Year        Year 
                                              Ended       Ended 
                                          31 Oct 10   31 Oct 09 
                                              Pence       Pence 
 Net asset value per share                    83.00       82.90 
 Cumulative dividends paid since launch       28.45       24.95 
 Total return                                111.45      107.85 
I  am pleased to present  the Report and Accounts  for the year ended 31 October 
2010. While the UK's economic climate remained difficult throughout the year and 
good investments have been hard to find, on the whole this has been a successful 
period for your company. 
Subject   to  approval  at  the  forthcoming  Annual  General  Meeting  ("AGM"), 
Shareholders  will have enjoyed  dividend income of  3p per share for the period 
and  still  the  net  asset  value  per  share  has continued to rise. The Board 
believes this is a commendable result, particularly as individuals pay no tax on 
the  dividend payments. With a  rising Net Asset Value  ("NAV") and an effective 
tax-free  yield  of  3.6%, we  feel  our  policy  of  self-management  is  fully 
justified.  We keep the costs of investment  and portfolio management low and we 
have  an  active  approach  to  monitoring  each  portfolio asset, ensuring that 
opportunities for exit or for further growth are fully explored. 
New  investments  are  not  coming  forward  in  anything  like the numbers they 
previously were, but the Company has used the networking skills of its executive 
and  non-executives to  maximise the  opportunities we  see. All the investments 
completed,  or due for completion,  have been sourced in  this way and I believe 
Shareholders  have benefited considerably  as a consequence  - not just from the 
opportunities  themselves but because  no fees have  been paid for introductions 
internally or externally. 
Once again I believe Shareholders are well served by the investment policies set 
by  the Board and by the diligence and  expertise of the investment team, led by 
Chris Kay. 
Net Asset Value 
At 31 October 2010, the NAV per Ordinary Share was 83.0p, an increase of 3.6p or 
4.3% over  the year (after adjusting for  the dividends totalling 3.5p per share 
paid during the year). 
The  Total Return (NAV plus cumulative  dividends paid since launch) to Ordinary 
Shareholders  since the Company's  launch (when it  was known as Downing Classic 
VCT  3 plc) now  stands at  111.45p per Ordinary  Share compared  to an original 
investment (net of income tax relief) of 80p per Ordinary Share. 
Venture capital investments 
The  Board continues  to be  satisfied with  our policy  of being a self-managed 
Venture  Capital Trust ("VCT").  We believe that Shareholders gain both from low 
operating  costs and from the additional  flexibility and greater involvement in 
the investee companies, which our dedicated investment team provides. 
At the year end, the Company held a portfolio of 29 investments, valued at  GBP16.8 
Further  commentary on the portfolio, together with a schedule of the additions, 
disposals  and details of the highest value  investments can be found within the 
Investment Management Report and Review of Investments. 
Listed fixed income securities 
The  Company continues to hold a portfolio of fixed income securities, which was 
valued  at  GBP3.8 million at the year end and comprised almost entirely gilt-edged 
securities.   The portfolio has been carefully  monitored and we have reduced it 
in  size  since  2009, partly  to  fund  acquisitions  in  the  Venture  Capital 
investment  portfolio.   GBP2  million has  also been  transferred to  a fixed rate 
deposit bank account (shown as a current investment), which matures in 2012. 
Results and dividends 
The  return  on  activities  after  taxation  for the year was  GBP1,034,000 (2009: 
 GBP47,000),  comprising  a  revenue  return  of   GBP230,000  and a capital return of 
Dividends paid in respect of the year ended 31 October 2010 were as follows: 
                                  per share    GBP'000 
 Interim dividend 
 Ordinary Share  - 30 July 2010         1.5     465 
Subject  to Shareholder approval  at the forthcoming  AGM, and in  line with our 
announced  dividend policy, your Board  is proposing to pay  a final dividend of 
1.5p per  share on 31 March 2011 to Shareholders  on the register at 25 February 
Following  payment of this dividend, Shareholders who invested in the Company at 
the outset, will have received dividends totalling 29.95p per Ordinary Share. 
Share buybacks 
The  Company has  continued a  limited programme  of share buybacks, recognising 
that some Shareholders require liquidity due to unplanned events, but we believe 
that  the prime duty of the Board is to  develop the net worth of the company on 
behalf of Shareholders who remain committed to us. 
Our  policy  is  that  share  buy-backs  are  only  made  if they represent good 
investment  value to the Company (and  therefore the remaining Shareholders) and 
we  always buy at a discount to NAV.   In the period under review we have bought 
at a discount of 25% but have always made it clear that any discount level - and 
funds available for buy-backs - can be varied by the Board from time to time. 
During  the year the Company repurchased  272,000 Ordinary Shares of 1p each for 
an  aggregate  consideration  of   GBP167,000  being  an average price of 61.1p per 
Ordinary  Share of  1p each and  representing 0.9% of  the issued Ordinary Share 
capital held at 1 November 2009. These shares were subsequently cancelled and at 
the year end the Company had 30,903,509 Ordinary Shares in issue. 
Some  sellers have been  unhappy because they  have not received  the same price 
from  market makers as that which has been paid by the Company. As shares cannot 
be  sold directly  to the  Company  we  have had  no influence over the "spread" 
applied  by intermediaries,  but we  note that  some of  the prices  received by 
Shareholders  have been significantly  lower than we  have subsequently paid for 
the shares. 
In  order that there should be as much clarity in the market as possible, at the 
end  of  October  2010, the  Company  appointed  Singer  Capital Markets Limited 
("Singers") as its Corporate Broker.  Following their appointment, the Board has 
decided  it will no longer indicate an  NAV discount percentage which will apply 
to  any shares  bought back  for cancellation.   When shares  are offered to the 
company  a decision will be  made on a case-by-case  basis whether to buy and at 
what  price. The overriding criterion will  be that the purchase represents good 
value   to   remaining   Shareholders.   We  hope  that  this  appointment  will 
significantly reduce the spread on our shares. 
Details  of  the  relevant  contacts  at  Singers appear elsewhere in the annual 
report and, Shareholders should advise their own broker to contact Singers. 
On  11 November 2010 the Company  was offered, via  Singers, 60,000 Ordinary 1p 
Shares  each at 49.5p each  and we accepted  this transaction, in  line with the 
Board's policy. 
Trading in VCT shares as a sector is not significant, but we do believe that the 
dividend  yield of Chrysalis VCT shares could  make them a relevant purchase for 
certain  individuals interested in our investment  policy and, who would benefit 
from  the tax free  dividend payments. Secondary  buyers enjoy the same dividend 
benefits  as the  original subscribers  and Shareholders  may wish  to note that 
Directors  of  the  company  have  been  buyers  from time to time in the public 
Annual General Meeting 
The  forthcoming AGM will be held at 10 Lower Grosvenor Place, London, SW1W 0EN 
at  11:30 am on  23 March 2011.  Notice  of the  meeting is  at the  end of this 
One  item of Special Business  is proposed at the  meeting which is to renew the 
authority to allow the Company to make market purchases of the Company's shares. 
There  seem  to  be  mixed  views  on  the prospects for UK commerce in 2011 and 
beyond.   Feedback from  our investee  companies and  from the sectors we follow 
most  closely is not pessimistic, but there is certainly an air of caution - and 
we  must take heed  of that.  Your  Board's focus is  on utilising our available 
resources  to make  fresh investments  and to  help existing  investee companies 
develop  new  opportunities.  Alongside  this  we  intend  to  make  returns  to 
Shareholders  by way of at least a 3p annual dividend. We have both the reserves 
and  the cash to make this payment in  the coming year. As Chris Kay explains in 
his  Managers  report,  following  the  year  end  we  have already made two new 
investments and realised a substantial cash sum from an exit.  So far, so good! 
As a self-managed Fund there is substantially more reliance on the non-executive 
Board  than would be  typical elsewhere and  I would like  to place on record my 
appreciation  of the work of my two  Board colleagues, Julie Baddeley and Martin 
Knight  for their counsel, support and  all-round common sense, which have again 
been invaluable. 
Peter Harkness 
It  is pleasing to report that total return for shareholders exceeded  GBP1 million 
for the year largely due to increased profitability of our portfolio. 
In investment terms it was a reasonably quiet year with total investment of  GBP1.6 
million  being neatly  matched by  sale proceeds  of an almost identical amount. 
 Two new companies were added to the portfolio, VEEMEE and Autocue. 
VEEMEE  is an early stage company specialising in casual gaming applications and 
the  exploitation of brands  in the digital  media.  We have  backed a team with 
excellent  connections in  its sector  and are  hopeful of repeating progress in 
future years. 
Autocue  manufactures its world renowned eponymous  products in the UK.  We have 
taken a 15% stake. 
Since  the year end we have invested  GBP750,000 in a secondary buy-out of My Hobby 
Store which is a publisher of niche hobby magazines, and  GBP1 million in Knowledge 
Pool Group Limited, a training outsourcer. 
We have, however, missed out on a number of investment opportunities where trade 
bidders  have paid  considerably more  than we  were prepared to.  This reflects 
both  our desire not to overpay and also  our belief that 2011 is likely to be a 
tough year with public sector cuts and increased taxation. 
During the year we finally exited from Glisten plc which was taken over at 140p 
a share.  Over the years Chrysalis made a profit of  GBP443,000 from Glisten out of 
an original  GBP225,000 investment i.e. a 173% gain. 
The  most significant portfolio exit actually took place after the year end when 
we  sold our investment in Centre Design  Limited for  GBP1.4 million being a small 
profit  over the original  cost, however in  addition Centre Design Limited also 
paid  GBP750,000 of loan note interest during the period that it was held. 
We  also helped to finance a secondary buy-out at Ensign which took place due to 
the  desire  of  some  original  EIS  investors to realise their investment.  We 
considered  that the exit  price was not  attractive and, therefore, effectively 
rolled-over  our investment.  The  net effect is  that we now  have an increased 
equity  stake (39.3% up from 25.0%) without further investment and had over half 
our  original loan repaid and fully expect  the balance to be repaid during this 
Overall  the trading  performance of  the overwhelming  majority of our existing 
portfolio  has held up  well.  However during  the year two  companies went into 
administration,   CPI  Acquisitions  and  Optima  Data  Intelligence.   We  have 
recovered slightly more than our valuation from CPI Acquisitions and Optima Data 
Intelligence was fully provided for last year. 
We  are particularly pleased with the trading at British International Holdings, 
which  provides  helicopter  services,  where  operating  profits have increased 
three-fold  this year and at Ensign where  operating profits are up over 30% for 
the third year running. 
We  have only a very small  AIM portfolio of  GBP655,000 and  82% of that is in one 
company,  namely The Capital Pub Company  Plc where, thanks to improved trading, 
the  share price has risen from 70p to  107p in the year and risen further since 
the year end. 
Looking forward to this financial year, we have three opportunities with a total 
investment  of  GBP2.4 million which should complete  over the next few months, but 
that  still leaves sufficient  cash for further  investment in both our existing 
portfolio and new companies. 
We  are not  anticipating any  significant exits  during the year but attractive 
offers such as the one for Centre Design Limited can come at any time especially 
if the economy continues to recover. 
Chrysalis VCT Management Limited 
Portfolio of investments 
The  following investments, all of which  are incorporated in England and Wales, 
were held at 31 October 2010: 
                                             movement in year     % of portfolio 
                          Cost   Valuation               GBP'000           by value 
                          GBP'000        GBP'000 
Ten  largest  venture  capital 
investments (by value) 
Wessex       Advanced      704       3,123              (303)              12.9% 
Switching    Products 
Precision      Dental    2,110       2,161               (14)               9.0% 
Laboratories Limited 
Locale    Enterprises    1,500       2,155                135               8.9% 
British International      908       1,719                692               7.1% 
Holdings Limited 
Ensign  Communication      522       1,656              1,134               6.9% 
Holdings Limited 
Centre Design Limited    1,350       1,386              (187)               5.8% 
Escape Studio Limited      750         990                240               4.1% 
London        Italian    1,000         875              (125)               3.6% 
Restaurants Limited 
Triaster Limited           758         686              (143)               2.9% 
The    Capital    Pub      505         540                187               2.2% 
Company plc * 
                       -------- ----------- ------------------ ----------------- 
                        10,107      15,291              1,616              63.4% 
                       -------- ----------- ------------------ ----------------- 
Other venture capital 
VEEMEE Limited             350         350                  -               1.5% 
G-Crypt Limited            305         305               (23)               1.3% 
Life's        Kitchen      300         300                100               1.2% 
Autocue Group Limited      300         300                  -               1.2% 
Rhino Sport & Leisure      166          74               (75)               0.3% 
Global3       Digital       67          67                  -               0.3% 
ILX Group plc *            100          31                (6)               0.1% 
YouGov plc *                20          31                (7)               0.1% 
Best  of the Best plc       98          29               (25)               0.1% 
Cashfac   Initiatives        -          26                  5               0.1% 
BreakingViews Limited        -          18                 18               0.1% 
The  Kellan Group plc      320          12                (8)               0.1% 
The Mission Marketing      150          12               (28)                  - 
Group plc * 
Art VPS Limited            358           -                  -                  - 
CPI  Acquisitions  UK      400           -                  -                  - 
IX Group Limited           250           -                  -                  - 
Kids        Safteynet      637           -                  -                  - 
Planet Sport Holdings      263           -              (225)                  - 
Real   Time  Logistic 
Solutions Limited           55           -                  -                  - 
(formerly Y88 Product 
Developments Limited) 
                       -------- ----------- ------------------ ----------------- 
                         4,139       1,555              (274)               6.4% 
                       -------- ----------- ------------------ ----------------- 
Listed  fixed  income 
United Kingdom 2.25%     1,827       1,911                 87               7.9% 
Gilt  07/03/2014 
United Kingdom 2.75%     1,032       1,029                (3)               4.3% 
Gilt 22/01/2015 
United  Kingdom 4.5%       878         876                (2)               3.6% 
Bond 07/03/2013 
                       -------- ----------- ------------------ ----------------- 
                         3,737       3,816                 82              15.8% 
                       -------- ----------- ------------------ ----------------- 
Total                   17,983      20,662              1,424              85.6% 
Cash  at bank  and in                1,463                      6.1% 
Royal     Bank     of                2,000                      8.3% 
Scotland          plc 
3.41% 2012 deposit 
                                -----------                    ----------------- 
Total investments                   24,125                      100.0% 
All investments are unquoted unless otherwise stated. 
*Quoted on AIM 
Investment movements for the year ended 31 October 2010 
 New investments 
 Autocue Limited                                300 
 VEEMEE Limited                                 350 
 Follow on investments 
 British International Holdings Limited         158 
 G-Crypt Holdings Limited                        96 
 Life's Kitchen Limited                         135 
 Ensign Communications Holdings Limited         567 
 Total venture capital investment additions   1,606 
 Listed fixed income securities 
 United Kingdom 4.5% Bond 07/03/2013          1,639 
 United Kingdom 2.25% Gilt 07/03/2014           802 
 United Kingdom 2.75% Gilt 22/01/2015         1,636 
 Total investments                            5,683 
                           Cost     MV at Proceeds        Profit/ Realised gain/ 
                                31/10/09*          (loss) vs cost         (loss) 
                           GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000 
Venture Capital 
Breaking Views Limited        -       141      159            159             18 
CPI Acquisitions UK 
Limited                      68        68       75              7              7 
Component Source Inc          -         -        4              4              4 
Ensign Communications       500     1,282      792            292          (490) 
Limited ** 
Ensign Communications        45        45       45              -              - 
Holdings Limited 
Glisten plc                 149       136      260            111            124 
Heath and Green Pub 
Company Limited              30         -        -           (30)              - 
Optima Data Intelligence    651         -        -          (651)              - 
Real Time Logistic 
Solutions Limited           270       270      270              -              - 
Liquidation proceeds          -         -        2              2              2 
                          1,713     1,942    1,607          (106)          (335) 
Listed fixed income 
Smith  & Williamson Cash 
Trust                        57        56       56            (1)              - 
United Kingdom 4.25% 
Gilt 07/03/2011           1,883     1,986    1,927             44           (59) 
United Kingdom 3.25% 
Gilt 07/12/2011           1,293     1,289    1,280           (13)            (9) 
United Kingdom 5.25% 
Gilt 2012                 1,477     1,553    1,552             75            (1) 
United Kingdom 8%Gilt 
 2013                     1,163     1,184    1,181             18            (3) 
United Kingdom 4.5% Bond 
07/03/2013                  761       761      758            (3)            (3) 
United    Kingdom   Gilt 
2.25% 07/03/2014          1,488     1,486    1,553             65             67 
United    Kingdom   Gilt 
2.75% Gilt 22/01/2015       604       604      600            (4)            (4) 
                          8,726     8,919    8,907            181           (12) 
Total                    10,439    10,861   10,514             75          (347) 
* Adjusted for purchases in the year 
**Proceeds include  GBP292,000 of re-invested equity into Ensign Communications 
Holdings Limited 
Statement of Directors' responsibilities 
The  Directors are  responsible for  preparing the  Report of the Directors, the 
Directors'  Remuneration Report and the  financial statements in accordance with 
applicable  law and regulations. They are also responsible for ensuring that the 
annual  report  includes  information  required  by  the  Listing  Rules  of the 
Financial Services Authority. 
Company  law requires  the Directors  to prepare  financial statements  for each 
financial  year.  Under  that  law  the  Directors  have  elected to prepare the 
financial  statements  in  accordance  with  United  Kingdom  Generally Accepted 
Accounting  Practice (United  Kingdom Accounting  Standards and applicable law). 
Under company law the Directors must not approve the financial statements unless 
they  are satisfied that they give a true  and fair view of the state of affairs 
of the Company and of the profit and loss of the Company for that period. 
In preparing these financial statements the Directors are required to: 
  * select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
  * make judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
  * state whether applicable Accounting Standards have been followed, subject to 
    any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; 
  * prepare  the financial  statements on  the going  concern basis unless it is 
    inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. 
The  Directors are responsible for keeping  adequate accounting records that are 
sufficient  to show  and explain  the Company's  transactions and  disclose with 
reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and enable 
them  to  ensure  that  the  financial  statements comply with the Companies Act 
2006. They  are also responsible for safeguarding  the assets of the Company and 
hence  for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and 
other irregularities. 
The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate 
and  financial information included on the Company's website. Legislation in the 
United  Kingdom  governing  the  preparation  and dissemination of the financial 
statements  and other  information included  in annual  reports may  differ from 
legislation in other jurisdictions. 
Statement as to disclosure of information to auditors 
The  Directors in office  at the date  of this report  have confirmed, as far as 
they  are  aware,  that  there  is  no  relevant  audit information of which the 
Auditors  are unaware. Each of the Directors  has confirmed that they have taken 
all  the steps  that they  ought to  have taken  as Directors  in order  to make 
themselves  aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that it has 
been communicated to the Auditor. 
By order of the Board 
Grant Whitehouse 
Secretary of Chrysalis VCT plc 
Company number:  4095791 
Registered Office: 
10 Lower Grosvenor Place 
London SW1W 0EN 
for the year ended 31 October 2010 
                             Year ended 31 October       Year ended 31 October 
                                     2010                        2009 
                           Revenue   Capital   Total   Revenue   Capital   Total 
                            GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Income                         713         -     713     1,187         -   1,187 
Gains/(losses) on                -     1,077   1,077         -     (237)   (237) 
                          --------- --------- ------- --------- --------- ------ 
                               713     1,077   1,790     1,187     (237)     950 
Investment management        (106)     (319)   (425)     (112)     (337)   (449) 
Performance incentive            -       (8)     (8)         -      (14)    (14) 
Other expenses               (320)       (3)   (323)     (429)       (1)   (430) 
                          --------- --------- ------- --------- --------- ------ 
Return/(loss) on 
ordinary activities 
before tax                     287       747   1,034       646     (589)      57 
Tax on ordinary               (57)        57       -     (108)        98    (10) 
                          --------- --------- ------- --------- --------- ------ 
attributable to equity 
Shareholders                   230       804   1,034       538     (491)      47 
Basic and diluted 
return/(loss) per share       0.7p      2.6p    3.3p      1.7p    (1.6p)    0.1p 
All  Revenue and  Capital items  in the  above statement  derive from continuing 
operations.  No operations were  acquired or discontinued  during the year.  The 
total  column within the Income Statement represents the profit and loss account 
of the Company. 
A  Statement of Total Recognised  Gains and Losses has  not been prepared as all 
gains and losses are recognised in the Income Statement as shown above. 
Other  than  revaluation  movements  arising  on  investments held at fair value 
through  the  profit  and  loss  account,  there were no differences between the 
return/deficit as stated above and historical cost. 
for the year ended 31 October 2010 
                                               2010          2009 
                                                GBP'000          GBP'000 
 Opening shareholders' funds                    25,858        28,342 
 Purchase of own shares                          (167)         (408) 
 Total recognised gains for the year             1,034            47 
 Dividends paid                                (1,087)       (2,123) 
                                             -----------   ---------- 
 Closing shareholders' funds                    25,638        25,858 
at 31 October 2010 
                                                         2010         2009 
                                                  GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                            20,662       24,416 
Current assets 
Debtors                                          1,672          523 
Current investments                              2,000            - 
Cash at bank and in hand                         1,463        1,137 
                                                -------      ------- 
                                                 5,135        1,660 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year   (159)        (218) 
                                                -------      ------- 
Net current assets                                      4,976        1,442 
                                                      --------     ------- 
Net assets                                             25,638       25,858 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                                   309          312 
Capital redemption reserve                                 78           75 
Share premium                                           1,064        1,064 
Merger reserve                                          2,832        8,694 
Special reserve                                         6,599        1,795 
Capital reserve - realised                             11,333       11,493 
Revaluation reserve                                     2,679        1,678 
Revenue reserve                                           744          747 
                                                      --------     ------- 
Total equity shareholders' funds                       25,638       25,858 
Basic and diluted net asset value per share             83.0p        82.9p 
for the year ended 31 October 2010 
                                                         2010      2009 
                                                         GBP'000      GBP'000 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities       (8)       327 
                                                     --------- -------- 
Taxation                                                 (10)      (78) 
                                                     --------- -------- 
Capital expenditure 
Purchase of investments                               (5,391)   (5,612) 
Sale of investments                                     9,030     4,645 
                                                     --------- -------- 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from capital expenditure      3,639     (967) 
                                                     --------- -------- 
Management of liquid resources 
Purchase of current investment                        (2,000)         - 
                                                     --------- -------- 
Net cash outflow from liquid resources                (2,000) 
                                                     --------- -------- 
Equity dividends paid                                 (1,083)   (2,121) 
                                                     --------- -------- 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing                538   (2,839) 
Purchase of own shares                                  (212)     (422) 
                                                     --------- -------- 
Net cash outflow from financing                         (212)     (422) 
                                                     --------- -------- 
Increase/(decrease) in cash                               326   (3,261) 
for the year ended 31 October 2010 
 1. Accounting policies 
Basis of accounting 
The  Company has prepared  its financial statements  under UK Generally Accepted 
Accounting Practice and in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice 
"Financial  Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" 
January 2009 ("SORP"). 
The  financial  statements  are  prepared  under  the historical cost convention 
except for certain financial instruments measured at fair value and on the basis 
that it is not appropriate to prepare consolidated accounts as explained in note 
The   Company  implements  new  Financial  Reporting  Standards  issued  by  the 
Accounting Standards Board when required. 
Presentation of Income Statement 
In  order to  better reflect  the activities  of a  venture capital trust and in 
accordance  with the SORP,  supplementary information which  analyses the Income 
Statement  between  items  of  a  revenue  and capital nature has been presented 
alongside  the Income  Statement. The  net revenue  is the measure the directors 
believe   appropriate   in  assessing  the  Company's  compliance  with  certain 
requirements set out in Part 6 of the Income Tax Act 2007. 
Investments  are designated as "fair value through profit or loss" assets due to 
investments  being managed and  performance evaluated on  a fair value basis.  A 
financial  asset is designated within  this category if it  is both acquired and 
managed,  with a view to selling after a  period of time, in accordance with the 
Company's  documented investment policy.   The fair value  of an investment upon 
acquisition  is deemed to  be cost. Thereafter  investments are measured at fair 
value  in accordance with  the International Private  Equity and Venture Capital 
Valuation Guidelines ("IPEV") together with FRS26. 
Listed fixed income investments and investments quoted on AIM are measured using 
bid prices in accordance with the IPEV. 
For  unquoted  instruments,  fair  value  is  established  using  the  IPEV. The 
valuation  methodologies for unquoted entities used by the IPEV to ascertain the 
fair value of an investment are as follows: 
  * Price of recent investment; 
  * Multiples; 
  * Net assets; 
  * Discounted cash flows or earnings (of underlying business); 
  * Discounted cash flows (from the investment); and 
  * Industry valuation benchmarks. 
The  methodology applied takes account of the nature, facts and circumstances of 
the  individual investment and uses  reasonable data, market inputs, assumptions 
and estimates in order to ascertain fair value. 
Where   an   investee  company  has  gone  into  receivership,  liquidation,  or 
administration  (where there is little likelihood  of recovery), the loss on the 
investment, although not physically disposed of, is treated as being realised. 
Gains  and losses arising from changes in  fair value are included in the Income 
Statement for the year as a capital item and transaction costs on acquisition or 
disposal of the investment expensed. 
It  is not  the Company's  policy to  exercise either significant or controlling 
influence  over investee companies. Therefore the results of these companies are 
not  incorporated into the Income  Statement except to the  extent of any income 
accrued.  This is in  accordance with the  SORP that does  not require portfolio 
investments to be accounted for using the equity method of accounting. 
Current asset Investments 
Current  asset investments  comprise amounts  held on  fixed term  deposits at a 
banking institution and are valued at par. 
Dividend  income from investments is recognised when the shareholders' rights to 
receive payment has been established, normally the ex dividend date. 
Interest  income is  accrued on  a timely  basis, by  reference to the principal 
outstanding  and at the effective interest  rate applicable and only where there 
is reasonable certainty of collection. 
All  expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. In respect of the analysis 
between  revenue and  capital items  presented within  the Income Statement, all 
expenses have been presented as revenue items except as follows: 
  * Expenses  which  are  incidental  to  the  acquisition  of an investment are 
    deducted as a capital item. 
  * Expenses  which are incidental to the disposal of an investment are deducted 
    from the disposal proceeds of the investment. 
  * Expenses  are split and presented partly as capital items where a connection 
    with the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the investments held can 
    be demonstrated. The Company has adopted the policy of allocating investment 
    managers  fees, 75% to capital and 25% to  revenue as permitted by the SORP. 
    The  allocation is in line with the Board's expectation of long term returns 
    from  the  Company's  investments  in  the  form of capital gains and income 
  * Performance  incentive  fees  arising  from  the disposal of investments are 
    deducted as a capital item. 
The tax effects on different items in the Income Statement are allocated between 
capital and revenue on the same basis as the particular item to which they 
relate using the Company's effective rate of tax for the accounting period. 
Due  to  the  Company's  status  as  a  Venture  Capital Trust and the continued 
intention  to meet the conditions  required to comply with  Part 6 of the Income 
Tax  Act 2007, no provision for taxation is  required in respect of any realised 
or unrealised appreciation of the Company's investments which arises. 
Deferred  taxation,  is  not  discounted,  and  is  provided  in  full on timing 
differences  that result in an obligation at  the balance sheet date to pay more 
tax,  or a right to pay  less tax, at a future  date, at rates expected to apply 
when  they crystallise  based on  current tax  rates and law. Timing differences 
arise  from  the  inclusion  of  items  of  income  and  expenditure in taxation 
computations  in periods different from those in  which they are included in the 
Other debtors and other creditors 
Other debtors (including accrued income) and other creditors are included within 
the accounts at amortised cost, equivalent to the fair value of the expected 
balance receivable/payable by the Company. 
 2. Basic and diluted return per share 
                                                               2010         2009 
Return per Share based on: 
Net revenue return for the financial year ( GBP'000)               230          538 
Capital return per Share based on: 
Net  capital  gain/(loss)  for  the  financial  year            804        (491) 
( GBP'000) 
Weighted average number of Shares in issue               31,060,084   31,183,605 
As the Company has not issued any convertible securities or share options, there 
is  no dilutive  effect on  return per  share.  The  return per  share disclosed 
therefore represents both basic and diluted return per share. 
 3. Basic and diluted net asset value per ordinary share 
                                                       2010                 2009 
                      Shares in issue       Net Asset Value      Net Asset Value 
                    2010         2009    Pence per    GBP'000    Pence per    GBP'000 
                                             share                share 
Shares        30,903,509   31,175,509        83.0p   25,638       82.9p   25,858 
As the Company has not issued any convertible securities or share options, there 
is  no dilutive  effect on  net asset  per share.  The net asset value per share 
disclosed therefore represents both basic and diluted return per share. 
On 11 November 2010 the Company repurchased 60,000 Ordinary Shares of 1p each at 
49.5p.  These  shares  have  subsequently  been  cancelled.  The total number of 
Ordinary Shares in issue at the date of this report is 30,843,509. 
 4. Principal financial risks 
As  a VCT,  the majority  of the  Company's assets  are represented by financial 
instruments  which are  held as  part of  the investment  portfolio. In order to 
ensure  continued  compliance  with  relevant  VCT  regulations  and  to be in a 
position to deliver the long term capital growth, which is part of the Company's 
investment  objective, the Board  is very much  aware of the  need to manage and 
mitigate the risks associated with these financial instruments. 
The  management of these risks starts with the application of a clear investment 
policy  which has  been developed  by the  Board who  are experienced investment 
professionals.  Furthermore, the  Board has  appointed an experienced Investment 
Manager  to whom they have communicated  the Company's investment objectives and 
whose  remuneration  is  linked  to  the  achievement  of  those objectives. The 
Investment  Manager  reports  regularly  to  the  Board  on  performance, and to 
facilitate the direct Board involvement with key decisions, on whether or not to 
invest,  disinvest and the  nature, terms and  the security of investments being 
Further  information about the VCT's investment policy  is set out in the Report 
of the Directors. 
In  assessing  the  risk  profile  of  its  investment  portfolio, the Board has 
identified  three principal classes  of financial instrument  which are analysed 
within note 9.  Investments are "fair value through the profit and loss account" 
and are recognised as such on initial recognition. 
In addition to its investment portfolio, the VCT holds cash balances with one of 
the  main UK banks and the Listed Fixed Income Securities Manager. The Directors 
consider that the risk profile associated with cash deposits is low and thus the 
carrying  value in the Financial Statements is a close approximation of its fair 
The  Board has reviewed the Company's  financial risk profile and concluded that 
the current sensitivity level remains appropriate. 
A review of the specific financial risks faced by the Company follows. 
Market risks 
The  key market risks to which the Company is exposed are interest rate risk and 
market  price  risk.  The  Company  has  undertaken  sensitivity analysis on its 
financial  instruments,  split  into  the  relevant component parts, taking into 
consideration  the economic climate at the time  of review in order to ascertain 
the appropriate risk allocation. 
Interest rate risk 
Board  decisions in relation to amounts to be retained as cash deposits and held 
in  fixed interest investments  (including yields) are  influenced by actual and 
potential changes in the Bank of England base rate. 
Market price risk 
Market  price risk arises from uncertainty  about the future prices of financial 
instruments  held  in  accordance  with  the Company's investment objectives. It 
represents  the potential  loss that  the Company  might suffer  through holding 
market  positions in the  face of market  movements. At 31 October 2010, the net 
unrealised   gain   on  the  quoted  portfolios  (AIM-quoted  and  fixed  income 
investments) was  GBP194,000 (2009: net unrealised loss of  GBP799,000). 
The investments the Company holds are (with the exception of listed fixed income 
securities),  in the main,  thinly traded (due  to the underlying  nature of the 
investments)  and, as  such, the  prices are  more volatile  than those  of more 
widely  traded, full list, securities.  In  addition, the ability of the Company 
to  realise the investments at their carrying value may at times not be possible 
if  there are no willing purchasers.  The  ability of the Company to purchase or 
sell investments is also constrained by the requirements set down for VCTs. 
The  Board considers each investment purchase to ensure that an acquisition will 
enable  the Company to continue to have an appropriate spread of market risk and 
that an appropriate risk reward profile is maintained. 
It  is not the Company's policy to use derivative instruments to mitigate market 
risk,  as the Board believes that the effectiveness of such instruments does not 
justify the cost or risk involved. 
Credit risk 
Credit  risk is the risk that a counterparty to a financial instrument is unable 
to discharge a commitment to the Company made under that instrument. 
Investments  in loan stocks comprise a fundamental part of the Company's venture 
capital  investments  and  are  managed  within  the  main investment management 
The Company only has one current investment, which is held in a three year fixed 
rate  deposit account at Royal Bank of Scotland  plc, which is a "Long Term" Aa3 
rated  financial institution (Moody's) and,  consequently the Directors consider 
that the risk profile associated with this deposit is low. 
Operating  cash is mainly  held by Bank  of Scotland plc,  which is an Aa3 rated 
financial  institution (Moody's)  and, consequently  the Directors consider that 
the risk profile associated with cash deposits is low. 
Interest,  dividends and other receivables  are predominantly covered within the 
investment management procedures. 
Liquidity risk 
Liquidity  risk is the risk that  the Company encounters difficulties in meeting 
obligations  associated with its financial  liabilities. Liquidity risk may also 
arise  from either the inability to  sell financial instruments when required at 
their  fair values or from  the inability to generate  cash inflows as required. 
 As  the Company only ever has a low level of creditors, (2010:  GBP159,000, 2009: 
 GBP218,000)  has no borrowings and has a  healthy bank balance, the Board believes 
that the Company's exposure to liquidity risk is minimal. 
 5. Related party transactions 
Chrysalis  VCT Management Limited,  a wholly owned  subsidiary, is the Company's 
Investment  Manager  which  receives  a  fee  of  1.65% of net assets per annum. 
 During  the  period   GBP425,000  (2009:   GBP449,000)  was  paid  to  Chrysalis  VCT 
Management  Limited in respect of these fees. No amounts were outstanding at the 
year end. 
An  exit fee is payable  quarterly to Chrysalis VCT  Management Ltd (with effect 
from  1 May  2006) based  on  cash  realisations  from all investments excluding 
quoted  loan notes, redemptions of  loan notes in the  normal course of business 
and  other treasury  functions. The  exit fee  is the  greater of 1% of the cash 
proceeds  of any exit or 5% of the gain  to the Company after all exit costs for 
investments  made after 30 April 2004 reduced  to 2.5% of investments made prior 
to  30 April 2004.  During the year exit fees of  GBP8,000 (2009:  GBP14,000) were due 
to  Chrysalis VCT Management Ltd. At  the year-end  GBP4,000 was outstanding (2009: 
The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the 
Company's statutory financial statements in accordance with section 434 
Companies Act 2006 for the year ended 31 October 2010, but has been extracted 
from the statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2010, 
which were approved by the Board of Directors on 7 February 2011 and will be 
delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General 
Meeting.  The Independent Auditor's Report on those financial statements was 
unqualified and did not contain any emphasis of matter nor statements under s 
498(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 October 2009 have been delivered to 
the Registrar of Companies and received an Independent Auditors report which was 
unqualified  and did not contain  any emphasis of matter  nor statements under s 
498(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
A copy of the full annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31 
October  2010 will be  printed and  posted to  Shareholders shortly. Copies will 
also  be available to the public at the  registered office of the Company at 10 
Lower  Grosvenor Place, London, SW1W 0EN and will be available for download from 
www.chrysalisvct.co.uk and www.downing.co.uk. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Chrysalis VCT PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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