ii) Additionally, in 2018, the Company acquired other licenses in Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Europe, Argentina,
Chile and others countries in the amount of Ps.3,517,415.
2019 Acquisitions
i) In 2019, Claro Brasil increased its licenses value by Ps.3,457,251 by renewal licenses Anatel and reversion of IRU of Telxus referring to ICMS.
ii) In 2019, Austria acquired licenses to operate certain frequencies for Ps.3,023,732, (3.5 GHz; EUR 64.3 mn), Belarus (2.1 GHz; EUR 9.5 mn) and Croatia (2.1
GHz; EUR 7.2 mn).
iii) In 2019, Telmex increased its licenses value by Ps.459,668 for rights to use IFETEL with a validity of 20 years, and a right to
use submarine cable with a validity of 10 years.
iv) In January 2019, Telcel acquired licenses for an amount of Ps.1,649,525 for PC´s 98
concessions titles and September 30, 2019 for 400 MHZ concessions titles.
v) In December 2019, Comcel increased its licenses value by Ps.2,753,768
or (468,511,573,375 Colombian pesos) in accordance with Res.3386 of December 23, granted Claro (Comcel) the 20 years renewal of 10 MHz of spectrum in the 1900 MHz band.
vi) Additionally, in 2019, the Company acquired other licenses in Puerto Rico, Argentina, Guatemala, Panamá and other countries in the amount of
2020 Acquisitions
i) In February
2020, Comcel increased its licenses value by Ps.9,246,825 for an auction of the 30 Mhz spectrum in the 2,500 band for a period of 20 years in accordance with resolution. 325,326 and 327 of February 20, 2020 issued by the Ministry of Information
and Communication (MINTIC)
ii) In 2020, Telcel acquired licenses for an amount Ps.1,806,875 for Axtel and Ultra Vision concession titles valid from 2020
to 2040.
iii) In January 2020, CTE acquired licenses by Ps.620,052 for 12 pairs of frequencies, advance payment of Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) band
and complementary payment of AWS band of block 4.
iv) In 2020, TAG acquired licenses for the right of us for Ps.1,704,280, in Slovenia and VIP Movil
v) Additionally, in 2020, the Company acquired other licenses in Puerto Rico, Argentina, Uruguay, Honduras, Paraguay, Brasil and other countries
in the amount of Ps.1,701,682.
Amortization of intangibles for the years ended December 31, 2018, 2019 and 2020 amounted to Ps.25,798,610,
Ps.20,209,434 and Ps.20,338,080, respectively.
Some of the jurisdictions in which the Company operates can revoke their concessions under certain
circumstances such as imminent danger to national security, national economy and natural disasters.