RNS Number:4059P
05 September 2003

                                RMC Group p.l.c.


The information presented below relates to the six months ended 30 June 2003 and
2002, unless otherwise stated.
                                                           2003          2002
                                                             #m            #m
Total turnover                                          2,356.8       2,497.1
EBITA (excluding exceptional items)                       106.5         140.9
Profit before tax
-    excluding exceptional items                           50.7          80.6
-    including exceptional items                           98.5         105.1
Earnings per share
-    basic                                                 21.8p         21.5p
-    basic excluding exceptional items
and goodwill amortisation                                  15.7p         21.3p
Interim dividend per share                                  9.4p          9.4p

"As I indicated at the AGM, the key objective for the Board in 2003 is the next
phase of the re-shaping of the RMC Group. During the first half of this year, we
have made good progress in delivering this objective. The planned
rationalisation of our portfolio is progressing well, debt has been
substantially reduced, with gearing now below 60%, and we have already
identified new cost savings amounting to over #40m on an annualised basis
against the Board's target of at least #50m.

Against this background, our results are in line with the expectations set
earlier in the year. While market conditions in Germany remain difficult,
business performance elsewhere has generally been encouraging, with the recovery
at Rugby a particular highlight. We continue to seek ways to return the German
business to profitability.

We are making substantial progress rebuilding the long term value of RMC and the
Board is determined to deliver on its promises to shareholders."

                                                       Sir John Parker, Chairman


*    Next phase of the re-shaping of RMC well underway.
*    Profit before tax, excluding exceptionals, fell to #50.7m (2002: #80.6m), 
     due to the difficult trading conditions in Germany.

*    In Great Britain, the Rugby cement plant has achieved consistently high 
     levels of production for the past six months.

*    Key geographic markets stable, with the exception of Germany, with a number 
     exceeding expectations, notably Spain, Croatia and Australia.

*    Further options to address the unacceptable level of losses in Germany are 
     being considered.

*    Group net debt has been further reduced to #1,221.9m at 30 June 2003 from 
     #1,369.8m at 30 June 2002 and the Group is on track to meet its target of
     below #1 billion by the end of 2003.

*    Gearing reduced from 68% to just below 60%.

*    Dividend for the full year to be maintained (subject to no unforeseen 

*    The Board has set a target for annualised cost savings of at least #50m. 
     Full benefits to flow in 2005.
     -    savings amounting to over #40m already identified.

     -    restructuring charges estimated to be #35m.


Group results

As indicated in the Trading Review issued in July, with the exception of
Germany, the Group's results in the first half of 2003 were broadly in line with
our expectations. There were particularly encouraging performances from the
cement business in Great Britain, and from Spain, Croatia and Australia.

Total turnover from continuing operations fell by #11.1m to #2,299.2m. Falls in
the USA and Germany were largely offset by increased turnover in the Rest of
Europe and the Rest of the World.

EBITA from continuing operations (profit before tax, interest, amortisation of
goodwill and exceptional items) fell by #34.6m to #103.3m. This decline was
mainly attributable to Germany (#33.9m), reflecting substantially lower cement
prices, which have seen a dramatic fall of nearly 50% in the last 18 months, and
the impact of weak demand on ready mixed concrete margins. Profits from the
property division were #3.7m (2002: #8.4m).

Goodwill amortisation was #17.7m (2002: #17.5m).

Net exceptional items delivered a profit of #47.8m (2002: #24.5m). This related
to the disposal of non-core businesses, primarily Hales, the waste management

Net interest fell by #4.7m to #38.1m, reflecting reduced borrowing levels and
lower interest rates.

The impact of changes in exchange rates was to decrease profit before tax
excluding exceptional items by #1.1m, with the weakness of the US dollar
partially offset by the strength of the euro.

Profit before tax, excluding exceptional items, fell by #29.9m to #50.7m. Profit
before tax, including exceptional items, fell by #6.6m to #98.5m.

The reported tax rate was 29.7% (2002: 32.9%). The underlying tax rate, based on
profit before tax excluding goodwill amortisation and exceptional items, was
22.2% (2002: 28.4%). This fall in the underlying tax rate is the result of a
change in the mix of profits, and greater focus on improving the Group's tax

Earnings per share, excluding exceptional items and goodwill amortisation, were
15.7p, compared with 21.3p in 2002. Including these items, basic earnings per
share were 21.8p (2002: 21.5p).

Group cash flow from operating activities was #50.1m (2002: #74.1m). Net
payments in relation to capital expenditure were #70.6m (2002: #54.8m).
Expenditure on acquisitions totalled #41.6m (2002: #12.9m), while disposals
generated #162.3m (2002: #234.7m). Compared to last year, net borrowings fell
from #1,369.8m to #1,221.9m at 30 June 2003, with gearing falling to just below
60% (2002: 68%).


The Board continues to recognise the importance of the dividend to shareholders,
particularly during this phase of re-shaping the business. As a consequence,
recognising the strength of cash cover, the improving balance sheet and the
prospects of medium term earnings recovery, the Board is minded, in the absence
of unforeseen circumstances, to maintain the current level of dividend for the
full year. Accordingly, the Board has declared an interim dividend of 9.4p per
ordinary share (2002: 9.4p), which will be paid on 1 December 2003 to
shareholders on the Register on 31 October 2003.

Group developments
*    As part of its 2002 business review, the Group identified the 
     rationalisation of its business portfolio, debt reduction and achievement 
     of a 12% EBITA return on net operating assets in the medium term as the key 
     elements of its future strategy. The decision to concentrate on core 
     products (concrete, aggregates and cement), positions the Group to achieve 
     greater synergies from vertical integration and generate improved returns, 
     and has led to a number of disposals. Most of the rationalisation programme 
     was successfully implemented by the spring of this year, in what were 
     difficult market conditions for asset sales. The strategy was then further 
     refined, with Great Britain and Ireland, Continental Europe and the USA 
     confirmed as the Group's key strategic business areas.

     Implementation of this business portfolio rationalisation programme 
     contributed to net debt falling by more than #300m in 2002, with further 
     disposals completed in the first half of 2003. These included the sale of 
     the assets of Hales Waste Control Limited and RMC Environmental Services 
     Limited in Great Britain ("Hales"), Rugby IPD in the USA and the Group's 
     businesses in Belgium and Jordan. In addition, the disposal of Metromont 
     Prestress Company, our US precast /prestress concrete business, was 
     completed in July. With disposal proceeds of over #400m since the start of 
     2002, the Group remains on target to reduce net debt below #1 billion by 
     the end of 2003.

*    At our Annual General Meeting in May 2003, we announced that in addition to 
     the further streamlining of the Group's organisation, the next phase of the 
     reshaping of RMC would involve a review of the cost base of the Group's 
     core businesses, with the aim of improving operational efficiency. In this
     context, the Board has set a target for cost savings to be achieved of at 
     least #50m. Supported by L.E.K. Consulting, the review has focused on the 
     Group's major areas of operations, namely Great Britain, Germany, France, 
     Spain and the USA.

     Detailed work has confirmed cost savings of over #40m per annum and work
     continues on validating further savings that have been identified. As well 
     as reducing staff costs, savings will be generated through the 
     rationalisation of IT systems and infrastructures. At the year-end, the 
     Board will outline these opportunities in detail and the basis of their 
     delivery. The changes necessary to achieve these savings will mainly be 
     implemented during the course of 2004.

     These cost reductions are expected to result in a charge against profits of
     approximately #35m over the period during which the changes are 

     In Great Britain, the concrete and aggregates divisions will be combined in
     order to improve operational efficiency. The new organisational structure 
     will be based on 5 regions, replacing the current 21 operating companies.

     In Germany, the concrete products businesses will be restructured and there 
     will be further integration of regional operations. Plant closures and work 
     to rationalise the complex subsidiary holdings structure is being 
     accelerated, IT systems will be rationalised, and a shared service centre 

     These cost reductions only partially address the unacceptable level of 
     losses in Germany and further options are being considered.

     In the USA, our operations in the Carolinas and Georgia, and in Florida are
     being reorganised. This will involve the merger of adjacent businesses.
     Additional savings will arise from the rationalisation of IT systems and
     back-office functions.

     In France, the initial focus will be on the rationalisation of IT systems 
     and costs. In Spain, the focus will be on the rationalisation of 
     back-office functions.

     This cost reduction programme is aimed at positioning RMC at the forefront 
     of industry cost competitiveness, and is an essential component in 
     delivering a 12% return on net operating assets in the medium term.

     The Group is continuing to position itself to selectively reinvest in 
     support of its core businesses, targeting returns which will enhance the 
     Group's ability to achieve its financial targets.

*    The search process for a new Group Chief Executive to succeed Stuart Walker 
     on his retirement is now well advanced. The Board expects to be in a 
     position to announce the appointment during the fourth quarter of this 

*    A review of the UK pension funds is underway and will be completed by the 
     end of the year. Preliminary indications are that the UK pension 
     contribution could increase by up to #10m per annum in 2004.


Great Britain

                                                            2003         2002
                                                              #m           #m

Total turnover                                             526.7        510.7
EBITA (excluding exceptional items)                         41.0         37.5

Excluding the discontinued activities of Hales, turnover of #526.7m was #16.0m
higher than last year. EBITA rose by #3.5m to #41.0m, despite the property
division profits being #1.6m lower at #2.9m.

The cement division benefited from improved production at the Rugby cement
plant, which is now consistently achieving its design capacity. In January,
during the plant's annual shutdown, the kiln's burners were replaced, and other
modifications and upgrades were implemented. In the four months of full
production to the end of June, clinker production averaged 100,000 tonnes per
month and this level of production has been sustained over the summer. Although
sales volumes and prices were similar to 2002, the increased output from the
Rugby plant has enabled sales of own production to progressively displace sales
of lower margin externally sourced cement. Additional costs incurred during the
periods of volatile output at Rugby can now be reduced as a priority. As a
result of the improved performance of the Rugby plant, the cement division's
profitability rose by #5m.

Although aggregates sales were lower than last year, when sales rose in advance
of the introduction of the Aggregates Levy in April 2002, the aggregates
division benefited from improved margins, resulting in a small increase in
profitability. The readymix division saw a decline in market share, principally
due to its relatively strong presence in the south east of England, where market
demand has fallen by an estimated 10%, and a focus on margin improvement.

The building products division benefited from the increase in Network Rail's
investment programme and the resulting record demand for railway sleepers. In
response to this, RMC has increased its sleeper production capacity by 50%.

Taken together, profitability of the aggregates, readymix and building products
divisions fell by #1m.

Market conditions in the second half of the year are expected to be similar to
those experienced during the first half, although there may be some softening.
Encouraging aspects are the level of government investment in public services
and infrastructure, and Network Rail's track renewal programme. However, demand
in the south east is expected to remain depressed. The performance of the cement
division will continue to benefit from the improved production of the Rugby
plant and the operating improvement programmes that can now be implemented on
the platform of stable operating conditions.

Business developments

*    Permission has been granted for the Rugby cement plant to conduct trials 
     using chipped tyres as a partial replacement for coal for a six-month
     period. These are likely to start after the annual maintenance shutdown in
     January next year.

*    A new state-of-the-art concrete block and concrete block paving factory 
     costing #9m was opened at Northfleet, Kent. In addition, following the
     transfer of concrete block production to a recently acquired facility at
     Penrith, the block works at Shap in Cumbria has been converted to concrete 
     block paving production. Together, these developments have improved the 
     nationwide coverage of these products.

*    Transfer of the financial back-office functions of the aggregates and 
     readymix divisions to the Shared Service Centre (SSC) based at Teesside has
     been completed. Plans for the transfer of the back-office functions of the
     building products division to the SSC during the second half of the year 
     are at an advanced stage.

*    A new rail terminal to handle dry mortar from the factory at Dove Holes in 
     Derbyshire, which was commissioned in the last quarter of 2002, has been 
     opened at Bletchley, near Milton Keynes. This was partly funded by a 
     Strategic Rail Authority grant and opens up access to the Home Counties 
     segment of the rapidly growing dry silo mortar market.

*    In the cement division, a new ash storage facility at Long Bennington, and 
     new process and storage facilities at Cottam power station were 
     commissioned. Also, following the award of a 5-year contract, pulverised 
     fuel ash supplies to the Terminal 5 project at Heathrow airport have 


                                                            2003         2002
                                                              #m           #m

Total turnover                                             351.0        365.9
EBITA (excluding exceptional items)                        (31.4)         2.5

As indicated at the AGM in May, performance in Germany has been severely
affected by a further substantial decline in cement prices and the impact of
weak demand for ready mixed concrete on concrete margins.

Excluding the discontinued activities of YTONG, turnover of #351.0m was #14.9m
lower and EBITA fell by #33.9m to a loss of #31.4m, of which #2.8m was
attributable to the strength of the euro.

The fall in EBITA was principally attributable to the cement division, where the
domestic price for cement fell by one-third compared with the first half of last
year, from Euro45 to about Euro30 per tonne, having been around Euro55 two years ago. The
volume of cement sold rose by 8%, reflecting a full six months of in-house
sourcing of cement to the concrete division. However, weak demand for ready
mixed concrete meant that concrete margins fell sharply, although our volumes
rose by 1%. Aggregates volumes were only slightly down, having benefited from
continuing demand due to the flood repair damage in the east, while prices were
relatively stable.

Market conditions in Germany for the remainder of 2003 offer little sign of
recovery, although seasonality of demand means that the loss in the second half
is expected to be lower than in the first half. Although RMC, along with its
major competitors, has announced its intention to raise cement prices, this will
have a limited impact in 2003 due to the terms of existing contracts. Weak
demand and over-capacity mean that ready mixed concrete margins will continue to
remain under pressure. Any benefit from the increase in housing permits granted
early in the year is likely to be spread over a number of years, and
construction demand is still expected to be lower than last year.

Higher cement prices are important for the Group, as well as the industry as a
whole, and could mean that 2003 represents the low point of our financial
performance in Germany. Each Euro5 per tonne price rise will increase RMC's profits
by around Euro20m, provided it is reflected in concrete prices.

Business developments

*    As the construction market in Germany has contracted in recent years, the 
     business has responded by taking a number of actions that have led to
     significant job reductions and plant closures. Further action has been 
     taken to reduce costs this year, including headcount reductions in all 
     divisions, reduction of variable and fixed costs, and savings on long-term 
     IT contract costs.

Rest of Europe

                                                            2003         2002
                                                              #m           #m

Total turnover                                             647.5        587.3
EBITA (excluding exceptional items)                         48.3         48.2

Performance in the Rest of Europe benefited from strong demand in Croatia, but
this was offset by the impact of weak prices in Poland and lower demand in
France. Excluding the impact of the discontinued activities of YTONG, Belgium
and the Netherlands, turnover rose by #60.2m to #647.5m. EBITA was virtually
unchanged at #48.3m (2002: #48.2m). Profit from property disposals fell by
#3.1m, but this was offset by the strength of the euro, which increased profit
by #4.3m.

In France, underlying profit (excluding exchange rate impact) fell in response
to weaker demand. However, profit continued to grow strongly in Spain. In
Ireland, demand was higher than had been anticipated, although pricing was
competitive, resulting in profits similar to last year. Trading conditions
remain difficult in Austria. However, the business is benefiting from a
reorganisation that is currently under way.

In Croatia, profits rose as our operations benefited from strong demand in the
road building and tourism sectors. In the Czech Republic, higher sales of
concrete, improved margins and the contribution from the cement grinding plant
that came into operation last year resulted in increased profits. In Poland,
harsh winter conditions together with a fall in cement prices resulted in lower

The market conditions prevalent in the Rest of Europe during the first half of
2003 are expected to continue through the second half of the year.

Business developments
*    In Austria, a business reorganisation is being implemented, with the 
     rationalisation of the aggregates and readymix divisions almost complete. 
     This will be extended to the concrete products division during the second 
     half of the year.

*    In Ireland, the purchase of the Breton-Roecrete business by Readymix plc, 
     the Group's Irish subsidiary, will consolidate its position in the concrete
     flooring market in the Republic.

*    In Spain, the number of mobile ready mixed concrete plants operated by the 
     concrete division has increased from 13 to 23 over the course of the last
     18 months. These have enabled the business to successfully increase the
     geographic spread of its competition for large public sector contracts and
     currently account for about one-third of future contracted production, 
     compared with one-sixth at the start of 2002.

*    In Croatia, the new coal grinding mill is fully operational and is 
     supplying two of the Group's three cement plants in the country. The third 
     plant is currently being converted to coal from oil. Large volumes of 
     cement are being supplied to the new Zagreb/Split motorway.

*    In Poland, a reorganisation of RMC Polska resulted in a 7% reduction in the 
     number of employees and the outsourcing of certain activities. The Chelm
     cement plant and the Gdynia cement grinding plant were successfully
     recommissioned after modernisation work undertaken during the winter.


                                                            2003         2002
                                                              #m           #m

Total turnover                                             555.2        647.8
EBITA (excluding exceptional items)                         23.1         32.4

With the exception of the Carolinas and Georgia, underlying performance in the
USA (excluding exchange rate impact) was broadly similar to last year. Turnover
fell by #92.6m to #555.2m. EBITA fell by #9.3m to #23.1m.

The exchange rate reduced turnover by #61.3m and EBITA by #2.8m.

Overall, trading conditions remained unchanged, the weakness in the
non-residential sector being compensated by the continuing strength of the
residential sector. Sales of aggregates, cement and concrete were higher than in
2002, but sales of concrete products in the Carolinas and Georgia were lower.
Pressure on margins was partially offset by profit improvement initiatives and
reductions in overhead costs.

Profits in the eastern USA fell by #5.8m to #8.7m, of which #1.1m was due to
exchange rates.

As anticipated, the Carolinas and Georgia proved to be the most difficult
markets in the first half of 2003. The impact of continuing weak demand and the
resulting pricing pressures was compounded by the disruption of construction
activity by extremely wet weather. This affected our heavy building materials
(HBM) businesses and resulted in significantly lower profitability. The
prestressed concrete business, Metromont Prestress, which is based in South
Carolina, with operations in adjacent states, was also affected by weak demand.

In Florida, the continuing strength of the residential market meant that
underlying profit of the HBM businesses increased slightly.

Profits in the western USA fell by #3.5m to #14.4m, of which #1.7m was due to
the weakness of the dollar.

In the southwest, which includes Arizona, Nevada, southern New Mexico and El
Paso in Texas, and in the important northern California market, underlying
profits of the HBM businesses were similar to last year. In these areas, the
strength of housing and infrastructure demand offset weakness in the commercial

Although we do not anticipate any dramatic change in market conditions during
the remainder of the year, activity levels have firmed in recent months. If
these were to continue, and we do not encounter adverse weather conditions, we
would expect performance in the second half of the year to be better than the

Business developments

*    At the end of July, RMC's 80% holding in Metromont Prestress Company was 
     sold to the minority shareholders.

Rest of the World

                                                            2003         2002
                                                              #m           #m

Total turnover                                             218.8        198.6
EBITA (excluding exceptional items)                         22.3         17.3

Performance in the Rest of the World reflected the continuing favourable market
conditions in Australia and the contribution from Adelaide Brighton.

Turnover rose by #20.2m to #218.8m. EBITA increased by #5.0m to #22.3m, of which
#0.4m related to exchange rate movements.

In Australia, Adelaide Brighton's turnover rose by 17%, reflecting steady volume
growth in cement and lime, together with benefits from the 2002 price increases
and the full half-year contribution from Hy-Tec Concrete. For the remainder of
2003, demand is expected to continue to remain firm.

In the Gulf States, profits rose in response to increased demand, while results
in Israel were held back by the continuing political uncertainty.

Business developments

*    In Australia, at the start of July, Adelaide Brighton acquired 55% of the 
     concrete products company C&M Brick Pty Limited and 100% of the Rocla
     Pavers and Masonry business of Rocla Pty Limited for a combined cash
     consideration of Aus$50m plus the assumption of debt of approximately 
     Aus$10m. These acquisitions position Adelaide Brighton as the number two 
     in this growing and less cyclical market segment.


The Group will continue its drive to re-shape the business and balance this
against the delivery of a satisfactory trading performance and dividend rewards
to shareholders. While market conditions in Germany continue to be particularly
challenging, recent price increases and the actions we are taking offer the
prospect of some recovery in 2004. The Group will benefit from the improved
performance of the Rugby cement plant and there are early signs that market
conditions in the USA could firm during the remainder of the year. Provided we
do not encounter any unexpected adverse events, RMC expects that its overall
financial performance will be within the range of market expectations for the


                                                                                                   Year to    
                                 6 months to 30.06.03                     6 months to 30.06.02    31.12.02
                  Excluding                                Excluding
                exceptional    Exceptional               exceptional    Exceptional
                      items          items      Total          items          items      Total       Total
                         #m             #m         #m             #m             #m         #m          #m

Total turnover
Group share of
and associated      2,356.8                   2,356.8        2,497.1                   2,497.1     4,971.4
Less: Share of
turnover of
joint ventures
associated            210.1                     210.1          231.3                     231.3       469.1
undertakings        _______                  _______________________                 _____________________ 
Turnover of
undertakings        2,146.7                   2,146.7        2,265.8                   2,265.8     4,502.3
                    =======                  =======================                 =====================

                    _______                  _______________________                 _____________________ 
Continuing          2,082.6                   2,082.6        2,081.4                   2,081.4     4,213.8
Acquisitions            6.5                       6.5              -                         -           -
Discontinued           57.6                      57.6          184.4                     184.4       288.5
operations          _______                  _______________________                 _____________________ 
Turnover of
undertakings        2,146.7                   2,146.7        2,265.8                   2,265.8     4,502.3
                    =======                  =======================                 =====================

                    _______                  _______________________                 _____________________ 
Continuing             80.5                      80.5          115.1                     115.1       171.5
Acquisitions            0.6                       0.6              -                         -           -
Discontinued            3.2                       3.2            3.0                       3.0         9.9
operations          _______                  _______________________                 _____________________ 
Operating              84.3                      84.3          118.1                     118.1       181.4

Share of
of joint
ventures and
associated              4.5                       4.5            5.3                       5.3        11.1
undertakings        _______                  _______________________                 _____________________ 
Total trading          88.8                      88.8          123.4                     123.4       192.5

-  profit on
disposal of
discontinued              -           57.3       57.3              -           24.5       24.5        39.5
-  loss on
disposal of
continuing                -           (9.5)      (9.5)             -              -          -       (13.9)
-  profit on
disposal of
fixed assets              -              -          -              -              -          -         1.7
Profit before
net interest

payable                88.8           47.8      136.6          123.4           24.5      147.9       219.8
payable (net)

-  Group               36.9              -       36.9           41.2              -       41.2        80.5
-  Joint
ventures and
associated              1.2              -        1.2            1.6              -        1.6         3.2
Profit on
before                 50.7           47.8       98.5           80.6           24.5      105.1       136.1
taxation            _______        _______                   _______        _______
Taxation                                         29.3                                     34.6        37.9
                                              _______                                  _______     _______
Profit on

after                                            69.2                                     70.5        98.2
Minority                                         11.5                                     13.5        27.9
interests                                     _______                                  _______     _______
shareholders                                     57.7                                     57.0        70.3
Dividends                                        24.9                                     24.9        82.6
                                              _______                                  _______     _______
Retained                                         32.8                                     32.1       (12.3)
profit/(loss)                                 =======                                  =======     =======

Earnings per
share of 25p

Basic                                            21.8p                                    21.5p       26.5p
Basic                                             9.1p                                    14.8p       28.4p
and goodwill                                     15.7p                                    21.3p       41.4p

Diluted                                          21.8p                                    21.4p       26.5p
Diluted                                           9.1p                                    14.7p       28.4p
and goodwill                                     15.7p                                    21.2p       41.3p

Dividend per                                      9.4p                                     9.4p       31.2p


                       At 30.06.03           At 30.06.02           At 31.12.02
                     #m         #m         #m         #m         #m         #m
Fixed assets

Intangible                   579.0                 572.5                 562.7
assets -
Tangible                   2,745.8               2,776.6               2,725.2
Properties                    35.1                  34.8                  30.4
held for
Joint              80.7                  81.6                  77.5
Associated         67.0                  81.6                  70.9
Other               5.0                  18.5                   4.8
investments     _______               _______               _______
                             152.7                 181.7                 153.2
                           _______               _______               _______
                           3,512.6               3,565.6               3,471.5


Stocks            292.8                 297.3                 291.7
Debtors - due   1,023.7               1,023.5                 850.6
within one
Debtors - due      54.2                  60.7                  60.6
after one       _______               _______               _______
                1,077.9               1,084.2                 911.2
Investments        12.6                  12.4                  11.8
Cash at bank      149.9                 122.1                 117.2
and in hand     _______               _______               _______
                1,533.2               1,516.0               1,331.9
                _______               _______               _______
falling due
within one
Loans and         475.4                 282.2                 245.4
Dividend           24.9                  24.9                  57.7
Creditors       1,009.8                 962.3                 914.9
                _______               _______               _______
                1,510.1               1,269.4               1,218.0
                _______               _______               _______

Net current                   23.1                 246.6                 113.9
assets                     _______               _______               _______

Total assets               3,535.7               3,812.2               3,585.4
less current

falling due

after more
than one
Bank and other    909.0               1,222.1               1,063.2
Deferred           46.3                  34.3                  32.9
creditors         _______             _______               _______
                  955.3               1,256.4               1,096.1
                  _______             _______               _______
Provisions for
and charges

Deferred          272.0                 280.2                 270.0
Other             259.9                 257.9                 264.8
provisions        _______             _______               _______
                  531.9                 538.1                 534.8
                  _______             _______               _______
                           1,487.2               1,794.5               1,630.9
                           _______               _______               _______
Net assets                 2,048.5               2,017.7               1,954.5
                           =======               =======               =======

Capital and

Called up                     66.3                  66.3                  66.3
equity share
Share premium                650.6                 650.3                 650.6
Profit and                 1,093.6               1,063.8               1,002.1
loss account               _______               _______               _______
Shareholders'              1,810.5               1,780.4               1,719.0
equity funds

equity                       238.0                 237.3                 235.5
interests)                 _______               _______               _______
Total capital              2,048.5               2,017.7               1,954.5
and reserves               =======               =======               =======


                                            6 months      6 months     Year to
                                         to 30.06.03   to 30.06.02    31.12.02
                                                  #m            #m          #m

Cash flow from operating activities             50.1          74.1       392.0
Dividends from joint ventures and                7.3           2.8         8.2
Returns on investments and servicing of        (46.5)        (44.5)     (103.2)
Taxation                                        (9.6)         (7.7)      (36.2)
Capital expenditure (net) and financial        (70.6)        (54.8)     (115.5)
Acquisitions                                   (41.6)        (12.9)      (30.8)
Disposals                                      162.3         234.7       239.8
Equity dividends paid to RMC                   (57.7)        (57.7)      (82.6)
shareholders                            ______________________________________
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before                (6.3)        134.0       271.7

Equity financing:
Issues of equity share capital                     -           0.8         1.2
Minority interests equity capital               (0.8)          8.2         7.0
contributions                           ______________________________________
Change in net debt                              (7.1)        143.0       279.9

Opening net debt                            (1,179.6)     (1,489.4)   (1,489.4)
Foreign currency translation                   (36.6)         (9.5)       17.1
New Group undertakings/undertakings              1.4         (13.9)       12.8
Change in net debt arising from cash            (7.1)        143.0       279.9
flows                                   ______________________________________
Closing net debt                            (1,221.9)     (1,369.8)   (1,179.6)

*  Comprises investment in fixed assets of #81.5 million (30.06.02: #77.3
   million; 31.12.02: #185.0 million), less fixed asset disposal proceeds of 
   #10.9 million (30.06.02: #22.5 million; 31.12.02: #69.5 million)


                                             6 months      6 months    Year to
                                          to 30.06.03   to 30.06.02   31.12.02
                                                   #m            #m         #m
Profit attributable to shareholders              57.7          57.0       70.3

Other gains and losses:
Foreign currency translation                     53.8          27.4       12.3
adjustments                             ______________________________________
Total recognised gains and losses               111.5          84.4       82.6
relating to the period
Prior year adjustment in respect of FRS             -        (188.3)    (188.3)
19 'Deferred tax'                       ______________________________________
Total recognised gains and losses since
last Interim / Annual Report                    111.5        (103.9)    (105.7)


                                             6 months      6 months    Year to
                                          to 30.06.03   to 30.06.02   31.12.02
                                                   #m            #m         #m
Profit attributable to shareholders              57.7          57.0       70.3

Dividends                                       (24.9)        (24.9)     (82.6)
                                                 32.8          32.1      (12.3)
Foreign currency translation                     53.8          27.4       12.3
New share capital subscribed                        -           0.9        1.2
Goodwill written back on disposal                 4.9          53.5       51.3
                                                 91.5         113.9       52.5
Opening shareholders' equity funds            1,719.0       1,854.8    1,854.8
Prior year adjustment in respect of FRS             -        (188.3)    (188.3)
19 'Deferred tax'                       ______________________________________
Opening shareholders' equity funds (as        1,719.0       1,666.5    1,666.5
restated)                               ______________________________________
Closing shareholders' equity funds            1,810.5       1,780.4    1,719.0

OPERATING ASSETS (including joint ventures and associated undertakings)

Total turnover
                         6 months to 30.06.03               6 months to 30.06.02                     Year to 31.12.02
            Continuing  Discontinued           Continuing  Discontinued           Continuing   Discontinued           
            operations    operations    Total  operations    operations    Total  operations     operations     Total 
                    #m            #m       #m          #m            #m       #m          #m             #m        #m 

  Great          526.7          57.6    584.3       510.7          56.3    567.0     1,037.1          118.7   1,155.8 
  Germany        351.0             -    351.0       365.9          30.1    396.0       766.0           30.3     796.3 
  Rest of        647.5             -    647.5       587.3          97.7    685.0     1,212.4          138.4   1,350.8 
  USA            555.2             -    555.2       647.8             -    647.8     1,255.4              -   1,255.4 
  Rest of        218.8             -    218.8       198.6           2.7    201.3       408.0            5.1     413.1 
               2,299.2          57.6   2,356.8    2,310.3         186.8   2,497.1    4,678.9          292.5   4,971.4 
                         6 months to 30.06.03               6 months to 30.06.02                     Year to 31.12.02   
            Continuing  Discontinued           Continuing  Discontinued           Continuing   Discontinued           
            operations    operations    Total  operations    operations    Total  operations     operations     Total 
                    #m            #m       #m          #m            #m       #m          #m             #m        #m 

  Great           41.0           3.2     44.2        37.5           4.3     41.8        67.7           10.4      78.1 
  Germany        (31.4)            -    (31.4)        2.5          (4.6)    (2.1)       (0.3)          (4.6)     (4.9) 
  Rest of         48.3             -     48.3        48.2           3.3     51.5        92.3            4.3      96.6 
  USA             23.1             -     23.1        32.4             -     32.4        57.2              -      57.2 
  Rest of         22.3             -     22.3        17.3             -     17.3        35.9           (0.1)     35.8 
                 103.3           3.2    106.5       137.9           3.0    140.9       252.8           10.0     262.8 

  Total trading profit**         
                        6 months to 30.06.03               6 months to 30.06.02                      Year to 31.12.02   
            Continuing  Discontinued           Continuing  Discontinued           Continuing   Discontinued           
            operations    operations    Total  operations    operations    Total  operations     operations     Total 
                    #m            #m       #m          #m            #m       #m          #m             #m        #m 

  Great           34.6           3.2     37.8        31.2           4.3     35.5        45.8           10.3      56.1 
  Germany        (33.1)            -    (33.1)        1.0          (4.6)    (3.6)      (21.0)          (4.6)    (25.6) 
  Rest of         43.7             -     43.7        43.8           3.1     46.9        79.8            4.0      83.8 
  USA             22.6             -     22.6        31.6             -     31.6        51.8              -      51.8 
  Rest of         17.8             -     17.8        13.0             -     13.0        26.5           (0.1)     26.4 
                  85.6           3.2     88.8       120.6           2.8    123.4       182.9            9.6     192.5 

  Net operating assets
                                  At 30.06.03                        At 30.06.02                          At 31.12.02   
            Continuing  Discontinued           Continuing  Discontinued           Continuing   Discontinued           
            operations    operations    Total  operations    operations    Total  operations     operations     Total 
                    #m            #m       #m          #m            #m       #m          #m             #m        #m 

  Great          952.6             -    952.6       983.8          38.4   1,022.2      946.0           39.1     985.1 
  Germany        670.4             -    670.4       639.7             -     639.7      594.0              -     594.0 
  Rest of      1,099.4             -  1,099.4     1,065.9          34.1   1,100.0    1,041.1           17.0   1,058.1 
  USA            525.8             -    525.8       607.6             -     607.6      523.2              -     523.2 
  Rest of        532.5             -    532.5       500.7           6.2     506.9      477.9            5.4     483.3 
               3,780.7             -   3,780.7    3,797.7          78.7   3,876.4    3,582.2           61.5   3,643.7 

Continuing operations for the 6 months to 30.06.03 include contributions from
acquisitions in the Rest of Europe segment: total turnover #2.9 million, EBITA
#0.3 million and total trading profit #0.3 million; net operating assets at
30.06.03 were #5.3 million and in the USA segment: total turnover #3.6 million,
EBITA #0.3 million and total trading profit #0.3 million; net operating assets
at 30.06.03 were #2.6 million.

Discontinued operations comprise the waste management division in Great Britain,
which was sold in June 2003, and the Group's businesses in the Benelux countries
and Jordan which were sold in early 2003.
*  Profit before interest, tax and goodwill amortisation.

** Total trading profit is stated after charging goodwill amortisation of 
   #17.7 million (30.06.02: #17.5 million; 31.12.02: #34.8 million).

1.   The 2003 Interim Statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 4
     September 2003.

2.   The financial information does not amount to statutory accounts within
     the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The figures for the 
     year ended 31 December 2002 have been extracted from the statutory accounts 
     which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors' report 
     on those Accounts was unqualified and did not contain any statement under 
     Section 237 of the Companies Act 1985.

3.   The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2003 has not
     been audited but has been reviewed by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP who have
     reported on the financial information without qualification in accordance 
     with the Bulletin 1999/4, Review of Interim Financial Information, issued 
     by the Auditing Practices Board.
4.   This Interim Statement has been prepared using accounting policies set out 
     in the 2002 Annual Report and Accounts.
5.   Assets and liabilities in foreign currencies have been translated into
     sterling at rates of exchange ruling at the end of the financial periods.
     Results and balance sheet movements in foreign currencies have been 
     translated into sterling using average rates of exchange. The rates of 
     exchange used for the translation of major currencies are as follows:-

                                          Average                               As at
              6 months       6 months     Year to
           to 30.06.03    to 30.06.02    31.12.02    30.06.03    30.06.02    31.12.02
Euro (Euro)          1.46           1.61        1.60        1.44        1.54        1.53

USA ($)           1.61           1.45        1.50        1.65        1.52        1.61
Australia         2.63           2.72        2.77        2.46        2.72        2.86
6.   a) Earnings per share

                 6 months to  30.06.03     6 months to 30.06.02         Year to 31.12.02
                              Earnings                 Earnings                 Earnings
                 Earnings    per share    Earnings    per share    Earnings    per share
                       #m        pence          #m        pence          #m        pence

Earnings             57.7         21.8        57.0         21.5        70.3         26.5
Exceptional         (47.8)       (18.0)      (24.5)        (9.2)        8.2          3.1
arising on
exceptional             -            -           -            -        (7.6)        (2.9)
arising on
exceptional          14.1          5.3         6.7          2.5         5.1          1.9
interest share
exceptional             -            -           -            -        (0.6)        (0.2)
items            _______________________________________________________________________
Earnings             24.0          9.1        39.2         14.8        75.4         28.4

Goodwill             17.7          6.7        17.5          6.6        34.8         13.0
interest share
goodwill             (0.2)        (0.1)       (0.2)        (0.1)       (0.4)           -
amortisation     _______________________________________________________________________
and goodwill         41.5         15.7        56.5         21.3       109.8         41.4
amortisation     =======================================================================

b)   Basic earnings per share are based on the profit for the year attributable 
     to shareholders and on the weighted average number of shares in issue 
     during the year, excluding shares owned by the RMC Long Term Incentive
     Plan which are treated as cancelled. The number of shares used for 
     calculating basic earnings per share was 265,149,269 (30.06.02: 
     265,065,010; 31.12.02: 265,082,150). The number of shares used for 
     calculating diluted earnings per share, taking into account employee share 
     option schemes was 265,269,478 (30.06.02: 266,101,453; 31.12.02: 

c)   Supplementary basic and diluted earnings per share have been calculated to 
     exclude the effect of goodwill amortisation and exceptional items. The 
     adjusted numbers have been provided in order that the effects of goodwill
     amortisation and exceptional items on reported earnings can be fully

7.   Exceptional items

     Non-operating exceptional items in the six months to 30 June 2003 comprised 
     net profits of #57.3 million arising on the disposals of the assets of the 
     waste management division in Great Britain and the Group's businesses in
     Belgium and Jordan, after charging goodwill written off to reserves of #4.9
     million (shown as profit on disposal of discontinued operations) and losses 
     of #9.5 million arising on the disposal of non-core businesses in the USA, 
     Germany and Croatia (shown as loss on disposal of continuing operations).

     In the six months to 30 June 2002 non-operating exceptional items comprised 
     profits of #24.5 million arising on the disposals of the Group's aerated 
     concrete businesses, Durox and YTONG, after charging goodwill written-off 
     to reserves of #53.5 million.

     For the year 2002, non-operating exceptional items comprised profits of
     #39.5 million on the sale of the Group's aerated concrete businesses, Durox 
     and YTONG and its concrete products business in the Netherlands, after 
     charging goodwill previously written off to reserves of #51.3 million 
     (shown as profit on disposal of discontinued operations), a loss of #13.9 
     million on the withdrawal from certain non-core operations in the USA and 
     Germany (shown as loss on disposal / termination of continuing operations) 
     and a profit of #1.7 million on the disposal of fixed assets and 
     investments in the USA and Germany. Operating exceptional items of 
     #31.4 million comprised anticipated fines for anti-competitive activities 
     and associated legal costs totalling #15.9 million, principally arising 
     from German Federal Cartel Office investigation into the cement industry, 
     redundancy costs arising from the Group's business review of #9.5 million, 
     abortive disposal costs of #3.4 million and a write-down of the shares held 
     by the Trustee of the Long Term Incentive Plan to market value at 31
     December 2002 amounting to #2.6 million. In addition there was a goodwill
     impairment in the Group's associate, Huttig Building Products, Inc. in the 
     USA of #4.1 million.

                                            6 months      6 months     Year to
8.   Taxation                            to 30.06.03   to 30.06.02    31.12.02
                                                  #m            #m          #m

United Kingdom                                   4.6           1.8         6.4
Overseas                                         8.7          23.7        28.9
Joint ventures and associated                    1.9           2.4         5.1
Exceptional items                               14.1           6.7        (2.5)
                                                29.3          34.6        37.9

                                            6 months      6 months     Year to
9.   Cash flow from operating            to 30.06.03   to 30.06.02    31.12.02
     activities                          _____________________________________
                                                  #m            #m          #m
Operating profit                                84.3         118.1       181.4
Depreciation and depletion                      96.7         103.3       210.4
Profit on sale of fixed assets                  (5.1)        (10.0)      (18.7)
Amortisation of goodwill                        17.3          16.9        33.6
Working capital movements                     (143.1)       (154.2)      (14.7)
                                                50.1          74.1       392.0
10.  Contingent liabilities

     In the normal course of business there are legal claims outstanding for the 
     supply of goods and in connection with other disputes and processes, for
     which provision is made in the accounts for any liabilities that are 
     expected to arise. The Board considers that the possibility of any 
     significant loss arising to the Group from these contingent liabilities is 



We have been instructed by the Company to review the financial information which
comprises the Group profit and loss account, the Group balance sheet, the
summarised Group cash flow statements, the statement of total recognised gains
and losses, the movements in shareholders' equity funds, the geographical
analysis of total turnover, EBITA, total trading profit and net operating assets
and the related Notes. We have read the other information contained in the
Interim Statement and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements
or material inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' responsibilities

The Interim Statement, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the Directors. The Directors are
responsible for preparing the Interim Statement in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review
consists principally of making enquiries of Group management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with United Kingdom Auditing Standards and therefore
provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do not
express an audit opinion on the financial information. This report, including
the conclusion, has been prepared for and only for the company for the purpose
of the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority and for no other
purpose. We do not, in producing this report, accept or assume responsibility
for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or
into whose hands it may come save where expressly agreed by our prior consent in

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 June 2003.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Chartered Accountants
5 September 2003


Enquiries relating to RMC's results,       General enquiries about shareholder
business and                               matters
financial position should be made to:-     should be made to:-

Investor Relations Department              Computershare Investor Services plc
RMC Group p.l.c.                           P O Box 82
RMC House, Coldharbour Lane                The Pavillions
Thorpe, Egham                              Bridgwater Road
Surrey, TW20 8TD                           Bristol, BS99 7NH
Tel: 01932 583219                          Tel: 0870 702 0001


Ex-dividend date for 2003 interim dividend               29 October 2003
Record date for 2003 interim dividend                    31 October 2003
Payment of 2003 interim dividend                         1 December 2003
Announcement of 2003 Preliminary Results                 3 March 2004

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange