RNS Number : 4867E
  Airea PLC
  29 September 2008

    AIREA plc
    Preliminary results for the year ended 30th June 2008

    Review of operations

    Over the last twelve months we have completed a number of previously advised projects.  These include the sale of the specialist yarns
division, the disposal of certain freehold properties, re-engineering the residential carpets business and streamlining the management
    Financial statements
    The consolidated financial statements are presented under International Financial Reporting Standards for the first time. There are a
number of presentational changes, the most significant of which is the analysis of the results between continuing operations and
discontinued operations on the face of the consolidated income statement.
    The only significant changes to the consolidated results reported previously are changes to the deferred tax position at 30th June 2007
and the fact that goodwill is no longer amortised, with amounts previously amortised since 1st July 2006 being reinstated in the
consolidated balance sheet.  Provisions for impairment of the goodwill associated with the residential floor coverings business and the
subsidiary yarn dyeing business have then been included in the income statement for the current period.
    Continuing operations
    Continuing operations consist of the Burmatex commercial floor coverings business and the Ryalux residential floor coverings business.
Sales reduced by 1% to �48.7m (2007: �49.3m) with growth in commercial products being offset by a decline in residential products.  Burmatex
has continued to benefit from the changes to the product range and the greater focus on marketing activities implemented in recent years.
The decline in sales of residential products was partly due to range rationalisation and partly due to the difficult market conditions. 
Whilst the board remains fully committed to the residential floor coverings business, in the light of the results from the business and the
challenging market conditions, it has made a significant provision for the goodwill associated with this business.
    The operating profit was �1.9m (2007: �0.8m) but the year to 30th June 2008 includes an exceptional profit on sale of property of �9.9m
(2007: �nil) and a provision for impairment of goodwill of �8.0m (2007: nil). After excluding this exceptional profit, the provision for
impairment of goodwill and other exceptional costs of �0.4m (2007: �0.7m), operating profit before exceptional items was �0.5m (2007:
    Earnings per share from continuing operations were 0.94p (2007: 5.65p) and adjusted earnings per share, excluding the effect of the
exceptional profit on sale of property, the related deferred tax movements, the provision for impairment of goodwill and the other
exceptional costs, was 1.94p (2007: 1.03p).
    Discontinued operations
    Discontinued operations consist of the specialist yarns business which was sold on 2nd November 2007 and the yarn dyeing business which
was closed in May 2008. Sales to the date of disposal or closure were �6.3m (2007: �16.1m). The operating loss was �3.8m (2007: profit
�0.8m) but this includes a loss on disposal of �2.7m (2007: �nil), a provision for impairment of goodwill, consequent upon the closure of
the yarn dyeing business, of �0.8m (2007: nil) and other exceptional costs of �0.5m (2007: �45,000). After excluding these items, operating
profit was �0.2m (2007: �0.9m).
    Discontinued operations generated a loss per share of 8.75p (2007: earnings per share 1.05p). Adjusted loss per share, excluding the
effect of the loss on disposal, the provision for impairment of goodwill and the other exceptional costs, was 0.42p (2007: adjusted earnings
per share 1.12p).
    Group results
    Total turnover for the year was �55.0m (2007: �65.3m). This represents a reduction of 16% due to the disposal of the specialist yarns
business part way through the year combined with a decline in the sales of residential carpets.  The result for the year, after accounting
for the operating results described above, finance income totalling �0.6m (2007: �nil), finance costs of �0.2m (2007: 0.8m) and a tax charge
of �2.1m (2007: tax credit �2.3m), was a loss of �3.6m (2007: profit of �3.1m).
    There was a net cash outflow from operating activities of �4.1m (2007: inflow of �4.5m). The main reasons for the change from last year
were an increase in working capital, compared to a reduction the previous year, and increased contributions to the defined benefit pension
scheme. After accounting for the sale of properties and the specialist yarns business there was a net increase in cash and cash equivalents
of �7.5m from �1.5m negative to �6.1m positive and an elimination of �3.7m of debt. A further substantial reduction in the pension deficit
was achieved in the year and this now stands at a gross figure of �5.5m (2007: �8.4m).
    The loss per share was 7.81p (2007: earnings per share 6.70p) and adjusted earnings per share, excluding the effect of the exceptional
profit on sale of property, the related deferred tax movements, the provisions for impairment of goodwill, the loss on sale of the
specialist yarns business and other exceptional costs were 1.52p (2007: 2.15p).
    An interim dividend of 0.80p per share was paid in May 2008. In view of the results for the year, the board have given careful
consideration to the level of final dividend but having taken into account the cash generated from disposals during the year, the board
consider it appropriate to propose a maintained final dividend of 1.60p per share. This gives an unchanged total dividend of 2.40p per share
for the year. If approved, this dividend will be paid on 25th November 2008 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 24th
October 2008. The board will keep the dividend policy under review and future dividends will be based upon future levels of profitability
and cash flow.
    Key performance indicators
    As part of its internal financial control procedures the board monitors certain financial ratios. For the year to 30th June 2008 sales
per employee amounted to �122,000 (2007: �107,000), operating return on sales was 1.3% (2007: 3.6%), return on average net operating assets
was 2.2% (2007: 5.7%) and working capital to sales percentage was 16.1% (2007: 18.2%). Sales per employee improved due to the
rationalisation of staffing within the residential floor coverings business.  The operating return on sales and the return on average net
operating assets reduced as a consequence of the challenging market conditions. The working capital ratio improved following the disposal of
the specialist yarns business.
    Management and personnel
    Steve Harrison, the former chief operating officer, left the group on 29th February 2008. Neil Rylance joined the group as managing
director of the floor coverings business on 2nd June 2008 and was appointed chief executive officer on 13th June 2008. We would like to
thank all our team members throughout the group for their ongoing commitment and support during a challenging period.
    Current trading and future prospects
    We continue to operate in highly competitive market conditions.  In view of this, and the economic downturn in the UK, the start to the
new financial year has been mixed with sales ahead of last year at Burmatex but down on last year at Ryalux. Overall sales in continuing
activities are currently running approximately 5% below last year and margins remain under pressure.
    Despite these challenges, we continue to focus on streamlining the business, not only to reduce cost but also to increase effectiveness,
flexibility and speed of response with a view to improving profitability and securing the future of the group.
    Work on the residential business is a major priority and the current year will see further rationalisation of the product range, further
streamlining of the manufacturing operations and a renewed focus on new product development.  As we move forwards, we expect the Burmatex
operation to continue to improve and the Ryalux business to start to move back into an acceptable trading position.


    Neil Rylance                                                 01924 266561
    Chief executive officer    

    Kevin Henry                                                 01924 266561
    Group finance director

    Andrew Kitchingman                                     0845 270 8610
    Managing Director - Corporate Finance
    Brewin Dolphin

    The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of
the Companies Act 1985. 
    The consolidated balance sheet at 30th June 2008 and the consolidated income statement, the statement of recognised income and expense
and the consolidated cash flow statement for the year then ended have been extracted from the Group's 2008 statutory financial statements
upon which the auditor's opinion is unqualified and does not include any statement under section 237 of the Companies Act 1985. 
    The announcement has been agreed with the company's auditor for release.

 Consolidated Income Statement
 year ended 30th June 2008
                                                             2008        2007 
                                                             �000         �000
 Revenue                                                  48,713       49,270 
 Operating costs                                         (48,648)     (48,461)
 Impairment of goodwill                                   (8,012)          -  
 Exceptional profit on sale of property                    9,858           -  
 Operating profit after exceptional items                   1,911         809 
 Analysed between:
 Operating profit before exceptional items                   484        1,511 
 Exceptional operating costs                                (419)        (702)
 Impairment of goodwill                                   (8,012)          -  
 Exceptional profit on sale of property                    9,858           -  
 Finance income                                              383           -  
 Finance costs                                              (237)        (671)
 Profit before taxation                                     2,057         138 
 Taxation                                                 (1,623)       2,475 
 Profit from continuing operations                            434       2,613 

 Revenue                                                   6,329       16,060 
 Operating costs                                          (6,570)     (15,243)
 Impairment of goodwill                                     (845)          -  
 Loss on disposal of discontinued operations              (2,668)          -  
 Operating (loss)/profit after exceptional items          (3,754)         817 
 Analysed between:                                                     
 Operating profit before exceptional items                   245          862 
 Exceptional operating costs                                (486)         (45)
 Impairment of goodwill                                     (845)          -  
 Loss on disposal of discontinued operations              (2,668)          -  
 Finance income                                              188           -  
 Finance costs                                                -          (166)
 (Loss)/profit before taxation                            (3,566)         651 
 Taxation                                                   (481)        (168)
 (Loss)/profit from discontinued operations               (4,047)         483 
 (Loss)/profit for the year                               (3,613)       3,096 
 (Loss)/earnings per share
  (basic and diluted)                                     (7.81)p        6.70p
 Earnings per share from continuing operations
  (basic and diluted)                                       0.94p        5.65p
 (Loss)/earnings per share from discontinued
  (basic and diluted)                                     (8.75)p        1.05p

 Consolidated Balance Sheet           
 as at 30th June 2008                 
                                               2008                2007
                                            �000      �000      �000      �000
 Non-current assets                   
 Property, plant and equipment                      8,865              10,086 
 Goodwill                                          4,000               12,857 
 Deferred tax asset                                 1,540               2,520 
 Loan notes                                           300                  -  
                                                   14,705              25,463 
 Current assets                       
 Inventories                             10,970              13,312 
 Trade and other receivables              8,793              10,442 
 Income tax receivable                      448                 240 
 Deferred tax asset                          -                1,260 
 Cash and cash equivalents                6,063                 176 
                                                   26,274              25,430 
 Non-current assets classified as                     452               5,643 
 held for sale                        
 Total assets                                      41,431              56,536 
 Current liabilities                  
 Trade and other payables               (10,891)            (11,849)
 Borrowings                                  -               (5,394)
                                                  (10,891)            (17,243)
 Non-current liabilities              
 Pension deficit                         (5,500)             (8,400)
 Deferred tax                              (252)               (738)
                                                   (5,752)             (9,138)
 Total liabilities                                (16,643)            (26,381)
                                                   24,788              30,155 
 Called up share capital                           11,561              11,561 
 Share premium account                                504                 504 
 Capital redemption reserve                         2,395               2,395 
 Retained earnings                                 10,328              15,695 
                                                   24,788              30,155 

 Consolidated Cash Flow
 year ended 30th June 2008
                                                                  2008              2007
                                                                  �000              �000
 Operating activities
 Cash (used in)/from operations                                (4,148)            4,482 
 Interest received/(paid)                                         187              (602)
 Income tax received/(paid)                                         5              (635)
                                                               (3,956)            3,245 
 Investing activities
 Purchase of property, plant                                   (2,323)           (2,574)
 and equipment
 Proceeds on disposal of                                       16,261               658 
 property, plant and equipment
 Disposal of subsidiary                                         2,409                -  
                                                               16,347            (1,916)
 Financing activities                                                             
 Equity dividends paid                                         (1,110)           (1,110)
 Redemption of loan notes                                         (88)              (80)
 New bank loans received                                           -              3,000 
 Repayment of bank loans                                       (3,652)           (2,914)
                                                               (4,850)           (1,104)
 Net increase in cash and cash                                  7,541               225 
 Cash and cash equivalents at                                  (1,478)           (1,703)
 start of the year
 Cash and cash equivalents at                                   6,063            (1,478)
 end of the year
 Statement of Recognised Income and Expense
 year ended 30th June 2008                                  2008              2007 
                                                         �000     �000     �000     �000
 (Loss)/profit attributable to shareholders of the             (3,613)            3,096 
 Actuarial (losses)/gains                               (920)            3,620 
 recognised in the pension
 Related deferred taxation                               276            (1,086)
                                                                 (644)            2,534 
 Total recognised income and expense relating to the           (4,257)            5,630 


    In accordance with Rule 20 of the AIM Rules, Airea confirms that the annual report and accounts for the year ended 30th June 2008 will
be posted to shareholders and will be available to view on the Company's website at www.aireaplc.co.uk.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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