RNS Number:1316R
Basepoint PLC
23 October 2003

Basepoint Plc

Interim Results 2003

Interim Statement

                      Enterprise, Innovation, Opportunity

Highlights - Interim Statement

   *Operating profit increased by 89% to #0.96m (2002 - #0.51m)

   *Profit for the period increased by 110% to #0.6m (2002 - #0.28m)

   *Earnings per share increased by 43%

   *Maiden interim dividend of 0.5p per share - payable on 28 November 2003

   *Net assets per share - #1.82

   *Limited Partnership formed with Trustees of Kodak Pension Plan and first
    two MBECs financed by Partnership opening at Andover and Crawley this month

   *Development work on a new MBEC starting on site at Bournemouth
    International Airport this month*

   *Contracts for site acquisition at Swindon exchanged this month with
    expected start on site in January 2004*

   *New MBEC developed for SEEDA and managed by Basepoint scheduled to open
    in Gosport in April 2004

* Basepoint Limited Partnership projects

Dividend timetable - Interim

 Ex dividend  29 October 2003

 Record date  31 October 2003

 Payment date  28 November 2003

"The UK now boasts the highest number of individual businesses since official
figures were first compiled in 1994. In total 3.8m businesses were up and
running in 2002. Companies with fewer than 50 employees and sole traders
dominate, representing 99.1pc of the total.... Small companies increased their
share of total employment, providing jobs for 43.7% of the total workforce...."

               Daily Telegraph report on National Statistics 1st September 2003.

Basepoint has been dedicated to the development and operation of Managed
Business, Innovation and Enterprise Centres (MBECs) for many years and has been
meeting the increased demand from the smaller SME (small and medium enterprises)
for high quality business units available on short-term licence agreements. The
statistics quoted above give an indication of the scale of the potential market
for the Company's product.

Basepoint has gained a strong reputation for delivering high quality
accommodation through its focused specialisation in this niche sector. The
Company provides a supportive environment which encourages small businesses to
flourish and grow. The combination of product reputation and active management
provides a solid platform to deliver improving returns to our investors and a
socially important facility for the community of smaller SMEs.

The Basepoint strategy is to maximise profits from the use of core skills that
exist within the Group - that is to develop new MBECs and then to bring them to
high levels of operational performance. These profits are delivered by:

   *Managing our existing owned centres, maintaining high service levels and
    occupancy rates to produce an attractive return on the capital employed
    within them.

   *Procuring new MBECs for ourselves and/or in partnership with others
    providing project management and procurement fees.

   *Applying our management skills to the same high level in operating MBECs
    owned wholly or partly by others to produce an enduring and increasing
    income stream with a much reduced demand on our own capital.

Financial Results

The first half of the current financial year bears good testimony to the
strategy. Turnover increased by 64% to a total of #2.6m, with fee income from an
increase in development activity accounting for #0.6m of that total. Turnover
from MBEC and other activities, at #2m, showed an increase of 25% over the
corresponding period in the previous year. These enhanced levels of business
activity have been achieved by strengthening the central management team and
this, in turn, has been reflected in an increase in administrative costs.
Nevertheless those costs have been controlled relative to increased turnover so
that the profits before tax have more than doubled when compared to the
corresponding period in the previous year. The directors anticipate that there
will be a period of consolidation following this steep rise in reported profits
before the new initiatives, discussed in the 'Operations' paragraph below, begin
to contribute to results.

Investment properties are valued on an annual basis at the end of each year. At
the interim stage there is therefore no revaluation movement to report. The only
change in net assets comes through retained profits which, in this period, have
lifted net assets per share to #1.82 at 31 August.


Although profit for the period increased by 110% the effect of last year's fund
raising, when issued share capital increased by 46%, has resulted in an
improvement in earnings per share of 43%. The improved profit reported in this
period together with the expectations for the foreseeable future provide
confidence to declare, for the first time, an interim dividend at the rate of
0.5p per share which will be paid on 28 November 2003. This is a further step in
the progressive dividend policy which has seen dividends increased every year
since the Company's admission to the Alternative Investment Market.


The period to date has been one of great activity.

On the new development side of the business the Basepoint Limited Partnership
has been formed with the Trustees of the Kodak Pension Plan (a client of LaSalle
Investment Management). This partnership is now involved with the new MBECs at
Andover and Crawley. It will shortly commence work on site at Bournemouth
International Airport and has exchanged contracts on a site for a new MBEC to be
built in Swindon. At the same time an agreement was concluded with SEEDA (South
East England Development Agency) to supervise the development of the Gosport
Enterprise Centre and then to operate it on their behalf over a fifteen year
period. These development activities have given rise to the additional income
stream mentioned above.

Activity has also been high on the operational side of the business. The 'area
manager' positions in the MBEC management structure, which were created by
promotion in January, are showing a valuable strengthening of the operational
team. That team has had to contend with quite a difficult summer with some
pressure appearing on occupancy levels. However, despite local areas of
weakness, the overall average occupancy of our mature centres over the six month
period exceeded 90%. Folkestone and Southampton Centres have continued to build
occupancy ahead of budget.

Preparations have been ongoing during the summer for the opening of the Andover
and Crawley centres this month. Good quality staff have been recruited and
reservations are now being taken at these centres. Both centres enjoy the
benefit of income support packages from their respective local authorities, so
it is therefore anticipated by the directors that they will become profitable
before the end of the current financial year. With the addition of these centres
the total number of units under management now stands at 591 providing
24,340sq.m. of space. Developments in the pipeline at Gosport, Bournemouth and
Swindon will take the total of units under management to 819 in 32,800sq.m. of


The new corporate strategy was developed last year and is already delivering
results. The strategic objectives are set out above and the Company will focus
on those objectives for the foreseeable future.


Basepoint is moving forward with confidence in the knowledge that it has a good
product, a substantial target market and a clearly defined strategy to achieve
controlled growth. The enthusiasm and energy of all of our staff will continue
to play a most significant part in obtaining success. The directors believe that
these factors and a wider recognition of the success of the Company's product
will be of continuing benefit to shareholders.

Robert Cleaver

Chief Executive

David Boakes

Director of Finance & Operations

23 October 2003

Basepoint Plc

and its subsidiary companies

Interim Unaudited Results

Six months to 31 August 2003

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
                                 6 months to   6 months to  Full year to
                                   31 August     31 August   28 February
                                        2003          2002          2003
                                       #'000         #'000         #'000

Turnover                               2,618         1,594         3,691

Operating Expenses                       888           723         1,695
                                  ----------    ----------    ----------
Gross profit                           1,730           871         1,996

Administration expenses                  767           363           771
                                  ----------    ----------    ----------
Operating profit                         963           508         1,225

Profit on sale of investment
                                          40            66           127
                                  ----------    ----------    ----------
Profit on ordinary
activities before interest
                                       1,003           574         1,352

Interest receivable                       92            50           113

Interest payable                        (335)         (256)         (589)
                                  ----------    ----------    ----------
Profit on ordinary
activities before taxation
                                         760           368           876

Tax on profit on ordinary               (160)          (81)         (173)
                                  ----------    ----------    ----------
Profit on ordinary
activities after tax
                                         600           287           703

Minority Interests                        (2)           (3)           (7)
                                  ----------    ----------    ----------
Profit for the financial                 598           284           696

Dividends                                 56             -           246
                                  ----------    ----------    ----------
Retained profit                          542           284           450
                                      ======        ======        ======
Earnings per share (pence)
   Basic                                5.37          3.75          8.62
   Fully diluted                        5.28          3.66          8.45

Basepoint Plc

and its subsidiary companies

Interim Unaudited Results

Six months to 31 August 2003

Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                31 August     31 August    28 February
                                     2003          2002           2003
                                    #'000         #'000          #'000

Fixed assets
Investment properties              28,252        22,322         26,775
Fixtures and fittings                 225           158            208
                               ----------     ---------     ----------
                                   28,477        22,480         26,983

Current assets
Developments in progress              180           359          2,462
Debtors                             1,152           375            733
Investments                            90           180             90
Cash at bank                        4,704         1,835          5,296
                               ----------     ---------     ----------
                                    6,126         2,749          8,581
                               ----------    ----------     ----------
Current liabilities
Amounts falling due within
one year
   Mortgages and loans                511           342          2,190
   Other creditors, accruals
   and deferred income
                                    2,249         1,463          2,487
                               ----------     ---------     ----------
                                    2,760         1,805          4,677
                               ----------    ----------     ----------
Net current assets                  3,366           944          3,904
                               ----------    ----------     ----------
Total assets less current          31,843        23,424         30,887


Amounts falling due after
more than one year
                                  (10,845)      (10,109)       (10,461)

Provisions for liabilities
and charges
                                     (430)         (288)          (406)

Minority interests                   (196)         (198)          (200)
                               ----------     ---------     ----------
                                   20,372        12,829         19,820
                                   ======        ======         ======

Represented By

Capital and Reserves

    Called up share capital           1,117          766         1,117
    Share Premium account             5,785        3,207         5,785
       Revaluation reserve            9,790        5,923         9,781
       Special Reserve                1,535        1,535         1,535
       Profit and Loss                2,145        1,398         1,602
                                 ----------    ---------    ----------
Shareholders' funds                  20,372       12,829        19,820
                                     ======       ======        ======

Basepoint Plc

and its subsidiary companies

Interim Unaudited Results

Six months to 31 August 2003

Consolidated Cash Flow
                            6 months to    6 months to    Full year to
                              31 August      31 August     28 February
                                   2003           2002            2003
                                  #'000          #'000           #'000

Cash flow statement

Net cash inflow/(outflow)
from operating
                                  2,268            291            (626)

Returns on investment &
servicing of finance
                                   (243)          (206)           (476)

Taxation                              -              2               3

Acquisitions                         (6)             -               -

Capital expenditure              (1,494)        (1,903)         (2,384)
                             ----------      ---------      ----------
                                    525         (1,816)         (3,483)

Equity dividends paid              (246)          (153)           (153)
                             ----------      ---------      ----------
                                    279         (1,969)         (3,636)

Financing                          (163)         1,630           5,626
                             ----------     ----------      ----------
Increase /(decrease) in
cash in period
                                    116           (339)          1,990
                                 ======         ======          ======

Reconcilition of net cash
flow to movement in net

Increase /(decrease) in             116           (339)          1,990
cash in period
Cash repaying mortgage and
bank loan
                                    672            200             300
Cash received from
mortgage and bank loan
                                   (509)        (1,830)         (2,998)
                              ----------      ---------      ----------
                                    279         (1,969)           (708)

Net debt at start of period      (7,355)        (6,647)         (6,647)
                              ----------      ---------      ----------
Net debt at end of period        (7,076)        (8,616)         (7,355)
                                  ======         ======          ======

Reconciliation of operating
profit to net cash inflow/
(outflow) from operating

Operating profit                        963          508         1,225
Depreciation                             53           20            42
Decrease /(increase) in
development work in progress
                                      2,279         (320)       (2,424)
(Increase) /decrease in                (419)        (130)         (486)
(Decrease)/ increase in                (608)         213         1,017
                                 ----------    ---------    ----------
Net cash inflow from operating
                                      2,268          291          (626)
                                     ======       ======        ======

Analysis of             
changes in net
debt                      At         Cash        Other              At
                     1 March         Flows       Changes     31 August
                        2003                                      2003
                       #'000         #'000         #'000         #'000

Cash on hand           5,296          (592)            -         4,704
Bank overdraft        (1,132)          708             -          (424)
Debt due within       (1,058)          547             -          (511)
one year
Debt due after       (10,461)         (384)            -       (10,845)
one year
                  ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
                      (7,355)          279             -        (7,076)
                      ======        ======        ======        ======

Basepoint plc

Interim Report 2003


 1. *The interim accounts, which have not been audited, have been prepared on the
    basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's statutory accounts
    for the year ended 28 February 2003.

 2. *During the period covered by this Report, Basepoint plc has entered into the
    Basepoint Limited Partnership. The assets, liabilities and cash flows
    attributable to the interests of Basepoint plc in the Limited Partnership
    are included in the amounts and figures in this Report.

 3. *The interim results, which were approved by the Board on 23 October 2003,
    are unaudited but have been reviewed in accordance with Auditing Practices
    Board bulletin 'Review of Interim Financial Information' by the auditors.

 4. *The financial information contained in this interim statement does not
    constitute accounts as defined by section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The
    financial information for the full preceding year is based on the statutory
    accounts for the financial year ended on 28 February 2003. These accounts,
    upon which the auditors issued an unqualified opinion, have been delivered
    to the Registrar of Companies

 5. *The Company obtains valuations of its properties on an annual basis and
    accordingly there is no information to report on unrealised gains or losses
    on revaluation. Unrealised gains on revaluations reported in the Financial
    Statements for the year ended 28 February 2003 amounted to #3.89m.

 6. *Basic earnings per share are calculated on the profits after tax as shown in
    the annexed Profit and Loss Account and on the basis of weighted average
    shares in issue of 11,169,588 during the six months to August 2003,
    8,078,410 in the year to February 2003 and 7,662,207 in the six months to
    August 2002. Fully diluted earnings per share are calculated on the profits
    after tax on the basis of weighted average fully diluted shares in issue of
    11,357,868 in the six months to August 2003, 8,241,356 in the year to
    February 2003 and 7,838,865 in the six months to August 2002.

 7. *Directors and professional advisers who have served during the period
    covered by this interim report are all as stated in the statutory accounts
    for the year ended 28 February 2003.

 8. *Copies of the interim statement will be sent to shareholders. Further copies
    will be available from Smith & Williamson Corporate Finance Limited, No 1
    Riding House Street, London, W1A 3AS.

 9. *A copy of this announcement will be available from the nominated adviser,
    Smith & Williamson Corporate Finance Limited, No 1 Riding House Street,
    London, W1A 3AS for one month from the date of this announcement.

                               Registered Office

                               9 Charlecote Mews

                                 Staple Gardens



                                    SO23 8SR

                               Tel: 01962 842244

                           e-mail: hq@basepoint.co.uk


                     This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange