29 December 2009 
                          Avia Health Informatics plc 
                           ("Avia" or "the Company") 
          Interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2009 
Avia (AIM: AVIA), the developer and provider of clinical decision support 
systems worldwide, is pleased to announce its interim results for the six 
months ended 30 September 2009. 
These are the first results to be published since joining AIM in November 2009. 
Highlights - post period 
  * Admission to AIM 16 November 2009 
  * Placing to raise GBP1.2 million 
  * Acquisition of The Plain Software Company completed 
  * Two contracts won since admission to AIM 
Barry Giddings, Chairman, Avia Health Informatics commented: 
"The acquisition of The Plain Software Company and the move to AIM transforms 
the business. The primary focus for the Company in the short to medium term is 
to expand its global reach by building on Plain's success in the UK and in 
addition to actively market and sell its products overseas. 
"Since completing the acquisition we have won two new contracts and we look to 
increased market share over the coming months. We have also accelerated the 
development programme in order to introduce the new web-deployed products 
earlier in 2010 than originally planned. 
"The Board is encouraged by the progress made since Plain was acquired and is 
optimistic regarding the prospects for the Company." 
Avia Health Informatics plc 
Barry Giddings, Chairman                                        07770 747 818 
Nigel Leavy, Finance Director                                   07540 014 503 
Merchant John East Securities Limited (Nominated Adviser and Broker) 
Simon Clements/Bidhi Bhoma                                      020 7628 2200 
Lothbury Financial (Financial PR) 
Gary Middleton/Michael Padley                                   020 7011 9411 
Chairman's Statement 
The Company was incorporated on 11 January 2008 and was admitted to PLUS 
Markets on 25 March 2008. 
The principal activity of the Company is the acquisition and operation of 
businesses in the healthcare technology sector. 
As this is my first Chairman's statement for Avia Health Informatics Plc since 
we completed the acquisition of The Plain Software Company Limited ("Plain"), 
the GBP1.2 million placing and admission to trading on AIM, I thought it would be 
helpful if I set out the background to this transaction. 
Acquisition of Plain 
The Company entered into agreement to acquire Plain in late 2008 and after a 
false start relating to an aborted fundraising effort in early 2009, which was 
primarily due to extremely difficult trading conditions across all financial 
markets, the Company concluded a placing of GBP1.2 million with institutional and 
retail investors in November 2009. 
The consideration for the acquisition of Plain was approximately GBP1.6 million 
which was satisfied as to GBP105,000 in cash and the balance by the issue of 
2,501,662 new ordinary shares in the capital of the Company. Simultaneously 
with the acquisition the Company raised approximately GBP1.2 million, before 
expenses, by the issue of 1,975,100 new ordinary shares at 60 pence per share 
and moved from Plus Markets onto AIM. The net proceeds from the placing will be 
applied to Plain's development and marketing plans and the Board believe the 
new funds available will allow Plain to accelerate its move into new markets, 
principally through the deployment of its software via the web and through a 
.Net platform. 
It was pleasing to have completed the transaction especially after the problems 
experienced along the way and I was particularly encouraged by the commitment 
shown by the vendors, of Plain who chose to accept the majority of the 
consideration in shares. In addition, I would also like to thank the directors 
and staff of Plain and Avia for their strong participation in the placing. 
Financial Performance 
The results for the six months ended 30 September 2009 do not reflect the 
activities of Plain as the transaction was completed after the balance sheet 
date. We have chosen to include unaudited pro forma financial information for 
Plain in the notes to these accounts which will enable shareholders to see the 
financial performance of Plain in the period under review. 
The Company did not trade in the period to 30 September 2009 and was focused on 
seeking suitable acquisition targets. The loss before and after taxation in the 
period was GBP66,383 (2008: GBP120,216). The net assets as at 30 September 2009 
were GBP23,725 (2008: GBP288,011). 
The next set of results will be for the year ended 31 March 2010 and these 
results will incorporate the trading activities of Plain. 
Avia's strategy is to seek to expand through a combination of the following: 
  * organic growth of Odyssey, Plain's Clinical Decision Support software 
  * identification and acquisition of suitable related health informatics 
    businesses or companies; 
  * development of UK and International strategic partnerships; and 
  * marketing and selling third party health informatics related products and/ 
    or services in the UK and internationally. 
The primary focus for the Company in the short to medium term is to expand its 
global reach by building on Plain's success in the UK and in addition to 
actively market and sell its products overseas. It is anticipated that this 
will be achieved through the development of added value partnerships and the 
ability to deploy Plain's Odyssey software via the web and on a .Net platform. 
Plain will also continue to seek to grow sales of its traditional Odyssey 
product range into established markets whilst developing and delivering the 
Web-deployed Odyssey product range to new markets. It was originally envisaged 
that the Web-deployed range would be available in the last quarter of 2010 but 
I'm pleased to report that we now expect this to be in the 2nd/3rd quarter of 
The acceleration of the timetable with respect to the development programme 
will allow Plain to commence the marketing and sale of these products at an 
earlier stage than previously envisaged, although it will also advance the 
costs associated with this programme such that they will now fall into the 
current financial year and be charged to the Income Statement. 
The Board is encouraged by the progress made since Plain was acquired and as we 
enter our most important trading quarter of our financial year I look forward 
to updating you as to further progress early in 2010. 
B S Giddings 
29 December 2009 
Avia Health Informatics plc 
Income Statement 
For the six months ended 30 September 2009 
                                       Six months     Six months Period from 11 
                                            ended          ended   January 2008 
                                     30 September   30 September    to 31 March 
                                             2009           2008           2009 
                                        Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                                                GBP              GBP              GBP 
Administrative expenses                  (68,633)      (102,583)      (408,795) 
Operating loss                           (68,633)      (102,583)      (408,795) 
Finance income                              2,250            367          8,403 
Loss before taxation                     (66,383)      (102,216)      (400,392) 
Taxation                                        -              -              - 
Loss for the period attributable         (66,383)      (102,216)      (400,392) 
to equity holders of the Company 
Loss per share:                             0.35p          0.57p          2.46p 
Basic and diluted 
Avia Health Informatics plc 
Balance Sheet 
As at 30 September 2009 
                                            As at          As at          As at 
                                     30 September   30 September       31 March 
                                             2009           2008           2009 
                                        Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                                                GBP              GBP              GBP 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment               1,772          3,597          2,373 
Current assets                            104,094              -        106,114 
Trade and other receivables 
Cash and cash equivalents                  11,734        321,894         28,724 
                                          115,828        321,984        134,838 
Total assets                              117,600        325,491        137,211 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                   93,875         37,480         47,103 
Total liabilities                          93,875         37,480         47,103 
Net assets                                 23,725        288,011         90,108 
Equity                                     93,752         93,752         93,752 
Share capital 
Share Premium                             396,748        396,748        396,748 
Retained earnings                       (466,775)      (202,489)      (400,392) 
Total Equity                               23,725        288,011         90,108 
Avia Health Informatics plc 
Cash Flow Statement 
For the six months ended 30September 2009 
                                       Six months     Six months Period from 11 
                                            ended          ended   January 2008 
                                     30 September   30 September    to 31 March 
                                             2009           2008           2009 
                                        Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                                                GBP              GBP              GBP 
Net cash absorbed by operating           (16,990)       (56,514)      (466,581) 
activities (note 1) 
Investing activities                            -            367          8,403 
Interest received 
Purchase of property, plant and                 -        (3,598)        (3,598) 
Net cash (absorbed by)/generated                -        (3,231)          4,805 
from investing activities 
Financing activities                            -        153,000        490,500 
Proceeds from issue of share 
Net cash generated from financing               -        153,000        490,500 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash          (16,990)         93,255         28,724 
and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents at               28,724        228,639              - 
beginning of period 
Cash and cash equivalents at end           11,734        321,894         28,724 
of period 
Notes to the condensed Avia Health Informatics plc interim financial statements 
1 General Information 
Avia Health Informatics plc is incorporated in the United Kingdom under the 
Companies Act 1985. These condensed consolidated financial statements are 
presented in Pounds Sterling because that is the currency of the primary 
economic environment in which the group operates. 
The condensed consolidated interim financial statements do not constitute 
statutory accounts as defined in Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. 
The financial information for the period 11 January 2008 to 31 March 2009 has 
been extracted from the statutory accounts for that period. The auditors' 
report on the statutory accounts for the period ended 31 March 2009 was 
unqualified and did not contain a statement under S237 of the Companies Act 
1985. The auditors' opinion did however include the following emphasis of 
matter paragraph in their report: 
"In forming our opinion on the financial statements, which is not qualified, we 
have considered the disclosure in note 2 to the financial statements concerning 
the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. The Company is currently 
unable to pay its creditors as they fall due and is dependent on its success in 
raising new share capital to fund acquisitions to continue its activities. This 
indicates the existence of a material uncertainty which affects the Company's 
ability to continue operating as a going concern. The financial statements do 
not include any adjustments that would result if the Company was unable to 
continue as a going concern." 
A copy of those accounts has been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 
Since the auditors' report was issued the Company has issued further share 
capital by way of the placing referred to below which has provided sufficient 
working capital for the Company's current requirements. 
2. Basis of preparation 
The Company has presented its results in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards as adopted in the EU ("IFRS") using the same 
accounting policies and methods of computation as were used in the annual 
financial statements for the period ended 31 March 2009. As permitted, the 
interim report has been prepared in accordance with the AIM Rules for companies 
and is not compliant in all respects with IAS 34 Interim Financial Statements. 
The condensed consolidated interim financial statements do not include all of 
the information required for full annual financial statements and cannot be 
construed to be in full compliance with IFRS. 
3. Note to the cash flow statement 
Reconciliation of loss before tax to cash absorbed by operating activities 
                                       Six months     Six months Period from 11 
                                            ended          ended   January 2008 
                                     30 September   30 September    to 31 March 
                                             2009           2008           2009 
                                        Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                                                GBP              GBP              GBP 
Operating loss for the period               (68,633)    (102,583)     (408,795) 
Depreciation on property, plant and              601            -         1,225 
Operating cash flows before movements       (68,032)    (102,583)     (407,570) 
in working capital 
Decrease/(increase) in receivables             4,270            -     (106,114) 
Increase in payables                          46,772       46,068        47,103 
Cash absorbed by operations                 (16,990)     (56,515)     (466,581) 
4. Placing and acquisition of The Plain Software Company Limited 
On 16 November 2009 the Company completed the Placing of 1,975,100 ordinary 
shares raising GBP1.185 million of new equity (less costs of GBP201,000) for the 
Company. On the same date the Company completed the acquisition of The Plain 
Software Company Limited by way of the issue of 2,501,662 shares in the Company 
and the payment of GBP105,000 in cash. The acquisition has the characteristics of 
a reverse acquisition within the meaning of International Financial Reporting 
Standard 3 and will be accounted for as such in preparing the financial 
statements of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2009. Under the reverse 
acquisition method of accounting The Plain Software Company Limited will be 
portrayed as the acquirer in presented the consolidated results of the Group. 
 5. Basis of preparation of the unaudited interim condensed financial 
    statements of The Plain Software Company Limited 
The results of The Plain Software Company Limited for the six months ended 30 
September 2009 are set out in the appendix attached. 
The condensed consolidated interim financial statements set out in the appendix 
do not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 435 of the Companies 
Act 2006. 
The financial information for the 13 months ended 31 March 2009 has been 
extracted from the statutory accounts for that period. The auditors' report on 
the statutory accounts for the period ended 31 March 2009 was unqualified and 
did not contain a statement under S237 of the Companies Act 1985. The auditors' 
opinion did however include the following emphasis of matter paragraph in their 
"In forming our opinion on the financial statements which is not qualified, we 
have considered the adequacy of the disclosures in note 1 to the financial 
statements concerning the company's ability to continue as a going concern. The 
company incurred a net loss of GBP197,449 and at 31 March 2009 its liabilities 
exceeded its assets by GBP32,708. 
The company is anticipating the injection of new equity capital, though there 
can be no certainty that their funds will be raised. This indicates the 
existence of a material uncertainty which may affect the Company's ability to 
continue as a going concern. The financial statements do not include any 
adjustments that would result if the company was unable to continue as a going 
Since the auditors issued their report The Plain Software Company Limited, as 
explained above, was acquired by Avia Health Informatics Limited , which raised 
sufficient working capital by way of a placing to fund the ongoing operations 
of The Plain Software Company Limited. 
The Plain Software Company Limited has presented its results in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted in the EU ("IFRS") using 
the same accounting policies and methods of computation as were used in the 
annual financial statements for the period ended 31 March 2009 and in the 
financial information included in the AIM Admission Document of the Company. 
The condensed interim financial information is not compliant in all respects 
with IAS 34 Interim Financial Statements. The condensed consolidated interim 
financial statements do not include all of the information required for full 
annual financial statements and cannot be construed to be in full compliance 
with IFRS. 
6. Dividends 
The Directors cannot recommend the payment of an interim dividend. 
7. Copies of the Interim Results 
Copies of this interim announcement will be available to download from the 
Company's website at http://www.ahi-plc.com and at the registered office, 16 
Thorney Leys Business Park Witney Oxon OX28 4GE. 
Condensed interim financial statements of The Plain Software Company Limited 
The Plain Software Company Limited 
Income Statement 
For the six months ended 30 September 2009 
                                                      Unaudited         Audited 
                                               Six months ended 13 months ended 
                                              30 September 2009        31 March 
                                                              GBP            2009 
Revenue                                                 938,925       1,878,008 
Operating costs                                       (540,918)     (1,088,209) 
Trading profit                                          398,007         789,799 
Administrative expenses                               (528,705)     (1,017,239) 
Operating loss                                        (130,698)       (227,440) 
Finance income                                                -          10,084 
Finance costs                                           (2,250)               - 
Loss before tax                                       (132,948)       (217,356) 
Tax on loss on ordinary activities                            -          19,907 
Loss for the period from continuing operations        (132,948)       (197,449) 
The Plain Software Company Limited 
Balance Sheet 
As at 30 September 2009 
                                                     Unaudited          Audited 
                                                         As at         As at 31 
                                                  30 September            March 
                                                          2009             2009 
                                                             GBP                GBP 
Non-current assets 
Plant and equipment                                     43,733           35,079 
Intangible assets                                       95,206           31,141 
                                                       138,939           66,220 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables                            286,699          423,413 
Current income tax asset                                22,358           22,358 
Cash and cash equivalents                               30,544          198,585 
                                                       339,601          644,356 
Total assets                                           478,540          710,576 
Current Liabilities 
Trade and other payables                               211,997          279,460 
Loan                                                   102,250          100,000 
Deferred income                                        329,949          363,824 
                                                       644,196          743,284 
Total assets less total liabilities                  (165,656)         (32,708) 
Share capital                                            1,641            1,641 
Share premium account                                  219,731          219,731 
Accumulated losses                                   (387,028)        (254,080) 
Total equity                                         (165,656)         (32,708) 
The Plain Software Company Limited 
Cash flow statement 
For the six months ended 30 September 2009 
                                                     Unaudited          Audited 
                                              Six months ended  13 months ended 
                                                  30 September         31 March 
                                                          2009             2009 
                                                             GBP                GBP 
Net cash outflows from operating activities           (86,922)        (242,178) 
(note 1) 
Investing activities 
Interest received                                            -           10,084 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment             (17,054)         (33,195) 
Purchase of intangible fixed assets                   (64,065)         (31,141) 
Net cash used in investing activities                 (81,119)         (54,252) 
Financing activities 
Short term loan advanced                                     -          100,000 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents            (168,041)        (196,430) 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of              198,585          395,015 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period              30,544          198,585 
Notes to the condensed interim financial statements of The Plain Software 
Company Limited for the six months ended 30 September 2009 
1. Reconciliation of loss before tax to cash absorbed by operating activities 
                                               Six months ended 13 months ended 
                                                   30 September        31 March 
                                                           2009            2009 
                                                              GBP               GBP 
Loss before tax                                       (132,948)       (217,356) 
Depreciation charges                                      8,400          14,268 
Net finance cost/(income)                                 2,250        (10,084) 
Movements in working capital: 
Decrease/(increase) in trade and other                  136,714       (250,688) 
(Decrease)/increase in trade, other payables          (101,338)         229,137 
deferred income 
Cash absorbed by operations                            (86,922)       (234,723) 
Interest paid                                                 -               - 
Income taxes paid                                             -         (7,455) 
Net cash absorbed by operating activities              (86,922)       (242,178) 

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