The Weather Lottery plc
                   ("The Weather Lottery" or the "Company")

27 April 2007                                                                    
       Interim Financial Results for the period ended 31 January 2007


  *    Successful launch of the new online system in February 2007.
  *    Further marketing poised to commence to National Trust members.
  *    Over 300 enquiries received from target societies in 2007 to date.
  *    Prize  draw  changes resulting in a higher top prize as well  as  
       higher returns for The Weather Lottery

Key Financials for the 6 month period to 31 January 2007

  *    Sales of �761,000 (2006: �750,000)
  *    Gross Profit of �489,000 (2006: �472,000)
  *    Net Loss of �82,000 (2006: Net Profit of �1,000)

Chief Executive's Statement

New Marketing Focus

Since  the Company was admitted to AIM in September 2006, our marketing  efforts
have  been  focussed  in two key areas.  Firstly, we have been  working  towards
bringing  the National Trust into the lottery and building up new client  levels
from  this source; and secondly, developing a bespoke software systems to enable
participants to join and play The Weather Lottery online. This project has  been
undertaken in conjunction with our bankers HSBC.

Both  of  these  projects have incurred delays with the result  that  sales  are
correspondingly  below current market expectations. This is being  addressed  as

National Trust marketing plan:

  *    The Weather Lottery will be promoted on the plastic carrier enclosing the
       Summer National Trust magazine. Approximately 250,000 magazines will be posted
       to National Trust members.
  *    A  mailshot  to  approximately 100,000 National Trust members  who  have
       participated in charity raffles is planned thus promoting the Weather Lottery as
       a new means of donating.
  *    A "Weather Lottery" flyer will be inserted in the National Trust Volunteer's 
       newsletter promoting the game to the National Trust's 47,000 volunteers.
  *    A  leaflet promoting The Weather Lottery will be included with all 8,000
       employee payslips sent out by the National Trust by June.
  *    A  further  5,000 leaflets promoting The Weather Lottery  will  be  made
       available  to  patrons  at approximately five of the  National  Trusts  key
  *    Further promotional activity with the National Trust is being discussed,
       such as inclusion of a Weather Lottery leaflet being included in welcome packs
       to new members
  *    In total, close to 500,000 people will be targeted by The Weather Lottery.
       To encourage new clients to join, all literature will note that there have been
       3,158 winners from supporters of The National Trust Lottery within a very short
       period of time. It is hoped that this statement will stimulate new entry levels

Online Participation:

  *    The online system went live in February 2007
  *    The Company is marketing the new online system, which is secured by HSBC,
       to all of its clients.
  *    Client supporters can join online by Credit Card, Debit Card and Standing
  *    The successful implementation of the online system is a major Company
       development. An example of how the system works can be seen at by following the link on the �10,000 ball.

Prize Draw Changes

The game has been modified from a 5 day game to a 4 day game which will create a
20% higher return for The Weather Lottery.

In  addition  we  have announced an annual �100,000 draw which we  believe  will
attract further new players.

Increased Enquiry Levels

The  Weather Lottery has had over 300 separate new beneficiary enquires to  date
in  2007. A beneficiary is the society, charity or sports club looking  for  new
fundraising  options.  The  Company is also continuing  to  follow  up  the  925
enquiries received in 2006. The enquiry levels have increased to the extent that
new staff have been appointed specifically for this task.

New Clients

The Weather Lottery provides an innovative solution to providing the fundraising
that  target societies require. Continuing contract discussions are  being  held
with  high  profile organisations both in the markets of Sport and Charity.  Our
target  to reach 10,000 clients within a five-year plan remains intact  and  our
enquiry list continues to increase on a daily basis

As the benefit of our relationships with key beneficiaries and additional routes
to market come through, I feel that the Company is well positioned to grow and I
look forward to reporting on these successes in the future.

K Milhench
Chief Executive
26 April 2007

For further information:

The Weather Lottery plc                                         0113 2750002
Keith Milhench

SVS Securities plc                                              020 7638 5600
Ian Callaway/Peter Manfield

ARM Corporate Finance Ltd                                       020 7512 0191
Nick Harriss

City Road Communications                                        07947 186694
Paul Quade                                                      020 7248 8010

                             THE WEATHER LOTTERY PLC
                      FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 JANUARY 2007

                                         Period       Period   Year ended
                                          ended        ended      31 July
                                     31 January   31 January         2006
                                           2007         2006     (audited)
                              Notes  (unaudited)  (unaudited)
                                          �'000        �'000        �'000
Turnover                                    761          750        1,440

Cost of Sales                               272          278          484
Gross (Loss)/Profit                         489          472          956

Administrative expenses                   (571)        (471)      (1,039)
Operating (loss)                           (82)            1         (83)

Interest payable and similar                  -            -            -

Interest receivable and                       -            -            1
similar charges
(Loss) on ordinary activities             
before taxation                             (82)            1         (82)

Taxation                                      -            -            -
Retained (loss)/profit for                 (82)            1         (82)
the period
Earnings per share                                                     
Basic and fully diluted         2        (0.11)p         0.1p      (0.51)p

All results derive from continuing operations of the Company.

There are no recognised gains or losses other than the loss for the period.


                                        As At        As At        As At
                                   31 January   31 January      31 July
                                         2007         2006         2006
                                   (unaudited)  (unaudited)    (audited)
                           Notes        �'000        �'000        �'000
Fixed Assets                                                           
Intangible assets            3            202          227          212
Current assets                                                         
Debtors                      4             17           23           10      
Cash at bank and in hand                  163           55          240      
                                        _____        _____        _____                                  
                                          180           78          250
Creditors: amounts           
falling due within one year  5           (303)        (321)        (293)
                                        _____        _____        _____       

Net current (liabilities)                (123)        (243)         (43)
                                        _____        _____        _____                                   

Total assets less current                  79          (16)         169
Creditors: amounts                          -            -            -
falling due over one year
                                        _____        _____        _____                                
Net assets                                 79         (16)          169
                                        =====        =====        =====                                   
Capital and reserves                                                   
Called up share capital      6             77            1           73
Share premium                             233           48          245
Profit and loss account                  (231)         (65)        (149)
                                        _____        _____        _____                                  
Equity shareholders' funds   7             79          (16)         169                
                                        =====        =====        =====        


                                          Period        Period      Year
                                           ended         ended     ended
                                 Notes        31    31 January   31 July
                                         January          2006      2006
                                            2007    (unaudited) (audited)
                                           �'000         �'000     �'000
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from     8        (69)            24       (60)
operating activities

Returns on investments and                    -              -         1
servicing of finance
Capital expenditure                           -              -         -
Cash (outflow)/inflow before                (69)            24       (59)

Financing                                    (8)             -       268
(Decrease)/increase in cash in              (77)            24       209
the period
Reconciliation of net cash flow
to movement in net debt

(Decrease)/increase in cash in              (77)            24       209
the period

Opening net funds                           240             31        31
                                          _____          _____     _____                      
Closing net funds                           163             55       240


1.   Accounting policies

International Financial Reporting Standards
The London Stock Exchange announced that AIM companies do not need to adopt
International Financial Reporting Standards for periods commencing before 1
January 2007.  In this regard International Accounting Standard 34, Interim
Financial Reporting, has not been adopted for preparation of this unaudited
interim financial information.

Basis of Accounting
The interim financial information has been prepared on the historical cost
basis. The interim financial results are unaudited.

Turnover represents takings received for entry into the daily prize draws.  The
revenue is recognised upon receipt of the money for the period that the draws
take place.

Goodwill arising on consolidation represents the excess of the purchase
consideration over the Group's interest in the fair value of the identifiable
assets and liabilities of a subsidiary at the date of acquisition.

Goodwill is recognised as an asset and amortised over a period of 20 years,
which the directors consider to be the estimated useful life of the goodwill.

Intangible assets
Intangible assets relate to the software development of the lottery game.  The
cost is being amortised over ten years, which is the period over which the
software is considered effective.

Deferred Tax
The charge for taxation is based on the profit or loss for the period and takes
into account taxation deferred because of timing differences between the
treatment of certain items for taxation and accounting purposes.

Deferred tax is recognised in respect of all timing differences that have
originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date where transactions or
events that result in an obligation to pay more, or a right to pay less, tax in
the future have occurred at the balance sheet date, with the exception that
deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent that the directors
consider that it is more likely than not that there will be suitable taxable
profits from which the future reversal of the underlying timing differences can
be deducted.

Deferred tax is measured on a non-discounted basis at the tax rates that are
expected to apply in the periods in which timing differences reverse, based on
tax rates and laws enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet date.

2.   Earnings per ordinary share

The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the results and
weighted average number of ordinary shares as follows:

                                      Period      Period          Year
                                       ended       ended         ended
                                  31 January  31 January       31 July
                                        2007        2006          2006
                                  (unaudited) (unaudited)     (audited)
                                       �'000       �'000         �'000
(Losses)/profits in period               (82)         1            (82)
Weighted average number of                                       
ordinary shares:
Basic and fully diluted           76,412,614       1,000    16,042,083
The basic and fully diluted weighted average number of ordinary shares are the
same due to there being no share options in place during the period.

3.   Intangible Fixed Assets
                                           Goodwill     Software     Total   
                                              �'000        �'000     �'000
As at 1 August 2006                             176          154       330
Additions                                         -            -         -
As at 31 January 2007                           176          154       330
As at 1 August 2006                              18          100       118
Charge for Period                                 3            7        10
As at 31 January 2007                            22          107       128
Net Book Value:                                                     
As at 31 January 2007                           155           47       202
As at 31 July 2006                              158           54       212

4.   Debtors
                                              As At        As At       As At
                                         31 January   31 January     31 July
                                              2007          2006        2006
                                             �'000         �'000       �'000
Prepayments                                     10             7           7
Other debtors                                    7            16           3
                                                17            23          10
5.   Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
                                              As At       As At        As At
                                         31 January  31 January      31 July
                                               2007        2006         2006
                                              �'000       �'000        �'000
Trade creditors                                 227         294          229
Accruals and deferred income                     38          14           23
Social security and other taxes                  38          13           41
                                                303         321          293

6.   Share capital
                                              As At       As At        As At
                                         31 January  31 January      31 July
                                               2007        2006         2006
                                              �'000       �'000        �'000 
100,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.1p each       
(31 January 2006: 1,000 ordinary                100           1          100                              
shares of �1 each)                           ===============================                           

Issued and fully paid:                                              
77,054,737 ordinary shares of 0.1p each                                      
(31 July 2006 73,202,000                         
ordinary shares; 31 January 2006                 77           1           73
1,000 ordinary shares)                       ===============================                             


7.   Reconciliation of movement in shareholders' funds
                                              As At       As At        As At
                                         31 January  31 January      31 July
                                               2007        2006         2006
                                              �'000       �'000        �'000
(Loss)/profit for the period                    (82)          1          (82)
New share capital (including            
premium & expenses)                              (8)          -          268
Net (deduction)/addition to            
shareholders funds                              (90)          1          186
Opening shareholders funds                      169         (17)         (17)
Closing shareholders funds                       79         (16)         169

8.   Reconciliation of operating loss to operating cash flows
                                              As At       As At        As At
                                         31 January  31 January      31 July
                                               2007        2006         2006
                                              �'000       �'000        �'000 
Operating (loss)/profit                         (82)          1          (83)
Amortisation and depreciation                    10          12           27
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                   (7)         (6)           8
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                 10          17          (12)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from                  (69)         24          (60)
operating activities                        ================================

9.   Interim Financial Information

The  unaudited interim financial information, which is the responsibility of the
directors  and  was  approved by them on 26th April  2007  does  not  constitute
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

Copies  of  this  Interim  statement  are available  from  the  Company  at  its
registered office: 24  St.  Michael's Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 3AW for a period 
of  one  month, free of charge.

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