Africa Opportunity Fund Limited (AOF.L) 
 Announcement of Unaudited Interim Results for the 6 month period to 
                            30 June 2009 
Africa Opportunity Fund Limited ("AOF" or the "Company"), the 
closed-ended investment company which aims to achieve capital growth 
and income through investments in value, arbitrage, and special 
opportunities derived from the continent of Africa announces its 
unaudited results for the 6 month period to 30 June 2009. 
  * AOF's net asset value per share of US$0.615 increased 21% from 
    the 31 December 2008 net asset value per share of US$0.511. 
  * As at 30 June 2009, AOF's investment allocation was 50% listed 
    equities, 40% Debt and 10% cash. 
  * Dividends in the amount of $0.0026 per share were paid on 8 April 
    2009 and 8 July 2009. 
  * AOF generated basic earnings per share of US$0.109 during the 
    first six months of 2009. 
  * AOF initiated a tender offer which closed on 26 February 2009. 
  * A distribution of US$0.3705 per share, net of fees, was made to 
    the exiting shareholders on 30 June 2009. 
Investment Manager's Statement 
NAV Performance and Market Conditions: The first half of 2009 was 
eventful for AOF's portfolio, in what was generally an upbeat six 
month period for world markets.  The NAV was $0.62 per share as of 30 
June, a rise of 21% from where it began 2009 and a rise of 21% from 
where it began Q2.  As a reference, in USD terms during the first 
half of 2009 the S&P 500 rose 2%, South Africa rose 25%, Egypt rose 
22%, but Kenya declined 4%, and Nigeria declined 21%. 
Portfolio Highlights: During the period our holdings in Moto 
Goldmines and Addax Petroleum were the subject of agreed takeover 
bids.  In the case of Moto, the Canadian listed Red Back Mining made 
an all-share offer on 1 June which represented a 46% premium over the 
then current share price and a transaction valued at $525 million. 
Subsequent to 30th June Randgold Resources announced a cash and 
shares offer in conjunction with Anglogold Ashanti that was a slight 
improvement in value but offered the certainty of a partial cash 
payment.  Year to date AOF has earned a 172% return on its Moto 
In the case of Addax, the China Petroleum Corporation (Sinopec) made 
an all-cash offer on 24 June which represented a 47% premium over the 
share price prior to disclosure on 5 June by Addax that it was in 
discussions with potential acquirers.  The transaction is valued at 
$8.8 billion and was described as "transformational" by Sinopec.  It 
is a remarkable turn of events from the end of last year.  In 
November, for example, AOF purchased convertible bonds in Addax at 
less than 50% of par and we purchased shares in Addax at less than 
$20.  The bonds have a change of control put and will be redeemed at 
par as part of the transaction, and the takeover price for the shares 
of $52.80 represents a 133% return from where Addax shares began the 
Also during the period, one of our fixed income holdings, Katanga 
Mining, appreciated 70% in value to 65% of par from a low of 35% in 
March.  This was the result of Glencore's announcement that it would 
underwrite a $250 million equity rights offering, meaning that this 
new money would support the company in a junior position to AOF's 
bonds.  While the transaction resulted in Glencore acquiring 
ownership in the range of 78% of Katanga's outstanding equity, it 
represents a substantial commitment to Katanga and to the DRC, and is 
very good news for bondholders. 
AOF recently acquired subordinated notes issued by Old Mutual PLC, a 
FTSE 100 investment grade company that earned more than 70% of its 
adjusted operating profits in Africa in 2007 and 2008. The notes rank 
senior to the equity in the capital structure and enjoy a $7 billion 
equity cushion provided by those shares, but were priced in the 30s 
at current yields between 16% and 20%.  At those levels, the notes 
could triple in price and still trade below par.  As with many 
insurance companies in the world today, Old Mutual's balance sheet is 
stretched, the dividend on the ordinary shares has been cancelled, 
and the market is valuing the shares below book value.  However, Old 
Mutual remained profitable in 2008, it retains an investment grade 
rating, and in our judgment is adequately capitalized.  While the 
market may prize the liquidity of the ordinary shares and view a 30% 
discount to book value as a margin of safety, we are delighted to 
accept illiquidity for a high yield and a 90% discount to book value. 
Elsewhere in the portfolio challenges remain.  Diamondcorp has 
encountered operational delays and is running short of cash, and the 
Ivory Coast has defaulted on its Sphynx notes.  However, overall the 
portfolio is performing well amidst a difficult economic environment. 
Portfolio Appraisal Value: As of 30th June, the Manager's appraisal 
of the intrinsic economic value of the portfolio was $0.78 per 
share.  The market price of $0.48 as of 30 June, represents a 38% 
discount.  Note the Appraisal Value is intended to provide a measure 
of the Manager's long-term view of the attractiveness of AOF's 
portfolio.  It is a subjective estimate, and does not tell when that 
value will be realized, nor does it guarantee that any particular 
security will reach its Appraisal Value. 
Strategy: We are focused on investing in companies with minimal debt 
and little need to access the capital markets, with a particular 
emphasis on goods and services in short supply in Africa. Market 
leading, cash generative businesses are trading at historically low 
valuations, and where we can find companies offering a single digit 
PE, significant free cash flow, and a secure market position, we will 
look to deploy risk capital.  At the same time, in the realm of fixed 
income, where we can find a 20%+ yield to maturity and high asset 
coverage with a loan-to-value ratio better than 50%, we will also 
look to deploy risk capital. 
Tender Offer: AOF announced a tender offer in early February which 
was closed on the 26th of February.  Shareholders were given the 
option to submit fully 100% of their holdings for redemption.  Given 
the severe pressures on the investment community, including some of 
AOF's shareholders, the Manager is pleased that 37% of holders chose 
to remain invested, and is working diligently to provide rewarding 
long term returns for its smaller but newly committed shareholder 
Africa Opportunity Partners 
                                    Note For the Half    For the Half 
                                                 Year            Year 
                                             Ended 30   Ended 30 June 
                                            June 2009            2008 
                                                  USD             USD 
Interest income                               811,715       3,650,710 
Dividend income                               983,027       1,232,947 
Profit on financial assets at fair 
value through profit or loss                  980,634       1,883,603 
Liquidation fee income                      1,505,413               - 
Other income                                  833,957         147,322 
                                            5,114,746       6,914,582 
Management fee                                178,437       1,224,839 
Custodian, secretarial and 
administration fees                           100,642         261,091 
Brokerage fees and commissions                  6,194         311,475 
Audit fees                                      7,566          26,000 
Directors' fees                                22,144          59,672 
Other operating expenses                        8,669          62,177 
Losses on financial assets at fair 
value through profit or loss                        -         175,163 
Realised exchange loss                         63,901               - 
Unrealised exchange loss on fixed 
deposit                                             -          54,773 
                                              387,553       2,175,190 
Gain for the period                         4,727,193       4,739,392 
Attributable to: 
Equity holders of the Company               4,649,609       4,701,070 
Minority interest                              77,584          38,322 
                                            4,727,193       4,739,392 
Basic gain per share for gain 
attributable to the                  9 
equity holders of the Company 
during the period                              0.1091          0.0376 
Note: First half 2009 figures are for the continuing shareholders 
only.  42,630,327 or 36.9% of the shares remained post the February 
2009 tender offer.  Comparative figures should be viewed in this 
The notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 
                                  Notes As at 30 June   As at 30 June 
                                                 2009            2008 
                                                  USD             USD 
Held-to-maturity financial assets                   -       4,730,042 
Financial assets at fair value      4      24,257,275     102,654,956 
through profit or loss 
Trade and other receivables         5       1,098,068       2,125,459 
Cash and cash equivalents           6       3,116,285      16,656,293 
Liquidation assets                          5,290,748               - 
Total assets                               33,762,376     126,166,750 
Equity attributable to equity 
holders of the parent 
Share capital                       7         426,303       1,250,000 
Share premium                              39,541,433     118,077,481 
Retained losses                          (13,738,621)       4,535,042 
Shareholders' interests                    26,229,115     123,862,523 
Minority interest                             495,189         784,800 
Total equity                               26,724,304     124,647,323 
Trade and other payables            8       1,747,324       1,519,427 
Deferred liability - liquidation            5,290,748               - 
Total equity and liabilities               33,762,376     126,166,750 
Note: First half 2009 figures are for the continuing shareholders 
only.  42,630,327 or 36.9% of the shares remained post the February 
2009 tender offer.  Comparative figures should be viewed in this 
The notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 
                Issued          Share        Retained                    Minority          Total 
               capital        premium          Losses           Total    interest         Equity 
                   USD            USD             USD             USD         USD            USD 
At 01 
January 2008 1,250,000    119,489,981       (166,028)     120,573,953     746,478    121,320,431 
Shares buy 
back          (94,900)    (6,262,650)               -     (6,357,550)           -    (6,357,550) 
Loss for the 
year                 -              -    (49,658,231)    (49,658,231)   (328,873)   (49,987,104) 
Dividend             -    (5,486,263)               -     (5,486,263)           -    (5,486,263) 
At 31 
2008         1,155,100    107,741,068    (49,824,259)      59,071,909     417,605     59,489,514 
to the 
pool *       (728,797)   (67,977,957)      31,436,029    (37,270,725)           -   (37,270,725) 
Profit for 
the period 
ended 30 
June 2009            -              -       4,649,609       4,649,609      77,584      4,727,193 
Dividend             -      (221,678)               -       (221,678)           -      (221,678) 
At 30 June 
2009           426,303     39,541,433    (13,738,621)      26,229,115     495,189     26,724,304 
* Adjustment to record tender offer share buyback and cancellation 
and to allocate pro-rata share of loss to the liquidating 
shareholders for losses incurred inception to 27 February 2009. 
The notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 
                                      For the Period   For the Period 
                                       Ended 30 June    Ended 30 June 
                                                2008             2008 
                                                 USD              USD 
Cash flows from operating 
Loss for the year/ period                  4,727,193        4,739,392 
Adjustment for: 
Losses attributable to liquidating 
pool                                      31,436,029                - 
Stated capital attributable to 
liquidating pool                        (68,706,754)                - 
Assets attributable to liquidating 
pool                                      33,785,430                - 
Interest income                            (811,715)      (3,650,711) 
Loss/(Gain) on financial assets at 
fair value through profit or loss        (1,678,649)      (1,883,603) 
Dividend income                            (983,027)      (1,232,947) 
Exchange difference on fixed 
deposit                                            -         (82,842) 
Operating loss before working 
capital changes                          (2,231,493)      (2,110,711) 
Decrease/(increase) in other 
receivables and prepayments                  196,179          233,442 
Increase in other payables and 
accrued expenses                             130,717        1,291,528 
Net cash (used in) / generated from 
 operating activities                    (1,904,597)        (585,741) 
Interest received                            811,715        3,650,711 
Purchase of financial assets at 
fair value through profit or loss        (7,935,602)     (51,104,465) 
Disposal of financial assets at 
fair value through profit or loss          8,712,005        2,790,000 
Dividend received                            983,027        1,232,947 
Loss on disposal                                   -          175,163 
Net cash used in investing 
activities                                 2,571,145     (43,255,644) 
Cash flows from financing 
Dividend paid                              (221,678)      (1,412,500) 
Shares buy back                                    -                - 
Net cash flow (used in) / generated 
from financing activities                  (221,678)      (1,412,500) 
Net (decrease) / increase in cash 
and cash equivalents                         444,870     (45,253,885) 
Cash and cash equivalent at the 
start of the year / period                 2,671,415       61,827,336 
Exchange Difference on fixed 
deposits                                           -           82,842 
Cash and cash equivalent at the end 
of the year / period                       3,116,285       16,656,293 
The notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 
Africa Opportunity Fund Limited (the "Company") was launched with  an 
Alternative Market Listing  "AIM" in July  2007. A secondary  listing 
was obtained  on  the  Channel Islands  Stock  Exchange  ("CISX")  in 
November 2007. 
Africa Opportunity Fund Limited  is a closed-ended fund  incorporated 
with limited liability  and registered  in Cayman  Islands under  the 
Companies Law on 21 June  2007 and with registered number  MC-188243. 
 The Company  is domiciled  at PO  Box 309  GT, Ugland  House,  South 
Church Street, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. 
The Company  aims  to  achieve  capital  growth  and  income  through 
investment in value, arbitrage, and special situations investments in 
the  continent  of  Africa.  The  Company  therefore  may  invest  in 
securities issued by companies domiciled outside Africa which conduct 
significant business activities within Africa. The Company will  have 
the ability to invest in a wide range of asset classes including real 
estate interests, equity, quasi-equity  or debt instruments and  debt 
issued by African sovereign states and government entities. 
The Company's investment activities are managed by Africa Opportunity 
Partners Limited,  a limited  liability company  incorporated in  the 
Cayman Islands and acting  as the investment  manager pursuant to  an 
Investment Management Agreement dated 18 July 2007. 
To ensure that investments to be made by the Company, and the returns 
generated on the realisation of investments, are both effected in the 
most  tax  efficient  manner,  the  Company  has  established  Africa 
Opportunity Fund  L.P.  as an  exempted  limited partnership  in  the 
Cayman Islands.  All investments  made by  the Company  will be  made 
through the limited partnership. The limited partners of the  limited 
partnership are  the  Company,  AOF  CarryCo  Limited  and  Millenium 
Special Opportunities  Holdings  Ltd.  The  general  partner  of  the 
limited partnership is Africa Opportunity Fund (GP) Limited. 
The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these 
unaudited interim  financial  statements  are set  out  below.  These 
policies have been consistently applied  in dealing with items  which 
are considered material in relation to the consolidated financial. 
Statement of compliance 
The  financial   statements   are   prepared   in   accordance   with 
International Financial Reporting Standards  (IFRS) as issued by  the 
International Accounting Standard Board (IASB). 
Basis of preparation 
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost 
convention, as modified by the fair valuation of financial assets  at 
fair value through profit or loss. 
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS 
requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also 
requires the Board of Directors to exercise its judgement in the 
process of applying the Group's accounting policies. The areas 
involving a higher degree of judgement or complexity, or areas where 
assumptions and estimates are significant to the financial statements 
are disclosed in Note 3. 
Basis of consolidation 
The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial 
statements of the Company and its subsidiaries (referred to as the 
"Group") as at 30 June 2009. 
Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date of acquisition, 
being the date on which the Group obtains control and continue to be 
consolidated until the date that such control ceases. 
The financial statements of the subsidiaries are prepared for the 
same reporting period as the parent company, using consistent 
accounting policies. 
All intra-group balances, income and expenses and unrealised gains 
and losses resulting from intra-group transactions are eliminated in 
Minority interests represent the portion of profit or loss and net 
assets not held by the Group and are presented separately in the 
Income Statement and within equity in the Statement of Changes in 
Equity from parent shareholders' equity. 
Foreign currency translation 
(a)           Functional and presentation currency 
The Group's consolidated financial statements are presented in USD 
which is the Group's functional currency.  That is the currency of 
the primary economic environment in which Africa Opportunity Fund 
Limited ("the Company") operates.  Each entity in the Group 
determines its own functional currency and items included in the 
financial statements of each entity are measured using that 
functional currency.  The functional currency of the entities within 
the Group is USD.  The Group chose USD as the presentation currency. 
(b)           Transactions and balances 
Transactions in foreign currencies are initially recorded at the 
functional currency rate prevailing at the date of transaction. 
Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are 
retranslated at the functional currency spot rate of the exchange 
ruling at the balance sheet date.  All differences are taken to the 
income statement.  Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of 
historical cost in a foreign currency are translated using the 
exchange rates as at the dates of the initial transactions. 
Non-monetary items measured at fair value in a foreign currency are 
translated using the exchange rates at the date when the fair value 
is determined. 
Financial assets 
The Group classifies its financial assets in the following 
categories: at fair value through profit or loss, loans and 
receivables and held-to-maturity financial assets.  The 
classification depends on the purpose for which the financial assets 
were acquired. Management determines the classification of its 
financial assets at initial recognition. 
(i) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 
Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss at 
inception are those that are managed and their performance evaluated 
on a fair value basis in accordance with the Group's documented 
investment strategy. The Group's policy is for the Investment Manager 
and the partners to evaluate the information about these financial 
assets on a fair value basis together with other related financial 
The Group determines the classification of its financial assets on 
initial recognition and, where allowed and appropriate, re-evaluates 
this designation at each financial year end. 
Regular-way purchases and sales of financial assets are recognised on 
the trade date which is the date on which the Group commits to 
purchase the asset. Regular way purchases or sales are purchases or 
sales of financial assets that require delivery of assets within the 
period generally established by regulation or convention in the 
market place. 
When financial assets are recognised initially, they are measured at 
fair value, plus, in the case of investments not at fair value 
through profit or loss directly attributable transactions costs. 
Gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of the 
'financial assets at fair value through profit or loss' category are 
presented in the income statement in the period in which they arise. 
Interest income from financial assets at fair value through profit or 
loss is recognised in the income statement within interest income 
using the effective interest method. Dividend income from financial 
assets at fair value through profit or loss is recognised in the 
income statement within dividend income when the Group's right to 
receive payments is established. 
(ii) Held-to-maturity financial assets 
Non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments 
and fixed maturities are classified as held to-maturity  when  the 
Group  has  the  positive  intention  and  ability  to  hold  to 
maturity.  After initial measurement held-to maturity investments are 
measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method less 
allowance for impairment.  Gains and losses are recognised in profit 
or loss when the investments are derecognised or impaired, as well as 
through the amortisation process. 
(iii) Loans and receivables 
Loans and receivables are non-derivatives financial assets with fixed 
or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. 
Such financial assets are carried at amortised cost using the 
effective interest rate method. Gains and losses are recognised in 
the consolidated income statement when the loan and receivables are 
derecognised or impaired, as well as through the amortisation 
(iv) Fair value estimation 
Securities listed on a stock exchange or traded on a regulated market 
are valued as of the last closing price on such exchange or market. 
If no such price is available, the price is determined as the mean of 
the bid and ask price for such day.  If no such price is available or 
if the market price is not representative of the fair market value, 
the security is valued based on quotations readily available from 
principal-to-principal markets, financial publications, recognised 
pricing services or upon the good faith estimate of fair value in 
accordance with IFRS, in consultation with the Investment Manager. 
(iv) Fair value estimation 
Private securities without public markets or the availability of 
indicative quotes are valued by the Investment Manager at its best 
approximation of fair value.  The Investment Manager utilises 
financial models to value these investments utilising multiple 
investment methodologies or techniques as appropriate, including 
discounted cash flows, comparative evaluations, etc. 
(v) Impairment of financial assets 
The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether a financial 
asset is impaired. 
Assets carried at amortised cost 
If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on assets 
carried at amortised cost has been incurred, the amount of the loss 
is measured as the difference between the asset's carrying amount and 
the present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding future 
expected credit losses that have not been incurred) discounted at the 
financial asset's original effective interest rate (i.e. the 
effective interest rate computed at initial recognition). The 
carrying amount of the asset is reduced through use of an allowance 
account.  The amount of the loss is recognised in profit or loss. 
If, in a subsequent period, the amount of the impairment loss 
decreases can be related objectively to an event occurring after the 
impairment was recognised, the previously recognized impairment loss 
is reversed, to the extent that the carrying value of the asset does 
not exceed its amortised cost at the reversal date.  Any subsequent 
reversal of an impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss. 
A financial asset (or, where a part of a financial asset or part of a 
group of similar financial assets) is derecognised when: 
  * The rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired; 
  * The Group retains the right to receive cash flows from the asset, 
    but has assumed an obligation to pay them in full without 
    material delay to a third party under a 'pass through' 
    arrangement; or 
  * The Group has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from 
    the asset and either (a) has transferred substantially all the 
    risks and rewards of the asset, or (b) has neither transferred 
    nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the 
    asset, but has transferred control of the asset. 
When the Group has transferred its rights to receive cash flows  from 
an asset and has neither  transferred nor retained substantially  all 
the risks and  rewards of the  asset nor transferred  control of  the 
asset,  the  asset  is  recognised  to  the  extent  of  the  Group's 
continuing involvement  in  the asset.  Continuing  involvement  that 
takes the form of a guarantee over the transferred asset is  measured 
at the lower  of the original  carrying amount of  the asset and  the 
maximum amount of consideration that  the Group could be required  to 
Financial liabilities 
A financial liability is derecognised when the obligation under the 
liability is discharged or cancelled or expired. 
When an existing liability is replaced by another from the same 
lender on substantially different terms, or the terms of an existing 
liability are substantially modified, such an exchange or 
modification is treated as a derecognition of the original liability 
and the recognition of a new liability, and the difference in the 
respective carrying amounts is recognised in profit or loss. 
Share capital 
Ordinary shares are classified as equity. 
Revenue recognition 
Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the 
economic benefits will flow to the Group and the revenue can be 
reliably measured. Revenue is measured at the fair value of the 
consideration received, excluding discounts, rebates and sales taxes 
or duty. 
Interest income: 
Revenue is measured as interest accrues using the effective interest 
Interest on bonds and debentures: 
Revenue is measured as interest accrues using the effective interest 
Dividend income: 
Revenue is recognised when the Group's right to receive the payment 
is established. 
Other payables 
Other payables are recognised initially at fair value and 
subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest 
A provision is recognised when and only when there is a present 
obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event, and 
it is probable that an outflow embodying economic benefits will be 
required to settle that obligation and a reliable estimate can be 
made of the amount of the obligation. Provisions are reviewed at each 
balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate. 
Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at bank. Cash equivalents are 
short term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to 
known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk 
of change in value. 
Related parties 
For the purposes of these financial statements, parties are 
considered to be related to the Group if they have the ability, 
directly or indirectly, to control the Group or exercise significant 
influence over the Group in making financial and operating decisions, 
or vice versa, or where the Company is subject to common control or 
common significant influence.  Related parties may include key 
management personnel and close family members. 
Dividend distribution 
Dividends are declared and paid to the shareholders when the 
directors are satisfied that the Company has sufficient cash 
resources to do so. 
The preparation of the financial statements requires management to 
make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported 
amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities at the 
reporting date. However, uncertainty about these assumptions and 
estimate could result in outcomes that require a material adjustment 
to the carrying amount of the asset or liability affected in future 
Critical accounting judgements in applying the Group's accounting 
In the process of applying the Group's accounting policies, which are 
described in Note 2, the directors have made the following judgements 
that have the most effect on the amounts recognised in the financial 
(i) Determination of functional currency 
The determination of the functional currency of the Group is critical 
since recording of transactions and exchange differences arising 
thereon are dependent on the functional currency selected. As 
described in Note 2, the directors have considered those factors 
therein and have determined that the functional currency of the Group 
is the United States Dollar. 
(ii) Fair value of other financial instruments 
The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an 
active market is determined by using valuation techniques including 
comparable valuation and Black Scholes model. The Group uses its 
judgement to select a variety of methods and make assumptions that 
are mainly based on market conditions existing at each balance sheet 
date.  The judgements include considerations of inputs such as 
liquidity risk, credit risk and volatility. Changes in assumptions 
about these factors could affect the reported fair value of the 
financial instrument. 
(iii) Impairment of financial assets 
The Group follows the guidance of IAS 39 to determine when 
held-to-maturity financial assets and receivables are impaired. 
                                1 January through   1 January through 
                                     30 June 2009        30 June 2008 
                                              USD                 USD 
Designated at fair value 
through profit or loss: 
At start of year                       57,140,459          52,635,051 
Additions                               8,030,641          51,104,465 
Disposals                             (8,712,006)         (2,790,000) 
Net gain on financial assets 
at fair value through profit 
or loss                                 1,583,606           1,708,440 
Allocation of assets to 
liquidation pool as of 
calculation date                     (33,785,426)                   - 
At 30 June                             24,257,275         102,654,956 
Analysis of portfolio: 
 - Listed equity securities            13,900,094          45,338,089 
 - Listed debt securities              10,072,240          57,316,867 
 - Unlisted debt securities               284,941                   - 
                                       24,257,275         102,654,956 
                               30 June 2009   30 June 2008 
                                        USD            USD 
Interest receivable on bonds        648,759      2,125,459 
Dividend receivable                 177,634              - 
Other receivables                   271,675              - 
                                  1,098,068      2,125,459 
The receivable are neither past due nor impaired. Interest receivable 
on bonds are due within six months. 
                                          30 June 2009   30 June 2008 
                                                   USD            USD 
Fixed deposit account - Barclays Bank 
PLC                                                  -      9,240,516 
Fixed deposit account - Newedge              2,856,787              - 
Call deposit account - Barclays Bank 
PLC                                            259,498      2,470,550 
Fixed deposit account - WestLB AG                    -      4,945,227 
                                             3,116,285     16,656,293 
                                                    2009         2009 
                                                  Number          USD 
Authorised share capital 
Ordinary shares with a par value of USD 
0.01                                       1,000,000,000   10,000,000 
                                                    2008         2008 
                                                  Number          USD 
Share capital 
Opening balance                              125,000,000    1,250,000 
Shares buy back                              (9,490,000)     (94,900) 
As at 31 December 2008                       115,510,000    1,155,100 
                                                    2009         2009 
                                                  Number          USD 
Opening balance                              115,510,000    1,155,100 
Exercise of tender offer                    (72,879,673)    (728,797) 
As at 30 June 2009                            42,630,327      426,303 
On February 26 a tender offer  was passed pursuant to an approval  by 
the Board  of Directors.   72,879,673 shares  were tendered.    These 
shares were treated  as purchased  and cancelled  on the  calculation 
date of 27  February 2009  with the  applicable tender  consideration 
outstanding treated as a deferred liability of the Company. 
The directors have the general  authority to repurchase the  ordinary 
shares  in  issue  subject  to  the  Company  having  funds  lawfully 
available for  the purpose.   However,  if the  market price  of  the 
ordinary shares  falls to  a discount  to the  Net Asset  Value,  the 
directors will consult with the  Investment Manager as to whether  it 
is appropriate to instigate a repurchase of ordinary shares. 
                       30 June 2009   30 June 2008 
                                USD            USD 
Dividend Payable            110,839              - 
Accrued expenses            166,590        195,203 
Option obligations          698,014              - 
Other payables              771,881      1,324,224 
                          1,747,324      1,519,427 
Other payables are non-interest bearing and are due on demand. 
Basic gain per share is calculated by dividing the gain  attributable 
to equity holders by the  weighted average number of ordinary  shares 
in issue during the period excluding ordinary shares purchased by the 
Company (including those  repurchased in accordance  with the  Tender 
Offer) and held as treasury shares. 
The Company's diluted gain  per share is the  same as basic gain  per 
share, since the Company has not issued any instrument with  dilutive 
                                                   2009          2008 
Gain attributable to equity holders 
of the Company                        USD     4,649,609     4,701,070 
Weighted average number of ordinary 
share in issue                               42,630,327   125,000,000 
Basic gain per share                US cents      10.91          3.76 
Gains or losses for the period 1 January through 27 February 
(Calculation Date) attributable to the liquidation pool have been 
allocated to same as an adjustment to the liquidation pool deferred 
Under the current laws of Cayman Islands, there is no income, estate, 
transfer sales or other Cayman Islands taxes payable by the Fund.  As 
a result,  no  provision  for  income taxes  has  been  made  in  the 
financial statements. 
Tender offer 
On 4 February 2009, the Board of Directors of the Company resolved to 
make a  tender  offer, conditional  upon  shareholder approval  ,  to 
purchase up to 100% of ordinary  shares in issue. A circular  setting 
out the  terms  and conditions  of  the  Company was  posted  to  the 
shareholders of  the Company  to that  effect, and  was  subsequently 
approved by the shareholders. 
The tender offer process closed on  26 February 2009 and the  Company 
received irrevocable tender forms from its shareholders in respect of 
72,879,673 ordinary shares in the Company, which represent 63.09%  of 
the issued ordinary shares eligible for tender pursuant to the tender 
offer.  Effective as of the Calculation date of 27 February 2009, the 
tendered  shares  were  treated  as  purchased  and  cancelled   with 
applicable  Tender  Consideration  left  outstanding  as  a  deferred 
liability of the Company. 
The  resulting   ordinary  shares   outstanding  subsequent   to  the 
 cancellation  of the  tendered  shares is  42,630,327.  Effective  4 
March 2009, the  Company's ordinary  shares were  de-listed from  the 
Official List of the Channel  Islands Stock Exchange, LBG and  shares 
are exclusively  traded  on  the  AIM  Market  of  the  London  Stock 
On 30 June 2009 a tender  consideration distribution was made to  the 
tendered shareholders in the amount of USD $0.3705 per share, net  of 
fees.  The  Company received  a  fee of  $1,500,018  as part  of  the 
liquidation distribution.   Remaining net  investment assets  of  the 
tendered shareholders after  expenses and fees  were approximated  at 
$0.04 per share as at 30 June 2009.  The realisation and distribution 
(net of fees) of  the remaining assets  of the tendered  shareholders 
assets will be made when and as determined by the Investment Manager. 
This   report    is    available    on    the    Company's    website 
http://www.africaopportunityfund.com  and  has  been  posted  to  the 
For further information please contact: 
Africa Opportunity Fund Limited 
Francis Daniels 
Tel: +2711 684 1528 
Grant Thornton Corporate Finance (Nominated Adviser) 
Philip Secrett 
Tel:  +44 020 7383 5100 
LCF Edmond de Rothschild Securities Limited (Nominated Broker) 
Claire Heathfield/Hiroshi Funaki 
Tel: +44 020 7845 5960 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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