Investment Objective

The Company seeks to provide shareholders with long-term capital growth through
investment in quoted companies which are either incorporated in the Republic of
Ireland or Northern Ireland or, if elsewhere, derive the majority of their
turnover or profits from the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland.

Investment Policy

It is believed that the Company, through the securities in which it invests,
offers an attractive and relatively direct means of investing in Ireland,
thereby giving exposure to:

* a relatively high-growth economic environment; and

* a low corporate taxation economy in the Republic of Ireland which is
attractive to investors into the region.


Performance is compared with the Davy Mid-Cap Index, the ISEQ Index, the Hoare
Govett Smaller Companies Index (ex Investment Companies), the FTSE All-Share
Index and the FTSE Europe ex UK Index.


H P Sheridan (Chairman)

R A M Baillie

G R Caldwell

W R Cotter

S P Fitzpatrick

R A Milliken


Gartmore Investment Limited

Gartmore House

8 Fenchurch Place

London EC3M 4PB

Telephone: 020 7782 2000

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority

Secretary And Registered Office

Capita Sinclair Henderson Limited

Beaufort House

51 New North Road


Devon EX4 4EP

Telephone: 01392 412122

Overview for the six months to 30 September 2007

* Net asset value per Ordinary share fell by 12.4%.

* The Irish equity market fell more sharply than many others in the period.
Ireland has a small weighting in many European portfolios, and many investors
decided to take the substantial profits on their holdings at a time when the
Irish housing market was cooling.

* The Company was defensively positioned in the period. A significant portion
of the portfolio was held in cash and there was little exposure to financials.


Through a challenging period, the Company's portfolio fell back with the Irish
market. The net asset value (`NAV') declined by 12.4% to 887.35p in the six
months to 30 September 2007. This compares with falls of 13.5% in the ISEQ
Index and 13.7% in the Davy Mid-Cap Index. In contrast, the UK market held up
better, the FTSE All-Share Index gaining 1.0%, although the FTSE Small Cap
(excluding Investment Companies) Index fell by 10.1%.

The portfolio has been positioned cautiously for much of the six-month period,
with significant cash balances and little exposure to financial stocks.

The capital loss per share for the half year was 126.34p. The Company held a
reduced number of equities during the period, so dividend income was lower.
This was offset, in part, by the interest income from cash balances. All costs
are charged against revenue, resulting in a revenue loss for the period of
0.57p per share. The total loss per share for the half-year amounted therefore
to 126.91p.

At 30 September 2007, the share price stood at 799p, representing a discount to
NAV of 9.96%. Having narrowed appreciably during the previous year, the
discount widened over the period: the NAV fell by 12.4% while the share price
declined by 19.8%. The Company repurchased 511,000 of its shares during the
period and, since 30 September 2007, a further 193,000 shares have been
repurchased. All shares repurchased have now been cancelled. Shares are bought
back with the objective of reducing the share price discount to NAV whilst
enhancing the NAV per share, and the Company intends to make further purchases
when stock becomes available at attractive prices.

The GNP growth rate in Ireland for 2007 is now expected to be lower than in the
recent past, due primarily to a weak housing market. The reduced rate of
growth, widely forecast at around 4.8%, is still very healthy when compared
with the growth rates in Eurozone countries. The Republic of Ireland's
Government finances continue to be strong and it is anticipated that there will
be significant investment in infrastructure over the coming seven years. Irish
equities appear to be oversold at present and the portfolio is now relatively
fully invested in order to benefit from an expected improvement in market

Harry Sheridan


30 November 2007


Equity Market Background

The period was dominated by heightened volatility as an immediate consequence
of the sub-prime mortgage crisis in the US. By May, there were some signs that
the Irish economy was slowing, after a long period of rapid growth. During the
first half of the period under review, there was a modest fall in Ireland's
house price index and a slight pick up in unemployment.

Ireland's Economic and Social Research Institute has said that, while such
issues may highlight caution in several sectors, there is no major cause for
concern as the Irish economy moves into a period of more sustainable growth,
following the economic boom over the past decade. Nevertheless, the Institute
has revised downwards Irish growth projections for 2008, and concerns remain
about the outlook for house building and slower levels of consumption growth.

Some European equity markets recovered quite strongly during September after
falls in July and August, but the Irish stock market has yet to follow suit.
While growth is slowing after a long period of sustained high growth, we
anticipate room for some recovery in Irish equities as credit conditions


We held onto our long-term holding in ICON over the six-month period, as we
believe that the large number of compounds in pre-clinical studies set to
progress to human trials underpins a positive medium-term outlook. During
April, the company reported strong quarterly results and raised its revenue
guidance for 2007, and its shares responded very positively. In July, the
shares rose further as the company reported a 43% increase in second-quarter
profits. This can be attributed to the clinical research provider winning
record levels of new business.

Glanbia, primarily a dairy and consumer foods company, is also a significant
holding and has performed well over the past six months. During May, a trading
statement in which the dairy-foods and food-ingredients group said it was
confident of achieving double-digit growth in the first half of the current
financial year, lifted the shares. Shortages of milk and cheese are also
helping the stock. Glanbia shares advanced further in August following reports
of strong first-half profits, and, as a result, the company has raised its
full-year guidance. In September, the company announced that it had acquired
the Canadian producer of food ingredients, Pizzey Millings. This will bolster
Glanbia's nutritional business.

As part of our strategy, we sold out of financials generally during the period,
because of our concerns about future loan demand. Recently, however, we have
initiated holdings in some of the major banks after falls.

We exited our position in the low-cost airline, Ryanair. Following a period of
strong growth in the first quarter of the year, the company saw increased
competition and significantly higher passenger taxes make a negative impact on
sales demand, especially in the UK. As ticket prices are cut in an attempt to
grow passenger volumes, profit growth looks set to slow further in the second
half of the year. The major part of our holding in C&C Group was also sold.
Shares in the makers of Magners cider fell back following a difficult summer,
during which record rainfall affected sales. It was also reported in August
that the company may halt its expansion into Europe following disappointing

Contribution to Relative Performance

The portfolio was defensively positioned in the period. The Company held
significant cash balances for the period and, in addition, had little exposure
to the financial sector. Some stocks continued to perform well in absolute
terms in spite of the market falls. Three holdings were particularly notable in
this regard: ICON, Glanbia and Paddy Power all rose in the six months, and the
sizeable holdings in each was of benefit to the portfolio. However, the
portfolio did not hold Elan which was the single best contributor to the ISEQ
Index in the period.

These positions were offset to a degree by falls elsewhere. The most costly in
terms of contribution to the portfolio return was C&C, which, although we sold
our holding in the period, was still the most expensive in relative
contribution terms. We have retained our holdings in Aer Lingus, DCC and CRH,
which have fallen back in the period, as we believe their prospects are rather
better than their share prices suggest.


Investment in securities carries risk. But that risk and uncertainty has
probably been increased over the coming year by the well-publicised problems in
American and European banking and financial markets.

Over a number of years world economic growth has been good. This has been at a
time when interest rates have been at the lower end of the historic range. Some
confident assumptions of risk taken by the financial markets over recent years
have been, and will continue to be, tested in the coming periods.

As losses from funding to the US mortgage market have started to appear, it has
been impossible to determine where the major exposures lie because of the ways
in which the credit risk has been carved up and distributed. This uncertainty
has led to the liquidity crises in the inter-bank markets.

Bank credit has therefore become much tighter as funding for major transactions
and for expansion plans has become more difficult to obtain. Some of the
effects have already become evident in bank and equity markets, and the
prospect of a major slow-down or a recession in the United States exacerbates
the uncertainty.

Investor Relations

As Managers, we see promotion of the Company as an important part of our
activities. For this reason, there is an intensive sales and marketing
programme in place to promote the Company and generate interest from
stockbrokers, private-client fund managers, funds of funds and institutions.
During the six months to the Company's half-year end, this programme included:

* regular one-to-one meetings with regional stockbrokers, IFAs and private
client fund managers;

* road shows to reach regional stockbrokers and major IFAs;

* one-to-one update meetings with investment trust analysts with the aim of
producing recommendation notes;

* ad-hoc update e-mails to a significant range of investment trust buyers and
trade journalists;

* interviews with trade and retail journalists; and

* the maintenance of close working links with the Association of Investment

This sales and marketing programme has ensured that the Company has become one
of the highest-profile funds in the Investment Trust sector.


There are two key drivers of the premium growth in the Irish economy. Many
school children and graduates are projected to enter the workforce for the
first time in the coming years. In addition, Ireland has seen significant
immigration from other EU countries. Secondly the low corporate tax rate
remains competitive when compared to others. It is for these reasons that we
believe that the foundations of the Irish growth story remain in place.

The growth of the Irish economy could be expected to persist at a rapid rate
but for the fact that the housing market has fallen back significantly. That
said, we still believe that Ireland will continue to grow at higher rates than
elsewhere in Europe in 2008.

We anticipate that the equity markets are likely to remain volatile in the
coming period due to the changes in credit conditions. After the sharp fall, we
believe that the Irish market has scope to bounce from its present depressed

Our bottom-up stock selection continues to identify a significant number of
promising investment opportunities that should deliver attractive returns over
time. Some financial holdings have been introduced, and the Company is
relatively fully invested for a market rally, when it comes.

Gervais Williams

Gartmore Investment Limited

30 November 2007


The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, the condensed set
of financial statements for the six months to 30 September 2007, which has been
prepared in accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the European Union, gives a
true and fair view of the assets, liabilities and financial position of the

The Directors further confirm that the Chairman's Statement, Manager's Review
and the condensed financial statements include a fair review of the information
required by:

 a. DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of
    important events that have occurred during the first six months of the
    financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial
    statements, and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for
    the remaining six months of the year; and
 b. DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party
    transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current
    financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or
    performance of the Company during the period, and any changes in the
    related party transactions described in the last annual report that could
    do so.
By order of the Board

Harry Sheridan


30 November 2007


                                                   At   At 31 March   Increase/
                                         30 September          2007  (decrease)
                                                 2007                         %
Net assets attributable to Ordinary         �121.932m     �144.296m     (15.50)
Net asset value per Ordinary share            887.35p     1,012.46p     (12.36)
ISEQ Index *                                5,503.05       6,362.82     (13.51)
FTSE All-Share Index                        3,316.89       3,283.21       1.03 
Davy Mid-Cap Index *                        2,703.57       3,133.92     (13.73)
Hoare Govett Smaller Companies Index        4,269.26       4,670.12      (8.58)
(ex Investment Companies)                                                      
Mid-market price per Ordinary share            799.0p        996.5p     (19.82)

* Sterling adjusted

                                 Six months to        Year to    Six months to
                                  30 September  31 March 2007     30 September
                                          2007                            2006
                                         pence          pence            pence
Capital return per Ordinary           (126.34)         223.30           23.47 
Revenue return per Ordinary             (0.57)          (2.74)          (0.83)
Total return per Ordinary             (126.91)         220.56           22.64 

This financial information has been prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS").


to 30 September 2007

                                               Six months to 30 September 2007    
                                              Revenue      Capital        Total 
                                                �'000        �'000        �'000 
Losses on investments at fair value                 -      (17,477)     (17,477)
Exchange gains                                      -          375          375 
Net investment result                               -      (17,102)     (17,102)
Total income                                      887            -          887 
Investment management fee *                      (776)           -         (776)
Costs of investment transactions                    -         (648)        (648)
Other expenses                                   (178)           -         (178)
Total expenses                                   (954)        (648)      (1,602)
Net loss before finance costs and                 (67)     (17,750)     (17,817)
Finance costs                                     (13)           -          (13)
Net loss before taxation                          (80)     (17,750)     (17,830)
Taxation                                            -            -            - 
Net loss after taxation for the period            (80)     (17,750)     (17,830)
                                                pence        pence        pence 
Basic and diluted loss per Ordinary             (0.57)     (126.34)     (126.91)

The Total column of this statement represents the Income Statement of the Group
prepared in accordance with IFRS. The Revenue and Capital return columns are
both prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment

All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.

These accounts are unaudited and are not the Group's statutory accounts.

* Includes the associated VAT cost.


to 31 March 2007

                                                  Year to 31 March 2007        
                                              Revenue      Capital       Total 
                                                �'000        �'000       �'000 
Gains on investments at fair value                  -       32,851      32,851 
Exchange gains                                      -          153         153 
Net investment result                               -       33,004      33,004 
Total income                                    1,492            -       1,492 
Investment management fee *                    (1,431)           -      (1,431)
Costs of investment transactions                    -       (1,143)     (1,143)
Other expenses                                   (367)           -        (367)
Total expenses                                 (1,798)      (1,143)     (2,941)
Net (loss)/return before finance costs           (306)      31,861      31,555 
and taxation                                                                   
Finance costs                                    (138)           -        (138)
Net (loss)/return before taxation                (444)      31,861      31,417 
Taxation                                           53          (33)         20 
Net (loss)/return after taxation for the         (391)      31,828      31,437 
                                                pence        pence       pence 
Basic and diluted (loss)/return per             (2.74)      223.30      220.56 
Ordinary share:                                                                

The Total column of this statement represents the Income Statement of the Group
prepared in accordance with IFRS. The Revenue and Capital return columns are
both prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment

All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.

* Includes the associated VAT cost.


to 30 September 2006

                                             Six months to 30 September 2006   
                                              Revenue      Capital       Total 
                                                �'000        �'000       �'000 
Gains on investments at fair value                  -        3,798       3,798 
Exchange losses                                     -         (136)       (136)
Net investment result                               -        3,662       3,662 
Total income                                      712            -         712 
Investment management fee *                      (652)           -        (652)
Costs of investment transactions                    -         (309)       (309)
Other expenses                                   (180)           -        (180)
Total expenses                                   (832)        (309)     (1,141)
Net (loss)/return before finance costs           (120)       3,353       3,233 
and taxation                                                                   
Finance costs                                     (25)           -         (25)
Net (loss)/return before taxation                (145)       3,353       3,208 
Taxation                                           27           (8)         19 
Net (loss)/return after taxation for the         (118)       3,345       3,227 
                                                 pence        pence       pence
Basic and diluted (loss)/return per             (0.83)       23.47       22.64 
Ordinary share:                                                                

The Total column of this statement represents the Income Statement of the Group
prepared in accordance with IFRS. The Revenue and Capital return columns are
both prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment

All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.

These accounts are unaudited and are not the Group's statutory accounts.

* Includes the associated VAT cost.


for the six months to 30 September 2007

                   Share    Share  Special     Capital  Capital     Own  Retained     Total 
                 capital  premium  reserve  redemption  reserve  shares  earnings           
                          account              reserve             held                     
                   �'000    �'000    �'000       �'000    �'000   �'000     �'000     �'000 
Six months to                                                                               
30 September                                                                                
31 March 2007      3,753    1,101   16,645       2,025  123,038  (3,241)      975   144,296 
Net loss after         -        -        -           -  (17,750)      -       (80)  (17,830)
taxation for the                                                                            
Dividends paid         -        -        -           -        -       -      (124)     (124)
Shares purchased       -        -        -           -        -  (4,410)        -    (4,410)
for Treasury                                                                                
30 September       3,753    1,101   16,645       2,025  105,288  (7,651)      771  (121,932)
Year to                                                                                     
31 March 2007                                                                               
31 March 2006      3,753    1,101   16,645       2,025   91,210  (3,169)    1,473   113,038 
Net return/            -        -        -           -   31,828       -      (391)   31,437 
(loss) after                                                                                
taxation for the                                                                            
Dividends paid         -        -        -           -        -       -      (107)     (107)
Shares purchased       -        -        -           -        -     (72)        -       (72)
for Treasury                                                                                
31 March 2007      3,753    1,101   16,645       2,025  123,038  (3,241)      975   144,296 
Six months to                                                                               
30 September 200                                                                            
31 March 2006      3,753    1,101   16,645       2,025   91,210  (3,169)    1,473   113,038 
Net return/            -        -        -           -    3,345       -      (118)    3,227 
(loss) after                                                                                
taxation for the                                                                            
Dividends paid         -        -        -           -        -       -      (107)     (107)
Commission paid        -        -        -           -       (3)      -         -        (3)
on options                                                                                  
Shares purchased       -        -        -           -        -     (71)        -       (71)
for Treasury                                                                                
30 September       3,753    1,101   16,645       2,025   94,552  (3,240)    1,248   116,084 

These accounts have been prepared under IFRS.


as at 30 September 2007

                                        30          31 March      30 September 
                                 September              2007              2006 
                                      2007         (audited)                   
                                     �'000             �'000             �'000 
Non-current assets                                                             
Investments at fair value          106,291           124,685           120,812 
Current assets                                                                 
Investments held for trading             -                 -               626 
Trade and other receivables            274             2,277               446 
Cash and cash equivalents           19,681            17,855             2,594 
                                    19,955            20,132             3,666 
Total assets                       126,246           144,817           124,478 
Current liabilities                                                            
Trade and other payables            (4,314)             (521)           (8,394)
                                    (4,314)             (521)           (8,394)
Total assets less current          121,932           144,296           116,084 
Non-current liabilities                                                        
Deferred tax liabilities                 -                  -                - 
Total liabilities                   (4,314)             (521)           (8,394)
Net assets                         121,932           144,296           116,084 
Represented by:                                                                
Share capital                        3,753             3,753             3,753 
Share premium account                1,101             1,101             1,101 
Special reserve                     16,645            16,645            16,645 
Capital redemption reserve           2,025             2,025             2,025 
Capital reserve                    105,288           123,038            94,552 
Own shares held                     (7,651)           (3,241)           (3,240)
Retained earnings                      771               975             1,248 
Total equity                       121,932           144,296           116,084 
Net asset value per Ordinary        887.35p         1,012.46p          814.51p 


for the six months to 30 September 2007

                                    Six months        Year to       Six months
                                        to  30       31 March           to  30
                                     September           2007        September 
                                          2007      (audited)             2006 
                                         �'000          �'000            �'000 
Cash flows from operating                                                      
Consolidated net (loss)/return         (17,830)        31,417            3,208 
before tax                                                                     
Adjustments to reconcile net                                                   
(loss)/return before tax to net                                                
cash flows from operating                                                      
Less: losses/(gains) on                 17,477        (32,851)          (3,798)
Plus: exchange (gains)/losses             (375)          (153)             136 
Plus: cost of investment                   648          1,143              309 
Plus: finance costs                         13            138               25 
Decrease in trade and other                254             16              100 
(Decrease)/increase in trade and          (166)           174             (150)
other payables                                                                 
Cash generated from/(used in)                21          (116)            (170)
Tax recovered                                -              -                - 
Net cash flows from/(used in)               21           (116)            (170)
operating activities                                                           
Cash flows from investing                                                      
Purchases of investments               (45,764)       (76,377)         (19,254)
Sales of investments                    51,749         97,235           24,950 
Revaluation of foreign currency            376            159               12 
Net cash flows from investing            6,361         21,017            5,708 
Cash flows from financing                                                      
Equity dividends paid                     (124)          (107)            (107)
Cost of share repurchases               (4,410)           (72)             (71)
Repayment of bank loan                       -         (3,837)          (3,837)
Commissions paid on options                  -              -               (3)
Interest on bank loan                      (22)          (133)             (29)
Net cash used in financing              (4,556)        (4,149)          (4,047)
Increase in cash and cash                1,826         16,752            1,491 
Cash and cash equivalents at start      17,855          1,103            1,103 
of period                                                                      
Cash and cash equivalents at end        19,681         17,855            2,594 
of period                                                                      


                    Valuation at             Net  Depreciation    Valuation at   
                   31 March 2007    Transactions                30 September 2007
                     �'000       %         �'000         �'000     �'000       % 
Great Britain        6,937     4.8           291        (1,398)    5,830     4.8 
and Northern                                                                     
Republic of        117,748    81.6         4,622       (21,909)  100,461    82.4 
Total              124,685    86.4         4,913       (23,307)  106,291    87.2 
Net current         19,611    13.6        (3,970)            -    15,641    12.8 
Net assets         144,296   100.0           943       (23,307)  121,932   100.0 


1. Accounting policies

The consolidated financial statements comprise the unaudited results of the
Company and its subsidiary, Gartmore Irish Smaller Companies Investment
Limited, for the six months to 30 September 2007, and do not constitute
statutory accounts under the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for
the six months ended 30 September 2007 and 30 September 2006 has not been
audited nor reviewed by the Company's Auditor. Full statutory accounts for the
year to 31 March 2007 included an unqualified audit report and did not contain
a statement required under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985 were
filed with the Registrar of Companies on 14 September 2007.

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern
basis and on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the statutory
accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007, in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") set by the International Accounting
Standards Board. The information is presented in pounds sterling, the currency
of the Group's domicile.

2. Taxation

                                 Period to                    Year to          
                             30 September 2007             31 March 2007       
                         Revenue  Capital    Total   Revenue  Capital    Total 
                          return   return             return   return          
                           �'000    �'000    �'000     �'000    �'000    �'000 
a) Analysis of charge                                                          
in year:                                                                       
Corporation tax                -        -       -        (33)      33        - 
Total current tax              -        -       -        (33)      33        - 
(credit)/charge for                                                            
Deferred tax                   -        -       -        (20)       -      (20)
Total deferred tax for         -        -       -        (20)       -      (20)
Total tax (credit)/            -        -       -        (53)      33      (20)
charge for year                                                                

                                           Period to        
                                       30 September 2006    
                              Revenue    Capital      Total 
                               return     return            
                                �'000      �'000      �'000 
a) Analysis of charge in                                    
Corporation tax (credit)/          (7)         8          1 
Total current tax (credit)         (7)         8          1 
/charge for year                                            
Deferred tax                      (20)         -        (20)
Total deferred tax for            (20)         -        (20)
Total tax (credit)/charge         (27)         8        (19)
for year                                                    

b) Factors affecting current taxation charge:

The tax assessed on the net return of the period is lower than the rate of
corporation tax of 30%. The differences are explained below:

                                        Period to       Year to      Period to 
                                     30 September      31 March   30 September 
                                             2007          2007           2006 
                                            �'000         �'000          �'000 
Net return before taxation                (17,830)       31,417          3,208 
Corporation tax 30%                        (5,349)        9,425            962 
Effects of:                                                                    
Non-taxable UK dividends                      (14)          (59)           (30)
Expenses not deductible for tax                 -             6              - 
Accrued income taxable on receipt               -             4              - 
Current period excess expenses                 38           165             61 
Small companies relief                          -           (16)             - 
Non-taxable items in capital                5,325        (9,525)          (993)
Current tax credit for the year                 -             -              - 

Due to the Company's status as an investment trust, and the intention to
continue meeting the conditions required to obtain approval to retain that
status in the foreseeable future, the Company has not provided deferred tax on
any capital gains and losses arising on the revaluation or disposal of

3. Related Party Transactions

Under the terms of an agreement dated 8 July 2002, the Company has appointed
Gartmore Investment Limited to be the Manager. The investment management fee
payable to the Manager is calculated at 1.0% per annum of the gross asset value
(less current liabilities) of the Group held at each month end. The total fees
payable under this agreement are shown in the Income Statement.

At 30 September 2007 an amount of �238,000 (31 March 2007: �407,000, 30
September 2006: �114,000), inclusive of VAT, was outstanding and due to
Gartmore Investment Limited.

In addition to the fees paid under the management agreement, the Company also
pays Gartmore Investment Limited up to a maximum of �20,000 per annum for the
services provided in respect of Gartmore SAVEit and Gartmore ISAit. The fees
included in the accounts for the six months ended 30 September 2007 were �6,000
(31 March 2007: �20,000, 30 September 2006: �12,000), of which �4,000 (31 March
2007: �7,000, 30 September 2006: �1,000) was outstanding.


Valuation at 30 September 2007

Ranking Company        Sector Classification          Valuation �          % of
                                                             '000 Shareholders'
ICON                   Healthcare, Equipment &              9,978           8.2
Glanbia                Food Producers                       9,640           7.9
CRH                    Construction & Materials             9,282           7.6
Aer Lingus Group       Travel & Leisure                     7,278           5.9
DCC                    Support Services                     6,812           5.6
Kerry Group            Food Producers                       6,140           5.0
Allied Irish Banks     Banks                                5,517           4.5
Paddy Power            Travel & Leisure                     4,846           4.0
Total Produce          Food & Drug Retailers                4,832           4.0
Fyffes                 Food Producers                       3,977           3.3
UTV                    Media                                3,648           3.0
Datalex                Software & Computer Services         3,223           2.6
Kenmare Resources      Mining                               3,195           2.6
Iona Technologies      Software & Computer Services         3,032           2.5
AGI Therapeutics       Pharmaceuticals &                    2,908           2.4
Island Oil & Gas       Oil & Gas Producers                  2,566           2.1
Newcourt Group         Support Services                     2,513           2.1
Grafton Group          Support Services                     2,333           1.9
Andor Technology       Electronic & Electrical              2,035           1.7
Horizon Technology     Software & Computer Services         1,884           1.5

The twenty principal investments listed represented 78.4% of Shareholders'
Funds at 30 September 2007.

The twenty principal investments at 30 September 2006 and 31 March 2007
represented 85.9% and 74.8% respectively of Shareholders' Funds.


The foregoing represents the full text of the Half-Yearly Report for the six
months to 30 September 2007, which will be posted to shareholders shortly. The
Report will also be available for download from the Company's website
( or on request from the Company Secretary.

Capita Sinclair Henderson Limited

30 November 2007


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