RNS Number:5670W
Bristol Water PLC
29 May 2002

                               BRISTOL WATER plc

           The company is a subsidiary of Bristol Water Holdings plc

                   which is also reporting its results today.

                                                                     29 May 2002


Year ended 31 March
                                 2002                     2001              % change
                                   £m                       £m

Turnover                        68.0                      64.9                 5%


Operating profit before 
exceptional item                17.7                      17.0                 4%


Operating profit               17.7                       17.6                 1%


Profit before tax             13.9                        13.4                 4%


Profit after tax              10.3                        10.0                 3%


Earnings per ordinary share 153.2p                      147.7p                 4%


Dividend per ordinary share  91.9p                       83.5p                10%


•       Profit before tax increased by 4%

•       Joint billing arrangement with Wessex Water progressing well.

•       High service standards maintained.

•       Net capital expenditure £23m.

For further information:

Alan Parsons                                Lulu Bridges
Andy Nield                                  Tavistock Communications Limited
Bristol Water plc                           Tel: 0207 600 2288
Tel 0117 953 6407

Or contact:       Bristol Water Corporate Affairs on 0117 953 6470 during office
                  hours or 07831 453924 at any time.


I am pleased to be able to announce a strong financial performance by the

The price limits set by Ofwat in 1999 meant that we needed to deliver
substantial efficiency gains.  At the end of 1999/2000 we launched a major
restructuring programme which was successfully implemented while still
maintaining our high standards of service to customers and even improving them
in some areas.  We have continued to seek further efficiency improvements whilst
maintaining our service standards.

In July 2001, following an extensive procurement process by the regulated
business, the Bristol Water group established a joint venture with Wessex Water
to provide a combined billing and customer contact service initially for the
customers of the two regulated businesses.  When fully operational this will
eliminate significant duplicated costs and provide a simplified and better
service to customers.  Initial feedback from customers has demonstrated their
support for the change and the success of the first phase.

The capital expenditure programme established to deliver the outputs set by
Ofwat for the five years 2000-05 is now well underway.  A major element relates
to a £20m programme for the replacement of lead pipes.  Although we planned to
spread this cost evenly throughout the period, the Drinking Water Inspectorate
wishes to see the optimisation of the recent chemical dosing programmes before
supporting pipe replacement activity.  It is increasingly likely that the actual
spend during the 5 year period will be at a relatively low level.

Profit before tax for the year was £13.9m, compared to £13.4m in 2001.

We have declared a 10% increase in the final dividend, bringing the total
dividend for the year to 91.9p, a 10% increase from 2000/01.  The final dividend
will be paid to shareholders on 22 July 2002.

The progressive build up of the capital programme, with its consequent
additional financing, depreciation and operating cost implications, together
with the relatively low level of increase in charges under the RPI+K price
limits to customers for 2002/03 of 1.9%, and Ks of 0% in 2003/04 and -1.9% in
2004/05 will have a significant impact on profits over the next three years.

The UK water industry is continuing to go through a period of change, with
competition becoming increasingly significant.  At the same time, new financing
and operational structures are being introduced.  We have continued to  monitor
these developments.

My thanks go to all our employees who have contributed so successfully to
delivering such a strong performance.

Alan Parsons


29 May 2002


During the year we made further operating improvements consolidating the
considerable cost reductions made during the previous year.  Our primary focus
during the year has been on two key initiatives that will enable us to make
further efficiency gains in due course.

The first of these initiatives has been a major project to install a new
integrated financial and works management IT system (SAP) to replace a number of
older systems.  A key objective for this development was to reduce future
maintenance and development costs of our old suite of systems.  This project was
successfully implemented and went live on 1 October 2001.

The second initiative has been the creation of a joint venture with Wessex Water
to enable the two companies to issue combined bills to customers.  The joint
venture is owned on a 50/50 basis by Bristol Water Holdings plc and Wessex Water
and during the year the existing billing and customer contact staff of both
companies transferred to the new company.  A new billing system was also
successfully implemented during the year and the first joint bills were issued
to unmeasured customers during March 2002.  Work is in hand to bring measured
customers on to the same system later this year.  The new arrangement will
benefit customers by improving convenience and will deliver significant
efficiency gains from 2003/04.

An important operational issue during the year was the damage caused by a major
water main burst on the A4 Portway in the confines of the Avon Gorge.  Working
together with Bristol City Council we were able to get the road quickly back
into service and avoided any significant disruption to water supplies.
Permanent repairs are currently in progress, but the complex nature of the site
means that it will take some months to complete.

Water resources were a concern during the year, with the increasingly variable
weather patterns that we are experiencing making forecasting extremely
difficult.  During November and December, normally a key time for the refilling
of reservoirs, there was a prolonged dry spell with minimal recorded rainfall
which raised concerns about the supply position for 2002.  This was then
followed by a sustained period of rain during February and March and reservoirs
are now back to normal levels.  The situation will continue to be monitored

The Ofwat report on service levels by water companies in 2000/01 confirms that
we have maintained or improved on our already high levels of service to

We were pleased to see that our ranking in Ofwat's relative operating efficiency
report for 2000/01, using econometric models, showed a significant improvement.
This was due to a combination of our continuing cost reduction programme and
recognition by Ofwat that their models did not fully reflect our true
performance.  We are continuing to discuss with Ofwat a number of diverse
factors that still adversely affect our rankings in their models.

Our capital programme for the five years to 2005, as set out in the Final
Determination (May 1999 prices), amounts to £125m.  As explained in the
Chairman's Statement, this includes £20m for the replacement of lead
communication pipes, of which we have only spent a small amount to date.

The capital programme for the year included four major projects.  One,
completion of the installation of cryptosporidium barriers at seven smaller
treatment works, has progressed well and all sites are now operational with this
added protection in place.  The second significant project is ongoing mains
renovation.  During the year we completed 105 km of relined or replaced mains,
adding to the previous year's 88 km, at below budgeted cost.  The remaining two
projects were the SAP IT development and the new joint billing system.

Overall our net capital expenditure was £23.5m after contributions from
developers compared to £18.2m in the previous year.

As highlighted in the Chairman's statement, profits for the next three years
will be influenced by a range of additional costs, in particular the financing,
depreciation and operating cost implications of the continuing capital
programme. We will continue to seek further operational efficiency gains to
offset these additional costs, whilst ensuring that we do not compromise our
high standards of service.



                                                  2002                     2001
                                                    £m                       £m

Turnover                                          68.0                     64.9

Operating profit before exceptional items         17.7                     17.0

Operating profit                                  17.7                     17.6

Profit before tax                                 13.9                     13.4

Profit after tax                                  10.3                     10.0

Earnings per share                               153.2p                   147.7p

Ordinary dividend per share                       91.9p                    83.5p

Overall turnover, after allowing for the effect of an accounting policy change,
increased by some £3.1m, mainly due to the RPI+K increase.

Profit after tax was £10.3m, an increase of £0.3m from 2001, leading to an
increase in earnings per share of 3.7%.

In November 1999, Ofwat issued the Periodic Review Final Determination.  This
set maximum price limits for charges to customers for the five years 2000-05.
The limits, known as K factors, plus movements in the RPI index, determine the
allowed increase or decrease in overall charges each year.  For 2001/02 the K
factor was 1%, which together with an RPI movement of 3.2% meant an average
increase in charges to customers of some 4.2%.

Operating costs before depreciation increased by £2.3m.  This principally
reflects the impact of inflation, the new climate levy charge of £0.4m pa and
the non-recurrence of an exceptional insurance premium rebate of £0.6m in the
previous year.

We have also increased the bad debt charge, reflecting a deteriorating
collection experience following a government decision to prohibit domestic
disconnections.  The charge for the year was £1.6m compared to £0.8m in the
previous year.

Depreciation increased by £0.7m reflecting the commissioning of new assets and
the decision to accelerate the depreciation charge for  other assets.

The net effect of the increases in turnover, operating costs and depreciation
together with an  increase in the net proceeds from property disposals of  £0.5m
was to increase profit before tax to £13.9m from £13.4m.

Capital investment, net of grants and contributions in the year was £23.5m, a
significant increase on 2000/01 (£18.2m) reflecting the progressive build up of
the capital programme for the five years 2000-05.

The results include for the first time the impact of FRS19, the new accounting
standard on deferred tax, using a discounting methodology. At 31 March 2002 the
discounted balance sheet provision amounts to £15.2m. The net profit and loss
account effect of FRS19 is to increase the deferred tax charge for the year by
£1.3m and the current tax charge by £1.0m relating to ACT. The profit and loss
charge is net of a £1.4m discounting gain. The effective total tax rate for the
year is 26%, without the discounting gain it would be 36%. The results for 2001
have been restated accordingly.

The Board proposes a total dividend for the year of 91.9p, a 10% increase from
2001.  As a result, a final dividend of 65.5p is being recommended.

In the full statutory  accounts the appropriate disclosures required under
FRS17, the new accounting standard on pensions, are made.  These show that on an
FRS17 basis the Bristol Water plc sub fund of the Water Companies' Pension
Scheme would be represented on the balance sheet as an asset net of tax of
£10.0m (£14.4m before deferred tax).

An actuarial review of the sub fund as at 31 March 2002 is currently in
progress.  The sub fund is currently invested primarily in equities.  When the
results of the actuarial review are available, subject to the agreement of the
trustees, we will  examine carefully a reduction in the proportion of equities
with a corresponding increase in investments in bonds and other fixed income


Net borrowings increased from £63.0m to £71.5m during the year.

During the year the second £5m tranche of a £10m five year term loan was drawn
down.  During May 2001 two leasing agreements for a total of £9m were completed.

At the year end, net gearing (net debt/equity) was 97% compared to 90% in 2001.
Net debt and gearing levels are expected to increase during 2002 as the level of
capital investment in the regulated business increases.  Before the adoption of
FRS19, the new standard on deferred tax, net gearing was 80% (2001 - 75%).

The company uses interest rate derivatives to manage exposures to fluctuations
in interest rates.  Positions on hedges are deferred and matched to the
underlying transaction.

Net interest charges in the year totalled £4.6m and were covered 3.9 times.


for the year ended 31 March 2002

                                                                                           2002              2001
                                                                          Note             £000              £000

Turnover                                                                                 68,013            64,887

Operating costs                                                              2         (50,272)          (47,858)

Exceptional operating item                                                   2                                600
                                                                                     __________       ___________
Total operating costs                                                                  (50,272)          (47,258)

                                                                                    ___________       ___________

Operating profit                                                                         17,741            17,629

Profit on disposal of tangible fixed assets                                                 760               268
Net interest payable and similar charges                                                (4,598)           (4,543)
                                                                                    ___________       ___________

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                            13,903            13,354

Taxation on profit on ordinary activities                                    3          (3,622)           (3,399)
                                                                                    ___________       ___________

Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                                             10,281             9,955

Dividends -                                                                  4
On irredeemable preference shares                                                       (1,094)           (1,094)
On ordinary shares                                                                      (5,512)           (5,008)
                                                                                    ___________       ___________

Total dividends                                                                         (6,606)           (6,102)
                                                                                    ___________       ___________

Profit retained for the financial year                                                    3,675             3,853
                                                                                    ___________       ___________

Earnings per share                                                                       153.2p            147.7p
                                                                                    ___________       ___________


at 31 March 2002
                                                                            Note                     2002          2001
                                                                                                     £000          £000

Tangible fixed assets                                                          6                  179,426       170,029
                                                                                             ____________  ____________
Current assets
Stocks                                                                                                437           543
Debtors                                                                                            12,311        10,456
Cash at bank and on deposit                                                    7                   14,676         9,469
                                                                                             ____________ _____________

                                                                                                   27,424        20,468

                                                                                            _____________ _____________
Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year
Short term borrowings                                                          7                    3,355         1,399
Other creditors                                                                                    23,092        25,981
                                                                                            _____________ _____________

                                                                                                   26,447        27,380

                                                                                            _____________ _____________
Net current assets/(liabilities)                                                                      977       (6,912)

                                                                                            _____________ _____________

Total assets less current liabilities                                                             180,403       163,117

Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year                        7                 (82,825)      (71,096)

Deferred income                                                                                   (8,396)       (8,467)

Provisions for liabilities and charges                                         8                 (15,236)      (13,283)

                                                                                            _____________ _____________
Net assets                                                                                         73,946        70,271

                                                                                            _____________ _____________
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                                                            18,498        18,498
Share premium account                                                                               4,415         4,415
Other reserves                                                                                      5,770         5,770
Profit and loss account                                                                            45,263        41,588

                                                                                            _____________ _____________
Total shareholders' funds                                                      9                   73,946        70,271
Analysed as:
Equity shareholders' funds                                                                         61,446        57,771
Non-equity shareholders' funds                                                                     12,500        12,500

                                                                                            _____________ _____________


for the year ended 31 March 2002

                                                                                   Note             2002           2001
                                                                                                    £000           £000

Net cash inflow from operating activities                                            10           28,869         32,304
                                                                                                ________    ____________

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                                                                    815            398
Interest paid                                                                                    (4,150)        (3,243)
Interest paid on finance leases                                                                  (1,280)        (1,382)
Dividends paid on non-equity shares                                                              (1,094)        (1,094)
                                                                                                ________    ____________
                                                                                                 (5,709)        (5,321)
                                                                                                ________    ____________

Corporation tax paid                                                                             (1,995)        (2,764)
                                                                                                ________    ____________

Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                                               (26,237)       (17,858)
less contributions received                                                                        2,588          2,373
Proceeds on disposal of tangible fixed assets                                                        888            355
                                                                                                ________    ____________
                                                                                                (22,761)       (15,130)
                                                                                                ________    ____________

Dividends paid on equity shares                                                                  (5,151)        (4,629)
                                                                                                ________     ___________
Cash (outflow)/inflow before management of
liquid resources and financing                                                                   (6,747)          4,460

Management of liquid resources
being increase in short term deposits                                                            (5,200)        (8,800)

Cash inflow from refinancing assets under new finance leases                                       8,159              -
New bank loans and overdrafts                                                                      5,222          5,000
Capital element of lease repayments                                                              (1,427)        (1,543)
                                                                                                ________    ____________
                                                                                                  11,954          3,457
                                                                                                ________    ____________

Increase/(decrease) in cash                                                                            7          (883)

Cash, beginning of year                                                                              669          1,552
                                                                                                ________    ____________
Cash, end of year                                                                                    676            669
                                                                                                ________    ____________



These preliminary statements do not constitute the statutory accounts for the
year ended 31 March 2002. The statutory accounts have been reported on by the
auditors without qualification but have not yet been delivered to the Registrar
of Companies. The comparative figures for 2001 have been extracted from the
accounts of Bristol Water plc for the year ended 31 March 2001 upon which the
auditors' report was unqualified and which have been delivered to the Registrar
of Companies subject to restatement in respect of:

•        A change to the basis of recognition of turnover from metered supplies,
following a general review of the appropriateness of accounting policies as
occasioned by Financial Reporting Standard FRS18 'Accounting Policies'. Income
from metered supplies is based upon volumes of water invoiced plus estimated
volumes of uninvoiced water delivered to customers during the year.  In previous
years this income was based upon actual volumes of water invoiced to customers
during the year. The accounts for the year ended 31 March 2001 have been
restated on the new basis.  The impact of the restatement is to increase
turnover by £98,000 (2001 - £46,000), increase profit after tax by £88,000 (2001
- £41,000), increase accrued income in the balance sheet by £2,063,000 (2001 -
£1,965,000), and to increase net assets after provision for tax in the balance
sheet by £1,856,000 (2001 - £1,768,000).

•        The application of FRS19 Accounting for Deferred Tax. Deferred tax has
been recognised as a liability or asset if transactions have occurred at the
balance sheet date that give rise to an obligation to pay more taxation in
future, or a right to pay less taxation in future.  An asset is not recognised
to the extent that the transfer of economic benefits in future years is not
probable.  Deferred tax assets and liabilities recognised have been discounted
at rates equivalent to the post-tax yields to maturity that could be obtained at
the balance sheet date on government bonds with maturity dates similar to those
of the deferred tax assets and liabilities. The accounts for the year ended 31
March 2001 have been restated on this basis.  The impact of FRS19 is to reduce
profits for the year by £2,266,000 (2001 - £630,000) and net assets by
£15,236,000 (2001 - £12,970,000).

The Annual Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders on or before 20
June 2002. Copies will be available to the public from the registered office at
PO Box 218, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS99 7AU. The Annual General Meeting will
be held at the registered office at Bridgwater Road, Bristol, on Monday 22 July
2002 at 9.00 am.


                                                                                               2002               2001
                                                                                               £000               £000

Net payroll cost                                                                             10,078              9,757

Total other operating costs                                                                  26,464             25,109
Net depreciation                                                                             13,730             12,992
                                                                                              _____              _____
Total operating costs before exceptional                                                     50,272             47,858

Exceptional operating item -
Insurance rebate                                                                                  -              (600)
                                                                                              _____              _____
Total operating costs                                                                        50,272             47,258
                                                                                              _____              _____

The insurance rebate occurred following the decision to terminate the customer
compensation policy previously insured with Brunel Insurance Company Limited
(Brunel).  Brunel was a joint arrangement between the parent company and Wessex


        Analysis of charge for the year all arising in the United Kingdom -

                                                                                    2002                 2001
                                                                                    £000                 £000

Current tax -
Corporation tax at 30% (2001 - 30%)                                                4,202                4,000
Advanced Corporation Tax written back                                              (473)                (345)
Adjustment to prior periods                                                      (1,389)                   44
                                                                                  ______               ______
Total current tax                                                                  2,340                3,699
                                                                                  ______               ______

Deferred tax -
Current year movement                                                              (176)                 (53)
Adjustment to prior periods                                                        2,851                (460)
Effects of discounting                                                           (1,393)                  213
                                                                                 _______               ______
Total deferred tax                                                                 1,282                (300)
                                                                                 _______               ______
Total tax on profit on ordinary activities                                         3,622                3,399
                                                                                ________               ______

The adjustments to prior periods mainly relate to the effects of an agreement
with the Inland Revenue to accelerate certain capital allowances.


                                                                                         2002                2001
                                                                                         £000                £000
           On non-equity shares -
           Irredeemable 8.75% preference shares -
           Paid                                                                           547                 547
           Payable 1 April                                                                547                 547
                                                                                      _______              ______
                                                                                        1,094               1,094
                                                                                      _______              ______
           On ordinary shares (equity shares) -
           Interim dividend paid of 26.4p (2001 - 24.0p)                                1,583               1,440
           Proposed final dividend of 65.5p (2001 - 59.5p)                              3,929               3,568
                                                                                     ________              ______
                                                                                        5,512               5,008
                                                                                     ________              ______
           Total dividends paid and proposed                                            6,606               6,102
                                                                                     ________              ______


                                                                                    2002                 2001
Earnings per share have been calculated as follows -                                 000                  000
On average  number of ordinary shares in issue during the year  -
Earnings attributable to ordinary shares                                          £9,187               £8,861
Weighted average number of ordinary shares                                         5,998                5,998
                                                                                  ______         ____________

As the Company has no obligation to issue further shares, disclosure of earnings
per share on a fully diluted basis is not required.


                                                                                    2002                 2001
                                                                                    £000                 £000
Net book value, beginning of year                                                170,029              165,309
Additions                                                                         26,076               20,532
Disposals                                                                           (78)                (169)
Grants and contributions                                                         (2,588)              (2,373)
Depreciation                                                                    (14,013)             (13,270)
                                                                             ____________          ___________
Net book value, end of year                                                      179,426              170,029

                                                                            ____________           ___________


                                                                                   2002                 2001
                                                                                   £000                 £000
Cash and short-term deposits                                                     14,676                9,469
Debt due within one year                                                        (3,355)              (1,399)
Debt due after one year                                                        (82,825)             (71,096)
                                                                                _______           __________
                                                                               (71,504)             (63,026)

                                                                            ___________           __________


                                                                                  2002                     2001
                                                                                  £000                     £000
Restructuring Costs                                                                  -                      313
Deferred taxation                                                               15,236                   12,970
                                                                          ____________                  _______
                                                                                15,236                   13,283

                                                                          ____________                  _______
Analysis of deferred taxation liability -
Accelerated capital allowances and capital element of finance
leases                                                                          32,840                  30,092
Deferred income                                                                (2,519)                 (2,540)
Short term timing differences                                                    (698)                   (604)
Unrelieved Advanced Corporation Tax                                              (184)                 (1,168)
                                                                          ____________                  _______
                                                                                29,439                   25,780
Effect of discounting                                                         (14,203)                 (12,810)
                                                                          ____________                  _______
Net provision for Deferred Taxation                                             15,236                   12,970
                                                                            __________                   ______


                                                                                   2002                    2001
                                                                                   £000                    £000
Beginning of year;
Balance per previous financial statements                                                                77,031
Effect of prior year statements net of tax -
Income from metered supplies, net of tax effect                                                           1,727
FRS19 Accounting for Deferred Tax                                                                      (12,340)
Restated balance at the beginning of the year                                    70,271                  66,418

Profit for the year                                                              10,281                   9,955
Dividends                                                                       (6,606)                 (6,102)
                                                                           ____________                 _______
End of year                                                                      73,946                  70,271

                                                                           ____________                ________

The ordinary share capital of the company at 31 March 2002 comprised 5,998,025


a)    Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
activities -

                                                                                  2002                    2001
                                                                                  £000                    £000

Operating profit after exceptional operating item                               17,741                  17,629
Depreciation, net                                                               13,730                  12,992
                                                                                ______             ____________
Cash flow from operations                                                       31,471                  30,621

Working capital movements -
Stocks                                                                         106 268
Debtors                                                                        (1,667)                     669
Creditors                                                                        (728)                   1,342
Provisions                                                                       (313)                   (596)
                                                                                ______            ____________

Net cash inflow from operating activities                                       28,869                  32,304
                                                                                ______            ____________

b)    Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net borrowings -

                                                                                  2002                    2001
                                                                                  £000                    £000
Increase/(decrease) in net cash in year                                              7                   (883)
Cash used to repay borrowings                                                    1,427                   1,543
Cash from new borrowings                                                      (13,381)                 (5,000)
Cash used to increase liquid resources                                           5,200                   8,800
                                                                               _______             ____________
(Increase)/decrease in net borrowings                                          (6,747)                   4,460
New debt not affecting cash flow                                               (1,731)                       -
Net borrowings at beginning of year                                           (63,026)                (67,486)
                                                                               _______             ____________
Net borrowings at end of year                                                 (71,504)                (63,026)
                                                                               _______             ____________

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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