IGD SIIQ SPA: THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS APPROVES THE INTERIM MANAGEMENT STATEMENT AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2011 Significant new growth of all the consolidated results also posted in the first nine months of 2011 (vs. the first nine months of 2010): · Total operating revenue: 92.8 million (an increase of 10.3% with respect to the 84 million posted at 30 September 2010) · Revenue from core business: 91.1 million (an increase of 8.3% with respect to the 84 million posted at 30 September 2010) · Total EBITDA: 66.8 million (an increase of 10.6% with respect to the 60.4 million recorded at 30 September 2010) · Core business EBITDA MARGIN: 72.9% (an improvement with respect to the 71.9% reported at 30 September 2010) · The Group's portion of net profit: 39.6 million (an increase of 74.9% with respect to the 22.6 million posted at 30 September 2010)

Bologna, 10 November 2011. Today, in a meeting chaired by Gilberto Coffari, the Board of Directors of IGD Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A. ("IGD"), leading owner and manager of retail shopping centers in Italy and listed on the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, examined and approved the Interim Management Statement at 30 September 2011 which shows the Group's portion of net profit for the period at 39.6 million, in increase of 74.9% with respect to the 22.6 million posted at 30 September 2010, in addition to a rise in total operating revenue (+10.3%) and in EBITDA (+10.6%).


Operating income statement at 30 September 2011 In order to highlight its core business, beginning in first quarter 2011, the IGD Group has separated it from those relative to the "Porta a Mare" project in Livorno. The following table shows the highlights of the IGD Group's consolidated income statement at 30 September 2011, compared to the first nine months of 2010:
/000 Rev enues from f reehold properties Rev enues from leasehold properties Rev enues from services Rev enues from trading

30/ 09/2010
74,496 6,118 3,527 0

80,749 6,380 3,984 1,726

8.4% 4.3% 13.0% n.a.

CORE BUS INES S 30/09/ 2010 30/09/2011
74,496 6,118 3,527 0 80,749 6,380 3,984 0

8.4% 4.3% 13.0% n.a.

"P ORTA A MARE" P ROJECT 30/09/2010 30/09/ 2011 %
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,726 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

Re ve nue s
Direc t costs Pers onnel expenses Cos t of sales and other costs

84, 141
(14,480) ( 2,429) 191

(15,703) (2,631) (878)

8.4% 8.3% n.a.

(14,327) (2,429) 0

(15,604) (2,631) 0

8.9% 8.3% n.a.

(153) 0 191

(99) 0 ( 878)

n.a .
(35.5)% n.a. n.a.

Gross Margin
G&A expenses Headquarter personnel costs

67, 423
( 3,161) ( 3,871)

(2,943) (3,865)

(6.9)% (0.2)%

(3,021) (3,852)

(2,630) (3,837)

( 13.0)% (0.4)%

(140) (19)

( 313) (28)

n.a .
n.a. 48.4%

Eb i tda M a r gi n Deprec iation Dev aluation Change in FV Other provisions

60, 391
(657) ( 2,907) ( 4,414) (299)

(768) (391) 12,076 0

16.9% (86.6)% ( 373.6)% ( 100.0)%




n.a .


n.a .

Financ ial income Financ ial charges

52, 114
2,512 (29,014)

515 (32,304)

(79.5)% 11.3%

Ne t Financial Income Incom e from equity investments P re -ta x income
Inc ome tax for the period Ta x rate

(26,502) 0 25, 612
( 3,006) 11.74%

(31,789) (635) 45,312
(5,699) 12.58%

20.0% n.a . n.a . 76.9%

(prof it)/los s es related to third parties

22, 606




22, 648



N.B.: Certain cost and revenue items have been reclassified or offset which explains the difference with respect to the financial statements. Bank fees, in particular, were reclassified under "financial income/(charges)".

Principal consolidated results for the first nine months of 2011

The IGD Group's total operating revenue at 30 September 2011 amounted to 92.8 million, an increase of 10.3% with respect to the 84.1 million posted for the first nine months of 2010. This growth is attributable to an increase in the sales generated by the core business and the new acquisitions made between the end of 2010 and the first months of 2011, as well as the sale of the first properties relative to the "Porta a Mare" project in Livorno.

The IGD Group's revenue from core business at 30 September 2011 amounted to 91.1 million, an increase of 8.3% with respect to the 84.1 million recorded in the first nine months of 2010.


In Italy, the LFL growth in rental income during the first nine months of the year with respect to the same period 2010 reached 3.5%, approximately 40% of which is explained by the automatic indexing of the contracts and 60% by the effective contract renegotiation and pre-letting activities. A total of 82 contracts were signed during the year, 45 of which were renewals and 37 turnovers with an average upside of 7.7% (versus 6.8% in the first half). Particularly positive results were recorded in shopping centers which underwent restyling, such as Le Porte di Napoli in Afragola (where the interior work was largely completed) and ESP in Ravenna (the works will be completed by the end of 2011) and in a few centers which will undergo restyling and/or expansion in the near term such as Centro d'Abruzzo, Porto Grande and ESP. Of note is the completion of the pre-letting phase relative to the B block of the shopping center I Bricchi di Asti. The market continues to be difficult in Rumania, where, moreover, consolidation of the tenant portfolio is still underway (which resulted in contracts being signed with Billa ­ the Rewe Group ­ for the opening of two supermarkets between the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012, as well as with Drogerie Markt for the opening of two new stores in December 2011); overall average rents dropped further.

As a whole, rental income at 30 September 2011 rose 8.1% due to the effective contract renegotiation and pre-letting activities, as well as to the new openings and acquisitions made in 2010 and the first half of 2011.

Revenue from services in the first nine months of 2011 rose 13% with respect to the same period in 2010 due primarily to the mandates granted for the management of both newly opened and third party centers. At 30 September 2011, revenue from trading ­ a new type of revenue stream found in the Group's income statement related to the "Porta a Mare" project in Livorno ­ amounted to 1.7 million and are attributable to the sale of a portion of the office building found inside Palazzo Orlando.

Direct costs, pertaining to the core business and including personnel expenses, in the first nine months of 2011 amounted to 18.2 million, an increase of 8.8% with respect to the same period in the prior year. This item was impacted, in particular, by the increase in provisions for receivables relative to the Darsena City Shoppping Center. These costs represent 20.01% of core business revenue. General expenses for the core business, including payroll costs at headquarters, amounted to 6.5 million at 30 September 2011, a drop of 5.9% These costs represent 7.10% of operating revenue. Total EBITDA in the first nine months of amounted to 66.8 million, an increase of 10.6% with respect to the 60.4 million recorded at 30 September 2010. The IGD Group's core business EBITDA at 30 September 2011 reached 66.4 million, an increase of 9.7% with respect to the 60.5 million posted at 30 September 2010. EBITDA margin for the core business at 30 September 2011 reached 72.89%, an improvement when compared to the 72.02% recorded in the first nine months of 2010.


The IGD Group's pre-tax profit in the first nine months of 2011 rose 76.92% from the 25.6 million reported at 30 September 2010 to 45.3 million.

The IGD Group's tax burden, current and deferred, at 30 September 2011 amounted to 5.7 million, reflecting a tax rate of 12.6% compared to 11.7% in the same period of the prior year. The increase is primarily attributable to the increase in fair value which, as noted, under the SIIQ regime is still subject to ordinary tax rates. Net of this effect and of contingencies, the tax rate comes in at 8.01%.

The Group's portion of net profit at 30 September 2011 amounted to 39.6 million, an increase of 74.9% with respect to the 22.6 million recorded at 30 September 2010. The Funds from Operations (FFO) rose from 32.1 million at 30 September 2010 to approximately 33.7 million at 30 September 2011, an increase of 4.8%.

The IGD Group's net debt at 30 September 2011 amounted to 1.124 billion, compared to 1.017 billion at 31 December 2010. The increase is primarily attributable to the new investments made during the period.

At 30 September 2011 the gearing ratio (debt to equity ratio) came in at 1.44, compared to 1.37 at 30 June 2011. The "adjusted" gearing ratio ­ calculated as the ratio of net adjusted financial debt and net adjusted equity (which do not reflect the mere accounting effect of the fair value valuation of derivatives) - at 30 September 2011 came in at 1.37, compared to 1.34 at 30 June 2011.

"In the fourth quarter of the year the Group believes that it will be able to confirm the positive results reported at 30 September. The trend in rental income will not, in fact, be impacted by substantial changes over the next few months thanks to the effective management of the tenant mix, pre-letting and of the centers' occupancy" Claudio Albertini, IGD ­ Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A.'s Chief Executive Officer stated. "More specifically, in line with the company's targets and plans, in FY2011 we expect to see growth in all the key financial and economic indicators such as revenue, ebitda, ebitda margin and funds from operations. We are also aware that, due to the difficult reference scenario, over the next few months we must constantly assess and monitor the market, while also, as a Group, paying always particular attention to the economic sustainability of the tenants, as we have, moreover, done quite effectively over the past few years ."


Grazia Margherita Piolanti, IGD S.p.A.'s Financial Reporting Officer, declares pursuant to para. 2, article 154-bis of the of Legislative Decree n. 58/1998 (("Testo Unico della Finanza" or TUF) that the information reported in this press release corresponds to the underlying records, ledgers and accounting entries.


Please note that in addition to the standard financial indicators provided for as per the IFRS, alternative performance indicators are also provided (for example, EBITDA) in order to allow for a better evaluation of the operating performance. These indicators are calculated in accordance with standard market procedures.

The Interim Management Statement at 31 September 2011 will be made available to the general public at the company's registered office and at Borsa Italiana S.p.A., as well in the Investor Relations section of the company's website within the time period required by law.

IGD - Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A.
Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A. is the main player in Italy's retail real estate market: it develops and manages shopping centers throughout the country and has a significant presence in Romanian retail distribution. Listed on the Star Segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, IGD was the first SIIQ (Società di Investimento Immobiliare Quotata or real estate investment trust) in Italy. IGD has a real estate portfolio valued at 1,894 million at 30 June 2011, comprised of, in Italy, 18 hypermarkets and supermarkets, 19 shopping malls and retail parks, 1 city center, 3 plots of land for development, 1 property held for trading and an additional 6 real estate properties. Following the acquisition of the company Winmark Magazine SA in 2008 15 shopping centers and an office building, found in 13 different Romanian cities, were added to the portfolio. An extensive domestic presence, a solid financial structure, the ability to plan, monitor and manage all phases of a center's life cycle: these qualities summarize IGD's strong points.
CONTACTS INVESTOR RELATIONS CLAUDIA CONTARINI Investor Relations +39 051 509213 ELISA ZANICHELI IR Assistant +39 051 509242 CONTACTS MEDIA RELATIONS IMAGE BUILDING Simona Raffaelli, Alfredo Mele, Valentina Bergamelli +39 02 89011300

The press release is available on the website, in the Investor Relations section, and on the website, in the Press Room section.

Please find attached the IGD Group's consolidated income statement, statement of financial position, statement of cash flows and net financial position at 30 September 20111.


The Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione Group's Interim Management Statement at 30 September 2011 and consolidated financial statements are not subject to financial audit by external auditors.


30/09/2011 30/09/2010 Change 3Q 2011 3Q 2010 Change (/000) Revenue Other income Revenue from property sales Total revenues and operating income Change in inventories for assets under construction Total revenue and change in inventory Costs of assets under construction Purchase of materials and services Cost of labour Other operating costs Total operating costs (A) 87,052 8,480 1,726 97,258 5,612 102,870 6,464 17,371 5,671 4,152 33,658 (3,273) (391) 12,076 8,412 77,624 (635) (635) 515 32,192 (31,677) 45,312 5,699 39,613 9 39,622 (B) 80,453 8,429 0 88,882 2,981 91,863 2,790 17,855 5,502 4,031 30,178 (2,358) (2,907) (4,414) (9,679) 52,006 0 0 2,512 28,906 (26,394) 25,612 3,006 22,606 42 22,648 (A-B) 6,599 51 1,726 8,376 2,631 11,007 3,674 (484) 169 121 3,480 (915) 2,516 16,490 18,091 25,618 (635) (635) (1,997) 3,286 (C) 29,703 2,765 0 32,468 2,196 34,664 2,053 5,666 1,772 1,393 10,884 (1,334) (251) (700) (2,285) 21,495 (2) (2) 118 11,603 (D) 26,754 2,598 0 29,352 1,010 30,362 960 5,505 1,676 1,331 9,472 (909) (0) (247) (1,156) 19,734 0 0 162 9,815 (9,653) 10,081 1,484 8,597 20 8,617 (C-D) 2,949 167 0 3,116 1,186 4,302 1,093 161 96 62 1,412 (425) (251) (453) (1,129) 1,761 (2) (2) (44) 1,788 (1,832) (73) (877) 804 8 812

(Amortization, depreciation and provisions) (Impairment losses)/Reversals on work in progress and goodwill Change in fair value - increases / (decreases) Total Amort., depr., provisions, impairment and change in fair value EBIT

Income from equity investments Income from equity investments Financial income Financial income Net financial income/(charges) PRE-TAX PROFIT Income tax for the period NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD Minorities portion of net profit

(5,283) (11,485) 19,700 2,693 17,007 (33) 16,974 10,008 607 9,401 28 9,429

Parent Company's portion of net profit

Consolidated statement of financial position
30/09/2011 (/000) NON CURRENT ASSETS: Intangible assets - Intangible assets with a finite useful life - Goodwill Plant, property and equipment - Real estate assets - Building - Plants and machinery - Equipment and other goods - Leasehold improvements - Works in progress 1,778,025 7,571 1,481 2,011 1,506 83,749 1,874,343 Other non-current assets - Prepaid taxes - Miscellaneous receivables and other non-current assets - Non-current financial assets 15,072 2,753 91 17,916 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS (A) CURRENT ASSETS: 1,903,768 69,430 6 13,587 17,036 23,430 10,018 133,507 2,037,275 768,018 11,842 779,860 897,883 713 51,616 1,801 20,083 972,096 259,519 11,993 8,647 5,160 285,319 1,257,415 2,037,275 1,741,240 7,620 1,526 2,131 1,551 81,918 1,835,986 10,518 3,238 4,905 18,661 1,866,162 67,390 8 14,163 20,382 28,171 5,386 135,500 2,001,662 773,771 11,870 785,641 858,340 664 52,355 1,662 19,360 932,381 253,144 15,597 9,776 5,123 283,640 1,216,021 2,001,662 1,666,630 7,668 1,130 1,549 1,640 74,291 1,752,908 13,104 4,581 4,399 22,084 1,786,488 64,289 7 12,979 43,812 7,092 32,264 160,443 1,946,931 761,603 11,851 773,454 869,374 612 48,910 1,645 25,625 946,166 191,463 20,657 8,266 6,925 227,311 1,173,477 1,946,931 36,785 ( 49) ( 45) ( 120) ( 45) 1,831 38,357 4,554 ( 485) ( 4,814) ( 745) 37,606 2,040 ( 2) ( 576) ( 3,346) ( 4,741) 4,632 ( 1,993) 35,613 ( 5,753) ( 28) ( 5,781) 39,543 49 ( 739) 139 723 39,715 6,375 ( 3,604) ( 1,129) 37 1,679 41,394 35,613 111,395 ( 97) 351 462 ( 134) 9,458 121,435 1,968 ( 1,828) ( 4,308) ( 4,168) 117,280 5,141 ( 1) 608 ( 26,776) 16,338 ( 22,246) ( 26,936) 90,344 6,415 ( 9) 6,406 28,509 101 2,706 156 ( 5,542) 25,930 68,056 ( 8,664) 381 ( 1,765) 58,008 83,938 90,344 82 11,427 11,509 88 11,427 11,515 69 11,427 11,496 ( 6) 0 ( 6) 13 0 13 (A) 30/06/2011 (B) 31/12/2010 (C) Variazioni (A-B) Variazioni (A-C)

Inventories - works in progress
Inventories Trade and other receivables Other current assets Financial receivables and other current financial assets Cash and cash equivalents TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS (B) TOTAL ASSETS (A + B) NET EQUITY: Portion pertaining to the Parent Company Portion pertaining to minorities TOTAL NET EQUITY (C) NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES: Non-current financial liabilities Employee severance indemnity fund (TFR) Deferred tax liabilities Provisions for risks and future charges Misc. payables and other non-current liabilities TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES (D) CURRENT LIABILITIES: Current financial liabilities Trade and other payables Current tax liabilities Other current liabilities TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES (E) TOTAL LIABILITIES (F=D + E) TOTAL NET EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (C + F)

Consolidated statement of cash flows
STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS AT 30/09/2011 30/09/2010

(/000) CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Net profit for the period Adjustments to reconcile net profit with cash flow generated (absorbed) by operating activities: Capital gains/ (losses) and other non-monetary items Depreciation, amortization and provisions (Impairment)/reversal of assets under construction and goodwill Net change in (deferred tax assets)/provision for deferred tax liabilities Change in fair value of investment property Change in inventories Net change in current assets and liabilities Net change in non-current assets and liabilities CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (a) Investments in fixed assets Divestments of equity investments in subsidiaries CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (b) Change in financial receivables and other current financial assets Change in translation reserve Payment of dividends Change in current debt Change in non-current debt CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (c) NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH BALANCE CASH BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD CASH BALANCE AT END OF THE PERIOD
5,420 3,273 391 4,823 (12,076) (5,140) 13,723 (2,415) 47,613 (111,762) 0 (111,762) (16,392) (25) (22,370) 66,061 14,629 41,903 (22,246) 32,264 10,018 4,151 2,358 2,907 1,052 4,414 (2,980) 21,445 (4,907) 51,047 (25,252) 13,120 (12,132) 52 (19) (14,914) (7,436) (23,447) (45,764) (6,849) 35,856 29,007 39,613 22,606

Consolidated net financial position
30/09/2011 Cash and cash equivalents Financial receivables and other current financial assets LIQUIDITY Current financial liabilities Mortgage loans - current portion Leasing ­ current portion Convertible bond loan - current portion CURRENT DEBT CURRENT NET DEBT Non-current financial assets Derivatives - assets Non-current financial liabilities due to other sources of finance Leasing ­ non-current portion Non-current financial liabilities Convertible bond loan Derivatives - liabilities NON-CURRENT DEBT TOTAL NET DEBT as per Consob Bulletin n. DEM/6064293/2006 Elimination of the CFH effect TOTAL AJUSTED NET DEBT (10,018) (23,430) (33,448) 207,762 47,303 2,392 2,062 259,519 226,071 (19) (72) 22,471 5,786 621,437 218,232 29,957 897,792 1,123,863 (29,884) 1,093,979 30/06/2011 (5,386) (28,171) (33,557) 204,561 46,181 2,358 44 253,144 219,587 (20) (4,885) 21,886 6,133 599,152 216,988 14,181 853,435 1,073,022 (9,296) 1,063,726 31/12/2010 (32,264) (7,092) (39,356) 141,718 48,431 1,248 66 191,463 152,107 (19) (4,380) 21,497 7,863 605,707 214,642 19,665 864,975 1,017,082 (15,286) 1,001,796

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