RNS No 0571q
15th December 1998
                         FREEPAGES GROUP PLC
                   ("Freepages" or the "Company")
   Unaudited Preliminary results for the 12 month period ended 30
                           September 1998
Freepages,  the  UK  interactive branded services company  operating
under  the  Scoot  trading  name,  announces  unaudited  preliminary
results for the year ended 30 September 1998. On 25 August 1998, the
Company announced its move to the Official List of the London  Stock

* Revenues  for  the 12 months to 30 September 1998  were  #18.6
  million, up 21 per cent. compared to last year.

* Net loss per share amounted to 5.4 pence for the year compared
  to last year 3.4 pence loss.

* Telephonic usage grew by 132 per cent. and Internet usage by 456
  per cent. compared to last year.

* The underlying business is beginning to take advantage of  the
  leverage  capabilities within the branded Scoot  Network  and  the
  greater visibility of its internet presence.

* In November 1998 the Company started to test its first mid-call
  transfer product with a small group of corporate clients and 
  initial results are encouraging.

* In  December  1998  the  Company  announced  a  new  proposed
  partnership  arrangement  with VNU for Scoot  Netherlands  and  an
  internet partnership with CompuServe.

* The Company will be seeking in due course the approval of  its
  shareholders to change the Companys name from Freepages Group plc 
  to Scoot,  reflecting the uniform international brand it is  
  building within its trading subsidiaries.

Commenting on todays results, Robert Bonnier CEO said:

"1998  was  in  many ways a transition period for the  Company.   We
rebranded our business to Scoot, which proved to be one of our  most
important  decisions to date.  In addition, the Company is proposing
to  re-align its Scoot (NL) venture with VNU providing an  important
benchmark  valuation.   In order to improve  the  economics  of  the
classified  directory product and capitalise in the medium  term  on
the advantages of rolling contracts, Scoot (UK) further consolidated
its  classified  sales force.   We are building up  a  complementary
range  of businesses, which we believe should take advantage of  our
existing  Scoot  network  and  extend the  classified  service  with
substantially  lower  development  costs  for  the   Company.    Our
management team remains focused on achieving this and continuing  to
build   Scoot  into  a  household  name  whilst  seeking  to  ensure
operational  costs  comprise an appropriate proportion  of  revenues

For further information contact:

Freepages Group plc

Robert Bonnier, CEO
Ronald Dorjee, CFO                       0171 368 3900
Miranda Cleverdon, MD Corporate Communications

Buchanan Communications Limited          0171 466 5000
Richard Oldworth
Richard Darby

                       Review of Scoot (UK) Operations

To  reflect  the  changing nature of the business  moving  forward,  the
Company has established the following key performance indicators:

                 Q4     Q1      Q2       Q3      Q4      4Qtr  Growth
               1997   1998    1998     1998    1998    Growth 4Qtr-on
                                                    Year- on-    3Qtr
                                                         Year    1998
Revenue  #m    4.1    3.8     4.1      4.5     4.6       12%      2%
Subscribers *       13,400  20,200   26,300  30,400         -     15%
Churn (%)         -      -     36%      21%     17%         -     23%
EBITDA  #m    (3.7)  (5.7)   (4.2)    (3.6)   (3.4)       8%      6%
Telephonic      2.6    3.4     4.2      4.8     5.0       92%      4%
usage (m)
Revenue  #m    0.0    0.0     0.1      0.2     0.4        -     100%
Subscribers *     -    900   1,300    2,200   3,400        -      55%
Churn             -      -       -        -       -        -       -
EBITDA  #m **   (0)  (0.1)   (0.1)    (0.0)    0.1        -       -
Internet  usage 3.4    6.7    12.3     16.5    19.0      456%     15%
Mid-call          -      -       -        -       -        -       -
Memberships       -      -       -        -      50        -       -
Telecoms          -      -       -        -       -        -       -
EBITDA            -      -       -        -       -        -       -
Licensing         -      -       -      200      80        -       -
Set-up            -    750       -        -       -        -       -
Other           350      -       -        -       -                 

*    Net paying subscribers at the end of the period are rounded down 
     to nearest 100
**   Internet costs include only production and network related 
     costs, and does not include other SG&A costs.


In  August  the Company introduced new contracts for its  classified
business  - for an initial fixed period and thereafter on a  rolling
basis  -  rather than the previous fixed twelve-month  arrangements.
It  is expected that this change will substantially reduce the costs
of servicing Scoot classified advertisers thereby increasing margins
on each contract. The intention is that the Classified business will
increasingly take on the characteristics of an annuity-type business
where  high  initial  sales  costs are  offset  by  ongoing  renewal
revenues generated at much lower cost.  Following the initial  fixed
period  either party can terminate the rolling contract at  28  days

In  order to continue to improve the effectiveness of the classified
sales  force and capitalise in the medium term on the advantages  of
rolling contracts the Company further consolidated the size  of  its
salesforce.   The  sales force is now structured  into  five  profit
centres:    Glasgow   (field/tele),   Leeds   (field),    Manchester
(field/tele), Basingstoke (field) and Harrow (field/tele).   At  the
end  of  the period 200 sales executives were employed.  The Company
continues  to  evaluate the  size of the sales  force  depending  on
availability   of  new  business  opportunity,  quality   of   sales
management,  churn rates, introduction of new products and  economic
circumstances.  Corporate Sales remains primarily focused on selling
the  directory and mid-call transfer products and are  now  included
within the Classified analysis above.

Telephonic  usage increased by 4 per cent. in the seasonally  weaker
4th  quarter  compared to the 3rd quarter.  In the 4th quarter  0800
usage represented 73 per cent of calls and mobile usage 27 per cent.
During  the  year telephonic usage increased by 132 per  cent  as  a
result of improved brand awareness, additional service features  and
repeat usage.


Scoots  service  application, which  to  date  has  been  primarily
telephone  based,  is  expected to  benefit  increasingly  from  the
convergence  of  technology  and the  consequential  opening  up  of
additional  interactive  channels with higher  user  and  subscriber
functionality,  better  brand  visibility  and  significantly  lower
operating  costs.   The Company intends to continue to  expand  this
area   of   operation  aggressively  through  product  and   service
enhancements,  dedicated  marketing and new partnership  agreements.
This  approach  has so far resulted in an increase in  revenue  from
Internet  sales (homepages, banners, hot links and more recently  E-
Commerce) at substantially lower operating cost and churn rates.

Internet  usage  continued  to increase rapidly  in  the  seasonally
weaker  4th quarter compared to the 3rd quarter.  In the 4th quarter
growth  amounted to 15 per cent compared to the 3rd quarter.  During
the  year  Internet usage increased by 456 per cent. as a result  of
improved  brand  awareness, additional service features  and  repeat


The Company believes it is in a strong position to offer a range  of
transaction facilities through its telephonic and Internet business.
This  is  expected to make the service offered more accountable  and
therefore  is  expected to achieve a higher transaction  margin  for
Scoot.  From a user perspective, Scoot is expected to provide a back
to  back purchasing solution with its corporate and later classified
advertisers.  The Company is currently in negotiations with a number
of telecom companies to provide a back office and clearing mechanism
to  enable  it to enter into direct transactions with its classified
advertisers.   Over time the Company anticipates receiving  listing,
transfer,  conversion  and retention fees allowing  the  Company  to
focus increasingly on segmentation and generation of targeted usage.

To  create  a stronger relationship with its users, the  Company  is
developing a range of Scoot-branded membership products, which  will
further  differentiate its service and extend its relationship  with
its  corporate and classified advertisers.  The first initiative  is
anticipated  to be regionally test marketed in the 2nd quarter  1999
and rolled out nationally by the end of  1999.

Through  the  0800  and  mobile telephone  application  the  Company
intends to generate additional revenues by connecting a call through
to  an advertiser who has agreed and installed a Scoot branded  0800
number at their premises.  If the Company successfully concludes its
negotiations  with the telecom and/or facility management  companies
mentioned above, it anticipates it will also receive a percentage of
the billable minutes generated through the 0800 number.


For  example,  following the completion of the proposed  transaction
with  VNU,  described below, the Company under a licensing agreement
will  receive a percentage of accounting revenue of Scoot  (NL)  for
providing the venture with the Scoot brand, technology, new  product
development and ongoing support and training.  In the event that new
geographical  ventures are established with a  partner  the  Company
expects to charge a set up fee to adopt its Scoot business model and
technology for local requirements and to co-ordinate the initial set
up of the business venture.

Scoot Netherlands

Under the terms of the VNU Agreement, announced on 9 December (which
is   currently  subject  to  contract  and  independent  shareholder
approval), Freepages will retain a 25 per cent. equity interest  and
VNU  will  hold a 75 per cent. equity interest in Scoot (NL).  Under
the agreement, Freepages will receive an initial upfront payment  of
NLG  10  m  (approximately # 3.3m) and during the next  three  years
further payments of up to NLG 14 m (approximately #4.6m) subject  to
certain performance criteria being achieved by Scoot (NL).

The  Directors believe that this provides Freepages with an  optimal
solution  to  capitalise on VNUs market position in the Netherlands
and  to  harvest  the potential synergy with VNU  WD  following  the
completion  of  the  set up phase of the Scoot  venture.   Freepages
remains fully committed to the exciting development of Scoot (NL) by
retaining  a substantial equity interest and through the receipt  of
deferred payments and licensing fees.

Scoot Belgium

Scoot (B) continued to develop successfully and weekly revenues  are
higher compared to Scoot (NL).  Trends in revenue and usage rates as
well as brand recognition continue to develop positively.

Strategic Plan

Freepages  aims  to  build  a uniformly branded  pan-European  Scoot
network  of  interactive services early in the new millennium.   Its
business model is based on building and linking proprietary consumer
behaviour  and value added business database applications  that  are
adopted for local, national and international use.

These channels already include the Internet and are expected to move
into  digital TV and in the next few years to intranets,   extranets
and   UMTS  (Universal  Mobile  Telecommunication  System).    These
channels will account for a significant proportion of Scoots  usage
by the end of 1999.

Freepages  is  building a complementary range of  businesses,  which
should   capitalise  upon  its  existing  network  and  extend   its
classified  service with substantially lower development  costs  for
the  Company.  These complementary services already include consumer
information   and  membership  and  are  expected   to   move   into
transactions and vertical market products.

The   Company  intends  to  adopt  three  basic  approaches  towards
international expansion:

i)  Intellectual capital minority interest: In return for an  equity
participation  and an ongoing licensing fee Freepages  will  provide
the  intellectual  capital of Scoot, its business model,  technology
and   brand  (controlled  in  accordance  with  the  Scoot  Business
Guidelines)  and  local partners will provide the primary  financial

ii) Majority interest: In countries where Freepages sees a strategic
advantage in owning the majority of the local Scoot, it will provide
the  primary  source of financial investment for  the  business.   A
minority partner (including financial partners) may be introduced if

iii) Franchise: Freepages can franchise the Scoot business format to
a  local partner - the franchisee will manage and operate the  local
Scoot  in  accordance with the Scoot Business Guidelines.  Freepages
will  assist  with  the  set-up  of  the  infrastructure  and  offer
continuous  uniform  support  and  international  development.   The
franchisee  will  pay  a  set-up fee  and  ongoing  franchisee  fees
calculated  as  a  percentage  of  revenue.   This  approach   would
initially be aimed at countries outside Europe.

                              Financial Results

Total  revenue  for the three month period ended 30  September  1998
grew to #5.1 million compared to #4.9 million for the prior quarter,
representing an increase of 4 per cent.  In comparison to  the  1997
4th quarter, revenues increased by 13 per cent.

The  quarterly classified churn figure was 17 per cent.  during  the
4th quarter compared to 21 per cent. in the previous quarter.   This
figure is calculated by taking the number of net subscribers at  the
beginning of the quarter compared to all subscribers that cancel  or
do not renew the service during the period.

The Scoot business is characterised by certain seasonal factors like
holiday periods and advertiser commitments (which tend to be  higher
in  the  first half of the year).  The Company is subject to certain
discretionary  expenditures such as marketing, product  development,
capital  expenditures and the costs associated with the introduction
of  additional  partnerships. The overall  trends  in  revenues  and
cashflow  continue to develop positively but remain subject  to  the
aforementioned  factors,  which will result  in  net  cash  outflows
during certain periods of the year.

The  operating  loss (including international costs), excluding  the
Groups  share  of  the  joint ventures  and  associated  companies
operating loss, amounted to #3.9 million for the period with a  loss
per  share of 0.7p. The Scoot (UK) operating cost included a  number
of  incidental items comprising mainly redundancy costs amounting to
a  total  of  #0.4m. Net cash outflow from operating activities  and
investments amounted to #27.2 million for the 12 months  ended  that
date.   At  the  end  of the period the net cash  balance  was  #6.8
million and net assets totalled #13.8 million.

                          Key Financial Statistics

   #m        Q4      Q1      Q2       Q3       Q4     4Qtr   Growth
            1997    1998    1998     1998     1998   Growth  4Qtr-on
                                                   Year-on-     3Qtr
                                                       Year     1998
Revenue      4.5     4.5     4.1       4.9      5.1      13%      4%
SG& A*       6.9     6.7     6.8      6.8       7.0       1%      3%
Marketing    0.9     2.8     1.5      1.4       1.3      44%     (7%)
EBIT UK     (3.3)   (5.0)   (4.3)    (3.2)     (3.2)      3%       -
(UK EBIT-    (73%)  (111%)  (105%)    (65%)     (61%)                 
ratio) **
International 0.4    0.7     1.3      1.0       0.7     75%     (30%)
Scoot (NL)   (1.2)   (0.7)   (1.0)    (0.6)     (0.9)   (25%)     50%
Scoot (B)       -    (0.4)   (0.3)    (0.9)     (1.5)     -       67%
TDS Group    (0.2)   (0.2)   (0.6)    (0.3)     (0.5)   150%      67%
RequesT         -    (0.1)   (0.1)    (0.1)     (0.1)      -        -
Net cash     34.6    24.4    17.4     12.6       6.8    (80%)    (46%)

*SG&A  includes  cost of sales and excludes marketing and  
 international costs.   Marketing  and international costs are 
 represented  separately above.

**UK  EBIT  (excluding international costs) divided by total  
 accounting revenue generated during the period.

Unaudited  Consolidated  Income Statement 
for  the  12  Months  to  30th September 1998
                    3         3       3        12      12         12
               months    months  months    months  months     months
                ended     ended   ended     ended   ended      ended    
               30 Sep    30 Sep  30 Sep    30 Sep  30 Sep     30 Sep
                 1998      1998    1997      1998    1998       1997   
             (Note 1)                     (Note 1)                  
               $'000      #000   #'000     $'000   #'000      #'000          

Sales Group &    
Share of Joint
Ventures      10,387      6,112   4,810    36,245   21,327    15,643   

Less Share of    
Joint Ventures   
Sales         (1,686)      (992)   (263)   (4,652)  (2,737)     (284)

Sales          8,701      5,120   4,547    31,593   18,590    15,359
Operating costs                                                         
Cost of Sales   (114)       (67)   (305)   (2,185)  (1,286)     (804)
Selling, General                                                        
and Administrative       
- ongoing    (15,148)    (8,914) (7,907)  (62,302) (36,661)  (26,081) 
- exceptional      -          -  (2,250)        -        -    (2,250)

Loss          (6,561)    (3,861) (5,915)  (32,894) (19,357)  (13,776)
Share  of Losses 
of Joint                                    
Ventures      (4,132)    (2,431) (1,159)  (11,062)  (6,509)   (1,675)
Companies     (1,061)      (625)   (219)   (3,467)  (2,040)     (904)
Loss on disposal     
of fixed assets   (8)        (5)      -        (8)      (5)        -

Net Interest        
Income           400        235     612     2,287    1,345     1,385
Loss before     
taxes on 
income       (11,362)    (6,687) (6,681)  (45,144) (26,566)  (14,970)       
Taxes on income    -          -       -         -        -         -
Net Loss     (11,362)    (6,687) (6,681)  (45,144) (26,566)  (14,970)
Finance cost of       
shares             -          -       -         -        -         -

Retained loss   
for the period       
attributable to                                                        
shareholders (11,362)    (6,687) (6,681)  (45,144) (26,566)  (14,970)
Loss per 
share       ($0.0230)  (#0.0135)(#0.0136)($0.0917)(#0.0540) (#0.0338)
Weighted average   
no of shares                           
(millions)     492.3      492.3    492.2    492.2    492.2     443.1

             Consolidated Balance Sheets at 30th September 1998
                                   30 Sep       30 Sep       30 Sep
                                     1998         1998         1997
                                Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                 (Note 1)                         
                                    $000        #000        #000
Current Assets                                                   
 Cash at bank and in hand          11,509        6,772       34,595
 Accounts receivable                1,755        1,033        2,376
 Prepaid expenses                   1,215          715          753
 Other current assets               5,404        3,180        1,075
Total Current Assets               19,883       11,700       38,799
Fixed Assets                                                     
 Property, plant and equipment      5,454        3,209        2,507
 Intangible assets                  1,329          782          828
Share of Net Assets of Joint                                     
 Gross Assets                       4,865        2,863        1,067
 Gross Liabilities                 (6,341)      (3,731)      (1,385)
 Investment in associated          
 companies                         (1,689)        (994)         295
 Total Investment                  (3,165)      (1,862)         (23)
Total Assets                       23,501       13,829       42,111
Liabilities and shareholders                                    
Current Liabilities                                              
 Accounts payable and accrued       
 expenses                           8,115        4,776        6,102
 Deferred income                    3,754        2,209        1,659
 Other taxation including           
 social security                    1,960        1,153        1,665
Total current liabilities          13,829        8,138        9,426
Other long term liabilities           940          553          748
Total Liabilities                  14,769        8,691       10,174
Shareholders equity                                             
 Deferred Shares                      340          200          200
 Ordinary shares fully paid                                      
 par value 2p per share:                                         
 492,200,098 shares at 30 June      
 1998 (492,200,098 shares at         
 30 June 1997)                     16,737        9,848        9,844
 Premiums in excess of par          
 value                             93,969       55,292       55,530

 Shares to be issued                  843          496          496
 Merger reserve                   (10,567)      (6,218)      (6,218)
 Retained deficit                 (92,590)     (54,480)     (27,915)
Shareholders equity                8,732        5,138       31,937
Total liabilities and              
shareholders equity               23,501       13,829       42,111

    Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
        for the 12 Months to 30th September 1998
                               12 months        12 months  12 months
                                   ended            ended      ended
                             30 Sep 1998          30 Sept     30 Sep
                               Unaudited             1998       1997
                                (Note 1)        Unaudited    Audited
                                   $000            #'000      #000
Net cash outflow from operating   (32,852)        (19,330)   (10,906)
Return on investments and                                           
servicing of finance

Interest received                   2,201           1,295      1,396
Interest paid                          (3)             (2)       (11)
Finance lease interest paid           (65)            (38)       (10)
Net cash inflow from returns on                                     
investments and
servicing of finance                2,133           1,255      1,375
Capital expenditure and                                             
financial investment

Purchase of tangible fixed          
assets                             (2,245)         (1,321)      (926)
Purchase of intangible fixed           
assets                                (85)            (50)      (600)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                                     268
Purchase of investments           (10,637)         (6,259)    (1,976)
TDS Loan                           (2,549)         (1,500)         -
Net cash outflow from capital                                       
expenditure and
financial investment              (15,516)         (9,130)    (3,234)
Net cash outflow before                                             
management of
liquid resources and               
financing                         (46,235)        (27,205)   (12,765)
Management of liquid resources                                      
Cash on short-term deposit         39,026          22,963    (29,484)
Net cash outflow  from                                              
management of
liquid resources                   39,026          22,963    (29,484)

Issue of ordinary shares less         
expenses                             (398)          (234)     43,773           

Repayment of short term
borrowings                               -               -          -
Capital element of finance            
lease payments                       (653)           (384)      (157)
Net cash outflow from financing    (1,051)           (618)     43,616
Net (decrease) in cash             (8,260)         (4,860)      1,367

      Notes to the Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements

The  Fourth Quarter Results, which are unaudited, have been  prepared
on  the  basis  of  the accounting policies set out  in  the  Groups
1996/97 Annual Report and Accounts.  The information presented herein
does  not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section
240 of the Companies Act 1985 (as amended).

Copies  of the Fourth Quarter are being sent to shareholders and  are
available  to  the  public  from the Company  Secretary,  Information
House, Parkway Court, Oxford OX4 2JY.

1. Basis of Preparation

 The  Group  results  include  the four  associated  companies:   the
 Freepages VNU Joint Ventures in the Netherlands and in Belgium,  TDS
 Group Limited  and RequesT Limited.  The results of these associated
 companies are included in the Group results.  All four are accounted
 for under the equity method.
 Whilst the Joint Ventures in the Netherlands and Belgium operate  in
 local  currency, the main currency in which the Company operates  is
 UK  Pounds Sterling.  The financial statements are therefore  stated
 in  UK  Pounds  Sterling (#).  For the purposes of  this  statement:
 Dutch  Guilder amounts are translated into Sterling at  an  exchange
 rate  of NLG 3.2053 = #1;  Belgian Franc amounts are translated into
 Sterling at an exchange rate of BFr 58.6123 = #1.

 Merely   for   convenience,   the   financial   statements   contain
 translations of certain pound sterling amounts into US Dollars at an
 exchange rate of $1.6995 = #1.00, being the Noon Buying Rate of  the
 Federal Reserve Bank of New York on 30 September 1998.

2.  Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheets

 The figures for the year ended 30 September 1997 are an extract from
 the Groups Annual Report and Accounts which have been delivered  to
 the Registrar of Companies.

3.  Commitments and Contingencies

 The  Company  is party to various legal proceedings in the  ordinary
 course  of  business  which  it does not  believe  will  result,  in
 aggregate,  in  any  material adverse effect on  its  balance  sheet
 position and results.

4.  Unaudited Movement in Equity Shareholders Funds

                            #1       Ordinary  Shares  Premiums
                      Deferred         Number                in
                        shares                           excess
                                                         of par
                         #000                  #'000     #000

Balance at 30 September    200    492,200,098   9,844    55,530    
Net Loss 3 months to                                 
December 1997
Cost of Share Issues                                       (298)               
Balance at 31 December     
1997                       200    492,200,098   9,844    55,232    
Net Loss 3 months to                                 
March 1998                   -              -       -         -
Balance at 31 March        
1998                       200    492,200,098   9,844    55,232    
Net Loss 3 months to
June 1998                    -              -       -         -
Balance at 30 June 1998    200    492,200,098   9,844    55,232   
Net Loss 3 months to                                 
September 1998
Shares Issued                         200,000       4        60  

Foreign Exchange             -              -       -         -                
Balance at 30 September    
1998                       200    492,400,098   9,848    55,292  

                     Shares to    Merger   Retained    Total
                            be   Reserve    Deficit   
                        issued     #000      #000    #000

Balance at 30 September    
1997                       496    (6,218)   (27,915)  31,937                   
Net Loss 3 months to                         
December 1997                                (6,602)  (6,602)
Cost of Share Issues                                    (298)
Balance at 31 December     
1997                       496    (6,218)   (34,517)  25,037                   
Net Loss 3 months to                        
March 1998                                   (7,286)  (7,286)                  
Balance at 31 March        496    (6,218)   (41,803)  17,751
Net Loss 3 months to                         (5,990)  (5,990)
June 1998                                             
Balance at 30 June 1998    496    (6,218)   (47,793)  11,761
Net Loss 3 months to                         
September 1998                               (6,428)  (6,428)

Shares Issued                                             64

Foreign Exchange                               
Adjustment                                     (259)    (259)       
Balance at 30 September    496    (6,218)   (54,480)   5,138

5.             Notes to Cashflow Statement

                              12 months   12 months   12 months
                                 ended        ended       ended
                                30 Sept     30 Sept     30 Sept
                                   1998        1998        1997
                               (Note 1)
                                  $000       #000       #000

Operating Loss                  (33,401)    (19,357)    (13,776)

Depreciation and 
Amortisation Charge               1,207         710         379

(increase) in debtors and 
other current assets              1,575         631      (3,011)

(decrease)/increase in 
creditors and accrual            (2,233)     (1,314)      5,502

Net cash outflow from 
operating activities            (32,852)    (19,330)    (10,906)

6. Notes to the Cash Flow Statement

   Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

                                                      12 months
                                                        30 Sept
Decrease in cash in the period                           (4,860)

Cash outflow from decrease in lease financing               384

Cash outflow from decrease in liquid resources          (22,963)

Change in net funding resulting from cashflows          (27,439)

Amount due in respect of VNU Joint Venture                    -

Movement in net funding in the period                   (27,439)

Net funding at 30 September 1997                          33,658

Net funding at 30 September 1998                           6,219

7. Note to the Cash Flow Statement

           Analysis of net funding

                                     At        Cash          At
                                30 Sept        flow      30 Sep
                                   1997                    1998
                                  #000       #000          #000

Cash at bank and in hand          5,111      (4,860)        251

Cash on deposit                  29,484     (22,963)      6,521

Finance leases                     (937)        384        (553)

Total                            33,658     (27,439)      6,219

8.        Nasdaq Reporting Schedules   (requires updating for
          Revenue Recognition only)
          US GAAP Reconciliation

   The  Groups  consolidated interim results  are  prepared  in
   accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles
   applicable in the United Kingdom ("UK GAAP") which differs in
   certain  significant respects from those  applicable  in  the
   United   States   ("US  GAAP").   These  differences   relate
   primarily  to those items which were set out in  the  Groups
   financial  statements for the year ended 30  September  1997.
   The  approximate effect of the adjustments on net income  and
   shareholders equity is set out below.

Approximate effect on net income of                  
differences between UK and US GAAP
Quarter ended 30 September 1998                                 
Net Loss in accordance with UK GAAP                       (6,687)
Acquisition accounting - Goodwill                               
Net Loss in accordance with US GAAP                       (6,889)
12 months ended 30 September1998                                
Net Loss in accordance with UK GAAP                      (26,566)
Acquisition accounting - Goodwill                               
Net Loss in accordance with US GAAP                      (27,374)
        Approximate cumulative effect on Shareholders equity of
        differences between UK and US GAAP
As at 30 September 1998                                         
                                                    #000    #000
Shareholders  Equity in  accordance  with  UK             5,138
Acquisition accounting - Goodwill                    740    
Associated undertaking                               171     911
Shareholders  Equity in  accordance  with  US             
GAAP                                                       6,049

Reconciliation  of  Shareholders  Equity   in                  
accordance with US GAAP
Shareholders Equity at 30 September 1997                 33,656
Net  Loss  for the 3 months ended 31  December            
1997                                                      (6,804)

Cost of Share Issue                                         (298)
Shareholders Equity at 31 December 1997                   26,554
Net  Loss for the 3 months ended 31 March 1998 *          (7,488)
Shareholders Equity at 31 March 1998                      19,066
Net Loss for the 3 months ended 30 June 1998 *            (6,192)
Shareholders Equity at 30 June 1998                       12,874
Net  Loss  for the 3 months ended 30 September            
1998 *                                                    (6,889)

Shares Issued                                                 64
Shareholders Equity at 30 September 1998                   6,049

*    Restated  to  reflect an alignment  of  the  joint
ventures accounting policies under UK GAAP.

9. Interest Income/Expenses

   Net  interest  decreased from #1,385,000  for  the  12
   months  ended 30 September 1997 to #1,345,000 for  the
   12 months ended 30 September 1998.

10.Losses from Associated Companies

   The Groups share of losses in joint ventures and
   associated  companies for the 12 months period  to  30
   September 1998 was #8,548,986.

   These losses related to TDS Group Limited ("TDS")
   (#1,554,788)    (12  months  to  30  September    1997
   #903,649),  the  joint  venture  partnership  in   the
   Netherlands    with    VNU   (Verenigde    Nederlandse
   Uitgeversbedrijven BV) (#3,328,145),   (12  months  to
   30  September  1997: #1,694,977),  the  joint  venture
   partnership  in  Belgium  with  VNU  (#3,181,075)  (12
   months  to 30 September 1997: nil) and RequesT Limited
   (#484,979)  (12  months  to 30 September  1997:  nil).
   The  losses of TDS arose mainly from continued product
   development.   Losses from Scoot NL were  due  to  the
   cost   of  the  continued  development  of  the  Scoot
   business in the Netherlands.  The losses from  Request
   (UK)   Limited   arose  mainly  from   the   cost   of
   establishing the marketing technology business in  the
   UK.   The  losses from Scoot Belgium were due  to  the
   establishment of the service in that territory.

11.Liquidity and Capital Resources

   The  Company  incurred an operating cash flow  deficit
   of  #19.3  million for the 12 months to  30  September
   1998   (#10.9 million for the corresponding period  in
   1997).   The  Company also invested #9.13  million  in
   capital  expenditure  and  additional  investments  in
   associates during the same period (#3,234,000 for  the
   corresponding  period  in  1997).     These  increases
   reflect the continued expansion of the business.

12.       Disclosure regarding forward looking statements

   All  statements  other than statements  of  historical
   fact included in this report are, or may be deemed  to
   be  forward-looking statements within the  meaning  of
   the  US securities laws.  Important factors that could
   cause  actual results to differ materially from  those
   discussed in such forward-looking statements  include,
   among  other  things: acceptance  by  advertisers  and
   consumers  of  the  Companys  classified  information
   content,  services  and  distribution  channels;   the
   ability  of  the Company to successfully  develop  and
   market  new  products  and services  and  distribution
   channels;  the  ability of the Company to  respond  to
   changes  or increases in competition;  the ability  of
   the  Company  to  manage  its  future  growth  and  to
   increase  the  number and effectiveness of  its  sales
   staff;   the  ability of the Company  to  successfully
   introduce,  market, sell and deliver its  services  in
   markets outside the UK; the ability of the Company  to
   manage  the  risks associated with joint ventures  and
   potential  acquisitions  in the  UK  and  abroad;  the
   ability   of   the  Company  to  attract  and   retain
   necessary  technical  and  management  personnel;  the
   ability  of  the  Company to protect its  intellectual
   property  rights;  the  ability  of  the  Company   to
   complete  the  transaction proposed  by  VNU  and  the
   ability   of  the  Company  to  raise  financing, at
   attractive terms  as and when necessary,  to  fund for 
   future growth and  expansion. All   subsequent   
   written  and  oral  forward-looking statements  
   attributable to  the  Company  or  persons acting   on   
   behalf  of  the  Company  are  expressly qualified  in  
   their  entirety  by  such   cautionary statements.


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