Annual Results 
                                           Hyder Consulting PLC (HYC.L) 
                           Annual results announcement for the year ended 31 March 2009 
Hyder Consulting, the multi-national advisory and design consultancy, today announces its annual financial results 
for the year ended 31 March 2009. 
*     Order book up 22% to GBP384.0m 
*     Revenue up 37% to GBP319.0m 
*     Adjusted operating profit(i) up 16% to GBP17.4m 
*     Adjusted profit before tax(i) up by 8% to GBP15.6m 
*     Final dividend up 50% to 4.5p per share 
*     Cash conversion 88%, with net debt of GBP5.7m (2008: GBP11.1m) 
(i)  Adjusted operating profit and profit before tax are before amortisation of intangible assets arising from 
business combinations and exceptional items. 
Sir Alan Thomas, Chairman of Hyder Consulting PLC commented: 
"I am pleased to report another strong year for the Group with results ahead of last year and of market 
expectations. Our leaner structure and low gearing, together with our geographic and market spread, equip us well 
to manage the challenges ahead and to take advantage of the opportunities which will arise." 
Press contacts: 
Hyder Consulting PLC 
Ivor Catto, Chief Executive                         Tel: +44 (0)20 7904 9011 
Russell Down, Finance Director                      Tel: +44 (0)20 7904 9020 
Shane Dolan                                         Tel: +44 (0)20 7448 1000 
Chairman's Statement 
I am pleased to report another year of growth for the Group with both profits and cash ahead of last year and of 
market expectations. 
Revenue grew to GBP319.0m (2008: GBP233.7m), an increase of 37%, 25% on a constant currency basis. Net revenue, after 
deduction of sub-consultant costs, increased by 37% to GBP269.9m (2008: GBP196.9m). 
Adjusted operating profit grew by 16% to GBP17.4m (2008: GBP15.0m), although the economic climate affected the net 
revenue margin at 6.4% (2008: 7.6%). In the second half of the year, GBP8.6m was incurred in restructuring the 
Group, resulting in exceptional costs for the full year of GBP9.1m. Operating profit after exceptional items and 
amortisation amounted to GBP5.0m (2008: GBP13.4m). 
Profit before tax, exceptional items and amortisation of acquisition intangibles rose by 8% to GBP15.6m (2008: 
The effective rate of tax on adjusted profits was 13.9% (2008: 13.6%), due to profits earned in zero tax 
jurisdictions in the Middle East and Research and Development tax credits in both the UK and Australia.  A tax 
credit of GBP0.3m was recognised in the year (2008 charge: GBP1.6m). 
Adjusted fully diluted earnings per share increased by 4.5% to 34.87p (2008: 33.36p). Fully diluted earnings per 
share after exceptional items and amortisation was 9.12p (2008: 30.91p). 
At 31 March 2009 net debt reduced to GBP5.7m (2008: GBP11.1m) due to a much improved cash conversion rate of 88% 
(2008:  23%). Cash balances at the year end amounted to GBP18.1m and our principal banking facilities of GBP38m are 
committed until 2012/13 contributing to considerable headroom. The Group operates comfortably within its banking 
covenants which we expect to continue. 
The Directors are pleased to propose a final dividend of 3.15p per share (2008: 2.10p) making a full year dividend 
of 4.5p per share (2008: 3p), a rise of 50%.  The full year dividend is covered 7.7 times by adjusted fully 
diluted earnings per share (2008: 11.1 times). 
Operating highlights 
In the UK our transportation business performed strongly. In the rail sector, we were approved for all seven of 
the Crossrail frameworks, and won a major project on the North London Line. Hyder is client representative on the 
M25 widening DBFO contract and works closely on projects with Transport for London and the UK Highways Agency. The 
UK's utilities business has also performed well and we retain a strong presence in the water sector. Severn Trent 
Water has already appointed Hyder on its AMP5 programme, and our water and marine engineering teams have been 
engaged on a number of London 2012 Olympics projects. In Northern Ireland we completed our design for the GBP120m 
Project Omega PFI programme. We have made important progress too in the energy and environment sectors. Though the 
commercial property market has softened considerably, we have reorganised to present a co-ordinated, 
multidisciplinary approach towards development planning and design - meeting the needs of land developers and 
regional development agencies. In Germany, our recent acquisitions, Voigt and Seib, have performed well and have 
now been merged with our existing business into a single entity bearing the Hyder Consulting brand. The business 
has a strong profile in airports and public sector infrastructure, and secured two major contracts at the new 
Berlin Brandenburg International Airport. In highways, we were awarded the design approval and construction 
supervision role on the A5 autobahn PPP project in south west Germany. This third motorway PPP win increases our 
reputation as the leading PPP consultant in the country. 
In the Middle East our business performed particularly strongly with overall net revenue increasing by 70%. Only 
25% of the business is related to the Dubai property sector and over 55% of our fee income from the region comes 
from the oil and gas based economies of Abu Dhabi, Qatar and Bahrain where our longstanding presence has helped us 
win major projects in the highways, infrastructure and water sectors.  Our work on Burj Dubai, the world's tallest 
building,  and the surrounding infrastructure is progressing well. Although the Dubai market slowed in the  latter 
half  of  the year, which affected cash collections, we have adapted by downsizing our operations and moving  work 
offshore whilst reinforcing our longstanding client relationships. Holford Associates, which we acquired in  2008, 
has integrated well and enables us to offer clients a multi-disciplined capability from concept through to 
commissioning.  The property sector in the Northern Gulf and Abu Dhabi continues to be strong.  Our offshore 
production centre in Manila, where we now have 200 staff, is becoming an increasingly important competitive asset. 
In Australia, Hyder is part of high profile alliances working on the West Gate Freeway Upgrade for the Victoria 
State Government and the Ipswich Motorway Upgrade for the Queensland State Government and is competing for five 
other high profile transport infrastructure schemes. Recent significant contracts include: a role on the 
Government's 'Building the Education Revolution' programme, part of its economic stimulus package; lead designer 
on the large Royal North Shore Hospital scheme; and Australian interstate water trading reform. Hyder was also 
part of the winning team for the prestigious Te Wero Bridge competition in New Zealand.  In China, government 
stimulus packages aim to develop cities and infrastructure to cater for the growing trend in urbanisation which we 
expect to create significant opportunities. In Hong Kong, a major public sector expenditure programme, 
particularly transport infrastructure, is underway.  We have already secured a role on the Mass Transit Railway, 
with further opportunities in the pipeline. Our Landscape and Planning business (ACLA) has performed well across 
Hong Kong, China and Vietnam. Its work on the Hong Kong Greening Master Plan won Sustain Magazine's International 
Project of the Year award. During the year, Hyder won ten awards which is testimony to the international spread of 
its engineering expertise and reputation. 
Our central objective is to enhance shareholder value and our first task is to grow and sustain our operating 
margins. To do so, we shall strive to maintain and enhance relationships with our clients, concentrating on those 
sectors and applications where we have specialist capabilities and are able to offer a differentiated service.  We 
shall combine this market approach with close attention to high standards of project management and tight control 
over staff utilisation and overheads. We are attaching high priority to the conversion of profit into cash and 
have introduced new procedures to ensure we utilise best practice throughout the Group. 
Following a review of operations early in 2009, we restructured the business in order to align our services  more 
closely with our core markets, to improve our operational efficiency and to deal with changes in market 
conditions.  As a result, we have reduced our headcount by about 8% and incurred one-off, exceptional costs of 
GBP8.6m in the second half of the year. We forecast that this will result in annualised cost savings of GBP19m, 
including overhead savings of approximately GBP4m per annum. 
We have simplified the management structure, and regional operations have been organised on a client-facing, 
market-sector basis covering transportation, utilities, property, and environment. This lean structure aligns  our 
resources and capabilities with clients' needs, allowing regions to draw upon the resources of the Group to 
increase their competitive capability. This will help us build deeper client relationships and respond with 
greater agility to market opportunities. 
We currently employ approximately 4,700 people across our regions, c. 4,500 on a full time equivalent basis, which 
is lower than the half year as a consequence of the restructuring. The retention and development of staff remains 
a key priority and we are continuing targeted recruitment at graduate level and for specific project 
opportunities.  We want our people to benefit from the best career opportunities and fill vacancies by internal 
promotions wherever possible. We actively encourage staff to gain experience in different regions and there was a 
15% increase in regional staff transfers during the year. 
Board of Directors 
There were a number of important changes to the Board during the year. Ivor Catto was appointed CEO in December 
2008 having been recruited from WS Atkins where he had headed its largest division. His experience and the steps 
he has already taken give the Board confidence that we have the leadership necessary to address the Group's 
priorities.  Russell Down was promoted to the Board as Finance Director in December 2008, an experienced internal 
appointment to complement Mr Catto. Tim Wade, former Chief Executive, and Simon Hamilton-Eddy, former Financial 
Director, retired in November and December 2008 respectively, and Keith Reynolds, former Executive Director, 
resigned in February 2009; we wish them well. 
In addition, as announced on 1 May 2009, Peter Morgan, our senior independent director, has indicated his 
intention to retire from the Board, effective from the end of the 2009 Annual General Meeting on 23 July 2009.  I 
would like to express the Board's appreciation for his much valued contribution. In anticipation of Mr  Morgan's 
retirement, Jeffrey Hume has replaced Mr. Morgan as Chairman of the Audit Committee; and Paul Withers has replaced 
Mr Morgan as Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and Senior Independent Director. 
With over two thirds of net revenue earned overseas, the Group is broadly spread across both geographies and 
market sectors.  Our order book has increased by 22% to GBP384m, the largest growth coming from our international 
markets. We have already secured approximately 60% of our budgeted revenue for the year ahead. 
The economic climate remains uncertain and the private property market has declined. However, we are confident 
that we have taken the necessary action to respond to these market conditions and are encouraged that Governments 
in all regions intend to maintain or expand their expenditure on infrastructure which should lead to increased 
demand in the transportation and utilities sectors. Our leaner structure and low gearing, together with our 
geographic and market spread, position us strongly to manage the challenges ahead and to take advantage of the 
opportunities which will arise. 
Finally, on behalf of the Board, I would like to express thanks to our clients for their cooperation and support 
and to our hardworking staff for enabling us to report these results. 
Sir Alan Thomas 
Business Review 
UK / Europe 
Key Performance Indicators                            2009             2008 
Revenue                                            GBP128.2m          GBP118.2m 
Adjusted operating profit                            GBP8.3m            GBP9.7m 
Adjusted operating margin                             6.5%             8.2% 
Order book                                         GBP145.3m          GBP151.5m 
Number of employees                                  1,926            1,983 
Regional revenues have increased by 8% this year, primarily as a result of prior year acquisitions, although our 
profits have declined due to the current economic climate in the UK and project related write downs in our German 
property business. 
Our UK transport business has performed well, with the investment in rail bearing fruit. We secured a major win 
with the North London Line and were the only consultant to be approved for all seven of the Crossrail frameworks. 
We are also working on a number of other high profile contracts for Network Rail and its partners. 
We retain our reputation for strong technical implementation.  We are working in the client representative's role 
on the M25 widening DBFO contract and work closely with Transport for London as a framework supplier. In addition, 
we are working on other major road schemes in the UK, Ireland and Eastern Europe, as well as successfully 
providing services on a number of high profile frameworks for the UK Highways Agency.  We are also supporting a 
number of large multidisciplinary projects within the Middle East. 
In our utilities business, we retain a strong profile in the water sector and have already been signed up for  an 
advance component of the AMP5 programme with Severn Trent Water. Our water, marine and geotechnical engineering 
teams are working with a number of contractors to prepare sites and facilities which will be used for the London 
2012 Olympics. 
In Northern Ireland we have completed our design services for the GBP120m Project Omega PFI programme for the 
Department of the Environment Water Service working with our partners Laing O'Rourke and Veolia.  The energy side 
of our utilities business shows good signs of growth. We entered into a partnership with specialist nuclear 
advisors Bradtec, and have subsequently secured important commissions for Magnox South and North and the Nuclear 
Decommissioning Agency.  We have completed the strategic environmental assessment for selection of several new 
build sites announced in April 2009. In addition we completed the concept and outline design of a 60MW biomass 
power station in the north east, wind power installations in Wales and Scotland and tidal lagoon energy facilities 
in the Severn Estuary. 
Our new structure allows the environment business to provide a wide range of specialist disciplines in a well co- 
ordinated  offer.  The  business is supporting more public sector clients including major opportunities with the 
Highways Agency, Welsh Assembly and the Waste and Resources Action Programme.  In the private sector, the team are 
working with a range of clients on sustainability related issues. 
Our reorganisation has also allowed us to present a more co-ordinated approach towards development planning and 
design - servicing the needs of land developers, and regional development agencies, through a multidisciplinary 
service. We are also supporting the Building Schools for the Future programme in a number of locations. Our strong 
contractor relationships are helping us secure national scale contracts and urban regeneration, coupled with 
underlying demand for social and private residential development, and will provide us with good opportunities for 
the future. 
In Germany, the integration of Hyder Acerplan, with our recently acquired entities Voigt and Seib has progressed 
well with all three companies trading as Hyder Consulting from 1 April 2009. 
The business has built on its strong profile in airports and public sector infrastructure, securing two major wins 
at the new Berlin Brandenburg International (BBI) Airport covering supervision and site management of the airport 
business park, together with the implementation and management of the plan-approval procedure for the northern 
part of the airport and western apron. Our relationships with Fraport AG and FBS GmbH, the company behind the 
construction of BBI, ensure a good workflow from ongoing projects. 
In highways, we were awarded the design approval and construction supervision role on the A5 autobahn PPP project 
in south west Germany. This was our third motorway PPP win and increases our reputation as the leading PPP 
consultant in the country. 
Middle East 
Key Performance Indicators                            2009             2008 
Revenue                                            GBP106.9m           GBP53.9m 
Adjusted operating profit                            GBP8.3m            GBP4.6m 
Adjusted operating margin                             7.8%             8.5% 
Order book                                         GBP167.0m          GBP116.5m 
Number of employees                                  1,599            1,497 
With our 45 year presence, geographic spread and established client relationships, we have a strong position in 
the region. Whilst total revenue almost doubled, adjusted operating profits increased by 80%. These results also 
benefited from the weakness of sterling during the year. 
Over 55% of our work in the region comes from the oil and gas based economies of Abu Dhabi, Qatar and Bahrain 
where we have a long standing presence. Hyder has good relationships and reputation in these locations for its 
highways, infrastructure and water capabilities which represent significant opportunities.  Recent project wins in 
these areas include the Diyaar Al Muharraq mixed use development in Bahrain and a number of Abu Dhabi Sewerage 
Services Company (ADSSC) improvement schemes.  Meanwhile, significant infrastructure projects in Qatar, including 
Lusail and Education City, continue to increase in scale. Our success in infrastructure projects this year in 
these areas has led us to recruit almost 100 new employees to resource work effectively. 
Our work on Burj Dubai, the world's tallest building, and the surrounding infrastructure is progressing well  and 
other significant projects we have been working on in Dubai this year include Jumeirah Garden City, Dubai Mall, 
and Labour City. 
The Dubai market slowed in the latter half of the year and liquidity issues have resulted in slower payments, 
increasing our level of working capital. Through our longstanding presence in the region and key client 
relationships we are well placed to overcome these challenges. We have downsized our Dubai operations but also 
minimised our exposure to the market by previously restricting our growth and moving work offshore. In addition, 
our strategy of building strong relationships, and working almost exclusively for Dubai Government related 
entities on projects which have good viability leaves us well placed. 
Our management advisory team, with support from the UK, has secured roles in restructuring procurement for several 
PPP contracts for water supply and wastewater services for the cities of Jeddah, Medinah / Taif, Mecca and Greater 
Dammam in Saudi Arabia.  We have also supported Samsung of Korea in submitting significant tender design  schemes 
for two GBP200m contracts as part of the Abu Dhabi STEP Tunnel programme. 
Holford Associates, which we acquired in 2008, is integrating well into the business and enables us to offer 
clients a holistic concept to commissioning capability.  This, together with our strong property offering, 
particularly in high rise which has been well received in Abu Dhabi and Qatar, provide us with good opportunities 
outside Dubai. 
Our offshore production centre in Manila, where we employ over 200 staff, enables us to provide good quality 
design work in a flexible and cost effective manner which is important in an increasingly competitive market. 
Asia Pacific 
Key Performance Indicators                            2009             2008 
Revenue                                             GBP83.8m           GBP61.6m 
Adjusted operating profit                            GBP4.5m            GBP3.7m 
Adjusted operating profit                             5.4%             6.0% 
Order book                                          GBP72.2m           GBP46.0m 
Number of employees                                  1,169            1,276 
Revenue has increased by 36% predominantly in Australia as a result of infrastructure contracts, which has 
resulted in adjusted operating profits increasing by 22%. Margins have fallen as a result of lower utilisations in 
the current economic climate and increased overhead costs to drive growth. 
We have secured major project wins in the transport sector. Alliancing, and design and construction (D&C) 
contracts are the predominant means of implementation in Australia and Hyder has a good reputation in this area, 
being part of the high profile M1 Alliance working on the West Gate Freeway Upgrade for the Victoria State 
Government, and the Ipswich Motorway Upgrade, a D&C contract for the Queensland State Government.  We are also 
participating in bidding teams for five other high profile Australian transport infrastructure schemes. 
Although we have scaled back our property offering, in line with market demand, we have recently secured 
significant contracts from the Australian Government's 'Building the Education Revolution' programme which is part 
of a major national economic stimulus package worth over GBP6bn invested over three years. We have been appointed 
lead designer on the large Royal North Shore Hospital scheme which puts Hyder in prime position in the shift 
towards social infrastructure in the property sector and to capture more work from the new hospitals programme. 
Our work with the Council of Australian Governments, as part of interstate water trading reform, has been well 
received. Water remains a key issue in Australia and presents us with good opportunities for the year ahead. 
Hyder was part of the winning team for the prestigious Te Wero Bridge competition in Auckland, New Zealand.  Our 
innovative design was praised by the judging panel and will form an important connection between the city centre 
and the waterfront area. 
In China, government stimulus packages aim to develop cities and infrastructure to cater for the growing trend in 
urbanisation. We see significant opportunities arising from this with both public and private sector clients. In 
Hong Kong, a significant public sector expenditure programme, with particular emphasis on transport infrastructure 
is underway.  We have already secured a role on the Mass Transit Railway programme, with further opportunities in 
the pipeline. 
Our Landscape and Planning business (ACLA) has performed well across Hong Kong, China and Vietnam.  We continue 
our work on the Hong Kong Greening Master Plan which won Sustain Magazine's International Project of the Year 
We have restructured our East Asian operations to align with our key sector strengths in transport and property. 
We have developed differentiated service offerings in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing and Hanoi in landscape and 
planning, transport planning and facades, and our relocation to new larger offices in Beijing and Shanghai has 
enabled us to grow the teams in those cities. In Vietnam we see opportunities in both the property, and landscape 
and planning sectors. 
People and culture - being an employer of choice 
At the year end we had 4,694 employees across all our regions. We have maintained recruitment in targeted growth 
sectors, despite a number of redundancies in the Group, in order to ensure that we resource projects and clients 
effectively.  We are committed to providing our people with the best possible career development opportunities and 
raising Hyder's profile as an employer of choice. 
Upholding equal opportunities 
We recruit the right people for the right job, regardless of gender, age and origin and we promote employees based 
on their skills, qualifications, abilities and aptitudes. 
As an international consultancy, we aspire to best practice in dealing with our staff (including equal 
opportunities and anti-discrimination) within each jurisdiction in which we operate.  Local legislation lays down 
minimum standards and, where appropriate, we aim to surpass it. 
Consistency in career development 
In line with our HR strategy and our new structure, we have sought to bring greater clarity and consistency to all 
our roles including revising our career paths and introducing a new grading system. 
These actions recognise the multi-national nature of our business and will assist our people when transferring 
between regions by providing a consistent framework. 
Training and development 
We have undertaken a number of other HR initiatives to facilitate career development for our people: 
*     we  provided Leadership Blueprint training in all regions for senior managers to help them develop the 
necessary skills and behaviours to be successful and high performing leaders; 
*     we have developed our talent management strategy and formalised our high potential employee programmes 
across the Group; 
*     we have incorporated an assessment centre into our graduate recruitment programme - a feature which is 
highly valued by graduates; 
*     we are replicating our UK graduate development programme, including the Graduate of the Year competition, 
across all our regions; and 
*     we have revised the personal development review (PDR) process to introduce consistency across all regions 
and roles.  Through this process, we are better able to identify appropriate training, coaching and mentoring to 
help each employee's development. 
Empowering our managers 
Our restructure has streamlined management and brought greater accountability and empowerment to divisional heads. 
They now have full profit and loss responsibility and will lead in driving a culture of successful client 
relationship  management and high performance. We have launched a training programme to assist them in this and 
enhance their commercial and management skills. 
Encouraging employee mobility 
We want to ensure that our people benefit from the best career opportunities and seek to fill vacancies by 
internal promotions wherever possible. We actively encourage employee mobility between all regions and this year 
we have seen a 15% increase in employees taking up new roles in offices in other geographies. 
Employee engagement a key driver to success 
This year we carried out an employee engagement survey which was a significant step beyond our previous employee 
satisfaction surveys;  research has shown a clear link between employee engagement and performance/retention. 
Having conducted the survey, we are better able to understand employees' motivations and loyalty towards Hyder and 
how we can build on this. 
The survey generated a high response rate and positive results which reflect our people's strong loyalty and 
commitment to Hyder. It has also enabled us to pinpoint the areas we need to improve and each region has developed 
action plans to address the major factors inhibiting employee engagement that will enhance the employee experience 
at Hyder. 
We remain committed to ensuring our remuneration policies and arrangements are competitive and have introduced a 
new bonus scheme for employees with a profit and loss responsibility. This supports our move to increasing 
employee accountability and driving a culture of performance management. 
Awards - testimony to our success 
Hyder has been recognised in 2009 with a number of prestigious awards, set out below, which showcase our talented 
people, innovation and strong market position. 
NCE - International Consultant of the Year finalist: having won the award for International consultant of the year 
in 2007 we were pleased to be nominated as a finalist for the award this year. 
Sustain Magazine - International Project of the Year 2009: awarded for developing and implementing Hong Kong's 
Greening Master Plan for the Central district. The Hong Kong Greening Master Plan is the single largest landscape 
and urban improvement project which aims to improve the quality of life and environment for Hong Kong's citizens. 
Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects - Certificate of Merit for Excellence: awarded for our work on the RF 
You Yi Cheng Park, Beijing. This 12 hectare park project takes its design direction from Beijing scale, climate 
and user activities. Particular emphasis was placed on landform creation to define special character. 
Te Wero Bridge design competition - winner: design by Hyder Consulting, Denton Corker Marshall and Kenneth Grubb 
Associates selected as winning entry by Auckland City Council. The judging panel was impressed by the high level 
of design innovation, the dramatic effect of the bridge opening and closing and the landmark impact the bridge 
design would create. 
Institution of Structural Engineers - Heritage Award for Infrastructure: awarded for our work on the Westminster 
Bridge fascia replacement project. 
Institution of Highways and Transportation/ Centre for Protection of National Infrastructure - Security in the 
Public Realm Award 2008 - awarded to West One, together with Westminster City Council and the Cabinet Office for 
their work on the Whitehall Streetscape Project. 
Urban Development Institution of Australian NSW Awards for Excellence - Sustainability: awarded for the design 
measures used in the New Rouse Hill development north west of Sydney. Our innovative approach of using water 
modelling in developing design solutions resulted in initiatives that were new to the area and also delivered 
community and environmental benefits. 
Investors in People: we are proud that this award recognises our continuing commitment to our greatest asset, our 
RoSPA Gold Medal Award 2009: awarded to Hyder for sustained achievement in Health and Safety performance in the 
UK; five consecutive gold awards. 
MEP Middle East - Training Award: awarded to Hyder Consulting Middle East Ltd in recognition of the holistic 
internal training programmes which help Hyder to provide clients world class services consistently. 
Principal risks and uncertainties 
The Group faces a number of risks, which are regularly monitored by the Board. The risk management and internal 
control systems provide an ongoing process for identifying, evaluating and managing the significant risks facing 
the Group.  However these systems can only operate to mitigate risk rather than eliminate risk completely. The 
Group's principal risks  are as follows : 
Key markets, sectors and clients 
The Group's  workload is dependent on economic factors in the markets in which we operate and the relationships 
built up with our clients.  Our strategy of international growth, key client management and acquisition has 
resulted in a strongly diversified Group which is not dependent on individual markets, sectors or clients, leaving 
us well placed in the current economic climate.  We continue to drive our strategy of differentiation and 
diversification to further strengthen our resilience. 
The maximisation of staff utilisation rates, and the ability to manage quality staff resources is critical to the 
Group's ability to win and execute projects and future profitability. We regularly review utilisation rates 
throughout our business and monitor these against pre-set targets taking prompt action where appropriate.  Our 
human resources function plays a key role in assisting the business to develop recruitment and retention 
strategies, and with staff development and succession planning. 
Contractual disputes and claims 
The Group employs a Risk Manager who continues to review and enhance our risk management procedures in order to 
minimise claims.  Whilst the risk of claims and pressure to assume more onerous contractual terms can increase in 
an economic  downturn,  established procedures exist to deal with these and minimise any exposure.  It is the 
Group's policy to mitigate its exposure to key contractual risks through insurance at commercially acceptable 
rates for appropriate limits of indemnity. 
Foreign exchange movements 
Approximately two thirds of the Group's revenues are earned in currencies other than sterling.  The revenue and 
costs of our international operations largely arise in the same currency. Established procedures exist to reduce 
exposure to currency fluctuations in accordance with the policy set by the Board.  The Group does not hedge 
translation exposure to foreign currencies. 
The Group recognises the importance of cash management and regularly forecasts global cash requirements and 
monitors debt and work in progress levels with clients. In the current economic environment there is an increased 
credit risk with clients, particularly in Dubai, which is mitigated through developing close working relationships 
and seeking advance payments where possible. The Group maintains strong relationships with its  principal bankers. 
Integrity and sustainability of IT networks and core business systems 
The Group's IT networks and core business systems are maintained and supported to provide assurance on data 
integrity and minimise the risk of data loss.  An upgrade of our core business systems is being progressively 
implemented on a regional basis using an in-house project team and third party consultants as appropriate.  This 
regional implementation programme is designed to minimise the potential for disruption in the business. 
The Group operates in a competitive business environment and whilst we are strongly diversified we recognise the 
impact that the actions of competitors or potential competitors may have on our business.  In order to mitigate 
the effects of competition we seek to differentiate ourselves through our service offering, outstanding people and 
strong client management. 
Financial Review 
Revenue and Profit 
Revenue for the year increased by 37% to GBP319.0m (2008: GBP233.7m). Net revenue, after deduction of sub-consultant 
costs, increased by 37% to GBP269.9m (2008: GBP196.9m).  Organic growth in revenue and net revenue was 25% and 26% 
In presenting the Group's adjusted operating profit below, amortisation of intangible assets arising on business 
combinations and certain one off exceptional items have been excluded as the Directors believe that this assists 
with understanding the underlying performance of the Group: 
                                                         2009      2008 
                                                        GBP'000     GBP'000 
Group operating profit                                  5,008    13,415 
Add back : 
Amortisation on business combinations                   3,241     1,802 
Exceptional items                                       9,139      (180) 
Adjusted operating profit                              17,388    15,037 
Net finance costs                                      (1,796)     (667) 
Adjusted profit before taxation                        15,592    14,370 
Adjusted operating profit increased 16% to GBP17.4m (2008: GBP15.0m) and adjusted profit before taxation increased 8% 
to GBP15.6m (2008: 14.4m), benefiting from the weakness of sterling during the year. The adjusted operating margin 
on net revenue declined to 6.4% from 7.6% reflecting the current economic conditions in our markets which impacted 
on utilisation levels and project margins, and an increase in overhead costs. The restructuring of our operations 
in the second half of the year has sought to address these issues. 
Exceptional items 
Exceptional costs of GBP8.6m were incurred in the second half of the year with the restructuring of the Group to 
streamline and better align our service offerings with the markets and sectors in which we operate, and address 
areas of market weakness. The cash impact in the year amounted to GBP2.3m, approximately GBP2.9m was deferred to the 
new financial year, with the balance relating to property provisions which will be paid out over the remaining 
lease terms.  An analysis of the restructuring costs for the full year of GBP9.1m is shown in Note 1. In the prior 
year a gain of GBP0.2m was recognised as a result of members transferring out of the Acer Group Pension Scheme 
The net finance cost of the Group increased to GBP1.8m (2008: GBP0.7m) reflecting prior year interest income received 
in relation to settlement of an overdue debt (GBP0.5m), and increased charges for financing costs on pension schemes 
(GBP0.3m) and deferred and contingent consideration (GBP0.2m). 
The Group's  principal banking facilities totalling GBP47.1m are with HSBC and Barclays in the UK which include 
revolving credit facilities of GBP20m and GBP18m expiring in April 2012 and February 2013 respectively, and other long 
term facilities of GBP9.1m. In addition the Group has access to a number of overseas and on demand facilities of a 
further GBP7.8m.  All facilities are unsecured. Total committed banking facilities amount to GBP47.6m giving 
substantial headroom with year end net debt of GBP5.7m. 
In line with market practice, under the terms of its principal banking facilities the Group is required to operate 
within certain financial covenants related to net debt (including guarantee liabilities), EBITDA, debt service 
costs and interest cover. At the year end the Group had significant headroom within all of these covenants. 
In the year a taxation credit of GBP0.3m (2008: charge GBP1.6m) has been recognised. The tax rate on adjusted profit 
before tax amounts to 13.9% (2008:  13.6%). The current low rate reflects increased profits in zero tax 
jurisdictions in the Middle East and Research and Development tax credits in both the UK and Australia. 
Earnings Per Share 
Earnings per share are impacted by the amortisation of intangible assets arising on business combinations, and 
other one off items. Basic earnings per share amount to 9.12p (2008: 30.91p); diluted earnings per share amount 
to 9.10p (2008: 30.04p) reflecting the significant exceptional items in the year. The weighted average number of 
ordinary shares during the year was 38.4m (2008: 36.1m). Adjusted fully diluted earnings per share increased by 
4.5% to 34.87p (2008: 33.36p). 
A final dividend is proposed for the year to 31 March 2009 of 3.15p per share (2008: 2.10p) giving a 50% increase 
for the year to 4.5p (2008: 3p). The full year dividend is covered 7.7 times by adjusted fully diluted earnings 
per share (2008: 11.1 times). The dividend, if approved by the shareholders, will be paid on 7 August 2009 to 
shareholders on the register at 10 July 2009. 
Capital Structure 
During the year the Company issued 57,500 10p ordinary shares, in relation to exercised share options and as at 31 
March 2009 had 37,754,847 (2008: 37,697,347) fully paid ordinary shares in issue. 
During the year to 31 March 2009 shareholders' equity increased by 18% to GBP58.8m (2008: GBP49.7m) reflecting 
retained earnings for the year, foreign exchange gains and actuarial losses on defined benefit pension schemes. 
Net debt amounted to GBP5.7m at 31 March 2009 (2008: GBP11.1m). 
Shareholder Return 
Equity has increased during the year to GBP58.8m (2008: GBP49.7m), equating to a net asset value of 156p per share 
(2008: 132p). The closing share price on 31 March 2009 was 76p per share (2008: 410p) representing a market 
capitalisation for the Group of GBP28.7m (2008: GBP154.6m). 
Retirement benefit obligations 
The Group operates both defined benefit and defined contribution schemes. 
The principal defined benefit scheme is the AGPS, which was closed to new members in  2001, and for which a 
pensionable salary freeze is currently in place until March 2012. The deficit in the scheme at 31 March 2009 
increased to GBP26.5m  (2008: GBP22.5m).  The increase in the deficit reflects lower than expected asset returns, 
partially offset by actuarial gains due to increased discount rates. 
The sensitivities of the AGPS scheme liabilities to changes in these assumptions are shown below: 
Assumption               Change in assumption                       Indicative effect on scheme liabilities 
Discount rate            Increase / decrease by 0.5%                Decrease / increase by 9% 
Rate of inflation        Increase / decrease by 0.5%                Increase / decrease by 6% 
Longevity                Increase by 1 year                         Increase by 3% 
The Group operated a defined benefit scheme in Hong Kong which was closed during the year resulting in a 
curtailment gain of GBP0.8m being recognised as an exceptional item. 
The net finance costs for pension schemes amounted to GBP0.3m in the year (2008 income: GBP19,000). 
The Board acknowledges that valuations of defined benefit schemes under IAS 19 are inherently volatile, and will 
continue to take action where appropriate to reduce the AGPS deficit. 
Overseas post employment benefits relate principally to benefits payable on termination to staff in the  Middle 
East and increased to GBP7.3m (2008: GBP4.2m) as a result of the increase in staff numbers during the year. 
Cash Flow 
Net debt amounted to GBP5.7m at 31 March 2009 (2008: GBP11.1m). 
Cash generated from operating activities was GBP19.5m (2008: GBP4.2m), primarily reflecting improvements in working 
capital procedures made during the second half of the year. Trade receivables and net work in progress increased 
in the year from GBP72.9m to GBP85.0m primarily as a result of foreign exchange movements (GBP11.0m). The proportion of 
EBITDA converted into operating cash flow in the year was 88% (2008: 23%). 
As a result of the Group's prior year acquisitions the charge for amortisation of intangible assets from business 
combinations has increased in the year to GBP3.2m (2008: GBP1.8m). No acquisitions have been made in the current 
financial year. 
Established procedures exist to monitor cash flow, currency and interest rate risks in accordance with the  policy 
set by the Board. 
Approximately 30% of the Group's revenue is generated in Sterling.  The remaining balance is generated in the 
Middle East (mainly  the  UAE), Germany, Hong Kong and Australia where revenue is normally denominated in the 
relevant local  currency.  The revenue and costs of our international operations generally arise in the same 
currency and therefore the exposure to exchange fluctuations is usually not significant and consequently not 
hedged.  Where a mismatch does exist it is generally priced for in our customer contracts.  Most of our overseas 
operations maintain local currency overdraft and bonding facilities, which provide partial mitigation against 
balance sheet risk.  In spite of fluctuations in exchange rates which occur from time to time,  it is not 
considered necessary to hedge the net investment in overseas subsidiaries at this time. 
Ivor Catto                                  Russell Down 
Chief Executive                             Finance Director 
Condensed Financial Statements 
Consolidated Income Statement for the year ended 31 March 2009 
                                                                         2009            2008 
                                                          Note          GBP'000           GBP'000 
Revenue                                                      1        318,970         233,672 
Cost of sales 
       Sub-consultant costs                                          (49,067)        (36,765) 
       Other operating costs                                        (190,499)       (139,325) 
Gross profit                                                           79,404          57,582 
Administration expenses                                              (74,396)        (44,167) 
Group operating profit                                       1          5,008          13,415 
Analysed as: 
EBITA (Pre-exceptional items)                                          18,677          16,041 
Amortisation of intangible assets 
- Software                                                            (1,289)         (1,004) 
- Business combinations                                               (3,241)         (1,802) 
Exceptional items                                                     (9,139)             180 
Group operating profit                                       1          5,008          13,415 
Finance costs                                                2        (2,129)         (1,641) 
Finance income                                               2            333             974 
Profit before taxation                                                  3,212          12,748 
Taxation                                                                  291         (1,575) 
Profit for the year                                                     3,503          11,173 
Profit attributable to minority interest                                    -               3 
Profit attributable to equity holders of the parent                     3,503          11,170 
Earnings per share (pence) 
Basic                                                        3           9.12           30.91 
Diluted                                                      3           9.10           30.04 
Equity - Ordinary 10p shares 
Dividends (GBP'000) - Paid                                     4          1,295             823 
Dividend per share (pence)                                   4           3.45            2.30 
Dividends (GBP'000) - Proposed                                 4          1,172             792 
Dividend per share (pence)                                   4           3.15            2.10 
All activities are continuing. 
Adjusted earnings per share is disclosed in Note 3. 
Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense 
                                                                       2009                2008 
                                                                      GBP'000               GBP'000 
                                                               -------------        ------------ 
Profit for the financial year                                         3,503              11,173 
Exchange adjustments                                                 12,250               3,156 
Cash flow hedges recognised                                           (506)                (99) 
Transfer from minority interest                                           -                  16 
Actuarial (loss) /gain on defined benefit pension                   (6,242)               5,352 
Deferred taxation on actuarial loss / (gain)                          1,644             (1,682) 
Effect of UK tax rate change                                              -               (663) 
                                                               -------------        ------------ 
Net income recognised directly in equity                              7,146               6,080 
                                                               -------------        ------------ 
Total recognised income for the financial year                       10,649              17,253 
                                                               -------------        ------------ 
                                                               -------------        ------------ 
Attributable to: 
     Equity shareholders                                             10,649              17,250 
     Minority interests                                                   -                   3 
                                                                     10,649              17,253 
                                                               -------------        ------------ 
                                                               -------------        ------------ 
Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2009 
                                                                    2009                2008 
                                                   Note            GBP'000               GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                                                 46,728              45,452 
Property, plant and equipment                                     13,477              11,142 
Deferred tax asset                                                12,240               8,559 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
                                                                  72,445              65,153 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables                                      138,139             102,718 
Corporation tax recoverable                                        1,611               1,866 
Cash and cash equivalents                                         18,129              14,823 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
                                                                 157,879             119,407 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                        (93,788)            (64,461) 
Current tax liabilities                                          (1,742)             (1,694) 
Borrowings                                                       (2,512)             (2,696) 
Provisions                                                       (8,588)             (2,930) 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
                                                               (106,630)            (71,781) 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
Net current assets                                                51,249              47,626 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                                                      (21,346)            (23,252) 
Retirement benefit obligations                                  (34,520)            (27,363) 
Provisions                                                       (1,748)               (367) 
Deferred tax liabilities                                         (4,316)             (4,111) 
Other non-current liabilities                                    (2,914)             (7,952) 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
                                                                (64,844)            (63,045) 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
Net assets                                                        58,850              49,734 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
Called up ordinary share capital                    5              3,776               3,770 
Share premium                                       5             28,840              28,667 
Retained earnings                                   5             13,556              15,939 
Other reserves                                      5             12,648               1,332 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent               58,820              49,708 
Minority interest                                   5                 30                  26 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
Total equity                                                      58,850              49,734 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
                                                        -----------------      -------------- 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
                                                                         2009                2008 
                                                         Note           GBP'000               GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Cash generated from operations                           6(a)          19,535               4,195 
Interest received                                                         333                 974 
Interest paid                                                         (1,546)             (1,442) 
Taxation paid                                                         (2,850)             (1,805) 
                                                              ----------------     --------------- 
Net cash from operating activities                                     15,472               1,922 
                                                              ----------------     --------------- 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Deferred and contingent consideration paid                            (3,361)             (1,072) 
Acquisition of subsidiaries (net of cash acquired)                          -            (16,451) 
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment                   264                  40 
(incl. software) 
Purchase of minority interests                                              -               (159) 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (incl. software)            (6,759)             (4,067) 
                                                              ----------------     --------------- 
Net cash used in investing activities                                 (9,856)            (21,709) 
                                                              ----------------     --------------- 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Proceeds on issue of shares                                                99               4,320 
Employee trust purchase of own shares                                   (654)               (300) 
Repayments of obligations under finance leases                        (1,854)             (1,665) 
Proceeds on issue of new borrowings                                    30,807              31,619 
Repayment of borrowings                                              (32,130)            (17,447) 
Dividends paid                                            4           (1,295)               (823) 
                                                              ----------------     --------------- 
Net cash (used in) / from financing activities                        (5,027)              15,704 
                                                              ----------------     --------------- 
Effects of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash 
equivalents                                                             2,717                 243 
                                                              ----------------     --------------- 
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                  3,306             (3,840) 
                                                              ----------------     --------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 April                                   14,823              18,663 
                                                              ----------------     --------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 March                                  18,129              14,823 
                                                              ----------------     --------------- 
                                                              ----------------     --------------- 
1. Segmental analysis by location of operations 
Reflecting the Group's management and internal reporting structure, primary segmental information is presented  within 
the  Financial Statements in respect of geographical segments.  The Group manages its business on a global basis  with 
operations  in  three main geographical regions, UK / Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East.  The UK  is  the  home 
country  of  the parent.  Inter-segment revenue relates to contracts priced on an arm's length basis.   The  secondary 
reporting  format  is by business segment.  The Directors consider that there is only one secondary business  segment, 
being  engineering  design, planning, environmental and management consultancy.  Therefore, the  disclosures  for  the 
secondary segment have already been given in these Financial Statements. 
(a) Segment revenue 
                                                                               Inter-           Total            Total 
                                                                  2009           2009            2009             2008 
                                                                 GBP'000          GBP'000           GBP'000            GBP'000 
UK / Europe             - Continuing operations                129,472        (1,257)         128,215          113,051 
                        - Acquisitions                               -              -               -            5,191 
Asia Pacific            - Continuing operations                 85,286        (1,451)          83,835           60,964 
                        - Acquisitions                               -              -               -              605 
Middle East             - Continuing operations                117,264       (10,344)         106,920           53,183 
                        - Acquisitions                               -              -               -              678 
                                                               332,022       (13,052)         318,970          233,672 
(b) Segment results 
Regional operating profit 
UK / Europe             - Continuing operations                                                 8,306            8,799 
                        - Acquisitions                                                              -              946 
Asia Pacific            - Continuing operations                                                 4,472            3,543 
                        - Acquisitions                                                              -              116 
Middle East             - Continuing operations                                                 8,317            4,508 
                        - Acquisitions                                                              -               56 
Corporate overheads                                                                           (3,707)          (2,931) 
                                                                                               17,388           15,037 
Amortisation of intangible assets arising on business combinations 
UK / Europe             - Continuing operations                                               (1,362)            (672) 
                        - Acquisitions                                                              -            (389) 
Asia Pacific            - Continuing operations                                                 (979)            (551) 
                        - Acquisitions                                                              -             (59) 
Middle East             - Continuing operations                                                 (900)             (79) 
                        - Acquisitions                                                              -             (52) 
Exceptional items 
Redundancy costs                                                                              (5,031)                - 
Vacant property costs                                                                         (3,895)                - 
Other                                                                                           (213)              180 
                                                                                              (9,139)              180 
Group operating profit                                                                          5,008           13,415 
1. Segmental analysis by location of operations continued 
(c) Segment assets and liabilities 
                                                        UK / Europe            Asia         Middle            Total 
                                                                            Pacific           East 
                                                              GBP'000           GBP'000          GBP'000            GBP'000 
Segment assets                                               84,787          51,615         93,922          230,324 
Segment liabilities                                        (83,230)        (22,891)       (65,353)        (171,474) 
                                                              1,557          28,724         28,569           58,850 
Segment assets                                               86,181          44,215         54,164          184,560 
Segment liabilities                                        (76,068)        (21,121)       (37,637)        (134,826) 
                                                             10,113          23,094         16,527           49,734 
(d) Other information 
                                                        UK / Europe            Asia         Middle            Total 
                                                                            Pacific           East 
                                                              GBP'000           GBP'000          GBP'000            GBP'000 
Capital expenditure - property, plant &                       1,329           1,408          2,231            4,968 
Capital expenditure - software                                1,820             314            300            2,434 
Depreciation                                                  1,479             873          1,058            3,410 
Amortisation - software                                         782             260            247            1,289 
Amortisation - business combinations                          1,362             979            900            3,241 
Capital expenditure - property, plant &                       1,236           1,426            777            3,439 
Capital expenditure - software                                1,644             104            480            2,228 
Depreciation                                                  1,279             616            551            2,446 
Amortisation - software                                         666             194            144            1,004 
Amortisation - business combinations                          1,061             610            131            1,802 
2. Net finance costs 
                                                                        2009                2008 
                                                                       GBP'000               GBP'000 
Bank borrowings                                                      (1,377)             (1,048) 
Interest expense on tax balances                                        (22)               (149) 
Finance leases                                                         (148)               (237) 
Bond facilities                                                            -                 (3) 
Unwinding of discounts in provisions                                    (20)                (48) 
Unwinding of discounts in deferred and contingent                      (314)               (156) 
Net finance cost on pension scheme                                     (248)                   - 
Interest payable and similar charges                                 (2,129)             (1,641) 
Investment interest income                                               268                 251 
Interest income received on tax refunds                                   65                 153 
Interest income received on recovered debts                                -                 537 
Interest rate financial instruments                                        -                  14 
Net finance income on pension scheme                                       -                  19 
Interest receivable                                                      333                 974 
Net finance costs                                                    (1,796)               (667) 
3. Earnings per share 
(a) Number of shares 
                                                                         2009               2008 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
Weighted average number of shares in issue                         38,405,272         36,132,838 
Effect of dilution 
Share options                                                         103,232          1,051,573 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
Weighted average shares (diluted)                                  38,508,504         37,184,411 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
(b) Earnings used in the calculation of earnings per share 
                                                                         2009               2008 
                                                                        GBP'000              GBP'000 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
Profit attributable to equity shareholders                              3,503             11,170 
Add back / (less) exceptional items                                     9,139              (180) 
Add  back  amortisation  of  intangible  assets  on  business           3,241              1,802 
Less tax on adjusted items                                            (2,459)              (386) 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
Adjusted earnings                                                      13,424             12,406 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
(c) Earnings per share 
                                                                         2009               2008 
                                                                        Pence              Pence 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
Basic earnings per share                                                 9.12              30.91 
Add back / (less) exceptional items                                     23.80             (0.50) 
Add  back  amortisation  of intangible  assets  and  business            8.44               4.99 
Add back tax on adjusted items                                         (6.40)             (1.07) 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
Adjusted basic earnings per share                                       34.96              34.33 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
                                                                         2009               2008 
                                                                        Pence              Pence 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
Diluted earnings per share                                               9.10              30.04 
Add back / (less) exceptional items                                     23.73             (0.48) 
Add  back  amortisation  of intangible  assets  and  business            8.42               4.84 
Add back tax on adjusted items                                         (6.38)             (1.04) 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
Adjusted diluted earnings per share                                     34.87              33.36 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
4. Dividends 
                                                                        2009                 2008 
                                                                       GBP'000                GBP'000 
Dividends charged to equity in the year                                1,295                  823 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
                                                                --------------     -------------- 
Equity - Per Ordinary 10p share 
 Final dividend paid (pence)                                            2.10                 1.40 
 Interim dividend paid (pence)                                          1.35                 0.90 
The directors are proposing a final dividend of 3.15 pence per share (2008: 2.10 pence). In 
accordance with IFRS the dividend has not been recognised in the Financial Statements but if 
approved by shareholders will be paid on 7 August 2009 to shareholders on the register as at 10 
July 2009. 
5. Shareholders' funds and statement of changes in shareholders' equity 
                                           Share     Share   Retained        Fair      Total  Minority     Total 
                                         capital   premium   earnings   value and            interests 
                                           GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
At 1 April 2007                            3,585    21,262      2,437     (1,592)     25,692       242    25,934 
New shares issued                            185         -          -           -        185         -       185 
Premium on new shares issued                   -     7,405          -           -      7,405         -     7,405 
Profit for the year                            -         -     11,170           -     11,170         3    11,173 
Dividends paid                                 -         -      (823)           -      (823)         -     (823) 
Actuarial gains on defined benefit 
pension schemes                                -         -      5,352           -      5,352         -     5,352 
Deferred tax on actuarial gains                -         -    (1,682)           -    (1,682)         -   (1,682) 
Effect of UK tax rate change                   -         -      (663)           -      (663)         -     (663) 
Share option charges                           -         -        179           -        179         -       179 
Deferred tax on share option                   -         -       (47)           -       (47)         -      (47) 
Cash flow hedges recognised                    -         -          -        (99)       (99)         -      (99) 
Incentives granted in the year                 -         -          -       (300)      (300)         -     (300) 
Charge for the year                            -         -          -         167        167         -       167 
Minority interest acquired                     -         -          -           -          -     (195)     (195) 
Transfer to retained earnings                  -         -         16           -         16      (16)         - 
Exchange adjustments                           -         -          -       3,156      3,156       (8)     3,148 
At 31 March 2008                           3,770    28,667     15,939       1,332     49,708        26    49,734 
New shares issued                              6         -          -           -          6         -         6 
Premium on new shares issued                   -       173          -           -        173         -       173 
Profit for the year                            -         -      3,503           -      3,503         -     3,503 
Dividends paid                                 -         -    (1,295)           -    (1,295)         -   (1,295) 
Actuarial losses on defined benefit 
pension schemes                                -         -    (6,242)           -    (6,242)         -   (6,242) 
Deferred tax on actuarial losses               -         -      1,644           -      1,644         -     1,644 
Share option charges                           -         -         10           -         10         -        10 
Deferred tax on share option                   -         -        (3)           -        (3)         -       (3) 
Cash flow hedges recognised                    -         -          -       (506)      (506)         -     (506) 
Incentives granted in year                     -         -          -       (653)      (653)         -     (653) 
Charge for the year                            -         -          -         225        225         -       225 
Exchange adjustments                           -         -          -      12,250     12,250         4    12,254 
At 31 March 2009                           3,776    28,840     13,556      12,648     58,820        30    58,850 
6. Notes to the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
(a) Cash flows from operating activities 
                                                                                    2009        2008 
                                                                                   GBP'000       GBP'000 
Profit for the financial year                                                      3,503      11,173 
Adjustments for: 
Taxation                                                                           (291)       1,575 
Depreciation                                                                       3,410       2,446 
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                     57           - 
Amortisation - Software                                                            1,289       1,004 
Amortisation - Business Combinations                                               3,241       1,802 
Interest receivable                                                                (333)       (974) 
Interest payable and similar charges                                               2,129       1,641 
Fair value gain on financial                                                         239       (476) 
Share option costs                                                                   323         388 
Increase / (decrease) in provisions                                                7,039       (306) 
Defined benefit scheme charges                                                     4,877       2,598 
Pension scheme curtailments                                                        (766)           - 
Pension scheme settlements                                                             -       (350) 
Contributions to defined benefit                                                 (5,080)     (6,012) 
Changes in working capital (excluding effects of acquisitions): 
Increase in trade and other                                                     (32,522)    (12,916) 
Increase in trade and other payables                                              32,420       2,602 
Cash generated from operations                                                    19,535       4,195 
(b) Reconciliation of movement in net funds /(debt) 
                                              At 1                                             At 31 
                                             April                   Non Cash   Exchange       March 
                                              2008      Cash flow    Movement   Movement        2009 
                                             GBP'000          GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000 
Cash at bank                                14,823            589           -      2,717      18,129 
Debt due within 1 year                     (1,105)            284       (584)       (96)     (1,501) 
Debt due after 1 year                     (21,741)          1,039         584      (120)    (20,238) 
Finance leases due within 1 year           (1,591)          1,854     (1,101)      (173)     (1,011) 
Finance leases due after 1 year            (1,511)              -         456       (53)     (1,108) 
                                          (25,948)          3,177       (645)      (442)    (23,858) 
                                          (11,125)          3,766       (645)      2,275     (5,729) 
7. Related Party Transactions 
The Group have entered into transactions on an arm's length basis with related parties, mostly joint 
arrangements, during the year. Transactions relating to sales of consulting services to these joint 
arrangements amounted to GBP13.0m (2008: GBP13.9m). 
Net amounts due from these joint arrangements amounted to GBP3.6m (2008: GBP2.4m), and are included 
within trade receivables, as the Group utilises these arrangements primarily as special purpose 
billing vehicles on project related ventures with our partners.  A listing of significant joint 
arrangements is set out below: 
                                                             Legal status   Country of incorporation 
                                                                               / Region of operation 
McCarthy Hyder Consultants Limited(i)                        Incorporated        Republic of Ireland 
Hyder Halcrow JV                                           Unincorporated                UK / Europe 
Maunsell Hyder JV                                          Unincorporated               Asia Pacific 
Hyder Atkins JV                                            Unincorporated                Middle East 
(i) The Group holds a 50% interest in the joint arrangement's ordinary share capital. 
Unincorporated joint arrangements are normally operated from the relevant Hyder regional office. 
8. Financial information 
The information within this annual results announcement does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning 
of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2009 will 
be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting.  The auditors have 
indicated their intention to give an unqualified report which will not contain an emphasis of matter paragraph or 
any statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
The Company's Annual Report and Accounts for the financial year ending 31 March 2009 is expected to be posted to 
shareholders on 23 June 2009 and will be available for viewing on the Company's website at www.hyderconsulting.com 
9. Responsibility Statement 
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 
 *     the financial statements within this annual results announcement, prepared in accordance with International 
       Financial Reporting Standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and 
       profit or loss of the Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole; 
 *     the management report, within this annual results announcement, includes a fair review of the development 
       and performance of the business and the position of the Company and the undertakings included in the 
       consolidation taken as a whole, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that 
       they face. 
10. Cautionary Statement 
This report contains certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, performance, 
results, strategy and objectives, operations and businesses of the Group. By their nature, these statements 
involve uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances which are beyond the Group's control. 
As a result the Group's actual future financial condition, performance and results may differ materially from the 
plans or expectations expressed or implied within any forward-looking statement. Any forward-looking statements 
reflect knowledge and information available at the date of preparation of this report and the Company assumes no 
obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, resulting from new information, future events or 
otherwise. Nothing in this report should be construed as a profit forecast. 
Non- Statutory Information - Summary of Five Year Trading Results 
The following information is illustrative only and does not form part of the Financial Statements. 
                                                31 March   31 March   31 March     31 March    31 March 
                                                    2009       2008       2007         2006        2005 
                                                   GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000 
Consolidated Income Statement 
Revenue                                          318,970    233,672    203,145      171,314     136,233 
Net Revenue                                      269,903    196,907    167,445      139,213     112,858 
Operating profit before                           17,388     15,037     11,401        8,380       4,714 
amortisation and other 
Amortisation of goodwill and                     (3,241)    (1,802)    (1,407)        (671)         351 
Exceptional items and other adjustments          (9,139)        180      4,338        2,057       (318) 
Profit before interest and                         5,008     13,415     14,332        9,766       4,747 
Net finance costs                                (1,796)      (667)      (983)      (1,427)     (2,154) 
Profit before taxation                             3,212     12,748     13,349        8,339       2,593 
Consolidated Balance Sheet 
Goodwill and other intangibles                    46,728     45,452     18,046       12,332       6,275 
Fixed assets                                      13,477     11,142      9,443        8,364       6,830 
Deferred tax                                      12,240      8,559     12,560       15,171      10,730 
Current assets                                   157,879    119,407     96,671       81,171      62,232 
                                                 230,324    184,560    136,720      117,038      86,067 
Current financial liabilities and trade 
payables                                       (106,630)   (71,781)   (63,471)     (54,213)    (34,005) 
Total assets less current                        123,694    112,779     73,249       62,825      52,062 
Non-current liabilities and 
provisions                                      (64,844)   (63,045)   (47,315)     (54,874)    (45,249) 
Net assets                                        58,850     49,734     25,934        7,951       6,813 
Called up share capital                            3,776      3,770      3,585        3,266       3,233 
Share premium account                             28,840     28,667     21,262       12,515      11,701 
Retained earnings                                 13,556     15,939      2,437      (8,232)     (7,945) 
Other reserves                                    12,648      1,332    (1,592)           72       (315) 
Total shareholders' equity                        58,820     49,708     25,692        7,621       6,674 
Minority interests in equity                          30         26        242          330         139 
Total equity                                      58,850     49,734     25,934        7,951       6,813 
Adjusted net operating margin               %       6.44       7.63       6.81         6.02        4.18 
Adjusted diluted earnings per               p      34.87      33.36      26.49        18.86        7.86 
Basic earnings per share                    p       9.12      30.91      32.44        21.44        8.14 
Dividends per ordinary share                p       4.50       3.00       2.00         1.25        0.75 
Average number of employees            Number      4,643      4,257      3,798        3,203       2,864 
Net (debt) / funds                      GBP'000    (5,729)   (11,125)      8,221        6,214       4,451 
Hyder Consulting PLC 

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