Cascadero Copper Corporation (TSX VENTURE:CCD) - 

Salta Exploraciones S.A. (Salta), Cascadero's 50% owned Argentine subsidiary,
has received assays from two bulk samples from the 87 Vein, which is part of a
north trending gold bearing structural and alteration corridor peripheral to the
south and continues through the eastern part and to the north of Salta's
recently drilled Pancho Arias high-grade molybdenum deposit. The program was
operated by Salta personnel and designed and supervised by Raul Chocobar,
Vice-President of Exploration and a director of Salta.


                        Gold        Silver    Copper         Lead      Zinc
                         g/t           g/t       PPM          PPM       PPM
          Sample  Fire Assay           ICP       ICP          ICP       ICP
          Weight    Avg of 4      Avg of 4  Avg of 4     Avg of 4  Avg of 4
Sample ID    Kgs     samples       samples   samples      samples   samples
LR1055      13.3    43.8 g/t       greater       690      greater     2,650
                  (1.41 oz/t) than 100 g/t   (0.069%) than 10,000   (0.265%)
                                   (3 oz/t)              (greater          
                                                       than 1.00%)         
LR1056      16.3    35.2 g/t      37.2 g/t       697      greater     2,804
                  (1.13 oz/t)   (1.20 oz/t)  (0.069%) than 10,000   (0.280%)
                                                       than 1.00%)         

MAP ONE below shows the relative location of the Spectacle Zone and the 87 Vein
corridor that adjoin Pancho Arias to the south and southeast. The 87 Vein
corridor starts on the Pancho porphyry and extends to the south east onto the
Santa Rosa claim. The Santa Rosa claim adjoins Salta's Pancho Arias high-grade
molybdenum discovery to the south, east and north. Salta has taken over 200 rock
chip samples from Santa Rosa, which define an area of fractures and veins in two
zones, the Spectacle Zone and the 87 Vein corridor, to the south of the Pancho

The 87 Vein corridor trends north south, dips from near vertical to 30 to 40
degrees to the east and is defined by geochemistry and outcrop for 1,200 metres
to the south of the Pancho porphyry. The width of the 87 Vein mineralized and
high-sulphidation altered corridor is about 50 metres and is comprised of veins
up to 50 cm thick with several sub-parallel veins and fractures. 

The Spectacle Zone is northwest of the 87 Vein and trends NNE towards the
southwest corner of the Pancho Arias porphyry. The veins and fractures that
outcrop on the Spectacle zone are similar to the 87 Vein corridor and are hosted
in the same metasediments. Salta took 64 rock chip samples from the Spectacle
Zone and 15 of those ranged from 30.6 g/t gold to 52.2 g/t gold. The Spectacle
Zone are about 25 cm to greater than 50 cm thick with envelopes of argillic
alteration that extend up to 50 cm into the wall rock on both sides of the
quartz. The Spectacle Zone is significantly wider, up to 500 metres, than the 87
Vein corridor. In most instances the veins are visible due to their silica
content and its resistance to weathering. In some areas the veins are fairly
closely spaced at about 5 to 25 metres apart and between the large veins small
pieces of quartz float are found indicating that smaller veins and fractures may
be present in these recessive areas. 

As displayed in MAP ONE, the geochemical pattern of this area presents the
Spectacle Zone and the 87 Vein corridor as two discrete mineralized zones
related to regional and local structural controls, which are present in the
Pancho multi-phase porphyry. The mineralization and alteration in these two
zones are common and are a late stage event of hydrothermal highly evolved
silica and metal rich fluids that are from the Pancho Arias porphyry system. The
gold-silver-base metal mineralization is present in quartz-limonite-hematite
veins and usually parallels foliation of the host rocks, which is also common to
the two zones. As noted in TABLE ONE, the 87 Vein bulk samples have associated
good grades of base metals as do the samples from the Spectacle Zone. Bismuth
and arsenic are elevated to anomalous in most samples from both zones.  

Further work, by excavator trenching, is required to determine if the two zones
of high-grade gold are possibly one zone that could be 1,200 metres east west by
1,200 metres north south. This possibility would present an open pit target
whose value would depend on grade-over-width as the density and grade of the
veins and fractures would determine viability. As noted, copper and gold grades
were low in the recently drilled high-grade moly Pancho porphyry. The importance
of locating a gold bearing zone with potential for grade and volume close to
Pancho can't be understated. There are no drill holes in the 87 Vein or the
Spectacle Zone. Assaying was done by ACME Laboratory, Vancouver BC. 

click on:


Cascadero Copper is an integrated prospecting and mineral exploration business
with offices in North Vancouver, BC, Canada, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada and Salta
City in the province of Salta, Republic of Argentina. The Company generates,
acquires and explores mineral properties and is active in the three
jurisdictions. In north central British Columbia, the Company has a 100%
interest in a 31,000 hectare property in the Toodoggone region, which is
prospective for copper gold porphyry systems. This property is subject to a C$20
million Joint Venture with Gold Fields. 

In Ontario, the Company holds or has the right to acquire a 100% in 17
properties in the Sudbury, Swayze and Timmins camps, which are volcanic and
sediment hosted copper gold prospects. 

In north western Argentina, the Company holds a 50% interest in a 46 property
portfolio, which consists mainly of bulk mineable copper-moly-gold porphyries
and bulk mineable sediment hosted silver-gold plus base and rare metals. 

Cascadero's commodity focus is gold, silver, moly, copper, base and rare metal
hosted in large-scale bulk mineable mineral systems. 

In 2009, the Company discovered Taron, a large bulk mineable sediment hosted
epithermal rare metal deposit in Argentina. In 2011, Cascadero discovered Las
Burras, a new Argentine Cu-Mo-Au porphyry. 

The Company holds a large claim block that adjoins Lumina Copper's Taca Bajo
Cu-Mo-Au 1.762 billion tonne deposit. Several copper and gold showings exist on
these claims. A first stage geochemical program is complete.  

In 2012 to 2013, Cascadero intends to conduct exploration in three core areas:
Pancho Arias Cu-Mo-Au porphyry District, the Taca Taca Mineral District and the
bulk mineable sediment hosted silver prospects in the El Oculto District.
Exploration is also planned for Taron, an exciting large-scale sediment hosted
rare metal discovery.

Cascadero Copper (TSXV:CCD)
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Cascadero Copper (TSXV:CCD)
Historical Stock Chart
Von Mär 2024 bis Mär 2025 Click Here for more Cascadero Copper Charts.