clopidogrel is common, affecting up to 30% of patients
in the general population, which increases to approximately 50%-60%
in certain ethnic groups.
For dual antiplatelet therapy
including clopidogrel, the UK National Clinical Guidelines for
Stroke states that his should be considered in patients presenting
within 24 hours of TIA and minor stroke4.