RNS No 9849q
24th August 1998

                         FREEPAGES GROUP PLC
                   ("Freepages" or the "Company")
          Results for the 3 month period ended 30 June 1998

* Revenues for the 3 months to 30 June 1998 were #5.0 million,
  up 22 per cent. compared to the second quarter and up 22 per 
  cent. on  the comparative quarter last year once one off items 
  have been accounted for.

* Telephonic  readouts  increased to  4.8  million  and  internet
  readouts   increased   to  16.5  million  representing   increases,
  respectively of 14 per cent. and 34 per cent. compared to the 
  second quarter

* Operational costs remained stable during the period compared to
  the  prior period and are expected to grow at a significantly lower
  rate than anticipated revenues.

* Partnership agreements with Microsoft Networks and Cendant were

* Scoot Belgium was launched on 1 June 1998 and usage and trading
  results  are  developing positively.  Various internet and  telecom
  partnership  agreements  were successfully implemented  during  the

* Scoot  Netherlands signed a partnership agreement with  Cendant
  and  is  now providing a similar service in the Netherlands to  the
  Scoot (UK) Home Shopping Service.

* RequesT Limited, the telephone and internet transaction service,
  in  which  Freepages holds a 30 per cent. equity stake announced  a
  strategic partnership agreement with Equifax.

* It is anticipated that the Company's ordinary shares will move to 
  the main market of the London Stock Exchange ("LSE") during the 
  next few days.

Commenting on todays results, Robert Bonnier CEO said:

"Our UK business delivered positive results in terms of revenues  and
usage  whilst  operating expenditures remained stable as anticipated.
We  expect these positive trends to continue.  Our focus will  be  on
two  areas.   First, continuing to progress the initiatives  we  have
launched   to   drive  our  core UK business  forward; and  secondly,
introducing   complementary   products   supported   by    additional
partnerships which will utilise our existing infrastructure.  We  are
pleased  with the positive results from Scoot Belgium which  will  be
enhanced  following  the  implementation of  a  number  of  important
partnership agreements."

For further information contact:

Freepages Group plc

Robert Bonnier, CEO
Ronald Dorjee, CFO                                0171 368 3900
Miranda Cleverdon, Director Corporate Communications

Buchanan Communications Limited                   0171 466 5000
Mark Edwards

                       Review of UK operations

The  period showed positive trends in terms of revenue growth,  sales
productivity and increased operating efficiencies.  Operational costs
remained  stable  during the period and are expected  to  grow  at  a
significantly lower rate than anticipated revenues.

The  Companys  primary aim is to develop two complementary  annuity-
type   businesses:   (i)  classified  directory;  and  (ii)  consumer

Classified Directory

After  a  successful trial, the Company is about to introduce new
contracts  for its Classified business - for an initial fixed period
and thereafter on a rolling basis - rather than its present  fixed
twelve month arrangements. It is  expected  that this change will
substantially  reduce  the costs of servicing classified  advertisers
thus  increasing margins on each contract. The intention is that  the
Classified business will increasingly take on the characteristics  of
an annuity-type business where high initial sales costs are offset by
ongoing revenues generated at much lower cost.

Following the initial fixed period either party can thereafter 
terminate the rolling contract at 28 days notice. As a result the 
Company intends to report statistical information reflecting the 
appropriate underlying trends of the business. These statistics 
will be presented during full year results and include among other: 
number of available selling days, number of advertisers, average 
revenue per advertiser and churn rate.

During  the  period,  the  Company  consolidated  the  size  of   its
salesforce who are now primarily focused on new business. At  the  
end  of  the period 280  sales  executives  were employed. It is the 
Companys intention to maintain this  level  of salesforce over the 
foreseeable future that should lead to  improved productivity.   
Corporate Sales is now primarily focused  on  selling the directory 
and mid-call transfer products.

Customer  management  processes and management information  services,
which  were  highlighted  in the last statement,  have  continued  to
improve.   Mid-call  transfer  will be  introduced  to  the  consumer
database to increase the quality of the sales leads provided  to  the
classified  salesforce.   In  addition,  significant  work  is  being
carried  out in improving both sales prospecting and lead generation.
Management believe that the results of this project will  lead  to  a
more  focused approach to the sales process, higher levels  of  sales
efficiency and lower associated costs.

Consumer usage continues to increase at a highly satisfactory rate as
a result of improved brand awareness, additional service features and
repeat  usage. The number of telephonic and internet readouts  during
the  period  increased to 4.8 million and 16.5 million,  representing
increases,  respectively, of  14 per cent. and 34 per  cent.  on  the
prior quarter.

Consumer Memberships

Having successfully generated members for the Scoot Home Shopping 
service the Company intends to build a Scoot-branded consumer 
membership business. This is presently expected to be established
during the course of the next financial year. The service will 
provide additional revenue by utilising the Company's existing 
infrastructure and leveraging the Company's growing user base. The
intention is to provide a wide range of discounts and complementary
product features to the Scoot user thereby increasing its 
loyalty. The service should also deepen the relationship between the
user base and the Company's Corporate and Classified advertisers.

                   Key Performance Indicators (UK)

               Sep96  Dec96 Mar97 Jun97 Sep97 Dec97 Mar98 Jun98 
Return on base     -      -     -     -     -    51    57    62
percentage         -      -     -     -     -     -   +12    +9

readouts (M)     0.7    1.1   1.7   2.1   2.6   3.4   4.2   4.8
Percentage       +40    +57   +56   +24   +24   +31   +24   +14

readouts (M)     0.7    1.4   2.5   2.5   3.4   6.7  12.3  16.5
percentage       +40   +100   +78     0   +36   +97   +84   +34   

*As aforementioned appropriate statistical data will be presented 
during full year results and will include amongst others: number 
of available selling days, number of advertisers, average revenue 
per advertiserand churn rate.

RequesT  Limited  In July 1998 the European arm of Equifax, a leading
process,  consulting and software business acquired a  40  per  cent.
stake in RequesT (UK) Limited, the UK franchising business of RequesT
Limited  in  which  Freepages  holds a 30  per  cent.  equity  stake.
RequesT  develops and markets the RequesT Trading Platform, a  system
that  allows products and services such as financial services, travel
products  and utilities to be offered to consumers via call  centres,
the internet and other direct marketing channels.

RequesT  has  recently completed the 'Beta' testing  of  its  trading
platform  with  encouraging results.  It is intended  to  launch  the
service in September 1998.

                   Review of the Dutch operations

Classified  advertising  gross new contract revenue  for  the  period
amounted to #2 million.  At the end of the period the number of  full
time  equivalent  employees was 300.  The number of sales  executives
increased  over  the  period which had a  negative  impact  on  sales
productivity  since typically new sales executives start contributing
only  two  months  after completion of the sales training  programme.
Trends in renewal sales continue to develop better than expected.

Consumer  usage  growth was restricted because  of  certain  capacity
constraints.   These issues have now been properly addressed  and  in
the current quarter usage has started to grow significantly again.

Cendant partnership  Scoot Netherlands entered into an agreement with
Cendant and is now providing a service in the Netherlands similar  to
the  Scoot  (UK)  Home Shopping Service.  It is  anticipated  that  a
similar Scoot consumer membership base will be developed over time as
described in the UK operations section above.
                   Key Performance Indicators (NL)

                      Sep-97     Dec-97    Mar-98    Jun-98
Gross new classified 
contract revenue #m*     1.5       2.0        1.6       2.0
Growth percentage          -       +33        -20       +25

Gross new classified 
contract value
per sales executive   27,400    26,100     22,500    17,300
Growth percentage         -         -5        -14       -23

Telephone readouts 
millions                0.2        0.5        1.0       1.1
Growth percentage         -       +150       +100       +10

Internet readouts 
millions                0.9        1.0        1.8       1.8
Growth percentage         -        +11        +80         0

*Total gross value of all new contracts entered into during the
 period.  Due to defaults and cancellations, not all the gross
 contract value may ultimately be realised by Scoot (NL).

                  Review of the Belgian operations

Scoot Belgium was launched on 1 June 1998 following a successful 
test-marketing  campaign in the Ghent and Namen areas.  Trends 
in  revenue and  usage  rates  as well as brand recognition 
continue  to  develop positively.   Telephone  readouts are  
already  averaging  more  than 10,000  per day with internet 
readouts averaging 8,000 per day,  both metrics  continue  to 
exceed those experienced by  Scoot  (NL)  at  a similar stage in 
its development.

The  number of employees is currently around 160 people. The  Company
will provide the key performance indicators for Scoot Belgium in  the
fourth quarter results.

                          Financial Results

Revenue  for the three month period ended 30 June 1998 grew  to  #5.0
million  compared to #4.1 million for the prior quarter, representing
an increase of 22 per cent.  In comparison to the 1997 third quarter,
revenues  increased by 2 per cent.  Removing the effects of the  sale
of  a database and the sale of a large classified contract which
were  included  in that quarters revenue, revenues rose  by  22  per
cent. year on year.

The  return on base figure (advertiser renewals) was 62 per cent.  in
the  three months ended 30 June 1998 compared to 57 per cent. in  the
previous  quarter.  This figure is calculated by comparing the  value
of  renewals  sold  against  the value of   advertising  subscription
values released to the salesforce for renewal.

The  Scoot business is characterised by certain seasonal factors like
holiday  periods and advertiser commitments, which tend to be  higher
in  the  first half of the year.  The Company is subject  to  certain
discretionary  expenditures such as marketing,  product  development,
capital  expenditures and the costs associated with the  introduction
of  additional  partnerships.  The overall  trends  in  revenues  and
cashflow  continue to develop positively but remain  subject  to  the
aforementioned factors, which will result in net cash outflows during
certain periods as is likely to be the case in the current quarter.

The operating loss (including international costs), excluding the 
Group's share of the joint ventures and associated companies' 
operating loss, amounted to #4.2 million for the period with a  loss 
per  share of 1.22p. Net cash outflow from operating activities and 
investments amounted to #4.7 million during the three month  period 
ended  30  June 1998 and #14.8 million for the 9 months ended that 
date  At the end of the period the net cash  balance was #12.6 
million and net assets totalled #11.8 million.

                      Key Financial Statistics


           Jun96 Sep96 Dec96 Mar 97 Jun97 Sep97 Dec97 Mar98 Jun98
(UK only)
Classified   1.4   2.0   2.4    2.9  3.9    3.9   3.6   3.9   4.5
Corporate      0   0.1   0.2    0.4  0.4    0.2   0.2   0.2   0.3
Other          -     -     -    0.4  0.5    0.4   0.7     -   0.2

SG& A*       2.7   3.7   3.9    5.2  5.8    6.9   6.7   6.8   6.8
Marketing    1.3   0.7   0.7    1.7  0.9#   0.9   2.8   1.5   1.4

EBIT UK     (2.6) (2.4) (2.1)  (3.4)(1.9)  (3.3) (5.0) (4.3) (3.2)
ratio) **   (186%)(120%)(84%)   (97%)(40%)  (73%)(111%)(105%) (65%)

International  -     -     -    0.1  0.3    0.4   0.7   1.3   1.0

Scoot (NL)     -     -     -   (0.1)(0.4)  (1.2) (0.7) (1.0) (0.6)
Scoot (B)      -     -     -      -    -      -  (0.4) (0.3) (0.9)
TDS Group      -     -  (0.1)  (0.2)(0.4)  (0.2) (0.2) (0.6) (0.3)
RequesT        -     -     -      -    -      -  (0.1) (0.1) (0.1)

Net cash       -     -   1.4   41.6 39.2   34.6  24.4  17.4  12.6

*SG&A includes cost of sales and excludes marketing and
 international costs.  Marketing and international costs are
 represented separately above.

**    Total UK costs (excluding international costs) divided by total
 accounting revenue generated during the period.
# Excludes the exceptional marketing costs of launching the 
'ScootTM brand.
 Unaudited Consolidated Income Statement for the 3 Months to 30 June

                           3      3     3        9      9       9
                        months months months  months  months  months
                         ended  ended  ended   ended   ended   ended
                        30 Jun 30 Jun 30 Jun  30 Jun  30 Jun  30 Jun
                          1998   1998   1997    1998    1998    1997
                       (Note 1)              (Note 1)
                         $000  #000  #000   $000   #000   #000

Group Sales (including 
share of Joint 
Ventures)                9,690  5,817  4,857  25,867  15,527  10,833

Share of Joint Venture 
Sales                   (1,489)  (894)   (21) (3,425) (2,057)    (21)
Sales                    8,201  4,923  4,836  22,442  13,470  10,812

Operating costs

Cost of Sales             (740)  (444)  (204) (2,031) (1,219)   (499)

Selling, General and
Expenses               (14,443)(8,669)(6,858)(46,256)(27,765)(18,174)

Operating Loss          (6,982)(4,190)(2,226)(25,845)(15,514) (7,861)

Share of losses of 
joint companies         (2,767)(1,661)  (448) (6,794) (4,078)   (516)

Net Interest Income        406    243    621   1,881   1,128     773

Loss before taxes 
on income              (9,979) (5,990)(2,376)(33,116)(19,879) (8,289)

Taxes on income             -       -      -       -       -       -

Retained loss for the 
period attributable to 
equity shareholders    (9,979) (5,990)(2,376)(33,116)(19,879) (8,289)
Loss per share         (2.03)c (1.22)p (0.49)p(6.78)c (4.04)p (1.94)p

Weighted average/no 
of shares millions      492.2   492.2  487.28  492.2   492.2    426.6

             Consolidated Balance Sheets at 30 June 1998

                                 30 Jun      30 Jun      30 Jun
                                  1998         1998        1997
                              Unaudited   Unaudited   Unaudited
                               (Note 1)
                                  $000       #000       #000


Current Assets

Cash at bank and in hand         21,040      12,629      39,226
Accounts Receivable               2,674       1,605       2,504
Prepaid expenses                  1,421         853         681
Other current assets              5,513       3,309       1,010
                              ---------   ---------   ---------
Total Current Assets             30,648      18,396      43,421

Fixed Assets

Property, plant and equipment     5,358       3,216       1,671
Intangible assets                 1,262         758         546

Share of Net Assets of 
Joint Ventures
Gross Assets                      3,352       2,012         566
Gross Liabilities                (3,450)     (2,071)       (412)
Investment in associated 
companies                          (617)       (370)         14
Total Investment                   (715)       (429)        168
                              ---------   ---------   ---------
Total Assets                     36,553      21,941      45,806
                              ---------   ---------   ---------

Liabilities and 
shareholders equity

Current Liabilities

Accounts payable and 
accrued expenses                 7,820        4,694       4,518
Deferred income                  4,463        2,679       1,898
Other taxation including 
social security                  3,788        2,274         452
                              ---------   ---------   ---------
Total current liabilities       16,071        9,647       6,868

Other long term liabilities        888          533         173
                              ---------   ---------   ---------
Total Liabilities               16,959       10,180       7,041
                              ---------   ---------   ---------
Shareholders equity

Deferred Shares                    333          200         200
Ordinary shares fully paid 
par value 2p per share:
492,200,098 shares at 
30 June 1998
(484,126,742 shares at 
30 June 1997)                  16,400         9,844       9,844
Premiums in excess of 
par value                      92,017        55,232      55,677
Shares to be issued               826           496         496
Merger reserve                (10,359)       (6,218)     (6,218)
Retained deficit              (79,623)      (47,793)    (21,234)
                              ---------   ---------   ---------
Shareholders equity           19,594        11,761      38,765
                              ---------   ---------   ---------
Total liabilities and 
shareholders equity           36,553        21,941      45,806
                              ---------   ---------   ---------

Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statements 
for the 9 Months to 30 June 1998

                               9 months    9 months    9 months
                                  ended       ended       ended
                                 30 Jun      30 Jun      30 Jun
                                   1998        1998        1997
                              Unaudited   Unaudited   Unaudited
                                (Note 1)
                                  $000       #000       #000

Net cash outflow from 
operating activities            (24,599)    (14,765)     (8,222)

Return on investments and 
servicing of finance
Interest received                 1,881       1,129         783
Interest paid                        (1)         (1)        (10)
Finance lease interest paid         (20)        (12)        (15)
                              ---------   ---------   ---------
Net cash inflow from returns 
on investments and
servicing of finance              1,860       1,116          58
                              ---------   ---------   ---------
Capital expenditure and 
financial investment
Purchase of tangible 
fixed assets                    (1,918)     (1,151)       (627)
Purchase of intangible 
fixed assets                         -           -        (300)
Purchase of investments         (8,477)     (5,088)          -
Convertible loan to 
associate company               (2,466)     (1,480)          -
                              ---------   ---------   ---------
Net cash outflow from 
capital expenditure and
  financial investment         (12,861)     (7,719)       (927)
                              ---------   ---------   ---------
Net cash outflow before 
management of
liquid resources and financing (35,600)    (21,368)     (8,391)

Management of liquid resources
Cash on short-term deposit      29,283      17,577     (33,750)
                              ---------   ---------   ---------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow 
from management of
 liquid resources               29,283      17,577     (33,750)
                              ---------   ---------   ---------
Issue of ordinary shares 
less expenses                     (496)       (298)     43,920
Capital element of finance 
lease payments                    (500)       (300)        (47)
                              ---------   ---------   ---------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow 
from financing                    (996)       (598)     43,843
                              ---------   ---------   ---------
Net decrease in cash            (7,313)     (4,389)      1,732
                                  =====       =====       =====

      Notes to the Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements

The Third Quarter Results, which are unaudited, have been prepared on
the  basis of the accounting policies set out in the Groups  1996/97
Annual  Report and Accounts.  The information presented  herein  does
not  constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section  240
of the Companies Act 1985 (as amended).

Copies  of the Third Quarter are being sent to shareholders  and  are
available  to  the  public  from the Company  Secretary,  Information
House, Parkway Court, Oxford OX4 2JY.

1.    Basis of Preparation

 The  Group  results  include  the four  associated  companies:   the
 Freepages VNU Joint Ventures in the Netherlands and in Belgium,  TDS
 Group   Limited   and  RequesT  Limited.   The  results   of   these
 associated  companies are included in the Group results.   All  four
 are accounted for under the equity method.
 Whilst the Joint Ventures in the Netherlands and Belgium operate  in
 local  currency, the main currency in which the Company operates  is
 UK  Pounds Sterling.  The financial statements are therefore  stated
 in  UK  Pounds  Sterling (#).  For the purposes of  this  statement:
 Dutch  Guilder amounts are translated into Sterling at  an  exchange
 rate  of NLG 3.257 = #1;  Belgian Franc amounts are translated  into
 Sterling at an exchange rate of BFr 57.8 = #1.

 Merely   for   convenience,   the   financial   statements   contain
 translations  of certain pound sterling amounts into US  Dollars  at
 an  exchange rate of $1.6660 = #1.00, being the Noon Buying Rate  of
 the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on 30 June 1998.

2.    Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheets

 The  figures  for the year ended 30 September 1997  are  an  extract
 from  the  Groups  Annual  Report  and  Accounts  which  have  been
 delivered  to the Registrar of Companies.  The auditors opinion  on
 the  financial statements was not qualified and did not include  any
 statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

3.    Commitments and Contingencies

 The  Company  is party to various legal proceedings in the  ordinary
 course  of  business  which  it does not  believe  will  result,  in
 aggregate,  in  any  material adverse effect on  its  balance  sheet
 position and results.

4.      Unaudited Movement in Equity Shareholders Funds

            #1 Ordinary Shares Premiums Shares Merger Retained Total
      deferred                In excess  to be reserve deficit
        shares                   of par issued
         #000   Number  #000    #000  #000   #000   #000 #000

Balance at    492,200,098
30 Sept        
1997       200           9,844   55,530   496  (6,218)(27,915)31,937

Net loss 
3 months to
December 1997 -       -      -        -     -      -   (6,602)(6,602)

costs         -       -       -    (298)    -       -       -   (298)
Balance at      492,200,098
31 December 
1997        200           9,844   55,232   496  (6,218)(34,517)25,037

Net loss 
3 months to
March 1998   -       -       -       -      -       -  (7,286)(7,286)
Balance at      492,200,098
31 March 
1998       200           9,844   55,232   496  (6,218)(41,803)17,751
Net Loss 
3 months to
June 1998    -       -       -        -     -       -  (5,990)(5,990)

Balance at      492,200,098
30 June 
1998       200           9,844   55,232   496  (6,218)(47,793)11,761

5.             Notes to Cashflow Statement

       Reconciliation of Operating Loss to Operating Cashflows

                               9 months    9 months    9 months 
                                  ended       ended       ended
                                 30 Jun      30 Jun      30 Jun
                                   1998        1998        1997
                               (Note 1)
                                  $000       #000       #000

Operating Loss                 (25,846)     (15,514)     (7,861)

Depreciation and 
amortisation charge                854          513         289
(Increase) in debtors and 
other current assets              (526)        (316)     (3,934)
Increase in creditors and 
accruals                           919          552       3,284

Net cash outflow from         ---------    ---------    ---------
operating activities           (24,599)     (14,765)     (8,222)
                              =========    =========    =========

6. Notes to the Cash Flow Statement

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

                                                       9 months
                                                         30 Jun

Decrease in cash in the period                           (4,389)

Cash inflow from increase in lease financing                312

Cash outflow from decrease in liquid resources          (17,577)
Change in net funding resulting from cashflows          (21,654)
Movement in net funding in the period                   (21,654)

Net funding at 30 September 1997                         33,658
Net funding at 30 June 1998                              12,004

7. Note to the Cash Flow Statement

           Analysis of net funding

                                     At       Cash           At
                                30 Sept        flow      30 Jun
                                   1997                    1998
                                  #000       #000       #000

Cash at bank and in hand          5,111     (4,389)         722

Cash on deposit                  29,484    (17,577)      11,907

Finance leases                     (937)       312         (625)
                                 ------     ------       ------
Total                            33,658    (21,654)      12,004
                                 ======     ======       ======

8.        Nasdaq Reporting Schedules

   The  Groups  consolidated interim results are  prepared  in
   accordance  with  generally accepted  accounting  principles
   applicable  in the United Kingdom ("UK GAAP") which  differs
   in  certain significant respects from that applicable in the
   United   States  ("US  GAAP").   These  differences   relate
   primarily  to those items which were set out in the  Groups
   financial  statements for the year ended 30 September  1997.
   The  approximate effect of the adjustments on net income and
   shareholders equity is set out below.
Approximate effect on net income of differences between UK and
                                               #000        #000
Quarter ended 30th June 1998

Net Loss in accordance with UK GAAP                      (5,990)


Acquisition accounting - Goodwill              (202)
Revenue Recognition - Dutch Operation          (579)       (781)

Net Loss in accordance with US GAAP                      (6,771)

9 months ended 30 June 1998

Net Loss in accordance with UK GAAP                     (19,879)

Acquisition accounting - Goodwill             (606)
Revenue Recognition - Dutch Operation         (719)      (1,325)

Net Loss in accordance with US GAAP                     (21,204)

Approximate cumulative effect on Shareholders equity of
differences between UK and US GAAP
As at 30 June 1998
                                               #000       #000

Shareholders Equity in accordance with UK GAAP           11,761

Acquisition accounting - Goodwill               942
Revenue Recognition - Dutch Operation          (719)
Associated undertaking                          171         394

Shareholders Equity in accordance with US GAAP           12,155

Reconciliation of Shareholders Equity in accordance with US GAAP      


Shareholders Equity at 30 September 1997                 33,656
Net Loss for the 3 months ended 31 December 1997         (6,804)
Cost of Share Issue                                        (298)

Shareholders Equity at 31 December 1997                  26,554

Net Loss for the 3 months ended 31 March 1998            (7,628)

Shareholders Equity at 31 March 1998                     18,926

Net Loss for the 3 months ended 30 June 1998             (6,771)

Shareholders Equity at 30 June 1998                      12,155

9. Interest Income/Expenses

   Net  interest increased from #773,000 for the 9 months  ended
   30  June  1997 to #1,129,000 for the 9 months ended  30  June
   1998.   Most of this increase was due to higher cash balances
   resulting from the global equity offering in March 1997.

10.Losses from Associated Companies

   The Groups share of losses in associated companies for the
   9 month period to 30 June 1998 was #5,493,085.

   These  losses  related  to  TDS  Group  Limited  ("TDS")
   (#1,057,547) (9 months to 30 June 1997 #685,000),  the  joint
   venture  partnership in the Netherlands with  VNU  (Verenigde
   Nederlandse Uitgeversbedrijven BV) (#2,420,834),   (9  months
   to  30 June 1997: #516,000), the joint venture partnership in
   Belgium  with  VNU (#1,657,061) (9 months to  30  June  1997:
   nil)  and  RequesT Limited (#357,643) (9 months  to  30  June
   1997:  nil).   The losses of TDS arose mainly from  continued
   product  development.  Losses from Scoot NL were due  to  the
   cost  of  the continued development of the Scoot business  in
   the  Netherlands.  The losses from RequesT (UK) Limited arose
   mainly   from   the  cost  of  establishing   the   marketing
   technology  business  in  the  UK.   The  losses  from  Scoot
   Belgium were due to the establishment of the service in  that

11.Liquidity and Capital Resources

   The  Company incurred an operating cash flow deficit of #14.8
   million  for the 9 months to 30 June 1998  (#8.2 million  for
   the   corresponding  period  in  1997).   The  Company   also
   invested  #6.24 million in capital expenditure and additional
   investments  in  associates during the same period  (#927,000
   for  the  corresponding period in 1997).     These  increases
   reflect the continued expansion of the business.

12.       Disclosure regarding forward looking statements

   All  statements  other  than statements  of  historical  fact
   included  in this report are, or may be deemed to be forward-
   looking  statements within the meaning of the  US  securities
   laws.   Important factors that could cause actual results  to
   differ  materially  from  those discussed  in  such  forward-
   looking  statements  include, among other things:  acceptance
   by  advertisers  and  consumers of the  Companys  classified
   information content, services and distribution channels;  the
   ability  of  the Company to successfully develop  and  market
   new  products  and  services and distribution  channels;  the
   ability of the Company to respond to changes or increases  in
   competition;   the  ability  of the  Company  to  manage  its
   future  growth  and to increase the number and  effectiveness
   of   its  sales  staff;   the  ability  of  the  Company   to
   successfully   introduce,  market,  sell  and   deliver   its
   services  in  markets  outside the UK;  the  ability  of  the
   Company  to  manage the risks associated with joint  ventures
   and  potential acquisitions in the UK and abroad; the ability
   of  the Company to attract and retain necessary technical and
   management  personnel;  and the ability  of  the  Company  to
   protect  its  intellectual property rights.   All  subsequent
   written  and oral forward-looking statements attributable  to
   the  Company  or persons acting on behalf of the Company  are
   expressly  qualified  in their entirety  by  such  cautionary



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