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SPDR SSGA US Large Cap Low Volatility Index ETF

SPDR SSGA US Large Cap Low Volatility Index ETF (LGLV)

Geschlossen 30 März 10:00PM
Nach Börsenschluss: 9:22PM


StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
164,007,1011,100,009,100,000,00 %00-
165,006,2010,000,008,100,000,00 %00-
166,005,509,300,007,400,000,00 %00-
167,004,008,300,006,150,000,00 %00-
168,003,807,600,005,700,000,00 %00-
169,003,106,700,004,900,000,00 %00-
170,002,006,000,004,000,000,00 %00-
171,001,805,200,003,500,000,00 %00-
172,001,654,100,002,8750,000,00 %00-
173,001,003,700,002,350,000,00 %00-
174,000,603,200,001,900,000,00 %00-
175,000,152,650,001,400,000,00 %00-
176,000,002,300,000,000,000,00 %00-
177,000,002,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
178,000,001,700,000,000,000,00 %00-
179,000,001,550,000,000,000,00 %00-
180,000,001,500,000,000,000,00 %00-

Stärken Sie Ihr Portfolio: Diskussionen in Echtzeit und umsetzbare Handelsideen.


StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
164,000,001,800,000,000,000,00 %00-
165,000,001,850,000,000,000,00 %00-
166,000,002,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
167,000,003,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
168,000,002,350,000,000,000,00 %00-
169,000,052,550,001,300,000,00 %00-
170,000,304,000,002,150,000,00 %00-
171,000,703,100,001,900,000,00 %00-
172,001,053,500,002,2750,000,00 %00-
173,001,455,000,003,2250,000,00 %00-
174,002,005,000,003,500,000,00 %00-
175,002,056,000,004,0250,000,00 %00-
176,002,655,300,003,9750,000,00 %00-
177,003,408,000,005,700,000,00 %00-
178,004,109,000,006,550,000,00 %00-
179,004,908,900,006,900,000,00 %00-
180,005,809,900,007,850,000,00 %00-
  • Volumen
  • % Tops
  • % Flops
PRTGPortage Biotech Inc
US$ 9,60
LXRXLexicon Pharmaceuticals Inc
US$ 0,5741
DBVTDBV Technologies SA
US$ 6,12
MYSZMy Size Inc
US$ 1,79
LXEHLixiang Education Holding Company Ltd
US$ 17,70
STSSSharps Technology Inc
US$ 0,0421
MISTMilestone Pharmaceuticals Inc
US$ 0,88
XTIAXTI Aerospace Inc
US$ 1,23
LGMKLogicMark Inc
US$ 0,0258
ICONIcon Energy Corporation
US$ 0,0516
LXRXLexicon Pharmaceuticals Inc
US$ 0,5741
DMNDamon Inc
US$ 0,0346
NVDANVIDIA Corporation
US$ 109,67
STSSSharps Technology Inc
US$ 0,0421
TSLLDirexion Daily TSLA Bull 2X Trust ETF
US$ 9,845
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 1 Minute vor
What's you prediction for FY Gross Revenues?

I predict $500,000

3331 is predicting $1,600,000

Previous two years they did about $700,000

They started selling to the veterinarians and the VA and the Taiwan distributors in 2024 so that could
WooptdooU WooptdooU 2 Minuten vor
The interviewer noted the SILENCE on the insider buys question. Don't forget that. It is VERY TELLING and IMPORTANT at this point. Insiders don't appear to believe. That is a poor showing. That's why I would rather wait and pay higher than xontinue to catch the falling knife. It is painful, that's f
santafe2 santafe2 2 Minuten vor
Even a fool like DJT can hear it when his base is put off by a billionaire who says that if grandma is 'real America' she won't mind missing her social security check. They told Face The Nation that Lutnick would not be available for comments on tariffs...:).
louieforpar louieforpar 3 Minuten vor
I think he'll be dead in less than four one way or another
XMaster2023 XMaster2023 4 Minuten vor
Investor082- I have asked you your credentials as a basis for evaluating the success of the trial for DCVax-L of which there were 73 coauthors. Of which you have not replied. Below please find one of the coauthors who you say is wrong.

Jian L. Campian, M.D., Ph.D., is a Medical Neuro-
XMaster2023 XMaster2023 4 Minuten vor
Investor082- I have asked you your credentials as a basis for evaluating the success of the trial for DCVax-L of which there were 73 coauthors. Of which you have not replied. Below please find one of the coauthors who you say is wrong.

Jian L. Campian, M.D., Ph.D., is a Medical Neuro-
boywonder1 boywonder1 5 Minuten vor
You have been reported for buying at your imaginary 0.0001,lol. What a fool you are. Thank you for all documentation as you make it too easy. Everyone report this stock price manipulator, it is a crime‼️ Your angry 2 inch will not be needed where you are going. Bend over .. roasted. Love it. $$$$Rit
Smitty5150 Smitty5150 5 Minuten vor
Anavexs' lead compound, Anavex 2-73, will be taken as a prophylactic. Funny thing is, there other compound, A 3-71, is supposed to have even better efficacy. I think they are about to intimate a trial with 3-71 for schizophrenia. If it pans out in the EU with 2-73 form Alz...a run to $100 is not out
ombowstring ombowstring 6 Minuten vor
Very true - and the "US corporations raking in endless billions from the sale of the weapons used" are paid by the U.S. government, much of it borrowed money.

I just watched this - Hitler: From Homeless to Monster - on YouTube. It gives a good synopsis of the life of the most brutal m
RKT989 RKT989 6 Minuten vor
Sooo...How many times are PSC's Signed WITHOUT DRILLING IN THE BLOCK IN QUESTION...such as block 4.
jbog jbog 6 Minuten vor
I don't think anyone knows how the tariff environment will "shake-out", but steel will always be needed. If the share price drifts lower it begins to look overdone.

The American Companies raised the price of HRC 27% as the Tariffs were mentioned. That means they want the money instea
WooptdooU WooptdooU 7 Minuten vor
Pp bot? You only post like a kid against another post. Keep it up, and you will be on "IGNORE", Hahahaha.
XMaster2023 XMaster2023 7 Minuten vor
The only one not telling the truth is you my friend, because you are paid not to tell the truth.
Thomas@yahoo Thomas@yahoo 7 Minuten vor
CC12 We are also now in 14 locations of Better Health Market as well as all the others I’ve already posted. I hope to have some other GREAT NEWS COMING SOON…
Investor082 Investor082 8 Minuten vor
He is LG’s buddy. What do you expect?
Investor082 Investor082 9 Minuten vor
No one is disputing JAMA publication, but that does not give LG and LP freedom to lie to shareholders.

Let’s see how Flip sees LG’s lying behavior.
Investor082 Investor082 11 Minuten vor
If LP ever said that they are not filing to FDA because of Flaskworks and volume consideration then she gets slapped with a lawsuit earlier than Q4 2025!

The reason they are not filing with FDA is that FDA will simply reject their application due to lack of specificity with patient l
srinsocal srinsocal 12 Minuten vor
Your declaration was, " Then who had the 65 million shares on the ASK at .0002 all day," Wrong.

Must not have read the info on how MMs operate, here it is again.

I am sure you are aware that on the OTC Traders Buy from the MMs at the 'Ask price' and Sell to the
Smitty5150 Smitty5150 12 Minuten vor
your deceiving people with your statements. Whatever the flavor of the day, in regards to the current NWBO topic, you "have a friend". CEOs of Biotechs, Rearchers, Doctors, and now, in your latest post, a high-end financials guy. In your latest, your friend that in the financial services industry -
Steady_T Steady_T 14 Minuten vor
Don't speak for everyone else. Speak for yourself. I'll chose what I think is legit about NWBO for myself.

Your argument is not fact based but rhetorical and as such has little value, at least to me. Others might find your sweeping claims worth consideration.

And except
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 14 Minuten vor
And could be some debtors who was paid in common shares?????? it is so weird that any of theese one does post in this board. They know some thing ? i bet for thinking that yes.
Eagle1 Eagle1 14 Minuten vor
HI Janice Homebrew et all. Just checking in here to say hi and hope all is well.
XMaster2023 XMaster2023 15 Minuten vor
Investor082- I have asked you your credentials as a basis for evaluating the success of the trial for DCVax-L of which there were 73 coauthors. Of which you have not replied. Below please find one of the coauthors who you say is wrong.
Dr. Iwamoto is a neuro-oncologist whose previous train
PegnVA PegnVA 16 Minuten vor
The price we pay for American descent into fascism.....
Philosophy professor Jason Stanley, as well as historians Timothy Snyder and Marci Shore have decided to leave Yale University and move to Canada. Starting in the fall of 2025, they will work at the University of Toronto and teach at the