RNS Number : 2981X

TUI Travel PLC

09 January 2014

9 January 2014




TUI Travel PLC ("the Company") announces that its Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 6 February 2014 at 10.30am at the offices of Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2EG. In connection with this, the following documents have been posted or made available to shareholders today:

   --      Notice of 2014 Annual General Meeting ("AGM Notice"); 

-- Annual Report & Accounts for the year ended 30 September 2013 ("Annual Report & Accounts"); and

   --      Proxy Form for the 2014 Annual General Meeting. 

In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.1, copies of the AGM Notice and Annual Report & Accounts have also been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism website and will shortly be available for inspection at: www.hemscott.com/nsm.do.

The AGM notice and the Annual Report & Accounts are available on the Company's website: http://www.tuitravelplc.com/investors-media/shareholder-centre/annual-general-meeting

The appendices to this announcement contain additional information which has been extracted from the Annual Report & Accounts for the purposes of compliance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules ("DTR") and should be read together with the Final Results Announcement, which can be downloaded from the Company's website:


This announcement should be read in conjunction with, and is not a substitute for, reading the full Annual Report & Accounts. Together these constitute the information required by DTR 6.3.5 which is required to be communicated to the media in full unedited text through a Regulatory Information Service.


Appendix A: Directors' responsibilities statement

The following responsibilities statement is repeated here solely for the purpose of complying with DTR 6.3.5. This statement relates to, and is extracted from, page 102 of the Annual Report & Accounts. Responsibility is for the full Annual Report & Accounts not the extracted information presented in this announcement or the Preliminary Results Announcement:

Each of the Directors, whose names and functions are listed on page 66 and 67, confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

-- the Group financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the EU, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit of the Group; and

-- the Directors' Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Group, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.

The Directors also confirm that:

-- so far as they are aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the Company's auditors are unaware; and

-- they have taken all the steps that they ought to have taken as a Director in order to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Company's auditors are aware of that information.

The Directors' responsibilities statement was approved by a duly authorised Committee of the Board of Directors on 9 December 2013 and signed on its behalf by William Waggott, Chief Financial Officer.

Appendix B: Principal Risks

A description of the principal risks that the Company faces is extracted from pages 23-27 of the Annual Report & Accounts:

        Risk category          Nature and extent of                            Current mitigation 
----------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
----------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Consumer Preferences &        Context                    Group-wide 
 Desires                       Price, product and         Ongoing 
                               digital solutions play a    *    Monitoring closely changes in consumer preferences 
 Strategic drivers             key part in the                  and sentiment within the wider context of our 
  *    Content                 consumer's                       industry and the different sources of influence on 
                               decision-making process.         our customers' spending. 
                               Consumers are 
  *    Brands & Distribution   increasingly turning 
                               online to research and      *    Developing new concepts and services which are unique, 
                               book holidays and are            diverse and value adding. 
  *    Technology              moving towards 
                               booking nearer the time 
                               of travel.                  *    Maintaining our focus on being an 'online driven' 
  *    Growth & Scale          Risk                             business, and tracking the gap (both upside and 
                               We do not identify or            downside) between our offer and the competition's to 
                               respond quickly enough           inform effective decision-making. 
  *    People                  to changes in consumer 
                               preferences and do not 
                               keep up with latest        Progress 
                               technological               *    Established a dedicated Group Digital Solutions PMO 
                               developments.                    to lead IT innovation across the Group, identify 
                               Potential impact                 participation in emerging technologies and drive 
                               Our market positions             market intelligence. 
                               come under pressure 
                               resulting in lower short 
                               to medium-term growth       *    Agreed funding to test and develop important new 
                               rates                            technologies to ensure our ongoing relevance to 
                               and reduced margins.             consumers. 
                               We are eager to be 
                               innovative and consider    Planned 
                               all investment options      *    Exploring how 'Big Data' (customer, social and 
                               to ensure we remain              performance data combined) might inform our strategy 
                               relevant                         and enable us to personalise our interactions with 
                               to our consumer                  our customers. 
                               preferences & desires. 
                               Net risk movement ê 
                               "Following our results     Tour Operator 
                               it is obvious that our     Ongoing 
                               strategy of unique          *    Leveraging our Mainstream structure to enhance the 
                               holidays sold directly           portfolio of unique and exclusive products designed 
                               to                               to increase our competitive advantage. 
                               our customers is the 
                               right one. As the 
                               business continues its      *    Monitoring closely our concept portfolio and 
                               move towards a more              developing new hotel concepts and adapting these, 
                               online future,                   where appropriate, for our different source markets. 
                               and while we efficiently 
                               manage our costs, we 
                               continue to build upon      *    Developing the strong brand portfolio of tailor-made 
                               the foundations of a             products and services within our Specialist 
                               business set for                 businesses and reviewing opportunities to extend it 
                               sustainable growth. Our          into new markets. 
                               colleagues within the 
                               business care deeply 
                               about                       *    Investing in online platforms and enhancing booking 
                               the customer experience          and search functionality in order to provide our 
                               and everything we do is          customers with easy to access inspirational content 
                               built around enhancing           whilst consolidating finance and reservation systems 
                               it at every level,               to leverage scale across multiple source markets. 
                               through every stage of 
                               the customer journey, 
                               from dreaming of a          *    Focusing on being an online-driven business including 
                               holiday to sharing it            our participation in social media according to the 
                               with                             preferences of our customers, encompassing the entire 
                               family and friends once          customer journey from dreaming and planning through 
                               they have returned               to experiencing and sharing. 
                                                           *    Increased the volume of unique holidays and selling 
                                                                to our customers through multiple channels in a 
                                                                number of our key source markets thereby enhancing 
                                                                our customer booking experience. 
                                                           *    Developed and launched a pan-Mainstream all-inclusive 
                                                                3* concept 'SuneoClub' featuring a series of bright, 
                                                                modern and friendly three star all-inclusive hotels 
                                                                offering new standards of quality and affordability 
                                                                for our customers. 
                                                           *    Launched new services and tailor-made offerings 
                                                                within our Specialist businesses providing a seamless 
                                                                service which in turn is driving considerable growth. 
                                                           *    Created a Mainstream Distribution & Online team 
                                                                providing a clear focus, drive and support to all 
                                                                Mainstream Source Markets through sharing of best 
                                                                practice on all digital matters, retail operations, 
                                                                CRM and ancillaries, providing an immediate 
                                                                improvement to the customer experience. 
                                                           *    Launched the My Thomson Digital Assistant in our UK 
                                                                source market with plans to extend it out to our 
                                                                other source markets to help our customers plan their 
                                                                holidays and explore the destination before they 
                                                           *    Started the transformation of the traditional travel 
                                                                agency into the next-generation retail concept store, 
                                                                combining the knowledge and expertise of our people 
                                                                with the latest technology as we move into a fully 
                                                                multi-channel world. 
                                                          Online Accommodation 
                                                           *    Reviewing closely our offer to ensure that we have a 
                                                                wide variety of product, in terms of quality, 
                                                                destination and budget, that our content is rich and 
                                                                inspiring and that it translates well digitally in 
                                                                order to attract and retain our diversified customer 
                                                           *    Continuing to update and upgrade IT platforms to 
                                                                ensure our Wholesaler and OTA businesses are 
                                                                supported by effective and efficient systems 
                                                                improving the service delivery to our global 
                                                                customers that underpins our growth strategy. 
                                                           *    Delivered mobile optimised websites for LateRooms, 
                                                                AsiaRooms and MalaPronta and have developed mobile 
                                                                apps for AsiaRooms and LateRooms. 
----------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Business Improvement          Context                    Group-wide 
 Opportunities                 The Group is heavily        Ongoing 
                               reliant on legacy            *    Driving stronger and more cost-effective 
 Strategic drivers             systems, processes and            relationships with key service providers through 
  *    Content                 structures which, in              better co-ordination of key procurement activities. 
                               some cases, 
                               are outdated, complex 
  *    Brands & Distribution   and inefficient.             *    Strengthening our internal control environment 
                               Risk                              through the rollout of the COSO control framework 
                               We do not address                 across Financial Reporting, Compliance and 
  *    Technology              successfully the legacy           Operational categories of control through the 
                               inefficiencies and                establishment of Group Finance, Legal & Regulatory 
                               complexities of our               and IT Compliance. 
  *    Growth & Scale          existing 
                               Potential impact             *    Implementing business continuity management in our 
  *    People                  We incur higher costs             various businesses in order to build resilience into 
                               due to inefficiencies,            our operations. 
                               impacting our ability to 
                               optimise business 
                               performance                 Progress 
                               and provide a                *    Restructured the Group CIO function to provide the 
                               value-added service to            governance framework required to deliver technology 
                               our consumers.                    innovation. 
                               We are eager to be 
                               innovative and consider      *    Instigated a review of project management 
                               all options that might            competence/capability and the adequacy/effectiveness 
                               strengthen our                    of central oversight/control in order to ensure that 
                               infrastructure                    the governance in place adequately reflects the 
                               and drive out cost and            current and future transformation needs of the 
                               complexity.                       organisation. 
                               Net risk movement ê 
                               "We have been successful 
                               in implementing our          *    Established Compliance Steering Group to ensure 
                               Group-wide business               better understanding and management of 
                               improvement programmes            interrelationship of risks and controls between COSO 
                               this                              categories. 
                               year. The total savings 
                               made this year equates 
                               to GBP46m, an               Tour Operator 
                               acceleration of the         Ongoing 
                               target outlined              *    Reviewing areas where the efficiency of our 
                               at the start of year.             operations can be further improved and costs reduced 
                               These cost savings were           without compromising on customer experience. 
                               primarily driven by back 
                               office restructuring 
                               and IT platform              *    Increasing controlled distribution thereby reducing 
                               replacement across a              third party costs and enabling a direct relationship 
                               number of markets."               with our customers. 
                               "We are an online 
                               business but we continue 
                               to drive further             *    Upgrading our web front-end reservation and finance 
                               enhancements through              systems across all source markets with plans 
                               technologies                      progressing well in our key source markets such as 
                               that amplify the                  Germany and the UK. 
                               customer experience at 
                               the front-end and drive 
                               further efficiencies in     Progress 
                               the                          *    Focused on exploiting our Mainstream structure to 
                               back-end processes."              leverage scale in order to grow and consolidate our 
                               "We are pleased to say            leading position within Europe and to ensure we are 
                               that we were the first            well placed to offset any adverse movement in some of 
                               business in the UK to             our other Principal Risks. 
                               take delivery of the 
                               787 Dreamliner that has      *    Established the Mainstream Purchasing Team to act 
                               exceeded customer and             globally and focus on purchasing the right product at 
                               our own expectations in           the right price to provide best value for money. 
                               its first few months 
                               of operation. In May we 
                               committed to purchasing      *    Established a Modern Destination Services Board with 
                               60 new Boeing 737 MAX             senior executives from both our Mainstream and 
                               aircraft and secured              Specialist Destination Services division (providing 
                               the option and right to           excursions, transfers and other tailored products) 
                               purchase another 90 on            creating a strong and mutually beneficial 
                               the same terms. The deal          relationship and added value to the consumer. 
                               will enhance our unique 
                               offering, replace older 
                               aircraft and help secure     *    Commenced flying the Boeing 787 Dreamliner on 
                               the future of our six             long-haul routes vastly improving our customers' 
                               airlines."                        flying experience whilst driving down costs and 
                                                                 improving airline and environmental efficiencies. 
                                                            *    Committed to the purchase of 60 Boeing 737 MAX 
                                                                 aircraft to replace the 757 fleet and older 737s 
                                                                 across our airlines to operate our short and 
                                                                 medium-haul flights, improving cost efficiency 
                                                                 through simplifying operational training and 
                                                            *    Restructured our Specialist and Activity Sector 
                                                                 resulting in a simplified management structure, 
                                                                 increased sharing of expertise and knowledge across 
                                                                 divisions, improved operational efficiency and a 
                                                                 platform for future growth. 
                                                            *    Committed to combining the UK Finance Shared Service 
                                                                 Centre with the existing German Finance Shared 
                                                                 Service Centre in order to create one transactional 
                                                                 back office Finance team working from one common 
                                                                 platform enabling us to be more operationally 
                                                                 efficient and effective. 
                                                           Online Accommodation 
                                                            *    Continuing our IT transformation programme in our 
                                                                 Wholesaler and OTA businesses to improve overall 
                                                                 competitiveness and facilitate the rapid integration 
                                                                 of new brands whether acquired or organically 
                                                            *    Progressing our strategy of consolidating our 
                                                                 market-leading position by further expanding in 
                                                                 existing destinations whilst focusing on our 
                                                                 development in both new source markets as well as new 
                                                            *    Planning to drive superior growth by developing new 
                                                                 distribution channels and new customer segments in 
                                                                 this market. 
----------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 New Markets, Acquisitions &   Context                    Group-wide 
 Investments                   The Group continues to      Progress 
                               look into new markets as     *    Established a dedicated Group-wide Mergers & 
 Strategic drivers             the traditional                   Acquisitions team to help identify and optimise the 
  *    Content                 Mainstream markets                best growth opportunities available across the Group 
                               mature.                           through M&A activity. 
                               Specialist businesses, 
  *    Brands & Distribution   online accommodation and 
                               new markets represent a      *    Created a New Markets division focusing specifically 
                               significant opportunity           on merger, acquisition and joint venture 
  *    Technology              to participate in                 opportunities in emerging economies in order to 
                               longer-term travel                optimise our investments and to evaluate where 
                               growth trends and have            existing Group assets can be best leveraged into new 
  *    Growth & Scale          higher growth potential.          markets. 
                               We do not maximise 
  *    People                  potential growth            Tour Operator 
                               opportunities to deliver    Ongoing 
                               results in New Markets       *    Developing and delivering the participation strategy 
                               due to                            for both outbound and domestic tour operations in new 
                               lack of investment                markets, to create long-term growth and improved 
                               appetite, short termism           shareholder value. 
                               and difficulty in 
                               leveraging Group assets 
                               and integrating             Progress 
                               operations and systems.      *    Established a presence for TUI Travel in the BRIC 
                               Potential impact                  economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China with 
                               Our potential long-term           focus now switched to assessing the next set of new 
                               growth rates and margins          frontier markets. 
                               are impacted, with cash 
                               flows lower than 
                               anticipated and             Planned 
                               significant absorption       *    Planning to expand further our long established tour 
                               of resource.                      operator, TUI India (now the preferred agent for the 
                               Appetite                          promotion and sales of Emirates Holidays in India) to 
                               We are willing to                 cater for the domestic and outbound consumer through 
                               consider all markets,             a combination of own retail travel agencies, an 
                               acquisitions and                  extensive B2B network and online. 
                               investments to drive 
                               long-term sustainable 
                               growth value.               Online Accommodation 
                               Net risk movement è    Progress 
                               "Acquisitions were made      *    Developed a clear strategy for targeting emerging 
                               in the year for a total           markets, in particular in Africa, Asia and Latin 
                               investment value of               America. 
                               GBP30m in order to 
                               business operations in       *    AsiaRooms recognised as the best OTA in Asia Pacific 
                               line with the Group's             due to our excellence in online experience and 
                               growth strategy.                  customer service. 
                               Businesses acquired 
                               during the 
                               year primarily related       *    Increased our Brazilian Accommodation OTA MalaPronta 
                               to the 50.1% of TUI               hotel portfolio in the past year across the main 
                               Infotec GmbH that the             domestic destinations of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro 
                               Group did not already             and Curitiba. 
                               and 100% of the share 
                               capital of JBS Group, 
                               Isango! and TT Visa 
----------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
----------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Global Financial Factors      Context                    Group-wide 
                               The cross-border nature     Ongoing 
  Strategic drivers            of trading exposes our       *    Ensuring that hedging cover for fuel and foreign 
   *    Growth & Scale         business to fluctuations          currency is taken out ahead of source market customer 
                               in exchange rates                 booking profiles to provide certainty of input costs 
                               and complex tax laws. In          when planning pricing and capacity. 
                               addition a significant 
                               proportion of operating 
                               expenses are in relation     *    Tracking the foreign exchange and fuel markets to 
                               to aircraft fuel which            ensure the most up-to-date market intelligence and 
                               is also subject to                the ongoing appropriateness of our hedging policies. 
                               Geo-political events 
                               continue to highlight        *    Maintaining high-quality relationships with tax 
                               the inherent risks                authorities through regular communication keeping 
                               within travel and                 them informed of the commercial reality of our 
                               tourism, whilst the               business operations. 
                               ongoing banking sector 
                               recovery and 
                               the introduction of          *    Monitoring our funding and liquidity position to 
                               Basel III have the                ensure key facilities are refinanced well ahead of 
                               potential to impact               maturity. We recognise the impact that different 
                               long--term financing              aspects of our operations can have on our access to 
                               availability.                     financial facilities and seek to ensure that these 
                               Risk                              are appropriately understood and controlled. 
                               We do not manage 
                               adequately the 
                               volatility of exchange       *    Maintaining high-quality relationships with the 
                               rates and fuel prices or          Group's key financiers and monitoring compliance with 
                               other rising                      the covenants contained within our financing 
                               input costs; we face an           facilities. 
                               increase in tax 
                               authorities taking a 
                               more strident tax           Progress 
                               approach in                  *    Secured a GBP300m medium-term bank credit facility 
                               order to fund local               available until April 2016 giving greater flexibility 
                               fiscal deficits; and              in our financing and access to further funds as 
                               difficulties in securing          required. This reflects the banks' ongoing confidence 
                               additional facilities,            in our strategy, business model and operational 
                               if                                competence. 
                               needed, and at a 
                               reasonable cost. 
                               Potential impact             *    Raised over GBP400m of long-term financing for nine 
                               We suffer increased               aircraft scheduled for delivery during FY14. This 
                               costs which reduce                financing was raised on competitive terms through a 
                               demand resulting in               combination of finance leasing and sale and 
                               lower revenue and/or              leaseback. 
                               margins. We 
                               face a negative impact 
                               on cash flow, lengthy 
                               tax litigation processes 
                               and possible reduction 
                               in Group's after-tax 
                               We are eager to ensure 
                               as stable and as 
                               predictable an 
                               environment as possible 
                               in relation 
                               to FX & fuel, tax, 
                               funding and liquidity. 
                               Net risk movement è 
                               "We remain satisfied 
                               with our funding and 
                               liquidity position. We 
                               have three main sources 
                               long-term debt funding 
                               as at 9 December 2013 - 
                               these include the 
                               external bank revolving 
                               facilities totalling 
                               GBP1,120m which mature 
                               in June 2015, a GBP350m 
                               convertible bond (due 
                               October 2014) and a 
                               GBP400m convertible bond 
                               (due April 2017). The 
                               external bank revolving 
                               facilities are used to 
                               manage the seasonality 
                               of the Group's cash 
                               flows and liquidity." 
                               "We have hedged the 
                               majority of our fuel and 
                               currency requirements 
                               for the seasons 
                               on sale, which gives us 
                               certainty of costs when 
                               planning capacity and 
----------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Consumer Demand               Context                    Group-wide 
                               Spending on travel and      Ongoing 
 Strategic drivers             tourism is discretionary     *    Maintaining our focus on creating lifetime 
  *    Content                 and price sensitive. The          relationships with our customers through great 
                               economic outlook                  service and fantastic lifetime experiences. 
                               remains uncertain with 
  *    Brands & Distribution   different source markets 
                               at different points in      Tour Operator 
                               the recovery cycle.         Ongoing 
  *    Technology              Consumers are also           *    Assessing our product offering in the context of the 
                               waiting longer to book            confidence levels and cost of living pressures being 
                               their trips in order to           experienced by our customers. 
  *    Growth & Scale          assess their financial 
                               Risk                         *    Exploiting the flexibility and resilience of our 
  *    People                  We do not respond                 business model and the functionality of our 
                               successfully to changes           sophisticated capacity and yield management systems 
                               in consumer demand                in order to drive margins and profits growth by 
                               and/or the consumer               ensuring that capacity is aligned very closely to 
                               preference                        forecasts. 
                               for late booking. 
                               Potential impact 
                               Our short-term growth       Progress 
                               rates and margins are        *    Developed and launched a pan-Mainstream all-inclusive 
                               lower than anticipated.           3* concept 'SuneoClub' featuring a series of bright, 
                               Appetite                          modern and friendly all-inclusive hotels offering new 
                               We are willing to                 standards of quality and affordability. 
                               consider all options to 
                               secure and improve the 
                               flexibility, resilience      *    Established the Mainstream Purchasing Team to act 
                               and                               globally and focus on purchasing the right product at 
                               attractiveness of our             the right price to provide direct value to our 
                               business model.                   customers and benefit hoteliers. 
                               Net risk movement è 
                               "The travel market 
                               continues to be driven      Online Accommodation 
                               by high growth in online    Online 
                               bookings and, while the      *    Continuing to exploit our model which involves 
                               uncertain economic                minimum commitment risk and operates extremely well 
                               environment has had an            in relation to the online lates market. 
                               effect on consumer 
                               travel spending habits, 
                               for leisure travel 
                               remains strong." 
                               "Overall, we are pleased 
                               with trading at the 
                               start of our new 
                               financial year. Winter 
                               performance is in line 
                               with expectations with 
                               60% of the programme 
                               sold. For Summer 2014, 
                               we are encouraged by 
                               early trading despite 
                               strong comparatives. In 
                               particular, we continue 
                               to see strong demand for 
                               our unique holidays." 
----------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Talent Management             Context                    Group-wide 
                               The Group's success         Ongoing 
  Strategic drivers            depends on its ability       *    Assessing our organisational competence and 
   *    Technology             to retain key management          capability against that required to maximise current 
                               and it relies on having           and future shareholder value. 
                               good relations with its 
   *    People                 colleagues. 
                               Risk                         *    Ensuring succession plans are in place for all 
                               We are unable to attract          identified business critical roles, in particular 
                               and retain talent, build          emergency successors for all Source Market and Sector 
                               future leadership                 Board roles, and that these plans are reviewed every 
                               capability and maintain           six months. 
                               the commitment and trust 
                               of our employees. 
                               Potential impact             *    Using our Group-wide leadership framework (including 
                               We do not maximise on             our Your Voice survey) to engage and empower people 
                               our operating results             whilst delivering results and managing performance. 
                               and financial 
                               Appetite                     *    Building our pipeline of leadership talent through 
                               We are willing to invest          our International Graduate Leadership Programme which 
                               in the appropriate level          attracts, develops and retains high quality graduates 
                               of competence and                 to become our future senior Commercial Leaders. 
                               capability to drive the 
                               future success of our 
                               business.                    *    Driving high performance and engagement through our 
                               Net risk movement è          performance review, development plans and career 
                               "Our colleagues are the           planning process. 
                               true driver of the 
                               business. Their 
                               commitment, endeavour        *    Extending our 'risk & control & doing the right 
                               and passion                       thing' objectives down through the organisation as 
                               to deliver incredible             part of developing a strong culture of effective risk 
                               travel experiences for            governance. 
                               our customers is proven 
                               in the exceptional 
                               results                      *    Extending competency testing of our key finance 
                               we have announced this            management in order to assess the adequacy of the 
                               financial year."                  skill-set of individual finance managers as well as 
                                                                 the competency of the finance community within key 
                                                                 businesses and across the Group as a whole. 
                                                            *    Focusing on digitally enabling our people in support 
                                                                 of our commitment to be an online driven company. 
                                                            *    Invested in a number of online tools to support the 
                                                                 creation of a Digital Workplace so our people can 
                                                                 build on their knowledge and move towards a 
                                                                 transformation in learning and career development. 
                                                            *    Introduced a suite of Global High Potential Learning 
                                                                 & Development programmes designed for our talent in 
                                                                 the early stages of their careers or who have been 
                                                                 identified as successors to commercial senior 
                                                                 leadership roles in the future. 
                                                            *    Built on the successful launch of our Finance Academy 
                                                                 with a number of modules designed to drive up levels 
                                                                 of financial maturity within our various businesses 
                                                                 for both financial and non-financial employees. 
----------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Political Volatility,         Context                    Group-wide 
 Natural Catastrophes and      Providers of holiday and    Ongoing 
 Outbreaks                     travel services are          *    Maintaining a balanced destination mix to minimise 
                               exposed to the inherent           concentration and having flexible supplier agreements 
 Strategic drivers             risk of domestic and/or           in order to enable capacity to be switched as 
  *    Content                 international incidents           required. 
                               affecting some 
  *    Growth & Scale          within their operations.     *    Leveraging our unique products and our strong brand 
                               During                            to drive earlier booking, giving us more time to 
                               the summer months we              react to external events. 
                               faced disruption in both 
                               Turkey and Egypt. 
                               Risk                         *    Reviewing trading outlooks destination by destination 
                               We are not able to                with the management team of each business area during 
                               respond efficiently and           our regular business review meetings and developing 
                               effectively to large              operational contingency as appropriate. 
                               scale events. 
                               Potential impact 
                               We suffer significant        *    Maintaining strong relationships with local tourism 
                               operational disruption            bodies, travel and aviation industry associations, 
                               in our Source Markets             actively monitoring the political situation in 
                               and destinations leading          volatile destinations and acting upon security 
                               to significant losses             intelligence advice as it is received. 
                               (holiday cancellations, 
                               repatriation of 
                               customers) and a general     *    Minimising the impact of negative events in our 
                               decline                           source markets and destinations by ensuring the 
                               in consumer demand and            effective execution of our established incident 
                               increase in our                   management and emergency response plans and the 
                               insurance premiums.               deployment of our experienced leadership teams to 
                               Appetite                          support and repatriate stranded customers. 
                               We are willing to 
                               consider all options to 
                               secure and improve the       *    Tracking hotel commitments and prepayments on a 
                               flexibility and                   timely and sufficiently granular basis to manage our 
                               resilience                        financial exposure to justifiable levels. 
                               of our business model in 
                               order to withstand 
                               ad-hoc shocks to our         *    Promoting the benefits of travelling with a 
                               operations.                       recognised and leading tour operator to increase 
                               Net risk movement è          consumer confidence and peace of mind. 
                               "We operate in a market 
                               segment that, as a 
                               matter of course, has to    Progress 
                               weather geo-political        *    Developed a standard set of terms and conditions for 
                               events. As a result, it           our Mainstream accommodation contracts from Summer 
                               is vital that we have a           2014 with clauses that contain termination rights 
                               strong and resilient              following force majeure or Euro break-up. 
                               business model that 
                               us to deliver on our 
                               strategy, which in turn 
                               drives long-term 
                               sustainable growth and 
                               shareholder returns." 
----------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
----------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Regulatory Environment        Context                    Group-wide 
                               Industries in which the     Ongoing 
  Strategic drivers            Group operates are           *    Addressing issues affecting the industry and our 
   *    Content                highly regulated,                 customers through our political and regulatory 
                               particularly in relation          affairs team, who engage with regulators and 
                               to consumer                       governments to help ensure legislation that is fit 
   *    Growth & Scale         protection, aviation and          for purpose, properly balances the interests of 
                               the environment.                  industry and consumers and treats all industry 
                               Risk                              players fairly. 
                               We do not establish an 
                               effective system of 
                               internal control to          *    Lobbying for greater clarity and simplification of 
                               ensure we operate in              the Package Travel Directive to ensure a level 
                               compliance                        playing field across the industry for all those 
                               with all legal and                involved in putting together more than one element of 
                               regulatory requirements.          a holiday (flight, transportation, accommodation, 
                               Potential impact                  excursions etc.). 
                               We suffer negative 
                               impact which damages our 
                               reputation, results in       *    Maintaining a comprehensive Anti-Bribery & Corruption 
                               reduced revenue and/or            (ABC) training programme across the Group in order to 
                               higher input costs.               raise awareness of the provisions of the Bribery Act 
                               Appetite                          2010 in order to prevent bribery and corruption in 
                               We are committed fully            the countries in which we operate. 
                               to being a good 
                               corporate citizen in all 
                               of the countries in          *    Monitoring the adequacy and effectiveness of the ABC 
                               which                             procedures and measures established, including 
                               we operate.                       self-certification twice a year by all of our 
                               Net risk movement è          businesses across the Group. 
                               "The last 12 months have 
                               seen significant 
                               developments at the         Progress 
                               European level with the      *    Worked with other industry stakeholders to develop a 
                               Commission                        counter proposal to the recent ruling by the European 
                               proposing new                     Court in relation to Air Passenger Rights which we 
                               legislation in the area           believe will both reduce our exposure and also 
                               of Air Passenger Rights           safeguard the longer-term interests of our customers. 
                               and bringing forward 
                               for reform of the            *    Reviewed the effectiveness of our flight planning and 
                               Package Travel                    established appropriate monitoring controls for 
                               Directive. We have                on-time performance as a way of both improving 
                               engaged consistently              customer service and minimising the impact of the 
                               with the Commission               recent ruling by the European Court. 
                               as they have developed 
                               these proposals and will 
                               engage over the coming       *    Commenced lobbying to simplify the Package Travel 
                               12 months with the                Directive in order to make it easier to understand 
                               European Parliament and           for both the customer and the industry. 
                               the Council of Ministers 
                               as they come to consider 
                               the suggested reforms        *    Committed to developing more sustainable holidays and 
                               in detail."                       to reducing the environmental impact at each stage of 
                               "TUI Travel is a truly            our customer's journey. Established a dedicated 
                               worldwide organisation            sustainable development team to support the Group and 
                               and we are committed to           work closely with business management (see our 
                               operating our business            Sustainable Development section on page 26). 
                               in a sustainable manner. 
                               We have a three-year 
                               Sustainable Holidays         *    Achieved our airline carbon reduction target of 9% 
                               Plan, launched in 2012,           (2008-2014) one year ahead of schedule through a 
                               which sets out four               mixture of operational efficiencies, fuel 
                               overarching goals with            conservation activities, capacity amendments and 
                               20 measurable and                 airline enhancements. 
                               challenging commitments 
                               to responsible 
                               tourism."                    *    Invested significantly in cutting edge aviation 
                                                                 technology including the Boeing 787 Dreamliner 
                                                                 aircraft, which are forecast to emit 20% less CO(2) 
                                                                 per passenger than comparable aircraft today, the new 
                                                                 innovative Split Scimitar Winglets, reducing fuel 
                                                                 burn by an additional 2%, and committed to purchasing 
                                                                 60 Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, with improved 
                                                                 fuel-efficiency (2018 delivery). 
                                                            *    Recognised in the top tier of the FTSE 350 for carbon 
                                                                 reporting following the introduction of UK 
                                                                 legislation on carbon reporting for the largest UK 
                                                                 companies. We are a third more fuel and carbon 
                                                                 efficient than the average scheduled carrier in 
                                                                 Europe and are now calling for greater transparency 
                                                                 and reporting of consistent metrics across all 
                                                                 airlines so that the government can consider 
                                                                 adjusting its taxes fairly and proportionately. 
                                                            *    Implemented a web-based sustainability data software 
                                                                 solution to further improve data accuracy, increase 
                                                                 data collection frequency and provide reporting that 
                                                                 supports advanced monitoring and targeting of further 
                                                                 efficiency opportunities. 
                                                            *    Established a Group Health & Safety Compliance 
                                                                 function to oversee and ensure that the Health & 
                                                                 Safety Management Systems employed by our businesses 
                                                                 are compliant with Group Policy and that there is 
                                                                 appropriate protection in place for both our 
                                                                 customers and our colleagues. 
                                                            *    Established Group Legal & Regulatory Compliance 
                                                                 function to improve our central oversight, 
                                                                 understanding and control of local practices in 
                                                                 relation to ABC, Anti-Money Laundering, Know Your 
                                                                 Supplier, Know Your Customer and Competition Law. 
                                                            *    Used the newly established Group IT Compliance 
                                                                 function to support the Group Legal & Regulatory 
                                                                 Compliance function by improving central oversight, 
                                                                 understanding and control relating to PCI DSS and 
                                                                 data protection. 
                                                            *    Launched our Supplier Code of Conduct (available in 
                                                                 11 languages) which is the first time a set of social 
                                                                 and ethical values has been given to our suppliers. 
                                                                 This plays an important role in our vision, 
                                                                 reflecting our value of responsible leadership in the 
                                                                 travel industry. 
----------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 

Appendix C: Related party transactions

The following description of related party transactions of the Company is extracted from pages 169 to 170 of the Annual Report & Accounts:

Apart from with its own subsidiaries which are included in the consolidated financial statements, the Group, in carrying out its ordinary business activities, maintained direct and indirect relationships with related parties including consolidated or related companies of its ultimate parent company, TUI AG. These companies either purchased or delivered services to companies in the Group.

Convertible bond

In April 2010, the Company issued a GBP400m fixed rate 4.9% convertible bond, of which Antium Finance Ltd, an independent special purpose company, subscribed for 50%. TUI AG entered into a forward purchase agreement with Antium Finance Ltd for these GBP200m convertible bonds, in order to prevent dilution of its majority shareholding. TUI AG is entitled to receive the interest coupon on these bonds and to repurchase these bonds by July 2014 at the latest.

Trademark Licence Agreement

The Trademark Licence Agreement incorporates trademark licences granted from TUI AG to members of the TUI Tourism Group in relation to TUI Tourism's use of the TUI name and logo and other trademarks from within TUI AG's portfolio of trademarks used in the former TUI Tourism's business. Licence fees payable under each licence are an annual fee equal to 0.02% of the average annual gross turnover of the relevant licensee under the relevant trademarks measured over a three year period. Total licence fees charged for the year ended 30 September 2013 were GBP3m (2012: GBP3m). Each licence's standard terms are for five years with an option for the relevant licensee to extend for a further five years on the same terms.

Hotel Framework Agreement

TUI Deutschland has signed an exclusivity agreement with TUI AG's Robinson hotel portfolio. Under the terms of the agreement, TUI Deutschland paid EUR8m in the financial year ended 30 September 2012, EUR10m in the financial year ending 30 September 2013 and must pay EUR12m per year thereafter. The contract also contains performance related elements linked to occupancy rates under which either more can be paid or refunds received.

Details of transactions with related parties during the year and balances outstanding at the balance sheet date are set out in the tables below:

                                                                       Expenses (including 
                                             Income                         interest) 
                                 ------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
                                     Year ended      Year ended      Year ended      Year ended 
                                   30 September    30 September    30 September    30 September 
                                           2013            2012            2013            2012 
                                           GBPm            GBPm            GBPm            GBPm 
-------------------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Related party 
 Ultimate parent TUI AG                       8               7               4               6 
 Hotel and resort subsidiaries 
  of TUI AG                                   1               8             289             332 
 Other subsidiaries of TUI AG                13               4               9               2 
 Joint ventures and associates 
  of TUI AG                                  10              13              85              73 
 Joint ventures of the Group                 41              47             132              75 
 Associates of the Group                     15              17              14              24 
-------------------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total                                       88              96             533             512 
-------------------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 

Income earned from TUI AG includes airline revenue of GBP4m (2012: GBP3m) and recharges of administrative costs of GBP4m (2012: GBP3m).

Income earned from hotels and resort subsidiaries of TUI AG, joint ventures and associates of TUI AG and joint ventures of the Group includes accommodation and destination services provided by the Group to the related entities. The income relating to the Group's joint ventures includes GBP32m (2012: GBP35m) from Togebi Holdings Limited, the Group's joint venture in Russia, and its subsidiaries.

Income received from associates of the Group principally represents aircraft sublease income from Sunwing, as detailed in Note 7.

Expenses paid to TUI AG includes interest expense of GBP1m (2012: GBP2m). The remaining expenses paid to TUI AG of GBP3m (2012: GBP4m) relates to aircraft lease costs and licence fees.

In addition to the amounts disclosed above, GBP10m (2012: GBP10m) of the interest payable in the year in respect of the Group's convertible bonds has been paid to Antium Finance Ltd, a special purpose company which purchased GBP200m of the Group's 4.9% convertible bond. TUI AG remains entitled to receive the interest on these bonds from Antium Finance Ltd.

Expenses relating to hotels and resort subsidiaries of TUI AG, joint ventures and associates of TUI AG and joint ventures and associates of the Group relate to travel related services, primarily made up of accommodation and destination services costs.

Related party receivables

                                         30 September 2013                 30 September 2012 
                                 --------------------------------  --------------------------------- 
                                  Current   Non-current     Total   Current   Non- current     Total 
                                   assets        assets    assets    assets         assets    assets 
                                     GBPm          GBPm      GBPm      GBPm           GBPm      GBPm 
-------------------------------  --------  ------------  --------  --------  -------------  -------- 
 Related party 
 Ultimate parent TUI 
  AG                                    2             -         2         -              -         - 
 Subsidiaries of TUI 
  AG                                    1             -         1        11              -        11 
 Joint ventures and associates 
  of TUI AG                             6             1         7         5              -         5 
 Joint ventures of the 
  Group                                43            35        78        30             34        64 
 Associates of the Group                3             -         3         6              -         6 
 Total                                 55            36        91        52             34        86 
-------------------------------  --------  ------------  --------  --------  -------------  -------- 

Receivables due from related parties are reported in Note 16. Amounts owed from TUI AG and its subsidiaries of GBP3m (2012: GBP11m) are in respect of current trade and other receivables.

Amounts owed by joint ventures of the Group that are due after more than one year of GBP35m (2012: GBP34m) include a loan of US$12m, equating to GBP8m (2012: GBP7m) including interest from TUI Travel Holdings Limited, a direct subsidiary of the Company, to Togebi Holdings Limited. This loan is unsecured, bears interest at a rate of 7% and is repayable by February 2017. The remaining balance due after more than one year principally comprises hotel prepayments made to the Atlantica Leisure Group of companies.

Amounts owed by joint ventures that are due within one year of GBP43m (2012: GBP30m) include accommodation costs due from Togebi Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries of GBP15m (2012: GBP16m), which were non interest bearing balances. The remaining balance due within one year includes current hotel prepayments made to the Atlantica Leisure Group of companies.

Related party payables

                                           30 September 2013                            30 September 2012 
                              -------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------- 
                                    Current    Non-current          Total        Current    Non-current          Total 
                                liabilities    liabilities    liabilities    liabilities    liabilities    liabilities 
                                       GBPm           GBPm           GBPm           GBPm           GBPm           GBPm 
----------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Related party 
 Ultimate parent TUI 
  AG                                      7              -              7              8              -              8 
 Hotel and resort 
  of TUI AG                              48              -             48             45              -             45 
 Joint ventures and 
  associates of TUI AG                   11              -             11             19              -             19 
 Joint ventures of the 
  Group                                  26              1             27             10             11             21 
 Associates of the Group                  5              -              5             12              -             12 
 Total                                   97              1             98             94             11            105 
----------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 

Payables outstanding with related parties are reported in Notes 20, 21 and 23.

The above balances exclude GBP200m (nominal value) of the Group's convertible bonds 4.9% April 2017 which have been sold to Antium Finance Ltd. TUI AG is entitled to receive the interest coupon on these bonds and to repurchase these bonds by July 2014 at the latest. Further details of the convertible bonds are given in Note 20.

Amounts payable to hotels and resorts of TUI AG and joint ventures and associates of TUI AG are in respect of current trade payables primarily associated with accommodation and destination services costs.

Details on interest rate and liquidity risks in respect of balances with related parties are included in Notes 26(E) and 26(F) respectively.

Key management compensation

Details of Directors' remuneration are given in the Remuneration Report. In accordance with IAS 24, key management functions within the Group (the GMB and the Directors of the Company) were related parties whose remuneration has to be listed separately. The compensation paid in respect of key management personnel (including Directors) was as follows:

                                    Year ended      Year ended 
                                  30 September    30 September 
                                          2013            2012 
                                          GBPm            GBPm 
------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Short term employee benefits                9               9 
 Termination benefits                        -               1 
 Post-employment benefits                    1               1 
 Share-based payments                       10               9 
 Total                                      20              20 
------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 

Spanish tax case

In connection with the settlement of the tax dispute in Spain described in Note 8, on 5 August 2013 arrangements were entered into between the Company, one of its subsidiaries, TUI Travel Accommodation and Destinations S.L.U., and a former director of that subsidiary. That individual, a related party of the Company by virtue of their position as a key member of management, intends to plead guilty to a number of tax offences as part of the conclusion of the overall settlement. At that time, the subsidiary will have settled the outstanding balance of claimed tax, interest and penalties. The arrangements include agreement to indemnify the individual against, and not to seek future recovery of, the amounts payable, agreement to pay the individual's legal costs, and certain variations to the individual's terms of service. The indemnity and agreement regarding recovery from the individual in relation to the penalties was given as the Board considered these to be matters for the companies involved. In reaching the settlement in Spain and concluding these arrangements, the Board took account of the fact that when the transactions were executed, the law in Spain permitted the tax authorities to take action only against individuals and not companies. The Board considered this to be a corporate liability and not an individual liability, and therefore because the individual could have been any director of the relevant subsidiaries, the identity of the individual is not considered to be relevant. This legislation was changed in 2010.

For the purposes of related party transaction disclosure, the aggregate value ascribed to the arrangements with the individual, including the indemnity and waiver, is GBP16.7m, of which GBP13.1m is ascribed to the waiver (i.e. the EUR15m penalty referred to in Note 8), GBP0.1m represents legal costs paid and the balance is remuneration under the revised service contract payable in the ordinary course of their service over its anticipated life. Cash payments to the individual directly related to the settlement totalled approximately GBP0.1m for their legal costs.

This information is provided by RNS

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