RNS Number:1313E
Medisys PLC
24 May 2001

Medisys PLC

Interim Results 

                       Medisys PLC
               ("Medisys" or "the Group")
  Unaudited Interim Results for the six months ended 31
                       March 2001

                               2001          2000
Turnover                     #10.4m         #4.0m
Operating loss              #(4.0)m       #(2.3)m
Loss before tax             #(3.1)m       #(2.4)m
Loss per share              (0.93)p       (0.90)p


  -  Futura Safety Syringe on track to meet high volume
     launch date in final quarter of 2001
  -  New safety lancet and needleless intra-venous access
     port to be launched in second half - development  of
     additional new products continuing


  -  MEDgenesis diagnostics business, acquired January
     2001, being integrated and performing to expectation
  -  Manufacturing of Supreme diabetes monitoring product
     being consolidated at acquired US facility - estimated
     cost saving #1.5m per annum
  -  Development of Dart and Flight proceeding to plan
  -  US retail opportunities being actively pursued

Bill  Bruce, Chairman, commented: "Current trading is  in
line  with  expectations and the Board is confident  that
continued progress will be made in the second half of the
year.  The MEDgenesis acquisition is already beginning to
fulfil its potential and the restructuring of Hypoguard's
operations  in the UK will deliver improved manufacturing
efficiencies  and  economies of scale.   The  Board  also
expects  that  the  safety products to be  introduced  by
Futura  Medical  Corporation will have a positive  impact
upon profitability.

"The  Group has now built a solid platform both in  terms
of  revenue  and product portfolio and is well positioned
for  quantum growth with its new products in  both  blood
glucose-monitoring and medical safety.  The first step on
this growth path is the market introduction of the Futura
Safety  Syringe  upon which the Group is highly  focused.
The Board remains confident that the product will be well
received  in the market as momentum builds to convert  to
safety  products  following the  effective  date  of  the
Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act in August 2001."


Medisys PLC                     (24/05/01) 020  7601 1000
Michael Barry, Chief Financial Officer  
                             (Thereafter)  020  7563 5200

Square  Mile  BSMG Worldwide               020  7601 1000
Kevin Smith/Becky Jewers

                       Medisys PLC
               ("Medisys" or "the Group")
  Unaudited Interim Results for the six months ended 31
                       March 2001

Medisys made good overall progress during the first  half
of  the current year.  Trading in the first half has been
satisfactory   and  the  results  were   in   line   with
expectations.  The launch programme for the Futura Safety
Syringe,  which will comprise a low volume launch  by  30
June 2001, followed by high volume production towards the
end of the calendar year, is on schedule.

Financial Review

Turnover  increased to #10.4 million from  #4.0  million,
with  #5.7  million  of the increase resulting  from  the
acquisition  of  the diagnostics business  of  MEDgenesis
Inc.,  a subsidiary of Chronimed Inc. ("the Acquisition")
in  the  United States, which was completed on 5  January
2001.  Gross profit increased to #4.7 million  from  #2.2
million, again primarily reflecting the Acquisition.

Amortisation  of technologies acquired  as  part  of  the
joint venture with Elan Corporation plc amounted to  #0.5
million  for the half year.  Amortisation of goodwill  on
the Acquisition amounted to #0.3 million in the period.

Research  and development expenditure increased  to  #1.0
million  (2000: #0.4 million) as the Group continued  its
commitment  to  new  product  development  both  in   the
diagnostics business and in the safety business.

Selling  and distribution costs increased to #2.7 million
from  #0.8 million.  #1.2 million of the increase  was  a
result of the Acquisition, which has a US based sales and
marketing  team consisting of 40 people.  As outlined  at
the time of the Placing and Open Offer in April 2000, the
Group  also  began  the  process  of  establishing  a  US
infrastructure to prepare for the forthcoming  launch  of
the Dart biosensor based blood glucose monitoring product
into   the   US   retail  market.  This   investment   in
infrastructure included the recruitment of David Conn  as
CEO of Hypoguard in June 2000 and certain other sales and
marketing appointments. Hypoguard also undertook a number
of  one-off  marketing initiatives in Europe, which  have
since   been  discontinued.   In  addition,   sales   and
marketing  costs in Futura Medical Corporation  increased
as  pre-launch costs were incurred in preparation for the
forthcoming launch of the Futura Safety Syringe.

Administration  expenses increased to #4.0  million  from
#2.7  million  in the prior year. Of this  increase  #0.6
million   was   attributable  to  the   Acquisition   and
establishment  of US infrastructure for  the  diagnostics
business,  as  referred to above.  #0.3  million  of  the
increase   related   to   the   costs   associated   with
establishing and maintaining a corporate head  office  in
London  and  also  the recruitment of  certain  corporate
employees,  including  legal, financial  and  information
technology  personnel.  A further  #0.3  million  of  the
increase   related  to  one-off  costs  associated   with
providing bank financing for the Acquisition.

The operating loss for the six months ended 31 March 2001
was #4.0 million (#4.3 million from continuing operations
before  accounting for the Acquisition) compared to  #2.3
million  in  the corresponding period in the prior  year.
Interest  receivable  was #1.1  million  in  the  current
period  compared  to #0.1 million in  the  prior  period.
This  large  increase resulted from the significant  cash
balances being held throughout the period as a result  of
the Placing and Open Offer completed in April 2000.

The   loss  before  tax  was  #3.1  million  (2000:  #2.4
million).  The basic and diluted loss per ordinary  share
was 0.93p (2000: 0.90p).

Convertible bonds

In  February  2001, Medisys announced  its  intention  to
redeem  early  all of the outstanding convertible  bonds,
due  2002,  in accordance with the terms upon which  they
were issued, in order that the Company could avoid paying
interest in cash.  Prior to the actual date of redemption
all  outstanding bonds had been converted  into  ordinary


Futura  Medical  Corporation, the Group's medical  safety
products  business,  made  solid  progress  towards   its
strategic  objective  of building a portfolio  of  safety
products that address the problem of needlestick  injury.
The launch programme for the Futura Safety Syringe is  on
schedule  for  a low volume launch by 30 June  2001  with
high  volume output coming on stream towards the  end  of
the calendar year.

The  Board believes that the market opportunity  for  the
Futura  Safety  Syringe, Futura's lead  product,  remains
excellent  and  is  confident that the  product  will  be
manufactured, in commercial quantities, at a sub 10 cents
(US) cost price.  Based on publicly available information
on  competing  retractable  safety  syringes,  the  Board
believes  that  the  Futura Safety Syringe  will  have  a
significant   cost  advantage  over  existing   products,
enabling the Group to pursue an aggressive pricing policy
to  capture market share. Since the initial shipments  of
product  will primarily consist of free of charge samples
to  key  reference sites, it is not anticipated that  any
significant  sales  revenues will  be  generated  in  the
current  financial  year.  As previously  announced,  the
design issue identified in January 2001 in the course  of
accelerated shelf life testing has been addressed  fully,
although  the  additional  work  as  previously  reported
resulted in a six month delay to the high volume  launch.
The requisite changes have been successfully incorporated
into  the  syringe  design  and  production  scale-up  is
progressing on target to the revised schedule.

Development  work continued on the range of new  products
that will complement the Futura Safety Syringe and ensure
the  Group  is well positioned to address the substantial
market opportunity presented by the US Needlestick Safety
& Prevention Act, which comes into effect in August 2001.
This  legislation will require most healthcare facilities
in  the  US  to  assess and convert, where  possible,  to
safety   sharps   devices,  including  safety   syringes.
Momentum  towards conversion is already building  amongst
healthcare professionals and in the US healthcare press.

In  December 2000 McKessonHBOC ("McKesson") was appointed
as  lead  US  distributor for the Futura Safety  Syringe.
McKesson   is   one  of  the  largest  medical   products
distribution companies in the US. The Group also  entered
into  a  high  volume  manufacturing  agreement  for  the
product  with  Nypro Inc., a major contract manufacturing
company with particular expertise in volume manufacturing
of   precision  moulded  plastic  products  for   medical

In  March  2001,  the  Group signed a  manufacturing  and
marketing  agreement with Beyonics International  Limited
("Beyonics"),   a   subsidiary  of  Beyonics   Technology
Limited,  a public company listed on the Singapore  Stock
Exchange.   Under  the terms of this agreement,  Beyonics
has  been granted manufacturing rights and, in Hong  Kong
and Australia, marketing and sales rights, for the Futura
Safety  Syringe for an initial fee of US$2.0 million  and
future royalties.

Sales  of  Futura Medical's existing products  were  #2.0
million,  including  sales of #0.4 million  from  Medical
Profiles  Inc.  ("MPI") which was acquired  in  September
2000.    Sales  of  Futura  Medical's  products  in   the
corresponding  period  in  the previous  year  were  #1.3

Initial  sales  of the Lark safety scalpel since  January
2001  have been very encouraging. While the dollar  value
of  these  sales is still quite small, they  are  showing
significant growth each month as the product gains market
acceptance.   Most  importantly,  the  Lark  product  has
undergone evaluation in several substantial hospital  and
other  clinical facilities and, in several instances,  it
has  been  recommended for adoption as a  cost  effective
product  that  fulfils  the requirements  of  the  safety
legislation.   The  Board is optimistic that  significant
sales  of  product  will  ultimately  result  from   this
evaluation process.

Futura   Medical  will  be  introducing  two  new  safety
products over the next few months. Safe T Lance is a lock-
out, single use safety lancet, the exclusive US rights to
which  were acquired as part of the Acquisition.   Futura
Medical will sell the product into the hospital market as
a   lancet  complying  with  the  requirements   of   the
Needlestick  Safety  and Prevention Act.   With  existing
safety  lancet  sales of approximately $6.0  million  per
annum,  in  addition to anticipated sales on the  Safe  T
Lance  product,  the Group's position  as  a  significant
participant in the US Medical Safety products market will
be confirmed.

The VLV needleless intra-venous access port is also close
to  market  introduction. The rights to this product,  in
prototype form, were acquired in 2000 and the design  was
then optimised by the engineering team at MPI in Livonia,
Michigan.  It  will  be manufactured  initially  at  MPI,
though  high  volume manufacturing may be transferred  to
the Far East in due course.

The  introduction of each of these products is a key part
of  the  Board's strategy of assembling a broad portfolio
of medical safety products with the Futura Safety Syringe
as  the core offering. The Group continues to seek  other
medical   safety  products  that  would  complement   the
existing range.


Sales  of  diagnostic and related products  increased  to
#6.9  million in the six months ended 31 March 2001  from
#1.4 million in the previous year. This increase resulted
from  the  Acquisition. The acquired business, which  has
now  been  re-branded Hypoguard USA, has achieved  target
sales   and   orders   are  showing  an   upward   trend.
Integration  into the Group, including the  restructuring
of  Hypoguard's UK operations as discussed below, will be
completed by the end of June 2001.  In March the acquired
business   reported  excellent  sales  and  profitability
growth   and   the  Board  is  optimistic  about   future

Following the Acquisition, an extensive restructuring  of
Hypoguard's  UK  operation  is  being  implemented.   The
Supreme   product,   which  has  been   manufactured   at
Hypoguard's  facility in Suffolk, is virtually  the  same
product that has been manufactured in much higher volumes
at  the former Chronimed facility in Minnesota. The Board
has therefore decided to centralise all manufacturing for
the  product in Minnesota to achieve economies  of  scale
and  to  eliminate  duplicated costs.  Whilst  the  Board
regrets  the  need  for significant redundancies  at  the
Suffolk  facility, this action is required  in  order  to
achieve  necessary  efficiencies.  It is  estimated  that
this  restructuring will give rise to annual cost savings
of  approximately  #1.5  million,  following  an  initial
transitional   period.  Research  and   Development   and
European  Sales  and Marketing functions will  remain  in

A  complete  review  of Hypoguard's  European  sales  and
marketing   strategy  has  also  been  undertaken.    The
previous approach of attempting to compete directly  with
the  major blood glucose monitoring companies was failing
to  generate  the  necessary sales growth  at  acceptable
margins.   Hypoguard's sales and marketing  efforts  will
now  focus on developing certain niche markets,  such  as
long-term care and private label opportunities.  This  is
a  model  that  has  been  successfully  pursued  by  the
Chronimed  diagnostics business in  the  US.   The  Board
believes  that  a similar approach will be successful  in
Europe. Some of Hypoguard USA's products, including urine
strips, will also be marketed in Europe.

The Dart biosensor based blood glucose-monitoring product
is  now  at  the final stage of development  and  product
optimisation.   This process is being completed  hand  in
hand  with a major potential partner, which is interested
in  acquiring marketing rights to the product for markets
outside  of  the US.  Work on fine tuning the product  to
the partner's exact  specification is continuing and   it
is  envisaged that a 510(k) filing will be made in the US
by  the  end  of 2001.  In the US, the Group is  actively
engaged  in its strategy of pursuing major private  label
retail  opportunities for Dart and certain other products
in  the  Hypoguard  USA portfolio,  and  discussions  are
ongoing   with   several  large   pharmacy   chains   and
distribution  partners.  The infrastructure  acquired  as
part  of the Acquisition will enable the Group to  pursue
such opportunities on a fast track basis.

Development  of  the  Flight  disposable  blood  glucose-
monitoring  product is progressing on  schedule.   Flight
has  advantages both for the user and the supplier of the
product.  For  the user, this innovative device  combines
100  biosensor based test strips and a meter in a  single
disposable   unit.   Traditional  systems   require   the
diabetic to separately load each test strip in the meter.
Many patients with limited dexterity, a common result  of
diabetes,  have  difficulty with this  process.   Studies
with  focus groups confirm the convenience of Flight  for
the  diabetic,  providing simplicity  and  a  quick  test
result while avoiding the need to carry both a meter  and
a separate supply of test strips.

Currently,  blood  glucose-monitoring meters  are  either
given away or sold at a nominal cost.  The supplier  then
relies  on subsequent sales of strips to recover the  not
inconsiderable cost of the meter and to ultimately make a
profit.   This  is  a  particularly inefficient  business
model with respect to Type II (adult onset) diabetics who
test less frequently and it can often take many months to
simply  recover the meter cost.  Flight has been designed
and engineered to sell at a retail price that will be the
same  as  100 test strips, with the supplier  earning  an
immediate  gross  margin.  The Board believes  that  this
will  make  the  product attractive  to  major  potential
partners in the glucose-monitoring market.


Current  trading  is  in line with expectations  and  the
Board  is confident that continued progress will be  made
in  the  second  half  of the year.  The  Acquisition  is
already  beginning  to  fulfil  its  potential  and   the
restructuring of Hypoguard's operations in  the  UK  will
deliver improved manufacturing efficiencies and economies
of  scale.   The  Board  also  expects  that  the  safety
products  to  be introduced by Futura Medical Corporation
will have a positive impact upon profitability.

The Group has now built a solid platform both in terms of
revenue and product portfolio and is well positioned  for
quantum  growth  with  its new  products  in  both  blood
glucose-monitoring and medical safety. The first step  on
this growth path is the market introduction of the Futura
Safety  Syringe  upon which the Group is highly  focused.
The Board remains confident that the product will be well
received  in the market as momentum builds to convert  to
safety  products  following the  effective  date  of  the
Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act in August 2001.


Medisys PLC                     (24/05/01) 020 7601 1000
Michael Barry, Chief Financial Officer  
                              (Thereafter) 020 7563 5200

Square  Mile  BSMG Worldwide               020 7601 1000
Kevin Smith/Becky Jewers

                       MEDISYS PLC
     Unaudited consolidated profit and loss account
           for the six months to 31 March 2001
                                          Six months         Six months
                                             ended 31         ended  31
                                           March 2001        March 2000
                                                #'000             #'000 
- continuing operations                         4,723             4,016
- acquisition                                   5,661                 -
                                               ______            ______
                                               10,384             4,016
Cost of sales                                            
- continuing operations                        (2,416)           (1,842)
- acquisition                                  (3,269)                -
                                               _______           _______
                                               (5,685)           (1,842)
                                               _______           _______
Gross profit                                    4,699             2,174
Research and development expenditure in 
the period                                      (978)              (353)
Amortisation of acquired technologies           (543)              (543)
Amortisation of acquired goodwill               (255)                 -
Amortisation of capitalised development costs   (147)               (15)
Selling and distribution costs                (2,720)              (797)
Administration expenses                       (4,049)            (2,724)
                                              _______            _______ 
Operating loss                                (3,993)            (2,258)
- continuing operations                       (4,310)            (2,258)
- acquisition                                    317                  -
                                              _______            _______
                                              (3,993)            (2,258)
                                              _______            _______ 
Interest receivable                            1,093                 60
Interest payable                                (223)              (176)
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation   (3,123)            (2,374)
Taxation on loss on ordinary activities            -                  -
Loss on ordinary activities after             _______            _______ 
taxation for the period attributable to    
shareholders                                  (3,123)            (2,374)
                                              =======            =======      
Loss per ordinary share - basic and diluted   (0.93p)            (0.90p)
                                              =======            =======

                       MEDISYS PLC
  Unaudited consolidated statement of total recognised
                    gains and losses
           for the six months to 31 March 2001

                                           Six months         Six months
                                             ended 31          ended  31
                                           March 2001         March 2000
                                                #'000              #'000

Loss for the financial period                  (3,123)            (2,374)     
Unamortised issue costs on bonds                  
converted during the period                       (79)              (270)     
Loss on foreign currency translation              (71)               (60)
                                               _______            _______ 
                                               (3,273)            (2,704)
                                               =======            =======


                       MEDISYS PLC
          Unaudited consolidated balance sheet
                    at 31 March 2001

                                            At           At            At
                                      31 March     31 March  30 September
                                          2001         2000          2000
                                         #'000        #'000         #'000
Fixed assets                                                 
Intangible assets                       42,008       12,251        17,400
Tangible assets                          8,753        2,149         4,391
Investments                              3,945        1,250         2,195
                                        ______       ______        ______
                                        54,706       15,650        23,986
                                        ======       ======        ======
Current assets                                               
Stocks                                   6,510        1,319         1,451
Debtors                                  7,644        3,501         5,140
Cash at bank and in hand                17,066        2,947        38,944
                                        ______        _____        ______
                                        31,220        7,767        45,535
Creditors: amounts falling due                  
within one year                         (4,297)      (3,125)       (3,471) 
                                        _______      ______        ______     
Net current assets                      26,923        4,642        42,064
                                        ______       ______        ______
Total assets less current liabilities   81,629       20,292        66,050
Creditors: amounts falling due    
after one year                         (10,370)        (196)            -
Convertible bonds due 2002                   -       (2,824)       (2,615)
                                       _______       _______       _______
                                        71,259        17,272       63,435
                                       =======       =======       =======
Capital and reserves                                         
Called up share capital                  3,499         2,810        3,276
Share premium account                   76,670        22,469       67,433
Capital redemption reserve fund             20            20           20
Other reserves                          22,854        22,854       22,854
Profit and loss account                (48,334)      (44,862)     (45,061)
                                       _______       _______       _______
Shareholders' funds - equity            54,709         3,291       48,522
Minority interest                       16,550        13,981       14,913
                                       _______       _______       _______
                                        71,259        17,272       63,435
                                       =======       =======       =======

                       MEDISYS PLC
       Unaudited consolidated cash flow statement
           For the six months to 31 March 2001

                                            Six months         Six months
                                                ended               ended
                                             31 March            31 March
                                                 2001                2000
                                                #'000               #'000
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from                 (4,546)              1,518
operating activities                        
Returns on investments and servicing                     
of finance
Interest received                               1,093                  60
Interest paid                                    (224)               (176)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from returns          ______               _____    
on investments and servicing of finance           869                (116)
Capital expenditure and financial investment                       
Purchase of intangible fixed assets            (3,211)             (1,316)
Purchase of tangible fixed assets              (2,295)               (143)
Purchase of financial fixed asset              (1,750)             (1,250)
                                               ______              _______
Net cash outflow for capital expenditure       (7,256)             (2,709)

Acquisition of business undertaking           (21,560)                  -
                                              _______              _______ 
Net cash outflow before use of liquid    
resources and financing                       (32,493)             (1,307)
Issue of ordinary share capital                  
including premium                                 245               2,442  
Drawdown of loans                              10,370                   -
Repayment of secured loans                          -                 (49)
                                              _______              ________
Net cash inflow from financing                 10,615               2,393
                                              _______              ________   
(Decrease)/increase in cash                   (21,878)              1,086
                                              ========             ========

1.   The interim financial information has been prepared
     on  the basis of the accounting policies set out in the
     2000  annual  report and accounts,  but  has  not  been

2.   The   interim  financial  information   does   not
     constitute full accounts within the meaning of  Section
     240 of the Companies Act 1985.  The accounts for the year
     ended  30  September  2000 have  been  filed  with  the
     Registrar  of  Companies  and received  an  unqualified
     auditors' report.

3.   The  basic  loss per share has been  calculated  on
     losses of #3,123,000 divided by 335,451,986, the weighted
     average number of ordinary shares in issue.  There is no
     difference for 2000 and 2001 between the basic net loss
     per share and the diluted net loss per share as ordinary
     share equivalents from bonds, warrants and share options
     have been excluded from the computation as their effects
     are anti-dilutive.

4.   The interim report for the six months ended 31 March
     2001 has been prepared by the Company and was approved by
     the Directors on 23 May 2001.

5.   A  copy  of this announcement will be sent  to  all
     shareholders.  Further copies are available to members of
     the public from the Company's registered office, Bruce &
     Partners,  23 Bridge Street, Ellon, Aberdeenshire AB41 9AA.

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