RNS Number:0399I
Urbium PLC
27 February 2003

Embargoed until 0700                                    27 February 2003

                               Urbium PLC
                        ("Urbium" or the "Group")

         Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2002


    Continuing  businesses before exceptional costs and amortisation of
    intangible assets

        -  Turnover up 38% to #59.9 million (2001: #43.4 million)

        -  Operating profit up 32% to #10.3 million (2001: #7.8 million)

        -  Adjusted earnings per share on continuing businesses up 21%
           to 1.21 pence

  >  Profit before tax up by 139% to #4.3 million (2001: #1.8 million)

  >  Basic earnings per share 0.23 pence (2001: Loss per share 0.56

  >  Strong December and second half performance helped deliver Group
     result for the year in line with expectations in substantially more
     difficult trading environment

  >  Three new large format Tiger Tigers opened in Croydon, Glasgow and
     Newcastle and trading is ahead of expectations

  >  Successful implementation of new management initiatives to combat
     trading environment increased sales and improved cost efficiencies

  >  Strong performance from core estate in London's West End despite
     slowdown in market.  Total late night licensed market share for
     Urbium's sixteen West End Bar Nightclubs now estimated at 15%

  >  Group's financial position remains robust and Urbium continues to
     trade well within its banking covenants

  >  Clear strategy for growth

        -  Further large capacity Tiger Tigers in UK major population
           centres together with smaller Tiger Tiger formats in
           secondary markets
        -  Further expansion of the London estate in West End, the City
           and key London suburban markets

  John  Conlan,  Chairman  said: "Our relatively  strong  performance
  last  year  against  challenging conditions is mainly  due  to  the
  strategic  positioning  of  the  businesses  which  has  secured  a
  competitive  edge  through a well differentiated operating  format.
  We  focus mainly on an older, more affluent and less crowded market
  where  we can generally compete on service and quality rather  than
  on  price  discounting.  Our unique combination of bar,  restaurant
  and  nightclub, usually trading all day and late night, is  ideally
  suited for this more discerning market.

  "Our  banking  facilities  consist of a  #50  million  medium  term
  facility and a #5 million overdraft facility.  At the end of  2002,
  #23  million of these facilities were undrawn and uncommitted.  The
  Group has traded and continues to trade comfortably within all  its
  banking covenants.  This combined with the strong and growing  cash
  flow  from  existing businesses puts Urbium in a  secure  financial
  position.   Additionally  over the past six  months  we  have  been
  deliberately  conserving  our  resources  and  maintaining  maximum
  flexibility  in  our  future  development  commitments   until   we
  consider  that  property  and business  values  fully  reflect  the
  degree  of  downturn  in the sector and until the  current  general
  uncertainty  in the economy has eased.  This revised strategy  will
  result  in  a significant reduction in debt in 2003 and put  Urbium
  in  a  strong  financial  position to take advantage  of  the  many
  development  and acquisition opportunities which we  are  confident
  will be available in the future.

  "We  expected that market conditions for 2003 would continue to  be
  difficult  and  trading  during January and  February,  the  lowest
  trading  period for the year, has confirmed our caution.   We  have
  taken  advantage of this traditionally quieter period to carry  out
  a  number  of  reinvestment projects, such as the refurbishment  of
  Tiger  Tiger  London,  which inevitably results  in  some  business

  "The  leisure retail market generally appears to have  been  slower
  to  recover  from  the traditional New Year lows than  in  previous
  years  but given the low levels of activity during this period,  it
  is  too  early  yet to gauge trends for the year as a  whole.   The
  Board  continues to be confident about the long term prospects  for

  An  analyst  meeting will be held at 0930 today at the offices  of
  Weber  Shandwick  Square  Mile, Fox Court,  14  Gray's  Inn  Road,
  London, WC1X 8WS.


  John    Conlan,   Chairman             (27 February) 020 7067 0700
  Robert  Cohen, Managing Director        (Thereafter) 020 7434 0030
  Steven Palmer, Finance Director

  WEBER SHANDWICK SQUARE MILE                          020 7067 0732
  Becky Haywood

                                                    27 February 2003

                               Urbium PLC
                        ("Urbium" or the "Group")

         Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2002

  Chairman's Statement

  I  am  pleased to announce Urbium's first full year results as  an
  independently  quoted Company.  Urbium, the former  bar  nightclub
  business of Chorion PLC, was formed following the demerger of  the
  Intellectual Property business and was admitted to AIM on  17  May

  We are required to report Urbium's results for the full year to 31
  December 2002, together with the 20 week results to 17 May 2002 of
  the   Chorion  businesses  which  were  demerged.   The   demerged
  activities are reported under discontinued operations.

  This  commentary  on the year's results focuses only  on  Urbium's
  continuing  operations,  the  bar  nightclub  businesses.   I   am
  delighted  to  report  that  this  business  has  enjoyed  another
  successful year and that the strong rate of growth achieved  since
  the business was established five years ago has continued.

  Turnover for the period increased by 38% to #59.9 million  (2001:
  #43.4  million) with operating profit from continuing  operations,
  before  amortisation of intangible assets and  exceptional  costs,
  increasing by 32% to #10.3 million (2001:#7.8 million).

  The   reported  results  for  the  year  include  a  #3.9  million
  exceptional  cost  relating to the total  cost  of  effecting  the
  demerger.  The net interest charge for the period of #1.2  million
  relates to the borrowing costs on the total debt used to establish
  both  the  bar  nightclub business and the  demerged  intellectual
  property  business,  except for #5 million  repaid  to  Urbium  on
  demerger.   Profit  before  tax  increased  to  #4.3  million,  an
  increase of 139%.  Adjusted earnings per share from the continuing
  operations,   before   exceptional  costs  and   amortisation   of
  intangible assets, increased by 21% to 1.21 pence whilst the basic
  earnings per share of 0.23 pence per share compares favourably  to
  a loss of 0.56 pence in 2001.

  As  signalled in the demerger documentation, no dividend is  being
  proposed  for  2002.   In  view  of  the  Group's  robust  trading
  performance  and  strong  cash flow the  Directors  will  consider
  declaring a maiden dividend with the preliminary results for 2003.

  For  Urbium  2002 has been a busy and rewarding year  in  which  a
  number  of  important corporate strategic landmarks were  reached.
  Chief  among  these were the complex demerger of the  Intellectual
  Property  business and the final elimination of the remaining  and
  onerous   Trocadero  liabilities.   These  complex   and   lengthy
  transactions have finally delivered an unencumbered,  vibrant  and
  well  managed bar nightclub business that has traded well in  2002
  and which, I believe, has significant future potential and value.

  Business Review
  That potential is clearly demonstrated in the fine performance for
  2002.   Our  businesses and markets are not  immune  to  the  well
  documented  downturn in general leisure retail spending  over  the
  past  year or so.  Our relatively strong performance last year  in
  those  challenging  conditions is  mainly  due  to  the  strategic
  positioning of the businesses which has secured a competitive edge
  through  a well differentiated operating format.  We focus  mainly
  on  an  older, more affluent and less crowded market where we  can
  generally  compete  on service and quality rather  than  on  price
  discounting.   Our  unique  combination  of  bar,  restaurant  and
  nightclub,  usually  trading all day and late  night,  is  ideally
  suited for this more discerning market.

  A  significant factor contributing to the relatively  strong  2002
  performance was management's recognition early in the  year  of  a
  further   tightening  in  leisure  consumer   spending   and   the
  implementation of specific initiatives to improve profits  in  the
  seasonally  much  more important second half of the  year.   These
  initiatives  were  mainly directed towards competing  aggressively
  for additional sales during our peak demand periods, especially in
  December, and to driving cost efficiencies throughout the business
  without compromising service standards.

  The success of these initiatives led to a very satisfactory second
  half  performance with total sales up by 33% on the previous  year
  and  like for like sales in comparable businesses up by 1%.   This
  result  was  a  significant  improvement  on  first  half  trading
  patterns  with  both  London  and the  provinces  performing  more
  strongly.   The December trading period was a particular  success.
  Total net sales for the four weeks ending 31 December increased by
  37%  to  #9.8  million,  with like for like sales  for  comparable
  December  trading  businesses up by 3.4% on  the  previous  year's
  record result.

  This  robust  performance in a tougher market was achieved  mainly
  through  one  of  the business's key strengths -  its  ability  to
  provide  restaurant and party catering services to a high standard
  and in volume during periods of peak demand.  This strong December
  result was delivered despite indifferent trading in London on  the
  traditionally  strong  New Year's Eve.  We,  together  with  other
  London   operators,  were  disappointed  with  the  lack  of   any
  substantial  organised  New  Year's Eve  celebrations  in  Central
  London and the active encouragement by various authorities to stay
  out  of  the  West  End  on that night.   Overall  a  rather  poor
  reflection on the capital city.

  The Board's strategic plan for growth has been tightly focused  on
  developing  our two prime assets, the Tiger Tiger  brand  and  our
  unique  position in London's West End.  In 2002 significant  value
  has been added to both of these assets.

  Tiger Tiger
  Tiger Tiger is our own creation and lead development brand.   This
  highly  individual fusion of bar, restaurant and nightclub is  now
  firmly  established  as a highly regarded and recognised  national
  brand.   It  achieves trade and consumer recognition  well  beyond
  what  would  normally be afforded to a business that still  trades
  from just eight locations in the UK.

  Three Tiger Tigers opened to significant success in 2002 and after
  absorbing  the substantial pre-opening and launch costs  of  these
  large  businesses, they made a good initial part year contribution
  to  profits.   All  three  are  expected  to  make  a  significant
  contribution  in 2003.  Croydon opened in March 2002  and  made  a
  major  contribution to profits in the second half.  Glasgow opened
  in  August  2002  and  by  the year end  was  firmly  established.
  Newcastle, which opened in mid November, has since traded ahead of
  our  expectations and is showing all the hallmarks  of  developing
  into another large and successful business.

  It is not unusual for large, well invested new developments in our
  sector  to perform strongly in their first year following  opening
  but it has often proved to be more challenging to maintain or grow
  profits  thereafter.  With the exception of Birmingham, which  was
  our  first  regional Tiger Tiger, we have been  able  to  maintain
  growth  in subsequent years.  As the businesses mature and  become
  more  established in their individual locations,  management  have
  been able to grow the business, particularly corporate, restaurant
  and  function  bookings,  in  their second  and  subsequent  years
  following  opening.  Portsmouth and Leeds, which opened  in  2001,
  recorded  solid growth in the second half of 2002 and  Manchester,
  which  opened in 2000, achieved its best profit to date  in  2002.
  In  2002,  in its fourth full year of trading, the original  Tiger
  Tiger in London's Haymarket recorded profits ahead of 2001.

  With  each new opening we continue to develop the brand and  range
  of  facilities.  We have recently taken the opportunity to  retro-
  fit  part  of the Birmingham Tiger Tiger using some of the  design
  and  layout  modifications  used in  recent  successful  openings.
  These  modifications  are designed to improve Birmingham's  profit
  contribution in 2003.  Similarly, at Tiger Tiger Haymarket, now in
  its fifth trading year, in February 2003 we completed, at a modest
  cost  compared  to the original investment, a design  refit  of  a
  substantial  part  of  the  unit in order  to  help  maintain  the
  unprecedented  profit contribution from this remarkable  business.
  These  smaller additional investments are being made in  order  to
  maintain,  and  enhance where possible, the brand values,  quality
  and  performance  of the Tiger Tiger business,  which  is  one  of
  Urbium's principal assets.

  London is by far the largest leisure and hospitality market in the
  UK  and  has characteristics which are particularly attractive  to
  us.   Our customer base is predominantly drawn from those who work
  and  live  in  and around London and our dependence  on  the  less
  reliable  tourist  market is minimal.  Compared  to  elsewhere,  a
  significant level of business is available all day and  all  week.
  Also,  in this affluent market price discounting is quite  limited
  and  higher  gross  margins  can  be  achieved.   Our  significant
  presence  in London's West End is very valuable and, with  current
  licensing  restrictions, would be a difficult asset to  replicate.
  Urbium  now  trades  from  16 individual  venues  with  capacities
  ranging  from 200 in some smaller bar concepts to 1,770  at  Tiger
  Tiger.   It is estimated that we now control approximately 15%  of
  the  late night licensed capacity in our area of trade in the West

  Set  against  the  background of the well publicised  downturn  in
  leisure and hospitality demand in London, we are very pleased with
  the  strong  performance of Urbium's businesses in the capital  in
  2002.     As  early  as  February 2001,  we  noted  a  discernable
  downturn  in  demand  in  our  City related  corporate  and  party
  business.   That  trend has continued in 2002.   However,  in  the
  second  half of the year in particular, revenue levels  stabilised
  as  we  have been able to increase our market share partly through
  various    web    based    marketing    initiatives    with    our
  latenightlondon.co.uk website and its dedicated sales team.

  Late  Night London's dedicated database of over 100,000 registered
  users  in  the much coveted demographic of 22-30 year old affluent
  professionals living and working in and around London  has  proved
  to be a powerful tool for sustaining and building customer traffic
  through our wide choice of venues and facilities.

  During the second half of 2002 two further units were added to the
  West  End  portfolio.  A small capacity unit in Greek Street,  was
  acquired, closed, redeveloped and now trades as The Soho.  The 680
  capacity  former  Rock venue on the Embankment  was  acquired  and
  relaunched  as Motion.  Together these new venues are expected  to
  make a useful contribution to profits in 2003.

  During  the second half Red Cube, the restaurant led bar  acquired
  in  June 2001, was successfully repositioned at low cost as a more
  conventional Urbium bar nightclub.  The other restaurant led  bar,
  the  high profile Sugar Reef unit also acquired in June 2001, made
  a  very  useful contribution to profits particularly in the second
  half.   However,  this  business has yet to achieve  our  expected
  return on investment as its performance has been curtailed due  to
  the downturn in restaurant demand from corporate and City clients.
  We  are  evaluating a range of operating modifications to  improve
  future  performance similar to those successfully  implemented  at
  Red Cube.

  Elsewhere in the West End, many of our established businesses such
  as  The  Loop,  The  Langley, Oxygen, On Anon, Digress,  Sway  and
  Babble  traded  strongly reporting profits ahead of  the  previous

  With  the  interim  results in September we  announced  our  first
  business  in  the  City of London, the 750 capacity  Digress  that
  opened  at the CityPoint development in Ropemaker Street  in  late
  November.  Although trading only during normal licensing hours  to
  11pm  and  mainly Monday to Friday, we were very pleased with  the
  high  level of sales achieved during the five weeks to the end  of
  2002 and since.  The unit's performance to date suggests that  our
  contemporary and stylish brand offering is being well received  by
  the  City  market.   We believe that considerable  further  growth
  potential   exists  in  this  large  market.   The  current   well
  publicised  downturn  in the City provides us  with  a  window  of
  opportunity  to secure other suitable properties at rental  levels
  appropriate  for  our business and in which  we  can  achieve  our
  target  return  rates  in  the short  term  and  significant  out-
  performance when City confidence is again restored.

  Overall in London Urbium has enjoyed a robust performance in 2002.
  In  our experience London is the most resilient market in a period
  of  extended consumer downturn and the most lucrative when  demand
  is  strong.   It's  a  market  in which  Urbium's  management  has
  particular experience and operational knowledge.  By continuing to
  develop a strong presence in this unique market, the Directors are
  confident that a very valuable asset for shareholders has  already
  been created.

  Future Growth Strategy
  Urbium  will  continue to build on its core  strengths  and  prime
  assets with a strategy focused on three key objectives.

  Firstly,  we  will continue to develop our successful lead  brand,
  the large capacity Tiger Tigers, in primary population centres  in
  the UK where there is still considerable potential for development
  over  the  next three years.  For the foreseeable future our  only
  Tiger  Tiger  development outside of the UK will be restricted  to
  the very attractive Dublin market.  We expect to open in Dublin in
  early 2004.

  Secondly,  as referred to in the last Interim Statement,  we  also
  plan  to  launch a smaller capacity adaptation of the Tiger  Tiger
  format  which will still retain the unique mix of bar,  restaurant
  and  nightclub  which is the hallmark of the  brand.    This  will
  provide us with a major opportunity to exploit the brand in a wide
  range of smaller UK markets.

  Finally,  although the national roll out of the Tiger Tiger  brand
  is  rapidly  reducing our historic reliance  on  London,  we  will
  continue  to  expand our presence, both in our West End  heartland
  and  beyond.   We  will  build on our West  End  strength,  mainly
  through  acquisition,  as and when suitable opportunities  at  the
  right  price  are  identified.   Additionally,  building  on   our
  successful  experience  at Croydon in South  London,  we  plan  to
  establish  our  contemporary operating formats in affluent  London
  suburbs  and in major markets around the M25.  Also, as  discussed
  above, will seek to secure a greater share of the attractive  City
  of London market.

  Our  banking  facilities  consist of a  #50  million  medium  term
  facility and a #5 million overdraft facility.  At the end of 2002,
  #23 million of these facilities were undrawn and uncommitted.  The
  Group has traded and continues to trade comfortably within all its
  banking covenants.  This combined with the strong and growing cash
  flow  from  existing businesses puts Urbium in  a secure financial
  position.   Additionally over the past six  months  we  have  been
  deliberately  conserving  our resources  and  maintaining  maximum
  flexibility  in  our  future  development  commitments  until   we
  consider  that  property  and business values  fully  reflect  the
  degree  of  downturn in the sector and until the  current  general
  uncertainty in the economy has eased.  This revised strategy  will
  result  in a significant reduction in debt in 2003 and put  Urbium
  in  a  strong  financial position to take advantage  of  the  many
  development  and acquisition opportunities which we are  confident
  will be available in the future.

  Shareholders  I  know will join me in expressing  our  thanks  and
  congratulations to my fellow executive Directors, Robert Cohen and
  Steven  Palmer, together with the management team  and  staff  who
  have  worked  so  hard  to deliver such  a  good  2002  result  in
  challenging  market conditions.  These people are our best  assets
  and  I  can  assure shareholders that they are fully  focused  and
  determined to deliver outperformance in 2003.

  As  in  the past, a significant element of Urbium's annual  growth
  stems  from the full year benefit of developments carried  out  in
  the  previous  year.   Eight new businesses  were  added  in  2002
  including  three large capacity Tiger Tigers.  A substantial  full
  year growth benefit is expected from these in 2003.

  We  expected that market conditions for 2003 would continue  to  be
  difficult  and  trading  during January and  February,  the  lowest
  trading  period for the year, has confirmed our caution.   We  have
  taken  advantage of this traditionally quieter period to carry  out
  a  number  of  reinvestment projects, such as the refurbishment  of
  Tiger  Tiger  London,  which inevitably results  in  some  business

  The leisure retail market generally appears to have been slower  to
  recover  from the traditional New Year lows than in previous  years
  but  given the low levels of activity during this period, it is too
  early  yet  to  gauge trends for the year as a  whole.   The  Board
  continues  to  be  confident  about the  long  term  prospects  for

  John Conlan
  CHAIRMAN                       26 February

for the year ended 31 December 2002

                                                        Year to                 Year to
                                                    31 December             31 December
                                                           2002                    2001
                                  Notes                   #'000                   #'000

Turnover                             2
Continuing operations:
   Ongoing                                               57,919                  43,383
   Acquisitions                                           2,006                       -
                                                         59,925                  43,383
Discontinued operations                                   2,818                  10,167
                                                         62,743                  53,550
Cost of sales                                          (12,461)                 (8,920)

Gross profit                                             50,282                  44,630

Net operating expenses                                 (44,782)                (43,042)

Operating profit
Continuing operations:
   Ongoing before amortisation              10,239                    7,819
   Acquisitions before amortisation             63                        -
   Amortisation of intangibles             (1,157)                    (853)
   Exceptional demerger costs        3     (3,869)                        -
                                                          5,276                   6,966

Discontinued operations:
  Discontinued before amortisation                          477                   5,220
  Amortisation of intangibles                             (253)                   (443)
  Exceptional costs                  3                        -                (10,155)
                                                            224                 (5,378)
Group operating profit                                    5,500                   1,588
Interest payable                                        (1,274)                   (285)
Interest receivable and similar
  income                                                     32                     472
Profit on ordinary activities
  before taxation                                         4,258                   1,775
Tax on profit on ordinary
  activities                         4                  (2,979)                 (3,926)
Profit/(loss) on ordinary
  activities after taxation                               1,279                 (2,151)
Equity minority interests                                 (105)                   (757)
Profit/(loss) for the financial
  year                                                    1,174                 (2,908)
Ordinary dividend                    5                        -                 (1,811)
Retained profit/(loss) for the
  financial year                                          1,174                 (4,719)

Earnings/(losses) per share          6
  Basic                                                   0.23p                 (0.56p)
  Diluted                                                 0.22p                 (0.56p)
  Adjusted                                                1.25p                   1.65p
  Adjusted continuing operations                          1.21p                   1.00p

at 31 December 2002

                                                           2002                    2001
                                                          #'000                   #'000

Fixed assets
Intangible fixed assets                                  17,608                  46,290
Tangible fixed assets                                    46,177                  35,956
Film and TV investments                                       -                  14,984
                                                         63,785                  97,230

Current assets
Stocks                                                    1,403                     849
Debtors due within one year                               4,422                  12,741
Debtors due after more than one year                      1,184                   2,525
Cash at bank and in hand                                  2,450                   2,267
                                                          9,459                  18,382
Creditors: amounts falling due                         (12,248)                (25,686)
within one year
Net current liabilities                                 (2,789)                 (7,304)
Total assets less current                                60,996                  89,926
Creditors: amounts falling due after more
than one year                                          (32,000)                (15,646)
Provisions for liabilities and charges                  (3,611)                 (1,395)
Net assets                                               25,385                  72,885

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                   5,175                   5,173
Share premium                                    -                   30,038
Merger reserve                                   -                    9,234
Other reserve                               13,529                        -
Capital redemption reserve                       -                   15,050
Profit and loss account                      6,681                    5,507
                                                         20,210                  59,829

Equity shareholders' funds                               25,385                  65,002
Equity minority interests                                     -                   7,883
                                                         25,385                  72,885

for the year ended 31 December 2002

                                                                       2002        2001
                                                                      #'000       #'000

Profit/(loss) for the financial year                                  1,174     (2,908)
Prior year adjustment                                                   253           -
Total  recognised gains and losses since  previous financial
  statements                                                          1,427     (2,908)

The cumulative impact of the prior year adjustment on opening reserves
as at 1 January 2002 is #253,000.

for the year ended 31 December 2002

                                                           2002        2001
                                                          #'000       #'000

Profit/(loss) for the financial year                      1,174     (2,908)
Ordinary dividend                                             -     (1,811)
Retained profit/(loss) for the financial year             1,174     (4,719)
Issue of ordinary shares                                     30          10
Demerger of Intellectual Property business             (40,821)           -
Net reduction to shareholders' funds                   (39,617)     (4,709)
At 1 January as previously stated                        65,002      67,507
Prior year adjustment                                         -       2,204
At 1 January as restated                                 65,002      69,711
At 31 December                                           25,385      65,002

at 31 December 2002

                                                           2002                  2001
                                      Notes               #'000                 #'000

Net cash inflow from operating           7                3,832                12,542

Net cash outflow from returns on
 investments and servicing of finance
   Interest received                             14                     472
   Dividends paid to minority
     shareholders                                 -                   (713)
   Interest paid                            (1,290)                   (285)
                                                        (1,276)                 (526)

Taxation                                                  (958)               (1,633)

Net cash outflow from capital
  expenditure and financial investment
   Purchase of tangible fixed assets       (13,703)                (10,247)
   Proceeds from disposal of tangible
     fixed assets                                33                      10
   Purchase of intangible assets              (160)                 (7,023)
   Investment in films and TV                 (382)                 (5,314)
                                                       (14,212)              (22,574)

Net cash outflow from acquisitions and
   Acquisition of bar nightclubs            (4,942)                (11,013)
   Acquisition of intangible assets               -                 (5,294)
   Net cash acquired with acquisitions            -                      84
   Partial acquisition of minority
     shareholding in subsidiary                   -                   (361)

   Reduction in debt arising from demerger    3,772
                                                        (1,170)              (16,584)

Equity dividends paid                                   (1,811)               (1,552)

Net cash outflow before financing                      (15,595)              (30,327)

Net cash inflow from financing
   Issue of share capital                        30                      10
   New bank loans                            18,000                  14,000
                                                         18,030                14,010

Increase/(decrease) in cash in the
  year                                   8                2,435              (16,317)

Notes to the Preliminary Results
for the year ended 31 December 2002

1.   Basis of Preparation

     The   accounts  have  been  prepared  under  the  historical   cost
     convention  and in accordance with applicable accounting  standards
     in the United Kingdom.

     The  Group  has adopted during the year FRS19: Deferred tax,  which
     requires full rather than partial provision for deferred tax timing
     differences.   This  has resulted in a change of accounting  policy
     for the Group and a prior year adjustment.

     Urbium  PLC  acquired  Urbium  Bars  PLC  (formerly  Chorion   PLC)
     following  a scheme of arrangement and demerger of its Intellectual
     Property  business on 17 May 2002.  Urbium PLC was incorporated  on
     27  February 2002 but these accounts have been prepared on a merger
     accounting  basis  as if Urbium PLC had been the  ultimate  holding
     company  throughout  all  periods reported  on.   Accordingly,  the
     profit and loss account for the current period includes the results
     of  Urbium Bars PLC for the full year, whilst the comparatives  are
     based  on  the results and net assets of Urbium Bars PLC for  2001.
     The  demerger of the Intellectual Property business has been  dealt
     with as a distribution at book value at the date of the demerger.

2.   Segmental Information

  (a) Turnover by class of business

                                                        2002         2001
                                                       #'000        #'000
    Continuing operations:
      Bar nightclubs                                  59,925       43,383
    Discontinued operations:
      Intellectual property                            2,499        9,836
      Other                                              319          331
                                                       2,818       10,167
                                                      62,743       53,550

  (b) Profit before taxation by class of business

                                                        2002         2001
                                                       #'000        #'000
    Continuing operations:
      Bar nightclubs                                  11,835        9,751
      Amortisation of intangible assets              (1,157)        (853)
      Central costs                                  (1,533)      (1,932)
      Exceptional demerger costs                     (3,869)            -
                                                       5,276        6,966

    Discontinued operations:
      Intellectual property                              561        5,335
      Amortisation of intangible assets                (253)        (443)
      Other activities                                  (84)        (115)
      Other exceptional costs                              -     (10,155)
                                                         224      (5,378)
    Group operating profit                             5,500        1,588
    Interest payable                                 (1,274)        (285)
    Interest receivable                                   32          472
    Profit before taxation                             4,258        1,775

  (c) Turnover by geographical segment
      All  Bar  Nightclub  activities are carried out within  the  United
      Kingdom.   The  discontinued Intellectual Property operations  were
      based  in  the  United Kingdom but royalty income was derived  from
      worldwide   sales.    The   Intellectual  Property   business   had
      subsidiaries  in Singapore and Hong Kong.  Turnover by  destination
      is analysed below:
                                                        2002         2001
                                                       #'000        #'000
    Intellectual Property
       United Kingdom                                  1,208        2,192
       Other European Community                          732        3,433
       Americas                                          295        2,278
       Asia and Australia                                239        1,565
       Other                                              25          368
                                                       2,499        9,836
    Others - United Kingdom                              319          331
    Bar Nightclubs - United Kingdom                   59,925       43,383
                                                      62,743       53,550

  (d) Net assets by geographical segment
      Net  assets are not analysed by territory as the Group is  operated
      from  the  United  Kingdom and there are no significant  assets  or
      liabilities in other territories.

  (e) Profit before taxation by geographical segment
      All  the Bar Nightclub business is derived from the United Kingdom.
      This information is not provided for the  discontinued Intellectual
      Property  business  as,  in  the opinion  of  the  Directors,  such
      disclosure would be seriously prejudicial to that business.

  (f) Analysis of ongoing, acquired and discontinuing operations

                                        Ongoing  Acquisitions  Discontinued      Total
                                          #'000         #'000         #'000      #'000
    Turnover                             57,919         2,006         2,818     62,743
    Cost of sales                      (11,965)         (496)             -   (12,461)
    Gross profit                         45,954         1,510         2,818     50,282
    Administrative expenses            (39,584)       (1,447)       (2,341)   (43,372)
    Amortisation of intangible assets     (982)         (175)         (253)    (1,410)
    Group operating profit/(loss)         5,388         (112)           224      5,500
    Net interest (payable)/receivable   (1,243)             -             1    (1,242)
    Profit/(loss) before  taxation        4,145         (112)           225      4,258

    Net   operating  expenses  comprise  of  administrative  costs  and
    amortisation of intangible assets.

    Included  in the administrative expenses are exceptional  costs  of
    #3.9  million (2001: #10.2 million).  Further details are  included
    in note 3.

                                        Ongoing  Discontinued       Total
                                          #'000         #'000       #'000
     Turnover                            43,383        10,167      53,550
     Cost of sales                      (8,910)          (10)     (8,920)
     Gross profit                        34,473        10,157      44,630
     Administrative expenses           (26,654)      (15,092)    (41,746)
     Amortisation of intangible assets    (853)         (443)     (1,296)
     Group operating profit/(loss)        6,966       (5,378)       1,588
     Net interest receivable                134            53         187
     Profit/(loss) before taxation        7,100       (5,325)       1,775

3.   Exceptional Costs

     Profit  before  tax  is  arrived at after  charging  the  following
     exceptional costs:

                                                             2002        2001
                                                            #'000       #'000
     (a)  Demerger costs                                    3,869           -
     (b)  Losses arising from surrender of a
          lease in discontinued business                        -       8,420
     (c)  Provision for diminution in value of fixed
          assets in discontinued business                       -       1,735
                                                            3,869      10,155

   (a)  These  costs relate to professional, advisory fees and  other
        costs incurred in reorganising the Group in order to demerge
        the Intellectual Property business.

   (b)  The  Group was the head lessee for the former Segaworld space
        within the Trocadero.  The Group has now surrendered this  lease
        following negotiations in 2001.  Under this arrangement, the Group
        agreed to make an initial payment of #9.0 million on 30 September
        2002 and a further payment of up to #1.4 million which may become
        payable (spread over quarter dates from 1 January 2006 to 31 December
        2007) if the landlord has not achieved certain rental levels from re-
        letting  the space.  After taking account of amounts  previously
        provided a charge of #8.4 million was made in the year ended  31
        December 2001.  The payment of #9.0 million was made on 30 September

   (c)  The  Group  was  also the operator of the Drop  Ride  in  the
        Trocadero.   As  part of the Group's exit from the  Trocadero  a
        provision of #1.7 million was made in the year to 31 December 2001 to
        reflect the impairment of the Drop Ride tangible fixed assets.  The
        Drop Ride operation was terminated on 30 September 2002.

   (d)  The impact of exceptional costs on the tax charge in the current
        period and prior year is shown in note 4(ii).

4.   Taxation

                                                              2002        2001
                                                             #'000       #'000
      (i)  Analysis of charge in year
           Current tax
               UK Corporation tax on profits for the year      510       1,975

            Deferred tax
            Origination and reversal of timing differences
                  Current year                               2,469       1,951
            Tax on profit on ordinary activities             2,979       3,926

      (ii)  Factors affecting tax charge for the year

            The tax charge for the year is different to the standard rate  of
            tax in the UK (30%).   The differences are explained below:

                                                                         2002        2001
                                                                        #'000       #'000
            Profit on ordinary activities before tax                    4,258       1,775

            Corporation tax at the standard UK rate of 30%              1,277         532
            Effects of
               Other expenses not deductible for tax purposes             492         403
               Exceptional costs not deductible for tax purposes        1,011       3,046
               Capital allowances for year in excess of depreciation  (2,214)     (1,109)
               Utilisation of tax losses                                 (56)       (692)
               Reversal of timing differences in revenue expenditure        -       (205)
                                                                          510       1,975

     (iii)  Factors affecting tax charge in future years
            The future tax charge will be principally affected by the level of
            ongoing capital expenditure and related capital allowances.

5.   Dividends

                                                                   2002        2001
                                                                  #'000       #'000
     Dividend on ordinary shares nil p (2001: 0.35p) per share        -       1,811

6.   Earnings per share

                                                 Continuing  Discontinued    Total
                                                      #'000         #'000    #'000
     Basic and diluted earnings                       1,224          (50)    1,174
     Amortisation of intangible assets                1,157           253    1,410
     Exceptional costs                                3,869             -    3,869
     Adjusted earnings before amortisation of
       intangible assets and exceptional costs        6,250           203    6,453

                                                 Continuing  Discontinued    Total
                                                      #'000         #'000    #'000
     Basic and diluted earnings                       4,299       (7,260)  (2,908)
     Amortisation of intangible assets                  853           443    1,296
     Exceptional costs                                    -        10,135   10,155
     Adjusted earnings before amortisation of
       intangible assets and exceptional costs        5,152         3,338    8,543

                                                                     2002     2001
                                                                    #'000    #'000
     Earnings/(losses) per share
     Basic                                                          0.23p  (0.56p)
     Diluted                                                        0.22p  (0.56p)
     Adjusted                                                       1.25p    1.65p
     Adjusted continuing operations                                 1.21p    1.00p

     The  calculation  of basic earnings per share is  based  on  profit
     after  tax  and  minority interests.  The calculation  of  adjusted
     earnings  uses the basic earnings before amortisation of intangible
     assets and exceptional costs.

     The  weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the
     year  used  in the calculation of the basic, adjusted and  adjusted
     continuing operations and diluted earnings per share is as follows:

                                                                   2002         2001
     Weighted average number of shares in issue during
     the year used in the calculation of basic and adjusted
       earnings per share                                   517,503,529  517,330,358
     Dilutive effect of options treated as exercisable
       at the year end                                       13,618,940   14,558,939
     Weighted average number of shares in issue during
       the period used in the calculation of diluted
       earnings per share                                   531,122,469  531,889,297

     Included  in  the  above calculation are 30,237,662  share  options
     (2001:  31,597,401) exercisable at prices between 8.8p  and  12.61p
     where  the condition for exercise would have been met if  the  year
     end  was  the  first date for exercise of the share  options.   The
     average share price in 2002 used in the calculation is 9.5p  (2001:

7.   Reconciliation  of operating profit to net  cash  inflow  from
     operating activities

                                                      2002        2001
                                                     #'000       #'000
     Group operating profit                          5,500       1,588
     Amortisation of intangible assets               1,410       1,296
     Amortisation of film investment                   250         648
     Depreciation                                    3,275       2,454
     Loss on disposal of tangible assets                10           2
     Increase in stock                               (537)       (157)
     Decrease/(increase)in debtors                     232     (1,160)
     (Decrease)/increase in creditors              (6,308)       7,871
     Net cash inflow from operating activities       3,832      12,542

     The  above movements in working capital include a net cash  outflow
     of  #7.5  million, being the #9.0 million payment set out  in  note
     3(b)  and the repayment of #1.5 million rent deposits, relating  to
     the former Trocadero lease obligations.

8.   Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

                                                      2002        2001
                                                     #'000       #'000
     Increase/(decrease) in cash in year             2,435    (16,317)
     Cash flow from increase in debt financing    (18,000)    (14,000)
     Changes in net debt from cash flows          (15,565)    (30,317)
     Net (debt)/funds at start of year            (14,366)      15,951
     Net debt at end of year                      (29,931)    (14,366)

9.   Analysis of changes in net debt during the year

                                       As at       Cash          As at
                                   1 January      Flows    31 December
                                       #'000      #'000          #'000
     Cash at bank and in hand          2,267        183          2,450
     Overdrafts                      (2,633)      2,252          (381)
     Debt due after one year        (14,000)   (18,000)       (32,000)
                                    (14,366)   (15,565)       (29,931)

10.  Preparation of the preliminary statement

     The  financial  information set out above does not  constitute  the
     Group's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 2002  or
     2001.   The  financial  information for 2001 is  derived  from  the
     statutory  accounts for 2001 of Urbium Bars PLC,  which  have  been
     delivered  to  the  Registrar  of  Companies.   The  Auditors  have
     reported on the 2002 accounts, their report was unqualified and did
     not  contain  a  statement  under section  237(2)  or  (3)  or  the
     Companies  Act  1985.   The statutory accounts  for  2002  will  be
     delivered  to  the Registrar of Companies following  the  Company's
     annual general meeting in April 2003.

11.  Report and Accounts

     Copies of the preliminary statement are available on request at the
     registered  office  of  the Company: Vernon House,  40  Shaftesbury
     Avenue, London W1D 7ER.  The Report and Accounts for the year ended
     31  December 2002 will be posted by 6 March 2003.  The  Report  and
     Accounts  will  be  available  to  view  on  the  Group's   website
     (www.urbium.com) in PDF version from Friday 28 February 2003.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange