Washington, D.C. 20549  
Investment Company Act file number: (811- 05452)    
Exact name of registrant as specified in charter:   Putnam Premier Income Trust  
Address of principal executive offices: One Post Office Square, Boston, Massachusetts 02109  
Name and address of agent for service:   Beth S. Mazor, Vice President  
  One Post Office Square  
  Boston, Massachusetts 02109  
Copy to:   John W. Gerstmayr, Esq.  
  Ropes & Gray LLP  
  One International Place  
  Boston, Massachusetts 02110  
Registrant’s telephone number, including area code:   (617) 292-1000  
Date of fiscal year end: July 31, 2008      
Date of reporting period: August 1, 2007— January 31, 2008  

Item 1. Report to Stockholders:

The following is a copy of the report transmitted to stockholders pursuant to Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940:

What makes Putnam different?

In 1830, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Justice Samuel Putnam established The Prudent Man Rule, a legal foundation for responsible money management.


All that can be required of a trustee to invest is that he shall conduct himself faithfully and exercise a sound discretion. He is to observe how men of prudence, discretion, and intelligence manage their own affairs, not in regard to speculation, but in regard to the permanent disposition of their funds, considering the probable income, as well as the probable safety of the capital to be invested.

A time-honored tradition in money management

Since 1937, our values have been rooted in a profound sense of responsibility for the money entrusted to us.

A prudent approach to investing

We use a research-driven team approach to seek consistent, dependable, superior investment results over time, although there is no guarantee a fund will meet its objectives.

Funds for every investment goal

We offer a broad range of mutual funds and other financial products so investors and their financial representatives can build diversified portfolios.

A commitment to doing what’s right for investors

With a focus on investment performance and in-depth information about our funds, we put the interests of investors first and seek to set the standard for integrity and service.

Industry-leading service

We help investors, along with their financial representatives, make informed investment decisions with confidence.

Premier Income

1 | 31 | 08
Semiannual Report

Message from the Trustees   2  
About the fund   4  
Performance snapshot   6  
Interview with your fund’s Portfolio Leader   7  
Performance in depth   12  
Your fund’s management   14  
Terms and definitions   16  
Trustee approval of management contract   17  
Other information for shareholders   22  
Financial statements   23  
Shareholder meeting results   91  

Cover photograph: © Richard H. Johnson

Message from the Trustees

Dear Fellow Shareholder:

In early 2008, financial markets face clear challenges. What began as a rise in defaults for a limited segment of the U.S. mortgage market has spread across the global financial sector and produced a significant tightening of credit conditions. Forecasts for global growth have been reduced as a result, and markets have reacted by sending stock prices lower. In the United States, the economy weakened sharply in late 2007, raising the chance of a recession this year. Fortunately, policymakers have taken action to stimulate growth: The Federal Reserve Board cut interest rates, and federal lawmakers, working with the president, approved a $168 billion fiscal stimulus plan.

As investors, it is natural to feel discouraged by disappointing short-term results. During these challenging times, it is important to remember the value of a long-term perspective and the counsel of your financial representative. The normal condition of the economy and corporate earnings is one of growth, albeit with occasional interruptions. As in the past, after a period of weakness the economy is likely to regain its momentum and produce the growth and corporate earnings that investors expect.

Starting this month, we have changed the portfolio manager’s commentary in this report to a question-and-answer format. We feel that this makes the information more readable and accessible, and we hope you think so as well.


Lastly, we note that Putnam Investments celebrated its 70th anniversary in November. From modest beginnings in Boston, Massachusetts, the company has grown into a global asset manager that serves millions of investors worldwide. Although the mutual fund industry has undergone many changes since George Putnam introduced his innovative balanced fund in 1937, Putnam’s guiding principles have not. As we celebrate this 70-year milestone, we look forward to Putnam continuing its long tradition of prudent money management. Thank you for your support of the Putnam funds.

Putnam Premier Income Trust: Seeking broad
diversification across global bond markets

When Putnam Premier Income Trust was launched in 1988, its three-pronged focus on U.S. investment-grade bonds, high-yield corporate bonds, and non-U.S. bonds was considered innovative. Lower-rated, higher-yielding corporate bonds were relatively new, having just been established in the late 1970s. And, at the time of the fund’s launch, few investors were venturing outside the United States for fixed-income opportunities.

The bond investment landscape has undergone a transformation in the two decades since the fund’s launch. New sectors such as mortgage- and asset-backed securities now make up over one third of the U.S. investment-grade market. The high-yield corporate bond sector has also grown significantly. Outside the United States, the advent of the euro has resulted in a large market of European bonds. And there are also growing opportunities to invest in the debt of emerging-market countries.

The fund’s original investment focus has been enhanced to keep pace with this market expansion. To process the market’s increasing complexity, Putnam’s 100-member fixed-income group aligns teams of specialists with the varied investment opportunities. Each team identifies what it considers to be compelling strategies within its area of expertise. Your fund’s management team selects from among these strategies, systematically building a diversified portfolio that seeks to carefully balance risk and return.

We believe the fund’s multi-strategy approach is well suited to the expanding opportunities of today’s global bond marketplace. As different factors drive the performance of the various fixed-income sectors, the fund’s diversified strategy can take advantage of changing market leadership in pursuit of high current income.

International investing involves certain risks, such as currency fluctuations, economic instability, and political developments. Additional risks may be associated with emerging-market securities, including illiquidity and volatility. Lower-rated bonds may offer higher yields in return for more risk. Mutual funds that invest in government securities are not guaranteed. Mortgage-backed securities are subject to prepayment risk. Mutual funds that invest in bonds are subject to certain risks, including interest-rate risk, credit risk, and inflation risk. As interest rates rise, the prices of bonds fall. Long-term bonds are more exposed to interest-rate risk than short-term bonds. Unlike bonds, bond funds have ongoing fees and expenses. The fund’s shares trade on a stock exchange at market prices, which may be higher or lower than the fund’s NAV.

How do closed-end funds differ from open-end funds?

More assets at work While open-end funds need to maintain a cash position to meet redemptions, closed-end funds are not subject to redemptions and can keep more of their assets invested in the market.

Traded like stocks Closed-end fund shares are traded on stock exchanges, and their market prices fluctuate in response to supply and demand, among other factors.

Market price vs. net asset value Like an open-end fund’s net asset value (NAV) per share, the NAV of a closed-end fund share is equal to the current value of the fund’s assets, minus its liabilities, divided by the number of shares outstanding. However, when buying or selling closed-end fund shares, the price you pay or receive is the market price. Market price reflects current market supply and demand and may be higher or lower than the NAV.

Balancing risk and return across multiple sectors

Putnam believes that building a diversified portfolio with multiple income-generating strategies
is the best way to pursue your fund’s objectives. The fund’s portfolio is composed of bonds from
across the credit quality spectrum.

Performance snapshot

Putnam Premier
Income Trust

Data is historical. Past performance does not guarantee future results. More recent returns may be less or more than those shown. Investment return and net asset value will fluctuate, and you may have a gain or a loss when you sell your shares. Performance assumes reinvestment of distributions and does not account for taxes. Fund returns in the bar chart are at NAV. See pages 7 and 12–13 for additional performance information, including fund returns at market price. Index and Lipper results should be compared to fund performance at NAV. Lipper calculates performance differently than the closed-end funds it ranks, due to varying methods for determining a fund's monthly reinvestment NAV.

* Returns for the six-month period are not annualized, but cumulative.


The period in review

Bill, thank you for taking the time today to talk about Premier Income Trust’s most recent semiannual period. How did the fund perform?

The past six months represented the most volatile period for fixed-income credits that I’ve experienced during my 20 years as a money manager. Despite this challenge, the fund produced positive performance for the period. Because of the multiple problems affecting the credit markets over the past six months —subprime mortgage defaults, a “credit crunch” throughout the global financial system, spiking yields for money market instruments, a weakening U.S. housing market, and heightened recession fears —the “flight-to-quality” trade into Treasury securities dominated the marketplace. Many investors abandoned even the highest-quality credit instruments, especially mortgages. That is why, despite our cautious stance on duration (a measure of a portfolio’s interest-rate risk) and credit risk, the fund significantly underperformed its benchmark, which

Broad market index and fund performance

This comparison shows your fund’s performance in the context of broad market indexes for the six months ended 1/31/08. See page 6 and pages 12–13 for additional fund performance information. Index descriptions can be found on page 16.


contains only government securities. The fund also underperformed its small peer group of closed-end funds.

Let’s talk about some of the major events that took place during the period within the fixed-income marketplace.

The months of August, November, and January were particularly difficult. Events during those months added up to a significant “liquidity scare” in the credit markets. In August, we received economic data that seemed to indicate that the housing market would be slowing significantly. This prompted fears of more fallout from defaulting subprime mortgages throughout the economy and the financial markets. Also, merger-and-acquisition (M&A) activity had significantly slowed by then, and big banks that had garnered easy profits from making billions of dollars in “bridge loans” to finance large leveraged buyouts (LBOs) in the M&A market now found themselves with a large volume of nonperforming loans. LBO-related bond issues —which normally would have refunded those loans and provided the banks with substantial profits — had all but dried up.

Early in the fall of 2007, the markets settled down and yields began to stabilize. In November, however, we had another wave of weak housing statistics and more problems in the bank loan market. Then, a new issue emerged within the money markets, as certain

Top holdings

This table shows the fund’s top holdings and the percentage of the fund’s net assets, and are net of TBA sales positions outstanding, that each represented as of 1/31/08. Holdings will vary over time.

HOLDING   COUPON (%) and  
(percent of fund’s net assets)   MATURITY DATE  

Securitized sector    

Federal National Mortgage Association Pass-Through Certificates (17.8%)   5.5%, 2038  
Federal National Mortgage Association Pass-Through Certificates (7.6%)   5.0%, 2038  
Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Certificates (2.0%)   5.69%, 2040  
Credit sector    

Echostar DBS Corp. (0.4%)   6.625%, 2014  
Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC (0.4%)   9.75%, 2010  
Kinder Morgan, Inc. (0.4%)   6.5%, 2012  
Government sector    

Japan (Government of) CPI Linked Bonds (6.8%)   1.0%, 2016  
U.S. Treasury Bonds (5.5%)   6.25%, 2030  
U.S. Treasury Bonds (3.2%)   7.5%, 2016  


structured investment vehicles (SIVs), which provide funds for mortgages, credit cards, and student loans, began to feel the credit crunch. Although none were held in the fund’s portfolio, the SIV crisis affected the market for all fixed-income securities. As rates for commercial paper spiked, short-term investors began to fear that some SIVs would become insolvent, and a great deal of market liquidity froze, affecting the wider credit markets. In addition, fixed-income markets endured year-end 2007 selling pressure as corporations and financial institutions attempted to clean up their balance sheets by divesting themselves of what they perceived to be weaker credits.

For some time, the consumer has been the bulwark of the U.S. economy, but in January the markets faced the additional challenge of weaker consumer spending, and the unemployment figure was the highest we had seen for many years. Also, service sector data pointed to a much weaker economy. The market was now affected by a widespread concern that U.S. growth might be in decline, and that global growth might also be significantly affected.

What response did the tightening liquidity squeeze and economic slowdown prompt from the government?

Initially, the Federal Reserve (“the Fed”) took a cautious approach because of its ongoing inflation concerns, using some nontraditional methods to boost liquidity in the financial markets.

Comparison of top sector weightings*

This chart shows how the fund’s top weightings have changed over the past six months. Weightings are shown as a percentage of net assets, and are net of TBA sales positions outstanding. Holdings will vary over time.

*May include exposure to derivative investments.


The European Central Bank also sought to reassure investors by providing significant amounts of cash to money markets. Eventually, the extreme pressure on global liquidity forced the Fed to act decisively, and it cut the federal funds rate by a total of 2.25% over five FOMC meetings between September 2007 and January 2008. Congress has approved a large fiscal stimulus package to try to bolster consumer spending. Another potential positive is the weaker U.S. dollar, which should continue to bolster exports.

The fund employs a number of strategies to generate returns. Which strategies helped performance during the period?

The strategy that helped performance most and enabled us to generate a positive return for the fund in a difficult environment was the fund’s “steepener” strategy, in which we overweight shorter-term securities and underweight longer-term issues. This strategy is based on our view that the yield curve will steepen as global central banks continue to cut short-term rates and longer-term rates trend higher on inflation concerns. Also, the fund’s non-U.S.-dollar positions in Europe, Japan, Canada, and Australia contributed significantly, based in part on the weaker dollar.

Which strategies detracted from the fund’s returns?

When interest rates declined at certain points during the period, our conservative duration position prevented the fund from performing as well as some competitors. But the biggest detractors came from the fund’s positions within credit instruments, particularly high-yield bonds and AAA-rated securitized mortgages. Our high-yield position, although much smaller than in previous years, nevertheless hurt performance because of the credit squeeze and recession fears affecting that market. And although we have confidence in the high-quality mortgage security positions held by the fund, the entire market has been hurt in the short run by the subprime issue.

Bill, given all of the uncertainty that you’ve just outlined, what is your outlook for the economy? And what areas within the fund’s investment universe do you plan to emphasize going forward?

Thanks to the number of measures the government is taking to prevent a sustained and deep recession, we think one of the biggest risks is, in fact, that the economy will not be as slow in six months as many are now predicting. With a great flood of economic stimulus entering the pipeline, one significant risk is that we could see markedly higher inflation for a sustained period. That is one reason we are maintaining the fund’s “steepener” strategy, and we will also continue to invest in “inflation-linked” securities that benefit from inflation increases. We also see attractive value within many high-quality mortgage and mortgage-backed securities and are


investing in these areas with a two- to five-year horizon in mind. This shift from government bonds to securitized instruments can be seen in the chart on page 9. Overall, we plan to continue to diversify the portfolio across a broad range of fixed-income sectors and securities.

Thanks again, Bill, for sharing your insight and time with us.

The views expressed in this report are exclusively those of Putnam Management. They are not meant as investment advice.

International investing involves certain risks, such as currency fluctuations, economic instability, and political developments. Additional risks may be associated with emerging-market securities, including illiquidity and volatility. Lower-rated bonds may offer higher yields in return for more risk. Mutual funds that invest in government securities are not guaranteed. Mortgage-backed securities are subject to prepayment risk. Mutual funds that invest in bonds are subject to certain risks, including interest-rate risk, credit risk, and inflation risk. As interest rates rise, the prices of bonds fall. Long-term bonds are more exposed to interest-rate risk than short-term bonds. Unlike bonds, bond funds have ongoing fees and expenses. The fund’s shares trade on a stock exchange at market prices, which may be higher or lower than the fund’s NAV.

I N V E S T M E N T   I N S I G H T

The credit crunch that has rocked the financial system over the past six months has had an enormously negative impact on bank lending. The challenges investors have experienced with pricing collateralized debt obligations, structured investment vehicles (SIVs), and bank loan securities have combined to make the balance sheets of major banks vulnerable, forcing many to curtail their lending operations. Although large corporations still have access to needed funds through banks and the capital markets, small and midsize businesses will probably face a credit squeeze for a significant time period. Many market watchers believe that this phenomenon should take 6 to 18 months to be completely resolved, and could hinder economic activity over that period.

Of special interest

We are pleased to report that effective January 2008, your fund’s dividend was increased from $0.0300 to $0.0330 per share. This dividend increase was possible due to the higher yield premium offered in bonds from all sectors outside of Treasury bonds, and our increased exposure to these areas.


Your fund’s performance

This section shows your fund’s performance for periods ended January 31, 2008, the end of the first half of its current fiscal year. In accordance with regulatory requirements for mutual funds, we also include performance as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. Performance should always be considered in light of a fund’s investment strategy. Data represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. More recent returns may be less or more than those shown. Investment return, net asset value, and market price will fluctuate, and you may have a gain or a loss when you sell your shares.

Total return and comparative index results

For periods ended 1/31/08

      Lehman     Lipper Flexible    
      Government     Income Funds    
    Market     Bond     (closed-end)  
    NAV       price       Index       category average*    

Annual average          
Life of fund          
(since 2/29/88)   7.99%   7.04%   7.32%   7.05%  

10 years   74.84   60.92   79.33   60.77  
Annual average   5.75   4.87   6.01   4.82  

5 years   50.97   34.21   25.49   51.35  
Annual average   8.59   6.06   4.65   8.51  

3 years   15.49   14.13   17.44   15.02  
Annual average   4.92   4.50   5.51   4.76  

1 year   3.30   3.35   11.40   3.04  

6 months   1.49   4.60   8.50   2.60  

Performance assumes reinvestment of distributions and does not account for taxes.

Index and Lipper results should be compared to fund performance at net asset value. Lipper calculates performance differently than the closed-end funds it ranks, due to varying methods for determining a fund’s monthly reinvestment NAV.

* Over the 6-month, 1-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year, and life-of-fund periods ended 1/31/08, there were 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, and 2 funds, respectively, in this Lipper category.


Fund price and distribution information

For the six-month period ended 1/31/08


Number   6    

Income   $0.183    

Capital gains      

Total   $0.183    

Share value:   NAV   Market price  

7/31/07   $7.10   $6.21  

1/31/08   7.00   6.31  

Current yield (end of period)      

Current dividend rate*   5.66%   6.28%  

The classification of distributions, if any, is an estimate. Final distribution information will appear on your year-end tax forms. * Most recent distribution, excluding capital gains, annualized and divided by NAV or market price at end of period.

Fund performance as of most recent calendar quarter

Total return for periods ended 12/31/07

  NAV   Market price  

Annual average      
Life of fund (since 2/29/88)   8.13%   6.95%  

10 years   79.97   60.67  
Annual average   6.05   4.86  

5 years   56.59   41.16  
Annual average   9.38   7.14  

3 years   18.20   13.39  
Annual average   5.73   4.28  

1 year   5.14   1.95  

6 months   2.74   –3.35  


Your fund’s management

Your fund is managed by the members of the Putnam Core Fixed-Income and Core Fixed-Income High Yield teams. D. William Kohli is the Portfolio Leader, and Michael Atkin, Rob Bloemker, Kevin Murphy, and Paul Scanlon are Portfolio Members of your fund. The Portfolio Leader and Portfolio Members coordinate the teams’ management of the fund.

For a complete listing of the members of the Putnam Core Fixed-Income and Core Fixed-Income High-Yield teams, including those who are not Portfolio Leaders or Portfolio Members of your fund, visit Putnam’s Individual Investors Web site at www.putnam.com.

Investment team fund ownership

The table below shows how much the fund’s current Portfolio Leader and Portfolio Members have invested in the fund and in all Putnam mutual funds (in dollar ranges). Information shown is as of January 31, 2008, and January 31, 2007.

N/A indicates the individual was not a Portfolio Leader or Portfolio Member as of 1/31/07.

Trustee and Putnam employee fund ownership

As of January 31, 2008, 12 of the 13 Trustees of the Putnam funds owned fund shares. The table below shows the approximate value of investments in the fund and all Putnam funds as of that date by the Trustees and Putnam employees. These amounts include investments by the Trustees’ and employees’ immediate family members and investments through retirement and deferred compensation plans.

    Total assets in  
  Assets in the fund   all Putnam funds  

Trustees   $55,000   $ 90,000,000  

Putnam employees   $ 6,000   $669,000,000  


Other Putnam funds managed by the Portfolio Leader and Portfolio Members

D. William Kohli is also a Portfolio Leader of Putnam Diversified Income Trust, Putnam Global Income Trust, and Putnam Master Intermediate Income Trust.

Michael Atkin is also a Portfolio Member of Putnam Diversified Income Trust, Putnam Global Income Trust, and Putnam Master Intermediate Income Trust.

Rob Bloemker is also a Portfolio Leader of Putnam U.S. Government Income Trust and Putnam American Government Income Fund, and a Portfolio Member of Putnam Diversified Income Trust, Putnam Global Income Trust, and Putnam Master Intermediate Income Trust.

Kevin Murphy is also a Portfolio Member of Putnam Income Fund, Putnam Diversified Income Trust, Putnam Master Intermediate Income Trust, and Putnam Utilities Growth and Income Fund.

Paul Scanlon is also a Portfolio Leader of Putnam High Yield Trust, Putnam High Yield Advantage Fund, and Putnam Floating Rate Income Fund, and a Portfolio Member of Putnam Diversified Income Trust and Putnam Master Intermediate Income Trust.

D. William Kohli, Michael Atkin, Rob Bloemker, Kevin Murphy, and Paul Scanlon may also manage other accounts and variable trust funds advised by Putnam Management or an affiliate.

Changes in your fund’s Portfolio Leader and Portfolio Members

During the reporting period ended January 31, 2008, Michael Atkin became a Portfolio Member of your fund, and Portfolio Member Jeffrey Kaufman left your fund’s management team.


Terms and definitions

Important terms

Total return shows how the value of the fund’s shares changed over time, assuming you held the shares through the entire period and reinvested all distributions in the fund.

Net asset value (NAV) is the value of all your fund’s assets, minus any liabilities, divided by the number of outstanding shares.

Market price is the current trading price of one share of the fund. Market prices are set by transactions between buyers and sellers on exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange.

Comparative indexes

Lehman Aggregate Bond Index is an unmanaged index of U.S. investment-grade fixed-income securities.

Lehman Government Bond Index is an unmanaged index of U.S. Treasury and agency securities.

Merrill Lynch 91-Day Treasury Bill Index is an unmanaged index that seeks to measure the performance of U.S. Treasury bills available in the marketplace.

S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of common stock performance.

Indexes assume reinvestment of all distributions and do not account for fees. Securities and performance of a fund and an index will differ. You cannot invest directly in an index.

Lipper is a third-party industry-ranking entity that ranks mutual funds. Its rankings do not reflect sales charges. Lipper rankings are based on total return at net asset value relative to other funds that have similar current investment styles or objectives as determined by Lipper. Lipper may change a fund’s category assignment at its discretion. Lipper category averages reflect performance trends for funds within a category.


Trustee approval of management contract

General conclusions

The Board of Trustees of the Putnam funds oversees the management of each fund and, as required by law, determines annually whether to approve the continuance of your fund’s management contract with Putnam Investment Management (“Putnam Management”) and the sub-management contract between Putnam Management’s affiliate, Putnam Investments Limited (“PIL”), and Putnam Management. In this regard, the Board of Trustees, with the assistance of its Contract Committee consisting solely of Trustees who are not “interested persons” (as such term is defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) of the Putnam funds (the “Independent Trustees”), requests and evaluates all information it deems reasonably necessary under the circumstances. Over the course of several months ending in June 2007, the Contract Committee met several times to consider the information provided by Putnam Management and other information developed with the assistance of the Board’s independent counsel and independent staff. The Contract Committee reviewed and discussed key aspects of this information with all of the Independent Trustees. The Contract Committee recommended, and the Independent Trustees approved, the continuance of your fund’s management contract and sub-management contract, effective July 1, 2007. (Because PIL is an affiliate of Putnam Management and Putnam Management remains fully responsible for all services provided by PIL, the Trustees have not evaluated PIL as a separate entity, and all subsequent references to Putnam Management below should be deemed to include reference to PIL as necessary or appropriate in the context.)

In addition, in anticipation of the sale of Putnam Investments to Great-West Lifeco, at a series of meetings ending in March 2007, the Trustees reviewed and approved new management and distribution arrangements to take effect upon the change of control. Shareholders of all funds approved the management contracts in May 2007, and the change of control transaction was completed on August 3, 2007. Upon the change of control, the management contracts that were approved by the Trustees in June 2007 automatically terminated and were replaced by new contracts that had been approved by shareholders. In connection with their review for the June 2007 continuance of the Putnam funds’ management contracts, the Trustees did not identify any facts or circumstances that would alter the substance of the conclusions and recommendations they made in their review of the contracts to take effect upon the change of control.

The Independent Trustees’ approval was based on the following conclusions:

That the fee schedule in effect for your fund represented reasonable compensation in light of the nature and quality of the services being provided to the fund, the fees paid by competitive funds and the costs incurred by Putnam Management in providing such services, and

That this fee schedule represented an appropriate sharing between fund shareholders and Putnam Management of such economies of scale as may exist in the management of the fund at current asset levels.


These conclusions were based on a comprehensive consideration of all information provided to the Trustees and were not the result of any single factor. Some of the factors that figured particularly in the Trustees’ deliberations and how the Trustees considered these factors are described below, although individual Trustees may have evaluated the information presented differently, giving different weights to various factors. It is also important to recognize that the fee arrangements for your fund and the other Putnam funds are the result of many years of review and discussion between the Independent Trustees and Putnam Management, that certain aspects of such arrangements may receive greater scrutiny in some years than others, and that the Trustees’ conclusions may be based, in part, on their consideration of these same arrangements in prior years.

Management fee schedules and categories; total expenses

The Trustees reviewed the management fee schedules in effect for all Putnam funds, including fee levels and breakpoints, and the assignment of funds to particular fee categories. In reviewing fees and expenses, the Trustees generally focused their attention on material changes in circumstances — for example, changes in a fund’s size or investment style, changes in Putnam Management’s operating costs or responsibilities, or changes in practices in the mutual fund industry — that suggest that consideration of fee changes might be warranted. The Trustees concluded that the circumstances did not warrant changes to the management fee structure of your fund, which had been carefully developed over the years, re-examined on many occasions and adjusted where appropriate. The Trustees focused on two areas of particular interest, as discussed further below:

• Competitiveness. The Trustees reviewed comparative fee and expense information for competitive funds, which indicated that, in a custom peer group of competitive funds selected by Lipper Inc., your fund ranked in the 67th percentile in management fees and in the 67th percentile in total expenses as of December 31, 2006 (the first percentile being the least expensive funds and the 100th percentile being the most expensive funds). The Trustees expressed their intention to monitor this information closely to ensure that fees and expenses of your fund continue to meet evolving competitive standards.

Economies of scale. Your fund currently has the benefit of breakpoints in its management fee that provide shareholders with significant economies of scale, which means that the effective management fee rate of a fund (as a percentage of fund assets) declines as a fund grows in size and crosses specified asset thresholds. Conversely, as a fund shrinks in size — as has been the case for many Putnam funds in recent years — these breakpoints result in increasing fee levels. In recent years, the Trustees have examined the operation of the existing breakpoint structure during periods of both growth and decline in asset levels. The Trustees concluded that the fee schedules in effect for the funds represented an appropriate sharing of economies of scale at current asset levels. In reaching this conclusion, the Trustees considered the Contract Committee’s stated intent to continue to work with Putnam Management to


plan for an eventual resumption in the growth of assets, and to consider the potential economies that might be produced under various growth assumptions.

In connection with their review of the management fees and total expenses of the Putnam funds, the Trustees also reviewed the costs of the services to be provided and profits to be realized by Putnam Management and its affiliates from the relationship with the funds. This information included trends in revenues, expenses and profitability of Putnam Management and its affiliates relating to the investment management and distribution services provided to the funds. In this regard, the Trustees also reviewed an analysis of Putnam Management’s revenues, expenses and profitability with respect to the funds’ management contracts, allocated on a fund-by-fund basis.

Investment performance

The quality of the investment process provided by Putnam Management represented a major factor in the Trustees’ evaluation of the quality of services provided by Putnam Management under your fund’s management contract. The Trustees were assisted in their review of the Putnam funds’ investment process and performance by the work of the Investment Process Committee of the Trustees and the Investment Oversight Committees of the Trustees, which had met on a regular monthly basis with the funds’ portfolio teams throughout the year. The Trustees concluded that Putnam Management generally provides a high-quality investment process — as measured by the experience and skills of the individuals assigned to the management of fund portfolios, the resources made available to such personnel, and in general the ability of Putnam Management to attract and retain high-quality personnel — but also recognized that this does not guarantee favorable investment results for every fund in every time period. The Trustees considered the investment performance of each fund over multiple time periods and considered information comparing each fund’s performance with various benchmarks and with the performance of competitive funds.

The Trustees noted the satisfactory investment performance of many Putnam funds. They also noted the disappointing investment performance of certain funds in recent years and discussed with senior management of Putnam Management the factors contributing to such underperformance and actions being taken to improve performance. The Trustees recognized that, in recent years, Putnam Management has made significant changes in its investment personnel and processes and in the fund product line to address areas of underperformance. In particular, they noted the important contributions of Putnam Management’s leadership in attracting, retaining and supporting high-quality investment professionals and in systematically implementing an investment process that seeks to merge the best features of fundamental and quantitative analysis. The Trustees indicated their intention to continue to monitor performance trends to assess the effectiveness of these changes and to evaluate whether additional changes to address areas of underperformance are warranted.


In the case of your fund, the Trustees considered that your fund’s common share cumulative total return performance at net asset value was in the following percentiles of its Lipper Inc. peer group (Lipper Flexible Income Funds (closed-end)) for the one-, three- and five-year periods ended March 31, 2007 (the first percentile being the best-performing funds and the 100th percentile being the worst-performing funds):

One-year period   Three-year period   Five-year period  

38th   38th   38th  

(Because of the passage of time, these performance results may differ from the performance results for more recent periods shown elsewhere in this report. Over the one-, three- and five-year periods ended March 31, 2007, there were 7, 7 and 7 funds, respectively, in your fund’s Lipper peer group.* Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.)

As a general matter, the Trustees concluded that cooperative efforts between the Trustees and Putnam Management represent the most effective way to address investment performance problems. The Trustees noted that investors in the Putnam funds have, in effect, placed their trust in the Putnam organization, under the oversight of the funds’ Trustees, to make appropriate decisions regarding the management of the funds. Based on the responsiveness of Putnam Management in the recent past to Trustee concerns about investment performance, the Trustees concluded that it is preferable to seek change within Putnam Management to address performance shortcomings. In the Trustees’ view, the alternative of terminating a management contract and engaging a new investment adviser for an underperforming fund would entail significant disruptions and would not provide any greater assurance of improved investment performance.

Brokerage and soft-dollar allocations; other benefits

The Trustees considered various potential benefits that Putnam Management may receive in connection with the services it provides under the management contract with your fund. These include benefits related to brokerage and soft-dollar allocations, whereby a portion of the commissions paid by a fund for brokerage may be used to acquire research services that may be useful to Putnam Management in managing the assets of the fund and of other clients. The Trustees indicated their continued intent to monitor the potential benefits associated with the allocation of fund brokerage to ensure that the principle of seeking “best price and execution” remains paramount in the portfolio trading process.

* The percentile rankings for your fund’s class A share annualized total return performance in the Lipper Flexible Income Funds (closed-end) category for the one-, five-, and ten-year periods ended December 31, 2007, were 38%, 43%, and 29%, respectively. Over the one-, five-, and ten-year periods ended December 31, 2007, the fund ranked 3rd out of 7, 3rd out of 6, and 2nd out of 6 funds, respectively. Note that this more recent information was not available when the Trustees approved the continuance of your fund’s management contract.


The Trustees’ annual review of your fund’s management contract also included the review of your fund’s custodian agreement and investor servicing agreement with Putnam Fiduciary Trust Company (“PFTC”), which provide benefits to affiliates of Putnam Management. In the case of the custodian agreement, the Trustees considered that, effective January 1, 2007, the Putnam funds had engaged State Street Bank and Trust Company as custodian and began to transition the responsibility for providing custody services away from PFTC.

Comparison of retail and institutional fee schedules

The information examined by the Trustees as part of their annual contract review has included for many years information regarding fees charged by Putnam Management and its affiliates to institutional clients such as defined benefit pension plans, college endowments, etc. This information included comparison of such fees with fees charged to the funds, as well as a detailed assessment of the differences in the services provided to these two types of clients. The Trustees observed, in this regard, that the differences in fee rates between institutional clients and the funds are by no means uniform when examined by individual asset sectors, suggesting that differences in the pricing of investment management services to these types of clients reflect to a substantial degree historical competitive forces operating in separate market places. The Trustees considered the fact that fee rates across all asset sectors are higher on average for funds than for institutional clients, as well as the differences between the services that Putnam Management provides to the Putnam funds and those that it provides to institutional clients of the firm, but did not rely on such comparisons to any significant extent in concluding that the management fees paid by your fund are reasonable.


Other information for shareholders

Important notice regarding share repurchase program

In September 2007, the Trustees of your fund approved the renewal of a share repurchase program that had been in effect since 2005. This renewal will allow your fund to repurchase, in the 12 months beginning October 8, 2007, up to 10% of the fund’s common shares outstanding as of October 5, 2007.

Important notice regarding delivery of shareholder documents

In accordance with SEC regulations, Putnam sends a single copy of annual and semiannual shareholder reports, prospectuses, and proxy statements to Putnam shareholders who share the same address, unless a shareholder requests otherwise. If you prefer to receive your own copy of these documents, please call Putnam at 1-800-225-1581, and Putnam will begin sending individual copies within 30 days.

Proxy voting

Putnam is committed to managing our mutual funds in the best interests of our shareholders. The Putnam funds’ proxy voting guidelines and procedures, as well as information regarding how your fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the 12-month period ended June 30, 2007, are available on the Putnam Individual Investors Web site, www.putnam.com/individual, and on the SEC’s Web site, www.sec.gov. If you have questions about finding forms on the SEC’s Web site, you may call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. You may also obtain the Putnam funds’ proxy voting guidelines and procedures at no charge by calling Putnam’s Shareholder Services at 1-800-225-1581.

Fund portfolio holdings

The fund will file a complete schedule of its portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. Shareholders may obtain the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s Web site at www.sec.gov. In addition, the fund’s Forms N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. You may call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 for information about the SEC’s Web site or the operation of the Public Reference Room.


Financial statements

A guide to financial statements

These sections of the report, as well as the accompanying Notes, constitute the fund’s financial statements.

The fund’s portfolio lists all the fund’s investments and their values as of the last day of the reporting period. Holdings are organized by asset type and industry sector, country, or state to show areas of concentration and diversification.

Statement of assets and liabilities shows how the fund’s net assets and share price are determined. All investment and noninvestment assets are added together. Any unpaid expenses and other liabilities are subtracted from this total. The result is divided by the number of shares to determine the net asset value per share. (For funds with preferred shares, the amount subtracted from total assets includes the liquidation preference of preferred shares.)

Statement of operations shows the fund’s net investment gain or loss. This is done by first adding up all the fund’s earnings — from dividends and interest income — and subtracting its operating expenses to determine net investment income (or loss). Then, any net gain or loss the fund realized on the sales of its holdings — as well as any unrealized gains or losses over the period — is added to or subtracted from the net investment result to determine the fund’s net gain or loss for the fiscal period.

Statement of changes in net assets shows how the fund’s net assets were affected by the fund’s net investment gain or loss, by distributions to shareholders, and by changes in the number of the fund’s shares. It lists distributions and their sources (net investment income or realized capital gains) over the current reporting period and the most recent fiscal year-end. The distributions listed here may not match the sources listed in the Statement of operations because the distributions are determined on a tax basis and may be paid in a different period from the one in which they were earned. Dividend sources are estimated at the time of declaration. Actual results may vary. Any non-taxable return of capital cannot be determined until final tax calculations are completed after the end of the fund’s fiscal year.

Financial highlights provide an overview of the fund’s investment results, per-share distributions, expense ratios, net investment income ratios, and portfolio turnover in one summary table, reflecting the five most recent reporting periods. In a semiannual report, the highlight table also includes the current reporting period.


The fund’s portfolio 1/31/08 (Unaudited)

    Principal amount     Value  

U.S. Government Guaranteed Mortgage Obligations (—%)          
Government National Mortgage Association          
Pass-Through Certificates          
6 1/2s, with due dates from July 20, 2037          
to November 20, 2037   $   6,043,934   $   6,280,025  

U.S. Government Agency Mortgage Obligations (53.0%)          
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation          
Pass-Through Certificates          
6s, with due dates from September 1, 2021 to October 1, 2021     835,386     863,482  
Federal National Mortgage Association          
Pass-Through Certificates          
7 1/2s, January 1, 2030     55,516     60,856  
6 1/2s, with due dates from September 1, 2036          
to November 1, 2037     1,863,817     1,935,166  
6 1/2s, April 1, 2016     39,869     41,749  
6 1/2s, TBA, March 1, 2038     1,000,000     1,035,703  
6 1/2s, TBA, February 1, 2038     1,000,000     1,037,266  
6s, July 1, 2021     5,711,930     5,909,394  
5 1/2s, with due dates from April 1, 2037          
to December 1, 2037     6,372,322     6,459,194  
5 1/2s, with due dates from December 1, 2011          
to August 1, 2021     2,336,412     2,396,384  
5 1/2s, TBA, March 1, 2038     189,000,000     191,096,728  
5 1/2s, TBA, February 1, 2038     189,000,000     191,436,323  
5s, July 1, 2021     190,166     192,818  
5s, TBA, March 1, 2038     82,000,000     81,455,471  
5s, TBA, February 1, 2038     82,000,000     81,602,808  
4 1/2s, with due dates from August 1, 2033 to June 1, 2034     5,275,435     5,122,644  

Total U.S. government and agency mortgage obligations (cost $574,559,001)     $ 576,926,011  
U.S. TREASURY OBLIGATIONS (11.2%)*          
    Principal amount     Value  

U.S. Treasury Bonds          
7 1/2s, November 15, 2016   $   27,040,000   $   34,900,612  
6 1/4s, May 15, 2030     46,303,000     58,710,759  
U.S. Treasury Inflation Index Notes 2 3/8s, January 15, 2017     8,128,692     8,916,794  
U.S. Treasury Notes          
4 1/4s, August 15, 2013     4,883,000     5,211,458  
4s, November 15, 2012     3,000     3,166  
U.S. Treasury Strip zero %, November 15, 2024     28,450,000     13,360,937  

Total U.S. treasury obligations (cost $108,163,190)       $   121,103,726  


    Principal amount     Value  

Asset Backed Funding Certificates 144A FRB          
Ser. 06-OPT3, Class B, 5.876s, 2036   $   117,000   $   10,302  
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage, Inc.          
Ser. 07-5, Class XW, IO (Interest only), 7 1/4s, 2051     219,190,737     6,066,761  
FRB Ser. 07-3, Class A3, 5.838s, 2049     343,000     352,498  
Ser. 07-2, Class A2, 5.634s, 2049 (F)     977,000     989,193  
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage, Inc. 144A          
Ser. 01-1, Class J, 6 1/8s, 2036     318,946     297,275  
Ser. 01-1, Class K, 6 1/8s, 2036     718,000     572,685  
Banc of America Funding Corp. Ser. 07-4, Class 4A2,          
IO, 5 1/2s, 2034     5,007,289     942,291  
Banc of America Large Loan 144A FRB Ser. 05-MIB1,          
Class K, 6.236s, 2022     1,187,000     1,151,243  
Bayview Commercial Asset Trust 144A          
Ser. 07-5A, IO, 1.55s, 2037     2,854,935     410,825  
Ser. 07-1, Class S, IO, 1.211s, 2037     7,964,426     855,379  
Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc.          
FRB Ser. 00-WF2, Class F, 8.449s, 2032     481,000     511,924  
Ser. 07-PW17, Class A3, 5.736s, 2050     4,243,000     4,125,384  
Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc.          
144A Ser. 07-PW18, Class X1, IO, 0.065s, 2050     121,664,966     1,105,764  
Broadgate Financing PLC sec. FRB Ser. D, 6.626s,          
2023 (United Kingdom)   GBP   800,125     1,386,550  
Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust, Inc. IFB Ser. 07-6,          
Class 2A5, IO, 3.274s, 2037   $   3,729,678     254,991  
Citigroup/Deutsche Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust          
Ser. 06-CD3, Class A4, 5.658s, 2048     217,000     222,675  
Citigroup/Deutsche Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust          
144A Ser. 07-CD5, Class XS, IO, 0.062s, 2044     71,429,344     711,508  
Commercial Mortgage Acceptance Corp. Ser. 97-ML1,          
IO, 0.969s, 2017     1,510,069     60,226  
Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates 144A          
FRB Ser. 05-F10A, Class A1, 4.336s, 2017     496,801     496,165  
Countrywide Home Loans Ser. 05-2, Class 2X, IO,          
1.16s, 2035     6,245,703     146,042  
Countrywide Home Loans 144A IFB Ser. 05-R1,          
Class 1AS, IO, 1.236s, 2035     6,070,931     451,477  
Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Certificates          
FRB Ser. 07-C4, Class A2, 6.005s, 2039     1,632,000     1,651,682  
Ser. 07-C5, Class A3, 5.694s, 2040     21,660,000     21,230,742  
CRESI Finance Limited Partnership 144A          
FRB Ser. 06-A, Class D, 4.176s, 2017     167,000     157,142  
FRB Ser. 06-A, Class C, 3.976s, 2017     495,000     469,663  
Criimi Mae Commercial Mortgage Trust 144A          
Ser. 98-C1, Class B, 7s, 2033     3,957,000     3,963,727  
CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp. 144A          
Ser. 98-C2, Class F, 6 3/4s, 2030     3,176,400     3,408,291  
FRB Ser. 05-TFLA, Class L, 6.086s, 2020     1,356,000     1,308,540  
Ser. 98-C1, Class F, 6s, 2040     1,880,000     1,540,318  
FRB Ser. 05-TFLA, Class K, 5.536s, 2020     758,000     735,260  
Ser. 02-CP5, Class M, 5 1/4s, 2035     691,000     345,500  


      Principal amount     Value  

Deutsche Mortgage & Asset Receiving Corp.            
Ser. 98-C1, Class X, IO, 0.559s, 2031     $   17,255,147   $   484,627  
DLJ Commercial Mortgage Corp. Ser. 98-CF2, Class B4,            
6.04s, 2031       552,708     506,071  
DLJ Commercial Mortgage Corp. 144A Ser. 98-CF2,            
Class B5, 5.95s, 2031       1,771,365     1,484,067  
European Loan Conduit 144A FRB Ser. 22A, Class D,            
6.428s, 2014 (Ireland)   GBP     995,000     1,755,138  
European Prime Real Estate PLC 144A FRB Ser. 1-A,            
Class D, 6.434s, 2014 (United Kingdom)   GBP     553,762     933,950  
Fannie Mae            
IFB Ser. 06-70, Class SM, 26.127s, 2036     $   477,426     630,045  
IFB Ser. 06-62, Class PS, 19.643s, 2036       1,359,946     1,844,666  
IFB Ser. 06-76, Class QB, 19.343s, 2036       3,396,631     4,623,519  
IFB Ser. 06-63, Class SP, 19.043s, 2036       3,707,204     4,981,089  
IFB Ser. 07-W7, Class 1A4, 18.923s, 2037       1,159,580     1,535,575  
IFB Ser. 06-104, Class GS, 17.116s, 2036       705,263     919,554  
IFB Ser. 06-60, Class TK, 15.095s, 2036       1,042,049     1,296,352  
IFB Ser. 05-74, Class CP, 12.37s, 2035       978,521     1,191,117  
IFB Ser. 05-115, Class NQ, 12.277s, 2036       556,925     651,553  
IFB Ser. 06-27, Class SP, 12.187s, 2036       1,553,000     1,884,558  
IFB Ser. 06-8, Class HP, 12.187s, 2036       1,644,812     1,996,663  
IFB Ser. 06-8, Class WK, 12.187s, 2036       2,617,395     3,149,915  
IFB Ser. 05-106, Class US, 12.187s, 2035       2,372,759     2,888,947  
IFB Ser. 05-99, Class SA, 12.187s, 2035       1,157,612     1,362,730  
IFB Ser. 06-60, Class CS, 11.71s, 2036       1,690,032     1,928,557  
IFB Ser. 06-62, Class NS, 11.659s, 2036       484,260     498,788  
IFB Ser. 05-74, Class CS, 10.735s, 2035       1,115,544     1,296,334  
IFB Ser. 05-114, Class SP, 10.295s, 2036       697,009     770,131  
IFB Ser. 05-95, Class OP, 9.927s, 2035       686,029     768,400  
IFB Ser. 05-95, Class CP, 9.848s, 2035       175,378     201,139  
IFB Ser. 05-83, Class QP, 8.616s, 2034       394,488     426,174  
Ser. 04-T2, Class 1A4, 7 1/2s, 2043       516,649     566,490  
Ser. 02-T19, Class A3, 7 1/2s, 2042       433,749     476,558  
Ser. 02-14, Class A2, 7 1/2s, 2042       2,989     3,229  
Ser. 01-T10, Class A2, 7 1/2s, 2041       411,841     446,215  
Ser. 02-T4, Class A3, 7 1/2s, 2041       1,741     1,873  
Ser. 01-T3, Class A1, 7 1/2s, 2040       269,160     289,623  
Ser. 01-T1, Class A1, 7 1/2s, 2040       819,200     891,604  
Ser. 99-T2, Class A1, 7 1/2s, 2039       326,267     360,998  
Ser. 00-T6, Class A1, 7 1/2s, 2030       158,844     169,823  
Ser. 01-T4, Class A1, 7 1/2s, 2028       773,567     852,361  
Ser. 04-W12, Class 1A3, 7s, 2044       676,266     734,947  
Ser. 01-T10, Class A1, 7s, 2041       1,648,107     1,758,949  
Ser. 380, Class 2, IO, 6 1/2s, 2037 ##       12,952,069     2,225,387  
Ser. 371, Class 2, IO, 6 1/2s, 2036       31,274,884     5,763,470  
IFB Ser. 07-W6, Class 6A2, IO, 4.424s, 2037       2,434,050     287,682  
IFB Ser. 06-90, Class SE, IO, 4.424s, 2036       4,308,644     594,236  
IFB Ser. 03-66, Class SA, IO, 4.274s, 2033       1,927,210     210,071  
IFB Ser. 07-W6, Class 5A2, IO, 3.914s, 2037       3,229,451     364,599  


    Principal amount     Value  

Fannie Mae          
IFB Ser. 07-W2, Class 3A2, IO, 3.904s, 2037   $   3,154,319   $   342,841  
IFB Ser. 06-115, Class BI, IO, 3.884s, 2036     2,786,261     231,253  
IFB Ser. 05-113, Class AI, IO, 3.854s, 2036     1,403,427     165,999  
IFB Ser. 05-113, Class DI, IO, 3.854s, 2036     1,284,600     123,403  
IFB Ser. 06-60, Class SI, IO, 3.774s, 2036     3,122,485     359,860  
IFB Ser. 06-60, Class UI, IO, 3.774s, 2036     1,273,716     151,949  
IFB Ser. 07-W7, Class 3A2, IO, 3.754s, 2037     3,755,618     386,994  
IFB Ser. 06-74, Class SN, IO, 3.724s, 2036     2,754,723     186,490  
IFB Ser. 06-60, Class DI, IO, 3.694s, 2035     4,015,740     356,336  
IFB Ser. 07-54, Class CI, IO, 3.384s, 2037     2,535,141     261,645  
IFB Ser. 07-39, Class PI, IO, 3.384s, 2037     1,993,101     196,455  
IFB Ser. 07-30, Class WI, IO, 3.384s, 2037     11,780,326     1,054,912  
IFB Ser. 07-22, Class S, IO, 3.374s, 2037     17,688,790     1,694,998  
IFB Ser. 06-128, Class SH, IO, 3.374s, 2037     2,147,226     199,485  
IFB Ser. 06-56, Class SM, IO, 3.374s, 2036     2,937,521     283,635  
IFB Ser. 06-12, Class SD, IO, 3.374s, 2035     7,458,731     872,043  
IFB Ser. 07-W5, Class 2A2, IO, 3.364s, 2037     987,961     89,906  
IFB Ser. 07-30, Class IE, IO, 3.364s, 2037     5,750,455     688,076  
IFB Ser. 06-123, Class CI, IO, 3.364s, 2037     4,508,362     447,304  
IFB Ser. 06-123, Class UI, IO, 3.364s, 2037     2,123,506     210,342  
IFB Ser. 07-15, Class BI, IO, 3.324s, 2037     3,544,456     355,255  
IFB Ser. 06-16, Class SM, IO, 3.324s, 2036     2,333,722     243,542  
IFB Ser. 05-95, Class CI, IO, 3.324s, 2035     2,529,794     271,692  
IFB Ser. 05-84, Class SG, IO, 3.324s, 2035     4,207,075     454,226  
IFB Ser. 05-57, Class NI, IO, 3.324s, 2035     1,103,091     113,325  
IFB Ser. 05-104, Class NI, IO, 3.324s, 2035     2,908,151     320,328  
IFB Ser. 05-83, Class QI, IO, 3.314s, 2035     673,109     78,388  
IFB Ser. 06-128, Class GS, IO, 3.304s, 2037     2,873,430     290,663  
IFB Ser. 05-83, Class SL, IO, 3.294s, 2035     7,241,460     618,816  
IFB Ser. 06-114, Class IS, IO, 3.274s, 2036     2,448,963     216,426  
IFB Ser. 06-115, Class IE, IO, 3.264s, 2036     1,879,073     209,699  
IFB Ser. 06-117, Class SA, IO, 3.264s, 2036     2,854,016     254,157  
IFB Ser. 06-109, Class SH, IO, 3.244s, 2036     2,244,215     259,598  
IFB Ser. 07-W6, Class 4A2, IO, 3.224s, 2037     13,057,620     1,211,605  
IFB Ser. 06-128, Class SC, IO, 3.224s, 2037     2,408,317     220,753  
IFB Ser. 06-8, Class JH, IO, 3.224s, 2036     8,545,066     907,489  
IFB Ser. 05-122, Class SG, IO, 3.224s, 2035     2,354,780     254,482  
IFB Ser. 05-95, Class OI, IO, 3.214s, 2035     376,398     45,883  
IFB Ser. 06-92, Class LI, IO, 3.204s, 2036     2,766,591     254,595  
IFB Ser. 06-99, Class AS, IO, 3.204s, 2036     361,202     34,172  
IFB Ser. 06-98, Class SQ, IO, 3.194s, 2036     12,645,350     1,152,114  
IFB Ser. 06-85, Class TS, IO, 3.184s, 2036     4,798,851     419,694  
IFB Ser. 07-75, Class PI, IO, 3.164s, 2037     2,995,288     274,251  
IFB Ser. 07-90, Class S, IO, 3.134s, 2037     4,794,347     277,284  
IFB Ser. 07-103, Class AI, IO, 3.124s, 2037     12,738,228     1,137,724  
IFB Ser. 07-15, Class NI, IO, 3.124s, 2022     4,758,271     380,921  
IFB Ser. 07-109, Class XI, IO, 3.074s, 2037     1,783,386     166,734  
IFB Ser. 07-109, Class YI, IO, 3.074s, 2037     2,922,997     252,468  
IFB Ser. 07-W8, Class 2A2, IO, 3.074s, 2037     4,707,065     438,961  


    Principal amount     Value  

Fannie Mae          
IFB Ser. 07-54, Class KI, IO, 3.064s, 2037   $   1,516,147   $   131,098  
IFB Ser. 07-30, Class JS, IO, 3.064s, 2037     5,007,040     459,943  
IFB Ser. 07-30, Class LI, IO, 3.064s, 2037     3,624,263     336,949  
IFB Ser. 07-W2, Class 1A2, IO, 3.054s, 2037     2,077,035     177,719  
IFB Ser. 07-106, Class SN, IO, 3.034s, 2037     2,929,679     236,205  
IFB Ser. 07-54, Class IA, IO, 3.034s, 2037     2,636,007     242,610  
IFB Ser. 07-54, Class IB, IO, 3.034s, 2037     2,636,007     242,610  
IFB Ser. 07-54, Class IC, IO, 3.034s, 2037     2,636,007     242,610  
IFB Ser. 07-54, Class ID, IO, 3.034s, 2037     2,636,007     242,610  
IFB Ser. 07-54, Class IE, IO, 3.034s, 2037     2,636,007     242,610  
IFB Ser. 07-54, Class IF, IO, 3.034s, 2037     3,921,589     360,931  
IFB Ser. 07-54, Class UI, IO, 3.034s, 2037     3,863,625     385,947  
IFB Ser. 07-91, Class AS, IO, 3.024s, 2037     1,962,306     166,024  
IFB Ser. 07-91, Class HS, IO, 3.024s, 2037     2,089,573     185,004  
IFB Ser. 07-15, Class CI, IO, 3.004s, 2037     8,328,925     755,093  
IFB Ser. 06-123, Class BI, IO, 3.004s, 2037     10,952,667     953,716  
IFB Ser. 06-115, Class JI, IO, 3.004s, 2036     6,071,620     547,181  
IFB Ser. 06-123, Class LI, IO, 2.944s, 2037     4,057,526     346,092  
IFB Ser. 07-39, Class AI, IO, 2.744s, 2037     4,494,622     358,535  
IFB Ser. 07-32, Class SD, IO, 2.734s, 2037     3,130,422     254,080  
IFB Ser. 07-30, Class UI, IO, 2.724s, 2037     2,557,318     218,734  
IFB Ser. 07-32, Class SC, IO, 2.724s, 2037     4,142,144     341,317  
IFB Ser. 07-1, Class CI, IO, 2.724s, 2037     2,998,335     247,550  
IFB Ser. 05-74, Class SE, IO, 2.724s, 2035     5,785,846     409,645  
IFB Ser. 07-75, Class ID, IO, 2.494s, 2037     3,147,811     252,180  
Ser. 08-10, Class CI, 2.28s, 2038 ##     14,243,000     870,148  
IFB Ser. 08-1, Class NI, IO, 2 1/4s, 2037     5,454,000     388,559  
FRB Ser. 03-W17, Class 12, IO, 1.151s, 2033     4,371,064     153,437  
Ser. 03-W10, Class 3A, IO, 0.797s, 2043     7,346,444     105,812  
Ser. 03-W10, Class 1A, IO, 0.767s, 2043     6,107,640     74,933  
Ser. 00-T6, IO, 0.761s, 2030     6,739,472     103,669  
Ser. 02-T18, IO, 0.514s, 2042     11,950,394     167,692  
Ser. 06-84, Class OP, PO (Principal only), zero %, 2036     37,252     37,087  
Ser. 372, Class 1, PO, zero %, 2036     9,122,236     7,804,364  
Ser. 06-56, Class XF, zero %, 2036     157,564     157,094  
Ser. 04-38, Class AO, PO, zero %, 2034     931,943     706,083  
Ser. 04-61, Class CO, PO, zero %, 2031     894,010     803,492  
Ser. 99-51, Class N, PO, zero %, 2029     119,015     102,372  
Ser. 07-31, Class TS, IO, zero %, 2009     6,601,168     216,096  
Ser. 07-15, Class IM, IO, zero %, 2009     2,553,955     76,316  
Ser. 07-16, Class TS, IO, zero %, 2009     10,444,508     275,507  
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Structured Pass          
Through Securities IFB Ser. T-56, Class 2ASI, IO, 4.724s, 2043     1,481,021     179,574  
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.          
Structured Pass-Through Securities          
Ser. T-58, Class 4A, 7 1/2s, 2043     9,201     10,038  
Ser. T-60, Class 1A2, 7s, 2044     3,048,888     3,311,132  
Ser. T-57, Class 1AX, IO, 0.45s, 2043     3,831,866     46,701  
FFCA Secured Lending Corp. 144A Ser. 00-1, Class X,          
IO, 1.341s, 2020     9,977,034     528,703  


    Principal amount     Value  

First Chicago Lennar Trust 144A Ser. 97-CHL1,          
Class E, 8s, 2039   $   947,003   $   948,423  
First Union Commercial Mortgage Trust 144A          
Ser. 99-C1, Class G, 5.35s, 2035     891,000     659,660  
First Union-Lehman Brothers Commercial Mortgage          
Trust II Ser. 97-C2, Class G, 7 1/2s, 2029     1,219,000     1,334,698  
Freddie Mac          
IFB Ser. 3182, Class PS, 11.655s, 2032     381,678     495,291  
IFB Ser. 3081, Class DC, 10.097s, 2035     938,562     1,152,481  
IFB Ser. 3114, Class GK, 9.455s, 2036     648,839     792,170  
IFB Ser. 2979, Class AS, 8.74s, 2034     418,491     480,619  
IFB Ser. 3149, Class SU, 8.013s, 2036     803,476     886,774  
IFB Ser. 3065, Class DC, 7.151s, 2035     1,503,509     1,666,067  
IFB Ser. 3184, Class SP, IO, 3.114s, 2033     3,990,601     422,118  
IFB Ser. 3203, Class SH, IO, 2.904s, 2036     2,272,730     268,130  
IFB Ser. 2828, Class TI, IO, 2.814s, 2030     1,325,264     134,300  
IFB Ser. 3297, Class BI, IO, 2.524s, 2037     7,889,798     826,075  
IFB Ser. 3284, Class IV, IO, 2.514s, 2037     2,045,475     217,958  
IFB Ser. 3287, Class SD, IO, 2.514s, 2037     2,943,002     281,528  
IFB Ser. 3281, Class BI, IO, 2.514s, 2037     1,526,922     149,897  
IFB Ser. 3249, Class SI, IO, 2.514s, 2036     1,327,209     149,973  
IFB Ser. 3028, Class ES, IO, 2.514s, 2035     7,003,960     777,897  
IFB Ser. 3042, Class SP, IO, 2.514s, 2035     1,614,052     175,684  
IFB Ser. 3045, Class DI, IO, 2.494s, 2035     13,178,804     1,128,502  
IFB Ser. 3054, Class CS, IO, 2.464s, 2035     1,497,015     114,460  
IFB Ser. 3107, Class DC, IO, 2.464s, 2035     7,591,334     876,235  
IFB Ser. 3066, Class SI, IO, 2.464s, 2035     4,785,949     544,279  
IFB Ser. 2950, Class SM, IO, 2.464s, 2016     1,138,285     110,841  
IFB Ser. 3256, Class S, IO, 2.454s, 2036     4,387,708     442,821  
IFB Ser. 3031, Class BI, IO, 2.454s, 2035     1,338,417     158,841  
IFB Ser. 3244, Class SB, IO, 2.424s, 2036     2,208,371     207,935  
IFB Ser. 3244, Class SG, IO, 2.424s, 2036     2,521,944     256,257  
IFB Ser. 3236, Class IS, IO, 2.414s, 2036     4,085,388     366,697  
IFB Ser. 3114, Class TS, IO, 2.414s, 2030     8,219,078     467,992  
IFB Ser. 3240, Class S, IO, 2.384s, 2036     7,054,245     651,245  
IFB Ser. 3153, Class JI, IO, 2.384s, 2036     3,469,649     299,200  
IFB Ser. 3065, Class DI, IO, 2.384s, 2035     1,047,440     124,302  
IFB Ser. 3218, Class AS, IO, 2.344s, 2036     2,461,564     205,604  
IFB Ser. 3221, Class SI, IO, 2.344s, 2036     3,316,435     288,180  
IFB Ser. 3153, Class UI, IO, 2.334s, 2036     515,234     61,741  
IFB Ser. 3202, Class PI, IO, 2.304s, 2036     8,996,084     816,844  
IFB Ser. 3355, Class MI, IO, 2.264s, 2037     2,094,715     186,068  
IFB Ser. 3355, Class LI, IO, 2.264s, 2037     2,549,706     149,160  
IFB Ser. 3201, Class SG, IO, 2.264s, 2036     4,159,082     380,223  
IFB Ser. 3203, Class SE, IO, 2.264s, 2036     3,760,917     329,712  
IFB Ser. 3171, Class PS, IO, 2.249s, 2036     3,122,794     305,753  
IFB Ser. 3152, Class SY, IO, 2.244s, 2036     6,263,915     642,873  
IFB Ser. 3284, Class BI, IO, 2.214s, 2037     2,509,664     217,560  
IFB Ser. 3260, Class SA, IO, 2.214s, 2037     2,353,870     159,938  
IFB Ser. 3199, Class S, IO, 2.214s, 2036     5,375,726     492,332  


    Principal amount     Value  

Freddie Mac          
IFB Ser. 3284, Class LI, IO, 2.204s, 2037   $   5,121,681   $   458,308  
IFB Ser. 3281, Class AI, IO, 2.194s, 2037     8,437,291     767,913  
IFB Ser. 3311, Class IA, IO, 2.174s, 2037     3,719,905     354,812  
IFB Ser. 3311, Class IB, IO, 2.174s, 2037     3,719,905     354,812  
IFB Ser. 3311, Class IC, IO, 2.174s, 2037     3,719,905     354,812  
IFB Ser. 3311, Class ID, IO, 2.174s, 2037     3,719,905     354,812  
IFB Ser. 3311, Class IE, IO, 2.174s, 2037     5,735,921     547,104  
IFB Ser. 3240, Class GS, IO, 2.144s, 2036     4,264,374     380,310  
IFB Ser. 3339, Class TI, IO, 1.904s, 2037     4,906,772     425,242  
IFB Ser. 3284, Class CI, IO, 1.884s, 2037     9,965,737     832,641  
IFB Ser. 3016, Class SQ, IO, 1.874s, 2035     2,965,902     183,397  
IFB Ser. 3284, Class WI, IO, 1.864s, 2037     16,552,429     1,330,270  
Ser. 246, PO, zero %, 2037     10,338,714     8,932,121  
Ser. 3300, PO, zero %, 2037     1,810,008     1,566,686  
Ser. 236, PO, zero %, 2036     808,650     691,352  
FRB Ser. 3326, Class XF, zero %, 2037     378,154     367,021  
FRB Ser. 3326, Class WF, zero %, 2035     342,913     332,715  
GE Capital Commercial Mortgage Corp. 144A          
Ser. 00-1, Class F, 7.787s, 2033     251,000     262,768  
Ser. 00-1, Class G, 6.131s, 2033     1,159,000     998,003  
GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 144A          
Ser. 99-C3, Class G, 6.974s, 2036     1,022,427     1,015,805  
Government National Mortgage Association          
IFB Ser. 07-51, Class SP, 15.728s, 2037     221,206     278,816  
IFB Ser. 07-64, Class AM, 12.956s, 2037     95,273     112,241  
IFB Ser. 05-66, Class SP, 7.229s, 2035     912,169     991,029  
IFB Ser. 06-62, Class SI, IO, 3.421s, 2036     3,179,177     252,227  
IFB Ser. 07-1, Class SL, IO, 3.401s, 2037     1,376,435     121,231  
IFB Ser. 07-1, Class SM, IO, 3.391s, 2037     1,377,301     121,007  
IFB Ser. 04-59, Class SC, IO, 3.119s, 2034     1,582,373     166,326  
IFB Ser. 07-26, Class SG, IO, 2.891s, 2037     4,226,781     385,759  
IFB Ser. 07-9, Class BI, IO, 2.861s, 2037     8,466,785     618,153  
IFB Ser. 07-31, Class CI, IO, 2.851s, 2037     2,532,090     194,344  
IFB Ser. 07-25, Class SA, IO, 2.841s, 2037     3,330,747     245,944  
IFB Ser. 07-25, Class SB, IO, 2.841s, 2037     6,525,744     481,864  
IFB Ser. 07-22, Class S, IO, 2.841s, 2037     2,275,658     234,030  
IFB Ser. 07-11, Class SA, IO, 2.841s, 2037     2,055,542     182,379  
IFB Ser. 07-14, Class SB, IO, 2.841s, 2037     1,961,241     166,682  
IFB Ser. 07-51, Class SJ, IO, 2.791s, 2037     2,357,031     262,447  
IFB Ser. 07-26, Class SD, IO, 2.719s, 2037     4,637,029     385,421  
IFB Ser. 07-59, Class PS, IO, 2.711s, 2037     1,837,118     170,329  
IFB Ser. 07-59, Class SP, IO, 2.711s, 2037     573,355     53,119  
IFB Ser. 06-38, Class SG, IO, 2.691s, 2033     9,680,498     549,947  
IFB Ser. 07-53, Class SG, IO, 2.641s, 2037     1,616,011     115,093  
IFB Ser. 07-79, Class SY, IO, 2.591s, 2037     9,836,835     646,409  
IFB Ser. 07-64, Class AI, IO, 2.591s, 2037     857,454     56,527  
IFB Ser. 07-53, Class ES, IO, 2.591s, 2037     2,636,412     166,228  
IFB Ser. 07-48, Class SB, IO, 2.569s, 2037     3,572,706     249,263  
IFB Ser. 07-9, Class DI, IO, 2.551s, 2037     4,269,299     285,345  


    Principal amount     Value  

Government National Mortgage Association          
IFB Ser. 07-57, Class QA, IO, 2.541s, 2037   $   5,669,302   $   364,084  
IFB Ser. 07-58, Class SC, IO, 2.541s, 2037     4,808,355     287,957  
IFB Ser. 07-61, Class SA, IO, 2.541s, 2037     3,004,700     190,960  
IFB Ser. 07-53, Class SC, IO, 2.541s, 2037     2,867,273     173,346  
IFB Ser. 07-58, Class SD, IO, 2.531s, 2037     4,607,152     286,324  
IFB Ser. 07-59, Class SD, IO, 2.511s, 2037     1,105,823     68,503  
IFB Ser. 07-17, Class AI, IO, 2.469s, 2037     10,171,254     863,924  
IFB Ser. 07-78, Class SA, IO, 2.449s, 2037     14,685,373     1,211,543  
IFB Ser. 07-9, Class AI, IO, 2.419s, 2037     4,865,109     374,550  
IFB Ser. 05-65, Class SI, IO, 2.391s, 2035     3,114,678     237,112  
IFB Ser. 07-17, Class IB, IO, 2.291s, 2037     1,958,568     146,920  
IFB Ser. 06-14, Class S, IO, 2.291s, 2036     3,062,236     211,313  
IFB Ser. 06-11, Class ST, IO, 2.281s, 2036     1,907,082     133,881  
IFB Ser. 07-27, Class SD, IO, 2.241s, 2037     2,387,390     145,145  
IFB Ser. 07-19, Class SJ, IO, 2.241s, 2037     4,031,114     232,748  
IFB Ser. 07-23, Class ST, IO, 2.241s, 2037     4,413,724     233,648  
IFB Ser. 07-9, Class CI, IO, 2.241s, 2037     5,546,050     326,101  
IFB Ser. 07-7, Class EI, IO, 2.241s, 2037     2,376,887     142,482  
IFB Ser. 07-7, Class JI, IO, 2.241s, 2037     5,469,229     373,807  
IFB Ser. 07-1, Class S, IO, 2.241s, 2037     5,314,008     302,627  
IFB Ser. 07-3, Class SA, IO, 2.241s, 2037     5,069,505     288,422  
IFB Ser. 07-31, Class AI, IO, 2.099s, 2037     2,392,278     266,089  
IFB Ser. 07-73, Class MI, IO, 2.041s, 2037     1,402,923     76,820  
IFB Ser. 07-43, Class SC, IO, 2.019s, 2037     3,701,834     228,626  
IFB Ser. 08-3, Class SA, IO, 2.01s, 2038 (F)     5,491,000     328,960  
IFB Ser. 08-4, Class SA, IO, 2.001s, 2038     27,883,000     1,853,784  
Ser. 07-73, Class MO, PO, zero %, 2037     108,368     89,176  
FRB Ser. 07-73, Class KI, IO, zero %, 2037     1,078,796     18,491  
FRB Ser. 07-73, Class KM, zero %, 2037     107,391     109,181  
FRB Ser. 98-2, Class EA, PO, zero %, 2028     117,602     101,300  
GS Mortgage Securities Corp. II          
FRB Ser. 07-GG10, Class A3, 5.993s, 2045     679,000     673,365  
Ser. 06-GG6, Class A2, 5.506s, 2038 (F)     2,446,000     2,484,995  
HASCO NIM Trust 144A Ser. 05-OP1A, Class A, 6 1/4s,          
2035 (Cayman Islands)     278,079     83,424  
IMPAC Secured Assets Corp. FRB Ser. 07-2,          
Class 1A1A, 3.486s, 2037     800,859     751,806  
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp.          
FRB Ser. 07-LD12, Class AM, 6.261s, 2051     1,032,000     1,047,996  
FRB Ser. 07-LD12, Class A3, 6.189s, 2051     4,928,000     4,984,179  
FRB Ser. 07-LD11, Class A3, 6.007s, 2049     847,000     819,329  
Ser. 07-CB20, Class A3, 5.863s, 2051     1,698,000     1,683,907  
Ser. 07-CB20, Class A4, 5.794s, 2051     1,107,000     1,134,675  
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp.          
144A Ser. 07-CB20, Class X1, IO, 0.059s, 2051     125,211,735     1,603,962  
LB Commercial Conduit Mortgage Trust 144A          
Ser. 99-C1, Class G, 6.41s, 2031     492,082     509,831  
Ser. 98-C4, Class J, 5.6s, 2035     965,000     835,572  


    Principal amount     Value  

LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust          
Ser. 07-C6, Class A2, 5.845s, 2012   $   1,535,000   $   1,585,761  
Ser. 07-C7, Class XW, IO, 0.526s, 2045     119,476,449     3,084,882  
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 144A Ser. 07-C7,          
Class XCL, IO, 0.086s, 2045     50,437,968     606,264  
Lehman Mortgage Trust          
IFB Ser. 07-5, Class 4A3, 19.823s, 2036     1,585,630     2,034,537  
IFB Ser. 07-5, Class 8A2, IO, 4.344s, 2036     2,912,653     247,008  
IFB Ser. 07-4, Class 3A2, IO, 3.824s, 2037     2,032,933     180,565  
IFB Ser. 06-5, Class 2A2, IO, 3.774s, 2036     5,332,028     378,006  
IFB Ser. 07-2, Class 2A13, IO, 3.314s, 2037     4,083,416     325,038  
IFB Ser. 06-9, Class 2A2, IO, 3.244s, 2037     4,802,366     438,949  
IFB Ser. 06-7, Class 2A4, IO, 3.174s, 2036     8,336,636     511,814  
IFB Ser. 06-7, Class 2A5, IO, 3.174s, 2036     7,588,436     633,283  
IFB Ser. 06-6, Class 1A2, IO, 3.124s, 2036     3,020,433     185,443  
IFB Ser. 06-6, Class 1A3, IO, 3.124s, 2036     4,255,708     307,721  
IFB Ser. 06-5, Class 1A3, IO, 2.024s, 2036     1,415,984     25,187  
IFB Ser. 06-4, Class 1A3, IO, 2.024s, 2036     2,040,080     54,053  
IFB Ser. 06-7, Class 1A3, IO, 1.974s, 2036     3,572,315     64,119  
Local Insight Media Finance, LLC Ser. 07-1W, Class A1, 5.53s, 2012   3,423,000     3,320,721  
Mach One Commercial Mortgage Trust 144A          
Ser. 04-1A, Class J, 5.45s, 2040 (Canada) (F)     1,154,000     734,513  
Ser. 04-1A, Class K, 5.45s, 2040 (Canada) (F)     411,000     236,734  
Ser. 04-1A, Class L, 5.45s, 2040 (Canada) (F)     187,000     94,478  
MASTR Adjustable Rate Mortgages Trust FRB          
Ser. 04-13, Class 3A6, 3.786s, 2034     554,000     553,592  
Merrill Lynch Capital Funding Corp. Ser. 06-4,          
Class XC, IO, 0.062s, 2049     111,209,032     1,616,006  
Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors, Inc.          
FRB Ser. 05-A9, Class 3A1, 5.278s, 2035     908,542     917,192  
Ser. 96-C2, Class JS, IO, 2.265s, 2028 (F)     2,114,303     168,808  
Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust FRB Ser. 07-C1,          
Class A3, 6.023s, 2050     451,000     460,705  
Merrill Lynch/Countrywide Commercial Mortgage Trust          
FRB Ser. 07-8, Class A2, 6.119s, 2049     821,000     833,669  
Mezz Cap Commercial Mortgage Trust Ser. 07-C5,          
Class X, 4.867s, 2017     4,865,000     1,279,063  
Mezz Cap Commercial Mortgage Trust 144A Ser. 04-C1,          
Class X, IO, 8.008s, 2037     1,376,552     394,898  
Morgan Stanley Capital I          
Ser. 98-CF1, Class E, 7.35s, 2032     2,455,000     2,388,413  
FRB Ser. 07-IQ14, Class AM, 5.877s, 2049     507,000     490,823  
Morgan Stanley Capital I 144A          
FRB Ser. 04-RR, Class F7, 6s, 2039 (F)     3,360,000     1,765,345  
Ser. 07-HQ13, Class X1, IO, 0.824s, 2044     110,615,431     3,577,303  
Morgan Stanley Mortgage Loan Trust Ser. 05-5AR,          
Class 2A1, 5.289s, 2035     2,570,349     2,554,311  
Mortgage Capital Funding, Inc.          
FRB Ser. 98-MC2, Class E, 7.26s, 2030     459,501     466,386  
Ser. 97-MC2, Class X, IO, 2.557s, 2012     87,155     370  


      Principal amount     Value  

Permanent Financing PLC FRB Ser. 8, Class 2C,            
5.546s, 2042 (United Kingdom)     $   1,112,000   $   1,106,027  
Permanent Financing PLC 144A FRB Ser. 9A, Class 3A,            
5.246s, 2033 (United Kingdom)       5,880,000     5,600,818  
Permanent Master Issuer PLC FRB Ser. 07-1, Class 4A,            
4.338s, 2033 (United Kingdom)       7,142,000     6,892,173  
PNC Mortgage Acceptance Corp. 144A Ser. 00-C1,            
Class J, 6 5/8s, 2010       285,000     258,065  
Residential Asset Securitization Trust            
IFB Ser. 07-A3, Class 2A2, IO, 3.314s, 2037       9,482,626     768,847  
IFB Ser. 06-A7CB, Class 1A6, IO, 2.174s, 2036       878,302     30,912  
Residential Mortgage Securities 144A FRB Ser. 20A,            
Class B1A, 7.018s, 2038 (United Kingdom)   GBP     250,000     440,840  
SBA CMBS Trust 144A Ser. 05-1A, Class E, 6.706s, 2035     $   595,000     595,290  
STRIPS 144A            
Ser. 03-1A, Class M, 5s, 2018 (Cayman Islands)       316,000     269,229  
Ser. 03-1A, Class N, 5s, 2018 (Cayman Islands)       376,000     304,310  
Ser. 04-1A, Class M, 5s, 2018 (Cayman Islands)       345,000     310,338  
Ser. 04-1A, Class N, 5s, 2018 (Cayman Islands)       325,000     274,397  
Structured Asset Securities Corp.            
IFB Ser. 07-4, Class 1A3, IO, 2.965s, 2037       7,762,735     580,408  
Ser. 07-4, Class 1A4, IO, 1s, 2037       8,296,991     216,866  
Structured Asset Securities Corp. 144A Ser. 07-RF1,            
Class 1A, IO, 0.936s, 2037       10,025,673     533,500  
Titan Europe PLC 144A            
FRB Ser. 05-CT2A, Class E, 7.095s, 2014 (Ireland)   GBP     444,138     860,012  
FRB Ser. 05-CT1A, Class D, 7.095s, 2014 (Ireland)   GBP     907,390     1,618,014  
URSUS EPC 144A FRB Ser. 1-A, Class D, 6.938s,            
2012 (Ireland)   GBP     468,096     874,950  
Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust            
Ser. 07-C30, Class A3, 5.246s, 2043     $   1,553,000     1,533,774  
Ser. 07-C34, IO, 0.521s, 2046       33,084,882     849,951  
Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust 144A FRB            
Ser. 05-WL5A, Class L, 7.536s, 2018       917,000     852,810  
Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities Trust            
Ser. 05-AR16, Class 2A1, 4.942s, 2035       28,788     28,756  
Ser. 05-AR13, Class 1A4, IO, 0.742s, 2035       22,247,508     177,720  

Total collateralized mortgage obligations (cost $253,539,663)         $   289,398,004  
      Principal amount     Value  

Argentina (Republic of ) bonds 7s, 2013     $   1,380,000   $   1,224,328  
Argentina (Republic of ) bonds Ser. $V, 10 1/2s, 2012   ARS     9,085,000     2,328,031  
Argentina (Republic of ) FRB 3.092s, 2012     $   15,087,500     13,239,475  
Argentina (Republic of ) notes Ser. $dis, 8.28s, 2033       2,514,269     2,325,699  
Austria (Republic of ) 144A notes Ser. EMTN, 3.8s, 2013   EUR     8,000,000     11,937,692  
Brazil (Federal Republic of ) bonds 6s, 2017     $   2,935,000     2,983,428  
Brazil (Federal Republic of ) notes zero %, 2017   BRL     659,000     3,216,531  


FOREIGN GOVERNMENT BONDS AND NOTES (23.0%)* continued        
      Principal amount     Value  

Canada (Government of ) bonds Ser. WL43, 5 3/4s, 2029   CAD     1,340,000   $   1,622,230  
Colombia (Republic of ) 7 3/8s, 2037     $   1,000,000     1,062,500  
Colombia (Republic of ) 7 3/8s, 2017       665,000     726,513  
Colombia (Republic of ) notes 10s, 2012       3,765,000     4,405,050  
Ecuador (Republic of ) bonds, Ser. REGS,12s, 2012       310,080     312,871  
Ecuador (Republic of ) regs notes 9 3/8s, 2015       245,000     248,063  
France (Government of ) bonds 5 3/4s, 2032   EUR     2,605,000     4,572,734  
France (Government of ) bonds 5 1/2s, 2010   EUR     6,300,000     9,850,783  
France (Government of ) bonds 4s, 2013   EUR     7,700,000     11,624,047  
France (Government of ) bonds 4s, 2009   EUR     1,520,000     2,280,146  
Ghana (Republic of ) bonds 8 1/2s, 2017     $   555,000     583,444  
Indonesia (Republic of ) bonds 14.275s, 2013   IDR     5,011,000,000     661,339  
Indonesia (Republic of ) bonds 14 1/4s, 2013   IDR   14,881,000,000     1,945,670  
Indonesia (Republic of ) 144A bonds 6 5/8s, 2037     $   1,875,000     1,753,125  
Ireland (Republic of ) bonds 5s, 2013   EUR     14,800,000     23,322,057  
Japan (Government of ) 30 yr bonds Ser. 23, 2 1/2s, 2036   JPY     313,000,000     3,022,666  
Japan (Government of ) CPI Linked bonds Ser. 12, 1.2s, 2017   JPY     738,460,800     6,989,041  
Japan (Government of ) CPI Linked bonds Ser. 8, 1s, 2016   JPY     7,821,771,800     73,280,321  
Mexican (Government of ) 6.05s, 2040     $   4,010,000     3,952,858  
Mexican (Government of ) bonds Ser. M 10, 8s, 2015   MXN     34,400,000     3,246,233  
Peru (Republic of ) bonds 8 3/4s, 2033     $   935,000     1,241,213  
Russia (Federation of ) unsub. 5s, 2030       3,501,630     4,035,629  
Russia (Federation of ) 144A unsub. unsec. bonds 5s, 2030       5,556,573     6,403,950  
Russia (Ministry of Finance) debs. Ser. V, 3s, 2008       4,040,000     4,014,952  
South Africa (Republic of ) notes 5 7/8s, 2022       880,000     851,400  
Spain (Kingdom of ) bonds 5s, 2012   EUR     4,600,000     7,208,442  
Sweden (Government of ) debs. Ser. 1041, 6 3/4s, 2014   SEK     59,875,000     10,937,325  
Turkey (Republic of ) notes 6 7/8s, 2036 (S)     $   6,870,000     6,732,600  
Ukraine (Government of ) 144A bonds 6 3/4s, 2017       1,565,000     1,543,481  
Ukraine (Government of ) 144A sr. unsub. 6.58s, 2016 (S)       1,185,000     1,186,778  
United Mexican States bonds Ser. MTN, 8.3s, 2031       4,545,000     5,778,968  
Venezuela (Republic of ) notes 10 3/4s, 2013       3,270,000     3,569,205  
Venezuela (Republic of ) unsub. bonds 5 3/8s, 2010       1,295,000     1,246,438  

Total foreign government bonds and notes (cost $221,678,638)         $247,467,256  
CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (18.2%)*            
      Principal amount     Value  

Basic Materials (1.4%)            
Algoma Acquisition Corp. 144A unsec. notes 9 7/8s,            
2015 (Canada)     $   280,000   $   224,000  
Builders FirstSource, Inc. company guaranty FRN 9.119s, 2012     530,000     431,288  
Clondalkin Acquisition BV 144A sec. FRN 6.991s,            
2013 (Netherlands)       360,000     313,200  
Compass Minerals International, Inc. sr. disc.            
notes stepped-coupon Ser. B, zero % (12s, 6/1/08), 2013 ††       555,000     573,038  
Domtar Corp. company guaranty Ser. *, 7 7/8s, 2011 (Canada)     485,000     492,275  
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. sr. unsec.            
bonds 8 3/8s, 2017       1,657,000     1,752,278  


CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (18.2%)* continued          
    Principal amount     Value  

Basic Materials continued          
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. sr. unsec. FRN          
8.394s, 2015   $   295,000   $   285,044  
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. sr. unsec.          
notes 8 1/4s, 2015     830,000     871,500  
Georgia-Pacific Corp. debs. 9 1/2s, 2011     99,000     102,960  
Georgia-Pacific Corp. notes 8 1/8s, 2011     110,000     110,000  
Gerdau Ameristeel Corp. sr. notes 10 3/8s, 2011 (Canada)     691,000     727,278  
Hexion U.S. Finance Corp./Hexion Nova Scotia          
Finance, ULC company guaranty 9 3/4s, 2014     1,195,000     1,287,613  
Momentive Performance Materials, Inc. company          
guaranty sr. unsec. notes 9 3/4s, 2014     520,000     470,600  
Mosaic Co. (The) 144A sr. notes 7 5/8s, 2016     446,000     481,680  
Mosaic Co. (The) 144A sr. notes 7 3/8s, 2014     269,000     290,520  
NewPage Corp. company guaranty 10s, 2012     116,000     115,420  
NewPage Corp. sec. notes 10s, 2012     260,000     258,700  
NewPage Holding Corp. sr. notes FRN 11.818s, 2013 ‡‡     154,160     134,119  
Norske Skog Canada, Ltd. company guaranty Ser. D,          
8 5/8s, 2011 (Canada)     30,000     25,350  
Novelis, Inc. company guaranty 7 1/4s, 2015     221,000     203,873  
Rhodia SA 144A company guaranty unsec.          
sr. notes 7.326s, 2013 (France)     2,545,000     3,445,207  
Rockwood Specialties Group, Inc. company          
guaranty 7 5/8s, 2014   EUR   405,000     521,445  
Steel Dynamics, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes 6 3/4s, 2015   $   1,588,000     1,536,390  
Steel Dynamics, Inc. 144A sr. notes 7 3/8s, 2012     10,000     9,975  
Stone Container Corp. sr. notes 8 3/8s, 2012     399,000     386,033  
Stone Container Finance company guaranty 7 3/8s,          
2014 (Canada)     490,000     448,350  

Capital Goods (1.4%)          
Alliant Techsystems, Inc. sr. sub. notes 6 3/4s, 2016     907,000     875,255  
Bombardier, Inc. 144A notes 6 3/4s, 2012 (Canada)     3,155,000     3,202,325  
Bombardier, Inc. 144A sr. notes 8s, 2014 (Canada)     620,000     647,900  
Bombardier, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. FRN 7.631s, 2013 (Canada)   EUR   330,000     463,908  
BPC Holding Corp. sec. notes 8 7/8s, 2014     524,000     465,050  
Crown Americas, LLC/Crown Americas Capital Corp.          
sr. notes 7 5/8s, 2013   $   1,281,000     1,290,608  
General Cable Corp. company guaranty FRN 7.104s, 2015     375,000     333,750  
Hawker Beechcraft Acquisition Co., LLC 144A          
sr. notes 8 1/2s, 2015     664,000     659,020  
Hexcel Corp. sr. sub. notes 6 3/4s, 2015     132,000     127,380  
L-3 Communications Corp. company guaranty 6 1/8s, 2013     1,298,000     1,281,775  
L-3 Communications Corp. sr. sub. notes 5 7/8s, 2015     1,019,000     990,978  
Legrand SA debs. 8 1/2s, 2025 (France)     1,573,000     1,831,140  
Milacron Escrow Corp. sec. notes 11 1/2s, 2011     28,000     21,560  
Owens-Illinois, Inc. debs. 7 1/2s, 2010     207,000     208,553  
RBS Global, Inc. / Rexnord Corp. company          
guaranty 9 1/2s, 2014     1,395,000     1,258,988  


CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (18.2%)* continued          
    Principal amount     Value  

Capital Goods continued          
Ryerson Tull, Inc. 144A sec. notes 12s, 2015   $   225,000   $   211,500  
SPX Corp. sr. notes 7 5/8s, 2014     305,000     312,625  
TD Funding Corp. company guaranty 7 3/4s, 2014     205,000     206,025  
Tekni-Plex, Inc. sec. notes 10 7/8s, 2012     265,000     280,900  
Terex Corp. sr. sub. notes 8s, 2017     595,000     583,100  

Communication Services (1.3%)          
American Tower Corp. 144A sr. notes 7s, 2017     770,000     762,300  
Cincinnati Bell, Inc. company guaranty 7s, 2015     1,040,000     972,400  
Cricket Communications, Inc. 144A company          
guaranty 9 3/8s, 2014     860,000     782,600  
Digicel Group, Ltd. 144A sr. notes 8 7/8s, 2015 (Jamaica)     745,000     657,463  
Digicel, Ltd. 144A sr. notes 9 1/4s, 2012 (Jamaica)     420,000     425,775  
Inmarsat Finance PLC company guaranty stepped-coupon          
zero % (10 3/8s, 11/15/08), 2012 (United Kingdom) ††     1,503,000     1,465,425  
iPCS, Inc. sec. FRN 5.364s, 2013     280,000     249,200  
MetroPCS Wireless, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.          
notes 9 1/4s, 2014     180,000     165,600  
PAETEC Holding Corp. 144A sr. notes 9 1/2s, 2015     295,000     275,088  
Qwest Communications International, Inc. company          
guaranty 7 1/2s, 2014     699,000     692,010  
Qwest Corp. debs. 7 1/4s, 2025     382,000     359,080  
Qwest Corp. notes 8 7/8s, 2012     2,424,000     2,560,350  
Qwest Corp. sr. unsec. notes 7 1/2s, 2014     145,000     145,725  
Rural Cellular Corp. FRN sr. sub. notes 8.124s, 2013     385,000     390,775  
West Corp. company guaranty 9 1/2s, 2014     255,000     237,150  
Wind Aquisition Fin. SA notes 9 3/4s, 2015 (Luxembourg)   EUR   2,325,000     3,527,843  

Consumer Cyclicals (2.8%)          
Allison Transmission 144A company guaranty 11s, 2015   $   150,000     126,000  
Bon-Ton Stores, Inc. (The) company guaranty 10 1/4s, 2014     310,000     212,350  
Boyd Gaming Corp. sr. sub. notes 7 3/4s, 2012     315,000     296,888  
Boyd Gaming Corp. sr. sub. notes 6 3/4s, 2014     265,000     230,550  
CanWest Media, Inc. company guaranty 8s, 2012 (Canada)     663,075     628,264  
D.R. Horton, Inc. sr. notes 7 7/8s, 2011     1,495,000     1,431,705  
FelCor Lodging LP company guaranty 8 1/2s, 2008 (R)     1,012,000     1,012,000  
Ford Motor Co. notes 7.45s, 2031     510,000     376,125  
Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC sr. notes 9 7/8s, 2011     1,389,000     1,332,104  
Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC sr. unsec. notes 9 3/4s, 2010     3,983,000     3,864,173  
Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC unsec. notes 7 3/8s, 2009     382,000     367,871  
Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC sr. unsec. FRN 7.127s, 2012     250,000     209,990  
General Motors Corp. debs. 9.4s, 2021     170,000     148,325  
Goodman Global Holding Co., Inc. company          
guaranty FRN Ser. B, 7.991s, 2012     70,000     70,700  
Hanesbrands, Inc. company guaranty FRN Ser. B,          
8.204s, 2014     620,000     561,100  
Host Marriott LP sr. notes Ser. M, 7s, 2012 (R)     1,460,000     1,449,050  


CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (18.2%)* continued          
    Principal amount     Value  

Consumer Cyclicals continued          
Jostens IH Corp. company guaranty 7 5/8s, 2012   $   1,164,000   $   1,149,450  
Lamar Media Corp. sr. unsec. sub. notes Ser. C, 6 5/8s, 2015     325,000     307,938  
Levi Strauss & Co. sr. notes 9 3/4s, 2015     1,275,000     1,239,938  
Levi Strauss & Co. sr. notes 8 7/8s, 2016     560,000     532,000  
Mashantucket Western Pequot Tribe 144A bonds 8 1/2s, 2015     760,000     722,000  
Meritage Homes Corp. company guaranty 6 1/4s, 2015 (S)     692,000     484,400  
Meritage Homes Corp. sr. notes 7s, 2014     90,000     65,700  
Meritor Automotive, Inc. notes 6.8s, 2009     135,000     130,275  
MGM Mirage, Inc. company guaranty 8 1/2s, 2010     885,000     920,400  
MGM Mirage, Inc. company guaranty 6s, 2009     1,929,000     1,919,355  
NTK Holdings, Inc. sr. disc. notes zero %, 2014     207,000     115,920  
Oxford Industries, Inc. sr. notes 8 7/8s, 2011     880,000     860,200  
Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. sr. sub. notes 8 1/4s, 2012     665,000     638,400  
Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. 144A          
sr. sub. notes 7 1/2s, 2015     625,000     496,875  
Pulte Homes, Inc. company guaranty 7 7/8s, 2011     1,422,000     1,374,008  
Quebecor Media notes 7 3/4s, 2016 (Canada)     140,000     129,850  
Scientific Games Corp. company guaranty 6 1/4s, 2012     1,226,000     1,106,465  
Sealy Mattress Co. sr. sub. notes 8 1/4s, 2014     145,000     125,425  
Standard Pacific Corp. sr. notes 6 1/2s, 2008     395,000     349,575  
Station Casinos, Inc. sr. notes 6s, 2012     614,000     535,715  
Tenneco Automotive, Inc. company guaranty 8 5/8s, 2014     81,000     78,165  
Tenneco, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. notes 8 1/8s, 2015     730,000     726,350  
Texas Industries, Inc. sr. unsec. notes 7 1/4s, 2013     713,000     684,480  
THL Buildco, Inc. (Nortek Holdings, Inc.)          
sr. sub. notes 8 1/2s, 2014     510,000     397,800  
Tropicana Entertainment, LLC sr. sub. notes 9 5/8s, 2014     910,000     550,550  
Trump Entertainment Resorts, Inc. sec. notes 8 1/2s, 2015     686,000     493,920  
Vertis, Inc. company guaranty Ser. B, 10 7/8s, 2009     1,305,000     600,300  
Vertis, Inc. 144A sub. notes 13 1/2s, 2009     335,000     50,669  
Wynn Las Vegas, LLC/Wynn Las Vegas Capital Corp. 1st          
mtge. 6 5/8s, 2014 (S)     1,087,000     1,047,596  

Consumer Staples (2.0%)          
Affinity Group, Inc. sr. sub. notes 9s, 2012     1,055,000     938,950  
AMC Entertainment, Inc. company guaranty 11s, 2016     485,000     480,150  
AMC Entertainment, Inc. sr. sub. notes 8s, 2014     399,000     350,123  
Archibald Candy Corp. company guaranty 10s,          
2008 (In default) (F) †     173,688     2,551  
Avis Budget Car Rental, LLC company guaranty 7 3/4s, 2016     560,000     498,400  
CCH I Holdings, LLC company guaranty 12 1/8s, 2015     47,000     25,145  
CCH I, LLC sec. notes 11s, 2015     745,000     533,606  
CCH II, LLC sr. unsec. notes Ser. B, 10 1/4s, 2010     2,154,000     2,030,145  
CCH II, LLC sr. unsec. notes 10 1/4s, 2010     166,000     157,285  
Church & Dwight Co., Inc. company guaranty 6s, 2012     865,000     843,375  
Cinemark, Inc. sr. disc. notes stepped-coupon zero %          
(9 3/4s, 3/15/09), 2014 ††     990,000     905,850  
CSC Holdings, Inc. sr. notes 6 3/4s, 2012     1,063,000     1,007,193  


CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (18.2%)* continued          
    Principal amount     Value  

Consumer Staples continued          
Dean Foods Co. company guaranty 7s, 2016   $   272,000   $   247,520  
Del Monte Corp. company guaranty 6 3/4s, 2015     640,000     595,200  
Del Monte Corp. sr. sub. notes 8 5/8s, 2012     1,085,000     1,095,850  
DirecTV Holdings, LLC company guaranty 6 3/8s, 2015     1,416,000     1,331,040  
Echostar DBS Corp. company guaranty 6 5/8s, 2014     4,144,000     4,045,580  
Hertz Corp. company guaranty 8 7/8s, 2014     1,075,000     1,037,375  
Liberty Media, LLC sr. notes 5.7s, 2013     122,000     113,022  
Liberty Media, LLC sr. unsec. notes 7 7/8s, 2009     329,000     338,431  
Nielsen Finance LLC/Nielsen Finance Co. company          
guaranty 10s, 2014     365,000     368,650  
Nielsen Finance LLC/Nielsen Finance Co. company          
guaranty stepped-coupon zero % (12 1/2s, 8/1/11), 2016 ††     700,000     490,000  
Prestige Brands, Inc. sr. sub. notes 9 1/4s, 2012     724,000     718,570  
Rainbow National Services, LLC 144A sr. notes 8 3/4s, 2012     750,000     758,438  
Rental Services Corp. company guaranty 9 1/2s, 2014     174,000     147,465  
Rite Aid Corp. company guaranty 9 3/8s, 2015     645,000     488,588  
Rite Aid Corp. sec. notes 7 1/2s, 2017     620,000     531,650  
Sara Lee Corp. notes 6 1/4s, 2011     580,000     617,425  
United Rentals NA, Inc. sr. sub. notes 7s, 2014     294,000     235,935  
Young Broadcasting, Inc. company guaranty 10s, 2011     469,000     349,405  
Young Broadcasting, Inc. sr. sub. notes 8 3/4s, 2014     160,000     109,600  

Energy (2.6%)          
Arch Western Finance, LLC sr. notes 6 3/4s, 2013     2,598,000     2,513,565  
Chaparral Energy, Inc. 144A sr. notes 8 7/8s, 2017     630,000     526,050  
CHC Helicopter Corp. sr. sub. notes 7 3/8s, 2014 (Canada)     1,577,000     1,454,783  
Chesapeake Energy Corp. sr. notes 7 1/2s, 2013     1,991,000     2,035,798  
Complete Production Services, Inc. company          
guaranty 8s, 2016     1,020,000     989,400  
Comstock Resources, Inc. sr. notes 6 7/8s, 2012     995,000     940,275  
Connacher Oil and Gas, Ltd. 144A sec. notes 10 1/4s,          
2015 (Canada)     410,000     405,900  
Denbury Resources, Inc. sr. sub. notes 7 1/2s, 2015     625,000     625,000  
EXCO Resources, Inc. company guaranty 7 1/4s, 2011     830,000     792,650  
Forest Oil Corp. sr. notes 8s, 2011     1,465,000     1,519,938  
Gaz Capital for Gazprom 144A sr. unsec.          
notes 7.288s, 2037 (Luxembourg)     575,000     565,685  
Harvest Operations Corp. sr. notes 7 7/8s, 2011 (Canada)     1,140,000     1,031,700  
Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. sr. unsec.          
9 1/2s, 2016     755,000     766,325  
Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc. sr. notes Ser. B,          
6 1/8s, 2014     1,013,000     942,090  
Key Energy Services, Inc. 144A sr. notes 8 3/8s, 2014     355,000     355,888  
Lukoil International Finance 144A company          
guaranty 6.656s, 2022 (Netherlands)     500,000     461,250  
Lukoil International Finance 144A company          
guaranty 6.356s, 2017 (Netherlands)     1,200,000     1,143,000  
Massey Energy Co. sr. notes 6 5/8s, 2010     523,000     515,155  


CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (18.2%)* continued          
    Principal amount     Value  

Energy continued          
Newfield Exploration Co. sr. sub. notes 6 5/8s, 2014   $   698,000   $   687,530  
Offshore Logistics, Inc. company guaranty 6 1/8s, 2013     910,000     875,875  
Oslo Seismic Services, Inc. 1st mtge. 8.28s, 2011     676,043     721,202  
Pacific Energy Partners/Pacific Energy Finance Corp.          
sr. notes 7 1/8s, 2014     695,000     734,040  
Peabody Energy Corp. company guaranty 7 3/8s, 2016     1,470,000     1,503,075  
PetroHawk Energy Corp. company guaranty 9 1/8s, 2013     607,000     626,728  
Petroleum Co. of Trinidad & Tobago Ltd. 144A          
sr. unsec. notes 6s, 2022 (Trinidad)     1,745,000     1,774,944  
Petroplus Finance, Ltd. company guaranty 6 3/4s, 2014 (Bermuda)   700,000     640,500  
Plains Exploration & Production Co. company guaranty          
7 3/4s, 2015     140,000     140,175  
Plains Exploration & Production Co. company guaranty 7s, 2017     150,000     142,500  
Pride International, Inc. sr. notes 7 3/8s, 2014     1,619,000     1,667,570  
Transocean, Inc. sr. unsec. notes 6s, 2018     435,000     446,036  

Financial (3.5%)          
Banco Do Brasil 144A sr. unsec. 5.532s, 2017 (Cayman Islands)     1,055,000     531,150  
Bear Stearns Cos., Inc. (The) notes Ser. MTN, 6.95s, 2012     2,375,000     2,458,016  
Bosphorus Financial Services, Ltd. 144A sec.          
sr. notes FRN 6.669s, 2012 (Cayman Islands)     2,828,000     2,804,579  
Finova Group, Inc. notes 7 1/2s, 2009     803,510     128,562  
GMAC LLC FRN 7.324s, 2014     670,000     525,815  
GMAC LLC notes 7 3/4s, 2010     176,000     168,366  
GMAC LLC notes 7s, 2012     185,000     159,271  
GMAC LLC notes 6 7/8s, 2012     1,292,000     1,096,971  
GMAC LLC notes 6 7/8s, 2011     165,000     144,256  
GMAC LLC notes 6 3/4s, 2014     2,509,000     2,067,632  
GMAC LLC sr. unsub. notes 5.85s, 2009     209,000     203,284  
GMAC LLC unsub. notes 6 5/8s, 2012     1,345,000     1,141,252  
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc (The) sub. notes 6 3/4s, 2037     655,000     640,551  
HUB International Holdings, Inc. 144A sr. notes 9s, 2014     135,000     108,000  
HUB International Holdings, Inc. 144A          
sr. sub. notes 10 1/4s, 2015     185,000     140,600  
JPMorgan Chase & Co. 144A unsec. unsub. notes 8s, 2012   INR   37,500,000     1,066,802  
JPMorgan Chase & Co. 144A sr. unsec. FRN 6.46s, 2017   $   600,000     579,174  
Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. sr. unsec.          
notes Ser. I, 6.2s, 2014     2,375,000     2,444,250  
Leucadia National Corp. sr. unsec. notes 8 1/8s, 2015     205,000     203,975  
Leucadia National Corp. sr. unsec. notes 7 1/8s, 2017     495,000     466,538  
Liberty Mutual Insurance 144A notes 7.697s, 2097     1,330,000     1,249,756  
Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. notes 5.45s, 2013     2,375,000     2,376,149  
Morgan Stanley sr. unsec. bonds 5.776s, 2017   BRL   3,655,000     1,850,515  
Nuveen Investments, Inc. 144A sr. notes 10 1/2s, 2015   $   379,000     367,630  
Realogy Corp. 144A sr. notes 10 1/2s, 2014     1,365,000     975,975  
RSHB Capital SA for OJSC Russian Agricultural Bank          
notes 6.299s, 2017 (Luxembourg)     1,330,000     1,260,175  
UBS Luxembourg SA for Sberbank unsec. sub. notes          
stepped-coupon 6.23s (7.429s, 2/11/10), 2015 (Luxembourg) ††   2,730,000     2,731,856  


CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (18.2%)* continued          
    Principal amount     Value  

Financial continued          
USI Holdings Corp. 144A sr. notes FRN 8.744s, 2014   $   120,000   $   100,200  
VTB Capital SA bonds 6 1/4s, 2035 (Luxembourg)     1,724,000     1,661,591  
VTB Capital SA sr. notes 6 1/4s, 2035 (Luxembourg)     1,065,000     1,026,447  
VTB Capital SA 144A notes 7 1/2s, 2011 (Luxembourg)     2,595,000     2,676,224  
VTB Capital SA 144A sec. notes 6.609s, 2012 (Luxembourg)     3,815,000     3,769,334  

Government (0.1%)          
Pemex Finance, Ltd. bonds 9.69s, 2009 (Cayman Islands)     687,750     711,298  
Pemex Project Funding Master Trust 144A company          
guaranty 6 5/8s, 2035     340,000     349,180  
Pemex Project Funding Master Trust 144A company          
guaranty 5 3/4s, 2018     425,000     432,013  

Health Care (1.2%)          
Community Health Systems, Inc. company guaranty 8 7/8s, 2015     1,310,000     1,318,188  
DaVita, Inc. company guaranty 6 5/8s, 2013     291,000     286,635  
Elan Finance PLC/Elan Finance Corp. company          
guaranty 7 3/4s, 2011 (Ireland)     395,000     371,300  
HCA, Inc. company guaranty sr. sec. notes 9 5/8s, 2016 ‡‡ (S)     1,095,000     1,152,488  
HCA, Inc. sec. notes 9 1/4s, 2016     1,275,000     1,337,156  
Omnicare, Inc. company guaranty 6 3/4s, 2013     385,000     352,275  
Omnicare, Inc. sr. sub. notes 6 1/8s, 2013     1,065,000     958,500  
Service Corporation International debs. 7 7/8s, 2013     112,000     111,590  
Service Corporation International sr. notes 7s, 2017     333,000     326,340  
Stewart Enterprises, Inc. sr. notes 6 1/4s, 2013     1,412,000     1,320,220  
Surgical Care Affiliates, Inc. 144A sr. sub. notes 10s, 2017     600,000     510,000  
Surgical Care Affiliates, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. notes 8 7/8s, 2015 ‡‡     200,000     170,000  
Tenet Healthcare Corp. notes 7 3/8s, 2013     750,000     660,000  
Tenet Healthcare Corp. sr. notes 6 3/8s, 2011     938,000     860,615  
US Oncology, Inc. company guaranty 9s, 2012     965,000     945,700  
Vanguard Health Holding Co. II, LLC sr. sub. notes 9s, 2014     973,000     921,918  
Ventas Realty LP/Capital Corp. company guaranty 9s, 2012 (R)     590,000     641,625  
Ventas Realty LP/Capital Corp. company guaranty 6 3/4s, 2010 (R)     392,000     398,860  
Ventas Realty LP/Capital Corp. sr. notes 6 5/8s, 2014 (R)     337,000     339,528  

Technology (0.6%)          
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. sr. notes 7 3/4s, 2012     649,000     532,180  
Ceridian Corp. 144A sr. unsec. notes 11 1/4s, 2015     541,000     458,498  
Compucom Systems, Inc. sr. sub. notes 12 1/2s, 2015     305,000     292,800  
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. company          
guaranty sr. unsec. notes 9 1/8s, 2014 ‡‡     753,000     570,398  
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. company          
guaranty sr. unsec. notes 8 7/8s, 2014     1,082,000     879,125  
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. sr. sec. notes 10 1/8s, 2016 (S)     757,000     539,363  
Iron Mountain, Inc. company guaranty 8 5/8s, 2013     435,000     439,350  
Iron Mountain, Inc. sr. sub. notes 8 1/4s, 2011     770,000     766,150  


CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (18.2%)* continued          
    Principal amount     Value  

Technology continued          
New ASAT Finance, Ltd. company guaranty 9 1/4s, 2011          
(Cayman Islands)   $   25,000   $   19,875  
Nortel Networks, Ltd. company guaranty sr. unsec.          
FRN 8.508s, 2011 (Canada)     460,000     427,800  
Nortel Networks, Ltd. company guaranty sr. unsec.          
notes 10 3/4s, 2016 (Canada)     425,000     429,250  
SunGard Data Systems, Inc. company guaranty 9 1/8s, 2013     660,000     669,900  
Travelport LLC company guaranty 9 7/8s, 2014     325,000     312,000  

Utilities & Power (1.3%)          
AES Corp. (The) sr. notes 8 7/8s, 2011     107,000     110,745  
AES Corp. (The) sr. unsec. unsub. notes 8s, 2017     255,000     260,100  
AES Corp. (The) 144A sec. notes 8 3/4s, 2013     558,000     581,715  
CMS Energy Corp. sr. notes 7 3/4s, 2010     350,000     368,008  
Colorado Interstate Gas Co. debs. 6.85s, 2037     615,000     610,927  
Colorado Interstate Gas Co. sr. notes 5.95s, 2015     55,000     55,357  
Edison Mission Energy sr. unsec. notes 7 3/4s, 2016     289,000     294,780  
Edison Mission Energy sr. unsec. notes 7 1/2s, 2013     338,000     345,605  
Edison Mission Energy sr. unsec. notes 7.2s, 2019     545,000     531,375  
Edison Mission Energy sr. unsec. notes 7s, 2017     380,000     369,550  
El Paso Natural Gas Co. debs. 8 5/8s, 2022     370,000     424,680  
Ferrellgas LP/Finance sr. notes 6 3/4s, 2014     1,010,000     979,700  
Kinder Morgan, Inc. sr. notes 6 1/2s, 2012     3,850,000     3,801,875  
NRG Energy, Inc. sr. notes 7 3/8s, 2016     465,000     449,306  
Orion Power Holdings, Inc. sr. notes 12s, 2010     1,115,000     1,212,563  
Teco Finance, Inc. unsec. notes 7s, 2012     550,000     590,258  
Teco Finance, Inc. unsub. notes 7.2s, 2011     350,000     378,624  
Teco Finance, Inc. unsub. notes 6 3/4s, 2015     63,000     65,786  
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. debs. 7s, 2028     145,000     146,533  
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. unsec. notes 7 1/2s, 2017     291,000     321,676  
Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Corp. debs. 7 1/4s, 2026     875,000     916,563  
Utilicorp United, Inc. sr. notes 9.95s, 2011     36,000     39,317  
Williams Cos., Inc. (The) notes 8 1/8s, 2012     290,000     316,825  
Williams Cos., Inc. (The) notes 7 5/8s, 2019     736,000     793,040  
Williams Partners LP/ Williams Partners          
Finance Corp. company guaranty 7 1/4s, 2017     280,000     289,800  

Total corporate bonds and notes (cost $205,190,044)       $   195,699,040  
ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES (12.3%)*          
     Principal amount     Value  

Accredited Mortgage Loan Trust          
FRB Ser. 05-1, Class M2, 4.066s, 2035   $   310,000   $   251,100  
FRB Ser. 05-4, Class A2C, 3.586s, 2035     68,000     61,975  
Ace Securities Corp.          
FRB Ser. 06-OP2, Class A2C, 3.526s, 2036     217,000     154,070  
FRB Ser. 06-HE3, Class A2C, 3.526s, 2036     191,000     164,752  


ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES (12.3%)* continued          
    Principal amount     Value  

Ameriquest Mortgage Securities, Inc. FRB Ser. 03-8,          
Class M2, 5.126s, 2033   $   476,309   $   119,077  
Arcap REIT, Inc. 144A          
Ser. 03-1A, Class E, 7.11s, 2038     743,000     733,978  
Ser. 04-1A, Class E, 6.42s, 2039     420,000     385,306  
Argent Securities, Inc.          
FRB Ser. 03-W3, Class M3, 6.785s, 2033     52,699     9,486  
FRB Ser. 06-W4, Class A2C, 3.536s, 2036     340,000     282,200  
Asset Backed Funding Certificates FRB Ser. 04-OPT2,          
Class M2, 4.376s, 2033     491,000     382,980  
Asset Backed Securities Corp. Home Equity Loan Trust          
FRB Ser. 06-HE2, Class A3, 3.566s, 2036     90,434     82,670  
FRB Ser. 06-HE4, Class A5, 3.536s, 2036     241,000     194,245  
Asset Backed Securities Corp. Home Equity Loan Trust          
144A FRB Ser. 06-HE2, Class M10, 5.876s, 2036     1,001,000     30,030  
Aviation Capital Group Trust 144A FRB Ser. 03-2A,          
Class G1, 4.634s, 2033     503,056     487,964  
Bank One Issuance Trust FRB Ser. 03-C4, Class C4,          
5.266s, 2011 (F)     740,000     734,953  
Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities, Inc.          
FRB Ser. 04-FR3, Class M6, 6.626s, 2034     507,000     340,324  
FRB Ser. 06-PC1, Class M9, 5.126s, 2035     364,000     51,415  
FRB Ser. 05-HE1, Class M3, 4.306s, 2035     435,000     330,600  
Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities, Inc. 144A FRB          
Ser. 06-HE2, Class M10, 5.626s, 2036     552,000     77,970  
Bombardier Capital Mortgage Securitization Corp.          
Ser. 00-A, Class A4, 8.29s, 2030     1,506,882     1,031,508  
Ser. 00-A, Class A2, 7.575s, 2030     2,681,708     1,783,350  
Ser. 99-B, Class A4, 7.3s, 2016     1,311,764     789,752  
Ser. 99-B, Class A3, 7.18s, 2015     2,242,070     1,397,090  
FRB Ser. 00-A, Class A1, 4.396s, 2030     288,535     152,923  
Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 144A Ser. 06-1,          
Class D, 7.16s, 2013     500,000     507,207  
Chase Credit Card Master Trust FRB Ser. 03-3,          
Class C, 5.316s, 2010     860,000     855,560  
Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust, Inc.          
FRB Ser. 05-HE4, Class M11, 5.876s, 2035     599,000     107,820  
FRB Ser. 05-HE4, Class M12, 5.426s, 2035     899,000     116,870  
FRB Ser. 05-OPT1, Class M1, 3.796s, 2035     106,000     82,989  
Conseco Finance Securitizations Corp.          
Ser. 00-2, Class A5, 8.85s, 2030     2,768,160     2,451,230  
Ser. 00-4, Class A6, 8.31s, 2032     6,813,185     5,654,943  
Ser. 00-5, Class A7, 8.2s, 2032     1,053,000     904,245  
Ser. 00-1, Class A5, 8.06s, 2031     1,975,965     1,589,107  
Ser. 00-4, Class A5, 7.97s, 2032     389,248     320,250  
Ser. 00-5, Class A6, 7.96s, 2032     1,631,000     1,394,140  
Ser. 02-1, Class M1F, 7.954s, 2033     85,000     83,853  
Ser. 01-3, Class M2, 7.44s, 2033     143,816     9,348  
Ser. 01-4, Class A4, 7.36s, 2033     433,695     449,253  


ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES (12.3%)* continued          
    Principal amount     Value  

Conseco Finance Securitizations Corp.          
Ser. 00-6, Class A5, 7.27s, 2031   $   158,410   $   151,227  
Ser. 01-1, Class A5, 6.99s, 2032     9,007,549     8,795,870  
Ser. 01-3, Class A4, 6.91s, 2033     6,051,226     5,969,589  
Ser. 02-1, Class A, 6.681s, 2033     1,951,398     2,055,139  
FRB Ser. 02-1, Class M1A, 6.681s, 2033     4,326,000     4,017,643  
FRB Ser. 01-4, Class M1, 6.381s, 2033     573,000     285,222  
Countrywide Asset Backed Certificates          
FRB Ser. 05-BC3, Class M1, 3.896s, 2035     96,000     81,600  
FRB Ser. 05-14, Class 3A2, 3.616s, 2036     67,872     63,684  
Countrywide Asset Backed NIM Certificates 144A          
Ser. 04-BC1N, Class Note, 5 1/2s, 2035 (F)     374     75  
Crest, Ltd. 144A Ser. 03-2A, Class E2, 8s, 2038 (Cayman Islands)   838,000     603,360  
DB Master Finance, LLC 144A Ser. 06-1, Class M1, 8.285s, 2031   545,000     533,608  
Equifirst Mortgage Loan Trust FRB Ser. 05-1,          
Class M5, 4.046s, 2035     179,000     136,040  
First Franklin Mortgage Loan Asset Backed          
Certificates FRB Ser. 06-FF7, Class 2A3, 3.526s, 2036     356,000     300,613  
Fremont Home Loan Trust          
FRB Ser. 05-E, Class 2A4, 3.706s, 2036     498,000     418,529  
FRB Ser. 06-2, Class 2A3, 3.546s, 2036     589,000     484,924  
Fremont NIM Trust 144A          
Ser. 04-3, Class B, 7 1/2s, 2034 (In default) †     81,238     203  
Ser. 04-3, Class A, 4 1/2s, 2034 (In default) †     3,186     16  
Gears Auto Owner Trust 144A Ser. 05-AA, Class E1,          
8.22s, 2012     1,347,000     1,304,228  
Granite Mortgages PLC          
FRB Ser. 03-2, Class 3C, 7.589s, 2043 (United Kingdom)   GBP   1,697,623     3,281,660  
FRB Ser. 03-2, Class 2C1, 5.2s, 2043 (United Kingdom)   EUR   2,785,000     4,111,894  
Green Tree Financial Corp.          
Ser. 94-6, Class B2, 9s, 2020   $   1,686,394     1,712,461  
Ser. 94-4, Class B2, 8.6s, 2019     537,204     392,429  
Ser. 93-1, Class B, 8.45s, 2018     875,449     804,069  
Ser. 99-5, Class A5, 7.86s, 2030     8,173,729     7,356,357  
Ser. 96-8, Class M1, 7.85s, 2027     754,000     703,202  
Ser. 95-8, Class B1, 7.3s, 2026     704,416     656,054  
Ser. 95-4, Class B1, 7.3s, 2025     726,329     749,124  
Ser. 97-6, Class M1, 7.21s, 2029     1,325,000     1,277,366  
Ser. 95-F, Class B2, 7.1s, 2021     74,565     52,195  
Ser. 98-2, Class A6, 6.81s, 2027     866,508     887,919  
Ser. 99-3, Class A7, 6.74s, 2031     1,438,000     1,432,907  
FRN 6.53s, 2030     382,033     366,948  
Ser. 98-4, Class A5, 6.18s, 2030     962,067     956,375  
Ser. 99-1, Class A5, 6.11s, 2023     662,106     666,043  
Greenpoint Manufactured Housing          
Ser. 00-3, Class IA, 8.45s, 2031     3,395,948     3,217,293  
Ser. 99-5, Class M1A, 8.3s, 2026     312,000     235,797  
Ser. 99-5, Class A4, 7.59s, 2028     69,296     68,634  
GS Auto Loan Trust 144A Ser. 04-1, Class D, 5s, 2011     712,336     712,948  
GSAMP Trust FRB Ser. 06-HE5, Class A2C, 3.526s, 2036     877,000     647,832  


ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES (12.3%)* continued          
    Principal amount     Value  

Guggenheim Structured Real Estate Funding, Ltd. 144A          
FRB Ser. 05-2A, Class E, 5.376s, 2030 (Cayman Islands)   $   729,000   $   529,327  
FRB Ser. 05-1A, Class E, 5.176s, 2030 (Cayman Islands)     162,911     122,183  
Home Equity Asset Trust FRB Ser. 06-1, Class 2A4, 3.706s, 2036   248,000     186,000  
JPMorgan Mortgage Acquisition Corp. FRB          
Ser. 06-FRE1, Class A4, 3.666s, 2035     211,000     183,827  
Lehman ABS Manufactured Housing Contract Ser. 01-B,          
Class A4, 5.27s, 2018     2,426,963     2,360,047  
Lehman XS Trust FRB Ser. 07-6, Class 2A1, 3.586s, 2037     2,736,004     2,409,380  
LNR CDO, Ltd. 144A          
FRB Ser. 03-1A, Class EFL, 6.903s, 2036 (Cayman Islands)     1,485,000     1,138,809  
FRB Ser. 02-1A, Class FFL, 6.524s, 2037 (Cayman Islands)     2,440,000     1,663,836  
Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust          
FRB Ser. 05-2, Class M4, 3.996s, 2035     497,000     298,200  
FRB Ser. 06-4, Class 2A4, 3.636s, 2036     240,000     154,180  
FRB Ser. 06-1, Class 2A3, 3.566s, 2036     269,000     242,100  
Lothian Mortgages PLC 144A FRB Ser. 3A, Class D,          
6.328s, 2039 (United Kingdom)   GBP   1,700,000     3,196,614  
Madison Avenue Manufactured Housing Contract FRB          
Ser. 02-A, Class B1, 6.626s, 2032   $   2,025,781     1,539,594  
MASTR Asset Backed Securities Trust FRB          
Ser. 06-FRE2, Class A4, 3.526s, 2036     126,000     100,937  
MBNA Credit Card Master Note Trust FRB Ser. 03-C5,          
Class C5, 5.416s, 2010     860,000     857,129  
Mid-State Trust Ser. 11, Class B, 8.221s, 2038     231,872     212,430  
Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I          
FRB Ser. 04-HE8, Class B3, 6.576s, 2034     458,000     229,000  
FRB Ser. 05-HE2, Class M5, 4.056s, 2035     310,000     170,500  
FRB Ser. 05-HE1, Class M3, 3.896s, 2034     310,000     251,100  
FRB Ser. 06-NC4, Class M2, 3.676s, 2036     435,000     226,200  
N-Star Real Estate CDO, Ltd. 144A FRB Ser. 04-2A,          
Class C1, 5.244s, 2039 (Cayman Islands)     500,000     405,250  
Navistar Financial Corp. Owner Trust          
Ser. 05-A, Class C, 4.84s, 2014     255,593     245,040  
Ser. 04-B, Class C, 3.93s, 2012     116,359     108,249  
New Century Home Equity Loan Trust FRB Ser. 03-4,          
Class M3, 5.426s, 2033     30,211     8,761  
Novastar Home Equity Loan          
FRB Ser. 06-1, Class A2C, 3.536s, 2036     298,000     259,624  
FRB Ser. 06-2, Class A2C, 3.526s, 2036     298,000     248,584  
Oakwood Mortgage Investors, Inc.          
Ser. 96-C, Class B1, 7.96s, 2027     2,066,558     1,367,601  
Ser. 99-D, Class A1, 7.84s, 2029     1,865,361     1,606,609  
Ser. 00-A, Class A2, 7.765s, 2017     267,405     228,199  
Ser. 95-B, Class B1, 7.55s, 2021     542,000     346,880  
Ser. 00-D, Class A4, 7.4s, 2030     1,945,000     1,340,161  
Ser. 02-B, Class A4, 7.09s, 2032     772,488     736,568  
Ser. 99-B, Class A4, 6.99s, 2026     1,980,310     1,851,590  
Ser. 00-D, Class A3, 6.99s, 2022     835,646     794,884  


ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES (12.3%)* continued          
    Principal amount     Value  

Oakwood Mortgage Investors, Inc.          
Ser. 01-D, Class A4, 6.93s, 2031   $   1,418,540   $   1,062,039  
Ser. 01-E, Class A4, 6.81s, 2031     1,876,297     1,638,360  
Ser. 01-C, Class A2, 5.92s, 2017     2,144,338     963,428  
Ser. 02-C, Class A1, 5.41s, 2032     2,392,096     2,166,653  
Ser. 01-D, Class A2, 5.26s, 2019     283,729     197,162  
Ser. 01-E, Class A2, 5.05s, 2019     1,862,265     1,415,321  
Ser. 02-A, Class A2, 5.01s, 2020     526,365     474,471  
Oakwood Mortgage Investors, Inc. 144A          
Ser. 01-B, Class A4, 7.21s, 2030     478,204     423,213  
FRB Ser. 01-B, Class A2, 4.611s, 2018     106,056     91,553  
Ocean Star PLC 144A          
FRB Ser. 04-A, Class E, 11.379s, 2018 (Ireland)     1,695,000     1,491,600  
FRB Ser. 05-A, Class E, 9.479s, 2012 (Ireland)     466,000     424,200  
Option One Mortgage Loan Trust FRB Ser. 05-4,          
Class M11, 5.876s, 2035     783,000     156,600  
Park Place Securities, Inc.          
FRB Ser. 05-WCH1, Class M4, 4.206s, 2036     202,000     142,410  
FRB Ser. 04-MCW1, Class A2, 3.756s, 2034     214,657     185,108  
Park Place Securities, Inc. 144A FRB Ser. 04-MHQ1,          
Class M10, 5.876s, 2034     146,885     14,689  
People’s Choice Net Interest Margin Note 144A          
Ser. 04-2, Class B, 5s, 2034 (In default) †     12,732     127  
People’s Financial Realty Mortgage Securities Trust          
FRB Ser. 06-1, Class 1A2, 3.506s, 2036     455,000     417,635  
Permanent Financing PLC          
FRB Ser. 6, Class 3C, 7.576s, 2042 (United Kingdom)   GBP   1,731,000     3,401,978  
FRB Ser. 3, Class 3C, 6.296s, 2042 (United Kingdom)   $   680,000     670,650  
Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc.          
FRB Ser. 06-NC3, Class A2, 3.566s, 2036     323,000     301,117  
FRB Ser. 07-RZ1, Class A2, 3.536s, 2037     293,000     251,395  
Residential Asset Securities Corp.          
Ser. 01-KS3, Class AII, 5.325s, 2031     3,283,439     3,069,194  
FRB Ser. 05-EMX1, Class M2, 4.106s, 2035     705,000     497,025  
Residential Asset Securities Corp. 144A FRB          
Ser. 05-KS10, Class B, 6.126s, 2035     778,000     77,800  
Rural Housing Trust Ser. 87-1, Class D, 6.33s, 2026     13,041     13,353  
SAIL Net Interest Margin Notes 144A          
Ser. 03-3, Class A, 7 3/4s, 2033          
(Cayman Islands) (In default) †     33,837     34  
Ser. 03-BC2A, Class A, 7 3/4s, 2033          
(Cayman Islands) (In default) †     145,799     4,374  
Ser. 03-10A, Class A, 7 1/2s, 2033          
(Cayman Islands) (In default) †     96,609     10  
Ser. 03-5, Class A, 7.35s, 2033          
(Cayman Islands) (In default) †     23,808     476  
Ser. 03-8A, Class A, 7s, 2033          
(Cayman Islands) (In default) †     14,179     43  
Ser. 03-9A, Class A, 7s, 2033          
(Cayman Islands) (In default) †     19,982     20  


ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES (12.3%)* continued          
    Principal amount     Value  

SAIL Net Interest Margin Notes 144A          
Ser. 03-6A, Class A, 7s, 2033 (Cayman Islands) (In default) †   $   6,641   $   66  
Ser. 03-7A, Class A, 7s, 2033 (Cayman Islands) (In default) †     40,481     81  
Sasco Net Interest Margin Trust 144A Ser. 03-BC1,          
Class B, zero %, 2033 (Cayman Islands) (In default) †     530,404     53  
Securitized Asset Backed Receivables, LLC          
FRB Ser. 05-HE1, Class M2, 4.026s, 2035     310,000     159,650  
FRB Ser. 07-NC2, Class A2B, 3.516s, 2037     275,000     233,750  
SG Mortgage Securities Trust          
FRB Ser. 06-OPT2, Class A3D, PO, 3.586s, 2036     507,000     370,729  
FRB Ser. 06-FRE1, Class A2B, 3.556s, 2036     231,000     181,072  
Soundview Home Equity Loan Trust          
FRB Ser. 06-OPT3, Class 2A3, 3.546s, 2036     240,000     207,778  
FRB Ser. 06-3, Class A3, 3.536s, 2036     882,000     728,065  
Soundview Home Equity Loan Trust 144A FRB Ser. 05-4,          
Class M10, 5.876s, 2036     463,000     27,780  
South Coast Funding 144A FRB Ser. 3A, Class A2,          
6.087s, 2038 (Cayman Islands)     200,000     30,000  
Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust FRB          
Ser. 06-BNC2, Class A6, 3.636s, 2036     240,000     151,275  
Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust 144A FRB          
Ser. 05-HE3, Class M11, 5.831s, 2035     858,000     42,900  
Structured Asset Receivables Trust 144A FRB          
Ser. 05-1, 5.87s, 2015     3,453,921     3,367,573  
TIAA Real Estate CDO, Ltd. Ser. 03-1A, Class E, 8s,          
2038 (Cayman Islands)     904,000     701,929  
TIAA Real Estate CDO, Ltd. 144A Ser. 02-1A,          
Class IV, 6.84s, 2037 (Cayman Islands)     756,000     533,373  
Wells Fargo Home Equity Trust FRB Ser. 07-1,          
Class A3, 3.696s, 2037     106,000     62,862  
Whinstone Capital Management, Ltd. 144A FRB Ser. 1A,          
Class B3, 4.231s, 2044 (United Kingdom)     722,440     577,952  

Total asset-backed securities (cost $143,541,297)       $   132,595,929  
SENIOR LOANS (7.7%)* (c)          
    Principal amount     Value  

Basic Materials (0.7%)          
Aleris International, Inc. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. B, 6s, 2013   $   521,053   $   433,342  
Celanese Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.479s,          
2014     595,500     558,943  
Domtar Corp. bank term loan FRN 5.364s, 2014 (Canada)     638,535     599,724  
Georgia-Pacific Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B,          
6.866s, 2013     1,617,000     1,489,951  
Georgia-Pacific Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B2,          
6.906s, 2012     595,500     548,711  
Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Inc. bank term loan FRN 7.188s, 2013     493,750     462,616  


SENIOR LOANS (7.7%)* (c) continued          
    Principal amount     Value  

Basic Materials continued          
Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Inc. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. C, 7 1/8s, 2013   $   39,800   $   37,290  
Momentive Performance Materials, Inc. bank term loan          
FRN 7 1/8s, 2013     346,500     316,985  
NewPage Holding Corp. bank term loan FRN 8.688s, 2014     175,000     169,458  
Novelis, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.83s, 2014     457,078     418,512  
Novelis, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.83s, 2014     1,005,572     920,727  
Rockwood Specialties Group, Inc. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. E, 6.46s, 2012     2,271,720     2,150,562  
Smurfit-Stone Container Corp. bank term loan FRN          
5.22s, 2010     43,665     41,579  
Smurfit-Stone Container Corp. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. B, 7.058s, 2011     49,200     46,849  
Smurfit-Stone Container Corp. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. C, 7.023s, 2011     57,325     54,566  

Capital Goods (0.2%)          
BPC Holding Corp. bank term loan FRN 7.16s, 2015     297,750     256,102  
Graham Packaging Co., LP bank term loan FRN 7.253s, 2011     198,500     183,116  
Hawker Beechcraft Acquisition Co., LLC bank term          
loan FRN 4.73s, 2014     18,026     16,472  
Hawker Beechcraft Acquisition Co., LLC bank term          
loan FRN Ser. B, 6.83s, 2014     211,441     193,204  
Hexcel Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.464s, 2012     345,442     338,533  
Mueller Water Products, Inc. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. B, 6.727s, 2014     699,806     659,567  
Polypore, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 7.1s, 2014     203,955     190,698  
Sequa Corp. bank term loan FRN 8.08s, 2014     330,000     313,775  
Terex Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. D, 6.58s, 2013     98,500     97,515  
Transdigm, Inc. bank term loan FRN 6.858s, 2013     450,000     430,313  

Communication Services (0.4%)          
Fairpoint Communications, Inc. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. B, 6 5/8s, 2012     541,884     531,859  
Hawaiian Telcom Communications, Inc. bank term loan          
FRN Ser. C, 7.08s, 2014     653,781     573,693  
Intelsat, Ltd. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.35s, 2013 (Bermuda)     1,185,000     1,103,235  
MetroPCS Wireless, Inc. bank term loan FRN 7.165s, 2013     444,375     414,071  
PAETEC Holding Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B1, 7.203s, 2013     145,000     136,360  
PanAmSat Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.6s, 2013     1,185,000     1,030,104  
Time Warner Telecom, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B,          
6.85s, 2013     217,340     205,386  

Consumer Cyclicals (1.5%)          
Adesa, Inc. bank term loan FRN 7.08s, 2013     670,815     584,926  
Allison Transmission bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 7.43s, 2014     468,825     408,966  
CCM Merger, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.997s, 2012     129,362     120,307  


SENIOR LOANS (7.7%)* (c) continued          
    Principal amount     Value  

Consumer Cyclicals continued          
Cenveo, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.66s, 2014   $   470,807   $   433,731  
Cenveo, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. DD, 6.66s, 2014     15,688     14,452  
Claire’s Stores, Inc. bank term loan FRN 7.59s, 2014     729,200     592,840  
Cooper-Standard Automotive, Inc. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. B, 7 3/8s, 2012     446,886     422,308  
Cooper-Standard Automotive, Inc. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. C, 7 3/8s, 2012     1,116,871     1,055,443  
Dex Media West, LLC bank term loan FRN Ser. B1, 6.378s, 2010     722,753     698,962  
GateHouse Media, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 7.41s, 2014     430,000     346,150  
GateHouse Media, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 7.07s, 2014     1,012,283     793,630  
GateHouse Media, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. DD, 6 1/2s, 2014     377,717     296,130  
Golden Nugget, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 5.655s, 2014     200,455     178,405  
Golden Nugget, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. DD,          
7 1/2s, 2014 (U)     114,545     101,945  
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. (The) bank term loan FRN          
6.43s, 2010     3,050,000     2,775,500  
Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. bank term loan FRN 6.58s, 2014     411,657     356,769  
Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. A, 5.035s, 2014     124,118     107,569  
Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.58s, 2014     164,663     142,708  
Landsource, Inc. bank term loan FRN 7.761s, 2013     165,975     127,445  
Lear Corp bank term loan FRN 7.347s, 2013     1,006,952     955,503  
Michaels Stores, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 7.583s, 2013     645,101     548,922  
Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B,          
6.686s, 2013     852,873     781,089  
Nortek Holdings, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 7.1s, 2011     299,865     274,377  
Reader’s Digest Association, Inc. (The) bank term          
loan FRN 7.187s, 2014     818,813     707,591  
Standard-Pacific Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.655s, 2013     179,999     128,100  
Tribune Co. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 7.91s, 2014     1,875,575     1,396,131  
TRW Automotive, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.688s, 2014     368,150     355,111  
United Components, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. D, 6.865s, 2012     804,444     764,222  
Visant Holding Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. C, 6.718s, 2010     466,809     455,917  

Consumer Staples (2.3%)          
Affinion Group, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 7.443s, 2013     1,575,844     1,468,162  
Cablevision Systems Corp. bank term loan FRN 6.896s, 2013     2,112,375     1,938,670  
Cebridge Connections, Inc. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. B, 6.668s, 2013     1,339,875     1,160,667  
Charter Communications, Inc. bank term loan FRN 7.343s, 2014     400,000     300,000  
Charter Communications, Inc. bank term loan FRN 5.26s, 2014     3,560,417     3,098,246  
Cinemark, Inc. bank term loan FRN 6.505s, 2013     586,235     533,565  
Citadel Communications bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.465s, 2014     835,000     711,838  
Dean Foods Co. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.58s, 2014     1,488,750     1,384,538  
Gray Television, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.21s, 2014     350,000     312,813  
Idearc, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.83s, 2014     2,323,266     2,112,060  
Insight Midwest, LP bank term loan FRN 6.48s, 2014     243,776     222,175  
Jarden Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B1, 6.58s, 2012     520,973     485,952  
Jarden Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B2, 6.58s, 2012     248,092     231,414  


SENIOR LOANS (7.7%)* (c) continued          
    Principal amount     Value  

Consumer Staples continued          
Mediacom Communications Corp. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. C, 5.468s, 2015   $   977,625   $   861,357  
Mediacom Communications Corp. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. DD, 5.467s, 2015     237,600     209,173  
MGM Studios, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 8.108s, 2011     1,197,680     1,059,947  
Pinnacle Foods Holding Corp. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. B, 7.483s, 2014     597,000     535,061  
Prestige Brands, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.978s, 2011     823,735     796,449  
R.H. Donnelley, Inc. bank term loan FRN 6.514s, 2011     1,641,346     1,553,534  
R.H. Donnelley, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. D1, 6.435s, 2011     615,568     583,558  
Rental Service Corp. bank term loan FRN 8.15s, 2013     890,000     753,534  
Six Flags Theme Parks bank term loan FRN 7 1/4s, 2015     1,273,600     1,095,296  
Spanish Broadcasting Systems, Inc. bank term loan          
FRN 6.58s, 2012     779,950     700,655  
Spectrum Brands, Inc. bank term loan FRN 4.45s, 2013     34,048     31,483  
Spectrum Brands, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B1, 8.651s, 2013     670,019     619,097  
Universal City Development Partners bank term loan          
FRN Ser. B, 6.451s, 2011     1,136,666     1,112,512  
Warner Music Group bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.727s, 2011     457,956     425,900  
Young Broadcasting, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 7.155s, 2012     472,476     422,866  

Energy (0.4%)          
CR Gas Storage bank term loan FRN 7.323s, 2013     101,684     95,583  
CR Gas Storage bank term loan FRN 6.741s, 2013     107,682     101,221  
CR Gas Storage bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 7.323s, 2013     627,018     589,396  
Enterprise GP Holdings, LP bank term loan FRN 6.751s, 2014     430,000     424,625  
EPCO Holding, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. A, 5.739s, 2012     440,000     425,700  
Hercules Offshore, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.58s, 2013     129,350     123,594  
Meg Energy Corp. bank term loan FRN 6.83s, 2013 (Canada)     221,063     209,015  
Meg Energy Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. DD, 6.991s,          
2013 (Canada) (U)     224,904     206,536  
Niska Gas Storage bank term loan FRN Ser. DD, 6.808s, 2013     68,880     64,747  
Petroleum Geo-Services ASA bank term loan FRN 6.58s,          
2015 (Norway)     293,525     276,892  
Targa Resources, Inc. bank term loan FRN 6.903s, 2012     420,841     401,693  
Targa Resources, Inc. bank term loan FRN 4.705s, 2012     236,129     225,385  
Western Refining, Inc. bank term loan FRN 6.595s, 2014     1,385,893     1,262,317  

Financial (0.2%)          
Hub International, Ltd. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 7.33s, 2014     280,454     249,604  
Hub International, Ltd. bank term loan FRN Ser. DD,          
7.337s, 2014 (U)     62,965     56,039  
Nuveen Investments, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 7.29s, 2014     705,000     681,427  
Realogy Corp. bank term loan FRN 5.32s, 2013     406,292     339,761  
Realogy Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 7.505s, 2013     1,509,083     1,261,971  


SENIOR LOANS (7.7%)* (c) continued          
    Principal amount     Value  

Health Care (0.7%)          
Carestream Health, Inc. bank term loan FRN 6.996s, 2013   $   772,003   $   679,363  
Community Health Systems, Inc. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. B, 7.331s, 2014     1,176,392     1,082,055  
Community Health Systems, Inc. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. DD, 7 3/4s, 2014 (U)     59,836     55,037  
Davita, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.277s, 2012     550,000     519,625  
Health Management Associates, Inc. bank term loan          
FRN 6.58s, 2014     2,409,790     2,111,578  
Healthsouth Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.922s, 2013     949,135     884,277  
IASIS Healthcare, LLC/ IASIS Capital Corp. bank term          
loan FRN Ser. DD, 7.151s, 2014 (U)     131,161     118,919  
IASIS Healthcare, LLC/IASIS Capital Corp. bank term          
loan FRN 8.494s, 2014     703,785     643,963  
IASIS Healthcare, LLC/IASIS Capital Corp. bank term          
loan FRN 7.62s, 2014     34,976     31,712  
IASIS Healthcare, LLC/IASIS Capital Corp. bank term          
loan FRN Ser. B, 5.248s, 2014     380,984     345,426  
LifePoint, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.715s, 2012     142,618     132,635  
Mylan, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 7.212s, 2014     280,000     273,150  
Psychiatric Solutions, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.792s, 2012     410,178     394,284  

Technology (0.5%)          
Activant Solutions Holdings, Inc. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. B, 6.771s, 2013     350,000     319,375  
Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. bank term loan          
FRN Ser. B2, 6.628s, 2013     98,500     94,083  
AMI Semiconductor, Inc. bank term loan FRN 6.83s, 2012     623,348     617,115  
Aspect Software, Inc. bank term loan FRN 7.938s, 2011     44,203     42,213  
Compucom Systems, Inc. bank term loan FRN 8.35s, 2014     389,025     352,068  
First Data Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B1, 7.63s, 2014     364,088     327,844  
First Data Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B3, 7.63s, 2014     364,088     328,506  
Flextronics International, Ltd. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. B, 7.455s, 2014 (Singapore)     342,891     332,175  
Flextronics International, Ltd. bank term loan FRN          
Ser. B, 7.394s, 2014 (Singapore)     1,193,259     1,155,970  
JDA Software Group, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.931s, 2013     85,339     83,633  
Sabre Holdings Corp. bank term loan FRN 7.21s, 2014     534,494     437,083  
SunGard Data Systems, Inc. bank term loan FRN 6.898s, 2014     1,163,251     1,075,644  
Travelport bank term loan FRN 7.33s, 2013     12,491     11,468  
Travelport bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 7.08s, 2013     62,253     57,156  

Transportation (0.2%)          
Delta Airlines, Inc. bank term loan FRN 6.832s, 2012     141,750     129,878  
Navistar Financial Corp. bank term loan FRN 5.957s, 2012     314,667     283,200  
Navistar International Corp. bank term loan FRN 6.501s, 2012     865,333     778,800  
United Airlines Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6.784s, 2014     1,075,833     963,880  


SENIOR LOANS (7.7%)* (c) continued            
      Principal amount     Value  

Utilities & Power (0.6%)            
Dynegy Holdings, Inc. bank term loan FRN 6.355s, 2013   $   1,505,000   $   1,379,333  
Energy Future Holdings bank term loan FRN Ser. B2, 8.396s, 2014     942,638     865,084  
Energy Future Holdings bank term loan FRN Ser. B3, 8.396s, 2014     1,251,863     1,153,563  
Mirant North America, LLC. bank term loan FRN 6.595s, 2013     120,280     114,517  
NRG Energy, Inc. bank term loan FRN 8s, 2014 (U)     355,000     351,302  
NRG Energy, Inc. bank term loan FRN 6.58s, 2014     434,871     398,233  
NRG Energy, Inc. bank term loan FRN 6.58s, 2014     941,899     862,544  
Reliant Energy, Inc. bank term loan FRN 4.501s, 2014     890,000     805,450  

Total senior loans (cost $91,535,058)         $   83,157,136  
  Expiration date/     Contract      
  strike price       amount     Value  

Option on an interest rate swap            
with Lehman Brothers Special            
Financing, Inc. for the right to receive            
a fixed rate of 5.37% versus the            
three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing            
November 12, 2019.   Nov-09/5.370   $   40,437,000   $   2,778,426  
Option on an interest rate swap            
with JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. for the            
right to receive a fixed rate of 5.355%            
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA            
maturing on November 12, 2019.   Nov-09/5.355     40,437,000     2,747,694  
Option on an interest rate swap            
with Goldman Sachs International for            
the right to receive a fixed rate            
of 5.355% versus the three month            
USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing            
November 12, 2019.   Nov-09/5.355     40,437,000     2,747,694  
Option on an interest rate swap            
with Goldman Sachs International for the            
right to pay a fixed rate of 5.355%            
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA            
maturing on November 12, 2019.   Nov-09/5.355     40,437,000     955,931  
Option on an interest rate swap            
with Lehman Brothers Special            
Financing, Inc. for the right to pay a            
fixed rate of 5.37% versus the three            
month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing            
November 12, 2019.   Nov-09/5.370     40,437,000     940,565  


PURCHASED OPTIONS OUTSTANDING (2.1%)* continued          
  Expiration date/   Contract      
  strike price       amount     Value  

Option on an interest rate swap            
with Citibank, N.A. London for the right            
to receive a fixed rate of 4.0625%            
versus the six month EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate            
maturing March 25, 2011.   Mar-09/4.063   EUR   17,330,000   $   203,663  
Option on an interest rate swap            
with Citibank for the right to pay a            
fixed rate of 4.16% versus the six-month            
EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate maturing on            
March 26, 2014.   Mar-12/4.160   EUR   12,120,000     195,081  
Option on an interest rate swap            
with Citibank, N.A. London for the right            
to receive a fixed rate of 4.16% versus            
the six month EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate            
maturing March 26, 2014.   Mar-12/4.160   EUR   12,120,000     123,504  
Option on an interest rate swap            
with Citibank for the right to pay a            
fixed rate of 4.0625% versus the            
six-month EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate            
maturing on March 25, 2011.   Mar-09/4.063   EUR   17,330,000     111,628  
Option on an interest rate swap            
with JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. for            
the right to pay a fixed rate of 5.355%            
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA            
maturing November 12, 2019.   Nov-09/5.355   $   40,437,000     955,931  
Option on an interest rate swap            
with JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. for            
the right to receive a fixed rate of 5.45%            
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA            
maturing on May 28, 2018.   May-08/5.450     58,857,000     5,439,564  
Option on an interest rate swap            
with Goldman Sachs International for the            
right to receive a fixed rate of 5.1975%            
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA            
maturing on May 14, 2018.   May-08/5.198     49,355,000     3,639,931  
Option on an interest rate swap            
with Goldman Sachs International for            
the right to receive a fixed rate            
of 5.16% versus the three month            
USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing April 28, 2018.   Apr-08/5.160     16,675,000     1,188,594  
Option on an interest rate swap with            
Goldman Sachs International for the            
right to pay a fixed rate of 5.1975%            
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA            
maturing on May 14, 2018.   May-08/5.198     49,355,000     120,426  


PURCHASED OPTIONS OUTSTANDING (2.1%)* continued          
  Expiration date/     Contract      
  strike price       amount     Value  

Option on an interest rate swap            
with JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. for the            
right to pay a fixed rate of 5.45% versus            
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA            
maturing on May 28, 2018.   May-08/5.450   $   58,857,000   $   82,400  
Option on an interest rate swap            
with Goldman Sachs International for            
the right to pay a fixed rate of 5.16%            
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA            
maturing April 28, 2018.   Apr-08/5.160     16,675,000     32,850  

Total purchased options outstanding (cost $14,108,468)       $   22,263,882  
COMMON STOCKS (—%)*            
      Shares     Value  

AboveNet, Inc. †       466   $   35,300  
Bohai Bay Litigation, LLC (Units) (F)       1,327     18,783  
Contifinancial Corp. Liquidating Trust Units (F) †     5,373,919     537  
Mediq, Inc. (F) †       2,781     1,688  
VFB LLC (acquired various dates from 06/22/99          
through 12/08/03, cost $1,311,474) (F) ‡ †       1,795,382     37,139  
XCL Warranty Escrow (F)       1,327     94,737  

Total common stocks (cost $4,180,954)         $   188,184  
CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED STOCKS (—%)* (cost $221,464)          
      Shares     Value  

Emmis Communications Corp. Ser. A, $3.125 cum. cv. pfd.     4,826   $   161,671  

WARRANTS (—%)* †            
  Expiration   Strike        
  date   price   Warrants     Value  

AboveNet, Inc.   9/08/10   $24.00   230   $   13,570  
AboveNet, Inc.   9/08/08   20.00   196     10,780  
Dayton Superior Corp. 144A (F)   6/15/09   .01   1,980     6,107  
New ASAT Finance, Ltd.            
(Cayman Islands) (F)   2/01/11   .01   6,500     155  
Smurfit Kappa Group PLC            
144A (Ireland)   10/01/13   EUR .001   960     67,028  

Total warrants (cost $73,048)         $   97,640  


SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (3.1%)*          
    Principal amount/shares     Value  

Putnam Prime Money Market Fund (e)     14,454,239   $   14,454,239  
Short-term investments held as collateral for loaned          
securities with yields ranging from 2.60% to 5.25%          
and due dates ranging from February 1, 2008          
to March 24, 2008 (d)   $   6,213,389     6,204,430  
U.S. Treasury Bills with yields ranging from 2.90%          
to 4.01%, March 27, 2008 #     7,078,000     7,038,125  
Egypt Treasury Bill for an effective yield of 7.09%,          
June 3, 2008   EGP   31,400,000     5,534,906  

Total short-term investments (cost $33,249,417)       $   33,231,700  
Total investments (cost $1,650,040,242)       $   1,702,290,179  

Key to holding’s currency abbreviations  
ARS   Argentine Peso  
BRL   Brazilian Real  
CAD   Canadian Dollar  
EGP   Egyptian Pound  
EUR   Euro  
GBP   British Pound  
IDR   Indonesian Rupiah  
INR   Indian Rupee  
JPY   Japanese Yen  
MXN   Mexican Peso  
SEK   Swedish Krona  

   * Percentages indicated are based on net assets of $1,076,864,056.

  † Non-income-producing security.

The interest rate and date shown parenthetically represent the new interest rate to be paid and the date the fund will begin accruing interest at this rate.

  ‡ Restricted, excluding 144A securities, as to public resale. The total market value of restricted securities held at January 31, 2008 was $37,139 or less than 0.1% of net assets.

‡‡ Income may be received in cash or additional securities at the discretion of the issuer.

  # This security was pledged and segregated with the custodian to cover margin requirements for futures contracts at January 31, 2008.

## Forward commitments, in part or in entirety (Note 1).

(c) Senior loans are exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, but contain certain restrictions on resale and cannot be sold publicly. These loans pay interest at rates which adjust periodically. The interest rates shown for senior loans are the current interest rates at January 31, 2008. Senior loans are also subject to mandatory and/or optional prepayment which cannot be predicted. As a result, the remaining maturity may be substantially less than the stated maturity shown (Notes 1 and 6).

(d) See Note 1 to the financial statements.

(e) See Note 5 to the financial statements regarding investments in Putnam Prime Money Market Fund.

(F) Is valued at fair value following procedures approved by the Trustees.

(R) Real Estate Investment Trust.

(S) Securities on loan, in part or in entirety, at January 31, 2008.

(U) A portion of the position represents unfunded loan commitments (Note 7).


At January 31, 2008, liquid assets totaling $818,633,640 have been designated as collateral for open forward commitments, swap contracts, forward contracts and futures contracts.

144A after the name of an issuer represents securities exempt from registration under Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers.

TBA after the name of a security represents to be announced securities (Note 1).

The rates shown on Floating Rate Bonds (FRB) and Floating Rate Notes (FRN) are the current interest rates at January 31, 2008.

The dates shown on debt obligations are the original maturity dates.

Inverse Floating Rate Bonds (IFB) are securities that pay interest rates that vary inversely to changes in the market interest rates. As interest rates rise, inverse floaters produce less current income. The interest rates shown are the current interest rates at January 31, 2008.


Distribution of investments by country of issue at January 31, 2008 (as a percentage of Portfolio Value):

Argentina   1.1%  
Austria   0.7  
Canada   0.9  
Cayman Islands   0.7  
France   2.0  
Ireland   1.8  
Japan   4.9  
Luxembourg   1.0  
Mexico   0.8  
Russia   0.9  
Sweden   0.6  
United Kingdom   1.6  
United States   79.7  
Other   3.3  

Total   100.0%  

FORWARD CURRENCY CONTRACTS TO BUY at 1/31/08 (aggregate face value $184,037,488) (Unaudited)  
    Aggregate   Delivery   appreciation/  
  Value   face value   date   (depreciation)  

Australian Dollar   $43,551,672   $42,954,347     4/16/08   $ 597,325  
British Pound   44,107,499   43,743,503   3/19/08   363,996  
Canadian Dollar   5,494,815   5,523,858   4/16/08   (29,043)  
Danish Krone   2,778,445   2,735,049   3/19/08   43,396  
Euro   5,644,082   5,622,235   3/19/08   21,847  
Indian Rupee   3,625,041   3,613,118   2/20/08   11,923  
Japanese Yen   3,130,795   3,107,750   2/20/08   23,045  
Malaysian Ringgit   3,759,170   3,665,139   2/20/08   94,031  
Mexican Peso   6,505,908   6,442,574   4/16/08   63,334  
Norwegian Krone   53,259,586   52,632,854   3/19/08   626,732  
Polish Zloty   8,629,755   8,539,384   3/19/08   90,371  
Swedish Krona   94,250   92,242   3/19/08   2,008  
Swiss Franc   5,460,846   5,365,435   3/19/08   95,411  

Total         $2,004,376  


FORWARD CURRENCY CONTRACTS TO SELL at 1/31/08 (aggregate face value $264,049,273) (Unaudited)  
    Aggregate   Delivery   appreciation/  
  Value   face value   date   (depreciation)  

Australian Dollar   $ 6,523,673   $ 6,424,160     4/16/08   $ (99,513)  
British Pound   26,919,844   27,725,906   3/19/08   806,062  
Canadian Dollar   25,505,913   25,642,769   4/16/08   136,856  
Euro   69,290,420   68,624,045   3/19/08   (666,375)  
Hungarian Forint   7,172,276   7,192,322   3/19/08   20,046  
Japanese Yen   60,716,071   57,160,881   2/20/08   (3,555,190)  
Norwegian Krone   9,908,956   9,894,568   3/19/08   (14,388)  
South African Rand   5,355,274   5,808,997   4/16/08   453,723  
Swedish Krona   39,809,041   39,518,602   3/19/08   (290,439)  
Swiss Franc   16,595,747   16,032,778   3/19/08   (562,969)  
Taiwan Dollar   24,209   24,245   2/20/08   36  

Total         $(3,772,151)  
FUTURES CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited)      
  Number of     Expiration   appreciation/  
  contracts   Value   date   (depreciation)  

Australian Government Treasury Bond          
10 yr (Short)   397   $250,815,215   Mar-08   $ (362,201)  
Canadian Government Bond 10 yr (Long)   20   2,314,206   Mar-08   19,735  
Euro-Bobl 5 yr (Short)   120   19,740,750   Mar-08   (232,365)  
Euro-Bund 10 yr (Short)   228   39,578,074   Mar-08   (161,569)  
Euro-Dollar 90 day (Long)   1,597   386,853,288   Sep-09   6,609,444  
Euro-Dollar 90 day (Short)   2,408   587,010,200   Jun-08   (13,441,960)  
Euro-Dollar 90 day (Short)   1,597   389,488,338   Sep-08   (8,809,232)  
Euro-Schatz 2 yr (Long)   1,537   238,955,970   Mar-08   919,015  
Japanese Government Bond 10 yr (Long)   118   152,753,501   Mar-08   1,817,282  
U.K. Gilt 10 yr (Long)   52   11,440,634   Mar-08   46,423  
U.S. Treasury Bond 20 yr (Long)   737   87,933,313   Mar-08   1,711,974  
U.S. Treasury Note 2 yr (Short)   572   121,961,125   Mar-08   (1,443,263)  
U.S. Treasury Note 5 yr (Long)   557   62,941,000   Mar-08   1,665,890  
U.S. Treasury Note 10 yr (Long)   141   16,457,344   Mar-08   (30,749)  

Total         $(11,691,576)  

WRITTEN OPTIONS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (premiums received $18,091,687) (Unaudited)    
  Contract     Expiration date/    
  amount   strike price   Value  

Option on an interest rate swap with Merrill Lynch        
Capital Services, Inc. for the obligation to pay a        
fixed rate of 5.83% versus the three month        
USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing on July 16, 2018.   $68,738,000   Jul-08/5.830   $8,084,276  
Option on an interest rate swap with Merrill Lynch        
Capital Services, Inc. for the obligation to receive        
a fixed rate of 5.83% versus the three month        
USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing on July 16, 2018.   68,738,000   Jul-08/5.830   69,425  


WRITTEN OPTIONS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (premiums received $18,091,687) (Unaudited) continued  
    Contract   Expiration date/    
    amount     strike price   Value  

Option on an interest rate swap with Citibank for          
the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.40% versus          
the six-month EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate          
maturing on March 26, 2022.   EUR   2,820,000   Mar-12/4.400 $ 210,129  
Option on an interest rate swap with Citibank for          
the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.56% versus          
the six-month EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate          
maturing on March 24, 2027.   EUR   2,540,000   Mar-17/4.560   200,941  
Option on an interest rate swap with Citibank for          
the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.56% versus          
the six-month EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate maturing          
on March 24, 2027.   EUR   2,540,000   Mar-17/4.560   85,130  
Option on an interest rate swap with Citibank for          
the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.40% versus          
the six-month EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate maturing          
on March 28, 2022.   EUR   2,820,000   Mar-12/4.400   82,390  
Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan          
Chase Bank, N.A. for the obligation to pay a          
fixed rate of 4.775% versus the three month          
USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing on March 14, 2018.   $150,842,000   Mar-08/4.775   6,498,273  
Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan          
Chase Bank, N.A. for the obligation to pay a          
fixed rate of 5.00% versus the three month          
USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing on December 19, 2018.     9,815,000   Dec-08/5.000   548,757  
Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan          
Chase Bank, N.A. for the obligation to receive a          
fixed rate of 4.775% versus the three month          
USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing on March 14, 2018.   150,842,000   Mar-08/4.775   393,698  
Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan          
Chase Bank, N.A. for the obligation to receive a          
fixed rate of 5.00% versus the three month          
USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing on December 19, 2018.     9,815,000   Dec-08/5.000   166,757  
Option on an interest rate swap with Lehman          
Brothers Special Financing, Inc. for the obligation to          
pay a fixed rate of 4.405% versus the three month          
USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing April 16, 2018.     97,009,000   Apr-08/4.405   2,534,166  
Option on an interest rate swap with Lehman          
Brothers Special Financing, Inc. for the obligation to          
receive a fixed rate of 4.405% versus the three          
month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing April 16, 2018.     97,009,000   Apr-08/4.405   1,568,636  
Option on an interest rate swap with Lehman          
Brothers Special Financing, Inc. for the obligation to          
pay a fixed rate of 5.515% versus the three month          
USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing on May 14, 2022.     32,011,000   May-12/5.515   1,957,153  


WRITTEN OPTIONS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (premiums received $18,091,687) (Unaudited) continued  
  Contract     Expiration date/    
  amount   strike price   Value  

Option on an interest rate swap with Lehman        
Brothers Special Financing, Inc. for the obligation        
to receive a fixed rate of 5.515% versus the        
three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing on        
May 14, 2022.   $32,011,000   May-12/5.515   $ 1,402,082  
Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan        
Chase Bank, N.A. for the obligation to pay a        
fixed rate of 5.51% versus the three month        
USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing on May 14, 2022.   19,551,000   May-12/5.510   1,201,221  
Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan        
Chase Bank, N.A. for the obligation to receive a        
fixed rate of 5.51% versus the three month        
USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing on May 14, 2022.   19,551,000   May-12/5.510   879,038  
Option on an interest rate swap with Lehman        
Brothers Special Financing, Inc. for the obligation to        
pay a fixed rate of 5.52% versus the three month        
USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing on May 14, 2022.   12,805,000   May-12/5.520   783,794  
Option on an interest rate swap with Lehman        
Brothers Special Financing, Inc. for the obligation to        
receive a fixed rate of 5.52% versus the three month        
USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing on May 14, 2022.   12,805,000   May-12/5.520   582,346  

Total       $27,248,212  

TBA SALE COMMITMENTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (proceeds receivable $282,571,250) (Unaudited)  
  Principal   Settlement    
  amount     date   Value  

FNMA, 6 1/2s, February 1, 2038   $ 1,000,000   2/12/08   $ 1,037,266  
FNMA, 5 1/2s, March 1, 2038   9,000,000   3/12/08   9,099,844  
FNMA, 5 1/2s, February 1, 2038   189,000,000   2/12/08   191,436,323  
FNMA, 5s, February 1, 2038   82,000,000   2/12/08   81,602,808  

Total       $283,176,241  

        Payments   Payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /     Termination   made by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount     date   fund per annum   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Bank of America, N.A.            
$   900,000     9/1/15   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.53%   $ 39,886  

  105,277,000     9/24/09   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.7375%   4,242,886  

  32,700,000     3/30/09   3.075%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (250,577)  

  6,900,000     1/27/14   4.35%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (227,783)  

Citibank, N.A.            
AUD   20,500,000     12/11/17   6 month AUD-BBR-BBSW   7.04%   120,618  

$   7,510,000   (E)   1/19/38   5.34%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   28,914  

EUR   5,090,000   (E)   1/18/38   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-      
        Reuters   4.9875%   (15,371)  


INTEREST RATE SWAP CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued    
        Payments   Payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /     Termination   made by   received by     appreciation/  
Notional amount     date   fund per annum   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Citibank, N.A. continued            
AUD   8,050,000     1/4/10   7.405%   3 month AUD-BBR-BBSW   $ (18,765)  

AUD   2,130,000     1/4/18   6.985%   6 month AUD-BBR-BBSW   (7,377)  

AUD   7,230,000     1/4/13   6 month AUD-BBR-BBSW   7.37%   33,620  

AUD   20,500,000     12/14/17   6 month AUD-BBR-BBSW   7.0875%   172,534  

$   46,380,000     7/27/09   5.504%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (1,847,698)  

  23,700,000     9/29/13   5.078%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (1,956,352)  

JPY   2,230,000,000     9/11/16   1.8675%   6 month JPY-LIBOR-BBA   (761,858)  

$   10,000,000     9/17/09   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.765%   406,095  

  74,193,000     11/23/17   4.885%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (3,741,986)  

  105,170,000     10/26/12   4.6275%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (6,456,496)  

  30,982,000     11/9/17   5.0825%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (2,106,225)  

  30,150,000     11/9/09   4.387%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (764,243)  

Citibank, N.A., London            
EUR   25,680,000     8/2/17   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-      
        Telerate   4.7476%   1,232,119  

JPY   2,600,000,000     2/10/16   6 month JPY-LIBOR-BBA   1.755%   776,980  

JPY   25,769,748,000    4/3/08   1.165%   6 month JPY-LIBOR-BBA   (57,393)  

Credit Suisse First Boston International        
$   11,257,600     7/9/14   4.945%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (705,957)  

Credit Suisse International          
  7,960,000   (E,F) 2/1/38   5.2975%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   47,200  

EUR   5,090,000   (E,F) 2/1/38   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-      
        Reuters   5.011%   2,983  

GBP   6,640,000     1/16/18   6 month GBP-LIBOR-BBA   4.8975%   (90,371)  

GBP   23,720,000     1/14/13   4.8825%   6 month GBP-LIBOR-BBA   198,574  

GBP   27,660,000     1/14/10   6 month GBP-LIBOR-BBA   4.9125%   (56,833)  

EUR   5,090,000   (E)   2/1/38   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-      
        Reuters   5.085%   44,371  

$   7,960,000   (E)   2/1/38   5.3625%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   16,159  

EUR   56,330,000     7/4/15   3.93163%   6 month    
          EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate   82,891  

GBP   2,910,000     4/3/36   7,330,962 GBP at maturity   6 month GBP-LIBOR-BBA   722,569  

$   1,153,000     8/29/12   5.04556%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (90,435)  

  2,070,000     10/16/17   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.297%   201,902  

  14,923,740     11/6/17   4.97021%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (880,025)  

Deutsche Bank AG            
ZAR   23,880,000     7/6/11   3 month ZAR-JIBAR-SAFEX   9.16%   (86,673)  

$   3,250,000     11/7/17   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.056%   214,602  

  4,723,000     10/16/17   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.297%   460,669  

Goldman Sachs International          
GBP   3,880,000     1/25/38   4.41%   6 month GBP-LIBOR-BBA   (22,544)  

EUR   23,610,000     2/4/13   4.0525%   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters    

CHF   36,400,000     2/4/13   6 month CHF-LIBOR-BBA   2.8125%    

AUD   10,280,000     1/4/18   7.015%   6 month AUD-BBR-BBSW   (34,003)  

AUD   35,550,000     1/4/13   6 month AUD-BBR-BBSW   7.37%   118,352  

GBP   3,880,000     1/7/38   4.33625%   6 month GBP-LIBOR-BBA   423,688  


INTEREST RATE SWAP CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued    
        Payments   Payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /     Termination   made by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount     date   fund per annum   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Goldman Sachs International continued        
$   7,960,000   (E)   1/25/38   5.175%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   $ 133,250  

EUR   5,090,000   (E)   1/25/38   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters5.045%   19,838  

AUD   26,350,000     12/21/09   7.385%   3 month AUD-BBR-BBSW   (34,806)  

AUD   5,910,000     12/21/17   7.10%   6 month AUD-BBR-BBSW   (46,295)  

AUD   23,700,000     12/21/12   6 month AUD-BBR-BBSW   7.42%   104,479  

AUD   39,670,000     1/4/10   7.37%   3 month AUD-BBR-BBSW   (50,925)  

JPY   1,465,300,000     6/10/16   1.953%   6 month JPY-LIBOR-BBA   (583,126)  

$   144,500,000   (E)   3/10/10   4.779%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (5,375,400)  

  158,900,000   (E)   3/8/12   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.99%   3,150,987  

  51,830,600     9/21/17   5.149%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (4,369,075)  

  185,880,600     9/21/09   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.60%   6,952,451  

  2,070,000     9/14/17   5.0625%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (159,973)  

  4,243,000     9/14/14   4.906%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (306,413)  

  3,190,000     9/14/09   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.717%   126,027  

  700,000     7/25/09   5.327%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (26,061)  

  96,335,000     9/19/09   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.763%   3,929,989  

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.          
  58,161,000     12/11/17   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.65%   1,730,934  

  13,000,000     5/10/35   5.062%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (502,423)  

  30,500,000     8/4/16   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.5195%   3,584,608  

  139,343,000     5/4/08   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.37%   914,754  

  45,120,000     5/4/16   5.62375%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (5,017,874)  

  56,000,000     8/4/08   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.40%   1,479,924  

JPY   11,230,000,000     6/6/13   1.83%   6 month JPY-LIBOR-BBA   (3,995,221)  

JPY   2,368,570,000     1/31/2018   1.60%   6 month JPY-LIBOR-BBA   (7,031)  

JPY   971,670,000     2/1/2038   6 month JPY-LIBOR-BBA   2.44%   18,826  

$   105,544,000     1/31/2018   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.25%   (92,039)  

JPY   2,368,570,000     1/31/2018   1.645%   6 month JPY-LIBOR-BBA   (100,147)  

JPY   971,670,000     1/31/2038   6 month JPY-LIBOR-BBA   2.4625%   63,842  

$   20,430,000     10/10/13   5.09%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (1,697,756)  

  66,000,000     3/6/16   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.176%   5,908,558  

  297,249,000     4/27/09   5.034%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (11,935,811)  

  30,000,000     5/10/15   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.687%   1,395,063  

  14,680,000     10/10/13   5.054%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (1,188,054)  

  13,200,000     8/13/12   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.2%   1,143,168  

  1,640,000     11/7/17   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.05771%   108,528  

  114,678,000     10/30/12   4.68375%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (7,325,499)  

  5,641,000     8/29/17   5.2925%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (549,474)  

  165,391,000     11/30/17   4.705%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (5,826,754)  

  2,577,000     8/29/17   5.263%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (245,157)  

  41,913,000     9/11/27   5.27%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (3,364,318)  

  100,000     7/25/17   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.652%   11,402  

  30,982,000     11/9/17   5.0895%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (2,124,069)  

  30,150,000     11/9/09   4.3975%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (770,391)  

  3,134,000     9/27/17   5.2335%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (286,256)  


INTEREST RATE SWAP CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued    
        Payments   Payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /     Termination   made by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount     date   fund per annum   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. continued        
$   51,830,600     9/21/17   5.15%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   $(4,373,408)  

  185,880,600     9/21/09   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.6125%   6,998,017  

Lehman Brothers Special Financing, Inc.        
EUR   99,420,000     12/18/09   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-      
        Reuters   4.662%   1,466,725  

$   109,767,000     12/11/17   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.839%   4,990,609  

  7,510,000   (E)   1/4/38   5.3%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   53,021  

GBP   1,620,000     12/28/37   4.755%   6 month GBP-LIBOR-BBA   (32,306)  

GBP   6,540,000     12/27/17   6 month GBP-LIBOR-BBA   5.11%   98,369  

EUR   5,090,000   (E)   1/4/38   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-      
        Reuters   4.94%   (44,901)  

GBP   5,810,000     12/27/12   5.1825%   6 month GBP-LIBOR-BBA   (80,694)  

$   25,921,000     1/16/18   4.375%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (204,275)  

EUR   5,090,000   (E)   1/8/38   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-      
        Reuters   4.95%   (38,692)  

$   7,510,000   (E)   1/8/38   5.365%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   14,569  

EUR   23,800,000     12/18/17   4.712%   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters   (906,170)  

JPY   4,600,000,000     10/21/15   1.61%   6 month JPY-LIBOR-BBA   (844,086)  

$   1,789,000     8/3/16   5.5675%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (217,659)  

  108,143,000     8/3/08   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.425%   2,934,010  

  18,882,000     8/3/11   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.445%   1,675,772  

GBP   2,685,000     3/15/36   6,499,937.50 GBP at      
        maturity   6 month GBP-LIBOR-BBA   782,893  

$   80,954,000     6/14/17   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.8725%   10,508,886  

EUR   13,330,000     8/1/17   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-      
        Telerate   4.719%   592,981  

$   66,339,000     3/15/09   4.9298%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (2,259,035)  

JPY   2,655,800,000     6/10/16   1.7775%   6 month JPY-LIBOR-BBA   (702,830)  

$   7,000,000     9/17/17   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.131%   581,083  

  5,285,000     9/11/17   5.0525%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (403,844)  

  760,000     11/7/17   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.05521%   50,137  

  182,914,000     8/31/09   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.89%   7,848,592  

  1,310,000     9/14/17   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.055%   100,416  

  105,170,000     10/26/12   4.61375%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (6,389,578)  

  51,830,600     9/24/17   5.285%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (4,962,965)  

  182,914,000     9/4/09   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.836%   7,612,415  

  38,636,000     9/4/27   5.4475%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (4,038,405)  

  198,421,000     9/11/09   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.6525%   7,545,494  

  38,636,000     8/31/27   5.4925%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (4,311,615)  

  30,150,000     11/9/09   4.403%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (773,482)  

  30,982,000     11/9/17   5.067%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (2,066,094)  

  134,070,000     6/12/17   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   5.717%   15,734,513  

  64,223,300     9/19/09   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.755%   2,609,758  

  185,880,600     9/24/09   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   4.695%   7,337,114  

Merrill Lynch Capital Services, Inc.        
JPY   1,465,300,000     6/10/16   1.99625%   6 month JPY-LIBOR-BBA   (631,332)  

$   105,170,000     10/26/12   4.6165%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (6,402,961)  


INTEREST RATE SWAP CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued    
        Payments   Payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /     Termination   made by   received by     appreciation/  
Notional amount     date   fund per annum   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Merrill Lynch Derivative Products AG        
JPY   732,600,000     6/11/17   2.05625%   6 month JPY-LIBOR-BBA   $   (322,253)  

Morgan Stanley Capital Services, Inc.        
EUR   6,700,000   (E)   3/3/38   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-      
        Reuters   4.785%   151,796  

EUR   13,390,000   (E)   3/5/18   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-      
        Reuters   4.5375%   (267,113)  

EUR   24,060,000   (E)   3/4/13   4.315%   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters   (431,289)  

EUR   56,500,000   (E)   3/3/10   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-      
        Reuters   4.265%   575,163  

$   881,000     8/29/17   5.26021%   3 month USD-LIBOR-BBA   (83,599)  

EUR   6,700,000   (E)   2/12/38   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-      
        Reuters   4.71%   31,794  

EUR   56,500,000   (E)   2/12/10   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-      
        Reuters   4.305%   605,293  

EUR   13,390,000   (E)   2/12/18   4.525%   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters   (248,987)  

EUR   24,060,000   (E)   2/12/13   4.355%   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters   (488,198)  

EUR   13,390,000   (E)   2/12/18   4.54%   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters   (273,089)  

EUR   6,700,000   (E)   2/11/38   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-      
        Reuters   4.70%   15,847  

EUR   24,060,000   (E)   2/11/13   4.38%   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters   (527,927)  

EUR   56,500,000   (E)   2/11/10   6 month EUR-EURIBOR-      
        Reuters   4.37%   676,598  

Total             $   3,470,005  

(E) See Note 1 to the financial statements regarding extended effective dates.

(F) Is valued at fair value following procedures approved by the Trustees.

      Fixed payments   Total return   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /     Termination   received (paid) by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount     date   fund per annum   or paid by fund   (depreciation)  

Bank of America, N.A.          
$11,830,000   (F)   5/2/08   10 bp plus   The spread   $ (928,560)  
      change in spread   return of Banc    
      of Banc   of America    
      of America   Securities- CMBS    
      Securities AAA   AAA 10 year Index    
10 yr Index      
multiplied by      
  the modified      
      duration factor      

21,540,000   (F)   3/3/08   (Banc   The spread   1,062,073  
      of America   return of Banc    
      Securities AAA   of America    
      10 yr Index   Securities- CMBS    
      multiplied by   AAA 10 year Index    
the modified      
  duration factor      
      minus 250 bp)    


TOTAL RETURN SWAP CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued  
        Fixed payments   Total return   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /     Termination   received (paid) by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount     date   fund per annum   or paid by fund   (depreciation)  

Bank of America, N.A. continued          
  $44,000,000   (F)   5/2/08   Banc of America   The spread   $(2,620,772)  
        Securities AAA   return of Banc    
        10 yr Index   of America    
        multiplied by   Securities- CMBS    
        the modified   AAA 10 year Index    
        duration factor      

Citibank, N.A.            
  11,110,000   (F)   5/2/08   12.5 bp plus   The spread   (869,450)  
        change in spread   return of Banc    
        of Banc   of America    
        of America   Securities- CMBS    
        Securities AAA   AAA 10 year Index    
10 yr Index      
  multiplied by      
the modified      
  duration factor      

Credit Suisse International          
GBP   2,910,000     4/3/36   4,409,746 GBP at   GBP Non-revised   (746,811)  
        maturity   Retail Price    

Deutsche Bank AG            
  $13,216,000     2/1/08   (75 bp minus   The spread   961,808  
        beginning   return of Lehman    
        of period nominal   Brothers AAA    
        spread of Lehman   8.5+ CMBS Index    
        Brothers AAA   adjusted by    
        8.5+ Commercial   modified    
        Mortgage Backed   duration factor    
        Securities Index)      

  34,000     2/1/08   50 bp plus   The spread   (2,301)  
        beginning   return of Lehman    
        of period nominal   Brothers AAA    
        spread of Lehman   8.5+ CMBS Index    
        Brothers AAA   adjusted by    
        8.5+ Commercial   modified    
        Mortgage Backed   duration factor    
        Securities Index      

  13,216,000     2/1/08   30 bp plus   The spread   (897,752)  
        beginning   return of Lehman    
        of period nominal   Brothers AAA    
        spread of Lehman   8.5+ CMBS Index    
        Brothers AAA   adjusted by    
        8.5+ Commercial   modified    
        Mortgage Backed   duration factor    
        Securities Index      

Goldman Sachs International          
GBP   2,794,000     1/24/38   3.6665%   GBP Non-revised   (3,110)  
          UK Retail Price    
          Index excluding    

GBP   3,723,000     1/24/18   (3.26%)   GBP Non-revised   (8,522)  
          UK Retail Price    
          Index excluding    


TOTAL RETURN SWAP CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued  
        Fixed payments   Total return   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /     Termination   received (paid) by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount     date   fund per annum   or paid by fund   (depreciation)  

Goldman Sachs International continued          
GBP   3,723,000     1/7/18   (3.11%)   GBP Non-revised   $ 87,141  
          UK Retail Price    
          Index excluding    

GBP   2,794,000     1/7/38   3.485%   GBP Non-revised   (3,553)  
          UK Retail Price    
          Index excluding    

$ 5,630,000   (F)   5/1/08   10 bp plus change   The spread   (251,796)  
        in spread of   return of Banc    
        Banc of America   of America    
        Securities AAA   Securities- CMBS    
        10 yr Index   AAA 10 year Index    
multiplied by      
  the modified      
        duration factor      

EUR   17,720,000     12/14/12   2.3775%   Eurostat   24,558  
          Eurozone HICP    
          excluding tobacco    

$ 2,644,000   (F)   9/15/11   678 bp (1 month   Ford Credit Auto   29,118  
        USD-LIBOR-BBA)   Owner Trust    
          Series 2005-B    
          Class D    

EUR   17,720,000     11/23/12   2.365%   Eurostat   (12,105)  
          Eurozone HICP    
          excluding tobacco    

GBP   8,860,000     10/16/12   3.09%   GBP Non-revised   55,126  
          UK Retail Price    
          Index excluding    

GBP   8,860,000     9/20/12   3.170%   GBP Non-revised   75,201  
          UK Retail Price    
          Index excluding    

GBP   8,860,000     9/13/12   3.110%   GBP Non-revised   27,527  
          UK Retail Price    
          Index excluding    

$77,700,000     2/1/08   125 bp plus   The spread   (5,660,204)  
        beginning   return of Lehman    
        of period nominal   Brothers AAA    
        spread of Lehman   8.5+ CMBS Index    
        Brothers AAA   adjusted by    
        8.5+ Commercial   modified    
        Mortgage Backed   duration factor    
        Securities Index      

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.          
  14,218,000   (F)   4/30/08   110 bp plus Banc   The spread   (639,483)  
        of America   return of Banc    
        Securities AAA   of America    
        10 yr Index   Securities- CMBS    
        multiplied by   AAA 10 year Index    
the modified      
  duration factor    


TOTAL RETURN SWAP CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued    
      Fixed payments   Total return   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /     Termination   received (paid) by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount     date   fund per annum   or paid by fund   (depreciation)  

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. continued          
$41,500,000   (F)   4/30/08   Change in spread   The spread   $ (2,388,615)  
      of Banc   return of Banc    
      of America   of America    
      Securities AAA   Securities- CMBS    
      10 yr Index   AAA 10 year Index    
multiplied by      
  the modified      
      duration factor      
minus 47.5 bp      

10,228,000   (F)   3/1/08   (Beginning   The spread   830,698  
      of period nominal   return of Lehman    
      spread of Lehman   Brothers AAA    
      Brothers AAA   8.5+ CMBS Index    
      8.5+ Commercial   adjusted by    
      Mortgage Backed   modified    
      Securities Index   duration factor    
minus 115 bp)      

3,862,000   (F)   2/1/08   (Beginning   The spread   278,327  
      of period nominal   return of Lehman    
      spread of Lehman   Brothers AAA    
      Brothers AAA   8.5+ CMBS Index    
      8.5+ Commercial   adjusted by    
      Mortgage Backed   modified    
      Securities Index   duration factor    
minus 50 bp)      

3,862,000   (F)   2/1/08   25 bp plus   The spread   (267,266)  
      beginning   return of Lehman    
      of period nominal   Brothers AAA    
      spread of Lehman   8.5+ CMBS Index    
      Brothers AAA   adjusted by    
      8.5+ Commercial   modified    
      Mortgage Backed   duration factor    
      Securities Index      

15,225,000   (F)   8/1/08   Change in spread   The spread   (1,446,954)  
      of Lehman   return of Lehman    
      Brothers AAA   Brothers AAA    
      8.5+ Commercial   8.5+ CMBS Index    
      Mortgage Backed   adjusted by    
      Securities Index   modified    
      minus 17.5 bp   duration factor    

Lehman Brothers Special Financing, Inc.          
21,012,000     6/2/08   (Beginning   The spread   1,574,009  
      of period nominal   return of Lehman    
      spread of Lehman   Brothers AAA    
      Brothers AAA   8.5+ CMBS Index    
      8.5+ Commercial   adjusted by    
      Mortgage Backed   modified    
      Securities Index   duration factor    
minus 175 bp)      

30,125,000     6/1/08   (Beginning   The spread   2,171,446  
      of period nominal   return of Lehman    
      spread of Lehman   Brothers AAA    
      Brothers AAA   8.5+ CMBS Index    
      8.5+ Commercial   adjusted by    
      Mortgage Backed   modified    
      Securities Index   duration factor    
minus 500 bp)      


TOTAL RETURN SWAP CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued    
      Fixed payments   Total return   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /     Termination   received (paid) by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount     date   fund per annum   or paid by fund   (depreciation)  

Lehman Brothers Special Financing, Inc. continued        
  $36,380,000    (F)   6/2/08   (Beginning   The spread   $ 2,145,147  
      of period nominal   return of Lehman    
      spread of Lehman   Brothers AAA    
      Brothers AAA   8.5+ CMBS Index    
      8.5+ Commercial   adjusted by    
      Mortgage Backed   modified    
      Securities Index   duration factor    
minus 300 bp)

  17,700,000   5/1/08   195 bp plus   The spread   (1,187,130)  
      beginning   return of Lehman    
      of period nominal   Brothers AAA    
      spread of Lehman   8.5+ CMBS Index    
      Brothers AAA   adjusted by    
      8.5+ Commercial   modified    
      Mortgage Backed   duration factor    
      Securities Index      

  7,280,000   6/1/08   (20 bp plus   The spread   413,307  
      beginning   return of Lehman    
      of period nominal   Brothers AAA    
      spread of Lehman   8.5+ CMBS Index    
      Brothers AAA   adjusted by    
      8.5+ Commercial   modified    
      Mortgage Backed   duration factor    
      Securities Index)      

  14,520,000   5/1/08   (Beginning   The spread   981,025  
      of period nominal   return of Lehman    
      spread of Lehman   Brothers AAA    
      Brothers AAA   8.5+ CMBS Index    
      8.5+ Commercial   adjusted by    
      Mortgage Backed   modified    
      Securities Index   duration factor    
minus 175 bp)

  65,470,000   5/1/08   (Beginning   The spread   4,302,538  
      of period nominal   return of Lehman    
      spread of Lehman   Brothers AAA    
      Brothers AAA   8.5+ CMBS Index    
      8.5+ Commercial   adjusted by    
      Mortgage Backed   modified    
      Securities Index   duration factor    
      minus 218.75 bp)      

EUR   17,720,000   11/12/12   (2,187,147 EUR   Eurostat   (36,904)  
      at maturity)   Eurozone HICP    
        excluding tobacco    

EUR   17,720,000   11/9/12   (2,211,471 EUR   Eurostat   (13,180)  
      at maturity)   Eurozone HICP    
        excluding tobacco    

  $168,950,000   5/1/08   15 bp plus   The spread   (14,410,421)  
      beginning   return of Lehman    
      of period nominal   Brothers AAA    
      spread of Lehman   8.5+ CMBS Index    
      Brothers AAA   adjusted by    
      8.5+ Commercial   modified    
      Mortgage Backed   duration factor    
      Securities Index      


TOTAL RETURN SWAP CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued    
    Fixed payments   Total return   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   Termination   received (paid) by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount     date   fund per annum   or paid by fund   (depreciation)  

Lehman Brothers Special Financing, Inc. continued        
$16,009,000     5/1/08   50 bp plus   The spread   $(1,504,252)  
    beginning   return of Lehman    
    of period nominal   Brothers AAA    
    spread of Lehman   8.5+ CMBS Index    
    Brothers AAA   adjusted by    
      8.5+ Commercial   modified    
    Mortgage Backed   duration factor    
    Securities Index      

7,621,000   4/1/08   Beginning   The spread   (738,851)  
    of period nominal   return of Lehman    
    spread of Lehman   Brothers AAA    
    Brothers AAA   8.5+ CMBS Index    
    8.5+ Commercial   adjusted by    
    Mortgage Backed   modified    
    Securities Index   duration factor    
minus 10 bp      

8,745,000   3/1/08   (2.5 bp plus   The spread   762,659  
    beginning   return of Lehman    
    of period nominal   Brothers AAA    
    spread of Lehman   8.5+ CMBS Index    
    Brothers AAA   adjusted by    
    8.5+ Commercial   modified    
    Mortgage Backed   duration factor    
    Securities Index)      

33,927,000   3/1/08   Beginning   The spread   (2,771,724)  
    of period nominal   return of Lehman    
    spread of Lehman   Brothers AAA    
    Brothers AAA   8.5+ CMBS Index    
    8.5+ Commercial   adjusted by    
    Mortgage Backed   modified    
    Securities Index   duration factor    
minus 70 bp      

7,672,000   3/1/08   (Beginning   The spread   639,730  
    of period nominal   return of Lehman    
    spread of Lehman   Brothers AAA    
    Brothers AAA   8.5+ CMBS Index    
    8.5+ Commercial   adjusted by    
    Mortgage Backed   modified    
    Securities Index   duration factor    
minus 120 bp)      

15,102,000   2/1/08   (Beginning   The spread   1,084,843  
    of period nominal   return of Lehman    
    spread of Lehman   Brothers AAA    
    Brothers AAA   8.5+ CMBS Index    
    8.5+ Commercial   adjusted by    
    Mortgage Backed   modified    
    Securities Index   duration factor    
minus 45 bp)      

15,102,000   2/1/08   30 bp plus   The spread   (1,041,511)  
    beginning   return of Lehman    
    of period nominal   Brothers AAA    
    spread of Lehman   8.5+ CMBS Index    
    Brothers AAA   adjusted by    
    8.5+ Commercial   modified    
    Mortgage Backed   duration factor    
    Securities Index      


TOTAL RETURN SWAP CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued    
      Fixed payments   Total return   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /     Termination   received (paid) by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount     date   fund per annum   or paid by fund   (depreciation)  

Lehman Brothers Special Financing, Inc. continued        
$13,212,000     2/1/08   Beginning   The spread   $ (944,316)  
      of period nominal   return of Lehman    
      spread of Lehman   Brothers AAA    
      Brothers AAA   8.5+ CMBS Index    
      8.5+ Commercial   adjusted by    
      Mortgage Backed   modified    
      Securities Index   duration factor    
minus 50 bp      

26,289,000     2/1/08   57.5 bp plus   The spread   (1,958,520)  
      beginning   return of Lehman    
      of period nominal   Brothers AAA    
      spread of Lehman   8.5+ CMBS Index    
      Brothers AAA   adjusted by    
      8.5+ Commercial   modified    
      Mortgage Backed   duration factor    
      Securities Index      

GBP   2,685,000   3/15/36   4,063,876 GBP   GBP Non-revised   (664,087)  
      at maturity   Retail Price    

$62,776,000     2/1/08   Beginning   The spread   (4,688,670)  
      of period nominal   return of Lehman    
      spread of Lehman   Brothers Aaa    
      Brothers AAA   8.5+ CMBS Index    
      8.5+ Commercial   adjusted by    
      Mortgage Backed   modified    
      Securities Index   duration factor    
minus 50 bp      

Morgan Stanley Capital Services, Inc.          
EUR 17,720,000     12/20/12   2.395%   Eurostat   (66,304)  
        Eurozone HICP    
        excluding tobacco    

$10,780,000   (F)   4/30/08   120 bp plus Banc   The spread   (480,324)  
      of America   return of Banc    
      Securities AAA   of America    
      10 yr Index   Securities- CMBS    
      multiplied by   AAA 10 year Index    
the modified      
      duration factor      

5,911,000   (F)   5/2/08   10 bp plus Banc   The spread   (336,413)  
      of America   return of Banc    
      Securities AAA   of America    
      10 yr Index   Securities- CMBS    
      multiplied by   AAA 10 year Index    
  the modified      
      duration factor      

40,190,000   (F)   4/30/08   Change in spread   The spread   (2,454,685)  
      of Banc   return of Banc    
      of America   of America    
      Securities AAA   Securities- CMBS    
      10 yr Index   AAA 10 year Index    
multiplied by      
the modified      
      duration factor      
minus 15 bp      


TOTAL RETURN SWAP CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued    
    Fixed payments   Total return   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   Termination   received (paid) by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount   date   fund per annum   or paid by fund   (depreciation)  

Morgan Stanley Capital Services, Inc. continued        
$210,950,000   1/31/08   (Beginning   The spread   $14,916,022  
      of period nominal   return of Lehman    
    spread of Lehman   Brothers AAA    
    Brothers AAA   8.5+ CMBS Index    
    8.5+ Commercial   adjusted by    
    Mortgage Backed   modified    
    Securities Index   duration factor    
minus 25 bp)      

11,294,500  (F)   1/31/08   Change in spread   The spread   (670,374)  
    of Banc   return of Banc    
    of America   of America    
    Securities AAA   Securities- CMBS    
    10 yr Index   AAA 10 year Index    
multiplied by      
  the modified      
    duration factor      
minus 80 bp      

3,500,000   2/1/08   100 bp plus   The spread   (258,973)  
    beginning   return of Lehman    
    of period nominal   Brothers Aaa    
    spread of Lehman   8.5+ CMBS Index    
    Brothers AAA   adjusted by    
    8.5+ Commercial   modified    
    Mortgage Backed   duration factor    
    Securities Index      

11,294,500   1/31/08   Change in spread   The spread   (846,797)  
    of Lehman   return of Lehman    
    Brothers AAA   Brothers AAA    
    8.5+ Commercial   8.5+ CMBS Index    
    Mortgage Backed   adjusted by    
    Securities Index   modified    
    minus 70 bp   duration factor    

81,843,000   1/31/08   40 bp plus   The spread   (6,402,291)  
    beginning   return of Lehman    
    of period nominal   Brothers Aaa    
    spread of Lehman   8.5+ CMBS Index    
    Brothers AAA   adjusted by    
    8.5+ Commercial   modified    
    Mortgage Backed   duration factor    
    Securities Index      

Total         ($25,800,678)  

(F) Is valued at fair value following procedures approved by the Trustees.


    Upfront       Fixed payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /     premium   Notional   Termination   received (paid) by appreciation/  
Referenced debt*     received (paid)**   amount     date   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Bank of America, N.A.              
Abitibibowater Inc.,              
6 1/2%, 6/15/13   $  —   $ 245,000   12/20/08   550 bp   $  (8,239)  

DJ ABX NA CMBX BBB Index     267   389,000   10/12/52   (134 bp)   121,539  

DJ CDX NA HY Series 9              
Index     20,048   10,692,000   12/20/12   (375 bp)   878,303  

Financial Security              
Assurance Inc.       1,075,000  (F) 12/20/12   95 bp   (42,139)  

Ford Motor Co., 7.45%,              
7/16/31       935,000   3/20/12   (525 bp)   81,653  

Ford Motor Credit Co.,              
7%, 10/1/13       2,805,000   3/20/12   285 bp   (366,744)  

Idearc, Inc, T/L B       1,150,000   6/20/12   (152 bp)   61,898  

Kinder Morgan, Inc.,              
6 1/2%, 9/1/12       3,850,000   6/20/12   (89 bp)   209,890  

L-3 Communications              
Corp. 7 5/8%, 6/15/12       460,000   6/20/11   (101 bp)   2,307  

Nalco, Co.              
7.75%,11/15/11       175,000   9/20/12   350 bp   (4,221)  

Bear Stearns Credit Products, Inc.            
Claire’s Stores,              
9 5/8%, 6/1/15       140,000   6/20/12   230 bp   (25,875)  

Bear Stearns International, Ltd.              
DJ ABX NA CMBX BBB Index     2,262   467,070   10/12/52   (134 bp)   157,693  

Citibank, N.A.              
Abitibibowater Inc.,              
6 1/2%, 6/15/13       245,000   12/20/08   825 bp   (1,026)  

Abitibibowater Inc.,              
6 1/2%, 6/15/13       245,000   12/20/08   725 bp   (4,182)  

Abitibibowater Inc.,              
6 1/2%, 6/15/13       245,000   12/20/08   800 bp   (2,444)  

Advanced Micro Devices              
Inc., 7.75%, 11/1/12       4,125,000   3/20/09   575 bp   (23,999)  

DJ ABX HE A Index     478,185   673,500   1/25/38   369 bp   (4,647)  

DJ ABX HE AAA Index     1,485,000   5,500,000   1/25/38   76 bp   (132,000)  

DJ ABX HE AAA Index     117,189   404,100   1/25/38   76 bp   (1,616)  

Semiconductor, 8 7/8%,              
12/15/14       430,000   9/20/12   495 bp   (70,528)  

Rhodia SA, 7.326%,              
10/15/13       985,000   3/20/13   (245 bp)   34,514  

Rhodia SA, 7.326%,              
10/15/13       590,000   3/20/13   (240 bp)   22,545  

Sanmina-Sci Corp.,              
8 1/8%, 3/1/16       105,000   3/20/09   275 bp   107  

Sara Lee Corp., 6 1/8%,              
11/1/32       580,000   9/20/11   (43 bp)   2,514  

Wind Acquisition              
9 3/4%, 12/1/15       471,000   3/20/13   (495 bp)   8,000  


CREDIT DEFAULT CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued    
    Upfront         Fixed payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Notional     Termination   received (paid) by   appreciation/
Referenced debt*     received (paid)**   amount     date   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Credit Suisse First Boston International            
Ukraine Government,                
7.65%, 6/11/13   $   —   $2,175,000     10/20/11   194 bp   $ (15,265)  

Credit Suisse International                
Advanced Micro Devices,                
7 3/4%, 11/1/12       420,000     6/20/09   165 bp   (29,333)  

Dynegy Holdings Inc.,                
6 7/8%, 4/1/11       295,000     6/20/17   297 bp   (33,982)  

Freeport-McMoRan Copper                
& Gold, Inc.       1,180,200     3/20/12   (82 bp)   (10,727)  

Freeport-McMoRan Copper                
& Gold, Inc.       1,180,000     3/20/12   41 bp   (8,072)  

Harrahs Operating Co.                
Inc., 5 5/8%, 6/1/15       320,000     3/20/09   600 bp    

Hertz Corp., 8 7/8%,                
1/1/14       1,075,000     3/20/14   (465 bp)   17,161  

Neiman Marcus Group,                
Inc., 9%, 10/15/15       700,000   (F)   3/20/12   (64 bp)   50,754  

Republic of Peru,                
8 3/4%, 11/21/33       1,205,000     4/20/17   125 bp   (43,020)  

Deutsche Bank AG                
DJ ABX HE A Index   3,630,000   5,500,000     1/25/38   369 bp   (319,503)  

DJ ABX NA CMBX AAA Index   129,970   2,280,000     2/17/51   35 bp   (13,992)  

DJ LCDX NA Series 9.1                
Index 15-100% tranche       5,650,000   (F)   12/20/12   61.56 bp   (142,655)  

Ford Motor Credit Co.                
LLC., 7.25%, 10/25/11       3,015,000     9/20/10   (587 bp)   68,265  

India Government Bond,                
5.87%, 1/2/10       11,165,000   (F)   1/11/10   170 bp   (120)  

Korea Monetary STAB                
Bond, 5.04%, 1/24/09       2,150,000   (F)   2/2/09   130 bp   7,044  

Korea Monetary STAB                
Bond, 5.45%, 1/23/10       1,670,000   (F)   2/1/10   110 bp   3,161  

Nalco, Co. 7.75%,                
11/15/11       160,000     12/20/12   363 bp   (3,567)  

Republic of Argentina,                
8.28%, 12/31/33       1,375,000     8/20/12   (380 bp)   19,143  

Republic of Indonesia,                
6.75%, 2014       1,125,000     9/20/16   292 bp   33,503  

Republic of Peru,                
8 3/4%, 11/21/33       1,205,000     4/20/17   126 bp   (40,188)  

Republic of Turkey,                
11 7/8%, 1/15/30       1,810,000     6/20/14   195 bp   (29,595)  

Republic of Venezuela,                
9 1/4%, 9/15/27       1,175,000     6/20/14   220 bp   (151,082)  

Russian Federation,                
7 1/2%, 3/31/30       2,210,000     6/20/17   61 bp   (122,724)  

Russian Federation,                
7.5%, 3/31/30       1,500,000     8/20/17   86 bp   (51,878)  

United Mexican States,                
7.5%, 4/8/33       1,080,000     4/20/17   66 bp   (50,253)  


CREDIT DEFAULT CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued    
    Upfront         Fixed payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /     premium   Notional     Termination   received (paid) by   appreciation/
Referenced debt*   received (paid)**    amount     date   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Deutsche Bank AG continued                
United Mexican States,                
7.5%, 4/8/33   $   —   $2,945,000     3/20/14   56 bp   $ (91,826)  

Republic of Brazil, 12 1/4%,                
3/6/30       1,500,000     10/20/17   105 bp   (70,954)  

Rhodia SA, 7.326%, 10/15/13       970,000     3/20/13   (235 bp)   40,237  

Goldman Sachs International                
Advanced Micro Devices,                
7 3/4%, 11/1/12       710,000     3/20/09   515 bp   (3,802)  

Any one of the                
underlying securities                
in the basket of BB                
CMBS securities       7,487,000   (a) 2.461%   (518,774)  

DJ ABX HE A Index     972,989   1,452,000     1/25/38   369 bp   (66,925)  

DJ ABX HE AAA Index     341,251   1,452,000     1/25/38   76 bp   (94,165)  

DJ CDX NA CMBX AAA Index   109,727   3,000,000     3/15/49   7 bp   (93,807)  

DJ CDX NA HY Series 9                
Index     2,107,394   43,790,000     12/20/12   375 bp   (1,471,526)  

DJ CDX NA HY Series 9                
Index     863,200   21,580,000     12/20/12   375 bp   (869,045)  

DJ CDX NA HY Series 9                
Index 25-35% tranche       5,580,000     12/20/10   108.65 bp   (244,863)  

DJ CDX NA IG Series 8                
Index     220,877   14,690,000     6/20/12   35 bp   (264,509)  

DJ CDX NA IG Series 8                
Index 30-100% tranche       47,479,000     6/20/12   (2.75 bp)   417,179  

General Motors Corp.,                
7 1/8%, 7/15/13       2,720,000     9/20/08   620 bp   50,335  

General Motors Corp.,                
7 1/8%, 7/15/13       580,000     9/20/08   620 bp   10,733  

Lehman Brothers                
Holdings, 6 5/8%,                
1/18/12       2,375,000     9/20/17   (67.8 bp)   101,009  

Merrill Lynch & Co.,                
5%, 1/15/15       2,375,000     9/20/17   (59.8 bp)   94,236  

Wind Acquisition                
9 3/4%, 12/1/15       1,070,000     12/20/10   (340 bp)   45,103  

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.                
DJ CDX NA HY Series 9                
Index 25-35% tranche       5,722,000     12/20/10   105.5 bp   (256,230)  

DJ CDX NA IG Series 9                
Index       18,460,000   (F)   12/20/12   (13.55 bp)   118,276  

DJ CDX NA IG Series 9                
Index     (46,279)   2,280,000     12/20/17   (80 bp)   277  

DJ CDX NA IG Series 9                
Index 30-100% tranche       16,780,000   (F)   12/20/12   (5.8 bp)   158,013  

Freeport-McMoRan Copper                
& Gold, Inc.       2,360,300     3/20/12   (85 bp)   (24,206)  

Idearc, Inc T/L B L       1,150,000     6/20/12   79 bp   (90,006)  

Republic of Argentina,                
8.28%, 12/31/33       1,385,000     6/20/14   235 bp   (189,389)  

Republic of Indonesia,                
6.75%, 3/10/14       1,870,000     6/20/17   171.5 bp   (99,580)  


CREDIT DEFAULT CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued    
    Upfront       Fixed payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /     premium   Notional   Termination   received (paid) by   appreciation/
Referenced debt*   received (paid)**   amount   date   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. continued          
Republic of Turkey,                
11 7/8%, 1/15/30   $   —   $1,945,000   5/20/17   230 bp   $ (41,363)  

Republic of Turkey,              
11 7/8%, 1/15/30       1,435,000   5/20/17   244 bp   (16,018)  

Russian Federation,              
7 1/2%, 3/31/30       1,580,000   5/20/17   60 bp   (87,332)  

Russian Federation,              
7.5%, 3/31/30       1,500,000   8/20/17   85 bp   (53,077)  

Russian Federation,              
7.5%, 3/31/30       2,250,000   8/20/12   65 bp   (38,525)  

Lehman Brothers Special Financing, Inc.          
Advanced Micro Devices,              
7 3/4%, 11/1/12       1,420,000   3/20/09   525 bp   (13,739)  

Bear Stearns Co. Inc.,              
5.3%, 10/30/15       2,375,000   9/20/17   (77 bp)   222,372  

Community Health              
Systems, 8 7/8%, 7/15/15       380,000   12/20/12   360 bp   (12,741)  

DJ ABX HE A Index     1,011,225   1,455,000   1/25/38   369 bp   (30,940)  

DJ ABX HE A Index     972,989   1,452,000   1/25/38   369 bp   (66,925)  

DJ ABX HE AAA Index     78,126   269,400   1/25/38   76 bp   (695)  

DJ ABX HE AAA Index     407,400   1,455,000   1/25/38   76 bp   (18,188)  

DJ ABX HE AAA Index     341,251   1,452,000   1/25/38   76 bp   (83,262)  

DJ CDX NA CMBX AA Index     (2,155)   68,000  (F)   3/15/49   (15 bp)   11,391  

DJ CDX NA HY Series 8              
Index 35-60% tranche       9,049,000   6/20/12   104 bp   (622,236)  

DJ CDX NA HY Series 8              
Index 35-60% tranche       86,378,000   6/20/12   95 bp   (6,265,292)  

DJ CDX NA HY Series 9              
Index 25-35% tranche       32,440,000   12/20/10   212 bp   (500,765)  

DJ CDX NA HY Series 9              
Index 25-35% tranche       32,440,000   12/20/10   203 bp   (577,027)  

DJ CDX NA HY Series 9              
Index 25-35% tranche       53,900,000   12/20/10   171 bp   (1,403,960)  

DJ CDX NA HY Series 9              
Index 25-35% tranche       22,600,000   12/20/10   90 bp   (1,112,259)  

DJ CDX NA HY Series 9              
Index 25-35% tranche       22,600,000   12/20/10   104.5 bp   (1,018,623)  

DJ CDX NA HY Series 9              
Index, 25-35% tranche       20,510,000   12/20/10   163 bp   (575,539)  

DJ CDX NA IG Series 8              
Index     17,878   1,144,000   6/20/12   35 bp   (19,922)  

DJ CDX NA IG Series 8              
Index 30-100% tranche       17,768,850   6/20/12   (3.125 bp)   159,205  

DJ CDX NA IG Series 8              
Index 30-100% tranche       86,339,150   6/20/12   (8 bp)   587,145  

DJ CDX NA IG Series 9              
Index     (204,744)   5,902,500   12/20/17   (80 bp)   (83,565)  

DJ CDX NA IG Series 9              
Index     (267,339)   11,805,000   12/20/17   (80 bp)   (26,294)  

DJ CDX NA IG Series 9              
Index     (40,724)   8,230,000   12/20/12   (60 bp)   (202,553)  


CREDIT DEFAULT CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued    
  Upfront       Fixed payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Notional   Termination   received (paid) by   appreciation/
Referenced debt*   received (paid)**   amount     date   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Lehman Brothers Special Financing, Inc. continued          
DJ CDX NA IG Series 9              
Index     $ 258,408   $52,546,000     12/20/12   (60 bp)   $ 1,291,637  

DJ LCDX NA Series 9.1            
Index 15-100% tranche     5,650,000  (F)   12/20/12   59.3 bp   (146,130)  

Domtar Corp., 7 1/8%,            
8/15/15     280,000   12/20/11   (250 bp)   5,842  

Fed Republic of Brazil,            
12.25%, 3/6/30     230,000   8/20/12   113 bp   (248)  

Fed Republic of Brazil,            
12.25%, 3/6/30     230,000   8/20/12   120 bp   464  

Semiconductor, 8 7/8%,            
12/15/14     1,143,000   6/20/10   (228 bp)   193,460  

Semiconductor, 8 7/8%,            
12/15/14     1,143,000   6/20/12   355 bp   (232,577)  

Goldman Sachs Group,            
Inc., 6.6%, 1/15/12     1,720,000   9/20/12   45.5 bp   (28,064)  

Goldman Sachs Group,            
Inc., 6.6%, 1/15/12     2,375,000   9/20/17   (58 bp)   30,298  

Harrahs Operating Co.            
Inc., 5 5/8%, 6/1/15     225,000   3/20/09   610 bp   727  

Morgan Stanley Dean            
Witter, 6.6%, 4/1/12     2,375,000   9/20/12   48 bp   (71,337)  

Morgan Stanley Dean            
Witter, 6.6%, 4/1/12     2,375,000   9/20/17   (60.5 bp)   64,475  

Republic of Argentina,            
8.28%, 12/31/33     1,960,000   5/20/17   296 bp   (309,924)  

Republic of Argentina,            
8.28%, 12/31/33     685,000   9/20/12   (469 bp)   (12,637)  

Republic of Ecuador,            
10%, 8/15/30     1,110,000   5/20/12   540 bp   13,886  

Republic of Ecuador,            
10%, 8/15/30     1,120,000   6/20/12   600 bp   30,908  

Republic of Ecuador,            
10%, 8/15/30     665,000   5/20/12   540 bp   8,319  

Republic of Peru,            
8 3/4%, 11/21/33     2,330,000   10/20/16   215 bp   76,813  

Republic of Turkey,            
11 7/8%, 1/15/30     2,780,000   5/20/17   228 bp   (63,152)  

Republic of Venezuela,            
9 1/4%, 9/15/27     2,340,000   5/20/08   (130 bp)   3,137  

Republic of Venezuela,            
9 1/4%, 9/15/27     2,340,000   5/20/12   183 bp   (222,453)  

Transocean, Inc.,            
7 3/8%, 4/15/18     435,000   3/20/18   (78.5 bp)   5,857  

United Mexican States,            
7.5%, 4/8/33     1,310,000   4/20/17   67 bp   (60,600)  

Wind Acquisition            
9 3/4%, 12/1/15     470,000   12/20/10   (357 bp)   9,312  


CREDIT DEFAULT CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued    
      Upfront       Fixed payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /     premium   Notional   Termination   received (paid) by   appreciation/
Referenced debt*   received (paid)**   amount     date   fund per annum     (depreciation)

Merrill Lynch Capital Services, Inc.              
Bombardier, Inc,              
6 3/4%, 5/1/12   $   —   $2,105,000   6/20/12   (150 bp)   $   22,215  

D.R. Horton Inc.,              
7 7/8%, 8/15/11       1,435,000   9/20/11   (426 bp)   (23,484)  

General Motors Corp.,              
7 1/8%, 7/15/13       1,895,000   9/20/08   500 bp   18,007  

Pulte Homes Inc.,              
5.25%, 1/15/14       1,344,000   9/20/11   (482 bp)   (49,534)  

Merrill Lynch International              
Dynegy Holdings Inc.,              
6 7/8%, 4/1/11       295,000   6/20/17   295 bp   (34,313)  

Morgan Stanley Capital Services, Inc.            
Advanced Micro Devices,              
7 3/4%, 11/1/12       1,100,000   6/20/09   190 bp   (68,927)  

Aramark Services, Inc.,              
8.5%, 2/1/15       250,000   12/20/12   355 bp   (12,800)  

Bombardier, Inc,              
6 3/4%, 5/1/12       1,050,000   6/20/12   (114 bp)   28,783  

DJ ABX NA CMBX AAA Index     610,461   7,746,000   12/13/49   8 bp    

DJ ABX NA CMBX AAA Index     629,723   11,805,000   2/17/51   35 bp   (115,661)  

DJ ABX NA CMBX AAA Index     551,349   7,746,000   3/15/49   7 bp    

DJ ABX NA CMBX BBB Index     92   127,231   10/12/52   (134 bp)   39,757  

DJ ABX NA CMBX              
AAA Index     668,693   11,805,000   2/17/51   35 bp   (72,445)  

DJ ABX NACM BX              
AAA Index     440,581   5,902,500   2/17/51   35 bp   67,602  

DJ CDX NA CMBX AAAA              
Index   1,718,322   65,470,000   2/17/51   35 bp   (2,420,000)  

DJ CDX NA HY Series 7              
Index     122,218   2,573,000   12/20/09   (325 bp)   171,768  

DJ CDX NA HY Series 9              
Index   1,294,800   32,370,000   12/20/12   375 bp   (1,303,567)  

DJ CDX NA IG Series 7              
Index 10-15% tranche     102,920   2,573,000   12/20/09   0 bp   (346,069)  

DJ CDX NA IG Series 8              
Index     42,285   3,517,000   6/20/12   35 bp   (73,923)  

DJ CDX NA IG Series 9              
Index     (221,866)   11,805,000   12/20/17   (80 bp)   19,179  

Dominican Republic,              
8 5/8%, 4/20/27       2,340,000   11/20/11   (170 bp)   63,608  

Dynegy Holdings Inc.,              
6 7/8%, 4/1/11       295,000   6/20/12   225 bp   (18,442)  

Freeport-McMoRan Copper              
& Gold, Inc.       1,180,200   3/20/12   (83 bp)   (11,178)  

Freeport-McMoRan Copper              
& Gold, Inc.       3,540,700   3/20/12   44 bp   (20,092)  


CREDIT DEFAULT CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING at 1/31/08 (Unaudited) continued    
    Upfront       Fixed payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Notional   Termination   received (paid) by   appreciation/  
Referenced debt*     received (paid)** amount     date   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Morgan Stanley Capital Services, Inc. continued          
Nalco, Co. 7.75%,              
11/15/11   $   —   $ 200,000   3/20/13   460 bp   $   1,357  

Nalco, Co. 7.75%,              
11/15/11       175,000   9/20/12   330 bp   (5,612)  

Republic of Venezuela,              
9 1/4%, 9/15/27       1,570,000   10/12/12   339 bp   (60,171)  

Total             $(18,894,487)  

   * Payments related to the reference debt are made upon a credit default event.

 ** Upfront premium is based on the difference between the original spread on issue and the market spread on day of execution.

(a) Terminating on the date on which the notional amount is reduced to zero or the date on which the assets securing the reference entity are liquidated.

(F) Is valued at fair value following procedures approved by the Trustees.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Statement of assets and liabilities 1/31/08 (Unaudited)


Investment in securities, at value, including $6,052,957 of securities on loan (Note 1):    
Unaffiliated issuers (identified cost $1,635,586,003)   $1,687,835,940  
Affiliated issuers (identified cost $14,454,239) (Note 5)   14,454,239  

Cash   537,639  

Foreign currency (cost $6,724,150) (Note 1)   6,731,656  

Interest and other receivables   14,011,494  

Receivable for securities sold   15,497,863  

Receivable for sales of delayed delivery securities (Notes 1, 6 and 7)   283,031,264  

Receivable from Manager (Note 2)   270,089  

Unrealized appreciation on swap contracts (Note 1)   160,341,324  

Receivable for variation margin (Note 1)   677,428  

Receivable for open forward currency contracts (Note 1)   3,539,864  

Receivable for closed forward currency contracts (Note 1)   1,303,957  

Receivable for open swap contracts (Note 1)   1,913,094  

Receivable for closed swap contracts (Note 1)   61,161  

Premiums paid on credit default contracts (Note 1)   783,107  

Total assets   2,190,990,119  

Distributions payable to shareholders   5,087,940  

Payable for securities purchased   12,419,026  

Payable for purchases of delayed delivery securities (Notes 1, 6 and 7)   546,988,489  

Payable for shares of the fund repurchased   508,941  

Payable for compensation of Manager (Notes 2 and 5)   1,866,303  

Payable for investor servicing (Note 2)   46,026  

Payable for Trustee compensation and expenses (Note 2)   190,538  

Payable for administrative services (Note 2)   2,131  

Payable for open forward currency contracts (Note 1)   5,307,638  

Payable for closed forward currency contracts (Note 1)   3,191,031  

Payable for closed swap contracts (Note 1)   374,590  

Written options outstanding, at value (premiums received $18,091,687) (Notes 1 and 3)   27,248,212  

Unrealized depreciation on swap contracts (Note 1)   201,566,484  

Premiums received on credit default contracts (Note 1)   19,747,080  

TBA sales commitments, at value (proceeds receivable $282,571,250) (Note 1)   283,176,241  

Collateral on securities loaned, at value (Note 1)   6,204,430  

Other accrued expenses   200,963  

Total liabilities   1,114,126,063  

Net assets   $1,076,864,056  

(Continued on next page)


Statement of assets and liabilities (Continued)


Paid-in capital (Unlimited shares authorized) (Notes 1 and 4)   $1,348,157,198  

Undistributed net investment income (Note 1)   16,377,496  

Accumulated net realized loss on investments and foreign currency transactions (Note 1)   (275,492,012)  

Net unrealized depreciation of investments and assets and liabilities in foreign currencies   (12,178,626)  

Total — Representing net assets applicable to capital shares outstanding   $1,076,864,056  


Net asset value per share    
($1,076,864,056 divided by 153,865,024 shares)   $7.00  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Statement of operations Six months ended 1/31/08 (Unaudited)


Interest (including interest income of $705,424    
from investments in affiliated issuers) (Note 5)   $ 36,344,571  

Dividends   7,541  

Securities lending   13,324  

Total investment income   36,365,436  

Compensation of Manager (Note 2)   3,892,106  

Investor servicing fees (Note 2)   277,217  

Custodian fees (Note 2)   53,745  

Trustee compensation and expenses (Note 2)   24,997  

Administrative services (Note 2)   12,518  

Other   432,601  

Fees waived by Manager (Note 5)   (13,018)  

Total expenses   4,680,166  

Expense reduction (Note 2)   (319,723)  

Net expenses   4,360,443  

Net investment income   32,004,993  

Net realized gain on investments (Notes 1 and 3)   28,814,279  

Net increase from payments by affiliates (Note 2)   332,689  

Net realized loss on swap contracts (Note 1)   (6,249,551)  

Net realized loss on futures contracts (Note 1)   (22,875,543)  

Net realized loss on foreign currency transactions (Note 1)   (15,088,023)  

Net realized loss on written options (Notes 1 and 3)   (876,530)  

Net unrealized appreciation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies during the period   152,352  

Net unrealized depreciation of investments, futures contracts, swap contracts,    
written options, and TBA sale commitments during the period   (8,345,163)  

Net loss on investments   (24,135,490)  

Net increase in net assets resulting from operations   $ 7,869,503  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Statement of changes in net assets

  Six months ended   Year ended  
  1/31/08*   7/31/07  

Net investment income   $ 32,004,993   $ 64,744,213  

Net realized gain (loss) on investments      
and foreign currency transactions   (15,942,679)   7,070,341  

Net unrealized depreciation of investments      
and assets and liabilities in foreign currencies   (8,192,811)   (1,307,022)  

Net increase in net assets resulting from operations   7,869,503   70,507,532  

Distributions to shareholders (Note 1)      

From ordinary income      

From net investment income   (28,683,283)   (64,419,694)  

Decrease from shares repurchased (Note 4)   (44,319,605)   (174,168,870)  

Total decrease in net assets   (65,133,385)   (168,081,032)  


Beginning of period   1,141,997,441   1,310,078,473  

End of period (including undistributed net investment      
income of $16,377,496 and $13,055,786, respectively)   $1,076,864,056   $1,141,997,441  


Shares outstanding at beginning of period   160,911,717   186,509,884  

Shares repurchased (Note 4)   (7,046,693)   (25,590,459)  

Retirement of shares held by the fund     (7,708)  

Shares outstanding at end of period   153,865,024   160,911,717  

* Unaudited

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Financial highlights (For a common share outstanding throughout the period)

  Six months ended**     Year ended      
  1/31/08   7/31/07   7/31/06   7/31/05   7/31/04   7/31/03  

Net asset value,              
beginning of period   $7.10   $7.02   $7.16   $7.03   $6.75   $6.22  

Investment operations:              
Net investment income (a)   .20(d)   .36(d)   .34(d)   .36(d)   .44(d)   .51  

Net realized and unrealized              
gain (loss) on investments   (.16)   .03   (.16)   .28   .31   .54  

Total from              
investment operations   .04   .39   .18   .64   .75   1.05  

Less distributions:              
From net investment income   (.18)   (.36)   (.36)   (.51)   (.47)   (.52)  

Total distributions   (.18)   (.36)   (.36)   (.51)   (.47)   (.52)  

Increase from              
shares repurchased   .04   .05   .04        

Net asset value,              
end of period   $7.00   $7.10   $7.02   $7.16   $7.03   $6.75  

Market price,              
end of period   $6.31   $6.21   $6.02   $6.31   $6.29   $6.31  

Total return at              
market price (%) (b)   4.60 *   9.06   1.14   8.35   7.18   13.41  


Net assets, end of period              
(in thousands)   $1,076,864   $1,141,997   $1,310,078   $1,396,980   $992,676   $952,730  

Ratio of expenses to              
average net assets (%)(c)   .42*(d)   .82(d)   .81(d)   .84(d)   .83(d)   .85  

Ratio of net investment income            
to average net assets (%)   2.86*(d)   5.02(d)   4.86(d)   4.99(d)   6.19(d)   7.91  

Portfolio turnover (%)   52.58*(e)   83.71(e)   104.97(e)   139.74(e)   78.43   96.21(f )  

  * Not annualized.

** Unaudited.

(a) Per share net investment income has been determined on the basis of the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period.

(b) Total return assumes dividend reinvestment.

(c) Includes amounts paid through expense offset arrangements (Note 2).

(d) Reflects waivers of certain fund expenses in connection with Putnam Prime Money Market Fund in effect during the period. As a result of such waivers, the expenses of the fund for the periods ended January 31, 2008, July 31, 2007, July 31, 2006, July 31, 2005, and July 31, 2004 reflect a reduction of less than 0.01%, 0.01%, 0.01%, 0.02% and less than 0.01% of average net assets, respectively (Note 5).

(e) Portfolio turnover excludes dollar roll transactions.

(f) Portfolio turnover excludes certain treasury note transactions executed in connection with a short-term trading strategy.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Notes to financial statements 1/31/08 (Unaudited)

Note 1: Significant accounting policies

Putnam Premier Income Trust (the “fund”), a Massachusetts business trust, is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. The fund’s investment objective is to seek high current income consistent with the preservation of capital by allocating its investments among the U.S. government sector, high yield sector and international sector of the fixed-income securities market. The fund invests in higher yielding, lower-rated bonds that have a higher rate of default due to the nature of the investments. The fund may invest a significant portion of their assets in securitized debt instruments, including mortgage-backed and asset-backed investments. The yields and values of these investments are sensitive to changes in interest rates, the rate of principal payments on the underlying assets and the market’s perception of the issuers. The market for these investments may be volatile and limited, which may make them difficult to buy or sell.

In the normal course of business, the fund enters into contracts that may include agreements to indemnify another party under given circumstances. The fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be, but have not yet been, made against the fund. However, the fund expects the risk of material loss to be remote.

The following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently followed by the fund in the preparation of its financial statements. The preparation of financial statements is in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

A) Security valuation Investments for which market quotations are readily available are valued at the last reported sales price on their principal exchange, or official closing price for certain markets. If no sales are reported — as in the case of some securities traded over-the-counter — a security is valued at its last reported bid price. Market quotations are not considered to be readily available for certain debt obligations; such investments are valued on the basis of valuations furnished by an independent pricing service approved by the Trustees or dealers selected by Putnam Investment Management, LLC (“Putnam Management”), the fund’s manager, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Putnam, LLC. Such services or dealers determine valuations for normal institutional-size trading units of such securities using methods based on market transactions for comparable securities and various relationships, generally recognized by institutional traders, between securities. Many securities markets and exchanges outside the U.S. close prior to the close of the New York Stock Exchange and therefore the closing prices for securities in such markets or on such exchanges may not fully reflect events that occur after such close but before the close of the New York Stock Exchange. Accordingly, on certain days, the fund will fair value foreign equity securities taking into account multiple factors, including movements in the U.S. securities markets. The number of days on which fair value prices will be used will depend on market activity and it is possible that fair value prices will be used by the fund to a significant extent. Securities quoted in foreign currencies, if any, are translated into U.S. dollars at the current exchange rate. Certain investments, including certain restricted securities and derivatives, are also valued at fair value following procedures approved by the Trustees. Certain securities may be valued on the basis of a price provided by a single source. Such valuations and procedures are reviewed periodically by the Trustees. The fair value of securities is generally determined as the amount that the fund could reasonably expect to realize from an orderly disposition of such


securities over a reasonable period of time. By its nature, a fair value price is a good faith estimate of the value of a security at a given point in time and does not reflect an actual market price, which may be different by a material amount.

B) Joint trading account Pursuant to an exemptive order from the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), the fund may transfer uninvested cash balances, including cash collateral received under security lending arrangements, into a joint trading account along with the cash of other registered investment companies and certain other accounts managed by Putnam Management. These balances may be invested in issues of short-term investments having maturities of up to 397 days for collateral received under security lending arrangements and up to 90 days for other cash investments.

C) Repurchase agreements The fund, or any joint trading account, through its custodian, receives delivery of the underlying securities, the market value of which at the time of purchase is required to be in an amount at least equal to the resale price, including accrued interest. Collateral for certain tri-party repurchase agreements is held at the counterparty’s custodian in a segregated account for the benefit of the fund and the counterparty. Putnam Management is responsible for determining that the value of these underlying securities is at all times at least equal to the resale price, including accrued interest.

D) Security transactions and related investment income Security transactions are recorded on the trade date (the date the order to buy or sell is executed). Gains or losses on securities sold are determined on the identified cost basis.

Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. Dividend income, net of applicable withholding taxes, is recognized on the ex-dividend date except that certain dividends from foreign securities, if any, are recognized as soon as the fund is informed of the ex-dividend date. Non-cash dividends, if any, are recorded at the fair market value of the securities received. Dividends representing a return of capital or capital gains, if any, are reflected as a reduction of cost and/or as a realized gain. All premiums/discounts are amortized/accreted on a yield-to-maturity basis.

Securities purchased or sold on a forward commitment or delayed delivery basis may be settled a month or more after the trade date; interest income is accrued based on the terms of the securities. Losses may arise due to changes in the market value of the underlying securities or if the counterparty does not perform under the contract.

The fund earned certain fees in connection with its senior loan purchasing activities. These fees are treated as market discount and are recorded as income in the Statement of operations.

E) Stripped securities The fund may invest in stripped securities which represent a participation in securities that may be structured in classes with rights to receive different portions of the interest and principal. Interest-only securities receive all of the interest and principal-only securities receive all of the principal. If the interest-only securities experience greater than anticipated prepayments of principal, the fund may fail to recoup fully its initial investment in these securities. Conversely, principal-only securities increase in value if prepayments are greater than anticipated and decline if prepayments are slower than anticipated. The market value of these securities is highly sensitive to changes in interest rates.

F) Foreign currency translation The accounting records of the fund are maintained in U.S. dollars. The market value of foreign securities, currency holdings, and other assets and liabilities is recorded in the books and records of the fund after translation to U.S. dollars based on the exchange rates on that day. The cost of each security is determined using historical exchange rates. Income and withholding taxes are translated at prevailing exchange rates when earned or incurred. The fund does not isolate that portion of realized or unrealized gains or losses resulting from changes in the foreign exchange rate on investments from fluctuations arising from


changes in the market prices of the securities. Such gains and losses are included with the net realized and unrealized gain or loss on investments. Net realized gains and losses on foreign currency transactions represent net realized exchange gains or losses on closed forward currency contracts, disposition of foreign currencies, currency gains and losses realized between the trade and settlement dates on securities transactions and the difference between the amount of investment income and foreign withholding taxes recorded on the fund’s books and the U.S. dollar equivalent amounts actually received or paid. Net unrealized appreciation and depreciation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies arise from changes in the value of open forward currency contracts and assets and liabilities other than investments at the period end, resulting from changes in the exchange rate. Investments in foreign securities involve certain risks, including those related to economic instability, unfavorable political developments, and currency fluctuations, not present with domestic investments.

G) Forward currency contracts The fund may buy and sell forward currency contracts, which are agreements between two parties to buy and sell currencies at a set price on a future date. These contracts are used to protect against a decline in value relative to the U.S. dollar of the currencies in which its portfolio securities are denominated or quoted (or an increase in the value of a currency in which securities a fund intends to buy are denominated, when a fund holds cash reserves and short term investments), or for other investment purposes. The U.S. dollar value of forward currency contracts is determined using current forward currency exchange rates supplied by a quotation service. The market value of the contract will fluctuate with changes in currency exchange rates. The contract is marked to market daily and the change in market value is recorded as an unrealized gain or loss. When the contract is closed, the fund records a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value at the time it was closed. The fund could be exposed to risk if the value of the currency changes unfavorably, if the counterparties to the contracts are unable to meet the terms of their contracts or if the fund is unable to enter into a closing position. Risks may exceed amounts recognized on the Statement of assets and liabilities. Forward currency contracts outstanding at period end, if any, are listed after the fund’s portfolio.

H) Futures and options contracts The fund may use futures and options contracts to hedge against changes in the values of securities the fund owns, owned or expects to purchase, or for other investment purposes. The fund may also write options on swaps or securities it owns or in which it may invest to increase its current returns.

The potential risk to the fund is that the change in value of futures and options contracts may not correspond to the change in value of the hedged instruments. In addition, losses may arise from changes in the value of the underlying instruments, if there is an illiquid secondary market for the contracts, or if the counterparty to the contract is unable to perform. Risks may exceed amounts recognized on the Statement of assets and liabilities. When the contract is closed, the fund records a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value at the time it was closed. Realized gains and losses on purchased options are included in realized gains and losses on investment securities. If a written call option is exercised, the premium originally received is recorded as an addition to sales proceeds. If a written put option is exercised, the premium originally received is recorded as a reduction to the cost of investments.

Futures contracts are valued at the quoted daily settlement prices established by the exchange on which they trade. The fund and the broker agree to exchange an amount of cash equal to the daily fluctuation in the value of the futures contract. Such receipts or payments are known as “variation margin.” Exchange traded options are valued at


the last sale price or, if no sales are reported, the last bid price for purchased options and the last ask price for written options. Options traded over-the-counter are valued using prices supplied by dealers. Futures and written option contracts outstanding at period end, if any, are listed after the fund’s portfolio.

I) Total return swap contracts The fund may enter into total return swap contracts, which are arrangements to exchange a market linked return for a periodic payment, both based on a notional principal amount. To the extent that the total return of the security, index or other financial measure underlying the transaction exceeds or falls short of the offsetting interest rate obligation, the fund will receive a payment from or make a payment to the counterparty. Total return swap contracts are marked to market daily based upon quotations from market makers and the change, if any, is recorded as an unrealized gain or loss. Payments received or made are recorded as a realized gains or loss. Certain total return swap contracts may include extended effective dates. Income related to these swap contracts is accrued based on the terms of the contract. The fund could be exposed to credit or market risk due to unfavorable changes in the fluctuation of interest rates or in the price of the underlying security or index, the possibility that there is no liquid market for these agreements or that the counterparty may default on its obligation to perform. Risk of loss may exceed amounts recognized on the Statement of assets and liabilities. Total return swap contracts outstanding at period end, if any, are listed after the fund’s portfolio.

J) Interest rate swap contracts The fund may enter into interest rate swap contracts, which are arrangements between two parties to exchange cash flows based on a notional principal amount, to manage the fund’s exposure to interest rates. Interest rate swap contracts are marked to market daily based upon quotations from an independent pricing service or market makers and the change, if any, is recorded as an unrealized gain or loss. Payments received or made are recorded as a realized gains or loss. Certain interest rate swap contracts may include extended effective dates. Income related to these swap contracts is accrued based on the terms of the contract. The fund could be exposed to credit or market risk due to unfavorable changes in the fluctuation of interest rates or if the counterparty defaults on its obligation to perform. Risk of loss may exceed amounts recognized on the Statement of assets and liabilities. Interest rate swap contracts outstanding at period end, if any, are listed after the fund’s portfolio.

K) Credit default contracts The fund may enter into credit default contracts where one party, the protection buyer, makes an upfront or periodic payment to a counterparty, the protection seller, in exchange for the right to receive a contingent payment. The maximum amount of the payment may equal the notional amount, at par, of the underlying index or security as a result of a related credit event. Payments are made upon a credit default event of the disclosed primary referenced obligation or all other equally ranked obligations of the reference entity. An upfront payment received by the fund, as the protection seller, is recorded as a liability on the fund’s books. An upfront payment made by the fund, as the protection buyer, is recorded as an asset on the fund’s books. Periodic payments received or paid by the fund are recorded as realized gains or losses. The credit default contracts are marked to market daily based upon quotations from an independent pricing service or market makers and the change, if any, is recorded as an unrealized gain or loss. Payments received or made as a result of a credit event or termination of the contract are recognized, net of a proportional amount of the upfront payment, as realized gains or losses. In addition to bearing the risk that the credit event will occur, the fund could be exposed to market risk due to unfavorable changes in interest rates or in the price of the underlying security or index, the possibility that the fund may be unable to close out its position at the same time or at the same price as if it had purchased comparable publicly traded securities or that the counterparty


may default on its obligation to perform. Risks of loss may exceed amounts recognized on the Statement of assets and liabilities. Credit default contracts outstanding at period end, if any, are listed after the fund’s portfolio.

L) TBA purchase commitments The fund may enter into “TBA” (to be announced) commitments to purchase securities for a fixed unit price at a future date beyond customary settlement time. Although the unit price has been established, the principal value has not been finalized. However, the amount of the commitments will not significantly differ from the principal amount. The fund holds, and maintains until settlement date, cash or high-grade debt obligations in an amount sufficient to meet the purchase price, or the fund may enter into offsetting contracts for the forward sale of other securities it owns. Income on the securities will not be earned until settlement date. TBA purchase commitments may be considered securities themselves, and involve a risk of loss if the value of the security to be purchased declines prior to the settlement date, which risk is in addition to the risk of decline in the value of the fund’s other assets. Unsettled TBA purchase commitments are valued at fair value of the underlying securities, according to the procedures described under “Security valuation” above. The contract is marked to market daily and the change in market value is recorded by the fund as an unrealized gain or loss.

Although the fund will generally enter into TBA purchase commitments with the intention of acquiring securities for its portfolio or for delivery pursuant to options contracts it has entered into, the fund may dispose of a commitment prior to settlement if Putnam Management deems it appropriate to do so.

M) TBA sale commitments The fund may enter into TBA sale commitments to hedge its portfolio positions or to sell mortgage-backed securities it owns under delayed delivery arrangements. Proceeds of TBA sale commitments are not received until the contractual settlement date. During the time a TBA sale commitment is outstanding, equivalent deliverable securities or an offsetting TBA purchase commitment deliverable on or before the sale commitment date, are held as “cover” for the transaction.

Unsettled TBA sale commitments are valued at the fair value of the underlying securities, generally according to the procedures described under “Security valuation” above. The contract is marked to market daily and the change in market value is recorded by the fund as an unrealized gain or loss. If the TBA sale commitment is closed through the acquisition of an offsetting TBA purchase commitment, the fund realizes a gain or loss. If the fund delivers securities under the commitment, the fund realizes a gain or a loss from the sale of the securities based upon the unit price established at the date the commitment was entered into. TBA sale commitments outstanding at period end, if any, are listed after the fund’s portfolio.

N) Dollar rolls To enhance returns, the fund may enter into dollar rolls (principally using TBAs) in which the fund sells securities for delivery in the current month and simultaneously contracts to purchase similar securities on a specified future date. During the period between the sale and subsequent purchase, the fund will not be entitled to receive income and principal payments on the securities sold. The fund will, however, retain the difference between the initial sales price and the forward price for the future purchase. The fund will also be able to earn interest on the cash proceeds that are received from the initial sale, on settlement date. The fund may be exposed to market or credit risk if the price of the security changes unfavorably or the counterparty fails to perform under the terms of the agreement.

O) Security lending The fund may lend securities, through its agents, to qualified borrowers in order to earn additional income. The loans are collateralized by cash and/or securities in an amount at least equal to the market value of the securities loaned. The market value of securities loaned is determined daily and any additional required collateral is allocated to the fund on the next business day. The risk of borrower default will be borne by the fund’s


agents; the fund will bear the risk of loss with respect to the investment of the cash collateral. Income from securities lending is included in investment income on the Statement of operations. At January 31, 2008, the value of securities loaned amounted to $6,052,957. The fund received cash collateral of $6,204,430 which is pooled with collateral of other Putnam funds into 51 issues of short-term investments.

P) Federal taxes It is the policy of the fund to distribute all of its taxable income within the prescribed time and otherwise comply with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the “Code”), as amended, applicable to regulated investment companies. It is also the intention of the fund to distribute an amount sufficient to avoid imposition of any excise tax under Section 4982 of the Code, as amended. Therefore, no provision has been made for federal taxes on income, capital gains or unrealized appreciation on securities held nor for excise tax on income and capital gains.

At July 31, 2007, the fund had a capital loss carryover of $251,160,007 available to the extent allowed by the Code to offset future net capital gain, if any. The amount of the carryover and the expiration dates are:

Loss Carryover   Expiration  

$60,809,014   July 31, 2008  

59,441,379   July 31, 2009  

44,917,486   July 31, 2010  

80,119,935   July 31, 2011  

5,872,193   July 31, 2015  

Pursuant to federal income tax regulations applicable to regulated investment companies, the fund has elected to defer to its fiscal year ending July 31, 2008 $8,236,195 of losses recognized during the period November 1, 2006 to July 31, 2007.

The aggregate identified cost on a tax basis is $1,654,072,264, resulting in gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation of $97,307,679 and $49,089,764, respectively, or net unrealized appreciation of $48,217,915.

Q) Distributions to shareholders Distributions to shareholders from net investment income are recorded by the fund on the ex-dividend date. Distributions from capital gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date and paid at least annually. The amount and character of income and gains to be distributed are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles. Dividend sources are estimated at the time of declaration. Actual results may vary. Any non-taxable return of capital cannot be determined until final tax calculations are completed after the end of the fund’s fiscal year. Reclassifications are made to the fund’s capital accounts to reflect income and gains available for distribution (or available capital loss carryovers) under income tax regulations.

Note 2: Management fee, administrative
services and other transactions

Putnam Management is paid for management and investment advisory services quarterly based on the average net assets (including assets, but excluding liabilities attributable to leverage for investments purposes) of the fund. Such fee is based on the following annual rates: 0.75% of the first $500 million of average net assets, 0.65% of the next $500 million, 0.60% of the next $500 million, and 0.55% of the next $5 billion, with additional breakpoints at higher asset levels.

Putnam Investments Limited (“PIL”), an affiliate of Putnam Management, is authorized by the Trustees to manage a separate portion of the assets of the fund as determined by Putnam Management from time to time. Putnam Management pays a quarterly sub-management fee to PIL for its services at an annual rate of 0.40% of the average net assets (including assets, but excluding liabilities attributable to leverage for investments purposes) of the portion of the fund managed by PIL.


In October 2007, Putnam Management agreed to reimburse the fund in the amount of $332,689 in connection with the misidentification in 2006 of the characteristics of certain securities in the fund’s portfolio. The reimbursement by Putnam Management had less than a 0.01% impact on total return during the period.

The fund reimburses Putnam Management an allocated amount for the compensation and related expenses of certain officers of the fund and their staff who provide administrative services to the fund. The aggregate amount of all such reimbursements is determined annually by the Trustees.

Custodial services for the fund’s assets were provided by Putnam Fiduciary Trust Company (“PFTC”), an affiliate of Putnam Management, and by State Street Bank and Trust Company (“State Street”). Custody fees are based on the fund’s asset level, the number of its security holdings, transaction volumes and with respect to PFTC, certain fees related to the transition of assets to State Street. Putnam Investor Services, a division of PFTC, provided investor servicing agent functions to the fund. Putnam Investor Services was paid a monthly fee for investor servicing at an annual rate of 0.05% of the fund’s average net assets. During the period ended January 31, 2008, the fund incurred $284,576 for custody and investor servicing agent functions provided by PFTC.

The fund has entered into arrangements with PFTC and State Street whereby PFTC’s and State Street’s fees are reduced by credits allowed on cash balances. For the six months ended January 31, 2008, the fund’s expenses were reduced by $319,723 under these arrangements.

Each independent Trustee of the fund receives an annual Trustee fee, of which $488, as a quarterly retainer, has been allocated to the fund, and an additional fee for each Trustees meeting attended. Trustees receive additional fees for attendance at certain committee meetings and industry seminars and for certain compliance-related matters. Trustees also are reimbursed for expenses they incur relating to their services as Trustees.

The fund has adopted a Trustee Fee Deferral Plan (the “Deferral Plan”) which allows the Trustees to defer the receipt of all or a portion of Trustees fees payable on or after July 1, 1995. The deferred fees remain invested in certain Putnam funds until distribution in accordance with the Deferral Plan.

The fund has adopted an unfunded noncontributory defined benefit pension plan (the “Pension Plan”) covering all Trustees of the fund who have served as a Trustee for at least five years and were first elected prior to 2004. Benefits under the Pension Plan are equal to 50% of the Trustee’s average annual attendance and retainer fees for the three years ended December 31, 2005. The retirement benefit is payable during a Trustee’s lifetime, beginning the year following retirement, for the number of years of service through December 31, 2006. Pension expense for the fund is included in Trustee compensation and expenses in the Statement of operations. Accrued pension liability is included in Payable for Trustee compensation and expenses in the Statement of assets and liabilities. The Trustees have terminated the Pension Plan with respect to any Trustee first elected after 2003.

Note 3: Purchases and sales of securities

During the six months ended January 31, 2008, cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities other than U.S. government securities and short-term investments aggregated $560,759,249 and $499,106,052, respectively. Purchases and sales of U.S. government securities aggregated $— and $66,849,692, respectively.

Written option transactions during the period ended January 31, 2008 are summarized as follows:


    Contract     Premiums  
      Amounts     Received  

Written options      
at beginning        
of period   EUR   10,720,000   $ 436,472  
    $ 266,210,000   8,180,564  

Options opened      

Options exercised   $ 917,576,000   16,539,061  

Options expired      

Options closed      
    $(402,244,000)   (7,064,410)  

Written options      
at end of period   EUR   10,720,000   436,472  
    $ 781,542,000   $17,655,215  

Note 4: Shares repurchased

In September 2007, the Trustees approved the renewal of the repurchase program to allow the fund to repurchase up to 10% of its outstanding common shares over the 12-month period ending October 7, 2008 (based on shares outstanding as of October 5, 2007). Prior to this renewal, the Trustees had approved a repurchase program to allow the fund to repurchase up to 10% of its outstanding common shares over the 12-month period ending October 6, 2007 (based on shares outstanding as of October 7, 2005). Repurchases are made when the fund’s shares are trading at less than net asset value and in accordance with procedures approved by the fund’s Trustees.

For the six months ended January 31, 2008, the fund repurchased 7,046,693 common shares for an aggregate purchase price of $44,319,605, which reflects a weighted-average discount from net asset value per share of 12%.

Note 5: Investment in Putnam Prime
Money Market Fund

The fund invests in Putnam Prime Money Market Fund, an open-end management investment company managed by Putnam Management. Investments in Putnam Prime Money Market Fund are valued at its closing net asset value each business day. Management fees paid by the fund are reduced by an amount equal to the management fees paid by Putnam Prime Money Market Fund with respect to assets invested by the fund in Putnam Prime Money Market Fund. For the period ended January 31, 2008, management fees paid were reduced by $13,018 relating to the fund’s investment in Putnam Prime Money Market Fund. Income distributions earned by the fund are recorded as income in the Statement of operations and totaled $705,424 for the period ended January 31, 2008. During the period ended January 31, 2008, cost of purchases and proceeds of sales of investments in Putnam Prime Money Market Fund aggregated $177,446,597 and $223,314,767, respectively.

Note 6: Senior loan commitments

Senior loans are purchased or sold on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis and may be settled a month or more after the trade date, which from time to time can delay the actual investment of available cash balances; interest income is accrued based on the terms of the securities. Senior loans can be acquired through an agent, by assignment from another holder of the loan, or as a participation interest in another holder’s portion of the loan. When the fund invests in a loan or participation, the fund is subject to the risk that an intermediate participant between the fund and the borrower will fail to meet its obligations to the fund, in addition to the risk that the borrower under the loan may default on its obligations.

Note 7: Unfunded loan commitments

As of January 31, 2008, the fund had unfunded loan commitments of $728,534, which could be extended at the option of the borrower, pursuant to the following loan agreements with the following borrowers:


Borrower   Unfunded Commitments  

Community Health Systems, Inc.   $59,836  

Golden Nugget, Inc.     114,545  

Hub International, LTD.   13,980  

IASIS Healthcare, LLC/IASIS Capital Corp.   34,102  

MEG Energy Corp.     151,071  

NRG Energy, Inc.     355,000  

Total     $728,534  

Note 8: Regulatory matters and litigation

In late 2003 and 2004, Putnam Management settled charges brought by the SEC and the Massachusetts Securities Division in connection with excessive short-term trading in Putnam funds. Payments from Putnam Management will be distributed to certain open-end Putnam funds and their shareholders. These allegations and related matters have served as the general basis for certain lawsuits, including purported class action lawsuits against Putnam Management and, in a limited number of cases, some Putnam funds. Putnam Management believes that these lawsuits will have no material adverse effect on the funds or on Putnam Management’s ability to provide investment management services. In addition, Putnam Management has agreed to bear any costs incurred by the Putnam funds as a result of these matters.

In September 2007, Putnam Management consented to an order issue by the SEC and agreed to pay a monetary penalty to the SEC relating to the omission of required information from notices sent with distributions to shareholders of your fund prior to June 2002.

Putnam Management and Putnam Retail Management are named as defendants in a civil suit in which the plaintiffs allege that the management and distribution fees paid by certain Putnam funds were excessive and seek recovery under the Investment Company Act of 1940. Putnam Management and Putnam Retail Management have contested the plaintiffs’ claims and the matter is currently pending in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts. Based on currently available information, Putnam Management believes that this action is without merit and that it is unlikely to have a material effect on Putnam Management’s and Putnam Retail Management’s ability to provide services to their clients, including the fund.

Note 9: New accounting pronouncements

In June 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued Interpretation No. 48, Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes (the “Interpretation”). The Interpretation prescribes a minimum threshold for financial statement recognition of the benefit of a tax position taken or expected to be taken by a filer in the filer’s tax return. Upon adoption, the Interpretation did not have a material effect on the fund’s financial statements. However, the conclusions regarding the Interpretation may be subject to review and adjustment at a later date based on factors including, but not limited to, further implementation guidance expected from the FASB, and on-going analysis of tax laws, regulations and interpretations thereof.

In September 2006, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 157, Fair Value Measurements (the “Standard”). The Standard defines fair value, sets out a framework for measuring fair value and requires additional disclosures about fair value measurements. The Standard applies to fair value measurements already required or permitted by existing standards. The Standard is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007 and interim periods within those fiscal years. Putnam Management is currently evaluating what impact the adoption of the Standard will have on the fund’s financial statements.


Shareholder meeting
results (unaudited)

The annual meeting of shareholders of the fund was held on January 31, 2008.

At the meeting, each of the nominees for Trustees was elected, as follows:

  Votes for   Votes withheld  

Jameson A. Baxter   131,134,779   12,090,174  

Charles B. Curtis   131,126,775   12,098,178  

Robert J. Darretta   131,050,647   12,174,306  

Myra R. Drucker   131,117,663   12,107,290  

Charles E. Haldeman, Jr.   131,174,037   12,050,916  

John A. Hill   131,121,154   12,103,799  

Paul L. Joskow   131,131,924   12,093,029  

Elizabeth T. Kennan   131,071,563   12,153,390  

Kenneth R. Leibler   131,103,916   12,121,037  

Robert E. Patterson   131,193,551   12,031,402  

George Putnam, III   131,129,232   12,095,721  

W. Thomas Stephens   131,138,830   12,086,123  

Richard B. Worley   131,131,736   12,093,217  

All tabulations are rounded to nearest whole number.


Putnam puts your interests first

In January 2004, Putnam began introducing a number of voluntary initiatives designed to reduce fund expenses, provide investors with more useful information, and help safeguard the interests of all Putnam investors. Visit www.putnam.com for details.

Cost-cutting initiatives

Ongoing expenses will be limited Through calendar 2008, total ongoing expenses, including management fees for all funds, will be maintained at or below the average of each fund’s industry peers in its Lipper load-fund universe. For more information, please see the Statement of Additional information.

Lower class B purchase limit To help ensure that investors are in the most cost-effective share class, the maximum amount that can be invested in class B shares has been reduced to $100,000. (Larger trades or accumulated amounts will be refused.)

Improved disclosure

Putnam fund prospectuses and shareholder reports have been revised to disclose additional information that will help shareholders compare funds and weigh their costs and risks along with their potential benefits. Shareholders will find easy-to-understand information about fund expense ratios, portfolio manager compensation, risk comparisons, turnover comparisons, brokerage commissions, and employee and trustee ownership of Putnam funds. Disclosure of breakpoint discounts has also been enhanced to alert investors to potential cost savings.

Protecting investors’ interests

Short-term trading fee introduced To discourage short-term trading, which can interfere with a fund’s long-term strategy, a 1% short-term trading fee may be imposed on any Putnam fund shares (other than money market funds) redeemed or exchanged within seven calendar days of purchase (for certain funds, this fee applies for 90 days).


Fund information

About Putnam Investments

Founded over 70 years ago, Putnam Investments was built around the concept that a balance between risk and reward is the hallmark of a well-rounded financial program. We manage over 100 mutual funds in growth, value, blend, fixed income, and international.

Investment Manager  Elizabeth T. Kennan   Beth S. Mazor  
Putnam Investment   Kenneth R. Leibler   Vice President  
Management, LLC   Robert E. Patterson  
One Post Office Square   George Putnam, III   James P. Pappas  
Boston, MA 02109   W. Thomas Stephens   Vice President  
Richard B. Worley    
Investment Sub-Manager   Francis J. McNamara, III  
Putnam Investments Limited    Officers     Vice President and  
57-59 St James’s Street   Charles E. Haldeman, Jr.   Chief Legal Officer  
London, England SW1A 1LD   President    
  Robert R. Leveille  
Marketing Services    Charles E. Porter    Vice President and  
Putnam Retail Management   Executive Vice President,   Chief Compliance Officer  
One Post Office Square   Principal Executive Officer,    
Boston, MA 02109   Associate Treasurer and   Mark C. Trenchard  
Compliance Liaison   Vice President and  
Custodian     BSA Compliance Officer  
State Street Bank and   Jonathan S. Horwitz  
Trust Company   Senior Vice President   Judith Cohen  
and Treasurer   Vice President, Clerk and  
Legal Counsel    Assistant Treasurer  
Ropes & Gray LLP   Steven D. Krichmar  
Vice President and   Wanda M. McManus  
Trustees   Principal Financial Officer   Vice President, Senior Associate  
John A. Hill, Chairman     Treasurer and Assistant Clerk  
Jameson Adkins Baxter,   Janet C. Smith  
Vice Chairman   Vice President, Principal   Nancy E. Florek  
Charles B. Curtis   Accounting Officer and   Vice President, Assistant Clerk,  
Robert J. Darretta   Assistant Treasurer   Assistant Treasurer and  
Myra R. Drucker     Proxy Manager    
Charles E. Haldeman, Jr.   Susan G. Malloy  
Paul L. Joskow   Vice President and    
Assistant Treasurer    

Call 1-800-225-1581 weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. or on Saturday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, or visit our Web site (www.putnam.com) anytime for up-to-date information about the fund’s NAV.

Item 2. Code of Ethics:

Not Applicable

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert:

Not Applicable

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services:

Not Applicable

Item 5. Audit Committee

Not Applicable

Item 6. Schedule of Investments:

The registrant’s schedule of investments in unaffiliated issuers is included in the report to shareholders in Item 1 above.

Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures For Closed-End Management Investment Companies:

Not applicable

Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies

(a) Not applicable

(b) The team members identified as the fund’s Portfolio Leader(s) and Portfolio Member(s) coordinate team efforts related to the fund and are primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund’s portfolio. In addition to these individuals, each team also includes other investment professionals, whose analysis, recommendations and research inform investment decisions made for the fund. The names of all team members can be found at www.putnam.com .

During the period, Michael Atkin was named a Portfolio Member following the departure of Portfolio Member Jeffrey Kaufman.

Portfolio Members        

Michael Atkin   2007   Putnam   Director of Sovereign Research  

Other accounts managed by the fund’s portfolio managers. The following table shows the number and approximate assets of other investment accounts (or portions of investment accounts) that were managed as of the end of the fund’s fiscal period by the Portfolio Leaders or Portfolio Members who joined the fund’s management team during

the period. The other accounts may include accounts for which the individual was not designated as a portfolio leader or portfolio member. Unless noted, none of the other accounts pays a fee based on the account’s performance.

          Other accounts (including  
          separate accounts, managed  
Portfolio       Other accounts that pool   account programs and single-  
  Leader or       Other SEC-registered open-   assets from more than one       sponsor defined contribution  
Member   end and closed-end funds     client   plan offerings)  

  Number   Assets   Number   Assets   Number   Assets  
  of     of     of    
  accounts     accounts     accounts    

Michael Atkin   5   $3,656,000,000   3   $442,300,000   3   $884,700,000  

Potential conflicts of interest in managing multiple accounts. Like other investment professionals with multiple clients, the fund’s Portfolio Leader(s) and Portfolio Member(s) may face certain potential conflicts of interest in connection with managing both the fund and the other accounts listed under “Other Accounts Managed by the Fund’s Portfolio Managers” at the same time. The paragraphs below describe some of these potential conflicts, which Putnam Management believes are faced by investment professionals at most major financial firms. As described below, Putnam Management and the Trustees of the Putnam funds have adopted compliance policies and procedures that attempt to address certain of these potential conflicts.

The management of accounts with different advisory fee rates and/or fee structures, including accounts that pay advisory fees based on account performance (“performance fee accounts”), may raise potential conflicts of interest by creating an incentive to favor higher-fee accounts. These potential conflicts may include, among others:

• The most attractive investments could be allocated to higher-fee accounts or performance fee accounts.

• The trading of higher-fee accounts could be favored as to timing and/or execution price. For example, higher-fee accounts could be permitted to sell securities earlier than other accounts when a prompt sale is desirable or to buy securities at an earlier and more opportune time.

• The trading of other accounts could be used to benefit higher-fee accounts (front- running).

• The investment management team could focus their time and efforts primarily on higher-fee accounts due to a personal stake in compensation.

Putnam Management attempts to address these potential conflicts of interest relating to higher-fee accounts through various compliance policies that are generally intended to

place all accounts, regardless of fee structure, on the same footing for investment management purposes. For example, under Putnam Management’s policies:

• Performance fee accounts must be included in all standard trading and allocation procedures with all other accounts.

• All accounts must be allocated to a specific category of account and trade in parallel with allocations of similar accounts based on the procedures generally applicable to all accounts in those groups (e.g., based on relative risk budgets of accounts).

• All trading must be effected through Putnam’s trading desks and normal queues and procedures must be followed (i.e., no special treatment is permitted for performance fee accounts or higher-fee accounts based on account fee structure).

• Front running is strictly prohibited.

• The fund’s Portfolio Leader(s) and Portfolio Member(s) may not be guaranteed or specifically allocated any portion of a performance fee.

As part of these policies, Putnam Management has also implemented trade oversight and review procedures in order to monitor whether particular accounts (including higher-fee accounts or performance fee accounts) are being favored over time.

Potential conflicts of interest may also arise when the Portfolio Leader(s) or Portfolio Member(s) have personal investments in other accounts that may create an incentive to favor those accounts. As a general matter and subject to limited exceptions, Putnam Management’s investment professionals do not have the opportunity to invest in client accounts, other than the Putnam funds. However, in the ordinary course of business, Putnam Management or related persons may from time to time establish “pilot” or “incubator” funds for the purpose of testing proposed investment strategies and products prior to offering them to clients. These pilot accounts may be in the form of registered investment companies, private funds such as partnerships or separate accounts established by Putnam Management or an affiliate. Putnam Management or an affiliate supplies the funding for these accounts. Putnam employees, including the fund’s Portfolio Leader(s) and Portfolio Member(s), may also invest in certain pilot accounts. Putnam Management, and to the extent applicable, the Portfolio Leader(s) and Portfolio Member(s) will benefit from the favorable investment performance of those funds and accounts. Pilot funds and accounts may, and frequently do, invest in the same securities as the client accounts. Putnam Management’s policy is to treat pilot accounts in the same manner as client accounts for purposes of trading allocation – neither favoring nor disfavoring them except as is legally required. For example, pilot accounts are normally included in Putnam Management’s daily block trades to the same extent as client accounts (except that pilot accounts do not participate in initial public offerings) .

A potential conflict of interest may arise when the fund and other accounts purchase or sell the same securities. On occasions when the Portfolio Leader(s) or Portfolio Member(s) consider the purchase or sale of a security to be in the best interests of the fund as well as other accounts, Putnam Management’s trading desk may, to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, aggregate the securities to be sold or

purchased in order to seek to obtain the best execution and lower brokerage commissions, if any. Aggregation of trades may create the potential for unfairness to the fund or another account if one account is favored over another in allocating the securities purchased or sold – for example, by allocating a disproportionate amount of a security that is likely to increase in value to a favored account. Putnam Management’s trade allocation policies generally provide that each day’s transactions in securities that are purchased or sold by multiple accounts are, insofar as possible, averaged as to price and allocated between such accounts (including the fund) in a manner which in Putnam Management’s opinion is equitable to each account and in accordance with the amount being purchased or sold by each account. Certain exceptions exist for specialty, regional or sector accounts. Trade allocations are reviewed on a periodic basis as part of Putnam Management’s trade oversight procedures in an attempt to ensure fairness over time across accounts.

“Cross trades,” in which one Putnam account sells a particular security to another account (potentially saving transaction costs for both accounts), may also pose a potential conflict of interest. Cross trades may be seen to involve a potential conflict of interest if, for example, one account is permitted to sell a security to another account at a higher price than an independent third party would pay. Putnam Management and the fund’s Trustees have adopted compliance procedures that provide that any transactions between the fund and another Putnam-advised account are to be made at an independent current market price, as required by law.

Another potential conflict of interest may arise based on the different investment objectives and strategies of the fund and other accounts. For example, another account may have a shorter-term investment horizon or different investment objectives, policies or restrictions than the fund. Depending on another account’s objectives or other factors, the Portfolio Leader(s) and Portfolio Member(s) may give advice and make decisions that may differ from advice given, or the timing or nature of decisions made, with respect to the fund. In addition, investment decisions are the product of many factors in addition to basic suitability for the particular account involved. Thus, a particular security may be bought or sold for certain accounts even though it could have been bought or sold for other accounts at the same time. More rarely, a particular security may be bought for one or more accounts managed by the Portfolio Leader(s) or Portfolio Member(s) when one or more other accounts are selling the security (including short sales). There may be circumstances when purchases or sales of portfolio securities for one or more accounts may have an adverse effect on other accounts. As noted above, Putnam Management has implemented trade oversight and review procedures to monitor whether any account is systematically favored over time.

The fund’s Portfolio Leader(s) and Portfolio Member(s) may also face other potential conflicts of interest in managing the fund, and the description above is not a complete description of every conflict that could be deemed to exist in managing both the fund and other accounts.

Compensation of investment professionals. Putnam Management believes that its investment management teams should be compensated primarily based on their success in helping investors achieve their goals. The portion of Putnam Investments’ total incentive compensation pool that is available to Putnam Management’s Investment Division is based primarily on its delivery, across all of the portfolios it manages, of consistent, dependable and superior performance over time. The peer group for the fund, which is identified in the shareholder report included in Item 1, is its broad investment category as determined by Lipper Inc. The portion of the incentive compensation pool available to each investment management team varies based primarily on its delivery, across all of the portfolios it manages, of consistent, dependable and superior performance over time on (i) for tax-exempt funds, a tax-adjusted basis to recognize the different federal income tax treatment for capital gains distributions and exempt-interest distributions or (ii) for taxable funds, on a before-tax basis.

Consistent performance means being above median over one year.

· Dependable performance means not being in the 4th quartile of the peer group over one, three or five years.

· Superior performance (which is the largest component of Putnam Management’s incentive compensation program) means being in the top third of the peer group over three and five years.

In determining an investment management team’s portion of the incentive compensation pool and allocating that portion to individual team members, Putnam Management retains discretion to reward or penalize teams or individuals, including the fund’s Portfolio Leader(s) and Portfolio Member(s), as it deems appropriate, based on other factors. The size of the overall incentive compensation pool each year is determined by Putnam Management’s parent company, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., and depends in large part on Putnam’s profitability for the year, which is influenced by assets under management. Incentive compensation is generally paid as cash bonuses, but a portion of incentive compensation may instead be paid as grants of restricted stock, options or other forms of compensation, based on the factors described above. In addition to incentive compensation, investment team members receive annual salaries that are typically based on seniority and experience. Incentive compensation generally represents at least 70% of the total compensation paid to investment team members.

Fund ownership. The following table shows the dollar ranges of shares of the fund owned as of September 30, 2005 and September 30, 2006 by the Portfolio Leaders or Portfolio Members who joined the fund’s management team during the fund’s fiscal period, including investments by their immediate family members and amounts invested through retirement and deferred compensation plans.

N/A indicates the individual was not a Portfolio Leader or Portfolio Member as of 1/31/07.

Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Companies and Affiliated Purchasers:

Registrant Purchase of Equity Securities

      Total Number   Number (or  
      of Shares   Approximate  
      Purchased   Dollar Value )  
      as Part   of Shares  
      of Publicly   that May Yet Be  
  Total Number   Average   Announced   Purchased  
  of Shares   Price Paid   Plans or   under the Plans  
Period   Purchased   per Share   Programs*   or Programs**  
August 1 -          
August 31,        
2007   2,274,845     $6.29     2,274,845     883,681    
September 1 -        
September 30,        
2007   883,681     $6.39     883,681     -    
October 1 -        
October 5,          
2007   -     -     -     -    
October 6 -        
October 31,        
2007   1,098,795     $6.35     1,098,795     14,676,524    
November 1 -        
November 30,        
2007   1,300,734     $6.17     1,300,734     13,375,790    
December 1 -        
December 31,        
2007   1,013,566     $6.27     1,013,566     12,362,224    
January 1 -        
January 31,        
2008   475,072     $6.36     475,072     11,887,152    

*The Board of Trustees announced a repurchase plan on October 7, 2005 for which 9,757,815 shares were approved for repurchase by the fund. The repurchase plan was approved through October 6, 2006. On March 10, 2006, the Trustees announced that the repurchase program was increased to allow repurchases of up to a total of 19,515,630 shares over the original term of the program. On September 15, 2006, the Trustees voted to extend the term of the repurchase program through October 6, 2007. In September 2007, the Trustees announced that

the repurchase program was increased to allow repurchases up to a total 15,775,319 shares through October 7, 2008.

**Information prior to October 6, 2007 is based on the total number of shares eligible for repurchase under the program, as amended through September 15, 2006. Information from October 6, 2007 forward is based on the total number of shares eligible for repurchase under the program, as amended through September 2007.

Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders:

Not applicable

Item 11. Controls and Procedures:

(a) The registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded, based on their evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report, that the design and operation of such procedures are generally effective to provide reasonable assurance that information required to be disclosed by the registrant in this report is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Commission's rules and forms.

(b) Changes in internal control over financial reporting: Not applicable

Item 12. Exhibits:

(a)(1) Not applicable

(a)(2) Separate certifications for the principal executive officer and principal financial officer of the registrant as required by Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, are filed herewith.

(b) The certifications required by Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, are filed herewith.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Putnam Premier Income Trust

By (Signature and Title):

/s/Janet C. Smith
Janet C. Smith
Principal Accounting Officer

Date: March 31, 2008

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By (Signature and Title):

/s/Charles E. Porter
Charles E. Porter
Principal Executive Officer

Date: March 31, 2008
By (Signature and Title):

/s/Steven D. Krichmar
Steven D. Krichmar
Principal Financial Officer

Date: March 31, 2008

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Putnam Premier Income (NYSE:PPT)
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