RNS Number:4027V
Gold Fields Ld
2 May 2002

Gold Fields Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration Number 1968/004880/06
ISIN - ZAE 000018123



Number of shares in issue
- at 31 March 2002                                          469,572,206
- average for the quarter                                   469,400,072
Free Float                                                  100%
ADR Ratio                                                   1:1
Bloomberg / Reuters                                         GFISJ / GFLJ.J
JSE Securities Exchange South Africa-                       (GFI)
Range - Quarter                                             SAR54.10 - SAR124.40
Average Volume - Quarter                                    1,900,000 shares / day
Range - Quarter                                             $4.81 - $10.91
Average Volume - Quarter                                    1,970,000 shares / day


Europe & South Africa

Willie Jacobsz

Tel: +27 11 644-2460

Fax: +27 11 484-0639

E-mail: investors@goldfields.co.za

North America

Cheryl A. Martin

Tel: +1 303 796-8683

Fax: +1 303 796-8293

E-mail: camartin@gfexpl.com
www.goldfields.co.za                                        www.gold-fields.com



  • Improving safety trends.
  • Earnings increased 64 per cent from R640 million (US$67 million) to R1,049
    million (US$98 million)
  • Operating profit increased 52 per cent to a record R1,614 million (US$149
  • Attributable gold production increased 10 per cent to 1,081,000 ounces.
  • Total cash costs reduced to US$160 per ounce.
  • Acquisition of Abosso (Damang Mine) in Ghana completed 24 January 2002.


The March quarter was indeed a satisfying one for Gold Fields for a number of
reasons. Despite the effects of the Christmas shutdown, Driefontein and Beatrix
were able to maintain output at levels similar to the December quarter; St. Ives
and Agnew performed well; and we were able to include two profitable months of
production from the newly acquired Damang mine in Ghana. As a result,
attributable production increased 10 percent from 984,000 ounces to 1,081,000
ounces. This, with a higher received gold price of US$291/oz versus US$279/oz in
the previous quarter, and a weaker Rand/Dollar exchange rate, allowed a 52 per
cent increase in operating profit to R1,614 million (US$149 million). Net
earnings rose 64 per cent to R1,049 million (US$98 million) or 224 cents per
share. But for the weak performance of the Kloof Division, these figures could
have been even better.

Direct cost comparisons with the previous quarter are difficult to make because
of the change in mix of production. Total cash costs declined from US$169 to
US$160 per ounce, despite the introduction of some higher cost ounces from
Damang. Total operating costs on the South African operations rose less than 2
per cent for the quarter. Although inflationary expectations have risen in South
Africa, we do not see major cost increases forthcoming on our mines for the
immediate future. An improved Rand Dollar rate may, however, raise US Dollar
total cash costs per ounce.

A feature of the quarter has been the income derived from currency instruments
on the Australian Dollar and the Rand, as well as a currency gain on the loan
obtained to finance the acquisition. Unrealised gains amounted to R177 million
and realised gains amounted to R56 million prior to the negative adjustment
incurred for the buy-back of the hedges associated with the Damang mine, of R63
million. The primary driver of these gains was the strengthening of the
Australian Dollar to over 53 cents US by the end of the quarter. During the
quarter the 420,000 ounces hedged by Abosso with respect to Damang, were
repurchased for a cash gain of US$4.2 million. Gold Fields continues to be
totally unhedged to the gold price.

During the quarter, and subsequently, the US Dollar gold price has continued to
firm as the effects of producer hedge buybacks, Japanese physical purchases and
growing global uncertainty over the Middle East and US economic recovery, have
taken hold. At US$310 per ounce gold is still below its replacement price (i.e.
the price at which the industry can replace the reserves it currently mines) and
the industry's reserve position continues to deteriorate. The price recovery
appears to be still early in its cycle, and in the absence of a strong US
economic recovery and a credible solution to the Middle East crisis, higher
prices are possible and needed.

As of June 30th, I will step down from the CEO position and put the leadership
in the capable hands of Ian Cockerill. These last four years it has been
extraordinarily rewarding to watch our simple and often questioned strategies
bear such fruit. The company has grown in market value from R7 billion to well
over R60 billion and Gold Fields has emerged from a difficult merger between the
diverse Gencor and GFSA cultures, into what is now a unified and successful
international company, with a clear vision and identity of its own. The
commitment and loyalty of all the employees who have made this possible has been
extraordinary - quite unlike anything else I've seen in my career. Equally, the
support and guidance of the Gold Fields board who allowed management to grow and
who kept us all motivated, has been key.

My sincerest thanks to you all, it's been quite an experience!


2 May 2002
                                                                SALIENT FEATURES
                 SA RAND                                                                             US DOLLARS
                 Quarter                                                                               Quarter
          December           March                                                                March        December
              2001            2002                                                                 2002            2001

            30,592          33,620 kg          Gold produced*          oz (000)                   1,081             984
            55,013          59,138 R/kg        Total cash costs        $/oz                         160             169
             8,354           9,910 000         Tons milled             000                        9,910           8,354
            91,627         107,732 R/kg        Revenue                 $/oz                         291             279
               215             221 R/ton       Operating costs         $/ton                         19              21
             1,064           1,614 Rm          Operating profit        $m                           149             110
               640           1,049 Rm          Net earnings            $m                            98              67
               139             224 SA c.p.s.                           US c.p.s.                     21              25
               640           1,049 Rm          Headline earnings       $m                            98              67
               139             224 SA c.p.s.                           US c.p.s.                     21              15

* Attributable - All companies wholly owned except for Ghana (71.1%).


Management Restructure

It was announced on 4 March 2002 that Ian Cockerill, the current Managing
Director and Chief Operating Officer, would succeed Chris Thompson as Chief
Executive Officer of Gold Fields from 1 July 2002.

Chris, who has succeeded in his main objectives of internationalising the newly
formed Gold Fields - over a third of production is now non-South African based -
and achieving a fundamental re-rating, will remain as non-Executive Chairman.

Health and Safety

It is pleasing to report a 31 per cent improvement in the quarterly fatality
rate to 0.31. In addition, all other safety related indices are showing an
improving trend. Despite these improvements our safety performance is still
below the international benchmark standards we have set ourselves. Consequently,
the safety related initiatives, set in place over the previous two quarters, are
likely to result in a continuing positive trend.


For the second successive quarter Gold Fields generated record earnings. This
quarter's earnings of R1,049 million (US$98 million) are 64 per cent higher than
earnings of R640 million (US$67 million) achieved during the previous quarter.
The record earnings arose from an increase in production, due to the inclusion
of the Australian operations, St Ives and Agnew, for the full quarter and the
inclusion of the Damang mine for the months of February and March this year,
following its acquisition on 24 January 2002, and from higher prices achieved
both in Rand and Dollar terms.

Revenue for the quarter was R3,743 million (US$334 million), an increase of R874
million (US$47 million) or 30 per cent (in Rand terms) over the previous
quarter's revenue of R2,869 million (US$287 million).

Attributable gold production increased from 984,000 ounces to 1,081,000 ounces,
an increase of 10 per cent. Gold Fields' Australian operations contributed
166,000 ounces to the Group's attributable production for the March quarter, as
compared to 68,000 ounces in the previous quarter, which included production for
the month of December only following the acquisition of these assets from 1
December 2001. The inclusion of the Damang operations for 2 months of the
quarter added approximately 40,000 ounces to the Group's attributable production
but this was largely offset by reduced production at the Kloof Division. The
Rand gold price received increased from R91,627 per kilogram to R107,732 per
kilogram mainly due to the weakening of the quarterly average Rand/US Dollar
exchange rate by 14 per cent, from R10.12 during the December 2001 quarter to
R11.53 in the March 2002 quarter. The average US Dollar gold price also
increased from $279 to $291 per ounce, quarter on quarter.

Operating costs increased to R2,173 million (US$190 million) for the quarter,
compared to R1,781 million (US$175 million) during the previous quarter. Of this
increase of R392 million, R350 million relates to the inclusion of Damang for
two months and St Ives and Agnew in Australia for the full quarter. The weaker
Rand/US Dollar exchange rate resulted in higher Rand costs at Tarkwa which is
largely US Dollar based. A marginal increase of less than 2 per cent was
achieved at the South African operations.

The increased production, together with the higher gold price received, resulted
in operating profit for the March 2002 quarter increasing 52 per cent to R1,614
million (US$149 million) compared to R1,064 million (US$110 million) for the
December 2001 quarter.

Amortisation and depreciation increased substantially from R213 million (US$21
million) in the December 2001 quarter to R340 million (US$31 million) in the
current quarter as a result of the inclusion of the Australian operations for
the full quarter and Damang as from February 2002.

Income for the quarter was boosted by an unrealised gain on foreign debt and net
gains on financial instruments. The unrealised gain on foreign debt of R51
million (US$5 million) compares to the loss incurred in December of R36 million
(US$4 million) and arises from the revaluation of the US$165 million loan
established for the acquisition of the Australian operations. Net gains on
financial instruments are split between unrealised gains and realised losses.
The unrealised gain on financial instruments increased from R50 million (US$5
million) last quarter to R126 million (US$12 million) in the current quarter.
R119 million of this relates to the United States Dollar/Australian Dollar
currency financial instruments and the balance of R7 million relates to US$31
million which remained from the US$61 million of South African Rand/United
States Dollar forward sales which were established in the previous quarter. The
significant positive revaluation of the Australian Dollar financial instruments
was due to a strengthening in the Australian Dollar during the quarter to over
53 US cents.

The realised loss on financial instruments amounted to R7 million (US$1 million)
and includes a R29 million gain on the close out of US$30 million of Rand/US
Dollar forward sales, a gain of R9 million on close out of US Dollar/Australian
Dollar forward sales, amortisation of pre-acquisition deferred hedging gains at
Damang of R18 million, offset by a R63 million loss on close out of gold hedge
positions at this newly acquired mine.

Following upon the acquisition of the Damang Mine in January 2002 its existing
gold hedge positions of approximately 420,000 ounces, consisting of a
combination of forward sales and put options, was repurchased, generating a cash
gain of US$4,2 million. However, due to an increase in the gold price between
the effective date of acquisition of Damang and the hedge close out date, an
accounting loss of US$5.4 million (R63 million) was recognised.

Details of all the financial instruments are provided on page 9.

Profit before tax at R1,437 million (US$134 million) compares to R875 million
(US$91 million) recorded in the December 2001 quarter. Taxation at R347 million
(US$32 million) is 64 per cent above the previous quarter as a result of the
increased operating profit.

Net earnings, after deducting minorities, were thus R1,049 million (US$98
million) or 224 cents per share compared to R640 million (US$67 million) or 139
cents per share in the previous quarter.

Operating cash flow for the quarter was R1,508 million (US$141 million) an
increase of R289 million (US$15 million), compared to the December 2001 quarter.

Capital expenditure was R354 million (US$31 million) as compared to R328 million
(US$35 million) in the December 2001 quarter. The lower capital expenditure at
Driefontein was offset by the inclusion of the Australian operations for the
full quarter. Net cash flow for the quarter, after taking account of investing
and financing activities, was R873 million (US$73 million) as compared to R522
million (US$54 million) in the December 2001 quarter.

The cash balance at the end of March 2002 was R1,729 million (US$152 million),
almost double that held at the end of the previous quarter despite the payment
of the interim dividend in February of R423 million. Debt at the end of the
quarter (relating to the acquisition of the Agnew and St Ives operations from
WMC and the purchase of Damang Gold Mine in Ghana from Ranger Minerals Limited)
was R2,423 million (US$213 million).


- Overview

Attributable gold production increased from 984,000 ounces to 1,081,000 ounces,
of which 166,000 ounces was produced in Australia for the quarter, compared to
68,000 ounces in the previous quarter, for December month only. In addition,
40,000 attributable ounces from Damang was included for the first time this
quarter, albeit for only two months. At the South African operations, production
decreased by 29,000 ounces as a result of the decrease at Kloof of 32,000
ounces, whilst production from Driefontein and the Free State was marginally up
quarter on quarter.

Ore milled increased to 9.91 million tons from 8.35 million tons in the December
2001 quarter with yields decreasing from 3.8 grams per ton to 3.6 grams per ton
due to the inclusion of Australia and Damang at an average of 3.3 and 2.4 grams
per ton respectively. Cash costs for the Group decreased from US$169 per ounce
to US$160 per ounce as a result of the weakening of the Rand/Dollar exchange
rate by 14 per cent.

- South African Operations

Driefontein's production was stable at 326,000 ounces at a slightly higher yield
(6.1 grams per ton vs last quarter's 6.0 grams per ton) due to an increase in
underground tonnage, from 937,000 tons to 958,000 tons treated at 9.0 grams per
ton, and a lowering of surface tonnage, from 732,000 tons to 695,000 tons at an
average yield of 2.2 grams per ton. Total cash costs increased 1 per cent in
Rand terms to R52,326 per kilogram but reduced in US Dollar terms from US$159
per ounce to US$141 per ounce quarter on quarter, the lowest in the group.
Capital expenditure at R87 million (US$7 million) was well below the previous
quarters' R123 million (US$13 million) due to lower capital on metallurgical
facilities with the carbon-in-pulp and elution facilities having been completed
in the previous quarter.

At Kloof the 11 per cent decrease in production from 290,000 ounces to 258,000
ounces was mainly due to a decrease in underground tonnage from 861,000 to
723,000 tons, albeit at a 6 per cent higher yield at 10.8 grams per ton. This
decrease in production was due to the slow start up after the Christmas/New Year
break and the difficult mining conditions being encountered. It is anticipated
that production will continue at current levels for several quarters before
improving. The decrease in output resulted in a significant increase in the Rand
per kilogram cost to R61,500 or 12 per cent. The weaker Rand/Dollar exchange
rate however offset this and total cash costs in US Dollar terms marginally
decreased from US$168 per ounce to US$166 per ounce.

In the Free State, production at Beatrix increased from 167,000 ounces to
171,000 ounces, due to an improvement in underground yields. Tons milled
decreased by 15,000 tons to 990,000 tons due to lower underground tonnage,
partly offset by an increase in surface tonnage from 69,000 tons to 169,000 tons
in the current quarter. Total cash costs reduced to US$146 per ounce from US$168
per ounce and in Rand terms reduced by 1 per cent to R54,025 per kilogram,
mainly due to the increased output.

St Helena's production decreased from 32,000 ounces to 28,000 ounces with the
decrease in milling tonnage from 161,000 tons in the December 2001 quarter to
151,000 tons for this quarter, and a 5 per cent lower yield at 5.8 grams per
ton. The lower production resulted in an increase in cash costs from R73,711 per
kilogram (US$227 per ounce) to R86,912 per kilogram (US$234 per ounce). Despite
the lower volume, the higher gold price resulted in higher revenue, thus, net
earnings amounted to R20 million (US$2 million) as compared to R16 million (US$2
million) the previous quarter.

- Metallurgical Plants

The milling installation at Driefontein 2 plant is progressing well and is
scheduled for commissioning in July 2002. This will allow for the closure of the
current crushing circuit and multiple milling circuits, which are scheduled to
be demolished with locked-up gold recovered.

The feasibility study for the new mill installation at Driefontein 1 plant is
complete and under review. The project construction is scheduled to commence in
July 2002 with expected commissioning during the next financial year. The mills
for this project have been procured and are on site awaiting installation.

- International Operations

- Ghana (Tarkwa and Damang)

Total production was up 27 per cent from 145,000 ounces to 185,000 ounces as a
result of 2 months production from Damang at 56,000 ounces as expected,
partially offset by lower production from Tarkwa due to anticipated lower
yields. Total cash costs increased from US$174 per ounce to US$181 per ounce due
to the inclusion of the Damang production at a higher cost than Tarkwa, while
cost per ton increased from US$7 to US$8 and from R72 to R92 in Rand terms
quarter on quarter respectively. In Dollar terms net earnings increased 64 per
cent to US$13 million. Production is expected to increase in the June 2002
quarter with the inclusion of Damang's results for the full quarter.

- Australia (St Ives and Agnew)

This is the first full quarter for the Australian operations. Australia
contributed R181 million (US$17 million) to net earnings for the March 2002
quarter, although R126 million (US$11 million) of this was from the marked to
market valuation of United States Dollar/Australian Dollar currency financial
instruments, realised gains on such instruments and an unrealised exchange gain
on its foreign debt. Normalised earnings, excluding the effects of the valuation
of the currency financial instruments and exchange gain on foreign debt, were
R55 million (US$6 million). Gold production totalled 166,000 ounces, which is in
line with projections. Total cash costs were US$163 per ounce for the period,
and total cost of production was US$236 per ounce.

Exploration programmes were established at both St Ives and Agnew, with the
objective of accelerating the conversion of resources to reserves. Increasing
the ore reserve will provide the means to formulate long term plans for these
operations. Decisions regarding future mining schedules, processing facilities
upgrades, water and power requirements and the location of surface facilities
become much lower risk as a result of understanding the bigger ore reserve

- Arctic Platinum

During the quarter, Artic Platinum released its first resource estimate from the
SK Reef prospect. This independent estimate prepared by Snowden Mineral Industry
Consultants in accordance with JORC standards revealed 5.1 million ounces of
platinum, pallidium and gold (2PGE+Au) classified as inferred resource. This is
contained in 30.3 million tonnes grading 5.2 g/t 2PGE+Au over an average
thickness of 4.9 meters to an average depth below surface of 250 meters. Further
drilling is underway to expand and increase the confidence of these estimates.

The feasibility study continues on the Suhanko project with an expected
completion during the third quarter this year. An additional 22,000 meters of
in-fill, step out and condemnation drilling was completed during the quarter.
Gold Fields and Outokumpu are jointly examining smelting options at Outokumpu's
Harjavalta facility in conjunction with the Suhanko study. Gold Fields and
Outokumpu have been jointly funding this program since January 20, 2002 at their
respective 51 - 49 per cent interest.


With the inclusion of a full quarter from Damang and based on current forecasts,
June quarter's gold production should be in line with that realised in the March

Basis of Accounting

The unaudited results for the quarter have been prepared on the International
Accounting Standards basis. The detailed financial, operational and development
results for the March 2002 quarter are submitted in this report.

These consolidated quarterly statements are prepared in accordance with IAS 34,
Interim Financial Reporting. The accounting policies are consistent with those
applied at the previous year-end except for the adoption of IAS 39, Financial
Investments: Recognition and Measurement.

International Accounting Standards Basis
(Figures are in millions unless otherwise stated)
                                                                   Quarter                 Nine Months to
                                                         March        December       March          March         March
                                                          2002            2001        2001           2002          2001

Revenue                                                3,742.5         2,869.4     1,881.8        8,702.7       5,798.8
Operating costs#                                       2,173.2         1,780.5     1,465.2        5,564.7       4,450.6
Gold inventory change                                   (44.6)            24.9      (36.9)         (37.4)        (27.2)
Operating profit                                       1,613.9         1,064.0       453.5        3,175.4       1,375.4
Amortisation and depreciation                            339.9           212.9       152.1          704.3         467.6
Net operating profit                                   1,274.0           851.1       301.4        2,471.1         907.8
Finance income/(cost)                                     54.6          (36.4)        18.8           22.5          36.1
- Net Interest received/(paid)                             3.3           (0.5)        18.8            7.1          36.1
- Unrealised gain/(loss) on foreign debt                  51.3          (35.9)           -           15.4             -
Unrealised gain/(loss) on financial instruments          126.4            50.3           -          176.7             -
Realised gain/(loss) on financial instruments            (7.1)               -        37.9          (7.1)          37.9
Other income                                              19.4            33.9        36.0           58.9          79.8
Exploration                                             (20.8)          (24.4)      (13.2)         (71.2)        (40.8)
Profit before tax and exceptional items                1,446.5           874.5       380.9        2,650.9       1,020.8
Exceptional gain/(loss)#                                 (9.1)               -       (7.7)          (9.1)         (8.8)
Profit before taxation                                 1,437.4           874.5       373.2        2,641.8       1,012.0
Mining and income taxation                               347.4           211.7        80.3          663.9         203.6
- Normal taxation                                        346.3           170.2        14.4          550.5          86.1
- Deferred taxation                                        1.1            41.5        65.9          113.4         117.5
Profit after taxation                                  1,090.0           662.8       292.9        1,977.9         808.4
Minority interest                                         40.6            23.1        32.2           85.4          70.7
Net earnings                                           1,049.4           639.7       260.7        1,892.5         737.7
Exceptional items:
Other                                                    (9.1)               -       (7.7)          (9.1)         (8.8)
Total exceptional items                                  (9.1)               -       (7.7)          (9.1)         (8.8)
Taxation                                                   3.8               -         1.8            3.8           1.8
Net exceptional items after tax and minorities           (5.3)               -       (5.9)          (5.3)         (7.0)
Net earnings per share (cents)                             224             139          58            413           163
Headline earnings                                      1,049.4           639.7       260.7        1,892.5         737.7
Headline earnings per share (cents)                        224             139          58            413           163
Gold declared - managed less capitalised kg             34,739          31,316      28,299         94,445        89,585
Gold price received R/kg                               107,732          91,627      66,497         92,146        64,730
Total cash costs R/kg                                   59,138          55,013      48,189         56,174        47,092

# Prior years quarterly results have been reclassified to include retrenchment
costs as part of operating cost and not as exceptional items and hedge profits
have been reclassified as part of realised gain/(loss) on financial instruments.
Other income has been split into its various components throughout.

International Accounting Standards Basis
(Figures are in millions unless otherwise stated)
                                                                   Quarter                Nine Months to
                                                           March     December       March          March          March
                                                            2002         2001        2001           2002           2001

Revenue                                                    333.5        287.0       240.6          870.3          776.3
Operating costs#                                           189.5        174.5       187.4          556.5          595.8
Gold inventory change                                      (4.5)          2.9       (4.7)          (3.7)          (3.6)
Operating profit                                           148.5        109.6        57.9          317.5          184.1
Amortisation and depreciation                               31.0         21.3        19.5           70.4           62.6
Net operating profit                                       117.5         88.3        38.4          247.1          121.5
Finance income/(cost)                                        6.1        (3.5)         2.4            2.2            4.8
- Net Interest received/(paid)                               0.7            -         2.4            0.7            4.8
- Unrealised gain/(loss) on foreign debt                     5.4        (3.5)           -            1.5              -
Unrealised gain/(loss) on financial instruments             12.3          5.4           -           17.7              -
Realised gain/(loss) on financial instruments              (0.7)            -         5.1          (0.7)            5.1
Other income                                                 1.2          3.1         4.6            5.9           10.7
Exploration                                                (1.6)        (2.4)       (1.7)          (7.1)          (5.5)
Profit before tax and exception items                      134.8         90.9        48.8          265.1          136.6
Exceptional gain/(loss)#                                   (0.9)            -       (1.2)          (0.9)          (1.2)
Profit before taxation                                     133.9         90.9        47.6          264.2          135.4
Mining and income taxation                                  32.1         21.7        10.2           66.4           27.2
- Normal taxation                                           33.0         18.0         1.8           55.1           11.5
- Deferred taxation                                        (0.9)          3.7         8.4           11.3           15.7
Profit after taxation                                      101.8         69.2        37.4          197.8          108.2
Minority interest                                            3.7          2.2         4.1            8.5            9.5
Net earnings                                                98.1         67.0        33.3          189.3           98.7
Exceptional items:
Other                                                      (0.9)            -       (1.2)          (0.9)          (1.2)
Total exceptional items                                    (0.9)            -       (1.2)          (0.9)          (1.2)
Taxation                                                     0.3            -         0.2            0.3            0.2
Net exceptional items after tax and minorities             (0.6)            -       (1.0)          (0.6)          (1.0)
Net earnings per share (cents)                                21           15           7             41             22
Headline earnings                                           98.1         67.0        33.3          189.3           98.7
Headline earnings per share (cents)                           21           15           7             41             22
SA Rand / US Dollar conversion rate                        11.53        10.12        7.82          10.00           7.47
Gold declared - managed less capitalised ozs (000)         1,117        1,007         910          3,036          2,880
Gold price received $/oz                                     291          279         264            284            270
Total cash costs $/oz                                        160          169         192            175            196

# Prior years quarterly results have been reclassified to include retrenchment
costs as part of operating cost and not as exceptional items and hedge profits
have been reclassified as part of realised gain/(loss) on financial instruments.
Other income has been split into its various components throughout.

International Accounting Standards Basis
(Figures are in millions unless otherwise stated)
                                                                      SA Rand                       US Dollars
                                                                 March             June            March           June
                                                                  2002             2001             2002           2001

Mining and mineral assets                                     15,109.8         11,077.2          1,327.8        1,372.6
Non-current assets                                               193.9            180.6             17.0           22.4
Investments                                                      635.7            259.6             55.9           32.2
Current assets                                                 3,623.5          1,050.1            318.4          130.1
- Cash and deposits                                            1,728.9            190.0            151.9           23.5
- Other current assets                                         1,894.6            860.1            166.5          106.6
Total assets                                                  19,562.9         12,567.5          1,719.1        1,557.3
Shareholders' equity                                           9,916.6          7,075.6            871.4          876.8
Outside shareholders' interest                                   618.9            317.1             54.4           39.3
Deferred taxation                                              3,654.5          3,381.2            321.1          419.0
Long-term loans                                                1,989.8                -            174.9              -
Environmental rehabilitation provisions                          780.6            530.8             68.6           65.8
Post-retirement health care provisions                           242.4            235.4             21.3           29.2
Current liabilities                                            2,360.1          1,027.4            207.4          127.2
- Other current liab ilities                                   1,927.0          1,027.4            169.3          127.2
- Current portion of long term loans                             433.1                -             38.1              -
Total equity and liabilities                                  19,562.9         12,567.5          1,719.1        1,557.3
S.A. Rand/U.S. Dollar conversion rate                                                              11.38           8.07

(Figures are in millions)
                                                                      SA Rand                       US Dollars
                                                                 March            March            March           June
                                                                  2002             2001             2002           2001
Balance as at the beginning of the financial year              7,075.6          8,214.4            876.8        1,213.4
Currency translation adjustment and other                        679.7            179.6          (211.0)        (166.6)
Issue of share capital                                           582.6             59.3             51.2            3.5
Marked to market valuation of listed investments                 291.4                -             25.6              -
Dividends                                                      (605.2)          (477.7)           (60.5)         (63.9)
Net earnings                                                   1,892.5            737.7            189.3           98.7
Balance as at the end of March                                 9,916.6          8,713.3            871.4        1,085.1

International Accounting Standards Basis
(Figures are in millions)
                                                                      Quarter                     Nine months to
                                                                 March         December            March          March
                                                                  2002             2001             2002           2001

Cash flow from operating activities                            1,507.6          1,219.2          3,095.1        1,094.3
Profit before tax and exceptional items                        1,446.5            874.5          2,650.9        1,020.8
Exceptional items                                                (9.1)                -            (9.1)          (8.8)
Amortisation and depreciation                                    339.9            212.9            704.3          467.6
Change in working capital                                      (267.7)             58.5          (353.1)        (271.0)
Taxation paid                                                   (95.1)           (18.6)          (130.6)        (169.7)
Other non-cash items                                              93.1             91.9            232.7           55.4
Dividends paid                                                 (422.7)                -          (605.2)        (477.7)
Cash utilised in investing activities                          (771.0)        (2,202.9)        (3,304.9)        (792.0)
Capital expenditure - net                                      (353.8)          (328.3)          (983.0)        (730.8)
Purchase of investments - net                                   (37.5)           (21.4)           (84.4)         (46.6)
Investments in environmental trust funds and post                (4.8)            (4.9)           (14.3)         (14.6)
retirement health care payments
Acquisition of subsidiaries                                    (374.9)        (1,848.3)        (2,223.2)              -
Cash flow from financing activities                              558.9          1,505.2          2,273.6        (184.2)
Loans raised                                                     545.3          1,694.9          2,440.2              -
Loans repaid                                                         -          (200.0)          (200.0)        (218.2)
Shares issued                                                     13.6             10.3             33.4           34.0
Net cash inflow/(outflow)                                        872.8            521.5          1,458.6        (359.6)
Translation adjustment                                          (31.4)             90.0             80.3              -
Cash at beginning of period                                      887.5            276.0            190.0          514.9
Cash at end of period                                          1,728.9            887.5          1,728.9          155.3
(Figures are in millions)

                                                                      Quarter                     Nine months to
                                                                 March         December            March          March
                                                                  2002             2001             2002           2001

Cash flow from operating activities                              141.2            126.3            312.5          146.4
Profit before tax and exceptional items                          134.8             90.9            265.1          136.6
Exceptional items                                                (0.9)                -            (0.9)          (1.2)
Amortisation and depreciation                                     31.0             21.3             70.4           62.6
Change in working capital                                       (23.5)              8.9           (31.0)         (36.3)
Taxation paid                                                    (8.4)            (1.1)           (11.5)         (22.7)
Other non-cash items                                               8.2              6.3             20.4            7.4
Dividends paid                                                  (49.8)                -           (60.5)         (63.9)
Cash utilised in investing activities                           (67.7)          (216.1)          (329.3)        (106.0)
Capital expenditure - net                                       (31.1)           (34.7)           (98.3)         (97.8)
Purchase of investments - net                                    (3.3)            (1.1)            (7.4)          (6.2)
Investments in environmental trust funds and post                (0.4)            (0.3)            (1.3)          (2.0)
retirement health care payments
Acquisition of subsidiaries                                     (32.9)          (180.0)          (222.3)              -
Cash flow from financing activities                               49.2            143.4            216.3         (25.5)
Loans raised                                                      48.0            165.0            235.2              -
Loans repaid                                                         -           (22.2)           (22.2)         (30.0)
Shares issued                                                      1.2              0.6              3.3            4.5
Net cash inflow/(outflow)                                         72.9             53.6            139.0         (49.0)
Translation adjustment                                             5.0           (10.2)           (10.6)          (7.8)
Cash at beginning of period                                       74.0             30.6             23.5           76.1
Cash at end of period                                            151.9             74.0            151.9           19.3


As a general rule Gold Fields does not hedge the gold price except in
exceptional circumstances, such as

  • the existence of debt finance
  • in times of high gold prices.

Gold Fields may from time to time establish currency instruments to protect
underlying cash flows.

During the year Gold Fields established various currency instruments - those
remaining are described in the schedule. It has been decided not to account for
these instruments under the hedge accounting rules of IAS 39 and accordingly the
positions have been marked to market at the quarter end.

Year ended 30 June                             2002       2003         2004       2005      2006      2007         TOTAL
Forward sales:
(US Dollars) - 000's                         12,500     50,000       50,000     50,000    50,000    25,000       237,500
Average Rate
(USD/AUD)                                    0.4934     0.4934       0.4934     0.4934    0.4934    0.4934
Zero cost collar:
(US Dollars) - 000's                         25,000     50,000       50,000     50,000    50,000    25,000       250,000
Average downside
protection level
(USD/AUD)                                    0.5191     0.5191       0.5191     0.5191    0.5191    0.5191
Average upside
benefit cap
(USD/AUD)                                    0.4289     0.4289       0.4289     0.4289    0.4289    0.4289

The marked to market value of all transactions making up the positions in the
above table was a positive R146.3 million (US$12.9 million). The value was based
on exchange rates of R/USD 11.5250 and USD/AUD of 0.5304 and the prevailing
interest rates and volatilities at the time. This compares to a marked to market
value at the end of the previous quarter of a positive R26.9 million (US$2.3
million). The difference has been accounted for in the income statement.

Forward sales:
(US Dollars) - 000's                                    31,000                                                    31,000
Average Rate (R/USD)                                   13.3363

The marked to market value of the transaction making up the position in the
above table was a positive R30.8 million (US$2.6 million). The value was based
on an exchange rate of R/USD 11.5250 and the prevailing interest rates and
volatilities at the time. This compares to a marked to market value at the end
of the previous quarter of a positive R23.8 million (US$2.0 million). The
difference has been accounted for in the income statement.

(All figures are in Rand millions unless otherwise stated)
                                   Drie-      Kloof     Free State Div.                 Ghana        Aus.        Total
                                 fontein       Div.         Beatrix St Helena          Tarkwa     St Ives         Mine
                                Division                                              /Damang      /Agnew         Ops.
Operating costs (1)
March 2002                         564.7      488.6           304.2         77.5        405.7       332.5      2,173.2
December 2001                      557.8      487.3           294.9         74.2        262.9       103.4      1,780.5
Financial year to date           1,666.6    1,460.9           878.8        234.9        887.6       435.9      5,564.7
Gold in process change*
March 2002                           0.0        0.0             0.0          0.0       (21.5)      (15.0)       (36.5)
December 2001                        0.0        0.0             0.0          0.0        (9.8)        31.4         21.6
Financial year to date               0.0        0.0             0.0          0.0       (46.9)        16.4       (30.5)
Rehabilitation costs
March 2002                           2.8        1.6             0.6          0.2          0.4         6.2         11.8
December 2001                        2.8        1.6             1.0        (0.2)          0.2         2.2          7.6
Financial year to date               8.4        4.8             2.4          0.2          0.8         8.4         25.0
Production taxes
March 2002                           5.4        4.7             1.8          0.4          0.0         0.0         12.3
December 2001                        5.1        3.6             1.5          0.4          0.0         0.0         10.6
Financial year to date              15.5       11.4             4.7          1.1          0.0         0.0         32.7
General and Admin
March 2002                          31.1       26.3            15.7          1.7         15.9        11.7        102.4
December 2001                       32.9       23.8            10.6          1.5         10.2        10.5         89.5
Financial year to date              93.3       72.3            36.6          4.7         34.8        22.2        263.9
Cash operating costs
March 2002                         525.4      456.0           286.1         75.2        367.8       299.6      2,010.1
December 2001                      517.0      458.3           281.8         72.5        242.7       122.1      1,694.4
Financial year to date           1,549.4    1,372.4           835.1        228.9        805.0       421.7      5,212.5
Production taxes
March 2002                           5.4        4.7             1.8          0.4          0.0         0.0         12.3
December 2001                        5.1        3.6             1.5          0.4          0.0         0.0         10.6
Financial year to date              15.5       11.4             4.7          1.1          0.0         0.0         32.7
March 2002                           0.0        0.0             0.0          0.1         18.6        13.2         32.0
December 2001                        0.0        0.0             0.0          0.0         12.3         5.5         17.8
Financial year to date               0.0        0.0             0.0          0.1         41.3        18.7         60.2
March 2002                         530.8      460.7           287.9         75.7        386.5       312.8      2,054.4
December 2001                      522.1      461.9           283.3         72.9        255.0       127.6      1,722.8
Financial year to date           1,564.9    1,383.8           839.8        230.1        846.4       440.4      5,305.4
March 2002                          57.5       29.6            22.5        (0.1)         64.7       131.9        306.0
December 2001                       55.0       35.2            21.1          0.1         34.9        45.9        192.2
Financial year to date             166.1       92.7            59.7          0.0        127.5       177.8        623.7
March 2002                           2.8        1.6             0.6          0.2          0.4         6.2         11.8
December 2001                        2.8        1.6             1.0        (0.2)          0.2         2.2          7.6
Financial year to date               8.4        4.8             2.4          0.2          0.8         8.4         25.0
March 2002                         591.1      491.9           311.0         75.8        451.6       450.9      2,372.3
December 2001                      579.9      498.7           305.4         72.8        290.1       175.7      1,922.6
Financial year to date           1,739.4    1,481.3           901.9        230.3        974.7       626.6      5,954.2
Gold produced - thousand
ounces #
March 2002                         326.1      240.8           171.3         28.0        184.6       166.0      1,116.9
December 2001                      324.0      271.4           166.7         31.8        144.8        68.1      1,006.8
Financial year to date             973.8      774.9           482.6         91.7        479.5       234.1      3,036.5
March 2002                           141        166             146          234          181         163          160
December 2001                        159        168             168          227          174         161          169
Financial year to date               161        179             174          251          173         163          175
March 2002                           157        177             157          235          211         236          184
December 2001                        177        182             181          226          198         222          189
Financial year to date               179        191             187          251          199         232          196


Total cash costs and Total production costs are calculated in accordance with
the Gold Institute industry standard.

(1) Operating costs - All gold mining related costs before amortisation/
depreciation, changes in gold inventory, taxation and exceptional items.

(2) Total cash costs - Operating costs less off-mine costs, including general
and administration costs, as detailed in the table above.

(3) Total production costs - Cash costs plus amortisation/depreciation and
rehabilitation provisions, as detailed in the table above.

* Adjusted for amortisation/depreciation (non-cash item) excluded from Gold in
process change.

# Excludes gold production at Kloof 4 shaft of 540 kilograms (17,361 ounces) for
the March 2002 quarter (December 2001 quarter 578 kilograms - 18,583 ounces),
which is capitalised.

Average exchange rates are US$1 = R11.53 and US$1 = R10.12 for the March 2002
and December 2001 quarters respectively. Year to date US$1 = R10.00

Individual Mines
Operating Results
                                   Drie-      Kloof     Free State Div.                 Ghana        Aus.        Total
                                 fontein       Div.         Beatrix St Helena          Tarkwa     St Ives         Mine
                                Division                                              /Damang      /Agnew         Ops.

March 2002                         1,653      1,108             990          151        4,433       1,575        9,910
December 2001                      1,669      1,185           1,005          161        3,636         698        8,354
Financial year to date             4,893      3,434           2,980          485       11,874       2,273       25,939
Yield (grams per ton)
March 2002                           6.1        7.2             5.4          5.8          1.3         3.3          3.6
December 2001                        6.0        7.6             5.2          6.1          1.2         3.0          3.8
Financial year to date               6.2        7.5             5.0          5.9          1.3         3.2          3.7
Gold produced (kilograms)
March 2002                        10,144      8,031           5,329          871        5,741       5,163       35,279
December 2001                     10,079      9,020           5,184          989        4,505       2,117       31,894
Financial year to date            30,289     25,733          15,009        2,851       14,915       7,280       96,077
Gold declared (kilograms)
March 2002                        10,144      8,031           5,329          871        5,741       5,163       35,279
December 2001                     10,079      9,020           5,184          989        4,505       2,117       31,894
Financial year to date            30,289     25,733          15,009        2,851       14,915       7,280       96,077
Gold price received (Rand
per kilogram)
March 2002                       106,743    108,463         108,444      109,529      107,838     107,457      107,732
December 2001                     92,212     90,085          89,120       90,495       90,433     104,204       91,627
Financial year to date            90,871     90,133          91,465       90,354       92,001     106,511       92,146
Total cash costs (Rand per
March 2002                        52,326     61,500          54,025       86,912       67,322      60,585       59,138
December 2001                     51,801     54,715          54,649       73,711       56,604      60,274       55,013
Financial year to date            51,666     57,417          55,953       80,709       56,748      60,494       56,174
Total cash costs (US Dollars
per ounce)
March 2002                           141        166             146          234          181         163          160
December 2001                        159        168             168          227          174         161          169
Financial year to date               161        179             174          251          173         163          175
Total production costs (Rand
per kilogram)
March 2002                        58,271     65,665          58,360       87,026       78,666      87,326       68,289
December 2001                     57,535     59,074          58,912       73,610       64,395      82,995       61,394
Financial year to date            57,427     61,462          60,091       80,779       65,352      86,066       63,044
Operating costs (Rand per
March 2002                           342        467             307          513           92         211          221
December 2001                        334        435             293          461           72         148          215
Financial year to date               341        450             295          484           75         192          216
Financial Results (Rand
million) Unaudited -
March 2002                       1,082.8      812.5           577.9         95.4        619.1       554.8      3,742.5
December 2001                      929.4      760.5           462.0         89.5        407.4       220.6      2,869.4
Financial year to date           2,752.4    2,172.3         1,372.8        257.6      1,372.2       775.4      8,702.7
Operating costs
March 2002                         564.7      488.6           304.2         77.5        405.7       332.5      2,173.2
December 2001                      557.8      487.3           294.9         74.2        262.9       103.4      1,780.5
Financial year to date           1,666.6    1,460.9           878.8        234.9        887.6       435.9      5,564.7
Gold inventory change
March 2002                           0.0        0.0             0.0          0.0       (23.4)      (21.2)       (44.6)
December 2001                        0.0        0.0             0.0          0.0       (11.4)        36.3         24.9
Financial year to date               0.0        0.0             0.0          0.0       (52.5)        15.1       (37.4)
Operating profit
March 2002                         518.1      323.9           273.7         17.9        236.8       243.5      1,613.9
December 2001                      371.6      273.2           167.1         15.3        155.9        80.9      1,064.0
Financial year to date           1,085.8      711.4           494.0         22.7        537.1       324.4      3,175.4
Amortisation of mining
March 2002                          57.5       29.6            22.5        (0.1)         66.6       138.1        314.2
December 2001                       55.0       35.2            21.1          0.1         36.5        41.0        188.9
Financial year to date             166.1       92.7            59.7          0.0        133.1       179.1        630.7
Net operating profit
March 2002                         460.6      294.3           251.2         18.0        170.2       105.4      1,299.7
December 2001                      316.6      238.0           146.0         15.2        119.4        39.9        875.1
Financial year to date             919.7      618.7           434.3         22.7        404.0       145.3      2,544.7
Other income/(costs)
March 2002                           1.5        3.0             2.4          2.1       (45.5)       164.2        127.7
December 2001                      (5.1)      (1.7)             0.5          0.6          2.6      (13.9)       (17.0)
Financial year to date             (5.3)        0.6             3.4          3.0       (42.4)       150.3        109.6
Profit before taxation
March 2002                         462.1      297.3           253.6         20.1        124.7       269.6      1,427.4
December 2001                      311.5      236.3           146.5         15.8        122.0        26.0        858.1
Financial year to date             914.4      619.3           437.7         25.7        361.6       295.6      2,654.3
Mining and income taxation
March 2002                         173.8      106.3             1.2          0.0       (15.5)        88.6        354.4
December 2001                      109.9       63.5             0.8          0.0         41.8        12.5        228.5
Financial year to date             321.2      204.9             2.0          0.0         65.9       101.1        695.1
- Normal taxation
March 2002                         168.9      101.6             1.2          0.0         21.4        46.8        339.9
December 2001                       87.6       54.6             0.8          0.0         15.0         9.7        167.7
Financial year to date             275.6      156.4             2.0          0.0         49.4        56.5        539.9
- Deferred taxation
March 2002                           4.9        4.7             0.0          0.0       (36.9)        41.8         14.5
December 2001                       22.3        8.9             0.0          0.0         26.8         2.8         60.8
Financial year to date              45.6       48.5             0.0          0.0         16.5        44.6        155.2
Earnings before exceptional
March 2002                         288.3      191.0           252.4         20.1        140.2       181.0      1,073.0
December 2001                      201.6      172.8           145.7         15.8         80.2        13.5        629.6
Financial year to date             593.2      414.4           435.7         25.7        295.7       194.5      1,959.2
Exceptional items
March 2002                         (9.9)        0.0             0.0          0.0          0.0         0.0        (9.9)
December 2001                        0.0        0.0             0.0          0.0          0.0         0.0          0.0
Financial year to date             (9.9)        0.0             0.0          0.0          0.0         0.0        (9.9)
Net earnings
March 2002                         278.4      191.0           252.4         20.1        140.2       181.0      1,063.1
December 2001                      201.6      172.8           145.7         15.8         80.2        13.5        629.6
Financial year to date             583.3      414.4           435.7         25.7        295.7       194.5      1,949.3
Capital expenditure (Rand
March 2002                          86.6       63.4            52.3        (0.6)         22.6        86.2        310.5
December 2001                      122.5       67.5            54.3          0.6         29.6        51.1        325.6
Financial year to date             328.6      249.1           148.5          1.5         72.0       137.3        937.0
Planned for next six months        280.3      107.4           108.0          0.0         75.5       491.1      1,062.3
to September 2002

Individual Mines
Operating Results
                                   Drie-      Kloof     Free State Div.                 Ghana        Aus.        Total
                                 fontein       Div.         Beatrix St Helena          Tarkwa     St Ives         Mine
                                Division                                              /Damang      /Agnew         Ops.
Ore milled / treated (000
March 2002                         1,653      1,108             990          151        4,433       1,575        9,910
December 2001                      1,669      1,185           1,005          161        3,636         698        8,354
Financial year to date             4,893      3,434           2,980          485       11,874       2,273       25,939
Yield (ounces per ton)
March 2002                         0.197      0.233           0.173        0.185        0.042       0.105        0.114
December 2001                      0.194      0.245           0.166        0.197        0.040       0.098        0.123
Financial year to date             0.199      0.241           0.162        0.189        0.040       0.103        0.119
Gold produced (000 ounces)
March 2002                         326.1      258.2           171.3         28.0        184.6       166.0      1,134.2
December 2001                      324.0      290.0           166.7         31.8        144.8        68.1      1,025.4
Financial year to date             973.8      827.3           482.6         91.7        479.5       234.1      3,088.9
Gold declared (000 ounces)
March 2002                         326.1      258.2           171.3         28.0        184.6       166.0      1,134.2
December 2001                      324.0      290.0           166.7         31.8        144.8        68.1      1,025.4
Financial year to date             973.8      827.3           482.6         91.7        479.5       234.1      3,088.9
Gold price received (US
Dollars per ounce)
March 2002                           288        293             293          295          291         290          291
December 2001                        283        277             274          278          278         278          279
Financial year to date               283        280             284          281          281         287          284
Total cash costs (US Dollars
per ounce)
March 2002                           141        166             146          234          181         163          160
December 2001                        159        168             168          227          174         161          169
Financial year to date               161        179             174          251          173         163          175
Total production costs (US
Dollars per ounce)
March 2002                           157        177             157          235          211         236          184
December 2001                        177        182             181          226          198         222          189
Financial year to date               179        191             187          251          199         232          196
Operating costs (US Dollars
per ton)
March 2002                            30         40              27           45            8          18           19
December 2001                         33         43              29           46            7          13           21
Financial year to date                34         45              29           48            7          17           22
Financial Results (US$
million) - Unaudited
March 2002                          94.5       70.0            51.2          8.2         55.7        53.6        333.5
December 2001                       92.3       75.6            46.3          8.9         40.2        23.9        287.0
Financial year to date             275.2      217.2           137.3         25.8        137.2        77.5        870.3
Operating costs
March 2002                          47.5       40.8            25.7          6.4         36.6        32.4        189.5
December 2001                       54.2       47.3            28.8          7.1         26.0        11.2        174.5
Financial year to date             166.7      146.1            87.9         23.5         88.8        43.6        556.5
Gold inventory change
March 2002                           0.0        0.0             0.0          0.0        (2.0)       (1.8)        (4.5)
December 2001                        0.0        0.0             0.0          0.0        (1.0)         3.1          2.9
Financial year to date               0.0        0.0             0.0          0.0        (5.2)         1.3        (3.7)
Operating profit
March 2002                          47.1       29.2            25.5          1.7         21.2        23.0        148.5
December 2001                       38.1       28.3            17.5          1.8         15.2         9.6        109.6
Financial year to date             108.6       71.1            49.4          2.3         53.6        32.6        317.5
Amortisation of mining
March 2002                           4.9        2.4             1.9          0.0          6.1        13.5         28.9
December 2001                        5.3        3.5             2.1          0.0          3.6         4.4         19.0
Financial year to date              16.6        9.3             6.0          0.0         13.3        17.9         63.1
Net operating profit
March 2002                          42.1       26.7            23.6          1.7         15.0         9.5        119.6
December 2001                       32.8       24.8            15.4          1.8         11.6         5.2         90.6
Financial year to date              92.0       61.9            43.4          2.3         40.3        14.7        254.5
Other income /(costs)
March 2002                           0.2        0.3             0.2          0.2        (4.6)        16.5         12.8
December 2001                      (0.5)      (0.2)             0.1          0.1          0.3       (1.5)        (1.8)
Financial year to date             (0.5)        0.1             0.3          0.3        (4.2)        15.0         11.0
Profit before taxation
March 2002                          42.3       27.1            23.8          1.9         10.4        26.1        132.4
December 2001                       32.3       24.6            15.5          1.9         11.9         3.7         88.7
Financial year to date              91.4       61.9            43.8          2.6         36.1        29.8        265.4
Mining and income taxation
March 2002                          16.1        9.8             0.1          0.0        (2.2)         8.8         32.6
December 2001                       11.5        6.5             0.1          0.4          4.1         1.3         23.5
Financial year to date              32.1       20.5             0.2          0.0          6.6        10.1         69.5
- Normal taxation
March 2002                          16.0        9.7             0.1          0.0          1.9         4.7         32.3
December 2001                        9.3        5.9             0.1          0.0          1.5         1.0         17.8
Financial year to date              27.6       15.6             0.2          0.0          4.9         5.7         54.0
- Deferred taxation
March 2002                           0.2        0.1             0.0          0.0        (4.1)         4.2          0.3
December 2001                        2.2        0.6             0.0          0.0          2.6         0.3          5.7
Financial year to date               4.6        4.9             0.0          0.0          1.7         4.5         15.5
Earnings before exceptional
March 2002                          26.2       17.3            23.7          1.9         12.7        17.3         99.8
December 2001                       20.8       18.1            15.4          1.9          7.8         2.4         65.2
Financial year to date              59.3       41.4            43.6          2.6         29.5        19.7        195.9
Exceptional items
March 2002                         (1.0)        0.0             0.0          0.0          0.0         0.0        (1.0)
December 2001                        0.0        0.0             0.0          0.0          0.0         0.0          0.0
Financial year to date             (1.0)        0.0             0.0          0.0          0.0         0.0        (1.0)
Net earnings
March 2002                          25.2       17.3            23.7          1.9         12.7        17.3         98.8
December 2001                       20.8       18.1            15.4          1.9          7.8         2.4         65.2
Financial year to date              58.3       41.4            43.6          2.6         29.5        19.7        194.9
Capital Expenditure (US$
March 2002                           6.7        4.8             4.4        (0.1)          2.0         7.5         25.2
December 2001                       12.9        7.0             5.8          0.1          2.9         4.4         33.2
Financial year to date              32.9       24.9            14.9          0.2          7.1        11.9         91.7
Planned for the next six            24.4        9.3             9.4          0.0          6.6        42.7         92.4
months to September 2002

Average exchange rates are US$1 = R11.53 and US$1 = R10.12 for the March 2002
and December 2001 quarters respectively. Year to date US$1 = R10.00

Figures may not add as they are rounded independently.

Operating Results
                                   Drie-      Kloof     Free State Div.                  Ghana        Aus.        Total
                                 fontein       Div.         Beatrix St Helena           Tarkwa     St Ives         Mine
                                Division                                               /Damang      /Agnew         Ops.
Ore milled / treated (000
- underground
March 2002                           958        723             821          151             -           -        2,653
December 2001                        937        861             936          161             -           -        2,895
Financial year to date             2,879      2,415           2,654          485             -           -        8,433
- surface
March 2002                           695        385             169            -         4,433       1,575        7,257
December 2001                        732        324              69            -         3,636         698        5,459
Financial year to date             2,014      1,019             326            -        11,874       2,273       17,506
- total
March 2002                         1,653      1,108             990          151         4,433       1,575        9,910
December 2001                      1,669      1,185           1,005          161         3,636         698        8,354
Financial year to date             4,893      3,434           2,980          485        11,874       2,273       25,939
Yield (grams per ton)
March 2002                           9.0       10.8             6.3          5.8             -           -          8.5
December 2001                        9.2       10.2             5.5          6.1             -           -          8.1
Financial year to date               9.1       10.4             5.5          5.9             -           -          8.1
- surface
March 2002                           2.2        0.6             1.0            -           1.3         3.3          1.8
December 2001                        2.0        0.6             1.0            -           1.2         3.0          1.5
Financial year to date               2.1        0.6             1.0            -           1.3         3.2          1.6
- total
March 2002                           6.1        7.2             5.4          5.8           1.3         3.3          3.6
December 2001                        6.0        7.6             5.2          6.1           1.2         3.0          3.8
Financial year to date               6.2        7.5             5.0          5.9           1.3         3.2          3.7
Gold produced (kilograms)
- underground
March 2002                         8,622      7,791           5,158          871             -           -       22,442
December 2001                      8,615      8,812           5,118          989             -           -       23,534
Financial year to date            26,074     25,088          14,669        2,851             -           -       68,682
- surface
March 2002                         1,522        240             171            -         5,741       5,163       12,837
December 2001                      1,464        208              66            -         4,505       2,117        8,360
Financial year to date             4,215        645             340            -        14,915       7,280       27,395
- total
March 2002                        10,144      8,031           5,329          871         5,741       5,163       35,279
December 2001                     10,079      9,020           5,184          989         4,504       2,117       31,894
Financial year to date            30,289     25,733          15,009        2,851        14,915       7,280       96,077
Operating costs (Rand per
- underground
March 2002                           549        706             367          513             -           -          529
December 2001                        554        597             313          461             -           -          481
Financial year to date               538        635             328          484             -           -          494
- surface
March 2002                            56         55              19            -            92         211          110
December 2001                         53         38              30            -            72         148           77
Financial year to date                58         47              25            -            75         192           85
- total
March 2002                           342        467             307          513            92         211          221
December 2001                        334        435             293          461            72         148          215
Financial year to date               341        450             295          484            75         192          216

# Australia operations are defined as surface and near surface operations


Development values represent the actual results of sampling and no allowance has
been made for any adjustments which may be necessary when estimating ore
reserves. All figures below exclude shaft sinking metres

                                March 2002                 December 2001                 Nine months to
                                  Quarter                     Quarter                      March 2002
                                 Carbon                        Carbon                         Carbon
                         Reef    Leader      Main       VCR    Leader       Main       VCR    Leader      Main      VCR
Advanced                  (m)     6,409       154     1,366     6,762        163     1,688    19,530       520    4,784
Advanced on reef          (m)       813         -       103       954         44       171     2,722       127      566
Sampled                   (m)       774         -        45       993         63       180     2,775       147      504
Channel width            (cm)       127         -       138        74         67        17        94        69       43
Average value         - (g/t)      31.8         -      16.7      25.8       14.3      42.5      28.2      15.8     37.3
                   - (cm.g/t)     4,047         -     2,314     1,904        956       741     2,656     1,098    1,589

                               March 2002                  December 2001                 Nine months to
                                 Quarter                      Quarter                      March 2002
                        Reef      Kloof     Main       VCR      Kloof       Main       VCR      Kloof      Main      VCR
Advanced                 (m)        211      625     9,803        449        747     9,637      1,157     2,038   29,771
Advanced on reef         (m)         73      135     1,337        166        245     1,544        343       615    4,514
Sampled                  (m)         84      162       960         63        120     1,386        261       519    3,738
Channel width           (cm)        153      209        91        138        143        81        154       149       83
Average value        - (g/t)        4.5     15.5      26.7       11.1        9.7      31.5        6.4      12.2     27.6
                  - (cm.g/t)        699    3,240     2,433      1,536      1,384     2,567        991     1,822    2,284

                                March 2002                 December 2001                 Nine months to
                                 Quarter                      Quarter                      March 2002
                        Reef    Beatrix         Kalkoen      Beatrix          Kalkoen       Beatrix             Kalkoen
                                                  krans                         krans                             krans
Advanced                 (m)      7,324           1,141        7,480            1,507        20,792               5,203
Advanced on reef         (m)      1,230             461        1,285              590         3,626               1,513
Sampled                  (m)      1,128             507        1,182              558         3,135               1,587
Channel width           (cm)         66             123           73               95            69                 103
Average value        - (g/t)       13.0            12.1         16.3             11.5          14.3                13.2
                  - (cm.g/t)        858           1,488        1,181            1,084           988               1,356

                                March 2002                 December 2001                 Nine months to
                                 Quarter                      Quarter                      March 2002
St Helena
                        Reef      Basal          Leader        Basal           Leader         Basal              Leader
Advanced                 (m)        268               7          638              162         1,306                 278
Advanced on reef         (m)        102               7          179              132           414                 231
Sampled                  (m)         33               -          261               78           504                 111
Channel width           (cm)         73               -          103               79            94                  80
Average value        - (g/t)       17.4               -         11.5              2.9          11.3                 4.5
                  - (cm.g/t)      1,268               -        1,183              231         1,061                 356


Certain statements in this document constitute "forward looking statements"
within the meaning of Section 27A of the US Securities Act of 1933 and Section
21E of the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties
and other important factors that could cause the actual results, performance or
achievements of the company to be materially different from the future results,
performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward looking
statements. Such risks, uncertainties and other important factors include among
others: economic, business and political conditions in South Africa; decreases
in the market price of gold; hazards associated with underground and surface
gold mining; labour disruptions; changes in government regulations, particularly
environmental regulations; changes in exchange rates; currency devaluations;
inflation and other macro-economic factors; and the impact of the AIDS crisis in
South Africa. These forward looking statements speak only as of the date of this

The company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or release any revisions
to these forward looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the
date of this document or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


Corporate Office

Gold Fields Limited

24 St Andrews Road




Postnet Suite 252

Private Bag x 30500

Houghton 2041

Tel: +27 11 644-2400

Fax: +27 11 484-0626


C M T Thompson+ (Chairman)

A J Wright (Deputy Chairman)

I D Cockerill * (Managing Director)

N J Holland *

J M McMahon *

G R Parker #

P J Ryan

T M G Sexwale

B R van Rooyen

C I von Christierson

+ Canadian * British # USA

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St James' Corporate Services Limited

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London SW1A 1 NP

Tel: +944 207 499-3916

Fax: +944 207 491-1989

Transfer Offices


Merchantile Registrars

7th Floor

11 Diagonal Street

Johannesburg, 2001

Tel: 27 11 370-5000

Fax: 27 11 370-5271

Company Secretary

V D MacDonald

24 St Andrews Road




Postnet Suite 252

Private Bag x 30500

Houghton 2041

Tel: +27 11 644-2406

Fax: +27 11 484-0626


Capita IRG

Bourne House

34 Beckenham Road

Beckenham Kent BR3 4TU

Tel: +944 208 639-2000

Fax: +944 208 658-3430

American Depositary Receipt Banker

Bank of New York

101 Barclay Street

New York N.Y. 10286


Tel: +91 212 815-5133

Fax: +91 212 571-3050

Investor Relations

Europe & South Africa

Willie Jacobsz

Tel: +27 11 644-2460

Fax: +27 11 484-0639

E-mail: investors@goldfields.co.za

United Kingdom

46 Berkley Street



Tel: +944 207 322-6341

Fax: +944 207 322-6028

North America

Cheryl A. Martin

Tel: +91 303 796-8683

Fax: +91 303 796-8293

E-mail: camartin@gfexpl.com

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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