RNS Number : 1803Z

Terra Catalyst Fund

09 December 2014

9 December 2014


(the "Company")

Interim Financial Statements

Terra Catalyst Fund (AIM:TCF) announces its Unaudited Interim Financial Statements for the six months to 30 September 2014 (the "Interim Financial Statements").

The full text of the Interim Financial Statements is set out below.


 Terra Catalyst Fund                    Tel: +44 (0)1624 690 
  Mike Haxby, Director                   900 
 Smith & Williamson Corporate Finance   Tel: +44 (0)20 7131 
  Limited                                4000 
  Azhic Basirov 

Investment Manager's Report

For the six months ended 30(th) September 2014

Portfolio Review and Investment Activity

Following the sale of Tamar European Industrial Fund Ltd to Starwood, and the sale of the small remaining holding in Rugby Estates plc, the sole remaining material holding in Terra Catalyst Fund Limited ("TCF") is now Spazio Investments NV ("Spazio").


Carrying value

The carrying value per share of Spazio in these interim financial statements is EUR6.43 per share. This is unchanged from the audited financial statements of TCF at 31(st) March 2014.

The carrying value per share incorporates the EUR7.04 value per share as per the audited financial statements of Spazio as at 31(st) December 2013, adjusted for the tax settlement, as disclosed in the audited financial statements of TCF at 31(st) March 2014 in which Laxey reported that due to the efforts of the directors of Spazio and their advisors, the tax case had been settled with the tax authorities for EUR14m, including interest for late payment.

Strategy and Market Update

Spazio Industriale ("The Fund"), the Italian registered fund through which Spazio invests in Italian property, continues to focus on its strategic plan to improve the marketability of the portfolio through asset refurbishment and re-leasing. It is making good progress with leasing vacant space and extending the lease length profile of the portfolio presently leased to tenants in order to make it more attractive to potential purchasers. We anticipate that the majority of lease re-negotiations will be concluded well in advance of the expiry of the Fund's debt facilities, and we note that interest in portfolios of well leased assets is increasing from overseas investors looking to invest in the Italian commercial property market; following sharp increases in value in other markets across Europe. In particular, the recoveries in the Irish and Spanish markets are leading opportunistic investors to look more closely at Italy to invest some of the cash they have raised for European investment.

Political developments are also driving an increase in interest, with the government currently implementing an ambitious reform package, which includes new Italian REIT legislation, new rules on financing and new provisions on lease agreements. Changes to the REIT rules are being made to bring Italian legislation more into line with other EU REIT regimes, while the changes to financing should facilitate non-bank financing and make it easier for insurance companies to finance without involving a bank or financial intermediary.

The changes to the leasing rules may prove to have a significant impact. The key changes are being made for annual rents over EUR250k pa, to move from a "tenant friendly" model to one more in line with a free market model. The key provisions of the new rules are below, and mark a significant change to the current situation:

   --      No tenant's automatic right to walk away in case of so called "serious reasons" 

-- An ability to agree a shorter or longer duration of the lease than is currently available under the existing framework

   --      The ability to depart from the standard indexation in leases 
   --      The ability to vary subleasing terms and pre-emption rights on the sale of the property 

We believe that market participants tend to see Italy as being six to twelve months behind Spain in terms of capital and occupier markets, but there have been signs of a gradual pickup in interest recently, following a significant re-rating in Spanish values. There are more investors looking at Italy than a year ago, but an illiquid market and a lack of core institutional product has meant transactions have been lower than in much of the rest of Europe. Nonetheless, CBRE have reported that Italy saw EUR3.6bn of cross border property investment in 2013, more than double the amount in 2012. The trend for increased foreign investment seems to be continuing in 2014, with 48% of the EUR700m in Q1 2014 commercial real estate deals coming from abroad, with the majority of deals being portfolio transactions, as large individual properties on the market have remained scarce. As can be seen from the graph below, this increase in foreign investment has driven the recovery in overall transaction volumes.

The website version of this notification includes a chart setting out the trend in commercial property sales in Italy and can be found on the Company's website www.terracatalystfund.com.

For now, investment is being driven mainly by the weight of capital while the fundamentals of much of the commercial property market remain fairly weak, with no significant reductions in vacancy rates and with tenants often reluctant to invest. However, while Italy remains in recession, there are positive signs, particularly in the North, with an increase in demand for credit amongst businesses and consumers.

According to Knight Frank, H1 2014 take up in the benchmark Milan office market was 146k sqm, around double that of H1 2013, with the full year figure expected to exceed 2013 and reach the long term average of around 250k sqm. While prime rents are flat, capital values have risen due to prime yields hardening from 5.5% to 5.25%. A lack of product for sale in the prime Milan office market has kept transaction levels low to date in 2014, but there are a number of transactions in the pipeline and there are also encouraging signs that a lack of core property for sale is leading to further interest in the wider Italian commercial property market. We note that in Q1 2014 a significant portfolio of logistics warehouses worth approximately EUR165m was transacted, with under-bidders looking to deploy capital elsewhere.

Well known investors that have been active recently include Allianz purchasing the Fiumara (Genoa) shopping centre for EUR150m and Blackstone purchasing two shopping centres in Carpi and Brindisi for a total of EUR170m. The sovereign wealth Fund of Qatar bought the Milan offices of Credit Suisse for EUR106m, while an Italian investor, Fabrica Immobiliare Sgr, acquired Telecom Italia offices in Milan for a total of EUR75m.

Financing for Italian property has not been plentiful in recent years, and the recent European stress tests showed that many of the European banks under pressure were located in Italy, with 9 of the total 25 banks highlighted by the tests based in the country. We are not surprised by this, and have noted in the past that the Italian banking system remains under considerable pressure. However, we see it as a positive that some of the problems have now been highlighted and we are cautiously optimistic that this may represent a turning point in fixing some of the problems in the system and lead to an increase in the supply of credit to the economy.


The Fund owns a portfolio of 170 properties with predominantly industrial and logistics use, located throughout Italy and with a total open market value (OMV) as 30(th) June 2014 of EUR358.9m, virtually unchanged from the valuation of EUR359.5m at

31(st) December 2013. There have been no sales concluded so far in 2014, although properties with a value of approximately EUR3m are under binding offers at an 18.2% premium to their carrying value. This is mostly made up of the property at Portoferraio, where a price of EUR2.6m has been agreed. The Fund has now completed the agreed site reclamation works of EUR100k and this sale is expected to conclude shortly as planned.

In line with the strategy of focusing on leasing and asset management, a number of leases have been signed so far that start in 2014, with additional rent totalling over EUR1m. A summary table of the signed new leases is shown in the website version of this notification which can be found on the Company's website www.terracatalystfund.com.

The new leases should increase the rental income received by the Fund in 2014 from that received in 2013. At 30(th) June 2014, the total annualised passing rent was approximately EUR18.2m, an increase from the year end, where the total annualised passing rent at 31(st) December 2013 was approximately EUR17.4m.

In line with the strategic direction of the Fund, negotiations on the lease extension with Telecom Italia are continuing, as are discussions with RAI to extend the duration and future marketability of the asset that they occupy.

The Fund also concluded a lease extension on the asset at Castiglion Fibocchi with Prada, where Prada has agreed to extend the lease contract for a year, while vacating the asset at Ancona a few months early, for which they would have otherwise incurred a penalty. This asset was vacated on 31(st) July 2014 and is currently being prepared for re-leasing.

As part of the lease negotiations with tenants, extraordinary maintenance is being carried out at a number of properties to ensure tenant satisfaction and improve rents:

-- At Bagni di Tivoli, as agreed with MTN, the Fund tendered in July for works totalling EUR400k to customise a portion of the property leased

-- At Via Mecenate in Milan, the Fund has begun EUR130k of works shared with the tenant RAI in order to redo access tunnels to the television studios

-- At Sesto San Giovanni, the second stage of the works to the external areas of the buildings has begun, which in total will cost approximately EUR850k

-- At Eastgate Park, the Fund has awarded in July a EUR1m tender to develop a purification plant for the municipalities in line with the urbanisation requirements agreed as part of the town planning agreement

We believe that such works represent important measures being taken by the Fund to attract and protect rental income and extend lease durations to make the portfolio more attractive to potential investors. The value created through such activities should also improve the valuations of assets, increasing the NAV and reducing the loan to value ("LTV") of the Fund.

The new SGR has also been focusing on resolving legacy issues with unpaid rent from a number of tenants.

-- At Mel, where ACC Compressors went into insolvency in June 2013 and had not paid its rent for around two years, the situation is now almost resolved following the sale of the company to the Chinese Wanbao Group Compressor Company. We believe the majority of the unpaid rent will be recovered, while a new 12+6 year lease is under negotiation

-- At Sesto San Giovanni the former tenant for some of the office space, Centro Edilmarelli, is being pursued for approximately EUR2.8m following the termination of the contract by mutual consent

-- At Turate, where the previous SGR signed a settlement agreement for EUR2.1m against a total of EUR5m outstanding, there is now just EUR160k remaining to be paid at 30(th) June 2014, following a postponement of the deadline to H2 2014

All of these activities are combining to improve the profile of the portfolio and we believe that the marketability of properties where the asset management activities are substantially complete has been significantly enhanced.

Bank financing

At the loan covenant testing date of 30(th) September 2014, the net LTV of the Fund was 57.4%.

The Fund's debt facilities are shown below:

   --      Jumbo Loan - EUR182.3m fixed until 31(st) October 2016 at an all in cost of 3.27% 
   --      EGP Loan - EUR43.7m fixed until 31(st) December 2015 at an all in cost of 3.1% 

At 30(th) June 2014 the remaining balances on these facilities were EUR180.4m for the jumbo loan, and EUR37.6m for the EGP loan.

There is a cross collateralisation provision, and cash sweeps have been put in place to reduce the LTV ratio across both loans. A formula is in place so that a portion of property sales proceeds are applied to pay down the loan to which the property relates, and a portion are applied to pay down the Portoguaro loan.

When the Portoguaro loan has been paid down, and the LTV on the Jumbo loan is below 55%, then the sale proceed net of debt repayment and costs will become almost entirely freely available to the Fund. Rental income will also become freely available to the Fund, but until that occurs, recurring free cash flow from rents will be held in a cash trap account, available for capex and operating expenditure, but not for distribution.

As previously communicated, due to the cash sweeps in place, from October 2013 there will not be any free cash for distributions from the Fund up to Spazio without substantial property sales. Even when the Fund is in a position where some of the sales proceeds are available to the Fund, the proportion will be lower than previously. Spazio has managed to return EUR3.38 per share to shareholders to date, or 66% of the bid price, but shareholders in TCF should not expect further substantial returns in the short to medium term.

Review Report by KPMG Audit LLC to Terra Catalyst Fund

For the six months ended 30(th) September 2014


We have been engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly report for the six months ended 30(th) September 2014, which comprises the Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Statement of Financial Position, the Statement of Changes in Equity, the Statement of Cash Flows and the related explanatory notes. We have read the other information contained in the half-yearly report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with the terms of our engagement. Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have reached.

Directors' responsibilities

The half-yearly report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly report in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting and the AIM Rules.

The annual financial statements of the Company are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the EU. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting.

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly report based on our review.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the UK. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

Emphasis of matter - valuation of investment in Spazio Investment NV

In forming our opinion on the condensed set of financial statements, which is not modified, we have considered the adequacy of the disclosures made in note 7 to the financial statements concerning the valuation of the interest in shares of Spazio Investment NV ("Spazio) of GBP30,689,926. This is stated at Directors' valuation, with the advice of the Investment Manager, in the absence of a readily ascertainable and reliable market value and is based on the net asset value per share of Spazio, per its last audited accounts as at 31(st) December 2013 less EUR14m in respect of a tax settlement that was agreed after Spazio's year end. Due to the inherent uncertainty associated with the determination of the valuation, the amount realised on its disposal may differ materially from the amount at which it is stated in the financial statements. The impact of such uncertainty cannot be quantified.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly report for the six months ended 30(th) September 2014 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34 and the AIM Rules.


Chartered Accountants

Heritage Court

41 Athol Street


Isle of Man IM99 1HN

8 December 2014

Statement of Comprehensive Income (unaudited)

For the six months ended 30(th) September 2014

                                                                                    (Note 5) 
                                                             (Unaudited)         (Unaudited) 
                                                                    2014                2013 
                                               Notes                 GBP                 GBP 
 Distributions on long equity securities 
  and investment funds                                            72,461             161,813 
     - Cash balances                                               1,113               6,188 
 Net realised gains/(losses) on financial 
  assets and liabilities 
 at fair value through profit or loss 
     - Cash balances                                             (3,262)              11,145 
     - Equities and Funds                                        478,931         (4,061,224) 
     - Forwards                                                        -           (175,252) 
 Net unrealised (losses) / gains on 
  financial assets and liabilities 
 other than currency forwards at fair 
  value through profit or loss 
     - Cash balances                                            (11,993)             (4,273) 
     - Equities and Funds                                    (1,938,295)           4,534,291 
 Net unrealised losses on currency forwards 
 at fair value through profit or loss                                  -             (3,799) 
 Total net investment (expense)/income                       (1,401,045)             468,889 
                                                      ------------------  ------------------ 
 Investment management fee                     12,13             178,751             269,152 
 Administration fees                                              20,481              17,134 
 Audit fees                                                        6,420              15,784 
 Other expenses                                  6                94,404             279,859 
 Interest expense 
     - Cash balances                                              19,010                  28 
 Total expenses                                                  319,066             581,957 
                                                      ------------------  ------------------ 
 Loss for the period                                         (1,720,111)           (113,068) 
                                                      ------------------  ------------------ 
 Other comprehensive income                                            -                   - 
 Total comprehensive loss for the period                     (1,720,111)           (113,068) 
                                                      ==================  ================== 
 Loss per ordinary share 
 Basic and fully diluted                        10                (0.10)              (0.01) 
                                                      ------------------  ------------------ 

Statement of Financial Position

As at 30(th) September 2014

                                                                            (Note 5) 
                                                          (Unaudited)      (Audited) 
                                                     30(th) September   31(st) March 
                                                                 2014           2014 
                                          Note                    GBP            GBP 
 Current Assets 
 Cash at bank and brokers                                   2,102,307        721,781 
 Equities - long at fair value through 
  profit or loss                           7               30,699,998     32,569,969 
 Investment funds - long at fair value 
  through profit or loss                   7                        -      3,284,876 
 Other debtors and accrued income                               8,308        103,741 
 Total Assets                                              32,810,613     36,680,367 
                                                =====================  ============= 
 Share capital                             8                  155,048        176,051 
 Share premium                                             52,935,496     55,214,300 
 Retained losses                                         (20,548,404)   (18,828,293) 
                                                ---------------------  ------------- 
 Total Equity                                              32,542,140     36,562,058 
                                                ---------------------  ------------- 
 Other creditors and accrued expenses                         268,473        118,309 
                                                ---------------------  ------------- 
 Total liabilities                                            268,473        118,309 
 Total liabilities and equity                              32,810,613     36,680,367 
                                                =====================  ============= 
 Net asset value per ordinary share        9                     2.10           2.08 
                                                =====================  ============= 

Statement of Changes in Equity (unaudited)

For the six months ended 30(th) September 2014

                                              Share               Share              Retained 
                                            Capital             Premium                losses               Total 
                                                GBP                 GBP                   GBP                 GBP 
 Balance at 1(st) April 2013                305,227          61,335,332          (38,391,409)          23,249,150 
 Total comprehensive income 
 Loss for the period                              -                   -             (113,068)           (113,068) 
 Other comprehensive income                       -                   -                     -                   - 
 Transaction with owners recorded 
 in equity: 
 Contributions by and distributions 
 to owners 
 Repurchase of shares                      (83,724)         (3,916,592)                     -         (4,000,316) 
 Balance at 30(th) September 
  2013                                      221,503          57,418,740          (38,504,477)          19,135,766 
                                      =============  ==================  ====================  ================== 
                                              Share               Share              Retained 
                                            Capital             Premium                losses               Total 
                                                GBP                 GBP                   GBP                 GBP 
 Balance at 1(st) April 2014                176,051          55,214,300          (18,828,293)          36,562,058 
 Total comprehensive income 
 Loss for the period                              -                   -           (1,720,111)         (1,720,111) 
 Other comprehensive income                       -                   -                     -                   - 
 Transaction with owners recorded 
 in equity: 
 Contributions by and distributions 
  to owners 
 Repurchase of shares                      (21,003)         (2,278,804)                     -         (2,299,807) 
 Balance at 30(th) September 
  2014                                      155,048          52,935,496          (20,548,404)          32,542,140 
                                      =============  ==================  ====================  ================== 

Statement of Cash Flows (unaudited)

For the six months ended 30(th) September 2014

                                                                                        (Note 5) 
                                                                2014                        2013 
                                                                 GBP                         GBP 
 Cash flows from operating activities: 
 Dividends received                                          176,147                     161,813 
 Interest received                                               552                       6,116 
 Prepaid expenses                                            (5,261)                       1,756 
 Management fee paid                                        (10,872)                   (277,117) 
 Administration fee paid                                    (18,162)                    (17,396) 
 Other expenses paid                                       (123,289)                   (306,576) 
 Interest paid                                              (19,010)                        (28) 
 Proceeds from sales of investments                        3,680,228                   4,620,817 
 Net cash flow from operating activities                   3,680,333                   4,189,385 
                                           -------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities: 
 Distribution paid                                       (2,299,807)                 (4,000,316) 
 Net cash flow from financing activities                 (2,299,807)                 (4,000,316) 
                                           -------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Increase in cash and cash equivalents                     1,380,526                     189,069 
                                           =========================  ========================== 
 Opening cash and cash equivalents                           721,781                   3,016,174 
 Closing cash and cash equivalents                         2,102,307                   3,205,243 
                                           =========================  ========================== 

Notes to the financial statements

For the six months ended 30(th) September 2014

   1.          General 

The Company was incorporated in the Cayman Islands on 21(st) December 2007 and its shares were admitted to AIM, a market operated by London Stock Exchange plc, on 25(th) February 2008.

   2.         Basis of preparation 
   (a)      Statement of compliance 

These condensed interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting and do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements.

These condensed interim financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 8 December 2014.

   (b)      Estimates 

The preparation of interim financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

In preparing these interim financial statements, the significant judgements made by management in applying the Company's accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those that applied to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31(st) March 2014. The most significant estimates and judgements that are required to be made are in respect of the valuation of investments for which no reliable market price is available (see note 7).

   3.         Significant accounting policies 

The accounting policies applied by the Company in these condensed interim financial statements are the same as those applied by the Company in its financial statements as at and for the year ended 31(st) March 2014.

   4.         Financial risk management 

The Company's financial risk management objectives and policies are consistent with those disclosed in the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31(st) March 2014.

   5.         Comparative figures 

The comparative figures shown in the Statement of Financial Position is at 31(st) March 2014 and in the case of the Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity and Statement of Cash Flows are for the six months to 30(th) September 2013.

   6.         Other Expenses 
                                  2014      2013 
                                   GBP       GBP 
 Directors' fees                50,000    50,000 
 Custodian fees                  3,060    73,196 
 Legal and professional fees    31,808   118,210 
 Other expenses                  9,536    38,453 
                                94,404   279,859 
                               =======  ======== 
   7.         Investments 
                    30(th) September   31(st) March 
                                2014           2014 
                                 GBP            GBP 
 Long positions: 
 Market value             30,699,998     35,854,845 
                   =================  ============= 
 Cost                     15,286,963     18,503,518 
                   =================  ============= 

The Company's investments as at 30(th) September 2014 principally comprise shares in Spazio Investment NV ("Spazio") valued at GBP30,689,926, or 93.54% of the total assets of the Company, as at 30(th) September 2014. The Directors, acting on the advice of the Investment Manager, have resolved to carry the investment at EUR6.4264 per share (31(st) March 2014: EUR6.4264 per share). This valuation is the NAV per share of Spazio, per its latest audited financial statements as at 31(st) December 2013, less a settlement agreed with the Italian tax authorities of EUR14,000,000.

The Company held a 26.7% interest in Spazio as at 30(th) September 2014 (31(st) March 2014: 26.7%).

   8.      Share capital 
 Authorised Share Capital    30(th) September   30(th) September        31(st) March        31(st) March 
                                         2014               2014                2014                2014 
                                       Number                GBP              Number                 GBP 
 Ordinary shares of 
  GBP0.01 each                  1,000,000,000         10,000,000       1,000,000,000          10,000,000 
                                                      10,000,000                              10,000,000 
                                               =================                      ================== 
                             30(th) September   30(th) September              31(st)              31(st) 
                                                                               March               March 
                                         2014               2014                2014                2014 
                                       Number                GBP              Number                 GBP 
 Issued share capital                                                     30,522,669             305,227 
 At 1(st) April                    17,605,067            176,051                   -                   - 
 Repurchased during 
  period/year                     (2,100,280)           (21,003)        (12,917,602)           (126,176) 
                                   15,504,787            155,048          17,605,067             176,051 
                            =================  =================  ==================  ================== 

9. Net asset value per share

The net asset value per share as at 30(th) September 2014 is GBP2.10 based on 15,504,787 ordinary shares in issue as at that date (31(st) March 2014: GBP2.08 based on 17,605,067 ordinary shares).

10. Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated based on the loss for the period of GBP1,720,111 and the weighted-average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period of 17,398,482 (2013: loss of GBP113,068 and 25,263,362 shares). There is no difference between the basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share.

11. Prime brokerage agreements

Under the terms of the prime brokerage agreement which the Company has entered into, the prime broker holds a first fixed charge over the Company's assets and cash held with the prime broker as security for the payment and performance by the Company of its obligations to the prime broker.

12. Related parties

The Company and the Investment Manager are related by virtue of the existence of a material contract. As at 30(th) September 2014, the Investment Manager owned 1,303,467 shares (2013: 1,862,148) in the Company. Fees payable to the Investment Manager in respect of the six month period ended 30(th) September 2014 were GBP178,751 (2013: GBP269,152) of which GBP169,579 (2013: GBP27,760) was outstanding at the period end.

Michael Haxby, a Director of the Company, is also a Director of the Investment Manager and of member companies of the Spazio group. Mr Haxby receives a fee from Terra European Investments BV ("TEI"), a Spazio group company, of EUR12,000 per year.

The Investment Manager has entered into an agreement with TEI which will pay the Investment Manager an annual management fee of 0.5% based on the latest audited Spazio NAV (adjusted for the EUR14m tax settlement, if not provided for in the audited accounts), payable monthly in arrears. The fee will remunerate the Investment Manager for managing TEI's holding in Spazio. The carrying value of Spazio is not included in the calculation of the management fee paid by the Company to the Investment Manager.

Colin Kingsnorth, a director and an ultimate beneficial owner of the Investment Manager is also a director of Spazio.

The Company held a 26.7% interest in Spazio as at 30(th) September 2014 (2013: 26.7%). The Investment Manager controls 72.4% of Spazio (2013: 72.4%).

13. Investment Management Fee

The Investment Manager receives a fee equal to:

- A monthly payment of one twelfth of 0.5% of the Company's Net Asset Value, less the carrying value of the Company's indirect interest in Spazio;

   -       1.5% of the gross amount of any distributions paid to shareholders. 

14. Subsequent events

The Company has evaluated all other events that have occurred from 1(st) October 2014 through 8 December 2014 and determined that no events require recognition or additional disclosures in these financial statements.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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