premier exchanges team up to promote public VC as a complementary
growth path
2017 /PRNewswire/ - Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and
TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) are kicking off a five-city U.S. Public
Venture Capital (VC) Roadshow today in Santa Monica, California. Hosted today
by Expert DOJO, one of Southern
California's largest accelerators, and by GSVlabs in
Redwood City on Thursday, April 6, these events are designed to
bring together a community of entrepreneurs to explore the value
and merits of public venture capital as a viable source of funding
for early-stage companies.
"TSX and TSXV are committed to supporting the capital raising
and liquidity needs of high growth businesses throughout the
Americas and globally " said Ungad Chadda, President, Capital
Formation, Equity Capital Markets, TMX Group. "The goal of our U.S.
roadshow is to engage the next wave of aspiring U.S. companies and
make them aware of the benefits TMX offers through our unique and
proven exchange ecosystem. A key part of this series is
connecting leading bankers and advisors from the Canadian capital
markets directly with local growth companies. We want
entrepreneurs and business owners based in the epicenter of
innovation in the U.S. to be apprised of how a listing on TSX or
TSXV can supplement and accelerate their growth plans and capital
markets strategies."
The roadshow events feature an informational seminar on the
benefits of listing on the Exchanges with advisors from leading
investment banks, accounting firms and law firms, and provide an
overall understanding of how Canada's equity markets can be a growth
platform for U.S. businesses. The events also facilitate one-on-one
meetings covering cross-border legal, accounting and banking
considerations for companies reviewing their financing options.
"Expert DOJO works with early stage startups throughout
the United States to help scale
growth. In many cases this means exploring new financing
alternatives as current vehicles are very inflexible," said
Brian McMahon, Founder, Expert DOJO.
"Canada's equity markets
offer a very important alternative to entrepreneurs who want to
build quickly with the backing of the public markets. As such,
Expert DOJO is a big supporter of this financing method for our
TSX and TSXV are home to over 120 U.S. companies, more than any
other exchange group outside of the U.S. More than $6 billion has been raised by U.S. companies on
the Exchanges since the start of 2012. Every year, hundreds
of U.S., Canadian and international companies raise billions of
dollars in public VC funding on TSX and TSXV.
TSX and TSXV will visit three additional cities as part of the
U.S. Public VC Roadshow, including Seattle on June
6, and Boston and
Phoenix in the fall.
About TMX Group (TSX:X)
TMX Group's key subsidiaries operate cash and derivative markets
and clearinghouses for multiple asset classes including equities,
fixed income and energy. Toronto Stock Exchange, TSX Venture
Exchange, TSX Alpha Exchange, The Canadian Depository for
Securities, Montréal Exchange, Canadian Derivatives Clearing
Corporation, NGX, Shorcan, Shorcan Energy Brokers, AgriClear and
other TMX Group companies provide listing markets, trading markets,
clearing facilities, depository services, data products and other
services to the global financial community. TMX Group is
headquartered in Toronto and
operates offices across Canada
(Montréal, Calgary and
Vancouver), in key U.S. markets
(New York, Houston) as well as in London, Beijing and Singapore. For more information about TMX
Group, visit our website at Follow TMX Group on
Twitter: @TMXGroup.
This news release is not, nor should it be construed as, an
inducement for US persons to effect or report transactions on TSX
or TSXV. Listing on TSX or TSXV does not guarantee the future
performance of a security or an issuer.
SOURCE TMX Group Limited