RNS Number : 8392I
  Record PLC
  25 November 2008

    Record plc


    25 November 2008


    Record plc, the specialist currency investment manager, today announces its first set of unaudited interim results, for the six months
ended 30 September 2008, following its admission to trading on the London Stock Exchange's main market for listed securities in December
    Financial and operating highlights:


�      Client numbers continued to grow - up to 150 (from 141 at 31 March 2008)
�      AuME (1) $47.8bn down 14% during the six months to 30 September 2008
      (67% of the reduction due to expressing AuME in US$)
�      Profit before tax was �15.0m - down from �26.6m for the six months to 30 September 2007 due to a reduction in performance fees
�      Operating profit margin 57% for the six months 30 September 2008 (six months to 30 September 2007: 62%)
�      Management fee income for the six months to 30 September 2008 continued to grow to �24.6m (six months to 30 September 2007: �20.6m)
�      Average fee rates firmed to 17.8 bps for the six months to 30 September 2008 versus 16.7 bps for the six months to 30 September 2007
�      �14.9m of cash generated from operations during six months to 30 September 2008 (six months to 30 September 2007: �27.9m)
�      Proposed interim dividend of 2.43p/share (2.16p/share paid July 2008)
�      Shareholders* equity increased to �24.0m (31 March 2008: �18.5m)
�      Cash retained post proposed dividend �22m * circa two years overhead cover
�      Basic EPS of 4.86 (six months to 30 September 2007: 8.33 pence) 

    (1)As a currency manager Record manages only the impact of foreign exchange and not the underlying assets, therefore its "assets under
management" are notional rather than real. To distinguish this from the AUM of conventional asset managers, Record uses the concept of
Assets under Management Equivalents (AuME) and by convention this is quoted in US dollars.
      Commenting on the results Neil Record, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Record plc, said: 

    'The first six months of the financial year have been challenging for all participants in the financial services industry. Against this
backdrop, I am pleased with the progress Record has made in attracting and retaining clients.'

    'Investment performance of our Absolute Return products recovered in line with our long-term expectations for the first four months of
the financial year, then deteriorated markedly in August, September and October as 'anti-carry' trends re-appeared. Whilst performance is
undoubtedly disappointing, we remain confident in the principles underlying our Absolute Return products and from our proven ability to
out-perform 'na?' exploitation of the forward rate bias.'

    'Since the end of September, dollar measured AuME's have continued to decline due to the continuing strengthening of the dollar against
the pound. As the majority of mandates are sterling based, this will not adversely impact fee income. Similarly those programmes that hedge
international equity portfolios have experienced a decline as the underlying assets continue to fall in line with world stock markets. As
highlighted in the Interim Management Statement in October, we have seen modest outflows from the Absolute Return product.'

    'We are seeing an increasing interest in passive and active hedging services and have been selected for a number of substantial mandates
that should commence in the second half.'

    Analyst briefing

    There will be a presentation for analysts at 8.30am on Tuesday 25 November 2008 at the offices of JPMorgan Cazenove Limited at 20
Moorgate London EC2R 6DA. A copy of the presentation will be made available on the Group's website at www.recordcm.com.

    For further information, please contact:

 Record plc:  +44 1753 852222
        Neil Record   
        Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

        Mike Timmins      
        Chief Financial Officer

 Hogarth Partnership                                         +44 207 357 9477
        Nick Denton, Julian Walker, Vicky Watkins

      Chairman and Chief Executive Officer's statement
    I am pleased to present Record plc's first interim report since the Company was admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange's main
market for listed securities in December 2007.
    Highlights of the period
    The six months to 30 September 2008 have been varied and challenging. Investment performance of our Absolute Return products recovered
in line with our long-term expectations for the first four months of the period, then deteriorated markedly in August and September as
'anti-carry' trends re-appeared. More strikingly still, serious concerns over the solvency and liquidity of many of the world's major banks
have disrupted the operation of the forward foreign exchange market and hence to some extent the execution of our currency investment
    Notwithstanding these challenging market conditions, the business has performed well. Assets under management equivalents ('AuME')
totalled $47.8bn at 30 September 2008, compared to $55.7bn at 31 March 2008. The largest component of the decline in AuME was the foreign
exchange impact of expressing non-US Dollar AuME in US Dollars, which accounted for $5.3bn of the $7.9bn reduction. Net client outflows
contributed only $1.0bn to the net reduction over the six-month period, which we regard as a testament to our strong client and investment
consultant relationships.
    The non-US Dollar AuME exchange rate impact has no implications for fee income in Sterling. Management fees increased to �24.6m for the
six months to 30 September 2008, an increase of 19.9% compared to the six months to 30 September 2007. Given investment performance in the
period, and prior valuation levels (or 'high water marks') achieved, performance fees earned in the period were modest. Hence profit before
tax for the period was significantly (43.7%) less than for the equivalent period in the prior year.
    The operating margin, at 57.0%, was also less than that achieved in the six months to 30 September 2007 (61.5%) although the decline was
less marked than that in revenues. This reflects the flexibility in our cost base, not least due to Record's group bonus scheme which sets
aggregate bonuses at 30% of pre-bonus operating profit for each six-month period.
    We have declared an interim dividend for the period of 2.43p per share. This is at the top of our payout range, i.e. at the lower end of
the two- to four-times cover of our dividend policy. It is consistent with our approach of targeting higher dividend payout ratios for
periods of low performance fees, and vice versa. After paying the dividend we will have approximately �22m in cash on the balance sheet, or
over twice the current annual overhead run rate excluding group profit bonus.
    Further and more detailed analysis of the results for the period can be found in the Interim Management Review.
    Investment performance
    As noted above, investment performance of our Absolute Return products varied dramatically between the first four months of the period
and the last two. By way of background, and as reported previously, July 2007 to March 2008 saw a marked decline as widespread risk aversion
triggered by the 'credit crunch' was transmitted into currency markets through absolute return investors unwinding 'carry trade' positions.
The resultant selling of higher interest rate 'investment' currencies and buying of lower interest rate 'funding' currencies caused many
currency pairs to move in directions opposite (i.e. 'anti-carry') to those indicated by our forward rate bias selection process.
    April to July 2008 saw four months of steady investment returns as this contagion abated and the currency trends we anticipate
re-asserted themselves. Over this four-month period Record's Currency Alpha Composite (the aggregate of individual mandate track records for
the Absolute Return product, on an ungeared basis) generated an absolute return of 1.3%. Over the same period, Record's Cash Plus fund,
which operates with maximum gearing of seven times, generated an absolute return of 11.8%.
    August and September 2008 saw considerable underperformance: -2.9% in the case of the Currency Alpha Composite and -20.1% in the case of
the Cash Plus fund. The catalyst for the re-appearance of adverse trends was events in early August: a simultaneous loss of confidence in
the inflation-fighting credibility of both the Bank of England and the European Central Bank, and stronger than expected growth data from
the US economy. Taken together, these had the effect of causing Sterling and the Euro to weaken and the US Dollar to strengthen, which
brought about currency moves contrary to those anticipated in our process.
    Although these central bank and economic factors appear to have catalysed the recent bout of 'anti-carry' trends, these trends have been
exacerbated by the unprecedented concerns over bank solvency and liquidity that arose following the announcement by Lehman Brothers Holdings
Inc. of its Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing. In the wake of these concerns, 'anti-carry' trends continued through September, with higher
interest rate currencies (Sterling, Australian Dollar and Euro) weakening, and lower interest rate currencies (Yen and US Dollar)
strengthening. Furthermore, in these exceptional conditions the operation of the forward foreign exchange market has been disrupted, and it
has been a major challenge for us to find creditworthy counterparties with whom we (on behalf of our clients) are able to conduct currency
trades at market prices - although a challenge in which we have been successful.
    The recent bout of 'anti-carry' trends in a period of equity market declines has caused the positive correlation between the returns of
high interest rate currencies and global equities to return. This correlation, unwelcome to our Absolute Return clients, was first observed
in the period from July 2007 to March 2008 and had subsided from April to July 2008. We remain confident in our view that this correlation
is a temporary aberration resulting from the credit crunch, and not a new feature of the currency investment market.
    Our Absolute Return investment process has two mechanisms at its centre: selection of currency pairs based on the forward rate bias and
risk management of open investment positions through the exploitation of 'trend' or 'momentum' behaviour. The recent 'anti-carry' trends
have reduced our pair selection success rate from its historic average of approximately 60% to less than 20%. Such reductions have been seen
before and have historically been followed by strong periods of recovery to 60% or higher.
    Our risk management mechanism by contrast has worked entirely as envisaged throughout this period. This can be seen in the contrast
between the weighted average spot movement of six currency pairs typically selected in our Absolute Return products without risk management,
and the performance of our Absolute Return products, over the period from 30 June 2007 to 30 September 2008 (i.e. covering both the recent
periods of underperformance). The weighted average spot movement was -17.6% whereas the Currency Alpha Composite return was -7.3%.
    Recent investment performance is undoubtedly disappointing. Despite this, we take comfort from our continued confidence in the
principles underlying our Absolute Return products and from our proven ability to out-perform 'naive' exploitation of the forward rate bias.
We have no intention of making any fundamental changes to our investment process in response to these set-backs. We remain convinced, based
on our understanding of the currency markets and our thirty years of experience, that investment returns in the long-term will match our own
and our clients' expectation and indeed that the large adverse currency movements seen recently will allow our clients to start to benefit
from our investment process from more advantageous levels.
    Strategy, growth plans and outlook
    The disappointing investment performance brought about by the recent unprecedented turmoil has not caused us to re-assess our medium- to
long-term strategy. On the contrary, we are planning an initiative to encourage the recognition of the currency forward rate bias as a
manager-independent asset class (the 'asset class project'). We hope this will help establish currency forward rate bias as a standard
allocation in diversified portfolios, thereby enlarging the potential size of the currency asset management market. 
    In addition to the asset class project, we continue to pursue the other projects and developments set out in our annual report - namely
a rewrite of our dealing program, increased focus on the US pension, foundation and endowment sectors, and signing third-party marketing
agreements with selected intermediaries. In addition, we continue to explore new products in related areas, such as emerging market
currencies, although with an appropriate degree of caution in a period of pronounced market dislocation.
    We continue to believe in the tremendous opportunity for Record to lead, and to benefit from, the continued adoption of Absolute Return
currency investment management and Active Hedging in the global investment community.  Recent net client outflows have been modest, although
since much of the recent underperformance occurred in August and (to a lesser degree) September, and given the considered decision-making
processes of our overwhelmingly institutional client base, we would not be surprised to experience further Absolute Return outflows in the
coming months.
    We continue to enjoy good levels of new client enquiries, in particular for Active and Passive Hedging, and are continuing to win
mandates.  In part this reflects our maintenance of strong relationships with key investment consultants, who continue to support us and our
investment process and philosophy, despite the exceptionally difficult environment and poor recent investment performance.
    When investors choose to allocate new money to currency management, or to reduce risk from existing currency exposures, we continue to
believe that Record is exceptionally well-placed to win a significant proportion of this business.

    Neil Record
    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
    Interim Management Review
    In view of the recent challenging market conditions we are pleased to report that client numbers have continued to grow, although the
rate of growth has slowed.  At 30 September 2008 Record had 150 clients which compares with 141 clients at 31 March 2008.  The Group's core
distribution strategy is to continue to focus on its investment consultant relationships, supplemented by direct marketing by the in-house
client team.
    AuME Analysis
    As previously noted, the Group's assets under management equivalents ("AuME") at 30 September 2008 totalled $47.8bn (30 March 2008: $
55.7bn). There were four primary factors contributing to the $7.9bn decline in reported AuME during the six months to 30 September 2008.
 AuME Movement during Six months to 30 September 2008
                                                               $ bn
 AuME 31st March 2008                                          55.7
 Exchange Rate Impact on US$ AuME                              (5.3)
 Investment Performance on Pooled Funds                        (1.4)
 Global Stock & Other Mkt movements                            (0.2)
 Net Client Flows                                              (1.0)
 AuME 30 September 2008                                        47.8

    Exchange Rate Impact
    The foreign exchange impact of expressing non-US$ AuME in US$ was the most significant factor.  87% of the Group's AuME is non-US$
denominated and expressing this in US$ accounted for $5.3bn (67%) of the reduction in AuME reported for the period.  

    Investment Performance    
    Negative investment performance during the period contributed $1.4bn (18%) of the reduction in AuME since investment returns are
compounded on a geared basis into the AuME of the pooled funds managed by Record.  
    Stock and Other Market Performance
    Record's AuME is also affected by movements in stock and other market levels because substantially all the Passive and Active Hedging,
and some of the Absolute Return mandates are linked to stock and other market levels.  Negative market performance had a negative impact,
reducing AuME in the six months to 30 September 2008 by $0.2bn.
    Net Client Flow
    The fourth element of AuME movement was net client flows. During the six months to 30 September 2008 net client outflows were $1.0bn,
with gains in Pooled Absolute Return and Active Hedging being offset by reductions in Segregated Absolute Return and Passive Hedging. 

    The factors determining the movements in AuME also impact its composition. At 30 September 2008 Absolute Return AuME represented 50.4%
of total AuME which was equally split between segregated and pooled mandates. This is down from 52.1% at both 30 September 2007 and 31 March
2008. The corresponding gain was in Active Hedging which increased in absolute and relative terms to $5.9bn and 12.3% of total AuME at 30
September 2008.

                                Composition of AuME
                                As at 30 Sept 08  As at 30 Sept 07  As at 31Mar 08
                                 US$bn             US$bn             US$bn        
 Absolute Return - segregated    12.0      25.1%   15.9      29.1%   14.1    25.3%
 Absolute Return - pooled        12.1      25.3%   12.6      23.0%   14.9    26.8%
 Sub-total Absolute Return       24.1      50.4%   28.5      52.1%   29.0    52.1%
 Active Hedging                   5.9      12.3%    4.2       7.7%    5.0     9.0%
 Passive Hedging                 15.1      31.7%   18.6      34.0%   18.3    32.8%
 Cash                             2.7       5.6%    3.4       6.2%    3.4     6.1%
 Total AuME                      47.8     100.0%   54.7     100.0%   55.7   100.0%

    Revenue Analysis
    Management fee income for the six months to 30 September 2008 was �24.6m which was 19.9% higher than for the six months to 30 September
2007 (2007: �20.6m). All product groups generated higher management fees than during the six months to 30 September 2007 with Absolute
Return representing the largest absolute and relative growth rates. In the six months to 30 September 2008 Absolute Return generated 86.5%
of the management fee income from 50.4% of the AuME. Active Hedging generated 11.0% of the management fee income from 12.3% of the AuME.  

                                  Management fees by product
                                Six months ended  Six months ended  Change  Change       Year
                                       30-Sep-08         30-Sep-07                  31-Mar-08
                                              �m                �m      �m       %         �m
 Absolute Return - segregated               9.2               7.5     1.7      23%      15.9 
 Absolute Return - pooled                  12.1              10.3     1.8      17%      22.1 
 Sub-total Absolute Return                 21.3              17.8     3.5      20%      38.0 
 Active Hedging                             2.7               2.4     0.3      13%       4.8 
 Passive Hedging                            0.6               0.4     0.2      50%       1.2 
 Total Management Fee Income               24.6              20.6     4.0      20%      44.0 

    A significant factor in the increased management fee income reported for the six months to 30 September 2008, is that average management
fee rate achieved during the six months to September 2008 were marginally firmer than for the same six month period in 2007. The average for
Absolute Return management fee rates in part reflects the proportion of clients that elect to have a hybrid fee structures comprising
management and performance fees elements rather than pure management fee structures.  The average fee rates achieved for both segregated and
pooled Absolute Return mandates improved to 26.3 bps and 31.4bps respectively (25.1bps and 29.0 bps respectively for the six months to 30
September 2007).  The average Active Hedging management fee rate for 30 September 2008 of 20.6bps is lower than the average for the six
months 30 September 2007 (2007: 22.7bps) .

    Achieved average management fee rates by product 

                                Six months ended  Six months ended       Year
                                       30-Sep-08         30-Sep-07  31-Mar-08
                                             bps               bps        bps
 Absolute Return - segregated   26.3              25.1              25.3 
 Absolute Return - pooled       31.4              29.0              30.0 
 Sub-total Absolute Return      29.0              27.2              27.9 
 Active Hedging                 20.6              22.7              22.5 
 Passive Hedging                1.4               1.1               1.3 
 Average management fee rate    17.8              16.7              16.3 

    *bps = basis point = 1/100th of one percentage point.
    (Achieved average management fee rate = fees earned in period/average AuME during period).
    Performance fees earned during the six months to 30 September 2008 were just �0.7m compared with �22.0m during the same period to 30
September 2007. A fuller explanation of the market conditions and the implication for the investment performance of our Absolute Returns
product is given in the Chairman & CEO's statement. A further factor in explaining the difference in performance fees between the two
periods is that our performance fee structures are subject to a 'high water mark' clause that states that cumulative performance, typically
since inception of the mandate, must be above the previous high point on which performance fees were charged before performance fees are
charged again. 
    Operating Margins
    The operating profit for the six months to 30 September 2008 of �14.4m reflects the lack of performance fees in 2008 and compares with
the operating profit of �26.2m for the same period in 2007.  The reduction in performance fees of �21.3m compares with the reduction of
�11.8m in operating profit. Expenditure in the six months to 30 September 2008 fell �5.3m to �10.9m from �16.2m in the six months to 30
September 2007. The reduction was primarily in the Group Profit Bonus which is 30% of pre-bonus operating profit. The resulting operating
profit margin for the period to 30 September 2008 was 57.0% compared with 61.5% for the six months to 30 September 2007.  
    Operating Cash flow
    The Group generated �14.9m of net cash flow from operating activities during the six months ended 30 September 2008 (2007: �27.9m).
Taxation paid during the period was �6.3m compared with �2.6m for the six months to 30 September 2007.  On 28 July 2008 the Group paid a
final dividend of 2.160p per share in respect of the six month period ended 31 March 2008.  This equated to a distribution to shareholders
of �4.8m.  
    The Board's intention is to retain sufficient capital within the business to meet continuing obligations, sustain future growth and to
provide a buffer against adverse market conditions. It is the Group's stated policy that any accumulated capital surplus to its identified
capital requirement will be returned to shareholders in an appropriate manner. The Group has no debt to repay or service. Shareholders funds
were �24.0m at 30 September 2008 (2007: �29.3m).
    The Group will pay an interim dividend of 2.43p per share in respect of the six months ended 30 September 2008. The dividend is in
accordance with its stated progressive dividend policy and will be paid in December 2008.  The dividend payment will equate to a
distribution of �5.4m and will leave approximately �22m of cash on the balance sheet which is significantly higher than necessary to satisfy
the financial resources and liquidity requirements of the FSA and represents over two years of current overhead cover.



                                          Unaudited           Audited     Audited
                                   Six months ended  Six months ended  Year ended
                                          30-Sep-08         30-Sep-07   31-Mar-08
                             Note             �'000             �'000       �'000
 Management fees                            24,638            20,557      43,987 
 Performance fees                              664            22,030      22,160 
 Other income                                   (4)              (30)         82 
 Total revenue                  3           25,298            42,557      66,229 
 Cost of sales                                 (10)             (226)       (296)
 Gross profit                               25,288            42,331      65,933 
 Administrative expenses*                  (10,873)          (16,152)    (26,667)
 Operating profit                           14,415            26,179      39,266 
 Finance income                                562               430       1,134 
 Finance costs                                  (4)               (6)         (7)
 Profit before tax                          14,973            26,603      40,393 
 Taxation                                   (4,240)           (8,254)    (12,480)
 Profit after tax                           10,733            18,349      27,913 
 Basic earnings per share       6             4.86p             8.33p      12.65p
 Diluted earnings per share     6             4.85p             8.30p      12.62p
 Dividends paid (�'000)         7             4,778             4,151      24,151



                                         Unaudited    Audited    Audited
                                             As at     As at      As at 
                                         30-Sep-08  30-Sep-07  31-Mar-08
                                   Note      �'000      �'000      �'000
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                518        683        611 
 Deferred tax assets                           78          -         46 
                                              596        683        657 
 Current assets
 Trade and other receivables                9,705      9,344      8,917 
 Cash and cash equivalents                 26,824     34,173     22,545 
                                           36,529     43,517     31,462 
 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                  (7,979)    (6,624)    (7,191)
 Corporation tax liabilities               (5,075)    (8,256)    (6,356)
 Derivative financial liabilities             (69)       (18)       (23)
                                          (13,123)   (14,898)   (13,570)
 Net current assets                        23,406     28,619     17,892 
 Non-current liabilities
 Deferred tax liabilities                       -        (48)         - 
 Total net assets                          24,002     29,254     18,549 
 Issued share capital                 8        55         55         55 
 Share premium account                      1,809      1,809      1,809 
 Capital redemption reserve                    20         20         20 
 Retained earnings                         22,118     27,370     16,665 
 Total equity                              24,002     29,254     18,549 


    30 SEPTEMBER 2008

                               Share capital  Share premium    Capital redemption  Retained earnings    Total shareholder's
                                                                          reserve                                    equity
                                       �'000          �'000                 �'000               �'000                 �'000
 Balance at 1 April 2007                 55          1,636                    20              13,172                14,883 
 Profit for the period                     -              -                     -             18,349                18,349 
 Dividends paid                            -              -                     -             (4,151)               (4,151)
 Issue of shares                           -           173                      -                   -                  173 
 Balance at 30 September 2007            55          1,809                    20              27,370                29,254 
 Profit for the period                     -              -                     -              9,564                 9,564 
 Employee share options                    -              -                     -                  1                     1 
 Dividends paid                            -              -                     -            (20,000)              (20,000)
 Own shares held by EBT                    -              -                     -               (270)                 (270)
 Balance at 31 March 2008                55          1,809                    20              16,665                18,549 
 Profit for the period                     -              -                     -             10,733                10,733 
 Dividends paid                            -              -                     -             (4,778)               (4,778)
 Own shares held by EBT                    -              -                     -               (502)                 (502)
 Balance at 30 September 2008            55          1,809                    20              22,118                24,002 



                                        Unaudited           Audited     Audited
                                 Six months ended  Six months ended  Year ended
                                        30-Sep-08         30-Sep-07   31-Mar-08
                                            �'000             �'000       �'000
 Profit after tax                         10,733            18,349      27,913 
 Adjustments for:
 Corporation tax                           4,240             8,254      12,480 
 Finance income                             (562)             (430)     (1,134)
 Finance expense                               4                 6           7 
 Loss on disposal of property,                 -                 1           1 
 plant and equipment
 Depreciation of property,                   178               146         313 
 plant and equipment
 Share-based payments expense                  -                 -           1 
                                          14,593            26,326      39,581 
 Changes in working capital
 (Increase) in receivables                  (820)           (1,292)       (754)
 Increase in payables                      1,070             2,875       3,173 
 Increase/(decrease) in other                 46                18          23 
 financial liabilities
 Cash flows from operating                14,889            27,927      42,023 
 Interest paid                                (4)               (6)         (6)
 Income tax paid                          (6,337)           (2,595)     (8,815)
 Net cash inflow from operating            8,548            25,326      33,202 
 Cash flows from investing
 Purchase of property, plant                 (85)             (124)       (219)
 and equipment
 Interest received                           594               431       1,022 
 Net cash flows from investing               509               307         803 
 Cash outflow from financing
 Cash inflow from issue of                     -               173         173 
 Dividends paid to equity                 (4,778)           (4,151)    (24,151)
 Net cash outflow from                    (4,778)           (3,978)    (23,978)
 financing activities
 Net increase in cash and cash             4,279            21,655      10,027 
 Cash and cash equivalents at             22,545            12,518      12,518 
 beginning of period
 Cash and cash equivalents at             26,824            34,173      22,545 
 the period end


    Notes to the accounts
    For the year ended 30 September 2008

    1 Basis of preparation
    The information for the year ended 30 September 2008 does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the United
Kingdom Companies Act 1985. Comparative figures for 31 March 2008 are taken from the full accounts, which have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies and contain an unqualified audit report and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or Section 237(3) of the
Companies Act 1985. The condensed financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the
Financial Services Authority and IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' as adopted by the European Union. The condensed financial statements
should be read in conjunction with the Group's Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2008, which have been prepared in accordance with
IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2008 is available on the Group's website.

    2 Significant accounting policies
    The condensed financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention modified to include fair valuation of
derivative financial instruments. 
    The accounting policies presentation and methods of computation applied in the interim financial statements are consistent with those
applied in the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2008.

    3 Segmental analysis
    The Directors consider that its services comprise one business segment (being the provision of currency management services) and that it
operates in a market that is not bound by geographical constraints.

    For management purposes, the Group sub-divides the single business segment into two currency management products being 'Hedging' and
'Absolute Return' and reports its performance between two fee structures being 'management fees' and 'performance fees'. Revenue information
analysing the aforementioned products is presented below:

    (a) Product class
    The Group's main trading activities can be split between investment management and other Group activities including consultancy.

                                 Six months ended  Six months ended       Year
                                        30-Sep-08         30-Sep-07  31-Mar-08
                                           �'000             �'000      �'000 
 Currency management income
 Active hedging
 Management fees                            2,687             2,404      4,785
 Performance fees                              60                 7        142
 Passive hedging
 Management fees                              616               386      1,144
 Absolute Return segregated
 Management fees                            9,175             7,481     15,941
 Performance fees                               0             7,408      7,419
 Absolute Return pooled funds
 Management fees                           12,160            10,286     22,117
 Performance fees                             604            14,615     14,599
                                           25,302            42,587     66,147
 Other revenues                                -4               -30         82
                                           25,298            42,557     66,229

     (b) Geographical regions served
    The geographical analysis of turnover is based on the domicile of client. All turnover originated in the UK. All assets of the Group are
located in the UK.

    Other group activities form less than 1% of the total Group income. This is not considered significant and they are not analysed by
geographical region.

                             Six months ended  Six months ended       Year
                                    30-Sep-08         30-Sep-07  31-Mar-08
                                       �'000             �'000      �'000 
 Currency management income
 US and Canada                         2,447             2,870      5,102 
 UK                                   16,028            32,885     48,840 
 Other European                        4,584             5,422      8,995 
 ROW                                   2,243             1,410      3,210 
                                      25,302            42,587     66,147 
 Other activities                         (4)              (30)        82 
                                      25,298            42,557     66,229 


    4 Share-based payments
    The Group issues share awards to employees. Share options issued under the Flotation Bonus Scheme and the Group bonus scheme are
classified as share-based payments with cash alternatives under IFRS 2. The fair value of the debt component of the amounts payable to the
employee is calculated as the cash amount offered to the employee at grant date and the fair value of the equity component of the amounts
payable to the employee is calculated as the market value of the share options at grant date less the cash forfeited in order to receive the
share options. The debt component is charged to the income statement over the period in which the bonus is earned, the equity component is
charged to the income statement over the vesting period of the option.

    During the period, the Group issued nil cost options over a total of �400,000 worth of issued shares to two senior employees. The fair
value of these options will be charged to the income statement over the vesting period of the options.

    All other awards have been classified as equity-settled under IFRS 2. The fair value of the amounts payable to employees under these
awards is recognised as an expense with a corresponding increase in equity. 

    The fair value of options granted is measured at grant date using an appropriate valuation model, taking into account the terms and
conditions upon which the instruments were granted. 

    5 Own shares
    Own shares were held during the six months ended 30 September 2007 by an Employee Share Option Trust (ESOT) for the purpose of the Group
bonus scheme. The holding of the ESOT comprised own shares that had been allocated against a share award not vested. All share awards under
the ESOT were exercised in the period and consequently no shares were held at 30 September 2007 or in any later period under the ESOT. 

    The Record plc Employee Benefit Trust (EBT) was formed under a Trust Deed dated 19 December 2007 to hold shares acquired under share
awards made to employees. A total of 168,287 ordinary shares were acquired on 21 December 2007 under the Record plc Flotation Bonus Scheme
by the Trust, a further 96,797 shares were purchased under the Record plc Group Bonus Scheme and 383,531 shares were purchased in respect of
nil cost options awarded to two senior employees in the period. The EBT continues to hold all of these shares at 30 September 2008. The
holding of the EBT comprises own shares that have not vested unconditionally to employees of the Group. Own shares are recorded at cost and
are deducted from retained earnings. The EBT is consolidated in the Group Financial statements.

    Neither the purchase nor sale of own shares leads to a gain or loss being recognised in the Group income statement.

    6 Earnings per share
    Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit for the financial period attributable to equity holders of the parent by
the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

    Diluted earnings per share is calculated as for the basic earnings per share with a further adjustment to the weighted average number of
ordinary shares to reflect the effects of all potential dilution.

    There is no difference between the profit for the financial year attributable to equity holders of the parent used in the basic and
diluted earnings per share calculations.

                                 Six months ended      Six months            Year
                                                            ended           ended
                                        30-Sep-08       30-Sep-07       31-Mar-08
 Weighted average number of          221,069,397     220,263,600     220,739,001 
 shares used in calculation of
 basic earnings per share
 Effect of potential dilution -           89,212         809,600         499,040 
 share options
 Weighted average number of          221,158,609     221,073,200     221,238,041 
 shares used in calculation of
 diluted earnings per share
                                           pence           pence           pence 
 Basic earnings per share                   4.86            8.33           12.65 
 Diluted earnings per share                 4.85            8.30           12.62 

    The weighted average number of shares used in the calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share calculation reflects the number of
shares that would have been in issue if the share split described in note 8 had occurred on 1 April 2007. 

    7 Dividends
    The dividends paid by the Group during the six months ended 30 September 2008 totalled �4,778,190 (2.160p per share). The dividends paid
during the year ended 31 March 2008 were �24,150,890 (10.91p per share) this included a final dividend of �4,150,890 paid in respect of the
year ended 31 March 2007 and a special dividend of �20,000,000 paid on 9 November 2007 prior to the IPO.

    8 Called up share capital

                                                As at 30 September 2008    008
                                                      �*000             Number
 Ordinary shares of 0.025p each                         100        400,000,000
 Called up, allotted and fully paid                                           
 Ordinary shares of 0.025p each                          55        221,380,800
                                                       As at 30 September 2007
                                                      �*000             Number
 Ordinary shares of 10p each                            100          1,000,000
 Called up, allotted and fully paid                                           
 Ordinary shares of 10p each                             55            553,452
                                                      �*000             Number
 Called up, allotted and fully paid                                           
 *A* ordinary shares of 10p each                         40            402,967
 Ordinary shares of 10p each                             15            146,583
 As at 1 April 2007                                      55            549,550
 Exercise of share options                                                    
 *A* ordinary shares of 10p each issued                   *              3,902
 Conversion of *A* ordinary shares to ordinary                                
 Ordinary shares of 10p each                             15            150,485
 *A* ordinary shares of 10p each                       (15)          (150,485)
 Ordinary shares of 10p each as at 30                    55            553,452
 September 2007
 400 to 1 split of ordinary shares                                            
 Ordinary shares of 0.025p each                          55        221,380,800
 Adjustment for own shares held by EBT                    *          (168,287)
 As at 31 March 2008                                     55        221,212,513
 Adjustment for additional own shares held by             *          (480,328)
 As at 30 September 2008                                 55        220,732,185

    The two classes of share authorised as at 1 April 2007 ranked pari passu in all respects save that the 'A' ordinary shares were subject
to a mandatory transfer upon the termination of the shareholder's employment. 
    On 23 August 2007, a resolution was passed with the effect that all issued and unissued 'A' ordinary shares were converted to ordinary
shares. On 15 November 2007, a resolution was passed with the effect that on admission to the London Stock Exchange's main market for listed
securities, all issued and unissued ordinary shares of 10p were each split into 400 ordinary shares of 0.025p.

    9 Related parties' transactions
    The Group considers parties to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party or exercise significant influence over
the other party in making financial or operational decisions. 

    The compensation for the key management personnel who are considered to be related parties is as follows:

                               Six months ended  Six months ended       Year
                                      30-Sep-08         30-Sep-07  31-Mar-08
                                          �'000             �'000      �'000
 Short-term employee benefits            5,457             9,844     15,315 
 Post-employment benefits                  160               142        289 
 Share based benefits                       -                 -           1 
                                         5,617             9,986     15,605 

    There has been no material change in the nature of related party transactions in the six months ended 30 September 2008.

    10 Post balance sheet events
    There are no post balance sheet events for the period ended 30 September 2008.

      Information for shareholders

    Record plc
    Registered in England and Wales
    Company No. 1927640

    Registered office
    Morgan House
    Madeira Walk
    SL4 1EP
United Kingdom
    Tel: +44 (0)1753 852 222 
    Fax: +44 (0)1753 852 224

    Principal UK trading subsidiaries
    Record Currency Management Limited
    Registered in England and Wales
    Company No. 1710736

    Record Group Services Limited
    Registered in England and Wales
    Company No. 1927639

    Further information on Record plc can be found on the Group's website: www.recordcm.com

    Capita Registrars Limited
    Northern House
Woodsome Park
Fenay Bridge
West Yorkshire
    HD8 0GA

    Further information about the Registrar is available on their website www.capitaregistrars.com

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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