RNS Number:8941U
Bristol Water PLC
29 November 2000

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for the six months ended 30th September 2000

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Six months ended 30th September              2000             1999     % change
                                            #'000            #'000
                                      (unaudited)      (unaudited)

Turnover                                   32,254           34,994          -8%
Operating profit                            8,935           10,766         -17%
Pre-tax profit                              6,906            8,790         -21%
Net profit                                  5,212            7,280         -28%

Earnings per ordinary share -
Shares in issue                             77.8p           112.3p         -31%

Interim dividend per ordinary
Share, net                                  24.0p            19.4p          24%


                Turnover down by 8% reflecting impact of Ofwat's Price

                Good progress made towards delivery of efficiency targets -
                comparable operating costs reduced by 10% in real terms.

                #4m reduction in net debt in period.

                Interim dividend increased by 24%, representing an underlying
                10% increase from 1999/00, plus an adjustment to rebalance the
                interim / final dividend ratio base.

                High service levels maintained - rated 3rd in Ofwat service
                level rankings.

                The company is one of the largest independent water supply
                companies in the country, providing an average of
                approximately 300 million litres of water each day through
                6,500 kilometres of mains. It is responsible for supplying
                over one million people and businesses in an area of almost
                2,400 square kilometres, centred on Bristol. The area served
                covers the Bristol conurbation and surrounding parts of
                Somerset, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire.

                The company's performance in customer service, water quality
                and engineering standards is amongst the highest in the water

                Bristol Water plc is a subsidiary of Bristol Water Holdings

Pages 3-4


In my previous statement I highlighted a series of major changes that were
under way. I can report now that we have achieved much and that the pace of
positive change continues. We are dealing with the challenges of the new price
limits set for the regulated business.

Overall results

The price determination that came into force on 1st April 2000 for the
regulated business meant a 10% real reduction in charges to customers. Before
inflation this has had a #3.3 million adverse effect on revenue. Given the
high level of fixed costs within the business, reduced profitability is
inevitable when previous out-performance is captured for customers in the form
of lower prices. This is the dominant feature affecting the Company's
profitability when comparing current performance with that of the same period
last year.

However, excellent work has been done in reducing the comparable regulatory
cost base by 10% in real terms while improving further our already impressive
standards of service to customers.

After taking account of additional maintenance costs for the Gloucester to
Sharpness Canal of #0.5 million, which were allowed for within the new price
limits, operating costs are #1.8 million lower in real terms than in the
comparative period last year.

During last year we made a substantial investment in restructuring costs.
Since then we have continued to consider carefully business processes and
associated risk factors. This has enabled us to cut costs while maintaining
the quality of services to customers. As a result, we are making very good
progress towards delivering the efficiency savings implicit in the price
determination. The search for reductions in the cost base, whilst maintaining
our high standards of service, is our clear, continuing imperative. The price
reductions imposed have however had the net effect of reducing pre-tax profits
to #6.9 million, 21% lower.

Net debt reduced by #4.1m in the period. Cashflows are heavily influenced by
the profile of capital investment which is weighted towards the second half of
the year. As a result gearing fell from 88% at 31st March to 79%.

Capital investment in the period has been lower than expected at #7 million
partly due to delays in obtaining planning permissions on key sites, lower
than projected numbers of customers opting to have a free meter installed, and
a lead pipe replacement programme that cannot fully proceed until national
policy guidelines are finalised. The mains renovation programme is advancing
well. We anticipate capital expenditure for the full year of some #20 million,
bringing important benefits to our customers.

Our high level of services to customers was recognised in an OFWAT report
showing us in third position overall in the industry. OFWAT has also
recognised we are one of the few companies to have brought leakage down to
economic levels.


The dividend for the six months to 30th September 2000 on the 8.75%
Irredeemable Preference Shares was paid on 1st October 2000 and amounted to #

An interim dividend on the Ordinary Shares of 24 pence per share will be paid
on 30th November 2000. The dividend includes an adjustment to rebalance the
interim/final dividend ratio. A broadly similar dividend is payable to
shareholders of the parent company, Bristol Water Holdings plc.


It has been a period of substantial progress. We have focussed on
out-performing the targets implicit within the price determination. Over our
150-year history we have had much experience of dealing with challenges and
making the most of opportunities. We intend to maintain and reinforce this
record. Developments to date give us confidence for the future.

Alan Parsons

Executive Chairman

29th November 2000

Page 5
                           PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT

                                               Six months to Six months Year to
                                              30th September       30th    31st
                                                              September   March
                                                        2000       1999    2000
                                                 (unaudited) (unaudited)
                                        Note          #000's     #000's  #000's

Turnover                                   2          32,254     34,994  69,453

Operating costs                            3        (23,319)   (24,228) (50,710)
Operating profit                                       8,935     10,766  18,743

Profit on disposals of tangible fixed                    182        600     207
Net interest payable                       4         (2,211)    (2,576) (4,970)
Profit on ordinary activities
Before taxation                                        6,906      8,790  13,980

Taxation                                   5         (1,694)    (1,510) (2,736)
Profit on ordinary activities
After taxation                                         5,212      7,280  11,244
Dividends -                                6
On irredeemable preference shares                        547        547   1,094
On ordinary shares                                     1,440      1,166   4,355
Total dividends                                        1,987      1,713   5,449
Profit retained                                        3,225      5,567   5,795
Earnings per share -                       7           77.8p     112.3p  169.2p

Dividend per ordinary share                6           24.0p      19.4p   72.6p

The profit on ordinary activities after taxation includes all recognised gains
and losses.

Page 6

                                                   At 30th     At 30th  At 31st
                                                 September   September    March
                                                      2000        1999     2000
                                               (unaudited) (unaudited)
                                          Note      #000's      #000's   #000's

Tangible fixed assets                        8     164,530     164,953  165,309
Current assets -
Stocks                                                 760       1,010      811
Debtors                                              9,946       9,912    8,857
Cash and term deposits                       9       4,728         340    1,552
                                                    15,434      11,262   11,220
Creditors: amounts falling due within
one year -
Short term borrowings                        9       1,428       1,552    1,419
Other creditors                                     22,331      21,501   21,088
                                                    23,759      23,053   22,507
Net current liabilities                            (8,325)    (11,791) (11,287)
Total assets less current liabilities              156,205     153,162  154,022
Creditors: amounts falling due after         9    (66,725)    (68,021) (67,619)
more than one year
Deferred income                                    (8,526)     (8,338)  (8,463)
Provisions for liabilities and charges      10       (698)           -    (909)
Net operating assets                                80,256      76,803   77,031
Shareholders Funds                          11
Ordinary shares                                      5,998       5,998    5,998
8.75% irredeemable preference shares                12,500      12,500   12,500
Share premium and non-distributable                 10,185      10,185   10,185
Profit and loss account                             51,573      48,120   48,348
Total Shareholders' Funds                           80,256      76,803   77,031
Analysed as
Equity Shareholders' Funds                          67,756      64,303   64,531
Non-equity Shareholders' Funds                      12,500      12,500   12,500

Page 7


                                                   Six months Six months   Year
                                                           to         to     to
                                                         30th       30th   31st
                                                    September  September  March
                                                         2000       1999   2000
                                                   (unaudited) (unaudited)
                                              Note     #000's     #000's #000's
Net cash inflow from operating activities       12     15,508     15,005 29,624
Returns on investments and servicing of
finance -
Net interest paid                                     (1,727)    (2,494) (4,799)
Dividends paid on preference (non-equity)               (547)      (547) (1,094)
                                                      (2,274)    (3,041) (5,893)
Taxation paid                                           (763)      (137) (2,015)
Capital expenditure and investing activities -
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                     (6,728)   (12,520 (21,354)
Contributions received                                  1,231     1,420   2,891
Proceeds from disposal of tangible fixed                  276       656   1,043
                                                      (5,221)   (10,444)(17,420)

Dividends paid on ordinary (equity) shares            (3,189)    (2,722) (3,888)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before management             4,061    (1,339)    408
of liquid resources and financing
Management of liquid resources,
being increase in short term deposits                 (2,000)          -      -
Financing -
New loans and leases                                        -        296    296
Capital element of lease repayments                     (885)    (1,067) (1,602)
                                                        (885)      (771) (1,306)
Increase / (decrease) in cash                   12      1,176    (2,110)  (898)
Cash beginning of period                                1,552      2,450  2,450
Cash end of period                                      2,728        340  1,552

Pages 8-10


Note 1: Accounting policies

The financial information contained in this interim announcement does not
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of s.240 of the Companies Act
1985. The interim results, which have not been audited but have been reviewed
by the company's auditors, have been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies adopted by Bristol Water plc for the year ended 31 March 2000 as set
out in the Annual Report and Accounts. Those accounts (on which the auditors
gave an unqualified report) have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

Note 2: Turnover
                              Six months to          Six months to      Year to
                             30th September         30th September     31 March
                                       2000                   1999         2000
                                (unaudited)            (unaudited)
                                     #000's                 #000's       #000's
Turnover comprises -
Metered water supply                 10,700                 10,666       21,497
Unmeasured water supply              19,650                 22,209       44,467
Other services                        1,904                  2,119        3,489
                                     32,254                 34,994       69,453

Note 3: Operating costs
Operating costs comprise -

Payroll cost, net of recharges                    4,963        5,106     10,449
Other operating expenses                         11,824       12,536     25,633
Depreciation, net                                 6,532        6,586     13,037
Exceptional provision for
restructuring costs                                   -            -      1,591
                                                 23,319       24,228     50,710

Note 4: Interest payable
Interest payable and similar charges comprise -

Interest payable and similar charges                   2,419    2,702    5,162
Interest income                                        (208)    (126)    (192)
                                                       2,211    2,576    4,970

                                          Six months to Six months to   Year to
                                                   30th          30th      31st
                                              September     September     March
                                                   2000          1999      2000
                                            (unaudited)   (unaudited)
                                                 #000's        #000's    #000's
Note 5:       Taxation
The charge for taxation comprises -
Corporation Tax at 30%                            2,506         2,160     3,889
Less advanced corporation tax set                 (812)         (787)   (1,289)
                                                  1,694         1,373     2,600
Advance corporation tax                               -           137       136
                                                  1,694         1,510     2,736

Note 6: Dividends

The dividend on the 8.75% Irredeemable Preference Shares for the first half of
the financial year was paid on 1st October 2000 and amounted to #547,000.

The Board has declared an interim dividend of 24.0 pence (net) (1999 - 19.4
pence) on each Ordinary share amounting to #1,440,000 (1999 - #1,166,000),
payable on 30 November 2000.

Note 7: Earnings per share

The calculation of earnings per share is based on profit attributable to
holders of Ordinary Shares of #4,665,000 (1999 - #6,733,000) and the weighted
average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period of 5,998,025
(1999 - 5,998,025).

Note 8: Movement in tangible fixed

                                          Six months to Six months to   Year to
                                                   30th          30th      31st
                                              September     September     March
                                                   2000          1999      2000
                                            (unaudited)   (unaudited)
                                                 #000's        #000's    #000's
The movement in tangible fixed
assets comprises -
Net book value, beginning of period             165,309       160,765   160,765
Additions                                         7,005        12,166    21,099
Disposals                                          (94)          (56)     (222)
Contributions                                   (1,037)       (1,204)   (2,411)
Depreciation                                    (6,653)       (6,718)  (13,922)
Net book value, end of period                   164,530       164,953   165,309
Note 9: Net debt
Net debt comprises -
Term deposits                                     2,000             -         -
Cash less overdrafts                              2,728           340     1,552
Debt due within one year                        (1,428)       (1,552)   (1,419)
Debt due after one year                        (66,725)      (68,021)  (67,619)
Net debt                                       (63,425)      (69,233)  (67,486)

                                 At 30th September  At 30th September   At 31st
                                              2000               1999      2000
                                       (unaudited)        (unaudited)
                                            #000's             #000's    #000's
Note 10: Provisions for
liabilities and charges
Restructuring costs                          (698)                  -     (909)
Note 11: Shareholders'
Movement in shareholders'
funds -
Beginning of period                         77,031             71,236    71,236
Profit for the period                        5,212              7,280    11,244
Dividends                                  (1,987)            (1,713)   (5,449)
End of period                               80,256             76,803    77,031
Note 12: Supplementary
cashflow information
a) Reconciliation of
operating profit to net
cash inflow from
operating activities -
Operating profit                             8,935             10,766    18,743
Depreciation, net                            6,532              6,586    13,037
Cashflow from operations                    15,467             17,352    31,780
Working capital movements                       41            (2,347)   (2,156)

b) Reconciliation of net
cashflow to movement in
net debt
Increase/(decrease) in                       1,176            (2,110)     (898)
cash in the period
Increase in short term                       2,000                  -         -
Cash used to reduce debt                       885      1,067             1,602
Cash from new financing                          -              (296)     (296)
(Increase)/decrease in                       4,061            (1,339)       408
net debt in period
Net debt, beginning of                    (67,486)           (67,894)  (67,894)
Net debt, end of period                   (63,425)           (69,233)  (67,486)

Note 13:     Circulation

This interim announcement is being sent to all shareholders and debenture
holders. Copies are available to the public from the Company's registered
office at PO Box 218, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS99 7AU.

Page 11



We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information set
out on pages 5 to 10 and we have

read the other information contained in the interim report and considered
whether it contains any apparent

misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been

approved by the directors. The Listing Rules of the Financial Services
Authority require that the accounting

policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the

preceding annual report and accounts, except where any changes, and the
reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999
/4 issued by the Auditing

Practices Board. A review consists principally of making enquiries of group
management and applying analytical

procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data and
based thereon, assessing whether the

accounting policies and presentation have been consistently applied unless
otherwise disclosed. A review excludes

audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions. It is substantially

less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards
and therefore provides a lower level

of assurance than an audit. Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion on
the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial

information as presented for the six months ended 30 September 2000.


Chartered Accountants


29th November 2000

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