To: Stock Exchange                           For immediate release:
                                             29 October 2003

                    Securities Trust of Scotland plc
           Interim results for the period to 30 September 2003

Chairman's statement

It's very pleasant to be able to report an increase in the company's net
asset value for the first time since 2000. The Company's net asset value
per ordinary share rose by 17.5% in total return terms; the benchmark
FTSE All-Share index rose by 19.0%. As you are aware, only 85% of the
company's assets are in equities, with the balance in bonds or cash.
Because our equity portfolio needs to produce a certain level of income,
the market's rotation into low-yielding high return stocks has been hard
to replicate. As a result, the equities have tended to lag the recovery.
However, our decision to maintain a 20% geared exposure to equities has
more than compensated. Although our bond content has outperformed the FT
Government All Stocks Index, bonds have lagged equities significantly as
yields have risen globally. The share price total return, which
incorporates net dividends as well as the movement in the share price,
rose by 20.9% - nearly 2% ahead of the benchmark. This was due partly to
the narrowing of the discount from 12.1% to 11.7%.

The board has declared a maintained interim dividend of 1.27p per share,
payable on 19 December 2003 to shareholders on the register on 28
November 2003. Any increase in the full-year dividend will be made with
the final dividend payment.

While investor confidence has improved in response to the significant
monetary and fiscal stimuli of the last two years, markets will struggle
to maintain the level of momentum that has been built up over the

                                - ends -
For further information, please contact:

Tom Maxwell or Michael Woodward
Martin Currie Investment Management Ltd                0131 229 5252 /


Statement of total return (incorporating the revenue account) for the
six months ended 30 September 2003
                                          Revenue  Capital    Total
                                            �'000    �'000    �'000
Gains on investments - realised                -    16,192    16,192
                     - unrealised              -    26,576    26,576
Currency losses                                -     (113)     (113)
Income - franked                           8,803         -     8,803
       - unfranked                         1,043         -     1,043
Investment management fee                  (309)     (720)   (1,029)
Other expenses                             (300)      (14)     (314)
                                        ________   _______  ________                                                    
Net return before finance costs and 
taxation                                   9,237    41,921    51,158
Interest payable and similar charges     (1,470)   (3,430)   (4,900)
                                        ________   _______  ________                             
Return on ordinary activities before       
taxation                                   7,767    38,491    46,258
Taxation on ordinary activities             (74)         -      (74)
                                        ________   _______  ________                             
Return on ordinary activities after        
taxation                                   7,693    38,491    46,184
Dividends in respect of equity         
shares: 1.27p per share                  (3,963)         -   (3,963)  
                                        ________   _______  ________                             
Transfer to reserves                       3,730    38,491    42,221
Returns per ordinary share                 2.47p    12.33p    14.80p
                                        ________   _______  ________                               

The revenue columns of this statement are the profit and loss account of
the company.
All  revenue  and  capital  items in the  above  statement  derive  from
continuing operations.
No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year.

The directors have declared an interim dividend on the ordinary share of
the  company for the year ending 31 March 2004 of 1.27p per share (2003:
1.27p),  with an ex dividend date of 26 November 2003 to be paid  on  19
December 2003 to shareholders on the register on 28 November 2003.

The interim results will be circulated to shareholders in the form of an
interim  report,  copies  of which will be available  at  the  company's
registered office, Saltire Court, 20 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2ES.

Statement of total return (incorporating the revenue account*) for the
six months ended 30 September 2002
                                         Revenue   Capital       Total
                                           �'000     �'000       �'000
Losses on investments - realised               -  (19,165)    (19,165)
                      - unrealised             - (109,528)  (109,5258)
Currency losses                                -         -           -
Income - franked                           8,667         -       8,667
       - unfranked                           664         -         664
Investment management fee                  (361)     (842)     (1,203)
Other expenses                             (292)      (14)       (306)
                                         _______   _______     _______                     
Net return before finance costs and        
taxation                                   8,678 (129,549)   (120,871)                                          
Interest payable and similar charges     (1,470)   (3,430)     (4,900)
                                         _______   _______     _______                           
Return on ordinary activities before       
taxation                                   7,208 (132,979)   (125,771)                                                
Taxation on ordinary activities             (68)        68           -
                                         _______   _______     _______                           
Return on ordinary activities after        
taxation                                   7,140 (132,911)   (125,771)                                  
Dividends in respect of equity           
shares: 1.27 p per share                 (3,963)         -     (3,963)
                                         _______   _______     _______                            
Transfer to/(from) reserves                3,177 (132,911)   (129,734)
                                         _______   _______     _______                        
Returns per ordinary share                 2.29p  (42.60p)    (40.31p)
                                         _______   _______     _______                           

The revenue columns of this statement are the profit and loss account of
the company.
All  revenue  and  capital  items in the  above  statement  derive  from
continuing operations.
No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year.


Statement of total return (incorporating the revenue account*) for the
year ended 31 March 2003

                                         Revenue   Capital     Total
                                           �'000     �'000     �'000
Losses on investments- realised                -  (26,003)  (26,003)
                     - unrealised              - (110,737) (110,737)
Currency losses                                -         -         -
Income - franked                          16,864         -    16,864
       - unfranked                         1,371         -     1,371
Investment management fee                  (692)   (1,615)   (2,307)
Other expenses                             (661)      (46)     (707)
                                         _______   _______   _______                        
Net return before finance costs and      
taxation                                  16,882 (138,401) (121,519)               
Interest payable and similar charges     (2,937)   (6,853)   (9,790)
                                         _______   _______   _______                            
Return on ordinary activities before      
taxation                                  13,945 (145,254) (131,309)                
Taxation on ordinary activities                -         -         -
                                         _______   _______   _______                             
Return on ordinary activities after       
taxation                                  13,945 (145,254) (131,309)                 
Dividends in respect of equity          
shares: 4.52p per share                 (14,103)         -  (14,103)
                                         _______   _______   _______                            
Transfer from reserves                     (158) (145,254) (145,412)   
                                         _______   _______   _______                
Returns per ordinary share                 4.47p  (46.55p)  (42.08p)
                                         _______   _______   _______                           

The revenue columns of this statement are the profit and loss account of
the company.
All  revenue  and  capital  items in the  above  statement  derive  from
continuing operations.
No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year.



                                  Unaudited           Unaudited            Audited
                                    As at               As at               As at
                             30 September 2003     30 September 2002    31 March 2003
                                �000       �000      �000      �000     �000      �000
Investments at market value             419,876             378,603            364,551
Current assets
Debtors                        3,212               12,989              6,195        
Cash at bank                  12,343               17,231             28,358        
                             _______              _______            _______                                            
                              15,555               30,220             34,850        
Amounts falling due                   
within one year              (5,732)              (5,707)           (11,943)
                             _______              _______            _______                                    
Net current assets                        9,823              24,513             22,907
                                        _______             _______            _______                         
Total assets less           
current liabilities                     429,699             403,116            387,458 
Amounts falling due        
after one year                        (123,902)           (123,862)          (123,882)                             
                                        _______             _______            _______                           
Net assets                              305,797             279,254            263,576
                                        _______             _______            _______
Capital and reserves
Called up ordinary capital               78,006              78,006             78,006
Capital redemption reserve                2,074               2,074              2,074
Capital reserve                         214,022             187,874            175,531                              
Revenue reserve                          11,695              11,300              7,965
                                        _______             _______            _______                         
Total shareholders' funds               305,797             279,254            263,576
                                        _______             _______            _______
Net asset value per share                98.00p              89.50p             84.47p



                                                         Unaudited         Unaudited          Audited
                                                      6 months ended     6 months ended     year ended
                                                    30 September 2003  30 September 2002   31 March 2003
                                                    �000       �000     �000      �000     �000     �000
Operating activities                                            
Net dividends and interest received from            
investments                                       11,038              10,685             17,493
Interest received from deposits                      479                 438                858     
Investment management fee                        (1,029)             (1,203)            (2,307)                         
Cash paid to and on behalf of directors             (39)                (41)               (83)     
Bank charges paid                                    (9)                (20)               (30)     
Other cash payments                                (306)               (283)              (575)     
                                                 _______             _______            _______
Net cash inflow from operating activities                   10,1347              9,576            15,356
Servicing of finance 
Interest paid                                    (4,910)             (4,899)            (9,779)     
                                                 _______             _______            _______                         
Net cash outflow from servicing of finance                  (4,910)            (4,899)           (9,779)
Taxation paid                                       (74)                   -                  -     
Taxation recovered                                    22                  62                 43     
                                                 _______             _______            _______               
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from taxation                      (52)                 62                43

Capital expenditure and                                         
financial investment
Payments to acquire investments                 (74,380)            (22,735)           (44,225)     
Receipts from disposal of investments             63,446              23,874             59,573     
Exchange losses                                    (113)                   -                  -     
                                                 _______             _______            _______               
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from capital 
expenditure and financial investment                      (11,047)               1,139           15,348                 
Equity dividends paid                                     (10,140)             (9,892)         (13,855)
                                                           _______             _______          _______
(Decrease)/increase in cash for the year                  (16,015)             (4,014)            7,113                 
                                                           _______             _______          _______