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HPX Corp
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27/07/202303h52Edgar (US Regulatory)Form 10-K - Annual report [Section 13 and 15(d), not S-K Item 405]AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
16/03/202319h17Edgar (US Regulatory)Termination of Registration of a Class of Security Under Section 12(g) (15-12g)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
06/03/202319h49Edgar (US Regulatory)Notification Filed by National Security Exchange to Report the Removal From Listing and Registration of Matured, Redeemed or Retired Securities Initial Filing Amendments (25-nse)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
16/02/202322h45Edgar (US Regulatory)Statement of Ownership (sc 13g)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
14/02/202320h28Edgar (US Regulatory)Amended Statement of Ownership (sc 13g/a)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
14/02/202318h31Edgar (US Regulatory)Amended Statement of Ownership (sc 13g/a)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
13/02/202322h05Edgar (US Regulatory)Amended Statement of Ownership (sc 13g/a)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
08/02/202318h11Edgar (US Regulatory)Amended Statement of Ownership (sc 13g/a)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
03/02/202323h17Edgar (US Regulatory)Proxy Statement - Merger or Acquisition (definitive) (defm14a)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
27/01/202321h49Edgar (US Regulatory)Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership (4)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
27/01/202321h35Edgar (US Regulatory)Initial Statement of Beneficial Ownership (3)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
16/12/202212h01Edgar (US Regulatory)Filing of Certain Prospectuses and Communications in Connection With Business Combination Transactions (425)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
02/12/202212h06Edgar (US Regulatory)Quarterly Report (10-q)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
14/11/202217h49Edgar (US Regulatory)Notification That Quarterly Report Will Be Submitted Late (nt 10-q)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
10/11/202222h02Edgar (US Regulatory)Notification Filed by a National Securities Exchange to Report the Removal From Listing and Registration of Matured , Redeemed or Retired Securities (25)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
10/11/202212h08Edgar (US Regulatory)Filing of Certain Prospectuses and Communications in Connection With Business Combination Transactions (425)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
04/11/202211h05Edgar (US Regulatory)Current Report Filing (8-k)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
04/11/202211h04Edgar (US Regulatory)Filing of Certain Prospectuses and Communications in Connection With Business Combination Transactions (425)AMEX:HPXHPX Corp
 Showing the most relevant articles for your search:AMEX:HPX