Quarterly Report for the Period Ended March 31(st) 2010 
Finders  Resources has had an exceptional  Quarter with the Wetar Copper Project 
benefitting  from strong operating results and key environmental approvals.  The 
planned  staged expansion to 23,000 tpa copper  cathode is on schedule, with key 
equipment  from the  SX-EW plant  at Whim  Creek purchased and containerised for 
shipping  and detailed engineering  for the Exanded  Demonstration Plant nearing 
completion.  Discussions are in progress with a range of potential financiers to 
secure the necessary funds for development. 
Wetar Copper Project 
 ·      Strong Operating results 
ü Demo plant exceeds nameplate capacity 
ü 453t of Grade A cathode, with 361t sold 
 ·      Environmental Impact Study (AMDAL) approved 
ü Environmental Impact Analysis (ANDAL) 
ü Environmental Management Plan (RKL) 
ü Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL) 
 ·      Whim Creek SX-EW plant dismantling complete 
ü On time and within budget 
 ·      Detailed engineering for Stage 1 expansion nearing completion 
Ojolali Gold-Silver Project 
 ·      Diamond drill testing of Way Neki  and Jambi northern extensions complete 
ü Sporadic high grades at Way Neki 
ü Wide low grade intercepts at Jambi 
 ·      RC rig mobilised for Tambang oxide Ag-Au target 
 ·      The Company changed its financial year-end from 30 June to 31 December to 
align the balance dates of companies in the group. 
 ·      A$826,000 cash was realised from the sale of the Company's entire share 
holding in Geopacific Resources. 
Wetar Copper Project 
(FND 94% and earning through expenditure) 
Background Information on the Wetar Copper Project 
The  Wetar Copper  Project comprises  two high  grade deposits,  Kali Kuning and 
Lerokis,  which are located within 3km from the  coast and suitable for open pit 
Since  February 2009 Finders has operated a  5 tonne per day SX-EW demonstration 
plant  to optimise  process design  and provide  data required  for the recently 
completed  Definitive Feasibility  Study (DFS).  The test  heaps are  at heights 
similar  to commercial operations worldwide and  the SX-EW technology being used 
is   industry   standard.   SX-EW   technology   is  currently  responsible  for 
approximately 22% of the world's copper production. 
The  Ore Reserves have  been independently assessed  by Australian Mine Design & 
Development  Pty Ltd  and are  in accordance  with the  JORC Code (Table 1). The 
following  statement uses a cut-off  of 0.5% copper for two  pits at Kali Kuning 
and Lerokis with an overall waste to ore ratio of 0.98. 
Table 1:  Wetar Ore Reserves 
                Category  Tonnes (m) Grade % Cu  Contained   Contained Copper 
                                                Copper (kt)  Attributable to 
                                                            Finders (94%) (kt) 
Kali Kuning Pit Proved       4.91       2.5     123                        116 
                Probable     0.85       2.2     19                          18 
                Sub-Total    5.76       2.5     142                        133 
Lerokis Pit     Proved       2.05       2.4     49                          46 
                Probable     0.37       2.3     9                            8 
                Sub-Total    2.42       2.4     58                          55 
Combined        Proved       6.96       2.5     172                        162 
                Probable     1.22       2.2     28                          26 
                Total        8.18       2.5     205                        193 
The  tonnes and grades are  stated to a number  of significant digits reflecting 
the  confidence  of  the  estimate.   Since  each  number  and  total is rounded 
individually  the columns and rows in the above table may not show exact sums or 
weighted averages of the reported tonnes and grades. 
In  addition there is  a third deposit,  Meron, located 2 km  from Kali Kuning. 
This  prospect has a  potential size of  0.5-1.5mt @ 1-3% Cu based on historical 
drilling  results from the previous gold mining operation.  This potential is an 
exploration target which is conceptual in nature and may or may not be converted 
into  a Mineral Resource depending on  future exploration and resource modelling 
work.  Meron is not included in the definitive feasibility study due to its lack 
of  technical definition, however, engineering  plans do recognize the potential 
for  later  additional  leach  ore  from  Meron and additional leaching space is 
Copper  mineral species at  Kali Kuning and  Lerokis are dominated by chalcocite 
and  covellite, which are  readily amenable to  bacterial assisted leaching, and 
chalcopyrite which leaches faster at higher temperatures. 
The  project is at the same location as  an old gold mine which operated between 
1989-1997 and   benefits   from   having   existing   infrastructure  in  place, 
particularly a wharf, camp and roads. 
Demonstration Plant Update 
The  demonstration plant had its most successful Quarter with nameplate capacity 
exceeded and production of 453 tonnes of copper cathode. 
This  is a major milestone for the company and is a compliment to the dedication 
of  the  site  work  force  and  a  reward  for  the  successful optimisation of 
operations at site. 
As a result of more efficient operations, the most recent copper cathode quality 
is  now of the highest standard with  impurity levels for all elements totalling 
about  6 parts per million (ppm) against an LME Grade A copper cathode benchmark 
of 65ppm. 
Table 2: Operating Parameters 
Leach Performance*                       Heap 2   Heap 3       Heap 4 
Grade (Cu %)                              3.6      4.9          5.0 
Recovered Copper (total) - Tonnes         453      612          482 
Approx. % Copper Recovery to date         55%      65%          29% 
Approx. Number of weeks under Irrigation   59       53           34 
Electrowinning                                      Q1            Q4 2009 
Copper Produced - Tonnes                       453              254 
Copper Sold - Tonnes                           361              240 
*As   of   17 Apr   2010. All   subject   to  final  mass  balances  and  weight 
This production result builds on the operational experience gained over the past 
year  and provides an  excellent platform from  which to develop  the project to 
full  commercial scale. The Company is advantaged during the demonstration phase 
by  the ability to test all aspects of the commercial scale operation; including 
logistics, health and safety, operations and sales. 
A  key component  is the  capability to  train employees;  Finders has adopted a 
preferential  policy  towards  the  local  villages  and  currently  65% of our 
employees come from Wetar Island. 
The  skills development of our local  crew has been very satisfying particularly 
considering  that SX-EW technology  is new to  Indonesia.  A number of employees 
have  gained  junior  staff  and  leading  hand positions and have gained formal 
certification for their new expertise. 
Fig 1: SX-EW operator training   Fig 2: Surveyor training 
Project Development - Expanded Demonstration Plant (EDP) 
The  first  stage  of  the  Wetar  Project  development involves the brown-field 
expansion  of the  existing demonstration  plant.  The  scope for Stage 1 in the 
definitive  feasibility  study  has  been  revised  to  now  comprise  a planned 
expansion to 7,000 tpa copper cathode (up from 5,000 tpa). 
Development activities have progressed on schedule during this period.  Detailed 
design  for the Stage 1 expansion  of the project is  planned to be completed in 
June  2010.  The design managers are Brisbane based groups Electrowin and Neubau 
Engineering  who have extensive  combined experience in  the engineering, design 
and delivery of copper SX-EW operations. 
Fig 3 : SX-EW expansion (Stage 1); new facilities in red 
Various   tender  inquiries  are  in  progress  with  Indonesian  suppliers  and 
contractors.   Finders have appointed Geoff Hiller  as Project Manager Wetar and 
he  will report  to Rob  Thomson (Executive  Director Development).  Geoff has a 
mining  and  civil  engineering  background  and  for the past 3 months has been 
responsible  for the  successful dismantling  of the  Whim Creek  SX-EW plant in 
Western Australia. 
The  Company has been  engaging with potential  financiers for the past 6 months 
and  a  considerable  number  of  site  visits  have  been  undertaken.   From a 
shortlisted  group, detailed discussions of draft terms sheets are underway with 
the intention to achieve project financing in line with expected grant of mining 
Whim Creek SX-EW Plant 
Finders' purchase of the Whim Creek plant in December 2009 ensured that the bulk 
of  equipment required for project  expansion is now owned  by the Company and a 
clear  point  of  differentiation  with  other  junior  exploration companies at 
similar  stages  of  development.   The  Whim  Creek  plant disassembly has been 
completed   on   time  and  within  budget  and  its  components  are  currently 
containerized and ready for transportation to Wetar. 
Environmental Permitting & Community 
The Company is pleased to report that the Environmental Impact Assessment (known 
as AMDAL in Indonesia) relating to the Wetar Copper Project has been approved by 
the  Governor of  Maluku; as  recommended by  the Regional  Environmental Impact 
Management Agency (BAPEDALDA). 
The  AMDAL  covers  an  independent  and  comprehensive  assessment of major and 
significant impacts likely to result from the proposed project activity. 
The  report was written in collaboration  between IPB (Institut Pertanian Bogor) 
and  AECOM (based in  Brisbane, Australia) and  independently assessed by UNPATI 
(Universitas  Pattimura,  Ambon).   Approval  has  been received for several key 
documents  which cover  the entire  mine life  of the  Wetar Copper  Project and 
include the: 
  * Environmental Impact Analysis (ANDAL), containing definition of the 
    environmental baseline; 
  * Environmental Management Plan (RKL), together with mine closure objectives; 
  * Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL). 
The  AMDAL submission was  based on best  practice environmental standards along 
with  extensive consultation  with all  stakeholder groups  and incorporates the 
Company's agreements with the local community. 
The  Company provides assistance to the local  community by means of both direct 
support  and  the  instigation  of  a  Yayasan  (charitable foundation) for each 
community.   There is a  ten year strategy  to encourage new  activities and new 
attitudes in the community. 
An  important part of the strategy is that the Company works in partnership with 
the community and sees its role as a motivator and provider of opportunity. 
Fig 4: Immunisation Program     Fig 5: Food security: Wetar Island's first rice 
The  AMDAL approval is  a pre-requisite for  documents supporting the mining and 
processing licenses for the Stage 1 and 2 project development. 
Ojolali Project 
Finders Resources Limited 72% with option to increase to 100% 
Background Information 
The  Company believes  that the  Ojolali project  has strong  potential to  be a 
follow-on  project for Finders based on the  development of the gold resource at 
the Jambi Oxide gold deposit (Table 3.) 
Table  3. Jambi  Mineral  Resource  Estimates 
Cut    |Indicated         |Inferred         |Total            |Contained|Attrib. 
off     |                   |                 |                  |          |FND 
        |                    |                  |                   |          | 
Au g/t|Mt   Au g/t Ag g/t|Mt  Au g/t Ag   |Mt   Au g/t Ag   |Au koz   |(72%)  Au 
       |                   |            g/t   |             g/t   |         |koz 
        |                    |                  |                   |          | 
0.5   |2.98   1.1    8.3   |1.1   0.9    5.7  |4.08   1.05   7.6  |138       |99 
        |                    |                  |                   |          | 
1     |1.13   1.74   8.5   |0.3   1.6    6.7  |1.43   1.71   8.1  |79        |57 
Finders has previously announced Inferred Resources at the Tambang Prospect (7.9 
Mt  @ 167g/t Ag and 0.7 g/t  Au at a 1 g/t  Au equivalent cut-off using drilling 
data from a previous explorer). 
Previous  regional  exploration  by  Finders,  using  both soil geochemistry and 
ground  geophysics has located  numerous targets with  outstanding potential for 
the discovery of additional resources. 
Finders'  current  exploration  strategy  at  Ojolali  is  to increase the oxide 
gold-silver  resource base to +300,000 Oz Au eq,  to provide the basis for a low 
cost  30-50,000 Oz gold equivalent per year open pit mine based on the Jambi and 
Tambang  oxide  deposits,  and  to  use  the  cash  flow from this plant to fund 
exploration for additional resources and progressive expansion of the project. 
Way Neki Drilling 
During the quarter, the 6 diamond drill hole program at Way Neki was completed. 
Drill  coordinates have  been previously  reported.  All  holes intersected gold 
mineralization,  but intercepts were  narrow and generally  low grade, with gold 
associated  with  both  clay  altered  structural  zones  and  or quartz calcite 
The  host rocks show intense  pervasive chlorite carbonate alteration suggesting 
that  the Way  Neki area  represents an  outer zone  of a large zoned alteration 
system.   High values obtained from trench samples were not reproduced in primay 
cores, suggesting strong surficial enrichment of gold in this area. 
Final  assays have now been received for  the scout drill programmed (Table 4), 
with a best intercept of 1m @ 8.13 g/t Au at a depth of 60.72m in WNK04. 
Table 4. New and Significant Assay results -Way Neki 
Hole Number   From Width Au ppm                                           Ag ppm 
WNK04(+)     60.72  0.98   8.13                                              2.9 
WNK04(+)     98.50  0.50   1.84                                              4.7 
WNK05       126.55  0.75   1.50                                              0.9 
WNK06        15.55  1.82   1.23                                              3.6 
Vein orientations are uncertain; quoted widths are down-hole intercepts which 
may exceed true widths () 
(+ )Previously reported 
Jambi Extension Diamond Drilling 
Five  (5) diamond drill holes (total  726m) were completed to  test northern and 
western  extensions  to  the  Jambi  resource  indicated  by  trench mapping and 
         Table                       5. Drilling                       Locations 
       Hole  ID    East  (m)    North  (m)    RL (m)   Azimuth   Dip   Depth (m) 
     BKJ131            446303     9483025     183      120       -50       150.2 
     BKJ132            446276     9483195     158      90        -50       130.3 
     BKJ133            446318     9483300     176      90        -50       161.9 
     BKJ134            446410     9483345     147      120       -50       122.4 
     BKJ135            446257     9483052     157      120       -50       161.7 
Fig 6 : Jambi drill hole location and extensions to be tested next Quarter 
While  grades for  this drilling  were generally  low, with  a best intercept of 
4.5m at 1.6 g/t Au and 2.9 g/t Ag from 12m in hole BKJ131, all holes intersected 
wide zones of low grade primary mineralization, including 
 · 26.55m at 0.31 g/t Au from 38m in BKJ131, 
 · 28m at 0.31 g/t Au from 73m in BKJ 132, 
 · 22.3m at 0.21 g/t Au, 8.9 g/t Ag in BKJ 134, the northernmost hole drilled. 
Table 6. Significant Assay results - Jambi North 
Hole Number     From     Width    Au ppm                Ag ppm 
BKJ131                  9.20        24.80     0.44        1.0 
Including              12.00     4.50        1.60        2.9 
                                38.00     26.55     0.31        3.1 
BKJ132                  2.00        24.55     0.47        1.0 
                                47.50     1.00        2.44        2.6 
                                73.00     28.00     0.31        2.3 
BKJ133                  15.30     1.00        0.76        0.5 
                                48.20     0.50        0.56        1.3 
BKJ134                  0.40        10.00     0.30        4.7 
                                17.40     22.30     0.21        8.9 
BKJ135                  0.10        2.00        0.92        0.5 
                                12.10     5.00        0.72        0.2 
                                25.50     17.00     0.30        0.8 
The thickness of oxide mineralization declines rapidly at lower RLs around Jambi 
Hill, but the primary gold mineralization remains open to the north, north east, 
south-west  and at depth.  There is an apparent increase in associated pyrite to 
the  north, and  variations in  primary gold-silver  ratios indicate  that large 
scale zoning may occur, which will assist in targetting deeper ore zones. 
Tambang Supergene Silver-Gold Target 
Previous   diamond   drilling  by  Finders  at  Tambang  has  targetted  primary 
mineralization,  below the zone of oxidation,  and has generally shown very poor 
core recoveries within the vein zone, resulting from the highly fractured nature 
and  very uneven hardness of the rock in  the vein zone. Limited drilling in the 
near surface zone has shown very promising assays, despite poor core recoveries, 
as tabulated below. 
 Table 7. Significant Assay results 
 Hole Number   From   Width   Au ppm   Ag ppm   Au eq*      Core recovery 
 TBG03         31.9    13.5     1.09      319      6.4         68% 
   Including   31.9    10.1     0.84      425      7.8         44% 
               75.0     7.8     0.11       51      1.0         77% 
 RTH02          6.0     8.0     0.42      300      5.4       No data 
 RTH03         31.0     9.0     0.94      300      6.9       No Data 
 *Au equivalent is equal to the Au grade plus the Ag grade divided by 60 
Fig 7 : Tambang Silver-Gold oxide target 
With  the target zone ranging from 10m to  +25m in width the Tambang vein system 
has  potential for +300,000t  per 100m strike length,  to 100m depth, straddling 
the zone of potential enrichment  and a known strike length of +2km. 
A  reverse circulation drill rig has been  mobilised to test the central 700m of 
this   zone   with  close  spaced  holes,  targetting  open  pittable  leachable 
silver-gold deposits above the known sulphides. 
Finders Resources disposed of its holding (5,900,000 fully paid ordinary shares) 
in Geopacific Resources Ltd. (GPR), for a price of 14c per share. 
Proceeds of A$826,000 will be used for working capital purposes. 
Capital Structure 
The capital structure at 31 March 2010 is set out in Table 8. 
Table 8. Capital Structure 
Table 8. Capital Structure 
Type of Security                                             Number on Issue 
Fully Paid Ordinary Shares 
Shares on issue at 31 Dec                                            193,728,009 
Issued in payment of convertible note                                    133,669 
Shares on Issue at 31 Mar                                            193,861,678 
Unlisted Options           Exercise Price Expiry Date 
                           A$0.6875       June 13, 2010                  500,000 
                           A$0.30         April 16, 2012                 500,000 
                           A$0.30         April 16, 2014                 500,000 
                           A$0.30         May 8, 2014                  2,000,000 
                           A$0.37         June 23, 2014                  250,000 
                           A$0.37         June 28, 2014                  625,000 
                           A$0.37         June 29, 2014                  500,000 
                           A$0.37         Aug 29, 2014                   250,000 
                           A$0.37         Sep 14, 2014                 1,000,000 
Unlisted Options on issue                                              6,125,000 
at 31 Mar 2010 
12% Convertible Note       Face Value     Conversion               Maturity Date 
                           (A$2,323,972)    A$0.36               19 January 2012 
Table 9. Top 20 Shareholders      14(th) April 2010 
                                                                 Holding       % 
1  Acorn Capital Limited                                        20,354,686 10.5% 
2  Straits Mineral Investments Pty Ltd                          19,482,039 10.0% 
3  Resource Capital Fund IV LP                                  19,200,872  9.9% 
4  Bond Street Custodians Limited <Taurus Res Ltd Partner A/C>  18,181,800  9.4% 
5  Lujeta Pty Ltd <The Margaret Account>                        15,000,000  7.7% 
6  Exsolutions Pty Ltd                                           7,505,277  3.9% 
7  ANZ Nominees Limited <Cash Income A/C>                        6,344,189  3.3% 
8  Dr Christopher Ben Farmer                                     5,965,695  3.1% 
9  Tennant Metals Pty Limited                                    5,437,561  2.8% 
10 Mr Ian David Neuss                                            5,035,303  2.6% 
11 Mr Stephen de Belle + Ms Jennifer Sheehan <S J                4,570,315  2.4% 
   Superannuation Fund A/C> 
12 Fortis Clearing Nominees P/L <Settlement A/C>                 3,372,080  1.7% 
13 Merrill Lynch (Australia) Nominees Pty Limited                3,175,842  1.6% 
14 Treecity Pty Ltd <Stanley S/F A/C>                            2,530,303  1.3% 
15 Darley Pty Limited                                            2,300,000  1.2% 
16 National Nominees Limited                                     2,150,000  1.1% 
17 Merrill Lynch (Australia) Nominees Pty Limited <Berndale      1,865,516  1.0% 
18 Mr David Jeffrey Taylor + Mrs Rosemary Helen Taylor <Taylor   1,859,050  1.0% 
   S/F A/C> 
19 UBS Nominees Pty Ltd                                          1,828,105  0.9% 
20 Mr Michael Stirzaker + Mrs Sally Stirzaker <Stirzaker         1,679,470  0.9% 
   Family S/F A/C> 
                                                               147,838,103 76.3% 
As at 31 March 2010, Finders had A$5.3 million in cash.  The mining exploration 
entity quarterly report (Appendix 5B) is appended. 
Chris Farmer 
Managing Director 
Further  details  for  all  projects  may  be  found  on  the Finders website at 
www.findersresources.com <http://www.findersresources.com/> 
Finders Resources Ltd: 
Russell Fountain Non-Executive Chairman     +61 2 9211 8299 
Chris Farmer     Managing Director          info@findersresources.com 
Financial PR: 
Nick Elwes       College Hill (in the UK)   +44 20 7457 2020 
RFC Corporate Finance Ltd - Nomad: 
Rob Adamson      Managing Director          +61 2 9250 0000 
Stuart Laing     Executive Director         +61 8 9480 2500 
FinnCap -  Finders' Broker for the AIM market: 
Matthew Robinson Corporate Finance Director +44 20 7600 1658 
Joe Lunn         Analyst                    +44 20 7600 1658 
Finders Resources Ltd through its subsidiary PT Batutua Tembaga Raya and partner 
PT Batutua Kharisma Permai are proud sponsors of Sail Banda 2010 
Competent Person Statements 
The  information in this  report that relates  to exploration potential, mineral 
resource  and  ore  reserve  estimation  is  the  responsibility  of  Dr Russell 
Fountain.   Dr Fountain is a Director of  Finders and a Fellow of the Australian 
Institute  of  Geoscientists.   Dr  Fountain  has  sufficient experience that is 
relevant   to   the  styles  of  mineralisation  and  types  of  deposits  under 
consideration and to the activity that he is undertaking to qualify as Competent 
Person   in  the  2004 Edition  of  the  'Australasian  Code  for  Reporting  of 
Exploration  Results, Mineral Resources  and Ore Reserves'  (JORC Code) and as a 
Qualified  Person as defined in the AIM  Rules.  He consents to the inclusion in 
this  report of the matters based on his  information in the form and context in 
which they appear. 
All  assaying of  drill core  samples was  undertaken by  the ITS  laboratory in 
Jakarta.  ITS  is  one  of  the  world's  largest product and commodity testing, 
inspection and certification organizations. The Jakarta laboratory is ISO 17025 
accredited  and employs  a Laboratory  Information Management  System (LIMS) for 
sample tracking, quality control and reporting. 
This  announcement may or may  not contain certain "forward?looking statements". 
All  statements,  other  than  statements  of  historical  fact,  which  address 
activities, events or developments that Finders believes, expects or anticipates 
will or may occur in the future, are forward?looking statements. Forward?looking 
statements  are often, but  not always, identified  by the use  of words such as 
"seek",  "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "targeting", "expect", and 
"intend"  and statements that an event or result "may", "will", "can", "should", 
"could",  or "might" occur  or be achieved  and other similar expressions. These 
forward?looking   statements   reflect   the   current   internal   projections, 
expectations  or beliefs of Finders based  on information currently available to 
Finders.  Statements  in  this  document  that  are  forward-looking and involve 
numerous  risks  and  uncertainties  that  could  cause actual results to differ 
materially  from expected results are based on the Company's current beliefs and 
assumptions  regarding a large number of  factors affecting its business. Actual 
results  may differ materially from expected  results. There can be no assurance 
that  (i) the Company  has correctly measured  or identified all  of the factors 
affecting  its business or the extent of  their likely impact, (ii) the publicly 
available  information  with  respect  to  these  factors on which the Company's 
analysis  is  based  is  complete  or  accurate, (iii) the Company's analysis is 
correct or (iv) the Company's strategy, which is based in part on this analysis, 
will  be successful.  Finders expressly  disclaims any  obligation to  update or 
revise any such forward?looking statements. 
                                  Appendix 5B 
                   Mining exploration entity quarterly report 
  Name of entity 
  ABN                  Quarter ended ("current quarter") 
+----------------+   +-----------------------------------+ 
| 82 108 547 413 |   |           31 MARCH 2010           | 
+----------------+   +-----------------------------------+ 
Consolidated statement of cash flows 
                                                         | Current  | Year to  | 
Cash flows related to operating activities               | quarter  |   date   | 
                                                         |  $A'000  |(3 months)| 
                                                         |          |  $A'000  | 
                                                         |          |          | 
                                                         |          |          | 
1.1  Receipts from product sales and related debtors     |  2,803   |  2,803   | 
                                                         |          |          | 
     Payments for (a) exploration and evaluation         |  (168)   |  (168)   | 
1.2                           (b) development            |  (558)   |  (558)   | 
                              (c) production             | (2,508)  | (2,508)  | 
                              (d) administration         |  (757)   |  (757)   | 
                                                         |          |          | 
1.3  Dividends received                                  |          |          | 
                                                         |          |          | 
1.4  Interest   and  other  items  of  a  similar  nature|    54    |    54    | 
     received                                            |          |          | 
                                                         |          |          | 
1.5  Interest and other costs of finance paid            |    -     |    -     | 
                                                         |          |          | 
1.6  Taxes and value added tax refund (paid)             |   109    |   109    | 
                                                         |          |          | 
1.7  Other (provide details if material)                 |          |          | 
     Net Operating Cash Flows                            | (1,025)  | (1,025)  | 
                                                         |          |          | 
     Cash flows related to investing activities          |          |          | 
                                                         |          |          | 
     Payment for purchases of:   (a) prospects           |          |          | 
                                                         |          |          | 
1.8  (b) equity investments                              | (2,127)  | (2,127)  | 
                                                         |          |          | 
     (c) other fixed assets                              |          |          | 
                                                         |          |          | 
     Proceeds from sale of:          (a) prospects       |          |          | 
                                                         |   822    |   822    | 
1.9  (b) equity investments                              |    -     |    -     | 
                                                         |          |          | 
     (c) other fixed assets                              |          |          | 
                                                         |          |          | 
1.10 Loans to other entities                             |          |          | 
                                                         |          |          | 
1.11 Loans repaid by other entities                      |          |          | 
                                                         |          |          | 
1.12 Other (provide details if material)                 |    64    |    64    | 
     Net investing cash flows                            | (1,241)  | (1,241)  | 
1.13 Total operating and investing cash flows (carried   | (2,266)  | (2,266)  | 
     forward)                                            |          |          | 
1.13 Total operating and investing cash flows (brought         |(2,266)|(2,266)| 
     forward)                                                  |       |       | 
                                                               |       |       | 
                                                               |       |       | 
     Cash flows related to financing activities                |       |       | 
                                                               |       |       | 
                                                               |       |       | 
1.14 Proceeds from issues of shares, options, etc.             |   -   |   -   | 
                                                               |       |       | 
1.15 Proceeds from sale of forfeited shares                    |   -   |   -   | 
                                                               |       |       | 
1.16 Proceeds from borrowings                                  |   -   |   -   | 
                                                               |       |       | 
1.17 Repayment of borrowings                                   |   -   |   -   | 
                                                               |       |       | 
1.18 Dividends paid                                            |   -   |       | 
                                                               |       |       | 
1.19 Other (provide details if material)                       |       |       | 
     Net financing cash flows                                  |   -   |   -   | 
                                                               |       |       | 
     Net increase (decrease) in cash held                      |(2,266)|(2,266)| 
                                                               |       |       | 
                                                               |       |       | 
1.20 Cash at beginning of quarter/year to date                 | 7,605 | 7,605 | 
                                                               |       |       | 
1.21 Exchange rate adjustments to item 1.20                    |   1   |   1   | 
1.22 Cash at end of quarter                                    | 5,340 | 5,340 | 
Payments to directors of the entity and associates of the directors 
Payments  to  related  entities  of  the  entity  and associates of the related 
                                                               |Current quarter| 
                                                               |    $A'000     | 
1.23 Aggregate amount of payments to the parties included in   |      256      | 
     item 1.2                                                  |               | 
1.24 Aggregate amount of loans to the parties included in item |       -       | 
     1.10                                                      |               | 
1.25 Explanation necessary for an understanding of the transactions 
    |Payments for salaries, directors fees and consulting fees.                | 
    |                                                                          | 
Non-cash financing and investing activities 
2.1 Details  of financing and investing transactions  which have had a material 
    effect  on consolidated  assets and  liabilities but  did not  involve cash 
   |                                                                           | 
2.2 Details  of outlays made  by other entities  to establish or increase their 
    share in projects in which the reporting entity has an interest 
   |NONE                                                                       | 
   |                                                                           | 
Financing facilities available 
Add notes as necessary for an understanding of the position. 
                                             |Amount available|Amount used| 
                                             |     $A'000     |  $A'000   | 
                                             |                |           | 
3.1 Convertible note facility (USD 1,500,000)|     2,324      |   2,324   | 
3.2 Credit standby arrangements              |      NIL       |    NIL    | 
Estimated cash outflows for next quarter 
                                  | $A'000 | 
                                  |  400   | 
 4.1   Exploration and evaluation |        | 
                                  |        | 
 4.2   Development                |  700   | 
                                  |        | 
                                  |        | 
       Total                      | 1,100  | 
                                  |        | 
Reconciliation of cash 
Reconciliation  of  cash  at  the  end  of the|Current quarter|Previous quarter| 
quarter   (as   shown   in   the  consolidated|    $A'000     |     $A'000     | 
statement  of cash flows) to the related items|               |                | 
in the accounts is as follows.                |               |                | 
5.1 Cash on hand and at bank                  |     1,745     |     1,573      | 
5.2 Deposits at call                          |     3,595     |     6,032      | 
5.3 Bank overdraft                            |       -       |       -        | 
5.4 Other (provide details)                   |       -       |       -        | 
    Total: cash at end of quarter (item 1.22) |     5,340     |     7,605      | 
Changes in interests in mining tenements 
                    |   Tenement reference   |Nature of |Interest at| Interest | 
                    |                        | interest | beginning |at end of | 
                    |                        |(note (2))|of quarter | quarter  | 
6.1 Interests in    |                        |          |           |          | 
    mining tenements|                        |          |           |          | 
    relinquished,   |                        |          |           |          | 
    reduced or      |          N/A           |          |           |          | 
    lapsed          |                        |          |           |          | 
                    |                        |          |           |          | 
                    |                        |          |           |          | 
6.2 Interests in    |                        |These are tenements issued under | 
    mining tenements|Wetar Copper Project -  |Indonesia's new Mining Law and   | 
    acquired or     | IUP 543.4 - 190 Tahun  |replaced -                       | 
    increased       |2009                    |KP 543 - 08a Tahun 2009          | 
                    |IUP 543.4 - 191 Tahun   |KP 543 - 09b Tahun 2009          | 
                    |2009                    |KP 545 - 04a Tahun 2009          | 
                    |IUP 543 - 192 Tahun 2009|                                 | 
                    |                        |                                 | 
                    |Ojolali Gold-Silver     |                                 | 
                    |Project -               |KP B.187/04-WK/HK/2007           | 
                    |                        |KP B.189/04-WK/HK/2007           | 
                    |IUP                     |KP B.113/DPE-WK/HK/2009          | 
                    |B.11.b/DPE-WK/HK/2010   |KP B.113a/DPE-WK/HK/2009         | 
                    |                        |                                 | 
Issued and quoted securities at end of current quarter 
Description  includes rate of  interest and any  redemption or conversion rights 
together with prices and dates. 
                       |Total number|Number quoted| Issue price  | Amount paid | 
                       |            |             | per security |   up per    | 
                       |            |             | (see note 3) |  security   | 
                       |            |             |              |(see note 3) | 
7.1 Preference         |            |             |              |             | 
    +securities        |    N/A     |             |              |             | 
    (description)      |            |             |              |             | 
7.2 Changes during     |            |             |              |             | 
    quarter            |            |             |              |             | 
    (a)  Increases     |            |             |              |             | 
    through issues     |    N/A     |             |              |             | 
    (b)  Decreases     |            |             |              |             | 
    through returns of |            |             |              |             | 
    capital, buy-backs,|            |             |              |             | 
    redemptions        |            |             |              |             | 
7.3 +Ordinary          |193,861,678 | 193,861,678 |              |             | 
    securities         |            |             |              |             | 
7.4 Changes during     |            |             |              |             | 
    quarter            |            |             |              |             | 
    (a)   Increases    |            |             |              |             | 
    through issues     |            |             |              |             | 
                       |            |             |              |             | 
    -        Conversion|  133,669   |   133,669   |   38cents    |   38cents   | 
    of interest payable|            |             |              |             | 
    under convertible  |            |             |              |             | 
    note               |    NIL     |     NIL     |              |             | 
                       |            |             |              |             | 
                       |            |             |              |             | 
    (b)  Decreases     |            |             |              |             | 
    through returns of |            |             |              |             | 
    capital, buy-backs |            |             |              |             | 
7.5  +Convertible debt securities     |6,455,477|NIL|   36cents    |  36cents  | 
     (description)                    |         |   |              |           | 
7.6  Changes during quarter           |         |   |              |           | 
     (a)  Increases through issues    |   NIL   |   |              |           | 
     (b)  Decreases through securities|         |   |              |           | 
     matured, converted               |         |   |              |           | 
7.7  Options  (description and        |         |   |Exercise price|Expiry date| 
     conversion factor)               |         |   |              |           | 
                                      | 500,000 |NIL|  68.75cents  |13.06.2010 | 
                                      |         |   |              |           | 
                                      | 500,000 |NIL|   30cents    |16.04.2012 | 
                                      |         |   |              |           | 
                                      | 500,000 |NIL|   30cents    |16.04.2014 | 
                                      |         |   |              |           | 
                                      |2,000,000|NIL|   30cents    |08.05.2014 | 
                                      |         |   |              |           | 
                                      | 250,000 |NIL|   37cents    |23.06.2014 | 
                                      |         |   |              |           | 
                                      | 625,000 |NIL|   37cents    |28.06.2014 | 
                                      |         |   |              |           | 
                                      | 500,000 |NIL|   37cents    |29.06.2014 | 
                                      |         |   |              |           | 
                                      | 250,000 |NIL|   37cents    |31.08.2014 | 
                                      |         |   |              |           | 
                                      |1,000,000|NIL|   37cents    |14.09.2014 | 
                                      |         |   |              |           | 
                                      |         |   |              |           | 
7.8  Issued during quarter            |   NIL   |NIL|              |           | 
                                      |         |   |              |           | 
                                      |         |   |              |           | 
7.9  Exercised during quarter         |   NIL   |NIL|              |           | 
7.10 Expired during quarter           |   NIL   |NIL|              |           | 
7.11 Debentures  (totals only)        |         |   | 
7.12 Unsecured notes (totals only)    |         |   | 
                                      |         |   | 
Compliance statement 
1              This  statement has been prepared under accounting policies which 
comply  with accounting  standards as  defined in  the Corporations Act or other 
standards acceptable to ASX (see note 4). 
2              This  statement does /does not* (delete one) give a true and fair 
view of the matters disclosed. 
Sign                               here: 
Date: . 29 April 2010 
Print name:        ....Christopher Ben Farmer........................... 
1              The  quarterly report provides  a basis for  informing the market 
how  the entity's  activities have  been financed  for the  past quarter and the 
effect  on  its  cash  position.   An  entity  wanting  to  disclose  additional 
information is encouraged to do so, in a note or notes attached to this report. 
2              The  "Nature of interest" (items 6.1 and 6.2) includes options in 
respect  of interests in  mining tenements acquired,  exercised or lapsed during 
the  reporting period.  If the  entity is involved in  a joint venture agreement 
and  there are conditions precedent which will change its percentage interest in 
a  mining tenement,  it should  disclose the  change of  percentage interest and 
conditions precedent in the list required for items 6.1 and 6.2. 
3               Issued and quoted securities  The issue price and amount paid up 
is not required in items 7.1 and 7.3 for fully paid securities. 
4              The  definitions in, and provisions of, AASB 1022: Accounting for 
Extractive  Industries  and  AASB  1026: Statement  of  Cash Flows apply to this 
5              Accounting  Standards ASX  will accept,  for example,  the use of 
International  Accounting Standards for foreign entities.  If the standards used 
do  not address a topic, the Australian standard  on that topic (if any) must be 
complied with. 
    Fig 3 : SX-EW expansion (Stage 1); new facilities in red: http://hugin.info/138746/R/1409877/362457.doc 
    Fig 1: SX-EW operator training: http://hugin.info/138746/R/1409877/362452.doc 
    Fig 5: Food security - Wetar Island?s first rice paddy: http://hugin.info/138746/R/1409877/362459.doc 
    Fig 7 : Tambang Silver-Gold oxide target: http://hugin.info/138746/R/1409877/362461.doc 
    Fig 6 : Jambi drill hole location and extensions to be tested next Quarter: http://hugin.info/138746/R/1409877/362460.doc 
    Fig 4: Immunisation Program: http://hugin.info/138746/R/1409877/362458.doc 
    Fig 2: Surveyor training: http://hugin.info/138746/R/1409877/362454.doc 

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