The Supervisory Board determines the number of Supervisory Board members, provided that the Supervisory Board must have at least seven members. |
The executive directors will be primarily charged with, through a delegation of such authority by the Board, Aegon Ltd.s day-to-day operations and the developing, proposing to the Board and implementing of Aegons strategy.
The Board determines the number of executive directors and non-executive directors, provided that the majority of the Board shall consist of non- executive directors. |
The General Meeting appoints the members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board.
If the appointment of an Executive Board member or a Supervisory Board member is
proposed by the Supervisory Board, the General Meeting resolution requires a simple majority of the votes cast, while otherwise, the resolution requires a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, which majority
must represent more than half of the issued share capital. Executive Board members
and Supervisory Board members are appointed for a term of not more than four years. A term limit of a total of 12 years applies to Supervisory Board members.
If the suspension or removal of an Executive Board member or a Supervisory Board member is proposed by the Supervisory Board, the General Meeting resolution
requires a simple majority of the votes cast, while otherwise, the resolution requires a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, which majority must represent more than half of the issued share
capital. |
The General Meeting appoints the members of the Board.
Voting in respect of Board member appointments will be based on the general voting mechanism (for / against / abstain).
If the appointment of a Board member is proposed by the Board, the General Meeting
resolution requires a simple majority of the votes cast, while otherwise, the resolution requires a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, which majority must represent more than half of the issued share
capital. Board members are appointed for a term of not more than four years. A term
limit of a total of 12 years applies to non-executive directors. However, for an individual case and by way of exception, the Board may, in the interest of Aegon Ltd., decide to deviate from the term
limit. If the removal or suspension of a Board member is proposed by the Board, the
General Meeting resolution requires a simple majority of the votes cast, while otherwise, the resolution requires a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, which majority must represent more than half of the
issued share capital. |