RNS Number : 7988Y

Legal & General Group Plc

08 March 2017

Stock Exchange Release

08 March 2017

EPS(1) UP 19% to 22.2p, Profit Before Tax(2) up 17% to GBP1.6bn

financial highlights(3) :

   --      Net release from operations (net cash)(4) up 12% to GBP1,411m (2015: GBP1,256m) 
   --      adjusted OPERATING PROFIT(5) up 11% to GBP1,628M (2015: GBP1,463m) 
   --      Profit after tax UP 16% to GBP1,265m (2015: GBP1,094m) 
   --      Earnings per share up 17% to 21.22P (2015: 18.16p) 
   --      adjusted Earnings per share(1) UP 19% to 22.20P (2015: 18.58p) 
   --      Full year dividend up 7% to 14.35p per share (2015: 13.40p) 
   --      Adjusted return on equity(6) 19.6% (2015: 17.7%) 
   --      SOLVENCY II SURPLUS OF GBP5.7BN (2015: GBP5.5BN) 
   --      SOLVENCY II COVERAGE RATIO OF 171% (2015: 176%), shareholder BASIS(7) 

business highlights:

   --      lgr new business of GBP8.5bn (2015: GBP2.9bn) 
   --      lgr ANNUITY ASSETS UP 25% AT GBP54.4BN (2015: GBP43.4BN) 
   --      GROUP-WIDE DIRECT INVESTMENT UP 39% AT GBP10.0BN (2015: GBP7.2bn) 
   --      LGIM AUM UP 20% AT GBP894.2BN (2015: GBP746.1BN) 

Nigel Wilson, Group Chief Executive, said:

"Our long term approach to strategy and investment coupled with outstanding execution has again delivered terrific financial performance in 2016. Profit before tax up 17% to GBP1.6 billion, net release from operations up 12% to GBP1.4 billion, EPS up 19% at 22.2p and a return on equity of nearly 20%.

We believe the UK remains a great place for us to help fill the huge funding gaps and under-provision of key financial products. We are playing our part to regenerate the UK's cities, delivering economic growth and jobs, capitalise on its world-leading universities and improve commercialisation of its scientific discoveries. Additionally, we are accelerating the evolution of our US businesses.

We look forward to the future with confidence as our core markets are growing, our market share is increasing, our balance sheet is strong and we have positive cash and earnings momentum. Through a combination of selective hiring and internal promotions we have significantly strengthened our management team and technology capability".

Sir John Kingman, Chairman, said:

"Legal & General has a strong management team and formidable further potential. Against that backdrop, the Board has considered the best trajectory of dividend growth, taking into account sustainability across a wide range of economic scenarios and the Group's anticipated financial performance. Accordingly, the Board has recommended an increase in the full year 2016 dividend of 7%".

1. Adjusted earnings per share is calculated by dividing profit after tax attributable to equity holders of the Company, by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period. This excludes a GBP60m net loss on disposals being a GBP64m impairment loss in relation to the disposal of Cofunds and a GBP4m profit in relation to the disposal of Suffolk Life (2015: GBP25m net loss in relation to the disposals of Legal & General France, Legal & General Gulf, Legal & General Egypt and Legal & General International (Ireland)).

   2.    Represents profit before tax attributable to equity holders. 

3. The metrics within the Group's financial highlights are defined in the glossary, which includes Alternative Performance Measures, on pages 89 to 92 to this report.

4. Net release from operations has replaced the term Net cash generation. There is no change in how it is determined.

5. Adjusted operating profit is calculated as operating profit of GBP1,562m (2015: GBP1,455m) before taking account of the provision in respect of the closure of our Kingswood office of GBP66m (2015: GBP8m).

6. Adjusted return on equity is calculated by taking profit after tax attributable to equity holders of the Company, excluding the GBP60m net loss on disposals (2015: GBP25m net loss) described in note 1, divided by the average shareholders' equity during the period.

7. Solvency II coverage ratio on a shareholder basis is adjusted for the Own Funds and SCR of the With-profits fund and the final salary pension schemes.


GBPm                                          2016   2015  Growth 
==========================================   =====  =====  ====== 
Analysis of operating profit 
Legal & General Retirement                     811    641      27 
Legal & General Investment Management          366    355       3 
Legal & General Capital                        257    233      10 
Legal & General Insurance                      317    315       1 
General Insurance                               52     51       2 
Savings                                         99    107     (7) 
Operating profit from divisions              1,902  1,702      12 
Group debt costs                             (172)  (153)    (12) 
Group investment projects and expenses(1)    (102)   (86)    (19) 
Adjusted operating profit                    1,628  1,463      11 
Kingswood office closure provision(2)         (66)    (8)     n/a 
Operating profit                             1,562  1,455       7 
Investment and other variances (inc. 
 minority interests)                            80   (75)     n/a 
Adjusted profit before tax attributable 
 to equity holders                           1,642  1,380      19 
Net loss on disposals(3)                      (60)   (25)     n/a 
Profit before tax attributable to 
 equity holders                              1,582  1,355      17 
Profit after tax                             1,265  1,094      16 
Adjusted earnings per share (p)(4)           22.20  18.58      19 
IFRS earnings per share (p)                  21.22  18.16      17 
Adjusted return on equity (%)(5)              19.6   17.7     n/a 
Full year dividend per share (p)             14.35  13.40       7 
     *    Final dividend per share (p)       10.35   9.95       4 
     *    Interim dividend per share (p)      4.00   3.45      16 
Release from operations(6)                   1,256  1,217       3 
New business surplus                           155     39     297 
Net release from operations(6)               1,411  1,256      12 

1. In 2016, we invested GBP40m (2015: GBP50m) to deliver a reduction in operating costs and management expenses.

2. The Group recorded a GBP66m (2015: GBP8m) provision in respect of the closure of our Kingswood office. No further related costs are expected in the future.

3. Net loss on disposals in 2016 of GBP60m includes a GBP64m impairment loss in relation to the disposal of Cofunds and a GBP4m profit on disposal of Suffolk Life (2015: GBP25m net loss in relation to the disposals of Legal & General France, Legal & General Gulf, Legal & General Egypt and Legal & General International (Ireland)).

4. Adjusted earnings per share is calculated by dividing profit after tax attributable to equity holders of the Company, excluding the GBP60m net loss on disposals (2015: GBP25m net loss) described in note 3, by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.

5. Adjusted return on equity is calculated by taking profit after tax attributable to equity holders of the Company, excluding the GBP60m net loss on disposals (2015: GBP25m net loss) described in note 3, divided by the average shareholders' equity during the period.

6. Release from operations and Net release from operations have replaced the terms Operational cash generation and Net cash generation respectively. There is no change in how they are determined.

commentary on 2016 financial performance

Income statement

Net release from operations increased 12% to GBP1,411m (2015: GBP1,256m)

The Group delivered GBP1,411m net release from operations comprising GBP1,256m (2015: GBP1,217m) release from operations and GBP155m (2015: GBP39m) new business surplus. The increase in release from operations was consistent with the guidance we issued in August 2016. The GBP116m year-on-year increase in new business surplus was primarily a result of significantly higher new business volumes in LGR, with new annuity sales up 155% at GBP7.0bn.

Adjusted operating profit increased 11% to GBP1,628m (2015: GBP1,463m)

The Group achieved double digit percentage growth in adjusted operating profit for the third consecutive year, demonstrating the successful execution of our strategy.

LGR achieved record operating profits of GBP811m driven by strong performance from our front and back books, as well as benefitting from higher levels of longevity reinsurance on new business. Longevity experience in the year was once again positive compared to our assumptions. Despite this outcome, we have not materially adjusted our forward-looking longevity reserves.

LGIM operating profit increased by 3%. The combined contribution from positive net flows of GBP31.2bn (2015: GBP33.3bn) and higher asset values in the second half, was partially offset by planned investment to grow the business, as well as the impact of ongoing industry fee pressure.

LGC operating profit increased by 10% due to strong performance in the division's GBP1.1bn (2015: GBP0.9bn) direct investment portfolio which delivered GBP121m (2015: GBP69m) operating profit, of which 44% (2015: 28%) came from earnings in LGC's operating businesses, including CALA Homes.

LGI operating profit was flat year-on-year, in part as a consequence of a GBP39m lower expected release from the UK retail protection back book, and adverse claims experience of GBP43m, primarily in group protection. The 2015 comparator for LGI was impacted by one-off reserve strengthening primarily relating to the modelling of reinsurance contracts in retail protection.

Profit before tax attributable to equity holders increased 17% to GBP1,582m (2015: GBP1,355m)

In 2016 profit before tax has increased by GBP227m on the back of the 11% increase in adjusted operating profit. In addition, positive investment and other variances contributed GBP80m (2015: GBP(75)m), demonstrating diversification benefits across the Group. This included GBP162m (2015: GBP(116)m) in LGC, primarily due to the traded assets portfolio outperforming our long term economic assumptions, and GBP36m (2015: GBP78m) in LGR. This was partially offset by GBP(123)m (2015: GBP(44)m) in LGI driven by a reduction in UK government bond yields of c.85bps which impacted the discount rate used to calculate the reserves for our UK protection liabilities.

The Group had a net loss on disposal in 2016 of GBP60m (2015: GBP25m) following the sale of Cofunds, IPS and Suffolk Life.

Additionally, the Group booked a GBP66m (2015: GBP8m) provision in respect of the closure of our Kingswood office. No further related costs are expected in the future.

balance sheet

The Group's Solvency II surplus increased by GBP0.4bn since the half year, from GBP5.3bn to GBP5.7bn at the year end.

This incorporates management's estimate of the impact of recalculating the Transitional Measures for Technical Provisions (TMTP) as at the end of 2016 as we believe this provides the most up to date and meaningful view of our Solvency II position. The conditions set out by the PRA to allow a formal recalculation of the Group's TMTP were not met as at end 2016 but, in line with PRA guidance, a formal recalculation will take place no later than 1(st) January 2018.

As we stated at our Capital Markets Event on 5(th) December 2016, to assist with peer comparability, going forwards we will lead with coverage ratio defined on a shareholder basis which progressed from 163% at the half year to 171% at the year end. On a proforma basis of calculation, our Solvency II coverage ratio increased from 158% at the half year to 165% at the year end. The surplus is the same on both bases.

The Group remains focused on delivering appropriate returns on capital. In 2016, our Solvency II new business strain was less than GBP100m in a year when we wrote a record GBP7bn of new annuity business as we continued to deliver our capital efficient strategy.


We remain confident in outlook for the Group as our strategy is aligned to, what we believe to be, established long term growth drivers of; ageing demographics; globalisation of asset markets; creating new real productive assets; reform of the welfare state; technological innovation; and providing "today's capital". Our focus on attractive high growth markets, coupled with increasing expertise, is expected to deliver further profit growth, built on our resilient IFRS and Solvency II balance sheets. With further political and economic uncertainty anticipated in 2017 and beyond, we expect further market volatility. The risk of slowing global economic activity remains and no business model can be fully immunised. However, we believe the opportunities available to the Group, primarily in the UK and US, remain attractive.

Our operating model is built on clear synergies between our core divisions. LGIM is the UK market leader in providing LDI solutions to defined benefit (DB) pension scheme clients, which can be a precursor to pension risk transfer (PRT) transactions in LGR, such as the GBP1.1bn Vickers Group Pension Scheme buy-out in 2016. LGR, the market leader in UK PRT, has over GBP54bn of assets actively managed by LGIM and potential for matching adjustment compliant direct investments being developed by LGC. LGI provides significant Solvency II diversification benefits contributing to sustainable levels of new business surplus in the Group.

In LGR, demand for pension de-risking strategies remains strong. We are currently quoting on c.GBP13bn of buy-in and buy-out deals in the UK. We will remain disciplined in the deployment of our capital, and will only select PRT and longevity opportunities that meet our return on capital hurdle rates. In October 2016, we commenced a distribution agreement with Aegon to offer our individual annuities to their pension customers with sales of c.GBP190m expected in the first 12 months. The lifetime mortgage market is expected to grow to GBP2.8bn in 2017 and we anticipate writing c.GBP0.8bn of new business in the year.

LGIM is targeting further outperformance of market net fund flows. The business will maintain a client focused, low cost fee model, however, we anticipate further fee pressure in the asset management industry. We will continue our investment in technology, client propositions and overseas distribution to maintain momentum in net flows. Our market leading Solutions business is well placed to support DB pension schemes as they de-risk. In the defined contribution (DC) market, LGIM continues to gain market share and we expect the number of members of our workplace schemes to increase to around 2.5m in 2017. We expect our US business to expand its asset base in Index, Active Fixed Income and Solutions as we seek to establish ourselves as a leading US pension solutions provider.

LGC is planning to invest over GBP0.5bn of shareholder capital in direct investments in 2017. In Housing, we plan to expand our build to sell and build to rent businesses into affordable and senior living, which will incorporate modern factory construction methods. For the Infrastructure sector, we will build on our successful Urban Regeneration model, increasing the number of cities we invest in. We will also expand our SME funding initiatives across equity and new debt products. We expect our operating profit and profit before tax from LGC's direct investments to grow further in 2017 and beyond. We are also targeting proceeds of c.GBP250m from asset disposals, representing an uplift to our carrying values at the year-end 2016. LGC's GBP3.8bn traded asset portfolio significantly outperformed our long term assumptions in 2016, however, we do not anticipate a similar outperformance in 2017.

In LGI, we expect operating profit to grow in 2017 as we have started the process of addressing areas of poor performance in our UK group protection business. Although operating in a mature sector, our UK leading retail protection business is targeting further operating profit growth in 2017, and will continue to provide good customer outcomes and attractive returns for our shareholders. We will also focus on accelerating the digital transformation of our US protection business including diversifying distribution and products, building on our proven expertise in the UK.

In General Insurance, we see the potential to grow the business through distribution agreements and increased growth in the direct channel. Recently signed distribution agreements in aggregate are expected to increase gross premiums by c.10% in 2017. Despite recent poor weather in the UK, General Insurance has had a strong start to 2017, however, exceptional weather events can impact future profitability.

Our Mature Savings operation is largely closed to new business. We will continue to focus on customer service whilst actively managing costs.


In March 2016, Legal & General adopted a progressive dividend policy reflecting the Group's expected medium term underlying business growth, including net release from operations and operating earnings. There is no change to this dividend policy.

In line with our policy, the Board has considered the best trajectory of dividend growth, taking into account sustainability across a wide range of economic scenarios and the Group's anticipated financial performance. Accordingly, the Board has recommended a final dividend of 10.35p (2015: 9.95p) giving a full year dividend of 14.35p (2015: 13.40p), 7% higher than 2015.


FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS GBPm                 2016    2015 
Release from operations                    433     374 
New business surplus                       159      45 
Net release from operations                592     419 
Experience variances, assumption 
 changes, tax and non-cash movements       219     222 
Operating profit                           811     641 
Investment and other variances              36      78 
=======================================  =====  ====== 
Profit before tax                          847     719 
=======================================  =====  ====== 
Back book acquisitions                   2,945       - 
UK PRT                                   3,338   1,977 
International PRT                          347     440 
Individual annuity single premiums         378     327 
Lifetime mortgage advances                 620     201 
Longevity insurance(1)                     900       - 
Total LGR new business                   8,528   2,945 
Annuity net inflows (GBPbn)                4.3     0.4 
Total annuity assets (GBPbn)              54.4    43.4 
=======================================  =====  ====== 

1. Represents a reinsured longevity insurance deal transacted in December 2016. The GBP900m quoted represents the notional size of the transaction and is based on the present value of the fixed leg cashflows discounted at the LIBOR curve.

increased scale and profitability

LGR had another strong financial performance in 2016 achieving record profits. Total new business was up 190% at GBP8.5bn (2015: GBP2.9bn).

Release from operations increased 16% to GBP433m (2015: GBP374m), reflecting the growth in the scale of the business over the last few years and the release of prudential margins associated with that larger annuity fund. This also includes a contribution from our Legal & General Home Finance business.

Net release from operations increased 41% to GBP592m (2015: GBP419m) with new business surplus of GBP159m (2015: GBP45m) reflecting higher levels of new business and greater use of longevity reinsurance. UK annuity sales delivered a 10.4% new business margin on SII capital.

Operating profit increased to GBP811m (2015: GBP641m) which included increased favourable mortality experience compared to our best estimate assumptions. However, we have not made any material adjustments to our forward-looking longevity assumptions despite the recurrence of further positive in-year longevity experience.

STrong demand for de-risking strategies

The need for products and services to manage the consequences of ageing populations is increasing, and our strategy is to be at the forefront of providing those products and services. Our core business themes of Global Pension Risk Transfer for our corporate customers and Individual Retirement Choices for our retail customers are there to meet these substantial and growing needs.

Global Pension Risk Transfer

In 2016, LGR completed GBP3,685m (2015: GBP2,417m) of buy-in and buy-out transactions and a longevity insurance transaction of GBP900m.

2016 was a good year for the UK pension de-risking market. LGR achieved the largest pension buy-out of the year with GBP1.1bn Vickers Group Pension Scheme, part of the Rolls-Royce Group, covering over 11,000 members. This transaction further demonstrates the strength of our de-risking proposition as we transitioned Vickers from a liability driven investment (LDI) customer in 2007 to a full buyout in 2016. In addition, we completed GBP1.5bn of buy-ins with the ICI Pension Fund, including GBP750m in the fortnight after the EU referendum vote. In the US we completed six bulk deals in 2016 totalling $448m premiums. We also transacted a GBP900m longevity insurance deal in December 2016 which we expect to fully reinsure.

The UK private sector defined benefit market is estimated to have GBP2.1 trillion liabilities, with only c.5% transacted to date. Two thirds of large pension plans expect to use pension risk transfer by 2020, and consequently our UK market pipeline for pension risk transfer remains strong. We are currently quoting on c.GBP13bn of UK buy-in and buy-out deals and a variety of longevity insurance opportunities. Whilst lower real yields increase the average pension fund deficit, the impact on pension funds depends on the amount of LDI hedging they have done, the extent to which equities have been switched to bonds, and the extent to which equities have been diversified globally with or without currency hedging. We estimate that nearly 50% of the interest rate and inflation risk has been removed from the UK private sector defined benefit system.

Pension funds are increasingly looking to de-risk in steps that can include tranches of pensioner buy-ins, top-slicing, or longevity insurance as a first step. Pension funds do not need to be fully funded or fully hedged to make progress. Legal & General is well placed for this incremental approach as a financially sound partner, committed to the pension risk transfer market. We are unique in being able to offer all possible pension risk transfer and DB pension de-risking steps.

Our aim is to recreate this disciplined approach in the US, with our US PRT business making progress in 2016. Our reinsurance hub, L&G Re, A 'plus' rated, in a Solvency II equivalent regime, and with registered reinsurer status in the Netherlands, allows us to participate as a reinsurer in the Dutch pension risk transfer market.

Individual Retirement Choices

Sales of individual annuities and lifetime mortgages reached GBP1bn in LGR's Retail Customer business in 2016. This business area now manages almost GBP20bn in assets for its 500,000 individual annuity customers. Chris Knight was appointed Managing Director of this business in January 2017.

Individual annuity sales were up 16% on 2015 at GBP378m (2015: GBP327m) and are set to grow further in 2017. In July, we agreed an arrangement with Aegon where Legal & General would be Aegon's preferred supplier of annuity business from October 2016. We expect this arrangement to increase LGR's individual annuity volumes by approximately 50%.

Legal & General Home Finance has made an exceptionally strong entry into the Lifetime Mortgage market since April 2015, writing GBP620m in 2016 (2015: GBP201m), and now has over 10,000 customers. The market is expected to grow substantially from GBP2.2bn of annual lending in 2016. This fact coupled with an estimated GBP1.5 trillion of housing equity currently owned by the over 55s in the UK, makes the long-term growth characteristics of this market strong. Additionally, we are helping to solve the problem of interest-only mortgages for those who have high levels of equity in their house.

In 2016 we signed distribution agreements with Santander and continue to broaden our distribution to offer lifetime mortgages. We anticipate that this will result in up to an additional GBP100m of lifetime mortgages per annum. We secured Solvency II matching adjustment treatment from the PRA for our lifetime mortgages in Q4 2016.

Industry consolidation

The combination of Freedom & Choice in Pensions and the introduction of the EU's Solvency II regime has already led to consolidation among individual annuity providers. We participated in this consolidation in May 2016 with the acquisition of a GBP2.9bn back book of individual annuities from Aegon. We expect there to be further consolidation opportunities over time but we will only pursue these if they have sufficiently attractive return characteristics.

ONGOING credit and ASSET management

Credit portfolio management

LGR's GBP54.4bn asset portfolio backing its IFRS liabilities is well diversified. We hold GBP2.7bn of IFRS credit default reserves (2015: GBP2.2bn) against these assets and have experienced less than GBP10m in defaults in the last 5 years, with no defaults in 2016. Within the GBP49.5bn bond portfolio, just over 2/3rds of the portfolio is A-rated or better, 29% BBB-rated and 2% sub-investment grade. The bond portfolio has 14% in gilts, 5% in Banks, 4% in Energy, Oil & Gas, and 5% in bonds in the property sector, illustrating the high degree of diversification in the portfolio.

Direct Investment

Our direct investment portfolio is secured through directly negotiated covenants and security or collateral. This portfolio is now GBP8.1bn, (2015: GBP5.7bn) including GBP852m in lifetime mortgages, and makes up c.15% of the assets within the annuity portfolio. With the Group's balance sheet size and the long term nature of LGR's liabilities, LGR is able to invest in assets of size and term that differentiates it from many other investors. The ability to self-manufacture attractive assets to back annuities, working with LGIM, LGC, or through lifetime mortgages, is an important feature of LGR's business as the hunt for yield continues with lower for longer interest rates.

In 2016 LGR has invested over GBP2bn in direct investments, including infrastructure, housing and lifetime mortgages, over double last year's investment. Notable investments in 2016 include the funding of the new Amazon distribution centre in Tilbury, and the third berth at the London Gateway port.

LEGAL & GENERAL investment management

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS GBPm                       2016    2015 
Management fee revenue                           714     651 
Transactional revenue                             30      43 
=============================================  =====  ====== 
Total revenue                                    744     694 
Total costs                                    (372)   (335) 
Asset management operating profit                372     359 
Workplace Savings (admin only) operating 
 loss(1)                                         (6)     (4) 
=============================================  =====  ====== 
Operating profit                                 366     355 
Investment and other variances                  (32)    (20) 
=============================================  =====  ====== 
Profit before tax                                334     335 
Net release from operations                      286     281 
Cost:income ratio(2) (%)                          49      48 
External net flows (GBPbn)                      29.2    37.7 
Internal net flows (GBPbn)                       2.0   (2.1) 
Disposal of LGF assets (GBPbn)                     -   (2.3) 
Total net flows (GBPbn)                         31.2    33.3 
            Of which international (GBPbn)      14.5     9.5 
Persistency (%)                                   91      92 
GBPbn                                             2016    2015 
Assets under management, including 
 overlay assets(3)                               894.2   746.1 
Advisory assets                                    7.8    10.5 
Total assets                                     902.0   756.6 
Of which: 
    - International assets under management, 
     including overlay assets(3)                 177.4   122.4 
    - Advisory assets                              7.8    10.5 
===============================================  =====  ====== 
    - Total international assets                 185.2   132.9 
Assets under administration - Workplace 
 Savings                                          20.8    14.7 

1. Represents Workplace Savings admin only and excludes fund management profits.

2. Excluding Workplace Savings and recoverable market data costs which are treated as a cost of sale.

3. Assets under management include overlay assets, which represent the notional value of derivative instruments on which LGIM earns fees. Fees are charged on notional values and as such are not subject to positive or negative market movements.

strong performance in uncertain environment

LGIM continues to expand its business across channels, regions and product lines. External net flows were GBP29.2bn (2015: GBP37.7bn), contributing to 20% growth in assets under management (AUM) to GBP894.2bn (2015: GBP746.1bn). Revenues from management fees were up 10% to GBP714m (2015: GBP651m), while transactional revenues were lower at GBP30m (2015: GBP43m) due to the decision to discontinue box profits (2015: GBP11m). Operating profit increased by 3% to GBP366m (2015: GBP355m), reflecting higher AUM growth occurring later in the year, partially offset by planned investment to grow the business, and ongoing industry fee pressure.

The International business experienced net inflows of GBP14.5bn (2015: GBP9.5bn), with a particularly strong performance in the US business and higher flows in Europe, the Gulf and Asia. The DC business continued to expand, with net inflows of GBP2.0bn (2015: GBP2.9bn) driven by our bundled business, which offers investment and administration services to DC schemes. The retail business experienced net inflows of GBP1.4bn (2015: GBP1.2bn) and was ranked third in UK net sales in 2016 (Source: Pridham), despite challenging retail market conditions.

breadth of investment management solutions

Asset movements       Index   fixed   Solu-    Real    Active   Total  Advisory   Total 
GBPbn                 funds  income   tions  assets  equities     AUM    assets  assets 
At 1(st) January 
 2016                 274.3   106.8   338.2    18.3       8.5   746.1      10.5   756.6 
External inflows       35.2    10.8    19.9     1.4         -    67.3              67.3 
                                                     --------          -------- 
External outflows    (45.0)   (6.5)  (12.4)   (1.2)     (0.2)  (65.3)            (65.3) 
Overlay / advisory 
 net flows                -       -    27.2       -         -    27.2     (5.4)    21.8 
External net 
 flows                (9.8)     4.3    34.7     0.2     (0.2)    29.2     (5.4)    23.8 
Internal net 
 flows                (0.3)     1.5       -     0.7       0.1     2.0         -     2.0 
Total net flows      (10.1)     5.8    34.7     0.9     (0.1)    31.2     (5.4)    25.8 
Cash management 
 movements                -   (0.7)       -       -         -   (0.7)         -   (0.7) 
Market and other 
 movements             55.6    22.9    39.0     0.4     (0.3)   117.6       2.7   120.3 
At 31(st) December 
 2016                 319.8   134.8   411.9    19.6       8.1   894.2       7.8   902.0 

Total AUM increased 20% to GBP894.2bn (2015: GBP746.1bn). Total external net inflows were GBP29.2bn (2015: GBP37.7bn) despite political and economic uncertainty and represent c.4% of opening AUM. Positive flows across our main product lines, client channels and regions demonstrate the breadth of LGIM's business model. In a challenging year for active managers in which the majority underperformed, LGIM delivered consistent strong performance for its active clients, with the majority of our funds outperforming their respective benchmarks over the past one, three and five years.

Solutions net inflows were strong at GBP34.7bn (2015: GBP34.7bn), as DB pension schemes implement LDI strategies and DC schemes seek a range of multi-asset and drawdown strategies.

Index external net outflows were GBP9.8bn in 2016 (2015: GBP5.4bn). Net outflows were largely from UK DB clients switching into other products, primarily Solutions. There were net inflows from international and retail clients as the Index business diversifies. We are well positioned for the continued de-risking of DB schemes, taking clients from traditional index strategies, through LDI and multi-asset capabilities, to solutions that combine LDI and credit.

Net external inflows into Active Fixed Income of GBP4.3bn (2015: GBP7.7bn) were driven primarily by institutional clients in the UK and US with growing demand from clients in other regions.

The Retail business has performed well despite net industry sales falling to their lowest level since 1995 (Source: Pridham report). Against this backdrop, the business has gained market share and AUM increased to GBP24.1bn (2015: GBP19.9bn).

Real Assets was adversely impacted by fewer transactions in the property market in 2016. All of LGIM's unitised property funds remained open post the EU Referendum vote, and net inflows resumed in Q4 contributing to overall AUM of GBP19.6bn (2015: GBP18.3bn). We continued to develop innovative direct investment solutions to meet our clients' needs, such as the recently launched Build to Rent fund.

WORKPLACE PENSIONS benefit from SME market

LGIM is well positioned to benefit from the rapid growth of the UK DC market, experiencing a 23% increase in customers on our Workplace platform to more than 2.2m (2015: 1.8m). Net flows were GBP2.0bn (2015: GBP2.9bn) and contributed to GBP20.8bn of assets on our Workplace platform. In 2016, LGIM acquired a 16.5% stake in Smart Pension, an online auto-enrolment platform, which has enhanced our presence in the SME market. The number of pension schemes supported by the DC business has grown to over 9,400 (2015: 4,376). Total LGIM DC AUM increased by 24% to GBP57.1bn (2015: GBP46.1bn).

INTERNATIONAL expansion continues

LGIM delivered strong net inflows of GBP14.5bn (2015: GBP9.5bn) in its international businesses. Total International AUM was GBP177.4bn, a 45% increase (2015: GBP122.4bn). Along with positive flows and rallying equity markets, the devaluation of sterling during the year had a significant impact on the increase in AUM.

Net inflows in the US business were GBP9.4bn (2015: GBP6.3bn), with significant growth in Index and continued strength in Solutions and Fixed Income. In November 2016, Aaron Meder was appointed Chief Executive Officer of LGIM America.

European net inflows were GBP2.6bn (2015: GBP2.0bn), driven by growing interest in our index and multi-asset products and supported by the launch of additional products. In the Gulf, net inflows were GBP1.6bn (2015: GBP0.6bn). Asian net inflows for the period were GBP0.8bn (2015: GBP0.8bn). In Japan, we signed a second co-operation agreement, are establishing a regional office in Tokyo, and in Hong Kong we are developing our trading and fund management capabilities.


  FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS GBPm              2016      2015 
Net release from operations               214       187 
Operating profit from: 
UK Housing                                 61        31 
Infrastructure                             51        33 
SME finance                                10         5 
Direct investment operating profit        121        69 
Traded investment portfolio               122       154 
Treasury assets                            14        10 
Total operating profit                    257       233 
Investment and other variances            162     (116) 
======================================  =====  ======== 
Profit before tax                         419       117 
UK Housing                                392     345 
Infrastructure                            591     428 
SME Finance                               154      94 
                                        1,137     867 
Equities                                1,714   1,552 
Fixed income                              492     480 
Multi-asset                               150     133 
Cash                                    1,418   1,048 
                                        3,774   3,213 
LGC investment portfolio                4,911   4,080 
Treasury assets at holding company 
 GBPm                                   1,282   1,585 
======================================  =====  ====== 
Total                                   6,193   5,665 

1. Direct Investment portfolio excludes two LGC assets valued at GBP91m at 31 December 2016 which have entered advanced disposal negotiations and are classified as "assets held for sale" and reported separately.

2. Traded portfolio in 2015 restated to show reclassification of assets held within underlying fund structures.

DIRECT INVESTMENT STRATEGY delivers record profits

The direct investment portfolio delivered operating profit of GBP121m (2015: GBP69m) and profit before tax of GBP94m (2015: GBP73m), representing a net portfolio return of 9.0% (2015: 9.2%). Direct investments increased 31% to GBP1,137m (2015: GBP867m).

Since it was established in 2013, LGC has trebled its total direct investments to over GBP1bn, with investments in all its key sectors of UK Housing, Infrastructure and SME finance. Driven by long term social and economic trends, LGC invests in enterprises where funding gaps exist which we expect to be met through future long term direct investors. We target attractive risk-adjusted returns for shareholders by building successful platforms and generating returns by delivering the direct investment pipeline. We work alongside trusted partners with proven experience in several joint ventures in a disciplined way. Innovative direct investing attracts long term co-investors which further underpins improved UK growth. We also create investment opportunities for our LGR business. Throughout, we ensure we meet our Group liquidity requirements and maintain the Group's capital strength. We are planning to invest over GBP0.5bn of shareholder capital in direct investments in 2017.

We are also targeting proceeds of c.GBP250m from asset disposals which will deliver additional funding for re-investment. We are already in discussions with external parties to dispose of several developed property assets in our portfolio, including One Central Square in Cardiff, thus demonstrating the liquidity of our direct investment strategy.

Operating profit for direct investments is calculated as a share of the investments' own trading profits less costs or a smoothed IRR basis. Direct investment trading profits from our operating businesses, such as CALA Homes, are recognised as our share of their profit before tax, and delivered GBP53m, representing 44% of direct investment operating profit (2015: GBP19m, 28%). For projects, profit before tax is based on an independently verified valuation plus any net revenue from these assets.

Housing operating profit increased 97% to GBP61m in 2016 (2015: GBP31m), assets increased to GBP392m (2015: GBP345m)

CALA Homes(1) had a very strong year to 31(st) December 2016, delivering a record number of homes sold of 1,476, and revenues of GBP718m, 62% and 43% increases respectively from the previous year. This delivered profit before tax for LGC, net of expenses, of GBP31m (2015: GBP16m). In the second half of 2016, CALA Homes secured planning consent on 15 sites, which is expected to deliver 1,533 new homes with a gross development value (GDV) of GBP648m.

LGC launched a build-to-rent JV with PGGM in early 2016 which, including the newly created L&G managed build to rent fund, now has GBP940m of committed funds and over 900 homes under development in Walthamstow, Bristol and Salford. Work has also started to build 1000 new homes at our 250-acre site at Crowthorne with a GDV of approximately GBP450m. We also launched a modular homes business which will modernise home building with innovative precision built modular housing. Strong interest is being seen from prospective buyers.

Infrastructure operating profit increased 55% to GBP51m in 2016 (2015: GBP33m), assets increased to GBP591m (2015: GBP428m)

During 2016, the urban regeneration business continued to grow. In Cardiff, our investment in One Central Square at the site adjacent to BBC Wales' new HQ (acquired by LGR in 2015), has been 100% let, with development commencing on a third asset in 2017. The GBP240m Bracknell Town Centre development (The Lexicon) is progressing well towards the planned opening in September 2017. MediaCityUK (Salford) is trading well and we have agreed plans to double the size of the estate over 10 years, with a GDV of over GBP1bn, with LGC retaining options over the pipeline of assets.

LGC also agreed a new partnership with Newcastle City Council and University to develop the GBP350m Science Central 24-acre science and technology hub. This is set to create over 4,000 jobs, 500,000 sq ft of office space and 450 new homes plus asset opportunities for LGR.

In clean energy, NTR onshore wind construction fund reached final close in 2016, at EUR246m, with over 66% deployed, and a EUR500m NTR Fund II is targeted for launch in 2017.

In addition to the opportunities available through existing partners, we will continue to work with the UK Department of International Trade to identify investment opportunities across the UK.

SME Finance operating profit increased 100% to GBP10m in 2016 (2015: GBP5m), assets increased to GBP154m (2015: GBP94m)

Pemberton announced the final close of its first mid-market loan fund at the beginning of November at EUR1.2bn with 53% now deployed. The fund has secured commitments from 27 insurance and pension investors across Europe, the US and Asia. New strategies for 2017 include a UK Sterling loan fund and Trade Receivables fund, in total targeting EUR3bn AUM by the end of the year.

LGC also invested keystone funds in Accelerated Digital Ventures which is set to provide capital to the emerging UK SME sector, supported by a co-investment from the British Business Bank and Woodford Investment Management.


LGC's traded investment portfolio delivered operating profit of GBP122m (2015: GBP154m). Treasury assets contributed a further GBP14m (2015: GBP10m) to operating profit. The investment variance on the traded investment portfolio and treasury assets was GBP189m (2015: GBP(120)m), resulting in a combined profit before tax of GBP325m (2015: GBP44m).

The traded portfolio holds a diversified set of exposures across equities, fixed income, multi-asset funds and cash. Overall, operating profit has decreased by 21% in the year following a re-positioning of the portfolio, reducing risk through holding more cash and increased hedging activity, leading to a reduced return expectation. The portfolio performed above assumed returns over the year, benefiting from positive equity market performance in particular UK and Emerging Market exposures. The portfolio also benefited from a currency translation effect on foreign holdings, notably on USD denominated assets, from the devaluation of GBP following the market reaction to the outcome of the EU Referendum.

LGC holds cash for a variety of reasons including working capital, collateral to cover derivative trades and cash awaiting longer term investment. In addition, Group Treasury holds cash and near cash investments to cover a range of uses including working capital, upcoming interest and dividend payments, derivative collateral requirements and contingency funding for the Group. The treasury liquid assets also include working capital balances from various business units.

1. LGC owned a 47.9% share in CALA Homes as at 31(st) December 2016. Performance metrics are based on CALA Homes calendar year, with data sourced from the company's unaudited management accounts as its financial year-end is 30(th) June.


  FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS(1) GBPm                  2016    2015 
Release from operations                          317     328 
New business surplus                              23      25 
Net release from operations                      340     353 
Experience variances, assumption changes, 
 tax, international and non-cash movements      (23)    (38) 
Operating profit                                 317     315 
       *    UK                                   216     204 
       *    US                                    85      83 
       *    Netherlands                           16      16 
       *    France(2)                              -      12 
Investment and other variances                 (123)    (44) 
=============================================  =====  ====== 
Profit before tax                                194     271 
=============================================  =====  ====== 
UK Protection new business annual premiums       228     231 
Retail Protection gross premiums               1,179   1,112 
Group Protection gross premiums                  333     330 
US Protection gross premiums                     897     773 
Total UK and US gross premiums                 2,409   2,215 

1. Reported consolidated numbers reflect the new Insurance divisional structure announced in 2016.

   2.             Legal & General France disposal completed on 31(st) December 2015. 

In November 2016, the Group announced the formation of Legal & General Insurance (LGI) which combined our UK and US Protection businesses, with Bernie Hickman appointed Chief Executive Officer. The new Insurance division provides life insurance, critical illness cover, and income protection to over 7 million individuals and company employees in the UK and US.


continued growth in premium income

Retail Protection gross premium income increased 6% to GBP1,179m (2015: GBP1,112m) with new business annual premiums of GBP170m (2015: GBP162m). We remain the leading provider of Retail Protection in the UK and benefit from a highly efficient automated underwriting model and broad distribution reach. Our direct distribution channel delivered Retail Protection new business APE of GBP31m, representing 7% growth on 2015 and accounts for 18% of new business APE (2015: GBP29m, 18% of new business APE). Group Protection gross premium income was GBP333m (2015: GBP330m) with new business of GBP58m (2015: GBP69m).

Legal & General Mortgage Club facilitated GBP53bn of mortgages in 2016 (2015: GBP46bn) through strong partnerships with top lenders and over 10,000 mortgage brokers. As the largest participant in the intermediated mortgage market in the UK, we are now involved in one in five of all UK mortgage transactions. Legal & General Surveying Services continues to deliver a strong performance, completing over 523,000 surveys (2015: 482,000).

SUSTAINED operating profit

Release from operations from our UK business was lower at GBP185m (2015: GBP244m) following the change to the modelling of reinsurance contracts in retail protection in 2015, to ensure sufficient prudence is being held in later years. New business surplus was GBP23m (2015: GBP25m) driven primarily by the competitive market environment and refinement of our models.

LGI UK operating profit increased 6% to GBP216m (2015: GBP204m), with the one-off reserve strengthening impacting the 2015 comparator, partially offset by the lower net release from operations and GBP43m adverse claims experience, primarily in group protection where we reinsure significantly less risk than on our retail protection book.

We expect 2016 to be the LGI UK operating profit base level from which the business will grow in 2017 and onwards, with continued growth in retail protection supported by an improved group protection performance as we address specific areas of poor performance.

Profit before tax impacted by interest rates

LGI UK's profit before tax reduced to GBP84m (2015: GBP226m), as a result of a negative investment variance of GBP(132)m (2015: GBP22m) following a reduction in UK government bond yields of c.85bps which impacted the discount rate used to calculate the reserves for our UK protection liabilities.

 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS $m         2016    2015 
Net release from operations        91      83 
Operating profit                  115     125 
Gross premium income            1,220   1,183 


Net release from operations increased by 10% (17% on a sterling basis) to $91m (2015: $83m). This represents the dividends paid by Legal & General America to the Group.

Operating profit decreased 8% (up 2% on a sterling basis) to $115m (2015: $125m), primarily due to higher mortality experience with profit before tax of $119m, up 13% (27% on a sterling basis).

Gross premium revenue increased 3% (16% on a sterling basis) to $1,220m (2015: $1,183m) due to continued strong persistency of our core term product. LGI US is the tenth largest provider of term life assurance by annual premium equivalent in the US and is the fourth largest provider through the brokerage channel. LGI US has 1.2m policies in force (2015: 1.2m).

In 2015, LGI US adjusted its protection new business pricing to be better positioned in the market. These changes allowed for the pricing of risk at a more granular level which has raised prices at lower margin price points and reduced prices elsewhere. The impact of this has been improved new business margins and reduced new business volumes. LGI US maintained this disciplined approach in 2016, resulting in a strong Solvency II new business margin of 12.4%. New annual premiums decreased 21% to $84m (2015: $106m).

Legal & General America paid its 2017 dividend in February of this year, up 10% to $100m (2015: $91m).

General Insurance

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS GBPm                2016   2015 
Net release from operations                42     41 
Experience variances, assumption 
 changes, tax and non-cash movements       10     10 
Operating profit                           52     51 
Investment and other variances             16    (8) 
=======================================  ====  ===== 
Profit before tax                          68     43 
=======================================  ====  ===== 
General Insurance gross premiums          326    337 
Combined operating ratio (%)               89     89 
=======================================  ====  ===== 

increase in profits and direct premium income

Operating profit increased to GBP52m (2015: GBP51m) with a combined operating ratio of 89% (2015: 89%). This was despite the introduction of the annual Flood Re levy of GBP9m which added 3% to the combined operating ratio.

General Insurance gross premiums were down 3% at GBP326m (2015: GBP337m) as we maintained pricing discipline in a competitive market. Our direct business delivered GWP of GBP121m in 2016, representing 20% growth on 2015 and now accounts for 37% of gross premiums (2015: GBP101m, 30% of gross premiums).

In December 2016, Cheryl Agius was appointed Chief Executive Officer of General Insurance. The division has 1.3m policyholders (2015: 1.4m) covering household, travel and pet insurance products. Additionally, General Insurance signed distribution agreements with several leading UK financial institutions which in aggregate are expected to increase 2017 gross premiums by around 10%.


FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS GBPm                2016   2015 
Release from operations                   104    125 
New business strain                       (5)    (9) 
Net release from operations                99    116 
Experience variances, assumption 
 changes, tax and non-cash movements        -    (9) 
Operating profit                           99    107 
    - Mature Savings                      105    106 
    - Digital Savings                     (6)      1 
Investment and other variances              9      3 
Net profit / (loss) on disposals         (60)      - 
=====================================    ====  ===== 
Profit before tax                          48    110 
=======================================  ====  ===== 

lower contribution from mature savings

Release from operations reduced to GBP104m (2015: GBP125m) as we continue to manage the reducing contribution from our declining Mature Savings business. Net release from operations was GBP17m lower at GBP99m (2015: GBP116m), with new business strain of GBP5m (2015: GBP9m) as we actively manage the cost base.

Operating profit in Mature Savings remains strong at GBP99m (2015: GBP107m). The introduction of robotics has increased automation and allowed us to reduce unit costs. Favourable market movements contributed GBP9m (2015: GBP3m) to profit before tax.

The Group completed the sale of Cofunds and IPS to Aegon on 1(st) January 2017 for a total consideration of GBP147.5m, resulting in a GBP64m impairment loss in 2016. On 25(th) May 2016, the Group announced the completion of the sale of Suffolk Life to Curtis Banks Group for GBP45m, resulting in a GBP4m profit on disposal.

The Digital Savings operating loss in 2016 was GBP6m (2015: GBP1m operating profit).

Mature Retail Savings business outflows of GBP(3.0)bn (2015: GBP(5.8)bn), and assets under administration of GBP30.7bn (2015: GBP29.6bn).

Mature Savings outflows reduced year on year due to the reducing maturity profile of some products, particularly Endowments. Since the introduction of the Pensions Reform legislation we have seen an increase in the proportion of customers wishing to take their pension pots as cash withdrawals, with c.80% or 13,000 customers, electing to take cash payments. Our average payment size is GBP14k. This compares to c.60% of customers taking cash before the reform legislation was announced.


On 1(st) January 2017, the Group completed the sale of Cofunds and IPS to Aegon for total consideration of GBP147.5m. The Cofunds business was acquired in stages between 2005 and 2013, for a total cash consideration of GBP153m. Investment in Cofunds subsequent to the acquisition as well as our IPS platform, including capitalised costs in respect of the Retail Distribution Review, resulted in an impairment loss of GBP64m. This was offset by a GBP4m profit on disposal of Suffolk Life, resulting in total net loss on disposals of GBP60m in 2016.

In November 2016, Legal & General reached an agreement in principle with Chesnara plc to sell Legal & General Nederland Levensverzekering Maatschappij N.V. for EUR160m. The sale is expected to complete in H1 2017. During the year, Legal & General Netherlands contributed GBP70m (2015: GBP29m) of dividends to LGI due to a favourable surplus capital position.

The sale of Legal & General France to APICIL Prévoyance completed on 31(st) December 2015.

Net release from operations BACKED BY dividends TO GROUP

The 2016 full year dividend of GBP854m reflects net release from operations coverage of 1.65 times (2015: 1.58 times).

                                           2016                                         2015 
                           Net         Subsidiaries'                      Net       Subsidiaries'      Dividend 
                          release        dividends      Dividend      release from    dividends        % of Net 
                      from operations     to Group       % of Net      operations      to Group         release 
  GBPm                                                 release from                                      from 
                                                        operations                                    operations 
Total                     1,411            1,085           77            1,256          1,003            80 
===================  ================  =============  =============  =============  =============  =============== 
External dividend          854                                            797 
Dividend coverage          1.65                                          1.58 
===================  ================  =============  =============  =============  =============  =============== 


Legal & General continues to have a strong liquidity position reflecting its requirements for working capital and derivative collateral. The Group's outstanding core borrowings total GBP3.1bn (2015: GBP3.1bn). There is also a further GBP0.4bn (2015: GBP0.5bn) of operational borrowings including GBP0.2bn (2015: GBP0.6bn) of non-recourse borrowings.

Group debt costs of GBP172m (2015: GBP153m) reflect an average cost of debt of 5.4% per annum (2015: 5.3% per annum) on average nominal value of debt balances of GBP3.2bn (2015: GBP2.9bn).

taxation - effective tax rate of 20.0%

Equity holders' Effective Tax Rate      2016    2015 
Equity holders' total Effective 
 Tax Rate                               20.0    19.3 
Annualised rate of UK corporation 
 tax                                   20.00   20.25 

In 2016, the Group's effective tax rate was in line with the UK corporation tax rate. This reflects the overall positive impact from differences between the measurement of accounting and taxable profits, offset by the average higher rates of taxes applied on overseas profits.


As at 31(st) December 2016, the Group had an estimated Solvency II surplus of GBP5.7bn over its Solvency Capital Requirement, corresponding to a Solvency II coverage ratio of 171% on a shareholder basis. The Cofunds disposal, which completed on 1(st) January 2017, will provide a c.1.5% coverage ratio benefit in 2017.

Capital (GBPbn)(1)                      2016    2015 
Own Funds                               13.6    12.8 
Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR)     (7.9)   (7.3) 
Solvency II surplus                      5.7     5.5 
SCR coverage ratio (%)                  171%    176% 

1. Solvency II position on a shareholder basis as at 31(st) December and before the accrual of the final dividend.

  Analysis of movement from 1(st)             Solvency 
  January to 31(st) December 2016                   II 
  (GBPbn)                                      surplus 
Operational surplus generation                     1.2 
New business strain                              (0.1) 
===========================================  ========= 
Net surplus generation                             1.1 
Dividends paid                                   (0.8) 
Operating variances                                0.2 
Market movements                                 (0.3) 
===========================================  ========= 
Total surplus movement (after dividends 
 paid in the year)                                 0.2 

The increase in surplus reflects the surplus generated over 2016 net of dividends paid of GBP0.8bn and interest payments on the Group's debt of GBP0.2bn. The net surplus generation was GBP1.1bn, after allowing for the amortisation of 1/16th of the opening Transitional Measures on Technical Provisions (TMTP). New business strain was GBP0.1bn. The total surplus generation includes a negative investment variance of GBP0.3bn reflecting market movements over 2016, in particular falls in risk free rates.

Operating variances include the impact of experience variances, changes to valuation and capital calibration assumptions, changes to planned volumes of new business, tax rate changes, PRA approval of changes to the Internal Model and Matching Adjustment, (in particular the inclusion of Lifetime Mortgages as assets eligible for Matching Adjustment), and other management actions including changes in asset mix and hedging strategies.

When stated on a proforma basis, including the SCR attributable to our With-profits fund of GBP0.5bn and the final salary pension schemes of GBP0.2bn in both the Group's Own Funds and the SCR, the Group's coverage ratio was 165% (2015: 169%).

The analysis incorporates management's estimate of a recalculation of the TMTP as at the end of 2016. The conditions set out by the the PRA to allow a formal recalculation of the Group's TMTP were not met as at end 2016 but, in line with PRA guidance, a formal recalculation will take place no later than 1(st) January 2018. Therefore, the disclosed Solvency II position on a shareholder basis and proforma basis do not reflect the regulatory capital position as at 31(st) December 2016. This will be made public in May 2017.

reconcilation of ifrs net release from operations to solvency ii net

surplus generation

The table below gives a reconciliation of the Group's IFRS Release from operations and Solvency II Operational surplus generation in 2016:

IFRS Release from operations                                                           1.3 
Expected release of IFRS prudential margins                                          (0.5) 
Release of IFRS specific reserves                                                    (0.1) 
Solvency II investment margin                                                          0.2 
Release of Solvency II Capital Requirement and Risk Margin less TMTP amortisation      0.4 
Other Solvency II items and presentational differences                               (0.1) 
Solvency II Operational surplus generation                                             1.2 

The table below gives a reconciliation of the Group's IFRS New business surplus to Solvency II New business strain in 2016:

IFRS New business surplus                            0.2 
Removal of requirement to set up prudential 
 margins above best estimate on new business         0.5 
Set up of Solvency II Capital Requirement 
 on new business                                   (0.7) 
Set up of Risk Margin on new business              (0.1) 
Solvency II New business strain                    (0.1) 

Sensitivity analysis

                                                   Impact on net         Impact 
                                                 of tax Solvency         on net 
                                              II capital surplus         of tax 
                                                            2016       Solvency 
                                                           GBPbn    II coverage 
                                                                     ratio 2016 
Credit spreads widen by 100bps assuming 
 a level addition to all ratings                             0.4             10 
Credit spreads widen by 100bps assuming 
 an escalating addition to ratings                           0.2              7 
Credit spreads narrow by 100bps assuming 
 a level addition to all ratings                           (0.4)            (9) 
Credit spreads narrow by 100bps assuming 
 an escalating addition to ratings                         (0.2)            (7) 
Credit migration                                           (0.6)            (8) 
20% fall in equity markets                                 (0.4)            (5) 
40% fall in equity markets                                 (0.8)            (9) 
20% rise in equity markets                                   0.5              5 
15% fall in property markets                               (0.2)            (3) 
15% rise in property markets                                 0.2              3 
100bps increase in risk free rates                           1.0             22 
50bps fall in risk free rates                              (0.5)           (10) 
Future inflation expectation increase 
 by 50bps                                                  (0.1)            (3) 
1% reduction in annuitant base mortality                   (0.2)            (2) 
1% increase in annuitant base mortality                      0.2              2 
Substantially reduced Risk Margin                            0.1              1 

The above sensitivity analysis does not reflect all of the management actions which could be taken to reduce the impacts. In practice, the group actively manages its asset and liability positions to respond to market movements. These results all allow (on an approximate basis) for the recalculation of estimated TMTP as at 31(st) December 2016 where the impact of the stress would cause this to change materially. The impacts of these stresses are not linear therefore these results should not be used to interpolate or extrapolate the impact of a smaller or larger stress. The results of these tests are indicative of the market conditions prevailing at the balance sheet date. The results would be different if performed at an alternative reporting date.

Solvency II new business contribution

Management estimates of the value of new business and the margin as at 31(st) December 2016 are shown below:

                                     PVNBP  new business  Margin 
LGR(1) (GBPm)                        6,661      693        10.4 
UK Protection Total (GBPm)           1,466      153        10.4 
 - Individual protection             1,255      139        11.1 
 - Workplace health and protection    211        14        6.6 
US Protection (GBPm)                  631        78        12.4 
   1.    UK annuity business. 

Key assumptions in calculating the Solvency II new business contribution are shown below:

Risk margin                                3.1% 
Risk free rate 
 - UK                                      1.7% 
 - US                                      2.1% 
Risk discount rate (net of tax) 
 - UK                                      4.8% 
 - US                                      5.2% 
Long term rate of return on non-profit 
 annuities in LGR                          3.1% 

Demographic assumptions and reserving methodologies have been updated in line with our Solvency II and Economic Capital balance sheets. Other assumptions and methodologies that would have a material impact on the margin for these contracts are unchanged from end 2015 other than the cost of currency hedging which has been updated to reflect current market conditions and hedging activity in light of Solvency II.

principal risks and UNCERTAINTIES

Legal & General runs a portfolio of risk taking businesses; we accept risk in the normal course of business and aim to deliver sustainable returns on risk based capital to our investors in excess of our cost of capital. We manage the portfolio of risk that we accept to build a sustainable franchise for the interests of all our stakeholders; we do not aim to eliminate that risk. We have an appetite for risks that we understand deeply and are rewarded for, and which are consistent with delivery of our strategic objectives. Risk management is embedded within the business. The Group is exposed to a number of key risk categories.

 Reserves and our assessment            We regularly appraise the 
  of capital requirements                assumptions underpinning the 
  may require revision as                business that we write. Certain 
  a result of changes in                 extreme events, however, could 
  experience, regulation                 require us to adjust our reserves. 
  or legislation.                        For example in our annuities 
  The writing of long-term               business, while recent trend 
  insurance business requires            data suggests the rate of 
  the setting of assumptions             longevity improvement may 
  for long term trends in                be slowing, we're inherently 
  factors such as mortality,             exposed to the risk that a 
  lapse rates, valuation                 dramatic advance in medical 
  interest rates, expenses               science beyond that anticipated 
  and credit defaults. Actual            leads to an unexpected change 
  experience may require                 in life expectancy. This could 
  recalibration of these                 require adjustment to reserves 
  assumptions impacting profitability.   as improvements in mortality 
  Management estimates are               emerged. In our protection 
  also required in the derivation        businesses, the emergence 
  of Solvency II capital                 of new factors with potential 
  metrics. These include                 to cause widespread mortality/morbidity 
  modelling simplifications              or significant policy lapse 
  to reflect that it is not              rates may similarly require 
  possible to perfectly model            us to re-evaluate reserves. 
  the external environment, 
  with adjustment necessitated           We undertake significant analysis 
  where new data emerges.                of the variables associated 
  Forced changes in reserves             with writing long-term insurance 
  can also arise from regulatory         business to ensure that a 
  or legislative intervention            suitable premium is charged 
  impacting capital requirements         for the risks we take on, 
  and profitability.                     and that reserves continue 
                                         to remain appropriate for 
                                         factors including mortality, 
                                         lapse rates, valuation interest 
                                         rates, expenses and credit 
                                         defaults. We remain focused 
                                         on developing a comprehensive 
                                         understanding of longevity 
                                         science and continue to evolve 
                                         and develop our underwriting 
                                         capabilities for our protection 
                                         business. Our use of reinsurance 
                                         also acts to reduce the impacts 
                                         of significant variations 
                                         in life expectancy and mortality. 
 Investment market performance          2016 has seen volatility in 
  and conditions in the broader          financial markets as they 
  economy may adversely impact           have responded to uncertainties 
  earnings, profitability                in the global economy and 
  or surplus capital.                    political events, such as 
  The performance and liquidity          the UK referendum on membership 
  of investment markets,                 of the EU. For Legal & General 
  interest rate movements                the vote to leave has little 
  and inflation impact the               direct impact on trading, 
  value of investments we                as our customer base is located 
  hold in shareholders' funds            very largely in the UK, the 
  and those to meet the obligations      US and Asia. It is, however, 
  from insurance business,               probable that a potentially 
  with the movement in certain           lengthy period of negotiation 
  investments directly impacting         and an uncertain outcome will 
  profitability. Interest                create ongoing uncertainty 
  rate movements and inflation           for financial markets and 
  can also change the value              the broader UK economy in 
  of our obligations. We                 which we operate; with potential 
  use a range of techniques              for asset price shifts should 
  to manage mismatches between           uncertainty lead markets to 
  assets and liabilities.                reappraise their value. Potential 
  However, loss can still                also exists for renewed financial 
  arise from adverse markets.            stress in Europe driven by 
  Interest rate expectations             political events and residual 
  leading to falls in the                weaknesses in the Euro currency 
  risk free yield curve can              banking systems. Broader geo-political 
  also create a greater degree           events also have potential 
  of inherent volatility                 to cause shocks to financial 
  to be managed in the Solvency          markets, with stressed conditions 
  II balance sheet, than                 having potential to create 
  the underlying economic                illiquidity in bond markets 
  position would dictate,                exaggerating the impacts of 
  potentially impacting capital          any significant market correction. 
  requirements and surplus 
  capital. In addition, significant      We model our business plans 
  falls in investment values             across a broad range of economic 
  can reduce fee income to               scenarios and take account 
  our investment management              of alternative economic outlooks 
  business.                              within our overall business 
                                         strategy. Our ORSA process 
                                         plays an 
                                         integral part in our business 
                                         planning ensuring a clear 
                                         link between capital sufficiency 
                                         and the nature of risks to 
                                         which we may be exposed. We 
                                         have sought to ensure focus 
                                         upon those market segments 
                                         that we expect to be resilient 
                                         in projected conditions. For 
                                         example, investing in real 
                                         assets provides both enhanced 
                                         returns to our 'slow money' 
                                         and reduces exposure to the 
                                         volatilities of traded investments. 
 In dealing with issuers             A material deterioration in 
  of debt and other types             economic conditions inherently 
  of counterparty the group           increases potential for a 
  is exposed to the risk              widening in credit spreads 
  of financial loss.                  as financial markets price 
  A systemic default event            for increased uncertainty, 
  within the corporate sector,        which in turn may impact our 
  or a major sovereign debt           Solvency II balance sheet 
  event, could result in              surplus. Current factors that 
  dislocation of bond markets,        may trigger a reassessment 
  significantly widening              include the changing global 
  credit spreads and in extreme       economic outlook with uncertainties 
  scenarios trigger defaults          following the UK referendum 
  impacting the value of              on EU membership and other 
  bond portfolios. We are             political events potentially 
  also exposed to banking,            exacerbating down side risks; 
  money market and reinsurance        a renewed banking crisis within 
  counterparties, and settlement,     the Euro zone area; and default 
  custody and other bespoke           on debt linked to emerging 
  business services, a failure        markets. 
  of which could expose us 
  to both financial loss              We actively manage our exposure 
  and operational disruption          to default risks within our 
  of our business processes.          bond portfolios, setting selection 
  Under Solvency II, a widespread     criteria and exposure limits, 
  widening of credit spreads          and using the capabilities 
  and downgrades can also             of LGIM's global credit team 
  result in a reduction in            to ensure the risks are effectively 
  our Solvency II balance             controlled, and if appropriate 
  sheet surplus, despite              trade out to improve credit 
  already setting aside significant   quality. We also seek to closely 
  capital for credit risk.            manage risks to our Solvency 
                                      II balance sheet through monitoring 
                                      factors that could give rise 
                                      to a heightened level of default 
                                      risk. However, we can never 
                                      completely eliminate default 
                                      risks or their impacts to 
                                      our Solvency II balance sheet, 
                                      although we seek to hold a 
                                      strong balance sheet that 
                                      we believe to be prudent for 
                                      a range of adverse scenarios. 
 Changes in regulation or            There remains a significant 
  legislation may have a              regulatory change agenda, 
  detrimental effect on our           both from the EU and from 
  strategy.                           within the UK. Current changes 
  Legislation and government          in EU driven regulation include 
  fiscal policy influence             GDPR, UCITS V, MIFID II and 
  our product design, the             PRIIPS. While over the longer 
  period of retention of              term, the UK exit from the 
  products and required reserves      EU will potentially lead to 
  for future liabilities.             a re-writing of some legislation, 
  Regulation defines the              until the UK formally leaves 
  overall framework for the           and the UK Government legislates 
  design, marketing, taxation         otherwise, EU derived legislation 
  and distribution of our             will remain in force. There 
  products; and the prudential        is also the risk that EU exit 
  capital that we hold. Significant   negotiation proposals have 
  changes in legislation              unintended consequences for 
  or regulation may increase          the operation of the UK financial 
  our cost base, reduce our           services sector. There also 
  future revenues and impact          continues to be significant 
  profitability or require            change in the tax environment 
  us to hold more capital.            including the global implementation 
  The prominence of the risk          of OECD BEPS recommendations 
  increases where change              and the prospect of significant 
  is implemented without              US tax reform. With regard 
  prior engagement with the           to UK regulation, alongside 
  sector. The nature of long-term     the PRA ensuring the effective 
  business can also result            operation of Solvency II, 
  in some changes in regulation,      the FCA continues to focus 
  and the re-interpretation           on its approach to consumer 
  of regulation over time,            regulation, with the inherent 
  having a retrospective              risk that thematic reviews 
  effect on our in-force              of historic industry practices 
  books of business, impacting        lead to unanticipated additional 
  the future cash generation.         costs. 
                                      We are supportive of regulation 
                                      in the markets in which we 
                                      operate where it ensures trust 
                                      and confidence and can be 
                                      a positive force on business. 
                                      We seek to actively participate 
                                      with government and regulatory 
                                      bodies in the UK and Europe 
                                      to assist in the evaluation 
                                      of change so as to develop 
                                      outcomes that meet the needs 
                                      of all stakeholders. Internally, 
                                      we evaluate change as part 
                                      of our formal risk assessment 
                                      processes, with material matters 
                                      being considered at the Group 
                                      Risk Committee and the Group 
                                      Board. Our internal control 
                                      framework seeks to ensure 
                                      ongoing compliance with relevant 
                                      legislation and regulation. 
                                      We cannot, however, completely 
                                      eliminate the risks that controls 
                                      may fail or that historic 
                                      accepted practices may be 
                                      reappraised by regulators, 
                                      resulting in sanction against 
                                      the group. 
 New entrants may disrupt            There is already strong competition 
  the landscape of the markets        in all our markets, and although 
  in which we operate.                we have had considerable past 
  As has been seen in other           success at building scale 
  business sectors, it is             to offer low cost products, 
  possible that alternative           we recognise that markets 
  digitally enabled providers         remain attractive to new entrants. 
  of financial service products       We are also cognisant of the 
  emerge with lower cost              potential for entry by scale 
  business models or innovative       overseas competitors who may 
  service propositions and            have lower return on capital 
  capital structures disrupting       requirements and be unconstrained 
  the current competitive             by Solvency II. 
                                      We are executing a digital 
                                      strategy, using platforms 
                                      that allow for growth and 
                                      high scale. Alongside our 
                                      direct insurance business 
                                      that enable customers to purchase 
                                      our protection products on-line, 
                                      we continue to enhance our 
                                      online capabilities for auto-enrolment, 
                                      investment platforms and individual 
                                      retirement products ensuring 
                                      focus on customer engagement 
                                      and the digital experience. 
===================================  ======================================== 
 A material failure in our           Our plans for growth and the 
  business processes or IT            digitalisation of our businesses, 
  security may result in              together with the regulatory 
  unanticipated financial             change agenda, inherently 
  loss or reputation damage.          increase the profile of operational 
  We have constructed our             risks across our businesses. 
  framework of internal controls      We continue to invest in our 
  to minimise the risk of             system capabilities and business 
  unanticipated financial             processes to ensure that we 
  loss or damage to our reputation.   meet the expectations of our 
  However, no system of internal      customers; comply with regulatory, 
  control can completely              legal and financial reporting 
  eliminate the risk of error,        requirements; and mitigate 
  financial loss, fraudulent          the risks of loss or reputational 
  actions or reputational             damage from operational risk 
  damage. We are also inherently      events and external cyber 
  exposed to the risk that            threats. 
  third parties may seek 
  to disrupt our online business      Our risk governance model 
  operations, steal customer          seeks to ensure that business 
  data or perpetrate acts             management are actively engaged 
  of fraud using digital              in maintaining an appropriate 
  media.                              control environment, supported 
                                      by risk functions led by the 
                                      group chief risk officer, 
                                      with independent assurance 
                                      from Group Internal Audit. 
                                      We recognise however, that 
                                      residual risk will always 
                                      remain and have designed our 
                                      risk governance framework 
                                      to ensure that when adverse 
                                      events occur we can deploy 
                                      appropriate responses. 



Laura Doyle Head of Investor Relations 020 3124 2088

Sujee Rajah Investor Relations Manager 020 3124 2047


   Richard King                  Head of Group Corporate Communications 

020 3124 2095

Doug Campbell Tulchan Communications 020 7353 4200


A copy of this announcement can be found in "Results", under the "Financial information" section of our shareholder website at http://www.legalandgeneralgroup.com/investors/results2017.html.

A presentation to analysts and fund managers will take place at 9.30am UK time today at One Coleman Street, London, EC2R 5AA. There will be a live webcast of the presentation which can be accessed at http://www.legalandgeneralgroup.com/investors/video.html A replay will be available on this website later today.

There will be a live, listen only, teleconference link to the presentation. Details below:

 UNITED KINGDOM                020 3059 8125 
=============================  ====================== 
 UNITED STATES (TOLL FREE)     1 855 287 9927 
 ALL OTHER LOCATIONS           +44 20 3059 8125 
  2017 Financial Calendar                             Date 
Ex-dividend date (final dividend)             27(th) April 
Record date                                   28(th) April 
Last day for DRIP elections                     19(th) May 
Annual general meeting                          25(th) May 
Payment date of 2016 final dividend             8(th) June 
Half-year results 2017                        9(th) August 


Definitions are included in the Glossary on pages 89 to 92 of this release.


This announcement may contain certain forward-looking statements relating to Legal & General, its plans and its current goals and expectations relating to future financial condition, performance and results. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances which are beyond Legal & General's control, including, among others, UK domestic and global economic and business conditions, market related risks such as fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates, the policies and actions of regulatory and Governmental authorities, the impact of competition, the timing impact of these events and other uncertainties of future acquisition or combinations within relevant industries. As a result, Legal & General's actual future condition, performance and results may differ materially from the plans, goals and expectations set out in these forward-looking statements and persons reading this announcement should not place reliance on forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made only as at the date on which such statements are made and Legal & General Group Plc does not undertake to update forward-looking statements contained in this announcement or any other forward-looking statement it may make.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 08, 2017 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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