RNS Number:2005I
Quayle Munro Holdings PLC
03 March 2003


Interim Report for the Six Months ended 31st December 2002



For the six months ended 31st December 2002, Group profit before taxation was
#316,000 compared with #655,000 for the same period last year, a decrease of 52
per cent.

The fall in pre-tax profits was mainly the result of a quiet six months in terms
of project completions and receipts.  Group turnover, after deducting the share
of joint venture's turnover, fell by 41% from #868,000 to #510,000.  Included in
this, corporate finance fees fell from #553,000 to #360,000.  However, work in
progress rose by #148,000 compared with #115,000 in the comparative period.
There was a rise in directors' and fund management fees from #114,000 to
#181,000, but sundry income dropped sharply from #204,000 to #36,000.  Income
from investments and interest received also fell, from #308,000 to #246,000.
Operating charges fell from #763,000 to #729,000.

The overall result is a profit after taxation of #254,000 compared with #519,000
for the same period last year, a decrease of 51 per cent.  In view of
satisfactory prospects the Directors have decided to increase the interim
dividend by 10 per cent, to 5.5p per share, which will be paid on 7th April 2003
to shareholders on the register at close of business on 14th March 2003.

Net Assets

The Group balance sheet as at 31st December 2002 shows net assets of #16.287
million, which is equivalent to 463.1p per ordinary share, a rise of 22.9p per
share (5.2 per cent) since 30th June 2002.  Net assets as at 31st December 2001
were #13.908 million (395.5p per share), and there has been a rise over the
twelve-month period of 67.6p per share (17.1 per cent).

The last six months have been noteworthy for continued uncertainty in the
financial markets but in that period we have been able to reflect growth in
assets because of our continued commitment to housebuilding through Morris Group
and to our PFI portfolio.  During the six month period the value of our unlisted
investments rose by #1.1 million, due mainly to Morris, whose profits in their
current financial year, which ends on 31st March 2003, will show a significant
increase from the preceding year and in excess of expectations when we last
valued this holding in September.  There have been small decreases in the
valuations which we have ascribed to Submersible Television Surveys and to
Chiltern Invadex plc.  We are now beginning to see the benefits of the early
move that we made into the PFI sector through good rates of return from the
companies in which we have invested underpinned by sound trading performances.

The breakdown of our assets as at 31st December 2002, together with the
equivalent figures for 30th June 2002, is as follows:
                                                       December 2002                June 2002
                                                    # million      %'age      # million       %'age
Office building and other fixed assets                 1.4          8.6          1.4           9.0
Housebuilding                                          8.3         50.9          7.0          45.2
PFI investments                                        3.2         19.6          3.1          20.0
Other unlisted investments                             1.6          9.8          1.6          10.3
Cash, or cash equivalent, listed securities and        1.8         11.1          2.4          15.5
net working capital
                                                      16.3         100.0        15.5          100.0


The continued growth of Morris, in which we now have a very substantial
investment, together with our professional experience in advising and investing
in projects under the Private Finance Initiative or Public Private Partnerships
suggest that we are well set for future growth.  The second six months are at
this stage expected to show a significant increase in profitability as a result
of PFI advisory projects coming to legal completion and the possibility of
distributions being received from our early PFI investments as a result of
refinancing procedures.



3rd March 2003

                          GROUP PROFIT AND                                                     
                          LOSS ACCOUNT                                                         
                          For the six months ended                                             
                          31 December 2002                                                     
                                                                 Half Year       Half Year      Year      
                                                               31st December   31st December 30th June 
                                                                  2002            2001        2002      
                                                                 Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited   
                                                                    #'000          #'000     #'000     

                         TURNOVER - group and share of                                         
                         joint venture's turnover                       576       872     2,100
                         Less: share of joint venture's                                        
                         Turnover                                      (66)       (4)      (35)
                         GROUP TURNOVER                                 510       868     2,065
                         Movements in work in progress                  148       115      (37)
                                                                        658       983     2,028
                         Gain on trading in financial                                          
                         Instruments                                      -        19        19
                         Other operating charges                      (729)     (763)   (1,738)
                         GROUP OPERATING (LOSS)/PROFIT                 (71)       239       309
                         Share of joint venture's operating profit       64         4        30
                         TOTAL OPERATING (LOSS)/PROFIT                  (7)       243       339
                         Profit on sales of fixed asset                                        
                         Investments                                     91       121       191
                         Income from investments                        230       284       623
                         Interest receivable                             16        24        49
                         Loan interest payable                         (14)      (17)      (30)
                         TOTAL PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION                   316       655     1,172
                         Taxation                                      (62)     (136)     (228)
                         PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO                                                
                         MEMBERS OF PARENT                                                     
                         COMPANY                                        254       519       944
                         Dividend on equity shares                    (193)   (1,055)   (1,407)
                         RETAINED PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR                                            
                         THE PERIOD                                      61     (536)     (463)
                                                GROUP STATEMENT OF                                                   
                                                 TOTAL RECOGNISED                                                     
                                                GAINS AND LOSSES                                                     
                                            For the six months ended                                             
                                                 31 December 2002                                                     
                                                                 Half Year       Half Year       Year      
                                                                 31st December   31st December   30th June 
                                                                 2002            2001            2002      
                                                                 Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited   
                                                                  #'000           #'000           #'000     

                              Profit for the year excluding                               
                              share of profit of joint venture         190     515               914
                              Share of joint venture's profit                             
                              for the period                            64       4                30
                              PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO                                      
                              MEMBERS OF PARENT                                           
                              COMPANY                                  254     519               944
                              Unrealised revaluation gains                                
                              during the period                        745     574             2,075
                              Taxation charged directly to                                
                              Reserves                                   -    (10)               (10)
                              TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS                                      
                              RELATING TO THE PERIOD                   999   1,083             3,009
                              BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE (Note 3)                           
                                                                        7.2p   14.9p            26.9p        
                              DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE (Note 3)                         
                                                                        7.1p   14.6p            26.5p        
                              DIVIDEND PER SHARE                                          
                              (Note 2)                                  5.5p    5.0p            15.0p
                              SPECIAL DIVIDEND PER                                        
                              SHARE                                      -     25.0p            25.0p
                          GROUP BALANCE SHEET                                                
                          As at 31 December 2002                                             
                                                                31st December   31st December   30th June 
                                                                2002            2001            2002      
                                                                Unaudited       Unaudited       Audited   
                                                                #'000           #'000           #'000     

                        FIXED ASSETS                                                            
                        Tangible assets                                  1,430    1,489    1,446
                        Investment in joint venture                                             
                        - share of gross assets                          1,192      109    1,024
                        - share of gross liabilities                       (6)      (4)      (5)
                        Investments - listed                             1,318    3,033    1,681
                        - unlisted                                      11,922    8,943   10,735
                                                                        15,856   13,570   14,881
                        CURRENT ASSETS                                                          
                        Debtors                                            912      776      936
                        Work in progress                                   323      327      175
                        Taxation recoverable                                18       19       38
                        Short term deposits and cash at bank               159    1,135    2,285
                                                                         1,412    2,257    3,434
                        AMOUNTS FALLING DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR                                     
                        Bank loan                                           43       43       43
                        Creditors                                          165      142      954
                        Taxation payable                                    99      161      124
                        Proposed dividends                                 193    1,055    1,231
                                                                           500    1,401    2,352
                        NET CURRENT ASSETS                                 912      856    1,082
                        TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT                                               
                        LIABILITIES                                     16,768   14,426   15,963
                        AMOUNTS FALLING DUE AFTER MORE THAN ONE YEAR                            
                        Bank loan                                        (467)    (510)    (467)
                        PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES                                  
                        Deferred taxation                                 (14)      (8)     (14)
                        TOTAL NET ASSETS                                16,287   13,908   15,482
                        CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                                                        
                        Called up share capital                           352       352      352
                        Share premium account                             738       738      738
                        Profit and loss account                         7,929     7,795    7,868
                        Other reserves                                  7,268     5,023    6,524
                        EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                     16,287    13,908   15,482
                        NET ASSET VALUE PER SHARE (Note 4)               463.1p    395.5p   440.2p
                        DILUTED NET ASSET VALUE PER SHARE FRS 14 (Note 4)453.1p    389.1p   432.9p

                                                                            SUMMARISED STATEMENT
                                                                            OF GROUP CASH FLOWS
                                                                          For the six months ended
                                                                                31 December 2002
                                                                       Half Year   Half Year              Year
                                                                   31st December  31st December      30th June
                                                                            2002        2001             2002
                                                                      Unaudited    Unaudited          Audited
                                                                          #'000        #'000            #'000

                     NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES      (507)   (266)              319
                     Returns on investments and                                                    
                     servicing of finance                                       283     298              548
                     Taxation                                                  (68)      69              (74)
                     Capital expenditure and financial                                             
                     investment                                               (603)   (276)              401
                     Equity dividends paid                                  (1,231)   (349)             (525)
                     Management of liquid resources                             318     298              689
                     NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW                                                     
                     BEFORE FINANCING                                       (1,808)   (226)            1,358
                     Financing                                                    -      37               (6)
                     (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH                            (1,808)   (189)            1,352
                                 RECONCILIATION OF NET CASHFLOW                                             
                                 TO MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS                                                   
                                 For the six months ended                                                   
                                  31 December 2002                                                           
                                                                Half Year       Half Year       Year      
                                                                31st December   31st December   30th June 
                                                                2002            2001            2002      
                                                                Unaudited       Unaudited       Audited   
                                                                #'000           #'000           #'000     

                 (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH                        (1,808)           (189)       1,352
                 Cash outflow from repayment of                                                        
                 Debt                                                     -               -          43
                 Cash used to (increase)                                                               
                 liquid resources                                     (318)           (298)       (689)
                 Movement of net funds                              (2,126)           (487)         706
                 NET FUNDS AT 1 JULY/                                                                  
                 1 JANUARY                                            1,775           1,069       1,069
                 NET FUNDS AT 31                                                                       
                 DECEMBER/ 30 JUNE                                    (351)             582       1,775

                                                       RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING PROFIT
                                                   TO NET CASHFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES
                                                              For the six months ended
                                                                   31 December 2002
                                                                 Half Year       Half Year        Year
                                                              31st December   31st December   30th June
                                                                       2002            2001        2002
                                                                  Unaudited       Unaudited     Audited
                                                                      #'000           #'000       #'000

                                 GROUP OPERATING (LOSS)/PROFIT        (71)              239         309
                                 Depreciation net of profits on                        
                                 sales of tangible fixed assets        24                35          67
                                 Changes in working capital and                        
                                 other non cash items                (460)             (540)        (57)
                                 NET CASHFLOW FROM                                      
                                 OPERATING ACTIVITIES                (507)             (266)        319

1     The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of accounting policies which
      are consistent with those used in the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 30th June
      2002.  The interim financial information was approved by the Board of Directors on 3rd March
      2003 and is unaudited.

2     The interim dividend of 5.5p per share will be paid on 7th April 2003 to members on the register
      at 14th March 2003 and will absorb #193,000.

3     The calculation of basic earnings per share for the six months to 31st December 2002 is based on
      earnings of #254,000 (2001 - #519,000) and 3,516,801 ordinary shares, being the weighted average
      number of shares in issue during the period (2001 - 3,495,321).

      The calculation of fully diluted earnings per share is based on the weighted average of
      3,594,854 ordinary shares in issue throughout the period (2001 - 3,552,934) and the average
      share price during the period.

4     The net assets per share as at 31st December 2002 are based on 3,516,801 Ordinary shares in
      issue as at that date (30th June 2002 - 3,516,801).

      The diluted net assets per share calculated in accordance with FRS14 are based on net assets and
      on 3,594,854 ordinary shares (30th June 2002 - 3,576,016), being the number of ordinary shares
      in issue plus 78,053 ordinary shares (30th June 2002 - 59,216), being the notional number of
      shares that would have been issued for no consideration using the share price of 367.5p as at
      31st December 2002 (30th June 2002 - 335.0p) to represent the fair value of an ordinary share.

5     The financial information contained in this interim statement does not constitute statutory
      accounts as defined in section 240 of The Companies Act 1985.  The figures for the year to 30th
      June 2002 are extracted from the statutory accounts for the year to that date on which the
      auditors gave an unqualified report and which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

6     This report will be circulated to all shareholders, and copies will be available from the
      Company Secretary at 8 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4DR.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange