RNS No 3294f
12th March 1998

                   C H A I R M A N ' S   S T A T E M E N T                    

Since my appointment  in November 1997 the Company  has  made  good progress,
further reducing overhead costs and building up cash resources.

The  non  ring  fenced   profit  and  loss  account  for  the  6 months ended
31st December 1997,shows a profit before tax of #197,000 (1996:#70,000 loss).
On the basis of June 1997 valuations the non ring fenced NAV at 31st December
1997 was 82.9p per share(1996: 72.2p).

The Board is of the view that Orb's investment  properties in aggregate today
have a higher value compared to June 1997.  This partly  relates to a general
improvement  in  the market, but  also to  further lettings at Percy Business
Park.  Disposals of  certain investment  properties  are now  being  actively
pursued at amounts which should show a surplus against book value.

Historically,  a  large  proportion  of  Orb's  NAV  has  been represented by
ungeared  development  properties,  generating  limited  current  income  and
requiring substantial future investments.To improve the Group's cash position 
as  well as current  cash  flow, the  disposal of these sites has accordingly
had a high priority.

On 26th February 1998 we completed the sale of the 10 acre site at Stirchley,
for #1.5m in  cash and the first  half  result reflects the price obtained,by
the release  of earlier  provisions made.  Free  cash increased by #1.5m from
this transaction and the current income will improve accordingly.

On 6th  March  1998 we exchanged a conditional contract to sell  the site  at
Tudor Road,  Reading.   Subject  to  the  satisfactory  outcome   of  a  site
investigation  currently  being conducted, the contract is expected to become
unconditional no later than 30th June 1998. Proceeds of an estimated #770,000
will  further add to Orb's free cash resources. The 30th June 1997 book value
was  #850,000  and the  sale  will thus  generate a small loss which has been
reflected in the first half accounts.

In aggregate, a  disposal of  both  development sites in the second half will
generate free cash of circa #2,270,000.

As  announced  on 10th March 1998 the Company  gave twelve  months  notice of
termination  of  the  executive service  contract to Philip Ridal the Finance
Director and Company  Secretary.  The Board  wishes to thank Mr Ridal for his
excellent  performance  and success in participating in the management of the
Company's affairs during a difficult period for the Company.

Further staff  reductions  have  been implemented such that head office staff
are now  reduced to three.  Office  space  has been  rationalised and further
reductions  in central costs  are envisaged.  The  release of  funds from the 
disposal  of low  yielding  development sites, together with cost reductions,
is  now bringing  the  Company towards a positive cash flow  situation  after
loan amortisation.

During  the second half, we expect  to  dispose  of  the  last remaining ring
fenced  UK  property, further simplifying  the Group's  financial statements. 
No significant  progress  has  been  achieved with the ring fenced Brandywine
development  land  project  in Maryland USA.  The Board  will review the book
value of this investment at the year end.

For  different reasons, our Company  has  been  forced  to spend recent years
focusing  on  simplifying  its  balance  sheet and  eliminating some negative
remainders from the past.  However, the Company is moving towards a situation 
where the NAV is made up  of  investment  properties generating  good current
income and a significant amount of free cash.  No  contingent  liabilities of 
significance  remain  and  the  central  costs are coming down towards a more
appropriate level.

Orb is  a  "minnow" among  public property  companies.  However, we believe a
strong and "liquid" balance sheet, substantial tax losses and a full listing,
is a good platform from which to grow  shareholder value. It is  obvious that
such growth  will not necessarily be organic, but will rather require further
contributions from shareholders and/or a merger with another company.

Peter Gyllenhammar

                 U N A U D I T E D   C O N S O L I D A T E D                  
                P R O F I T   A N D   L O S S   A C C O U N T                 
                 for the Six Months ended 31st December 1997                  

                                     Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited
                                      31.12.97       31.12.96      30.6.97
                                         #'000          #'000        #'000
  Property sales                             -              -            -    
  Rental and other income                  687          1,388        2,804

                                           687          1,388        2,804
Cost of sales
  Property sales                             -              -            -
  Other property outgoings                (109)          (474)        (658)
  Provisions released                      310              -           44   

                                           201           (474)        (614)

Gross profit                               888            914        2,190

Administrative expenses                   (345)          (328)        (641)

Operating profit                           543            586        1,549    

(Loss)/profit on sale of properties 
and investments                              -            (10)         641
Share of losses in associated 
undertakings                                 -            (35)         (77)
Exceptional item -
Financial reconstruction                     -              -           (5)

Profit on ordinary activities
  before interest and taxation             543            541        2,108

Net interest payable and similar charges  (457)          (902)      (1,745)

Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
  before taxation                           86           (361)         363

Tax on profit/(loss) on 
ordinary activities                          -             30         (315)

Retained profit/(loss)
for the period                              86           (331)          48

Non ring fenced profit/(loss)              197            (70)          46
Ringed fenced (loss)/profit               (111)          (261)           2

                                            86           (331)          48

Profit/(loss)per share                     1.3p          (5.0)p        0.7p

The above transactions relate to continuing operations

   U N A U D I T E D   C O N S O L I D A T E D   B A L A N C E   S H E E T   
                           As at 31st December 1997                           

                                     Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited
                                      31.12.97       31.12.96      30.6.97
                                         #'000          #'000        #'000
Fixed assets:
 Tangible assets:
  Investment properties                  6,732         14,021        6,725
  Other fixed assets                        22             78           30
  Investments                            1,315          1,266        1,296

                                         8,069         15,365        8,051
Current assets:
  Trading properties                     7,097          6,857        6,750
  Debtors                                  331            651        1,046
  Cash at bank and in hand               1,718            815        1,759

                                         9,146          8,323        9,555
Creditors: amounts falling due
  within one year:
  Limited recourse loans                (6,168)        (6,471)      (7,006)
  Convertible limited recourse loans         -         (1,767)           -
  Other loans                             (163)          (977)        (977)
  Other creditors                       (1,023)        (1,176)      (1,410)

                                        (7,354)       (10,391)      (9,393)

Net current assets/(liabilities)         1,792         (2,068)         162

Total assets less current liabilities    9,861         13,297        8,213

Creditors: amounts falling due
  after more than one year              (4,370)       (10,276)      (2,989)

                                         5,491          3,021        5,224
Capital and reserves
  Called up share capital                3,313          3,313        3,313
  Revaluation reserve                     (809)        (1,818)        (806)
  Special reserve                        2,381          2,381        2,381
  Profit and loss account               (2,563)        (2,871)      (2,655)
  Limited recourse reserve               3,169          2,016        2,991

Equity shareholders' funds               5,491          3,021        5,224

N O T E S                                   

1.  Basis of preparation
    The financial information contained in this statement does not constitute 
    statutory accounts  within  the meaning of  the Companies Act 1985.  This 
    statement has not been audited.  The results for the year ended 30th June 
    1997 are an extract from the financial  statements for that period, which 
    received  an unqualified  audit report  and  have  been  filed  with  the 
    Registrar of Companies.                                       
    The  interim accounts  have  been prepared on the basis of the accounting 
    policies  set  out  in the 1997 Group accounts.  After reviewing detailed 
    cash flow projections and taking into account planned property disposals, 
    cash resources and borrowing facilities,and making such further enquiries 
    as they consider appropriate, the Directors have a reasonable expectation 
    that  the  Group  has  adequate  resources  to  continue  in  operational 
    existence  for  the  foreseeable  future.  For this  reason they continue 
    to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the interim accounts.


                                  N O T E S                                   

2.  Analysis of unaudited consolidated profit and loss account

                                          Unaudited six months to 31.12.97
                                      Non ring           Ring        Total
                                        fenced         fenced
                                         #'000          #'000        #'000
  Property sales                             -              -            -
  Rental and other income                  418            269          687

                                           418            269          687
Cost of sales
  Property sales                             -              -            -
  Other property outgoings                 (53)           (56)        (109)
  Provisions released                      310              -          310

                                           257            (56)         201

Gross profit                               675            213          888

Administrative expenses                   (318)           (27)        (345)

Operating profit                           357            186          543

(Loss)/profit on sale of properties
and investments                              -              -            -
Share of losses in associated
undertakings                                 -              -            -
Exceptional item -
Financial reconstruction                     -              -            -

Profit on ordinary activities
  before interest and taxation             357            186          543

Net interest payable and similar charges  (160)          (297)        (457)

Profit/(loss)on ordinary activities
  before taxation                          197           (111)          86

Tax on profit/(loss) on 
ordinary activities                          -              -            -

Retained profit/(loss) for the period      197           (111)          86  

Profit/(loss)per share                     3.0p                        1.3p

The above transactions relate to continuing operations

                                  N O T E S

2.  Analysis of unaudited consolidated profit and loss account

                                          Unaudited six months to 31.12.96
                                      Non ring           Ring        Total
                                        fenced         fenced      
                                         #'000          #'000        #'000
  Property sales                             -              -            -
  Rental and other income                  602            786        1,388

                                           602            786        1,388
Cost of sales
  Property sales                             -              -            -
  Other property outgoings                 (63)          (411)        (474)
  Provisions released                        -              -            -

                                           (63)          (411)        (474)

Gross profit                               539            375          914

Administrative expenses                   (285)           (43)        (328)

Operating profit                           254            332          586

(Loss)/profit on sale of properties
and investments                            (10)             -          (10)
Share of losses in associated
undertakings                               (35)             -          (35)
Exceptional item -
Financial reconstruction                     -              -            -

Profit on ordinary activities
  before interest and taxation             209            332          541

Net interest payable and similar charges  (309)          (593)        (902)

Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
  before taxation                         (100)          (261)        (361)

Tax on profit/(loss) on
ordinary activities                         30              -           30

Retained profit/(loss) for the period      (70)          (261)        (331)

Profit/(loss) per share                   (1.1)p                      (5.0)p

The above transactions relate to continuing operations

                                  N O T E S                                   

2.  Analysis of unaudited consolidated profit and loss account

                                                   Audited year to 30.6.97
                                      Non ring           Ring        Total
                                        fenced         fenced      
                                         #'000          #'000        #'000
  Property sales                             -              -            -
  Rental and other income                1,248          1,556        2,804

                                         1,248          1,556        2,804
Cost of sales
  Property sales                             -              -            -
  Other property outgoings                (125)          (533)        (658)
  Provisions released                       44              -           44

                                           (81)          (533)        (614)

Gross profit                             1,167          1,023        2,190

Administrative expenses                   (590)           (51)        (641)

Operating profit                           577            972        1,549

(Loss)/profit on sale of properties
and investments                            106            535          641
Share of losses in associated
undertakings                               (77)             -          (77)
Exceptional item -
Financial reconstruction                    (5)             -           (5)

Profit on ordinary activities
  before interest and taxation             601          1,507        2,108

Net interest payable and similar charges  (573)        (1,172)      (1,745)

Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
  before taxation                           28            335          363

Tax on profit/(loss) on
ordinary activities                         18           (333)        (315)

Retained profit/(loss) for the period       46              2           48

Profit/(loss) per share                    0.7p                        0.7p

The above transactions relate to continuing operations

                                  N O T E S    

3.   Analysis of unaudited consolidated balance sheet

                                      Non ring           Ring        Total
                                        fenced         fenced     31.12.97
Fixed assets                             #'000          #'000        #'000
 Tangible assets:
  Investment properties                  6,732              -        6,732
  Other fixed assets                        22              -           22
  Investments                              413            902        1,315

                                         7,167            902        8,069
Current assets:
  Trading properties                     2,247          4,850        7,097
  Debtors                                  227            104          331
  Cash at bank and in hand               1,147            571        1,718

                                         3,621          5,525        9,146

Creditors: amounts falling due
  within one year       
  Limited recourse loans                     -         (6,168)      (6,168)
  Convertible limited recourse loans         -              -            -
  Other loans                             (163)             -         (163)
  Other creditors                         (764)          (259)      (1,023)

                                          (927)        (6,427)      (7,354)

Net current assets/(liabilities)         2,694           (902)       1,792

Total assets less current liabilities    9,861              -        9,861

Creditors: amounts falling due
  after more than one year              (4,370)             -       (4,370) 

Net asset/(liabilities)                  5,491              -        5,491

Net asset value per share                 82.9p                       82.9p

                                  N O T E S    

3.   Analysis of unaudited consolidated balance sheet

                                      Non ring           Ring        Total
                                        fenced         fenced     31.12.96
Fixed assets                             #'000          #'000        #'000
 Tangible assets:
  Investment properties                  9,085          4,936       14,021
  Other fixed assets                        45             33           78 
  Investments                              413            853        1,266

                                         9,543          5,822       15,365
Current assets:
  Trading properties                     1,824          5,033        6,857
  Debtors                                  467            184          651
  Cash at bank and in hand                 209            606          815

                                         2,500          5,823        8,323

Creditors: amounts falling due
  within one year                        
  Limited recourse loans                     -         (6,471)      (6,471)
  Convertible limited recourse loans         -         (1,767)      (1,767)
  Other loans                             (977)             -         (977)
  Other creditors                         (749)          (427)      (1,176)

                                        (1,726)        (8,665)     (10,391)

Net current assets/(liabilities)           774         (2,842)      (2,068)

Total assets less current liabilities   10,317          2,980       13,297

Creditors: amounts falling due  
  after more than one year              (5,529)        (4,747)     (10,276)   

Net asset/(liabilities)                  4,788         (1,767)       3,021

Net asset value per share                 72.2p                       45.6p

                                  N O T E S                                   

3.   Analysis of unaudited consolidated balance sheet

                                      Non ring           Ring        Total
                                        fenced         fenced     30.06.97
Fixed assets                             #'000          #'000        #'000
 Tangible assets:
  Investment properties                  6,725              -        6,725
  Other fixed assets                        30              -           30
  Investments                              409            887        1,296

                                         7,164            887        8,051
Current assets:
  Trading properties                     1,900          4,850        6,750
  Debtors                                  235            811        1,046
  Cash at bank and in hand                 767            992        1,759

                                         2,902          6,653        9,555

Creditors: amounts falling due
  within one year       
  Limited recourse loans                     -         (7,006)      (7,006)
  Convertible limited recourse loans         -              -            -
  Other loans                             (977)             -         (977)
  Other creditors                         (876)          (534)      (1,410)

                                        (1,853)        (7,540)      (9,393)

Net current assets/(liabilities)         1,049           (887)         162

Total assets less current liabilities    8,213              -        8,213

Creditors: amounts falling due
  after more than one year              (2,989)             -       (2,989)

Net asset/(liabilities)                  5,224              -        5,224

Net asset value per share                 78.8p                       78.8p

                                  N O T E S 

4.  Investment properties
    Investment  properties  are  revalued annually by  independent valuers. A 
    full valuation was carried out as at 30th June 1997 and those values have 
    been used in the preparation of the interim accounts for the period ended 
    31st December 1997. 

5.  Assets and earnings per share
    The  calculation of  earnings  per  share is based  on the profit for the 
    financial period and on the weighted average of 6,626,429(1996:6,626,429) 
    Ordinary 50p  shares in  issue  during the  period.  The assets per share 
    values  have been  prepared  on two bases as set  out in the notes to the 
    1997 Group accounts.  The Directors  believe  that  the 'non ring fenced' 
    basis  of calculation  provides a realistic  view of the net  asset value 
    attributable to the Ordinary 50p shares.

6.  Administrative expenses
    Property  management  fees  of  #12,500 (1996: #12,500) payable from ring 
    fenced funds  have  been  credited  to  non  ring  fenced  administrative 
    expenses, thereby  increasing ring  fenced  costs.  There is no effect on 
    total administrative expenses.

7.  Taxation
    There  is no  UK Corporation Tax payable in respect of the profit for the 
    period, as individual company profits are  covered by Group relief or the 
    availability of brought forward losses.

8.  Other information
    This statement was  approved by the Directors on 12th March 1998 and will 
    be  posted  to all  shareholders  shortly thereafter.  Further copies are 
    available  from  the  registered office  of the Company, 24 Brook's Mews, 
    London W1Y 1LF.

    P Gyllenhammar                Chairman
    P M Ridal FCA MCT             Finance Director and Company Secretary
    M J C Hawkes FRICS            Non - Executive Director
    M Higgins FRICS               Non - Executive Director                    
    J Claesson                    Non - Executive Director

    Deloitte & Touche, Hill House, 1 Little New Street, London, EC4A 3TR

    Registered number
    Registered in England and Wales No. 552331

    Lloyds Bank PLC, Goring-by-Sea, Worthing, West Sussex BN99 6DB            



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