Final Results


                                                31 October 31 October
                                                      2007       2006
                                                     pence      pence
Ordinary Shares
Net asset value (per share)                          91.50      84.70
Cumulative distributions paid since launch (per      13.45      10.45
Total return (net asset value plus cumulative       104.95      95.15
distributions paid) (per share)

'D' Shares
Net asset value (per share)                         106.10      96.50
Cumulative distributions paid since launch (per       1.25          -
Total return (net asset value plus cumulative       107.35      96.50
distributions paid) (per share)

'E' Shares
Net asset value (per share)                          95.30      95.40
Cumulative distributions paid since launch (per       1.25          -
Total return (net asset value plus cumulative        96.55      95.40
distributions paid) (per share)

The statement to shareholders by the Chairman, Robert Drummond,
includes the following comments:

I have pleasure in presenting  the report and accounts for  Chrysalis
VCT plc for the year  ended 31 October 2007.   The year under  review
has seen  the  Company continue  to  perform well,  particularly  the
Ordinary Share pool where a number  of the profitable exits from  the
more mature investments have been achieved.

Net Asset Value
At 31 October 2007,  the Net Asset Value  ("NAV") per Ordinary  Share
had risen to 91.5p, an increase of 9.8p or 12.0% over the year (after
adjusting for the dividend of 3p per share paid during the year).

The Total Return (NAV plus cumulative dividends paid since launch) to
Ordinary Shareholders since the Company's  launch (when it was  known
as Downing Classic  VCT 3  plc) now  stands at  104.95p per  Ordinary
Share compared to an original  investment (net of income tax  relief)
of 80p per Ordinary Share.

At 31 October  2007, the Net  Asset Value ("NAV")  per 'D' Share  had
risen to 106.1p, an increase of  10.85p or 11.4% over the year  after
adjusting for the dividend of 1.25p per share paid during the year.

At 31 October 2007,  the Net Asset Value  ("NAV") per 'E' Shares  had
risen to 95.3p,  an increase  of 1.15p or  1.2% over  the year  after
adjusting for the dividend of 1.25p per share paid during the year.

Venture capital investments
There were three major disposals during the year within the Ordinary
Share portfolio.  The investment management team worked closely with
ProTx Group and Ma Potters to secure exits producing gains against
original cost totalling �3.3 million.  Also, AIM-quoted Computer
Software Group plc was the subject of a takeover bid which produced a
gain against cost of �1.2 million.  Total realised gains against
previous carrying values for the Ordinary Share pool over the year
amounted to �1.4 million and there were also unrealised gains of �1.5

During the year 'D' Share portfolio made unrealised gains �26,000 and
realised gains of �27,000 gains.  The 'E' Share portfolio made a
small unrealised loss of �4,000.

Listed fixed income securities
The Ordinary Share pool continues to hold a portfolio of fixed income
securities.  At 31 October 2007, this portfolio was valued at �4.7
million.  During the year this portfolio produced a small unrealised
loss of �33,000 and realised loss of �1,000.

Results and dividend
The total return on ordinary activities for the year was as follows:

               Revenue Capital Total
                 �'000   �'000 �'000
Ordinary Share     580   2,538 3,118
'D' Share           11      48    59
'E' Share           15     (9)     6
                   606   2,577 3,183

Your Board is proposing to pay the following final dividends for  the

Ordinary Shares 3.5p per share
'D' Shares      2.0p per share
'E' Shares      2.0p per share

Subject  to  shareholder  approval  at  the  Annual  General  Meeting
("AGM"), the dividends will be paid on 20 March 2008 to  Shareholders
on the register at 22 February 2008.

Share repurchase
In order to provide liquidity in the market for Shareholders wishing
to sell part of all of their holding, the Company has operated a
policy of buying in shares that become available for cancellation.

During the year the Company purchased 1,596,639 Ordinary Shares for
cancellation at an average price of 76.8p per share, which was
approximately equal to a 10% discount to the most recently published
NAV.  No 'D' or 'E' Shares were purchased during the year.

The Board intends to continue with the policy of buying in shares for
cancellation and has decided to regularly review the price at which
buybacks are undertaken, although expects to buy shares at between a
10% and 20% discount to the last published NAV.  A special resolution
to allow the Company to continue to repurchase shares in the market
is proposed for the forthcoming AGM.

Annual General Meeting
The next AGM of the Company will be held at Kings Scholars House, 230
Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1AU at 11:00am on 18 March 2008.

One item of special business is proposed at the AGM in respect of the
authority to repurchase shares as described above.

The impact of the US sub-prime lending crisis appears to have been
the catalyst for a change in the economic conditions, the extent of
which is not yet clear.  With a less buoyant climate, further
profitable realisations will be more difficult to achieve,
particularly in the short-term.  However, with a well-diversified and
balanced portfolio, the Board remains confident that the Company can
continue to make good progress.

for the year ended 31 October 2007

Company position

                     Year ended 31 October 2007 Year ended 31 October

                       Revenue   Capital  Total Revenue Capital Total
                         �'000     �'000  �'000   �'000   �'000 �'000

Income                   1,294         -  1,294   1,149       - 1,149

Gains on investments         -     2,992  2,992       -   3,755 3,755

                         1,294     2,992  4,286   1,149   3,755 4,904

Investment               (125)     (377)  (502)   (116)   (349) (465)
management fees
Performance                  -     (228)  (228)       -       -     -
incentive fees
Other expenses           (308)         -  (308)   (333)       - (333)

Return on ordinary         861     2,387  3,248     700   3,406 4,106

Share issue costs            -         -      -   (520)       - (520)

Return on ordinary
activities                                          180   3,406 3,586
    before tax             861     2,387  3,248

Tax on ordinary          (255)       190   (65)   (185)     111  (74)

Return attributable
to equity                                           (5)   3,517 3,512
shareholders               606     2,577  3,183

Return per Ordinary       1.7p      7.6p   9.3p  (0.1p)   10.0p  9.9p
Return per 'D' share      2.1p      8.8p  10.9p    1.5p    0.4p  1.9p
Return per 'E' share      2.5p    (1.4p)   1.1p    1.4p  (0.5p)  0.9p

Split as:
Ordinary shares

                     Year ended 31 October Year ended 31 October 2006

                     Revenue Capital Total  Revenue  Capital  Total
                       �'000   �'000 �'000    �'000    �'000  �'000

Income                 1,239       - 1,239    1,122        -  1,122

Gains on investments       -   2,943 2,943        -    3,750  3,750

                       1,239   2,943 4,182    1,122    3,750  4,872

Investment             (121)   (363) (484)    (114)    (342)  (456)
management fees
Performance                -   (228) (228)        -        -      -
incentive fees
Other expenses         (296)       - (296)    (328)        -  (328)

Return on ordinary       822   2,352 3,174      680    3,408  4,088

Share issue costs          -       -     -    (520)        -  (520)

Return on ordinary
activities                                      160    3,408  3,568
    before tax           822   2,352 3,174

Tax on ordinary        (242)     186  (56)    (181)      109   (72)

Return attributable
to equity                                      (21)    3,517  3,496
shareholders             580   2,538 3,118

 'D' Ordinary shares

                Year ended 31 October 2007 Year ended 31 October 2006

                  Revenue   Capital  Total  Revenue  Capital  Total
                    �'000     �'000  �'000    �'000    �'000  �'000

Income                 24         -     24       13        -     13

Gains on                -        53     53        -        5      5

                       24        53     77       13        5     18

Investment            (2)       (7)    (9)      (1)      (4)    (5)
management fees

Other expenses        (6)         -    (6)      (2)        -    (2)

Return on
ordinary                                         10        1     11
    before tax         16        46     62

Tax on ordinary       (5)         2    (3)      (2)        1    (1)

attributable to                                   8        2     10
shareholders           11        48     59

'E' Ordinary shares

                     Year ended 31 October 2007 Year ended 31 October

                       Revenue   Capital  Total Revenue Capital Total
                         �'000     �'000  �'000   �'000   �'000 �'000

Income                      31         -     31      14       -    14

Losses on                    -       (4)    (4)       -       -     -

                            31       (4)     27      14       -    14

Investment                 (2)       (7)    (9)     (1)     (3)   (4)
management fees

Other expenses             (6)         -    (6)     (3)       -   (3)

Return on ordinary
activities                                           10     (3)     7
    before tax              23      (11)     12

Tax on ordinary            (8)         2    (6)     (2)       1   (1)

Return attributable
to equity                                             8     (2)     6
shareholders                15       (9)      6

The revenue  and  capital movements  in  the year  for  the  Ordinary
Shares, 'D'  Ordinary  Shares  and  'E'  Ordinary  Shares  relate  to
continuing operations.  The total column within the Income  Statement
represents the profit and loss account of the Company.

A Statement of  Total Recognised  Gains and Losses  relating to  each
class of share  has not  been prepared as  all gains  and losses  are
recognised in the relevant Income Statements as shown above.

for the year ended 31 October 2007

                        Year ended                       Year ended
                     31 October 2007                  31 October 2006
              Ordinary    'D'    'E'           Ordinary    'D'    'E'
                shares shares shares   Total     shares shares shares   Total
                 �'000  �'000  �'000   �'000      �'000  �'000  �'000   �'000

funds           29,033    517    574  30,124     26,683      -      -  26,683
for dividends
provided        -    -      -      -       -    718   -      -      -     718

funds           29,033    517    574  30,124     27,401      -      -  27,401
Issue of
shares               -      -      -       -          -    536    601   1,137
Share issue
costs                -      -      -       -          -   (29)   (33)    (62)
Purchase of
own shares     (1,232)      -      - (1,232)    (1,153)      -      - (1,153)
gains for
the year         3,118     59      6   3,183      3,496     10      6   3,512
Distributions  (1,021)    (7)    (7) (1,035)      (711)      -      -   (711)

funds           29,898    569    573  31,040     29,033    517    574  30,124

at 31 October 2007

                       Year ended                      Year ended
                     31 October 2007                 31 October 2006
              Ordinary    'D'    'E'          Ordinary    'D'    'E'
                shares shares shares  Total     shares shares shares  Total
                 �'000  �'000  �'000  �'000      �'000  �'000  �'000  �'000

Fixed assets
Investments     26,068    410    246 26,724     24,621    155      - 24,776

Debtors            278      5      5    288        180      3      -    183
Cash at bank     3,772    158    328  4,258      4,481    361    576  5,418
and in hand
                 4,050    163    333  4,546      4,661    364    576  5,601

amounts                                          (249)    (2)    (2)  (253)
falling due
within one
year             (220)    (4)    (6)  (230)

Net current      3,830    159    327  4,316      4,412    362    574  5,348

Net assets      29,898    569    573 31,040     29,033    517    574 30,124

Capital and
Called up          327      5      6    338        343      5      6    354
share capital
Capital             49      -      -     49         33      -      -     33
Share premium        -    502    562  1,064          -    502    562  1,064
Merger           8,694      -      -  8,694      8,694      -      -  8,694
Special          7,318      -      -  7,318      9,436      -      -  9,436
Capital          9,858     19    (7)  9,870      5,787    (3)    (2)  5,782
- -realised
Capital          2,966     31    (4)  2,993      4,634      5      -  4,639
reserve -
Revenue            686     12     16    714        106      8      8    122

Equity          29,898    569    573 31,040     29,033    517    574 30,124

Net asset        91.5p 106.1p  95.3p             84.7p  96.5p  95.4p
value per

for year ended 31 October 2007

                            Year ended                         Year ended
                         31 October 2007                    31 October 2006
                   Ordinary    'D'    'E'             Ordinary    'D'    'E'
                     shares shares shares   Total       shares shares shares   Total
                      �'000  �'000  �'000   �'000        �'000  �'000  �'000   �'000

Net cash inflow
from operating
activities              145      9     10     164          337      4      8     349

Taxation                       (1)    (1)    (73)
                       (71)                                  -      -      -       -

Purchase of
investments         (7,323)  (278)  (250) (7,851)      (3,471)  (200)      - (3,671)
Sale of
investments           8,821     74      -   8,895        4,287     50      -   4,337
Net cash inflow/
(outflow) from
expenditure           1,498  (204)  (250)   1,044          816  (150)      -     666

Purchase of
undertakings              -      -      -       -         (18)      -      -    (18)

paid              (1,021)      (7)    (7) (1,035)        (711)      -      -   (711)

Net cash
financing               551  (203)  (248)     100          424  (146)      8     286
Financing                 -
Shares issued in
period                    -      -      -       -            -    536    601   1,137
Share issue
costs                   (6)      -      -     (6)        (465)   (29)   (33)   (527)
repurchased         (1,254)      -      - (1,254)      (1,120)      -      - (1,120)

                    (1,260)      -      - (1,260)      (1,585)    507    568   (510)

increase in cash      (709)  (203)  (248) (1,160)      (1,161)    361    576   (224)

for the year ended 31 October 2007

1.         Accounting policies

Basis of accounting
The Company has prepared its financial statements under UK  Generally
Accepted Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP")  and in accordance with  the
Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment
Trust Companies" revised December 2005 ("SORP").

The financial  statements  are  prepared under  the  historical  cost
convention as  modified  by  the  revaluation  of  certain  financial
instruments and on the  basis that it is  not appropriate to  prepare
consolidated accounts.

Presentation of Income Statement
In order to better  reflect the activities  of venture capital  trust
and  in  accordance  with  guidance  issued  by  the  Association  of
Investment  Companies   ("AIC"),  supplementary   information   which
analyses the Income Statement between items of a revenue and  capital
nature has been  presented alongside  the Income  Statement. The  net
revenue is the measure the directors believe appropriate in assessing
the Company's compliance with certain requirements set out in Part  6
of the Income Tax Act 2007.

All investments are designated as "fair value through profit or loss"
assets and are initially measured  at cost, equivalent to their  fair
value.  Thereafter  the  investments   are  measured  at   subsequent
reporting dates at fair value.

Listed fixed income  investments and  investments quoted  on AIM  are
measured using bid  prices with illiquidity  discounts applied  where
deemed appropriate  in  accordance  with  the  International  Private
Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines.

In respect  of unquoted  instruments, fair  value is  established  by
using International  Private  Equity and  Venture  Capital  Valuation
Guidelines. Where no reliable  fair value can  be estimated for  such
unquoted equity investments they are carried at cost, subject to  any
provision for impairment.  Where an  investee company  has gone  into
receivership or liquidation the  investment, although not  physically
disposed of, is treated as being realised.

Gains and losses arising from changes  in fair value are included  in
the Income Statement for the year  as a capital item and  transaction
costs on acquisition or disposal of the investment expensed.

It is  not the  Company's policy  to exercise  either significant  or
controlling influence over investee companies.  Therefore the results
of these  companies are  not incorporated  into the  Revenue  Account
except to the extent of any income accrued.

Dividend income from investments is recognised when the shareholders'
rights to  receive  payment has  been  established, normally  the  ex
dividend date.

Interest income is  accrued on a  timely basis, by  reference to  the
principal outstanding and at  the effective interest rate  applicable
and only where there is reasonable certainty of collection.

All expenses are accounted  for on an accruals  basis. In respect  of
the analysis between revenue and  capital items presented within  the
Income Statement, all expenses have  been presented as revenue  items
except as follows:

*         Expenses which are incidental to the disposal of an
  investment are deducted from the disposal proceeds of the

*         Expenses are split and presented partly as capital items
  where a connection with the maintenance or enhancement of the value
  of the investments held can be demonstrated. The Company has
  adopted the policy of allocating investment managers fees, 75% to
  the Capital Account and 25% to the Revenue Account as permitted by
  the SORP.  The allocation is in line with the Board's expectation
  of long term returns from the Company's investments in the form of
  capital gains and income respectively.

*         Performance incentive fees arising from the disposal of
  investments are deducted from the  Capital Account.

The tax effects on different items in the Income Statement are
allocated between capital and revenue on the same basis as the
particular item to which they relate using the Company's effective
rate of tax for the accounting period.

Due to the Company's status as a Venture Capital Trust and the
continued intention to meet the conditions required to comply with
Part 6 of the Income Tax Act 2007, no provision for taxation is
required in respect of any realised or unrealised appreciation of the
Company's investments which arises.

Deferred taxation is provided in full on timing differences that
result in an obligation at the balance sheet date to pay more tax, or
a right to pay less tax, at a future date, at rates expected to apply
when they crystallise based on current tax rates and law. Timing
differences arise from the inclusion of items of income and
expenditure in taxation computations in periods different from those
in which they are included in the accounts.

2.         Income

                                       2007    2006
                                      �'000   �'000

Income from investments
Loan stock interest                     702     625
Dividend income                          75     111
Listed fixed income security interest   247     246
                                      1,024     982
Other income                              5       -
Deposit interest                        265     167
                                      1,294   1,149

3.         Return per share

                            Ordinary shares   'D' Shares   'E' Shares
Return per share based on:
Net revenue after  taxation             580           11           15
for  the   financial   year

Weighted average number  or      33,574,306      536,072      601,376
shares in issue

Capital  return  per  share
based on:
Net capital gain/(loss) for           2,538           48          (9)
the financial year (�'000)

Weighted average number  or      33,574,306      536,072      601,376
shares in issue

4.         Net asset value per ordinary share

                                                2007             2006
                   Shares in issue   Net Asset Value  Net Asset Value

                 2007         2006    Pence    �'000   Pence    �'000
                                        per              per
                                      share            share

shares     32,669,120   34,265,759    91.5p   29,898   84.7p   29,033
shares        536,072      536,072   106.1p      569   96.5p      517
shares        601,376      601,376    95.3p      573   95.4p      574

                                              31,040           30,124

5.         Reconciliation of return on ordinary activities before
taxation to net cash flow from operating activities

                                                 2007    2006
                                                �'000       �'000

Return on ordinary activities before taxation   3,248       3,586
Gains on investments                          (2,992)     (3,755)
Share issue costs                                   -         520
Provision against bad debts                         -           8
Costs relating to prior year merger                 -          21
Decrease in accrued income and prepayments      (106)        (39)
Increase in other creditors and accruals           14           8
Net cash inflow from operating activities         164         349

6.         Analysis of changes in cash during the year

                     2007         2006
                    �'000        �'000

Beginning of year   5,418        5,642
Net cash outflow  (1,160)        (224)

End of year         4,258        5,418

Announcement based on audited accounts
The financial  information  set  out in  the  announcement  does  not
constitute the Company's statutory financial statements in accordance
with section 240  Companies Act 1985  for the year  ended 31  October
2007.  The statutory  accounts for the period  ended 31 October  2006
have been delivered  to the  Registrar of Companies  and received  an
Independent Auditors report which was unqualified and did not contain
any emphasis of  matter nor statements  under S237(2) or  (3) of  the
Companies Act 1985.   The statutory  accounts for the  year ended  31
October 2007, which  were approved by  the Board of  Directors on  29
January 2008,  will  be  delivered  to  the  Registrar  of  Companies
following the  Company's Annual  General  Meeting.   The  Independent
Auditor's Report on  those financial statements  was unqualified  and
did not contain any emphasis of matter nor statements under s237  (2)
and (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

A copy of  the full annual  report and financial  statements for  the
year  ended  31  October   2007  will  be   printed  and  posted   to
shareholders. Copies  will also  be available  to the  public at  the
registered office  of  the  Company  at  Kings  Scholars  House,  230
Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW1V 1AU.


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