RNS Number:6507T
Northern AIM VCT PLC
24 December 2003

24 DECEMBER 2003



Northern AIM VCT PLC is a Venture Capital Trust (VCT) managed by Northern
Venture Managers.  The trust was launched in October 2000;  its portfolio of
VCT-qualifying investments is focussed on companies quoted on the Alternative
Investment Market (AiM) but also includes a number of later-stage unquoted

Financial highlights (comparative figures as at 31 October 2002):

*         Net assets                                                 #15,937,000               #12,089,000
*         Net asset value per share                                        72.9p                     55.2p
*         Share price                                                        60p                       55p
*         Investment income                                             #382,000                  #283,000
*         Net revenue before tax                                        #155,000                   #48,000
*         Revenue return per share                                          0.7p                      0.2p
*         Dividend per share                                                0.6p                     0.25p

For further information, please contact:

Northern Venture Managers Limited

Alastair Conn, Managing Director                                      0191 244 6000

Norman Yarrow, Investment Director                                    0131 260 1000

Website:  www.nvm.co.uk
Polhill Communications

Lucy Copeman/Marlene Scott                                            020 7655 0540


The Chairman of Northern AIM VCT PLC, James Dawnay, included the following
points in his statement to shareholders:

In my statement to shareholders last year I reported on a disappointing
performance over the year to October 2002 and outlined the strategy which your
board intended to follow in order to initiate a recovery.  Twelve months on, I
am pleased to report that the company has achieved a considerable improvement.

Net asset value

The net asset value of your company's shares as at 31 October 2003 was 72.9p, an
increase of 32.1% over the corresponding figure of 55.2p at 31 October 2002.
Over the same period the FTSE All-Share index rose by 9.6% and the FTSE AiM
index by 33.5%.  Compared with the opening position (net of issue expenses) when
Northern AIM VCT was launched in October 2000, the net asset value is down by
23.3% whilst the All-Share index has fallen by 28.6% and the AiM index by 51.8%.


During the year four new Aim-quoted holdings were added to the portfolio at a
cost of #900,000 and two unquoted investments were completed at a cost of
#575,000.  At 31 October 2003 the company's venture capital investments were
valued at #13.1 million, of which the AiM-quoted and unquoted elements each
represented approximately 50%.  As I mentioned last year, there has been a
relative lack of VCT-qualifying new issues on AiM during the past three years
but we have been able to compensate for this by participating in Northern
Venture Managers' strong flow of later-stage unquoted venture capital
investments.  As a result we have exceeded the Inland Revenue's 70% qualifying
investment test at the end of our third financial year.  The venture capital
portfolio has continued to perform well and we expect further progress in the

I reported last year that the quoted smaller companies portfolio managed by
Edinburgh Fund Managers was to be reduced to 10-15 core holdings with a value of
approximately #1.5 million, thus releasing additional funds for VCT-qualifying
investments.  Performance has been better during the past year and at 31 October
2003, after cash withdrawals of some #1.8 million, the portfolio comprised 14
holdings with an aggregate value of #1.4 million.  We will continue to keep
these investments under close review and it is possible that in due course they
will be liquidated in order to fund additional VCT-qualifying investments.

Revenue and dividend

Investment income for the year totalled #382,000, up 35% over the preceding
year.  Over three quarters of this income is derived from the unquoted venture
capital portfolio where most investments are structured to provide a good
running yield as well as long-term capital growth.  The revenue return before
tax increased from #48,000 to #155,000 and revenue per share from 0.2p to 0.7p.
As in previous years no interim dividend was declared.  However your directors
do recommend a final dividend of 0.6p per share (last year 0.25p), to be paid on
5 March 2004 to shareholders on the register on 6 February 2004.  The level of
dividend in the future will depend first on earnings, which may fluctuate from
year to year, and secondly on our managers' ability to generate realised capital
gains from the portfolio.

Northern Venture Managers

Shareholders will be aware that Edinburgh Fund Managers, the parent group of
Northern Venture Managers, was acquired by Aberdeen Asset Management in October
2003.  This introduced a note of uncertainty concerning the future of NVM, so I
am very pleased to report that NVM's executives, including Alastair Conn and our
fund manager Norman Yarrow, completed an amicable management buyout of their
business from the Aberdeen group on 23 December 2003.


Your company has benefited from a strong upturn in the financial markets over
the past nine months and the world's major economies, including the USA, are all
recovering.  However the horizon is by no means clear of dark clouds and it is
too early to conclude that we are once again in a period of sustained market
growth.  Given the continuing uncertainties it is encouraging that we now have a
diversified portfolio of carefully selected investments, mostly in
well-established and profitable companies, and we expect to see a further
recovery in the company's position over the next 12 months.

James Dawnay

The financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2003 will show the
results set out below.

for the year ended 31 October 2003

                                              Year ended 31 October 2003          Year ended 31 October 2002
                                             Revenue     Capital       Total     Revenue     Capital       Total

                                                #000        #000        #000        #000        #000        #000
Gains/(losses) on investments
  Realised on disposals                            -      (4,307)     (4,307)          -      (2,959)     (2,959)
  Unrealised revaluation movements                 -       8,349       8,349           -        (553)       (553)
                                              ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
                                                   -       4,042       4,042           -      (3,512)     (3,512)
Income                                           382           -         382         283           -         283
Investment management fee                        (65)       (194)       (259)        (81)       (243)       (324)
Other expenses                                  (162)          -        (162)       (154)          -        (154)
                                              ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
Return on ordinary activities
  before tax                                     155       3,848       4,003          48      (3,755)     (3,707)
Tax on ordinary activities                        (6)          6           -           -           -           -
                                              ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
Return on ordinary activities
  after tax                                      149       3,854       4,003          48      (3,755)     (3,707)
Dividends                                       (131)          -        (131)        (55)          -         (55)
                                              ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
Transfer to/(from) reserves                       18       3,854       3,872          (7)     (3,755)     (3,762)
                                              ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
Return per share                                 0.7p       17.6p       18.3p        0.2p     (17.1)p     (16.9)p
Dividend per share                               0.6p         -          0.6p       0.25p         -         0.25p

as at 31 October 2003

                                   31 October 2003    31 October 2002

                                              #000               #000
Venture capital investments:
  AiM                                        6,370              4,173
  Unquoted                                   6,706              4,492
                                           -------            -------
Total venture capital                       13,076              8,665
Listed smaller company                       1,351              2,666
                                           -------            -------
Total fixed asset investments               14,427             11,331
                                           -------            -------
Net current assets:
Debtors                                         67                 22
Cash at bank                                 1,630                841
                                           -------            -------
                                             1,697                863
Creditors (amounts falling due
  within one year)                            (187)              (105)
                                           -------            -------
Net current assets                           1,510                758
                                           -------            -------

Net assets                                  15,937             12,089
                                           -------            -------

Capital and reserves:
Called-up equity share capital               1,093              1,096
Share premium                                9,900              9,900
Capital redemption reserve                       7                  4
Special reserve                              9,820              9,844
Capital reserve:
  Realised                                  (7,870)            (3,375)
  Unrealised                                 2,966             (5,383)
Revenue reserve                                 21                  3
                                           -------            -------
Total equity shareholders' funds            15,937             12,089
                                           -------            -------
Net asset value per share                     72.9p              55.2p


for the year ended 31 October 2003
                                                         Year ended                    Year ended
                                                      31 October 2003                31 October 2002
                                                       #000            #000            #000            #000
Cash flow statement
Net cash outflow from
  operating activities                                                  (78)                           (203)
Corporation tax recovered                                                 -                               4
Financial investment:
Purchase of investments                              (1,926)                         (5,222)
Sale of investments                                   2,872                           4,574
                                                    -------                         -------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from
  financial investment                                                  946                            (648)
Equity dividends paid                                                   (55)                           (143)
                                                                    -------                         -------
Cash inflow/(outflow) before use
of liquid resources and financing                                       813                            (990)
Net cash inflow from
  management of liquid resources                                          -                           1,190
Share purchased for cancellation                                        (24)                            (56)
                                                                    -------                         -------
Increase in cash at bank                                                789                             144
                                                                    -------                         -------
Reconciliation of net revenue
before taxation to net cash flow from
operating activities
Net revenue before tax                                                  155                              48
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                                          (45)                              1
(Decrease)/increase in creditors                                          6                              (9)
Management fees charged to                                             (194)                           (243)
                                                                    -------                         -------
Net cash outflow from operating                                         (78)                           (203)
                                                                    -------                         -------
Analysis movement in net funds
                                     1 November                  Cash flows                  31 October 2003
                                          #000                         #000                            #000
Cash at bank                               841                          789                           1,630
                                       -------                      -------                         -------

as at 31 October 2003

                                                                       Valuation           % of net assets

                                                                            #000              by valuation
Venture capital investments
(* denotes traded on AiM, others unquoted)
DMN Installations                                                          2,709                      17.0
Stainton Metal Company                                                     1,219                       7.6
T J Brent                                                                  1,002                       6.3
PM Group*                                                                    708                       4.4
Aero Inventory*                                                              684                       4.3
Atlantic Global*                                                             642                       4.0
Centurion Electronics*                                                       567                       3.6
Pilat Media Global*                                                          555                       3.5
Fitzhardinge*                                                                487                       3.1
Crantock Bakery                                                              443                       2.8
Horncastle Industries                                                        438                       2.8
Media Square*                                                                434                       2.7
SectorGuard*                                                                 391                       2.5
Spring Grove Property Maintenance*                                           373                       2.3
Hartest Holdings*                                                            352                       2.2
                                                                         -------                    ------
Fifteen largest venture capital investments                               11,004                      69.1
Longhirst Group                                                              350                       2.2
1st Dental Laboratories*                                                     337                       2.1
Keith Prowse                                                                 280                       1.8
i-documentsystems group*                                                     240                       1.5
John Laing Partnership                                                       225                       1.4
Cobra Biotechnology*                                                         198                       1.2
Warthog*                                                                     129                       0.8
Fulcrum Pharma*                                                              104                       0.7
AdVal Group*                                                                  76                       0.5
OMG*                                                                          53                       0.3
First Artist Corporation*                                                     46                       0.3
Bank Restaurant Group*                                                        34                       0.2
                                                                         -------                    ------
Total venture capital investments                                         13,076                      82.1
                                                                         -------                    ------
Listed smaller company investments
French Connection                                                            154                       1.0
Liontrust Asset Management                                                   133                       0.8
Radstone Technology                                                          131                       0.8
Forth Ports                                                                  121                       0.8
Alterian                                                                     117                       0.7
Edinburgh Oil & Gas                                                          114                       0.7
Johnson Service Group                                                        113                       0.7
Abbot Group                                                                  110                       0.7
Others (valuation less than #100,000)                                        358                       2.2
                                                                         -------                    ------
Total listed smaller company investments                                   1,351                       8.4
                                                                         -------                    ------

Total fixed asset investments                                             14,427                      90.5
Net current assets                                                         1,510                       9.5
                                                                         -------                    ------
Net assets                                                                15,937                     100.0
                                                                         -------                    ------

The above summary of results for the year ended 31 October 2003 does not
constitute statutory financial statements within the meaning of Section 240 of
the Companies Act 1985 and has not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
  Statutory financial statements will be filed with the Registrar of Companies
in due course;  the auditors' report on those financial statements under Section
235 of the Companies Act 1985 is unqualified and does not contain a statement
under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

The proposed final dividend for the year ended 31 October 2003 will, if approved
by shareholders, be paid on 5 March 2004 to shareholders on the register at the
close of business on 6 February 2004.

Copies of the full annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31
October 2003 are expected to be posted to shareholders on 14 January 2004 and
will be available to the public at the registered office of the company at
Northumberland House, Princess Square, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ER.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange