Chrysalis VCT plc 
Half-Yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 30 April 2010 
Recent performance summary 
                                    30 April 2010 31 Oct 2009 30 April 2009 
                                            pence       pence         pence 
Net asset value per share                   82.80       82.90         83.20 
Cumulative dividends paid per share         26.95       24.95         22.95 
Total return*                              109.75      107.85        106.15 
                                                              * (Net asset value 
per share plus cumulative dividends) 
The Company's performance continues to be stable and positive, with the 
portfolio performing well, both in terms of income and value generation. 
At  the Annual General Meeting in April 2010, I was pleased to announce that the 
VCT's  performance is  such that  your Board  has decided  on a  new medium-term 
dividend  policy in  order to  give shareholders  confidence to remain long-term 
holders.   Providing   that  there  are  no  exceptional  reverses  in  economic 
circumstances,  the Company intends to pay  annual dividends totalling a minimum 
of  3.0p per share.  This  policy will be  maintained for at  least three years, 
with  dividends expected  to be  paid in  two tranches  each year.  Based on the 
current share price, this dividend represents a tax-free return of more than 5% 
per annum.  We are therefore proposing to pay 1.5p in July 2010, being the first 
tranche of this year's 3.0p dividend. 
Net Asset Value 
At  30 April  2010, the  Net  Asset  Value  per  Ordinary Share ("NAV") stood at 
82.8p, an  increase of  1.9p (2.2%) since  the previous  year end  of 31 October 
2009 (after  adjusting  for  the  2.0p per  Ordinary  Share dividend paid in the 
Total  Return  (NAV  plus  cumulative  dividends  paid since launch) to original 
Ordinary  Shareholders,  who  invested  in  2000/2001, now stands at 109.75p per 
share, compared to an original net of income tax relief cost of 80p per share. 
Venture Capital Investments 
New  deal flow remains difficult. The VCT  managers have worked closely with the 
Board  to identity attractive investment proposals and, as a result, a number of 
new investment proposals have been considered over the past six months. However, 
it  is not yet the case that prices and prospects are in the right alignment for 
our  tastes.  We  believe  that  the  investment  climate  is improving, and the 
management  team continues  to work  hard on  prospecting for  opportunities and 
analysing those which we have been able to identify. 
In  general, prospective  investments seem  to absorb  more effort than we would 
normally  expect, but we  believe we are  wise to hold  out for the right deals. 
Happily  there  are  signs  of  progress.  After the half-year date, the Company 
completed  on a  GBP500,000 transaction with  Autocue Group Limited, which provides 
tele-prompting  products to  the TV  production industry  globally. Autocue is a 
well-known  brand in Europe and owns a similarly recognised brand in the USA. So 
far  GBP300,000 has been drawn down. 
During  the period, the  Company made three  follow-on investments -  GBP158,000 in 
British International Holdings Limited,  GBP84,000 in GCrypt Limited and  GBP30,000 in 
Life's Kitchen Limited. The latter is a good example of a supportive VCT working 
with  a keen management team. Life's Kitchen  is the preferred or listed caterer 
at  some  unique  venues  in  London  and  management requested the extra sum to 
support  a business  expansion drive  which has  already yielded significant new 
Glisten  plc was taken over in  early April 2010, with investors receiving  GBP1.40 
per  share.   The  Company  received   GBP260,000  in  respect  of this investment, 
realising  a profit against the original  cost of  GBP111,000.  This, combined with 
historic sales of holdings in Glisten, brings the overall profit against cost to 
The  holdings in BreakingViews  Limited and Component  Source Inc, both of which 
the  Company acquired at  nil value as  part of mergers  in 2005, were also sold 
with proceeds thereon received of  GBP159,000 and  GBP4,000 respectively. 
 The  existing portfolio continues to fare  well despite the ongoing uncertainty 
in  the economy.  The Board has reviewed  the unquoted investments at the period 
end  and made  both upward  and downward  adjustments to  the carrying values as 
appropriate.   The most  notable valuation  movement to  report is the uplift of 
 GBP249,000 in Escape Studios Limited, which was purchased just over a year ago and 
is currently trading well. 
The  AIM portfolio, which represents 2.5% of the total investment portfolio, was 
valued  at   GBP652,000  at  the  period  end.   All  of  the investments, with the 
exception  of The Capital Pub Company plc, fell in value during the period.  Net 
unrealised gains on the AIM portfolio over the period were  GBP109,000. 
At the period end, the Company held a portfolio of 27 investments, in quoted and 
unquoted companies which were valued at  GBP16.1 million.  Unrealised gains arising 
on  the  portfolio  during  the  period  amounted to  GBP332,000 and realised gains 
amounted to  GBP150,000. 
Listed fixed income securities 
The  Company disposed of  two of its  fixed income securities  in the period and 
re-invested  the proceeds into a three-year fixed term cash deposit account with 
Royal  Bank of  Scotland, which  is reported  as cash  within the accounts.  The 
unrealised  gain on  the portfolio  over the  period was   GBP25,000, with realised 
losses arising thereon of  GBP4,000. 
Results and dividend 
The return after taxation for the Company for the period was  GBP532,000 comprising 
a revenue return of  GBP162,000 and a capital return of  GBP370,000. 
The 1.5p dividend mentioned earlier will be paid on 30 July 2010 to Shareholders 
on the register at 9 July 2010.  This will bring the total distributions paid to 
Ordinary Shareholders since inception, to 28.45p per Ordinary Share. 
Share buybacks 
The  Company continues  to operate  a share  buyback policy  in order to provide 
liquidity  in the market.  Any Shareholders wishing to sell their holding should 
consult  their financial  adviser to  ensure they  understand the  potential tax 
implications  of such a disposal.  Shares cannot be sold directly to the Company 
but  must be sold via  the Stock Market through  a stockbroker.  The Company has 
made  market purchases of shares  over the past few  months at a 25% discount to 
the  last published NAV.  The  discount level, together with  the level of share 
buybacks undertaken is kept under review by the Board. 
During   the   period,   the   Company  purchased  150,000 Ordinary  Shares  for 
cancellation,  for an aggregate price of  GBP92,000, being an average price of 61p 
per share. 
Risks and uncertainties 
Under  the Disclosure and  Transparency Directive, the  Board is required in the 
Company's  half year  results, to  report on  principal risks  and uncertainties 
facing the Company over the remainder of the financial year. 
The Board has concluded that the key risks facing the Company over the remainder 
of the financial period are as follows: 
 (i)     investment  risk  associated  with  investing  in  small  and  immature 
businesses; and 
 (ii)   failure to maintain approval as a VCT. 
In  both  cases  the  Board  is  satisfied  with the Company's approach to these 
risks.   As  a  VCT,  the  Company  is  forced  to  have significant exposure to 
relatively  immature  businesses.   This  risk  is  mitigated  to some extent by 
holding a well-diversified portfolio. 
The  Company's compliance with  the VCT regulations  is continually monitored by 
the  Administration Manager, who  regularly reports to  the Board on the current 
position.   The Company  also retains  PricewaterhouseCoopers to provide regular 
reviews and advice in this area.  The Board considers that this approach reduces 
the risk of a breach of the VCT regulations to a minimal level. 
The  impact of the election of the coalition  government has yet to be seen and, 
like  everybody in this industry we wait  to see what improvements there will be 
in  the economy from new  policies and the recent  Emergency Budget. However, we 
believe  that  your  Company  remains  in  a  good position to meet any economic 
challenges that may arise. 
Peter Harkness 
for the six months ended 30 April 2010 
                                                  Six months ended 
                                                    30 April 2010 
                                              Revenue   Capital   Total 
                                                 GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
Income                                            395         -     395 
Net gains/(losses) on investments                   -       503     503 
                                             --------- --------- ------ 
                                                  395       503     898 
Investment management fees                       (53)     (160)   (213) 
Performance incentive fees                          -       (5)     (5) 
Other expenses                                  (147)       (1)   (148) 
                                             --------- --------- ------ 
Return on ordinary activities before taxation     195       337     532 
Taxation                                         (33)        33       - 
                                             --------- --------- ------ 
Return attributable to equity shareholders        162       370     532 
Return per Ordinary share                        0.5p      1.2p    1.7p 
                                             Six months ended         Year ended 
                                                                      31 October 
                                               30 April 2009                2009 
                                        Revenue   Capital    Total   Total 
                                           GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000          GBP'000 
 Income                                     460         -      460   1,187 
 Net gains/(losses) on investments            -     (383)    (383)   (237) 
                                       --------- --------- -------- ------------ 
                                            460     (383)       77   950 
 Investment management fees                (58)     (176)    (234)   (449) 
 Performance incentive fees                   -       (3)      (3)   (14) 
 Other expenses                           (281)       (2)    (283)   (430) 
                                       --------- --------- -------- ------------ 
 Return on ordinary activities before       121     (564)    (443)   57 
 Taxation                                  (30)        30        -   (10) 
                                       --------- --------- -------- ------------ 
 Return attributable to equity               91     (534)    (443)   47 
 Return per Ordinary share                 0.3p    (1.7p)   (1.4p)          0.1p 
as at 30 April 2010 
                                            As at       As at       As at 
                                      30 Apr 2010 30 Apr 2009 31 Oct 2009 
                                             GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                22,798      24,050      24,416 
Current assets 
Debtors                                       178         273         523 
Cash at bank and in hand                    2,893       2,037       1,137 
                                            3,071       2,310       1,660 
Creditors: amounts falling due within 
 one year                                   (193)       (202)       (218) 
Net current assets                          2,878       2,108       1,442 
Net assets                                 25,676      26,158      25,858 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                       310         314         312 
Capital redemption reserve                     77          73          75 
Share premium                               1,064       1,064       1,064 
Merger reserve                              2,832       8,694       8,694 
Special reserve                             7,455       5,067       1,795 
Capital reserve - realised                 11,423      11,656      11,493 
Investment holding gains/(losses)           1,839     (1,166)       1,678 
Revenue reserve                               676         456         747 
Equity shareholders' funds                 25,676      26,158      25,858 
Net asset value per Ordinary share          82.8p       83.2p       82.9p 
for the period ended 30 April 2010 
                                                   As at       As at       As at 
                                             30 Apr 2010 30 Apr 2009 31 Oct 2009 
                                                   Total       Total       Total 
                                                    GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
Opening shareholders' funds                       25,858      28,342      28,342 
Purchase of own shares                              (92)       (246)       (408) 
 Total recognised gains/(losses) in the              532       (443)          47 
Dividends paid                                     (622)     (1,495)     (2,123) 
Closing shareholders' funds                       25,676      26,158      25,858 
for the six months ended 30 April 2010 
                                        Six months    Six months            Year 
                                             ended         ended           ended 
                                          30 April 30 April 2009 31 October 2009 
                              Note            GBP'000          GBP'000            GBP'000 
Cash inflow/(outflow) from 
operating activities and       1 
returns on investments                          32          (10)             327 
Taxation                                         -             -            (78) 
Capital expenditure 
Purchase of investments                    (1,074)       (4,273)         (5,612) 
Proceeds on disposal of                      3,494         3,724           4,645 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from               2,420         (549)           (967) 
capital expenditure 
Equity dividends paid                        (620)       (1,496)         (2,121) 
Net cash inflow/(outflow)                    1,832       (2,055)         (2,839) 
before financing 
Purchase of own shares                        (76)         (306)           (422) 
Net    cash    outflow   from                 (76)         (306)           (422) 
Increase/(decrease) in cash    2             1,756       (2,361)         (3,261) 
Notes   to   the   cash  flow 
1  Cash inflow from operating activities and 
returns on investments 
 Return/(loss)     on     ordinary             532         (443)              57 
activities before taxation 
 (Gains)/losses            on                (503)           383             237 
 Capital income adjustment                       -             -            (19) 
 Decrease/(increase) in other                   45            97              44 
 (Decrease)/increase in other                 (42)          (27)               8 
 Net  cash  (outflow)/inflow  from              32          (10)             327 
operating activities 
2  Analysis of net funds 
 Beginning of period                         1,137         4,398           4,398 
 Net cash inflow/ (outflow)                  1,756       (2,361)         (3,261) 
 End of period                               2,893         2,037           1,137 
as at 30 April 2010 
                       |         |         |                | | 
                       |         |         |Movement in the | |  % of portfolio 
                       |Cost     |Valuation|          period| |              by 
                       |     GBP'000| |   GBP'000| |          GBP'000| |           value 
                       |         | |       | |              | | 
 Top ten venture       |         | |       | |              | | 
 capital investments   |         | |       | |              | | 
 Wessex Advanced       |      704| |  3,330| |          (96)| |           13.0% 
 Switching Products    |         | |       | |              | | 
 Limited               |         | |       | |              | | 
 Precision Dental      |    2,110| |  2,175| |             -| |            8.5% 
 Laboratories Group    |         | |       | |              | | 
 Limited               |         | |       | |              | | 
  Locale    Enterprises|    1,500| |  2,020| |             -| |            7.9% 
 Limited               |         | |       | |              | | 
 Centre Design Limited |    1,350| |  1,572| |             -| |            6.1% 
 Ensign  Communications|      500| |  1,303| |            21| |            5.1% 
 Limited               |         | |       | |              | | 
 British  International|      908| |  1,002| |          (25)| |            3.9% 
 Holdings Limited      |         | |       | |              | | 
 London         Italian|    1,000| |  1,000| |             -| |            3.9% 
 Restaurants Limited   |         | |       | |              | | 
 Escape Studios Limited|      750| |    999| |           249| |            3.9% 
 Triaster Limited      |      758| |    829| |             -| |            3.2% 
 The     Capital    Pub|      505| |    514| |           161| |            2.0% 
 Company plc *         |         | |       | |              | | 
                       |   10,085| | 14,744| |           310| |           57.5% 
                       |         | |       | |              | | 
 Other venture capital |    4,327| |  1,389| |            22| |            5.3% 
 investments           |         | |       | |              | | 
                       |         | |       | |              | | 
 Listed fixed income   |         | |       | |              | |           25.9% 
 securities            |    6,547| |  6,665| |            25| | 
                       |         | |       | |              | | 
 Subtotal              |   20,959| | 22,798| |           357| |           88.8% 
                       |         | |       | |              | | 
 Royal Bank of Scotland 3.41%    | |       | |              | |            7.8% 
 fixed term deposit account      | |  2,000| |              | | 
 Cash at bank and in   |         | |       | |              | |            3.5% 
 hand                  |         | |    893| |              | | 
                       |         | |       | |              | | 
 Total investments     |         | | 25,691| |              | |          100.0% 
All venture capital investments are unquoted unless otherwise stated. 
for the six months ended 30 April 2010 
 Follow on investments 
 British International Holdings Limited     158 
 G-Crypt Holdings Limited                    84 
 Life's Kitchen Limited                      30 
 Treasury 2Å?% Stock 07/03/2014              802 
                             Market value at                     Gain/     Total 
                            1 November 2009                     (loss)  realised 
                                           *         Disposal  Against     gain/ 
                       Cost                          Proceeds     cost    (loss) 
                       GBP'000             GBP'000             GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000 
Venture Capital 
Breaking Views 
Limited                   -              141              159      159        18 
CPI Acquisitions 
Limited                  34               34               38        4         4 
Component Source Inc      -                -                4        4         4 
Glisten plc             149              136              260      111       124 
Heath and Green Pub      30                -                -     (30)         - 
Company Limited 
Smith and Williamson      1                1                1        -         - 
Cash Trust 
Treasury 5Å?% Stock    1,477            1,553            1,552       75       (1) 
Treasury 8% Stock     1,163            1,184            1,181       18       (3) 
                      2,854            3,049            3,195      341       146 
* Adjusted for purchases in the period 
 1. The unaudited half yearly financial results cover the six months to 30 April 
  2010 and have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out 
in the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 October 2009 which were prepared 
under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice and in accordance with the 
Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust 
Companies" revised January 2009. 
 2. All revenue and capital items in the Income Statement derive from continuing 
 3.  The Company  has only  one class  of business  and derives  its income from 
investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. 
 4.  The comparative figures  were in respect  of the six  months ended 30 April 
2009 and the year ended 31 October 2009 respectively. 
 5.  Basic  and  diluted  NAV  per  share  for the period has been calculated on 
31,025,509 shares, being the number of shares in issue at the period end. 
 6.  Basic and diluted  return per share  for the period  has been calculated on 
31,154,376 shares,  being the weighted average number  of shares in issue during 
the period. 
7. Dividends 
                                             30 April 2010           31 Oct 2009 
                                 Pence Revenue   Capital   Total           Total 
                             per share    GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000            GBP'000 
 Paid in period 
 2009 Final Ordinary Share        2.00     233       389     622               - 
 2009 interim Ordinary Share      2.00       -         -       -             629 
 2009 Special 'D' Share          16.75       -         -       -              89 
 2009 Special 'E' Share          26.75       -         -       -             161 
 2008 interim Ordinary Share      4.00       -         -       -           1,244 
                                      --------- --------- -------   ------------ 
                                           233       389     622           2,123 
 2010 interim Ordinary Share      1.50       -       465     465             624 
8. Reserves 
                Capital                              Capital  Investment 
             redemption   Share  Merger   Special    reserve     holding Revenue 
                reserve premium reserve   reserve   realised       gains reserve 
                   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000        GBP'000    GBP'000 
   At 1 November     75   1,064   8,694     1,795     11,493       1,678     747 
   Shares             2       -       -      (92)          -           -       - 
   Expenses           -       -       -         -      (166)           -       - 
   Tax on capital     -       -       -         -         33           -       - 
   Gains on           -       -       -         -        146         357       - 
   Realisation of 
revaluations from     -       -       -         -        196       (196)       - 
previous years 
   Realisation of 
assets acquired       -       - (5,862)         -      5,862           -       - 
through historic 
   Transfer           -       -       -     5,752    (5,752)           -       - 
between reserves 
   Retained net 
revenue for the       -       -       -         -          -           -     162 
   Dividends paid     -       -       -         -      (389)           -   (233) 
   At 30 April       77   1,064   2,832     7,455     11,423       1,839     676 
The  Special reserve is a distributable reserve, which was created to enable the 
Company  to purchase its own shares in  the market without affecting its ability 
to pay dividends/capital distributions. 
Distributable reserves comprise the special reserve, capital reserve - realised, 
revenue  reserve,  and  investment  holding  losses  of   GBP2,856,000 (31/10/2009: 
 GBP3,014,000).     GBP276,000   of   the   merger   reserve  is  also  deemed  to  be 
distributable.    At   the   period  end  there  were   GBP16,974,000  (31/10/2009: 
 GBP17,158,000) of reserves available for distribution. 
 9.  The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, the half-yearly 
financial  statements  have  been  prepared  in  accordance with the "Statement: 
Half-Yearly  Financial Reports" issued by the  UK Accounting Standards Board and 
the  half-yearly  financial  report  includes  a  fair review of the information 
required by: 
a. DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of 
important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial 
year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements, and a 
description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six 
months of the year; and 
b. DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party 
transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current 
financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or 
performance of the entity during that period, and any changes in the related 
party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so. 
10. The  unaudited  financial  statements  set  out  herein  do  not  constitute 
statutory  accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 
and  have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The figures for the 
year ended 31 October 2009 have been extracted from the financial statements for 
that  year,  which  have  been  delivered  to  the  Registrar  of Companies; the 
Independent Auditors' Report on those financial statements was unqualified. 
11. Copies  of the  unaudited half  yearly report  will be  sent to Shareholders 
shortly. Further copies can be obtained from the Company's Registered Office and 
will be available for download from www.downing.co.uk. 
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Source: Chrysalis VCT PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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