RNS Number:1851Q
Close Technology & General VCT PLC
25 September 2003

25 September 2003

                       CLOSE TECHNOLOGY & GENERAL VCT PLC
                                INTERIM RESULTS

Close Technology & General VCT PLC ("the Company"), which offers investors the
opportunity to participate in a balanced portfolio of technology and
non-technology businesses, today announces interim results for the six months to
30 June 2003.

Financial Highlights:

   * NAV per Ordinary Share of 83.0 pence (2002: 89.9 pence)
   * Interim dividend of 0.5 pence per Ordinary Share (2002: 1.0 pence)

Dr Neil Cross, Chairman, commented: "The six months to 30 June 2003 have seen a
marked improvement in the Company's net asset value. This has been partly
market-driven, with the portfolio of international quoted and UK AIM investments
showing a strong recovery as markets have risen. In addition, the unquoted
portfolio has risen in value, due principally to the excellent performance of
Active Hotels, which moved strongly into profit during the period".

For further information, please contact:

Patrick Reeve/ Ole Bettum              Justin Griffiths/ John West
Close Venture Management               Tavistock Communications
Tel: 020 7426 4000                     Tel: 020 7920 3150

Notes to Editors:

1)  Close Technology & General VCT PLC is managed by Close Venture Management.

2)  Close Venture Management is a subsidiary of Close Brothers Investment
    Limited and is regulated by the FSA.

3)  Unaudited interim reports for the period will be sent to shareholders

4)  The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute
    the Company's statutory accounts for the six months ended 30 June 2003 or
    2002. The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2002 is 
    derived from the statutory accounts delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
    The auditors reported on those accounts; their report was unqualified and
    did not contain a statement under s237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

                              Chairman's Statement


Close Technology & General VCT has raised #14.4 million from private investors
since its launch in January 2001 and offers investors the opportunity to
participate in a balanced portfolio of technology and non-technology businesses.
It is intended that the Company's investment portfolio will be split
approximately as follows:
*    50% to be invested in technology companies, of which:
*    20% will be invested in quoted investments in international technology 
     stocks; and
*    30% will be invested in unquoted UK technology-related companies.
*    50% to be invested in unquoted investments in UK non-technology companies.

Investment progress

The six months to 30 June 2003 have seen a marked improvement in the Company's
net asset value. This has been partly market-driven, with the portfolio of
international quoted and UK AIM investments showing a strong recovery as markets
have risen. In addition, the unquoted portfolio has risen in value, due
principally to the excellent performance of Active Hotels, which moved strongly
into profit during the period.

At 30 June 2003, the Company's unaudited net asset value stood at 83.0 pence per
share compared to 74.8 pence six months earlier. At 31 August 2003 the unaudited
net asset value had risen further, due to the continued strong performance of
the quoted portfolio.

The revenue return before taxation for the six months to 30 June 2003 amounted
to #101,762 compared to #211,019 for the first half of last year, resulting in a
reduction of the interim dividend from 1 penny to 0.5 pence per share. The
principal reason for this decrease was the decision taken to provide against the
income from two investments, Leisure Links and Q Gardens, where the equity in
each case has already been fully provided for. The company does, however, remain
committed to providing shareholders with a regular and predictable dividend
yield, and it is hoped that this decline in the dividend will only be short term
in nature.

During the period, the principal investments made have been in support of
existing investee companies with a view to funding further growth. The Company's
third anniversary since launch is 31 December 2003, and we are now within 1% of
achieving the 70% level of qualifying investments required by that date.

Results and dividend

As at 30 June 2003 the net asset value of the Company was #11.89 million (2002:
#12.89million), equivalent to 83.0 pence per share (2002: 89.9p per share). Net
income after taxation was #82,000 for the period enabling the board to declare a
net interim dividend of 0.5 pence per share (2002: 1.0p per share). Dividends
will be payable on 24 October 2003 to those shareholders registered on 3 October

Dr N E Cross
Chairman                                                            25 September

                               Portfolio Summary

The following is a summary of the qualifying investments at 30 June 2003.

Technology Investments
                                                     Invested to     Valuation
                                                         date at            at
                                                            cost       30 June
                                                           #'000         #'000
Active Hotels Ltd

Active Hotels has developed internet based
software to act as an intermediary to the
hotel industry enabling hotels to post their
room availability on-line in real time
through booking sites.                                       500         1,200

Advanced Medical Solutions PLC (AIM Listed)

Advanced Medical Solutions designs, develops
and manufactures novel high performance
polymers (both natural and synthetic) for
the healthcare market.                                       300           318

AIT Group plc (AIM Listed)

AIT Group is a provider of IT solutions
principally for the retail financial sector.                 240           103

Cassium Technologies Limited

Cassium is an IT services company which
provides web service solutions using
Microsoft.NET technology. The company has
developed a suite of proprietary products
under the Active Web and Active Forms Names.                 500           250

Deltex Medical Group Plc (AIM Listed)

Deltex develops, manufactures and markets
the 'CardioQ', an oesophageal device which
monitors the heart's response to medical
treatment.                                                   266           175

Intelligent Environment Group PLC (AIM Listed)

The company's activity is the provision of
integrated e-business software and services
to allow Credit Cards and Wealth Management
organisations to disseminate information,
integrate disparate systems and deliver
market leading e-business applications.                      298           616

OneClickHR plc (AIM Listed)

OneClickHR develops, markets and sells human
resource software, offering companies a
range of solutions enabling them to manage
their HR functions.                                           58             8

Peakdale Molecular Ltd

Peakdale Molecular is a Derbyshire based
contract chemistry company, developing and
providing pharmaceutical customers with
novel compounds for use in later stage drug
discovery.                                                   360           358

                                                     Invested     Valuation at
                                                   to date at     30 June 2003
                                                        #'000            #'000
Pilat Media Global PLC (AIM Listed)

The company develops, markets and supports
business operations software for the media
industry.                                                 150              191

sparesFinder Ltd

SparesFinder has developed a software suite which
enables multinational, multi-site customers to
trace and control their inventory.                        500              125

Tepnel Life Sciences PLC (AIM Listed)

Tepnel Life Sciences develops automated systems
for DNA purification and offers a broad range of
DNA related services such as genotyping.                  328              246

Warthog PLC (AIM Listed)

Warthog is a leading independent games software
developer.                                                 90               34
                                                         -----            -----

Total unquoted qualifying technology investments        3,590            3,624
                                                       =======          =======

Percentage of Portfolio on cost                            28%
Target investment level                                    30%

                                                      Invested to    Valuation
                                                          date at           at
                                                             cost      30 June
                                                            #'000        #'000

Unquoted Non-Technology Investments

Automotive Technik Holdings Ltd

The company holds the exclusive world-wide licence
to manufacture the Pinzgauer off-road vehicle.
Automotive Technik's main clients include the UK
Ministry of Defence and overseas armed forces.                720          612

Careforce Staffing Group Ltd

Careforce Staffing was established in 1999 to build,
both organically and through acquisition, a group
providing home care services to the elderly,
principally on behalf of local authorities.                   950          989

City Screen (Liverpool) Ltd
The company was formed to own and operate a three
screen 'art house' cinema in the centre of
Liverpool, which opened in February 2003.                      50           50

Consolidated Communications Management Ltd

Consolidated Communications is a management buy-out
of an established public relations company with a
broad range of 'blue chip' clients.                         1,000        1,072

Leisure Links International Ltd

Leisure Links was formed to manage and operate golf
clubs. It currently owns two courses, the Test
Valley course near Basingstoke and the Chesfield
Downs course near Stevenage.                                  950          673

Peakdale Molecular Ltd

This part of the Peakdale investment (as discussed
above) is in loan stock secured against debtors and
property and is classified as a non-technology
holding.                                                      533          594

The Q Garden Company Ltd

The Q Garden Company operates a chain of garden
centres based in the south of England.                      1,000          667
                                                          -------       ------

Total unquoted qualifying non-technology investments        5,203        4,657
                                                           =======      =======

Percentage of Portfolio on cost                                41%
Target investment level                                        50%

Total qualifying investments                                8,793        8,281
                                                           =======      =======

Total percentage of portfolio on cost                          69%
Total target qualifying investment level                       80%

Non-qualifying technology investments

Ten largest holdings by value of non-qualifying international quoted technology

Company                   Sector                          Invested   Valuation
                                                           to date          at
                                                           at cost     30 June
                                                             #'000       #'000

Digital River Inc         E-commerce outsourcing                29         108

Amdocs Limited            Software                              88          90

Agere Systems A           Wireless technology                  113          83

Nortel Network            Communications network
Communication             technology                           164          69

Melexis                   Microelectronics                      57          64

Network Associates Inc    Software                              84          62

Ascential Software Corp   Provider of integration
                          solutions                             32          53

Take Two Interactive      Software
Software                                                        42          51

Taiwan Semiconductor Ads  Semi-conductors                       45          48

Tecnomatix Technologies   Software                              74          82
Ltd                                                           ------      ------

                                                               728         710

19 other non-qualifying
international quoted technology
stocks                                                         983         659
                                                              ------      ------

Total non-qualifying
international quoted technology
stocks                                                       1,711       1,369
                                                            ========     =======

Percentage of portfolio on cost                                 13%
Target non-qualifying investment
level                                                           20%

Floating Rate Notes

Bradford & Bingley                                           1,499       1,501

Total non-qualifying investments                             3,210       2,870
                                                            =======     ========

Total percentage of non-qualifying portfolio on cost            32%
Total target non-qualifying investment level                    20%

                      Unaudited Statement of Total Return
                  (incorporating the profit and loss account)
                       for the six months to 30 June 2003

               Six months to                Six months to                   Year to
                30 June 2003                 30 June 2002               31 December 2002
          Revenue   Capital   Total   Revenue   Capital    Total   Revenue   Capital    Total
            #'000     #'000   #'000     #'000     #'000    #'000     #'000     #'000    #'000

investments    -     1,267   1,267         -    (1,454)  (1,454)        -    (3,622)  (3,622)

income        198         -     198       306         -      306       632         -      632

fees          (37)     (112)   (149)      (43)     (130)    (173)      (67)     (202)    (269)

expenses      (59)        -     (59)      (52)        -      (52)     (106)        -     (106)

tax           102     1,155   1,257       211    (1,584)  (1,373)      459    (3,824)  (3,365)

Tax on     
activities    (20)       22       2       (42)       26      (16)      (91)       40      (51)
shareholders   82     1,177   1,259       169    (1,558)  (1,389)      368    (3,784)  (3,416)

Dividends     (72)        -     (72)     (144)        -     (144)     (287)        -     (287)
reserves       10     1,177   1,187        25    (1,558)  (1,533)       81    (3,784)  (3,703)

              0.6p      8.2p    8.8p      1.2p    (10.9)p   (9.7)p     2.6p    (26.6)p  (24.0)p

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing

The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the

                        Unaudited Summary Balance Sheet
                                at 30 June 2003

                                 30 June 2003    30 June 2002     31 December
                                        #'000           #'000           #'000

Fixed asset investments
Qualifying investments
  Unquoted technology                   1,933           1,014           1,100
  AIM technology stocks                 1,691           1,321           1,075
  Unquoted non-technology               4,657           4,596           4,664
                                        ------          ------          ------
Total qualifying investments            8,281           6,931           6,839
Non-qualifying investments
  Quoted international
  technology stocks                     1,369           1,261             944
  Floating rate notes                   1,501           4,497           1,499
                                        ------          ------          -------
Total non-qualifying
investments                             2,870           5,758           2,443

Total investments                      11,151          12,689           9,282

Current assets
Debtors                                    64              30               8
Cash: short term money market
deposits                                  916             453           1,688
                                          -----           -----         -------
                                          980             483           1,696

Creditors: due within one
year                                     (236)           (281)           (257)
                                        -------         -------         -------

Net current assets                        744              202           1,439
                                          -----           -----         -------
Net assets                              11,895          12,891          10,721
                                       ========        ========        ========

Represented by:
  Share capital                         7,160           7,170           7,170
  Share premium account                   165             165             165
  Special reserve                       6,245           6,258           6,258
  Capital redemption reserve               35              25              25
  Capital reserve
  realised                               (702)            149            (622)
  unrealised                           (1,116)           (918)         (2,373)
  Revenue reserve                         108              42              98
                                        ------           -----           -----

Total equity shareholders'
funds                                  11,895          12,891          10,721
                                       ========        ========        ========

Net asset value per share                83.0p           89.9p           74.8p

                         Unaudited Cash Flow Statement
                           Six months to 30 June 2003

                                    Six months        Six months      Year to
                                    to 30 June        to 30 June  31 December
                                          2003              2002         2002
                                         #'000             #'000        #'000

Operating activities
Investment income received                 140               145          383
Deposit interest received                   21                42           54
Investment management fees
paid                                       (93)             (109)        (249)
Other cash payments                        (68)              (62)        (112)
                                          ------            ------      -------

Net cash inflow from
operating activities                         -                16           76

UK corporation tax paid                      -                 -          (10)

Investing activities
Purchase of investments                   (744)           (7,262)      (9,142)
Disposal of investments                    129               454        3,671
                                           -----             -----      -------

Net cash outflow from
investing activities                      (615)           (6,808)      (5,471)

Equity dividends paid
Dividends paid on ordinary
shares                                    (144)             (142)        (285)
                                         -------           -------      -------

Net cash outflow before
financing                                 (759)           (6,934)      (5,690)

Issue of shares net of
expenses                                     -               188          179
Redemption of own shares                   (13)               (9)          (9)
                                          ------             -----        -----

Net cash (outflow)/ inflow from
financing                                  (13)              179          170
                                          ------             -----        -----

Decrease in cash                          (772)           (6,755)      (5,520)
                                          ======          ========     ========

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange