RNS No 7257a
29th April 1998

                    Medisys PLC ("Medisys" or the "Group")
            Agreement Reached to Acquire Lukens Medical Corporation
      Appointments of Dr. Donald E. Panoz and Mr. David Wong as Directors
                     Subscription for shares by Dr. Panoz
        Proposed Strategy for Effecting the Demerger of Biocure Limited

        Unaudited Interim Results for six months ended 31 December 1997

The  Board  of  Medisys,  the  Point-of-Care  ("POC")  medical  device  group,

*  Medisys has reached agreement to acquire, subject to certain conditions,
 Lukens  Medical  Corporation ("Lukens"), a US manufacturer  and  marketer  of
 healthcare and surgical products, for a consideration of approximately       
 US$12.4 million (approximately #7.4 million);

*  The  appointment to the Board of Dr. Donald E. Panoz,  founder  of  Elan
 Corporation  plc,  the  US$6.5  billion market capitalisation  pharmaceutical
 group, and Mr. David Wong;

* The  intention  of  Dr.  Panoz  to  subscribe  #600,000  (approximately
 US$1,000,000) for 2 million new ordinary shares in Medisys at a price  of  30
 pence per share and the issue of warrants to Dr. Panoz;

* The  intention to effect a demerger of Biocure Limited ("Biocure"),  the
 Group's pharmaceutical research subsidiary;

* Interim Pre-Tax losses of #977,000 for the 6 months to December 1997  (6
 months  to  December 1996:  #21,000 loss) and the continuing  development  of
 Hypoguard's  strategy  towards the development of  POC  and  Over-the-Counter
 ("OTC") diagnostic products.

Enquiries to:

Brian Timmons, Finance Director, Medisys PLC
Tel: 0171 283 2500

Conditional acquisition of Lukens

The  Board  of  Medisys  announces that it has reached  agreement  to  acquire
Lukens, a NASDAQ quoted company engaged in the manufacture and distribution of
a  range  of surgical and sharps disposal products complementary to  both  the
Needle  Incinerator  Company  ("NIC")  and  Hypoguard  product  ranges.   This
agreement  is  subject  to,  inter alia, the completion  of  satisfactory  due
diligence of Lukens by Medisys and the raising of funds by Medisys.

The consideration for the acquisition is approximately US$12.4m in cash, equal
to US$4 per Lukens share, and the assumption by Medisys of approximately US$7m
in borrowings.

Rationale for the acquisition of Lukens

Medisys  is keen to develop its activities in the US and to provide  NIC,  and
other  Group  operations,  with  substantial  strategic  impetus  in  the   US
healthcare market. Accordingly, the Board of Medisys has determined that it is
appropriate to acquire additional operational infrastructure in the US at this

The  Board  of  Medisys  believes that Lukens is well  positioned  to  provide
Medisys   with   the   effective  corporate,  manufacturing,   marketing   and
distribution  infrastructure  in  the  US  which  will  provide  new  business
opportunities  to Medisys and also reduce the cost to Medisys of  establishing
its  own  infrastructure  to  progress the Group's strategic  and  operational
development in the US market.

Information on Lukens

Lukens is a US incorporated NASDAQ quoted company which has been engaged since
1906  in  the design, development, manufacture and marketing of wound  closure
products  for  use in the medical industry, including suture  products.   More
recently,  through   acquisitions, Lukens has engaged in the  manufacture  and
marketing  of a line of sharps disposal containers, and also lancets  used  in
diabetes testing.

For  the  year ended 31 December 1997 Lukens announced sales of US$8.6 million
(1996: US$8.2 million), and operating profits of US$0.7 million (prior  to  an
exceptional  write-off  in  1997, relating to obsolete  inventory,  of  US$4.1
million) (1996 operating profit: US$0.9 million prior to an exceptional write-
off of US$0.3m).

Lukens  sells  its  products  both within the US  and,  on  a  limited  basis,
internationally,  through  independent  distributors  who  have  entered  into
exclusive  or  non-exclusive  agreements with  Lukens.   Lukens'  US  domestic
marketing  strategy focuses on the general and specialised  products  used  by
doctors  and  practitioners primarily outside of a hospital, i.e. in  doctors'
offices,  dentists'  offices, veterinary practices,  outpatient  clinics,  and
plastic  surgery  and ophthalmic centres.   Towards the end  of  1997,  Lukens
refocused its marketing strategy, limiting its product offering to high margin
markets  and  regions.  This gave rise to a substantial reduction  in  product
lines  carried and generated the majority of the inventory write-off  referred
to above.

Lukens employs in excess of 100 people.

Funding of the Lukens Acquisition

Medisys  is presently engaged in discussions with advisers in the  US  and  UK
with  the  aim  of raising the funds required to complete the  acquisition  of
Lukens and to provide working capital resources for the further development of
the enlarged Group.

Board Changes

The Board of Medisys is very pleased to announce the following appointments to
the Board:

Dr. Donald E. Panoz (63)

Donald  E. Panoz, who joins the Board as a non-executive Director, is  founder
and a principal shareholder of Elan Corporation plc.

Elan  is  a  leading  drug delivery and  pharmaceutical  development  company,
listed  in London, Dublin and on the New York Stock Exchange.  Elan's  current
market capitalisation is approximately $6.5 billion.

Dr. Panoz served as Chairman of the Board of Elan from 1970 until January 1997
and  as  a director until April 1998. Until January 1995, he held the position
of  Chief Executive Officer of Elan. Prior to Elan, he was a founder of  Mylan
Laboratories and served as its President from 1960 to 1969.

Dr.  Panoz will bring to Medisys his extensive experience of the US healthcare
market and of the management of high-growth healthcare companies.

On  joining  the  Board  of  Medisys, Dr. Panoz has  undertaken  to  subscribe
#600,000 (approximately US$1,000,000) for 2 million new shares in Medisys at a
price  of  30 pence per share, representing approximately 1.2% of the enlarged
issued  share  capital  of the Group.   2 million warrants  to  subscribe  for
Medisys ordinary shares will also be issued to Dr. Panoz.   The warrants  have
an exercise price of 30 pence and a six year maturity.

In addition, two business associates of Dr. Panoz have undertaken to subscribe
between  them  #120,000 (approximately US$200,000) for 400,000 new  shares  in
Medisys  on  the same terms as Dr. Panoz.   400,000 warrants to subscribe  for
Medisys  ordinary  shares  will also be issued to  these  associates.    These
warrants have an exercise price of 30 pence and a six year maturity.

Mr. David Wong (43)

David Wong joins the Board in the capacity of Executive Director.  Mr. Wong is
the  founder  of  MCM, an overseas investment holding company specialising  in
medical and bioscience technology. MCM currently holds approximately 19.7%  of
the issued share capital of Medisys, and is its largest shareholder.

These  appointments  are  intended to provide  a  major  impetus  to  Medisys'
strategic  development  in  the US, the largest and  most  dynamic  healthcare
market  in  the  world,  which  the Board anticipates  will  provide  a  major
opportunity for Medisys in the future.

As  a  result of these appointments, Dr. James Chan has agreed to resign  from
the Board of Medisys.

           Interim Results for the Six Months ended 31 December 1997

The  Group reports a pre-tax loss for the six months under review of  #977,000
on  turnover  of  #2,008,000  compared to a loss of  #21,000  on  turnover  of
#2,185,000 for the corresponding six months of the previous year.

The  period  under review has been one of substantial change and  development.
During  the period, the acquisition of NIC was completed and the Group outcome
includes the results of NIC since 28 July 1997.


The  major milestones for the NIC business since its acquisition by the  Group
have  been  the  grant  of  FDA approval for the clinical  use  of  the  NIC's
proprietary  needle incineration system in the US market, and the  appointment
of distributors in Asia, previously announced on 31 March, 1998.

NIC  has also commenced development of a distributor network in the US market.
The  consequences of needlestick injury are increasingly being recognised, and
your  Board  believes that over time this will support the build-up  of  NIC's

The  Board  anticipates that the proposed acquisition of  Lukens  will  assist
considerably in the operational development of NIC in the US.


In  the  diabetes  market,  Hypoguard is encountering  increased  competition.
Results  have  also been adversely affected by new products being  rolled  out
later  than  previously anticipated in order to ensure the latest  performance
standard. The results announced reflect these factors.

Following  the NIC transaction undertaken last year, a wide-ranging review  of
the   business   prospects,  competitive  position  and  market  opportunities
available  to  Hypoguard was undertaken. Hypoguard has been engaged  for  many
years in the provision of glucose monitoring diagnostic systems to a range  of
international  medical  product suppliers, in  competition  with  large  scale
multinational  medical  supply  companies.   Following  this  review  it   was
determined  that  Hypoguard was in possession of a technology  platform  which
provided the company with significant competitive advantage in the design  and
development of diagnostic POC and OTC technology.

Medisys has therefore approved  a strategic development programme by Hypoguard
which targets the design, development and launch of new diagnostic POC and OTC
products  for  immediate  on-site diagnosis of a  variety  of  conditions  and

Towards  that  end,  Hypoguard  has  acquired,  through  licensing  and  other
arrangements, exclusive enabling technologies which will significantly enhance
its  diagnostics  technology.   Hypoguard  is  also  engaged  in  early  stage
collaborations  with other companies in the development of specific  condition
proprietary  diagnostic tests which should enable Hypoguard to participate  in
markets with significant revenue potential.

This  strategy  represents a further development of  the  focus  of  Hypoguard
towards  new  markets  which  are not dominated by  large  scale  competitors.
Hypoguard  will  also  continue  to develop its  market  position  in  glucose
monitoring  on a basis which will see a larger proportion of investment  being
directed towards new opportunities which offer greater commercial potential.


Biocure was set up to ensure the development and commercial exploitation of an
original  mixture  which  indicated the combination of  effective  anti-cancer
capabilities with apparent non-toxicity.   The crude mixture has  now  yielded
two  separate molecules, both of which are now in reliable production and each
on  its own appears to have effective anti-cancer properties and non-toxicity.
Work  on  these  molecules is now sufficiently far advanced that  patents  are
being filed and formal pharmacological testing can now be undertaken.  A  full
program  of  pre-clinical toxicity tests are to begin shortly on one  compound
and it is hoped that clinical trials can begin as soon as possible thereafter.

As set out in the Chairman's Statement in the 1997 Annual Report and Accounts,
the Board stated that if significant potential is proven or indicated to exist
as  a  result  of  the  research being undertaken into these  materials,  then
arrangements and structures would be put in place to provide shareholders with
access  to  Biocure's value and potential without disrupting the Group's  core
strategy of the marketing of medical devices.  Given this progress, the  Board
believes  that  the activities of Biocure should be pursued  independently  of
Medisys  in  the  future  and  the  Group's professional  advisers  have  been
instructed to achieve this in the optimal manner.

Interim Results                                                              
                                        Unaudited     Unaudited              
                                         6 months      6 months              
                                            ended         ended    Year ended
                                      31 Dec 1997   31 Dec 1996  30 June 1997
                                            #'000         #'000         #'000
Turnover                                    2,008         2,185         4,096
Cost of Sales                              (1,399)       (1,268)       (5,350)
                                        ---------     ---------     ---------
Gross Profit                                  609           917        (1,254)
Other Operating Income                        260           231           504
Research & Development net                                                    
 expenditure                                 (237)         (129)         (154)
Distribution costs                            (24)          (18)          (35)
Administrative expenses                    (1,598)         (948)       (1,604)
                                        ---------     ---------      --------
Operating profit (loss)                      (990)           53        (2,543)
Interest (net)                                 13           (74)         (147)
                                        ---------     ---------      --------
Loss on ordinary activities before                                           
 taxation                                    (977)          (21)       (2,690)
Taxation                                        -             -           108 
                                        ---------      --------      --------
Loss on ordinary activities after                                     
 taxation                                   (977)          (21)       (2,582) 
                                            =====         =====         =====
Loss per ordinary share (p)                (0.63)        (0.06)        (6.12)
                                            =====         =====         =====

Balance Sheet
                                                   ------------- -------------
                                                     31 Dec 1997  30 June 1997
                                                           #'000         #'000
                                                   ------------- -------------
Fixed Assets                                                                  
Intangible assets                                            679           608
Tangible assets                                            1,166         1,155
Investments                                                  487             -
                                                      ----------    ----------
                                                           2,332         1,763
                                                      ----------    ----------
Current Assets                                                                
Stocks                                                       410           522
Debtors                                                    1,343           944
Cash at bank and in hand                                   2,578         2,730
                                                       ---------     ---------

                                                           4,331         4,196
                                                        --------     ---------
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year           (3,858)       (3,506)
                                                       ---------     ---------
Net current assets(liabilities)                             473           690
Total assets less liabilities                             2,805         2,453
Creditors: amounts falling after more than one                                
 year                                                      (332)         (365)
                                                      ----------     ---------
Net assets                                                2,473         2,088
                                                          ======         =====
Capital & Reserves                                                            
Share Capital                                             1,673           667
Share Premium                                             1,556         2,208
Other Reserves                                            1,143           136
Special reserve                                           3,112         3,112
Profit & Loss Account                                    (5,011)       (4,035)
                                                      ----------    ----------
                                                           2,473         2,088
                                                          ======        ======


1.   The interim  accounts  for the period to 31 December,  1997  reflect  the
     inclusion of the results of Needle Incinerator Company Ltd. from the date
     of acquisition, 28 July, 1997.

2.   A loss  of #243,000 is included in the December 1997 interim accounts  in
     respect of Biocure Limited. As stated above, the Board of Medisys        
     believes that the activities of Biocure should be pursued independently  
     of Medisys in the future.

3    The figures  for  the year ended 30 June 1997 are an abridged version  of
     the Group's full accounts for that year which received an unqualified
     auditors' report and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.    
     The interim report above does not constitute full accounts with the      
     meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

4    The loss for the period has been added to the accumulated deficit brought
     forward and, as in 1997, no dividend will be paid at this time.

5    The interim  report  for the six months ended 31 December 1997  has  been
     prepared by the Company and was approved by the Directors on 29 April    

6    A copy  of  this announcement will be sent to all Shareholders.   Further
     copies are available to members of the public from the Company's         
     registered office, Bruce & Partners, 21 Bridge Street, Ellon, Aberdeen   
     AB41 9AA.



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